Freedom Movement 1947

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Freedom movement, brief resumes from 1857 to 1947

 1857 war of Independence:

In order to oust the British from India, the Indian people fought the war of independence but lost.

 Sir Syed Ahmed Khan (1817 to 1898):

Efforts were made to make the Muslims socially and educationally strong.

 Partition of Bengal 1905:

The British portioned Bengal into east and west Bengal to improve the administration.

 The Simla Deputation 1906:

A deputation comprising of some Muslim leaders met the viceroy at Simla in order to get some rights of
the Muslims.

 The Foundation of the Muslim League 1906:

The foundation of the first Muslim political party in India was laid.

 The Lucknow pact 1916:

The Lucknow pact was the product of Hindu-Muslim unity envisaged by M. A. Jinnah. In December
1915, the ML and Congress met separately in Bombay. Both the parties set up committees for making a
scheme for constitutional changes in consultation with other political parties.
Role of the Quaid-i-Azam
Jinnah did a lot to unite the two nations along with the recognition of the rights of Muslims. Meeting of both
parties held at Lucknow in 1916. . Quaid’s role: Sarojini Naidu gave Quaid the title of “Ambassador of Hindu-
Muslim Unity”. He was also given the title of “Principle Architect”.

. The Hindus accepted the Muslim demands:

 Separate Electorate
 One-third Seats in Central Legislature
 protection of minority rights
A constitutional agreement between the Muslims and the Hindus to chalk out a joint struggle in India.


I. It gave autonomy to the provinces.
II. The Muslims were given the right to elect their own representatives by separate electorate.
III. People were given the right:
IV. India was given status equal to the other dominions.
V. No law can be enforced without the approval or consent of the minorities.


I. The scheme did not envisage the full representative and effective govt.
II. The Muslim majority was reduced to minority.

 The Khilafat Movement 1919:

 The Muslims of the sub-continent launched a movement to safeguard the Holy places from
the British during the First World War. It was a peak period from 1919 to 1922 casting
demonstrations, boycott, and other pressure by the two major communities, the Hindus
and the Muslims. Being brothers, the Indian Muslims realized their religious duty to help
the Muslim country.

 Goals:

 1. Ottoman Khilafat should be kept intact.

 2. Territorial solidarity of Turkey be preserved.

 The Simon commission, November 1927:

For the grant of constitutional reforms in the sub-continent a deputation under the leadership of Sir
John Simon visited India.

 The Nehru report, 1928:

Pandit Moti Lal Nehru presented certain constitutional proposals in which he ignored the rights of the
Muslims. The main objective was to constitute proposals for the Indian Constitution. The Congress
called All Parties Conference that appointed a 10-member committee in May 1928 under the
Chairmanship of Moti lal Nehru and Secretary ship of Jawaharlal Nehru.

Recommendations that threatened Muslim interests are:

== No Separate electorate

== No One-third seats for Muslims in Central Assembly

== No reservation of seats for Muslims in Punjab and Bengal. In Hindu- majority provinces, the Muslims
may be given seats according to population

== Sind to be made a province if it can bear its expenses. Balochistan, NWFP were accepted to be given
constitutional status on certain conditions.

Quaid-i-Azam tried to get amendments in the Report in the All Parties Conference in Calcutta but did not
succeed. This is the very moment when Jinnah remarked, “it is parting of the ways.” He presented the
14 points as a Muslim leader.
 Fourteen points of the Quaid-e-Azam, 1929:
In relation to the Nehru report, the Quaid-e-Azam presented some proposal on behalf of the Muslims.

. Quaid-e-Azam termed the Nehru Report as a Hindu document, but considered simply rejecting the
report as insufficient. He decided to give an alternative Muslim agenda.

1. Federal system with residuary powers with the provinces

2. Provincial autonomy.

3. Separate electorate for Muslims.

4. Effective representation to minorities in the provinces but the majority should not be reduced to

5. One-third representation of Muslims in Central Legislature.

6. One third Muslim representation in cabinets.

7. No changes in the boundaries of the Punjab and Bengal that would adversely affect Muslim majority.

8. Religious freedom to all.

9. No law will be passed if three-fourth elected members of a community declare that it is against their

10. Sind to be made a separate province.

11. Constitutional Reforms in NWFP and Balochistan.

12. Muslim representation in govt. jobs.

13. Constitutional safeguards for Islamic culture and civilization, education, language, personal laws and
Muslim institutions. Government should provide financial assistance.

14. No constitutional amendment unless all constituent units of the federation agree to it.

The council of the All India Muslim League accepted fourteen points of the Quaid. A resolution was
passed according to which no scheme for the future constitution of the Government of India would be
acceptable to the Muslims unless and until it included the demands of the Quaid presented in the
fourteen points.

These points reflected the aspirations of every Muslim living in India.

 The Allahabad address, 1930:

Allama Iqbal, during a meeting of All India Muslim League, presented the idea of the grant autonomy in
the Muslim majority areas.
The main leadership of Muslims including the Quaid-e-Azam was in London for the first roundtable
Conference in 1930. In the absence of main leadership from the sub-continent, Allama Iqbal was asked
to preside over the annual session of the Muslim League at Allahabad in 1930. .


The Alahbdd Address, notable for conception of Pakistan, was the Presidential Address by Alldma Iqbal to
the 25*“ session of the AII—India Muslim League on 29 December I930,

1. Here he presented the idea of a separate homeland for Indian Muslims which was ultimately
realized in the form of Pakistan. ‘‘I would like to see the Punjab, North-West Frontier Province,
Sindh and Baluchistan amalgamated into a single state. ”

2. 6. The principle of European democracy cannot be applied to India without recognizing the fact of
communal groups. The Muslim demand for the creation of Muslim India within India is, therefore,
perfectly justified.

3. 7. Importance In his Presidential Address, Allama labal said: ‘‘I would like to see the Punjab, North-
West Frontier Province, Sindh and Baluchistan amalgamated into a single state. Self government
within the British empire without the British empire, the formation of a consolidated North West
Indian Muslim state appears to me to be the final destiny of the Muslims at least of North West
India. ”

4. 8. Conclusion It is on his Allahabad Address that Allama Iabal is known as the dreamer of Pakistan.
His address proved to be a milestone in the history of the Sub Continent and the creation of the


In the session of Muslim League at Allahabad Allama Iqbal proposed that the Muslims should have their
own state. It was the desire of the Muslims of India. That they should be acknowledged as a separate
identity. Allahabad address clearly reveals this fact. Therefore they demanded a separate homeland.

Concept of Separate States:

Allama Iqbal said in his Allahabad Address:

“I would like to see the Punjab, the North-West Frontier Province, Sindh and Balochistan amalgamated
into a single state. Self government within the British Empire, or without the British Empire, the
formation of a consolidated North-West Indian Muslim state appears to me to be the final destiny of the
Muslims, at least of North-West India.”

Sep. Recognition of Muslims

lqbal made it clear,

“India is not a country, it is a Sub-continent of human beings belonging to different languages and
practicing different religions. Muslim nation has its own religious and cultural identity.”

Condemnation of Western Democratic Concepts:

lqbal was strongly against the western concept of Democracy. Despite flourishing all over the world, this
system cannot provide solution of the problem of Islamic world. Iqbal was of the view that all social and
political problems can be solved with the help of Islamic system. He said, (Western democracy is devoid
of depth, it has merely an attractive outlook.)

. Idea of Single Nation is Impractical:

In March, 1909 when lqbal was asked to address a meeting by Raj Amritsar, he refused the single Nation
theory and said,

“I remained the supporter of this idea but now I am of the view that preservation of separate
nationhood is useful for Hindus and Muslims birth. To have the concept of single nation in India is no
doubt poetic and beautiful but impractical regarding present circumstances.”

Two Nation Theory:

Iqbal said explaining the two nation theory.

“Despite living together for 1000 years, Hindus and Muslims have their own individual ideologies so the
only solution of political conflict in India is to have a separate independent parliament for each nation.”

Eradication of Racial & Regional; Prejudices:

Once lqbal said, Pakistan Studies Compiled by: Hafiz Ashfaq Ahmad


“Concept of nation and homeland is confusing the Muslims. That is why Islamic humane objects are
becoming dim. It is also possible that these concepts may destroy the real concepts of Islam.”

Islamic is not separate form politics:

Iqbal was in the favour of basic Islamic concept that politics is a part of religion and religion specially
Islam provides complete guidance about it,

“Islam does not consider matter and soul separate from each other. Allah, Universe worship and state
all are the basic elements of single unit. Man is not so alien that he should leave worldly affairs for the
sake of religion.”

The Hindus and the British criticized a lot on Iqbal‟s address. The Hindus declared it the dream of a mad
man or a poet, not that of a sensible man. They said that this was an illegal solution and could not be
practiced in the sub-continent.


It was the desire of the Muslims that they should be acknowledged as a separate identity. Allama Iqbal‟s
Allahabad address clearly reveals this fact. The Muslims could not tolerate that their religious, political
and social rights should be denied to them.

 The Ministries of the Indian National Congress 1937:

The Indian National Congress formed the Government in various provinces, after the general elections,
which made the life of the Muslims miserable.

The 1937 Elections:

The elections of 1937 were held with the restricted franchise and separate electorate. The
Congress projected itself as an all-India force representing all religions and factions of the society. The
Muslim League contested for the Muslim seats. There was a tough competition from the other Muslim
organizations. The elections were completed in February 1937. The Congress got majorities in five
provinces, Madras, U.P., C.P., Bihar, and Orissa. It emerged as the largest party in Bombay and won 704
out of 1585 general seats.
The Muslim League performed poorly in the elections and got only about 21 percent of Muslim
seats without winning majority anywhere, Bengal, Punjab, NWFP, and Sind. It was mostly due to the
organizational problems and opposition by local Muslim groups.

Formation of Provincial Governments:

In July 1937, Congress formed governments in 6 provinces. In NWFP, Khudai Khidmatgar and
Congress formed a coalition government. In the Muslim majority provinces, the Muslim League could not
form the governments. The Muslim League desired to be in government in the U.P. but the Congress
consented to a conditional support:
1. Dissolve AIML Parliamentary Board
2. AIML members not to function as a separate group
3. AIML members to express allegiance to the Congress
Definitely the above-mentioned terms were a device to subvert the existence of the Muslim League. Therefore, no
agreement was possible on this issue.

 The Pakistan Resolution, 1940:

The demand for separating the Muslims majority provinces was presented in the
annual meeting of the All India The experience of Congress Rule compelled the Muslims to launch
the movement for separate homeland. The Hindus made them realize that Hindu government would mean
an anti-Muslim rule in India. The Muslims’ disappointment from the Congress leadership decided to open a
new phase of history. Quaid-i-Azam’s article in Time and Tide concluded that Muslims are a nation. No
Constitution can be enforced by ignoring Muslims. His comments on March 13, 1940 are remarkable: “If
some satisfactory settlement cannot be found for Muslims in united India, the Muslim will have to demand
for division of the country.”
The Lahore Resolution:
The Muslim League held its annual session at Lahore on 22-24 March 1940. The Lahore Resolution
was moved by Maulvi Fazlul Haq and seconded by Ch. that finally approved on March 24,
1940. Jinnah rightly expressed his valuable remarks about the political circumstances of India and the
Muslims stand. He said:
“Indian problem is not communal but international. No Constitution can work without
recognizing this reality. Muslims of India will not accept a constitution that establishes
a government of the Hindu majority on them. If Hindus and Muslims are placed under
one democratic system, this would mean Hindu Raj.”
Text of the Resolution:
• They decided that the Federal system under Government of India Act, 1935 was not acceptable for
the Muslims.
• No revised constitutional plan would be acceptable unless it was framed with their approval and
• Adjacent units where Muslims are in a majority, as in Northwest and East, should be constituted as
Independent States where the constituent units will be autonomous and sovereign.
• Protection of minorities would be given priority.
Muslim League at the Minto Park, Lahore.

 The Crips proposals:

 During the 2nd world war British Government deputed a mission under the leadership of Sir
Stifford Crips. In order to diffuse political tension he proposed the transfer of power to
various stated after ten years.

The Cripps Mission, March 1942

The constitutional proposals for seeking Indian cooperation for war efforts:
1. Dominion status
2. Indian constitutional body to frame constitution
3. Princely states would be represented.

The Cripps Mission negotiated with Indian leaders and issued the proposals. The Congress rejected
the proposals and demanded that a responsible government would be set up immediately after the war.
The defense affairs should be under the Indian control. The Muslim League also rejected the proposals and
repeated its stand that the Muslims could not live in Indian Union.
The Hindus started Quit India Movement in August 1942 seeing British in trouble. The Muslim League
stayed aloof and responded by saying that divide and quit India.

Gandhi-Jinnah Talks, September 1944

MK Gandhi did not accept the Hindus and Muslims as Two Nations and emphasized on the freedom of
united India. Jinnah told him that the Muslims could never budge even a single inch from their ideological
and constitutional demand.

 The Election of 1945-46:

During these elections the Muslims League won with overwhelming majority and proved that the
Muslims Leagues alone was the exclusive political party of the Muslims.

Political Situation in 1945

During the World War ll, the British sought Indian military cooperation and offered political and
constitutional changes after the war. They desired to expand the Viceroy’s Executive Council.
Lord Wavell arranged Simla Conference during June-July 1945 in which all the political parties
participated by sending their representatives. Jinnah and Abul Kalam Azad represented the Muslim League
(ML) and the Congress respectively. Maulana Azad claimed Congress as sole representative party of all
the peoples living in India. Jinnah considered the ML the only political party of the Indian Muslims and on
this the ML had right to appoint Muslim members to the Council. This issue could not be dissolved and the
differences between the ML and the Congress increased.
The Elections, 1945-46
Lord Wavell announced elections in August 1945. He visited England and after consultations he
presented new political steps:
1. Self government with the cooperation of Indian leaders.
2. New Elections in the winter.
3. Provincial governments in the provinces
4. Constitutional Assembly to be convened. The basis of constitution making was to be settled.
5. Executive Council to be set up. It will have representation of major parties.

The ML’s stand was very clear i.e. the ML is a sole representative of Muslims and Pakistan is its
ultimate goal. The ML launched the massive campaign for these destinations. The Islamic slogans became
massively popular. In this way, the struggle for the establishment of Pakistan was motivated on the basis
of Islam. The role of students was also prominent during the political drive. On the other hand, the Congress
put the slogan of independence from British in the shape of undivided India before the Hindu nation. They
proclaimed that their stand was for all the Indian communities.
In December 1945 the elections of Central Legislature were held and the ML won all 30 Muslim seats. The
Congress won 57 seats.

 The Plan of 3rd June 1947:

The British Government proclaimed that India would gain independence by June, 1948.


1. Partition Plan 3rd June, 1947 The main characters of plan were:-

2.  The legislatures of Punjab and Bengal shall decide whether the provinces should be divided or not. 
States should be free and independent to join one or the other country.

3.  A boundary commission shall be setup which will demarcate the boundaries of the countries.

4.  Both countries shall have their own Governor Generals who will be the executive head of their respective

5.  Military assets shall be divided amongst two countries after partition.

6. June
3rd Plan: award  Division of Bengal and Calcutta  Division of Punjab
29. Radcliffe

• The British will not impose a constitution but the Constituent Assembly will frame a constitution.

• The constitution will not be imposed on the areas that do not accept it. Opinion will be sought from
them if they want to set up a separate CA (Constituent Assembly).
• Punjab & Bengal Assemblies will meet in two parts, members from Muslim majority areas and other
districts separately to decide if the province be partitioned.

• If any part decides for partition, each group will decide which CA they wish to join.

• Sind Assembly will decide about joining either side.


• Referendum in NWFP

• Balochistan: appropriate method

• Boundary Commission for Punjab and Bengal

• Princely states to decide for themselves keeping in view their geographical contiguity.

 The Creation of Pakistan on 14th August, 1947:

Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah took oath as the Governor General of Pakistan.

Indian Independence Act 1947 On 14 July 1947, the Indian Independence bill was moved in the British
Parliament which became an act on 18 July 1947.

According to this act:- 

India was to be divided into two sovereign states of Pakistan and India and the British control over
India would come to an end on 15th August 1947.

 The princely states were given the option to join one or the other country.  The act of 1935 was to
remain in force until both countries draft their own constitutions.

The Partition Process:

The Muslim members favoured joining new CA. the non-Muslims voted for partition and joining India.
Muslims favoured joining new CA while non-Muslims favoured partitioning and joining India.
The Assembly voted to join Pakistan.
Referendum decided in favour of Pakistan while Dr. Khan’s govt. boycotted it after it became clear that it
would lose.
Shahi Jirga and the non-official members of Quetta Municipal Committee opted for Pakistan.
Referendum was held to join East Bengal for joining Pakistan

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