Curtain Wall-CG3 With Comments
Curtain Wall-CG3 With Comments
Curtain Wall-CG3 With Comments
Date: 18.02.20
Material Properties
Imposed Loading
Construction load = 1.5 kN/m 2 applied at 2.0 m from the finished floor level. However the most critical load case is the
wind load as provided in this report.
The Building
The building is a 3 Storey Building with a lower ground floor level set at 15.7 m.
The wind load has been calculated for each building heights as per the table below:
Buiding Height
Wind Load, q (kN/m2) l/w h/w Cp qs (kN/m2)
3.8 2.55 2.140 0.82 1.1 2.81
8.05 2.90 2.140 0.82 1.1 3.19
11.5 3.24 2.140 0.82 1.1 3.56
72.2 m/s
S1 1.0
Ground Roughness 1
S3 1
q = kVs2
k 0.613
q 3.27 kPa
h/w 0.82 l= 30 m
l/w 2.14 h= 11.5 m
w= 14 m
Wind loading is the most critical loading parameteres and the glazing & opening frame has been designed accordingly
- Architect Drawings
- Data Sheet for Stainless Steel Screw attached at end of report
- Data Sheet of Aluminium Profile
Design Philosophy
A table summarizing the specification of the main members has been provided at the end of this section. It should further
be noted that the design of the connection of the mullion to the floor has been provided for the most critical reaction
at the end of the report.
1. Check for the Moment Capacity of the Section > Ultimate Applied Bending Moment on the Section considered
2. Check that the Actual Deflection < Permissible Deflection
3. Check the capacity of the screws for the Frame
4. Check the connection of the bolts for the most critical reaction for the Mullion
Furthernote that the glazing thickness has been designed in line with the requirements of BS 6262: Part 3: 2005 and ASTM E 1300
M1 M2
no double glazing
Area A 1.16 m2
r 1.21
F 0.991
Deflection d = (5qsa4)/(384EI)
d= 0.2 mm
Reaction T1 1.62 kN
Acts as point load on M1
Design of Transom T2 use mqc 01 instead of mqc 01
Deflection d = (5qsa4)/(384EI)
d= 0.2 mm
Reaction T2 1.63 kN
Acts as point load on M1
Design of Mullion M1
Ixx of Frame 415.7 cm4 Section Reference MCQ17
Reaction R1 26.44 kN
Design of Mullion M2
Ixx of Frame 415.7 cm4 Section Reference MCQ17
d= 47.6 mm
Reaction R1 26.44 kN
d= 14.4 mm
Design of Connections
1. Connection of Mullion and Transom
Connection of U Channel to muillion
Max Reaction load = 7.50 kN F.O.S = 1.5
Plate thickness, t = 3 mm
F = 0.6PyAv
1 M12 bolt Grade 8.8 have been provided to take the shear load
Shear Capacity of M12 bolts, Ps = ps x As
31.61 kN Hence OK
Plate thickness, t = 3 mm
F = 0.6PyAv
1 M10 bolt Grade 8.8 have been provided to take the shear load
Plate thickness, t = 6 mm
F = 0.6PyAv
1 M16 bolt Grade 8.8 have been provided to take the shear load
The 6mm steel bracket is connected to the slab through 2 No. FBN II 16 Bolt grade 8.8. One FBN II 16 bolt has a permissble shear
load of 29.0kN
thru bolt - bracket to
be tight fit
remove through bolt
Plate thickness, t = 6 mm
F = 0.6PyAv
1 M16 bolt Grade 8.8 have been provided to take the shear load
The 6mm steel bracket is connected to the slab through 2 No. FBN II 16 Bolt grade 8.8. One FBN II 16 bolt has a permissble shear
load of 29.0kN