13 OnScreen 3 Gram Quizzes
13 OnScreen 3 Gram Quizzes
13 OnScreen 3 Gram Quizzes
1 Mr Jones …….. on the phone at the 9 Maria and Katy …….. the bus together.
moment. A catch usually
A talk C are talking B are usually catching
B talks D is talking C usually are catching
D usually catch
2 Abby doesn’t go to work …….. Sundays.
A on C at 10 Damian’s hair is not …….. as his brother’s.
B in D – A curly C curlier
B as curly D curliest
3 Nathan …….. to New York next week.
A fly C is flying 11 Megan and Jake …….. to their
B flies D don’t fly grandparents’ house.
A often don’t go
4 Carl …….. lunch now. B don’t often go
A have C has C aren’t often going
B is having D are having D don’t go often
5 Daisy’s hair is …….. than her sister’s. 12 How …….. sugar do you need for the cake?
A by far longer C the longest A few C little
B very longer D much longer B many D much
6 Most people …….. that loyalty is a quality 13 The train …….. at 3 o’clock from Platform 1.
good friends need to have. A departs C depart
A is thinking C think B is departing D are departing
B are thinking D thinks
14 That’s the girl …….. dad is a herpetologist.
7 Is this your handbag or is it ……..? A which C who’s
A she C hers B who D whose
B her D yours
15 Georgina and Dave …….. for work.
8 Luke …….. very lazy today! A always are late
A is C is being B are late always
B are D are being C are always late
D are being always late
16 ‘…….. did you get here?’ 19 Beverly …….. her living as a tutor.
‘By bus.’ A earns C is earning
A How C Why B earn D don’t earn
B Where D When
20 Evan …….. to work every day.
17 Amanda, …….. wears designer clothes, A is driving C drives
knows all about fashion. B drive D don’t drive
A who C which
B who’s D whose
B Read the text. Fill in each gap (1-3) with the correct words (A, B or C).
From: AnnieB@mailnet.co.uk
To: BethH@openmail.com
Subject: New School
Hi Beth,
How are you? I’m fine. I go to a new school now and I really like it. It’s
1) ……………………………..………. away than my old school, though, and I get
up 2) ……………………………..………. 6:00 every morning to catch the bus! But
I 3) ……………………………..………. my driving test next week, so hopefully I
can drive to school soon!
Write back and tell me your news,
2 A in B at C on
Marks ____
35 15
1 When the ground started shaking, Tricia put 8 …….. a firefighter when he was younger?
on her shoes and …….. out of the house. A Would Greg be
A was running C runs B Was Greg being
B ran D is running C Did Greg use to be
D Did Greg used to be
2 At 11 o’ clock last night, it …….. heavily.
A was raining C rains 9 Tina …….. flying when she was a teenager,
B rained D is raining but now she enjoys it.
A doesn’t like C wasn’t liking
3 People were leaving the burning building B isn’t liking D didn’t use to like
while firefighters …….. children from a
nearby school. 10 Mount Vesuvius …….. in 79 AD.
A rescued C rescue A erupt C would erupt
B were rescuing D are rescuing B erupted D used to erupt
4 The wind …….. hard when suddenly a 11 The police …….. people to stay away from
window smashed! the burning factory last night.
A blows C blew A warned C used to warn
B is blowing D was blowing B warn D would warn
5 What …….. yesterday evening at 6 o’clock? 12 The rain …….. down as the young people
A were you doing C are you doing were looking for shelter.
B did you do D do you do A is pouring C poured
B was pouring D pours
6 It …….. when Ian arrived in Alaska.
A didn’t snow C isn’t snowing 13 As Gareth was tidying up his bedroom, he
B wasn’t snowing D doesn’t snow …….. a loud bang.
A hears C would hear
7 The Ancient Greeks …….. that the gods B used to hear D heard
controlled the weather.
A used to believe C would believe 14 When she was a child, Ruth …….. to school
B use to believe D believe when it was snowing.
A doesn’t go C wasn’t going
B didn’t use to go D didn’t use to going
15 …….. tennis when it started raining? 18 I saw the smoke, ran inside and …….. the
A Did Hugh play C Was Hugh playing emergency services.
B Is Hugh playing D Does Hugh play A was calling C would call
B called D used to call
16 The fire started at 5 Walnut Street last night
and then it …….. to other homes. 19 A few years ago, David …….. a yacht every
A was spreading C spread weekend and sail around the coast.
B used to spread D spreads A would hire C hires
B is hiring D was hiring
17 The children were playing and we …….. TV
when the earthquake hit. 20 They were climbing in the mountains two
A were watching C are watching months ago when an avalanche …….. .
B watched D used to watch A occurs C occurred
B was occurring D would occur
Marks ____
204 80
B Read the text. Fill in each gap (1-3) with the correct words (A, B or C).
Marks ____
35 15
1 In July 2012 a team of researchers …….. to 7 Stephanie has been volunteering in Africa
find out what happened to the pilot Amelia …….. 2001.
Earhart. A already C for
A set off C was setting off B before D since
B has set off D is setting off
8 Anna is very pleased with herself as she
2 Georgina had …….. high temperature that …….. £500 for the charity so far.
she couldn’t sleep all night! A has raised C has been raising
A such a C so B raised D was raising
B such an D such
9 It was …….. incredible view that I took over
3 Alice …….. two charities this month. She’s 30 photos!
really trying to make a difference. A such a C so
A has been joining C has joined B such an D such
B joins D was joining
10 Irene is confused. She …….. to book her
4 Thelma has to book her tickets soon, but plane tickets online all afternoon.
she …….. where to go on holiday yet. A has tried C tried
A didn’t decide B has been trying D was trying
B doesn’t decide
C hasn’t been deciding 11 …….. you ever seen a volcano erupting?
D hasn’t decided A Did C Have
B Do D Has
5 Paul and Lewis are exhausted! They ……..
in the garden all morning. 12 Vicky has …….. found out that her parents
A have been working C worked are taking her to New York and she’s really
B have worked D work excited!
A yet C ever
6 Mr. Billson isn’t in the office today. He …….. B still D just
to Brazil.
A has been C has been going 13 The sun was …….. strong that we all got
B has gone D went sunburnt.
A such a C so
B such an D such
14 Two years ago, Luke …….. a year out and 18 Last winter, the temperatures …….. to below
travelled around Australia. 0°C.
A has taken C has been taking A have dropped
B took D was taking B have been dropping
C were dropping
15 Iris …….. to the hotel this morning and went D dropped
straight to the pool.
A has checked in 19 How many times …….. Jenny and
B has been checking in Lisa .................. to Istanbul?
C checked in A has ..... been
D was checking in B have ..... been going
C have ..... been
16 Julian has …….. participated in a marathon D do ..... go
A ever C never 20 Josh had …….. fun in California that he
B yet D still decided to go back again the following
17 Mark is tired because he …….. at the beach A such C such an
clean-up all day. B such a D so
A has helped C has been helping
B is helping D helps Marks ____
204 80
B Read the text. Fill in each gap (1-3) with the correct words (A, B or C).
From: ESmith@openmail.co.uk
To: PamelaK@netmail.com
Subject: Holiday
Hi Pam,
I 1) ………………..………………. our plane tickets to Costa Rica! Now I’m looking for
somewhere to stay. 2) ………………..…..………………. of the Costa Hotel? It’s supposed to
be a great place. My cousin Mark stayed there 4 years ago and it was 3) ………………..
………………. nice that he’s been there every summer since! Check their website and tell me
what you think.
2 A Do you ever hear B Did you ever hear C Have you ever heard
3 A so B such a C such
Marks ____
35 15
1 By the time the police arrived at the crime 8 He’s …….. to be the man the police are
scene, the thieves …….. . looking for.
A disappeared A short C short enough
B have disappeared B too short D shorter
C had been disappearing
D had disappeared 9 The judge gave the man a fine because he
…….. music illegally for a long time.
2 The vandal …….. paint on the city walls for A had been downloading
weeks before the police caught him. B has been downloading
A had been spraying C have sprayed C was downloading
B had sprayed D sprayed D is downloading
3 Robert would prefer …….. at home and 10 Last weekend the robber …….. from prison
watch his favourite football team play on TV. with the help of two of his fellow prisoners.
A stay C to staying A has escaped C escaped
B staying D to stay B had escaped D was escaping
4 Lucy …….. essays all evening and she felt 11 The criminal admitted …….. the law twice.
extremely tired by the end of the day. A break C to breaking
A had marked C marked B to break D breaks
B had been marking D has been marking
12 Frank Abagnale was a famous criminal who
5 The inspector …….. very pleased yesterday …….. bank notes in the late 60s.
because he had solved a serious crime. A had forged C has forged
A was C had been B forged D is forging
B has been D is
13 The woman had already denied the
6 Anthony is used …….. long hours. accusation before the jury …….. her guilty.
A to work C work A had found C was finding
B to working D working B has found D found
7 …….. you already …….. to bed when the 14 The police arrested the thief after he ……..
burglar smashed the kitchen window? the bank.
A Had ..... gone C Have .... gone A has been robbing C rob
B Did ..... go D Do ..... go B had robbed D has robbed
15 Beverly can’t stand …….. crime stories on 18 The judge told the car thief that he must
the news. …….. to jail for three years.
A watching C to watch A to go C go
B watch D to watching B going D to going
16 Harry and Laura have …….. to buy their 19 Officer Moore …….. on the case for hours
dream home. and was feeling sleepy.
A enough money A had worked C has worked
B money B had been working D worked
C not money enough
D money enough 20 Chief Inspector Adams decided …….. the
suspect himself.
17 The police arrested Al Capone in 1931 A to question C questioning
because he …….. crimes since the early B question D to questioning
A committed
B had been committing
C has been committing
D was committing Marks ____
204 80
B Complete the sentences (1-5), using the words in brackets in the correct form.
Do not use more than four words to complete each sentence.
Marks ____
45 20
1 If I …….. more free time, I would chat online 8 I wish Grandad …….. a mobile phone – then
with my friends more often. we wouldn’t worry about him so much.
A have C would have A will get C would get
B will have D had B gets D can get
2 I can’t come to your party. I …….. to the 9 “What time …….. our lecture ……..?”
theatre tonight. “11:30.”
A am going C went A will … begin
B will go D go B is … beginning
C does … begin
3 If only I …….. my computer for viruses D is … going to begin
A scanned C had scanned 10 Unless illegal downloading becomes harder,
B will scan D would scan many people in the film industry …….. their
4 I hope my parents …….. me a laptop for my A will lose C are losing
birthday next month. B would lose D lose
A are going to give C are giving
B will give D gave 11 I promise I …….. your digital camera.
A will return C return
5 I wish I …….. good at fixing computers. B am returning D am going to return
A am C will be
B were D have been 12 If I were you, I …….. some anti-virus
software on your laptop.
6 If you had saved enough money, you …….. A will install
that smartphone last week. B would have installed
A could buy C would buy C would install
B could have bought D had bought D am installing
7 Tony and I …….. outside the cinema at 13 Don’t touch that plate! You …….. your hand!
8 o’clock. I’ve got the tickets! A are going to burn C are burning
A are meeting C will meet B will burn D burn
B met D meet
14 I wish my sister …….. that file on my 18 The document won’t move up or down
computer before she upgraded the …….. you click on the scroll bar.
operating system. A unless C only if
A saves C will save B if D if not
B had saved D has saved
19 I wish I …….. how to upload videos from my
15 I’m hot. I …….. the window. computer to the Internet.
A am opening C will open A knew C have known
B open D am going to open B would know D will know
16 If you mix black and white, it …….. grey. 20 What …….. you do if someone stole your
A makes C is making MP3 player?
B would make D made A will C did
B would D do
17 If I had known you were in town, I …….. you
out for dinner.
A would invite
B will invite
C would have invited
D invited Marks ____
204 80
B Complete the sentences (1-5), using the words in brackets in the correct form.
Do not use more than four words to complete each sentence.
Marks ____
54 20
1 The fizzy drink Coca Cola …….. in the USA 8 My little brother is three years old and he
in 1886. can dress …….. .
A is first produced C first produced A him C himself
B are first produced D was first produced B – D his
2 Dinner …….. every evening at 7:00. 9 Mr Jones …….. by The Sandwich Company
A served C serves every day.
B is served D is being served A has his lunch delivered
B delivered his lunch
3 The new sports centre …….. next year. C had his lunch delivered
A opens C is opened D is delivering his lunch
B will be opened D was opened
10 I can’t concentrate …….. with all this noise.
4 The winner of the food competition …….. A myself C –
tomorrow evening. B me D you
A will be announced C will announce
B is announced D announces 11 Mary …….. at the bakery yesterday.
A has had a cake made
5 Help …….. to some more coffee. B had a cake made
A myself C you C had made a cake
B yourself D – D has made a cake
15 She …….. from her arm by a nurse 18 We had a great holiday. We really enjoyed
tomorrow morning. …….. .
A will remove the cast A ourselves C us
B will have the cast removed B ourself D our
C removes the cast
D will have the cast remove 19 Carl …….. by a bee last summer.
A was stang C stung
16 I hope the children behaved …….. at the B was stung D had stung
A themselves C they 20 The pancakes were made …….. eggs.
B them D theyselves A with C by
B from D of
17 John …….. by the skydiving instructor.
A is checking his equipment
B was checking his equipment
C checked his equipment
D is having his equipment checked
Marks ____
204 80
B Complete the sentences (1-5), using the words in brackets in the correct form.
Do not use more than four words to complete each sentence.
Marks ____
54 20
1 Did you know that …….. Sahara gets its 8 “Can …….. help me with my luggage?”
name from the Arabic word for ‘desert’? “Of course, madam. Let me carry it for you.”
A a C – A nobody C no one
B the D an B everyone D someone
2 You …….. cook so much food for dinner – 9 You …….. talk on the phone while driving.
there’s only four of us! It’s against the law.
A mustn’t C needn’t A mustn’t C may not
B couldn’t D may not B couldn’t D don’t have to
3 Jim’s favourite sport is …….. football. 10 Don’t worry. You’ve done …….. wrong.
A – C a A something C anything
B an D the B nothing D everything
4 We’re going on safari and there’s a chance 11 Erin …….. be at school. She’s got a dentist’s
we …….. see a lion. appointment this morning.
A ought to C might A must C can’t
B have to D can’t B mustn’t D couldn’t
5 Designer clothes …….. very expensive. 12 The information you gave us …….. not
A are C was correct!
B is D has been A were C are
B have been D is
6 We …….. protect the planet. We are obliged
to care for our world. 13 You can’t eat …….. in the building.
A must C might A anywhere C somewhere
B could D needn’t B nowhere D everywhere
7 “ I have a Physics exam tomorrow.” 14 Greg is learning how to play …….. guitar.
“Good luck! I think Physics …….. a very A – C a
difficult subject.” B the D any
A is C aren’t
B are D haven’t been 15 The teacher answered …….. question the
students asked.
A any C every
B some D an
16 I tried to call Jason, but there was …….. 19 Jamie usually goes to work by …….. car.
answer. A a C –
A no C every B the D one
B some D no
20 Richard’s lion lights are great because now
17 A large part of …….. Amazon River has people and animals …….. live in peace.
been polluted. A must C should
A an C one B have to D can
B – D the
18 “…….. finish the test in time?”
“Yes, but it was difficult.”
A Must you C Can you
B Were you able to D Should you
Marks ____
204 80
B Complete the sentences (1-5), using the words in brackets in the correct form.
Do not use more than four words to complete each sentence.
Marks ____
54 20
1 When I called last night, Jonathan said that 8 …….. being a very talented singer, she
he …….. TV. wasn’t able to win the Eurovision Song
A watches C was watching Contest.
B watching D has watched A In spite of C While
B However D Although
2 Anthony explained his plan quickly ……..
people had time to ask questions. 9 The radio station conducted a survey ……..
A so that C since to see which programme listeners enjoyed
B because D so as to the most.
A so that C as
3 Anne asked him if he …….. the plot of the B in case D in order
A likes C has liked 10 Martha told us that the audience …….. into
B will like D liked loud applause at the end of the play.
A breaks C has broken
4 They …….. me that there were only six B is breaking D had broken
tickets left for the 7:30 performance.
A said C asked 11 The film had a very famous cast. ……..
B told D commanded millions of people went to see it.
A In case C The reason why
5 The band said that they …….. their new B Because D As a result
album the following summer.
A will bring out C brought out 12 Monica told us …….. the last episode on
B would bring out D are bringing out Channel 9!
A not to miss C not miss
6 He asked me who …….. for the tickets the B to not miss D to miss not
night before.
A pays C had paid 13 …….. he’s going to the theatre anyway, he’ll
B is paying D will pay book our tickets for Wednesday night.
A As C In spite
7 He told her …….. the TV because he was B The reason why D As a result
watching the news.
A to not turn off C not to turn off 14 Joan told Anne that she …….. go to the
B not turn off D to turn off not concert with her last weekend.
A can’t C isn’t
B couldn’t D doesn’t
15 I booked my tickets early …….. get the best 18 …….. I had seen the film before, I enjoyed
seats. watching it again.
A so to C to A However C Even though
B in case to D as to B Despite D As
16 Alex told us he …….. Man of Steel at the 19 Katherine …….. me that she wanted to
cinema. watch the play but there were no tickets left.
A is already seeing C already sees A said C says
B has already seen D had already seen B told to D told
17 …….. we went to the art exhibition was that 20 The photography exhibition was ……..
we knew the artist. interesting that it received great reviews
A The reason for C In case from the newspapers.
B As a result D The reason why A such C too
B so D such an
Marks ____
204 80
B Complete the sentences (1-5), using the words in brackets in the correct form.
Do not use more than four words to complete each sentence.
Marks ____
54 20