I. Personal Information
1. Given name(s):
Esta solicitud es de distribución gratuita
Avenida Ricardo Flores Magón no. 2, piso 3, Col. Guerrero, Delegación Cuauhtémoc,
C.P. 06300, Ciudad de México.
Teléfono: (55) 3686 - 5100
Correo electrónico:
Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores
Minors applying on their own, or accompanied by a third party over the age of 18, must provide a letter of consent, signed by both parents and/or person(s) who exercise
custody/ guardianship. It is mandatory to have the letter of consent notarized by a Notary Public or entity legally authorized to provide services in the jurisdiction.
The information hereby provided/attached is truthful, complete and correct. If an applicant provides false or conceals information, and/or submits
Esta solicitud es de distribución gratuita
documents that are in any way altered, falsified or obtained through fraudulent means will be denied any visa to enter Mexico, and subsequently
registered in migratory databases.
In accordance to Mexican immigration laws and regulations, a Mexican visa allows a foreign national to arrive at a port of entry and/or migration
checkpoint, and request entry into Mexico. Be advised that holding/ presenting a visa does not guarantee that entry into Mexican territory will be
granted. At the point of entry, Mexico's immigration officers are the only authority that can accept or refuse the entry of any traveller into Mexico,
regardless of whether the traveller has previously attained a visa or is exempt from obtaining one.
The information and supporting documents collected for this application are considered confidential and protected by federal law, as mandated by
Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Individuals. Further details on this matter are available at
Place: Date: / /
Applicant’s Name and Signature Parent/ Guardian’s Name and Signature Parent/ Guardian’s Name and Signature
(Minors/ dependents only) (Minors/ dependents only)
El (la) suscrito(a) hace constar que los documentos anexados a este
expediente han sido validados a mi juicio y, por ello, autorizo.
Avenida Ricardo Flores Magón no. 2, piso 3, Col. Guerrero, Delegación Cuauhtémoc,
C.P. 06300, Ciudad de México.
Teléfono: (55) 3686 - 5100
Correo electrónico: