222 - Chapter 18 - Language and Regional Variation

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The Study of Language by George Yule

 Every language has a lot of variation,

especially in the way it is spoken.
 Linguistic geography:
Investigating aspects of
language variation based on
where the language is used
(region or country).
The Standard Language

The standard language is an
English is the idealised variety and exists for most
one found in
the mass media people as the version that is
and taught in
schools. It is accepted as the official language of
associated with
education and
their community or country.
 It is the variety we try to teach to
in public
those who want to learn English as a
language more foreign or 2nd language.
than spoken)
 It
is found on TV and in newspapers, books
and schools.
Accent and Dialect
Aspects of the pronunciation of language that identify
where the speaker is from regionally or socially.
 Everyone has an accent.
 Example: Hijazi and Najdi accents in Saudi Arabia.

Features of grammar and vocabulary as well as aspects
of pronunciation that are different among speakers.
 Example: Saudi , Sudanese and Moroccan dialects in the Arab world.
 It is the study of dialects to distinguish between
two different dialects of the same language
(whose speakers can usually understand each
other) and two different languages (who can’t
usually understand each other).
 Each different dialect is worthy of analysis.
Linguistically, none are better than the other –
they are simply different.
 Socially, one dialect can be more prestigious than
the other. Standard dialects are connected with a
political or cultural center.
Regional Dialects
 A lot of research has been done on different
dialects, but where do they get their information
 Norms: They are non-mobile, older, rural, male speakers.
 Why? They were less likely to have influences from
outside the region in their speech.

 Disadvantage: The research is accurate of a

period well before the time of the investigation.

 Isogloss: the boundary  When a number of

between areas with isoglosses come
regard to one particular together to form a
linguistic item. thick line, they
become a dialect
 Paper bag vs. paper sack boundary.
in the upper Midwest of the
United States.
 Bidialectal: speaking Why be bilingual?
two dialects.  1-Individual bilingualism
 Bilingual: speaking tends to be for the minority
two different group.
languages.  Ex: Spanish in America.

 Canada: an official
bilingual country:  2- Two parents speaking
French and English. two languages.
 Two distinct varieties of a language existing in
some countries.
1- Low variety: Acquired locally and used for everyday
2- High variety: Learned in school and used for important

 Example: Arabic and German.

Language Planning

 Government, legal and educational organisations in

many countries have to plan which variety or
varieties of the languages spoken in the country
are to be used for official business.
 Example: Arabic is the official language in Saudi
 A variety of language  When a pidgin
that was developed develops beyond its
for practical purposes use as a trade or
such as trade among contact language and
people who needed to becomes the first
communicate with language of a social
each other but didn’t community.
know each other’s
Differences between PIDGINS and CREOLES

Pidgins Creoles
NO native speakers. DO have native speakers
Used for specific purposes such as Used also for social functions.
trade and barter only.
Limited vocabulary. NO inflections. Expanded vocabulary with inflections.
Simple syntax and structures. More sophisticated syntax and
More difficult to be learned as they Less difficult to be learned for they
are full of structural irregularities. are more regularised.
May die because they are created for Less likely to die as they have native
specific functions. speakers.

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