ShortTerm PDF
ShortTerm PDF
ShortTerm PDF
2. Surname at Birth (Formerly family name(s)) (x) Date of Application:
ALVAREZ Visa application number:
3. First name(s) (Given name(s)) (x)
Application lodged at
MA JESSA Embassy/consulate
4.Date of Birth (day-month-year) 5.Place of Birth CAVITE CITY, 7.Current Nationality Service provider
PHILIPPINES PHILIPPINES Commercial intermediary
21-Nov-1986 Border
6. Country of Birth PHILIPPINES Nationality at birth, if different
8. Sex 9. Marital Status Other
Male Female Single Married Separated
Divorced Widow(er) Other (please
specify) File handled by:
10. In the case of minors: Surname, first name, address (if different from applicant's) and nationality of parental
authority/legal guardian
24. Number of entries requested 25. Duration if the intended stay
Single entry_____ Two entries_____ or transit
Multiple entries
Indicate number of days 8
* The fields marked with * shall not be filled in by the family members of EU, EEA or CH citizens (spouse, hild or dependet ascendant) while exercising their
right to free movement. Family menbers of EU, EEA or CH citizens shall present documents to prove this relationship and fill in fields no 34 and 35.
(x) Fields 1-3 shall be filled in accordance with the data in the travel document.
26. Schengen visa issued during the past three years
Yes. Date(s) of availability from_______________ to _______________
27. Fingerprints collected previously for the purpose of applying for a Schengen visa
Yes. Date, if known _______________
28. Entry permit for the final country of destination, where applicable
Issued by______N/A_________ Valid from ______N/A_________ until ______N/A_________
29. Intended date of arrival in the Schengen area 30. Intended date of departure from the Schengen area
17-Jun-2019 25-Jun-2019
*31. Surname and first name of the inviting person(s) in the Member State(s). If not applicable, name of hotel(s)
or temporary accomodation(s) in the Member State(s)
*32 Name and address of the inviting company/organisation Telephone and telefax of
N/A company/ organization
Surname, first name, address, telephone, telefax and e-mail address of contact person and company/
*33. Cost of traveling and living during the applicant's stay is covered
34. Personal data of the family member who is an EU, EEA or CH citizens
36. Place and date 37. Signature (for minors, signature of parental authority/legal guardian)
I am aware that the visa fee is not refunded if the visa is refused
Applicable in case a multiple-entry visa is applied for (cf. field no. 24):
I am aware of the need to have an adequate travel medical insurance for my first stay and any subsequent visits to the territory of Member States.
The collection of the data required by this application form, the taking of your photograph and, if applicable, the taking of your ingerprints, are
mandatory for the examination of the visa application; and any personal data concerning you which appear on the visa ppliat lion form, as well as
your fingerprints and your photograph will be supplied to the relevant authorities of the Member States and rocessed by those authorities, for the
purposes of a decision on your visa application. such data as well as data concerning the decision taken on your application or a decision whether to
annul, revoke or extend a visa issued ill he entered into, and stored, in the Visa Information System (NTS) for a maximum period of five years, during
which it will be ecessible to the visa authorities and the authorities competent for carrying out checks on visas at external borders and within the
Member tales, immigration and asylum authorities in the Member States for the purposes of verifying whether the conditions for the legal entry into,
stay and residence on the territory of the Member States are fulfilled, of identifying persons who do not or who no longer fulfil these :onditions, of
examining an asylum application and of determining responsibility for such examination. Under certain conditions the data ill he also available to
designated authorities of the Member States (for Italy: the Ministry of Interior and the Police authority) and to Europol for the purpose of the
prevention, detection and investigation of terrorist offences and of other serious criminal offences. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International
Cooperation (Planate della Farnesina 1,00135 Roma,, dgit6@esterlit) is the Italian authority responsible (controller) for processing the
You have the right to obtain in any of the Member States communication of the data relating to you recorded in the VIS and 'tithe Member State
which transmitted the data, and to request that the data relating to you which arc inaccurate be corrected, and that the data relating to you processed
unlawfully be deleted. For information on the exercise of your right to check your personal data and have them rrected or deleted, as well as on legal
remedies according to the national law of the State concerned, see www.esterLit and ww.vistoperitalia.esteriit.
Further information will be provided upon request by the authority examining sour application. 'f he Italian national supervisory mpetent authority
on the protection of personal data is the Italian Authority for Data Protection (Nana di Montceitorio 121,01186 Roma,; lei:
+3906 696771).
I declare that to the best of my knowledge all particulars supplied by me are correct and complete. I am aware that any false statements involve my
application being rejected or to the annulment of a visa already granted and may result in prosecution under the law of the Member State that
process the application.
I undertake to leave the territory of the Member States before the expiry of the visa, if granted. I am aware that possession of a visa is only one of the
prerequisites for entry into the European territory of the Member States. The mere granting of a visa does not entitle me to compensation if I fail to
fulfill the conditions of Article 5, paragraph 1, of the Council Regulation n. 562/2006 (Schengen Borders Code) and I am thus refused entry. The
prerequisites for entry will be checked again on entry into the European territory of the Member States.