Affidavit 2018
Affidavit 2018
Affidavit 2018
That I am applying for a position in the Commission on Audit, Commonwealth Avenue, Quezon City;
That I have NO RELATIVES within the 3rd degree either of consanguinity and/or affinity who are
presently employed in COA;
That I have RELATIVE/S who is/are presently employed in COA, as follows:
That if my application for employment in the Commission on Audit is approved, I undertake to give
up my application as immigrant/permanent resident of _________________________.
(Name of Foreign Country)
That I am willing to accept assignment anywhere in the exigency of the service, if appointed in the
Commission on Audit.
That I am applying for a position in the COA Central Office (National Capital Region),
Commonwealth Avenue, Quezon City. This is the first time I submitted my application in the COA
(No previous application in the Central Office or in any COA Regional Offices)
In COA Regional Office No. ________ on __________ and the status is:
IN WITNESS HEREOF, I have hereunto signed my name below this _____ day of _____ at
SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME, this ____ day of _______________________ in _________________,
affiant exhibiting to me his/her Residence Certificate No. __________________
Issued at _____________________ on ______________________.
Notary Public
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