National Nutrition Council - Local Nutrition Planning
National Nutrition Council - Local Nutrition Planning
National Nutrition Council - Local Nutrition Planning
Department of Health
WHEREAS, the country is among the Asian Countries most at risk to natural disasters and
among the top five countries with most number of victims and death due to geophysical,
hydrological and meteorological hazards;
WHEREAS, these emergencies disrupt the lives of the population affected, putting them at risk
of developing various undesirable health and related conditions, including those that threaten the
nutritional status of individuals, especially the most vulnerable groups: infants, children,
pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers, older persons, people with disabilities and people
living with debilitating conditions;
WHEREAS, the risk of a deteriorating in the nutritional status of the population likewise
threatens the gains achieved in improving the nutrition situation, which could reverse the high
likelihood of achieving direct nutrition-related targets of the Millennium Development Goal
(MDG) # 1 and the targets of the other MDGs indirectly;
WHEREAS, such a threat could be mitigated through the delivery of various nutrition and
related interventions, which are best identified and implemented through processes that allow
the maximum participation of those affected;
WHEREAS, the delivery of quality nutrition and related services could be facilitated through
clear and practical quality standards;
RESOLVED FURTHER, for member agencies of the Regional Nutrition Committee of Central
Luzon to issue the appropriate policy instrument on the adoption of this policy.
RESOLVED FURTHER, for the Regional Nutrition Cluster to adopt or formulate or reproduce
and disseminate the appropriate guidelines, manual of operations, and other user-friendly
materials to implement the policy.
Approved by:
Attested by:
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Health
Region III
WHEREAS, based on the national nutrition surveys, the nutrition situation of the Philippines is
described as experiencing the double burden of malnutrition;
WHEREAS, undernutrition is largely prevalent among young children and women while
overnutrition is also prevalent among adults and increasing among schoolchildren;
WHEREAS, undernutrition has far-reaching consequences on the child growth and development
and the capacity to learn and maximize investments in education and to become economically
productive and socially active as future adults;
WHEREAS, overnutrition has been established to be a risk factor for developing non-
communicable diseases;
WHEREAS, both undernutrition and overnutrition can result to preventable mortality and both can
hold back development;
WHEREAS, there is a need for strategic and purposive action to address this twin nutritional
problem; and with devolution, local government units play a pivotal role in reversing the trend in
both under and overnutrition and in ensuring good nutrition among the population;
WHEREAS, the formulation of local nutrition action plans and their integration in the local
development plan and annual investment plan will help ensure that nutrition action at the local level
is strategic and purposive;
RESOLVED FURTHER, for the Regional Nutrition Committee of Central Luzon to lead the conduct of
monitoring to ensure that this resolution is fully implemented.
Approved by:
Attested by:
Republic of the Philippines
WHEREAS, malnutrition is a condition in the body due to lack, or excess, or imbalance in one or
more of the nutrients;
WHEREAS, based on national nutrition surveys, the nutrition situation of the Philippines can be
described to be experiencing the double burden of malnutrition;
WHEREAS, while undernutrition is largely prevalent among young children and women,
overnutrition is also prevalent especially among adults;
WHEREAS, undernutrition has far-reaching consequences on child growth and development and
the capacity to become economically productive and socially active adults;
WHEREAS, overnutrition has been established as one of the risk factors for developing non-
communicable diseases;
WHEREAS, both undernutrition and overnutrition can result to preventable mortality and both can
hold back development;
WHEREAS, there is a need for strategic purposive action to address this twin nutritional problem;
and with devolution, local government units play a pivotal role in reversing the trend in both under
and overnutrition and in ensuring good nutrition among the population;
WHEREAS, the formulation of local nutrition action plans and their integration into the local
development plan and annual investment plan will help ensure that nutrition action at the local
level is strategic and purposive;
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AS IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED, in consideration of the foregoing,
we the NNC Governing Board do hereby approve and adopt the Guidelines on Local Nutrition
Planning as a guide to local nutrition committees in formulating a nutrition action plan that would
address nutritional problems in their locality and thus, contribute to a better quality of life of
RESOLVED FURTHER, for the National Nutrition Council Secretariat to ensure that the Guidelines
on Local Nutrition Planning is disseminated as widely as possible to all stakeholders to help local
nutrition committees in their strategic and purposive local nutrition planning;
RESOLVED FURTHER, for the National Nutrition Council Secretariat to ensure that the Guidelines
on Local Nutrition Planning is disseminated as widely as possible to all stakeholders to help local
nutrition committees in their strategic and purposive local nutrition planning;
RESOLVED FURTHER, for the National Nutrition Council Secretariat to monitor and to ensure that
this resolution is fully implemented.
Attested by:
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Health
Thus, there is a need for strategic and purposive action to address this twin nutritional
problem. With devolution, local government units play a pivotal role in reversing the
trend in both under and overnutriton and in ensuring good nutrition among the
Based on the aforementioned premises, the following guidelines for local nutrition
planning are being adopted to help ensure that nutrition action at the local level is
strategic and purposive. The guidelines update those adopted in the 1980s.
Guidelines objectives
Local nutrition planning is deciding in advance actions that would be taken to address
prevailing nutritional problems. Its output is a three-year (coinciding with the term of
local elective officials) local nutrition action plan, i.e. Provincial/City/Municipal Nutrition
Action Plan (P/C/MNAP). It also outputs an annual investment plan for nutrition to help
ensure that the plan is funded and implemented.
The three-year plan should contain various sections that will include an assessment of
the situation; the objectives; workplan for programs, projects and activities to be
implemented, monitoring and evaluation scheme, budgetary requirements and
arrangements for organization and coordination. Panel A shows a simple outline for a
local nutrition action plan.
Panel A. Sample outline for the local nutrition action plan
LGU: ___________________
1. Introduction
2. The nutrition situation
a. What forms of malnutrition exist?
b. How many are malnourished?
c. Who are malnourished?
d. Where are the malnourished?
e. What are the causes of malnutrition?
f. What have been done to address malnutrition?
How effective have these been?
g. What are the resources available to address
h. What constraints could affect the effective
implementation of interventions?
3. Goals and objectives
4. Workplan to implement programs, projects and activities
5. Monitoring and evaluation scheme
6. Budgetary Requirements
7. Arrangements for organization and coordination
The annual investment plan should provide information on specific activities and targets for the year as well as
funding requirements for the implementation of these activities.
Guidelines on local nutrition planning
8. Provides the local nutrition committee (LNC) with a guide for implementing nutrition
projects, assessing and evaluating efforts and generating resources.
The LNAP is best prepared in the first semester of an election year. This will help ensure that the
nutrition agenda is integrated in the Executive Legislative Agenda of the local government unit.
It is to be noted that per guidelines on harmonized local development unit, the ELA for a term of
local elective officials should be completed by 31 July of the election year and is the basis for the
local development plan that is in turn the basis of the annual investment plan used for local
If for some reason or another, the local government unit has been unable to formulate its LNAP
before the formulation of the ELA, such can still be formulated covering the remaining period of
the current administration. However, the local nutrition action officer should coordinate with
the local planning and development office to ensure that the LNAP can still be considered in
formulating the annual investment plan.
On the other hand, the annual investment plan for nutrition should be formulated within the
first semester of the year prior to the year of implementation since heads of offices or
department heads of LGUs are required to submit budget proposals by 15 July. Preparing the
annual investment plan for nutrition early in the year will help facilitate the inclusion of
budgetary requirements in the overall local budget proposal, either as part of sectoral (or
department) budget proposals or as a distinct nutrition budget.
Guidelines on local nutrition planning
Once the annual budget has been approved, the annual investment plan for nutrition could be
reviewed and adjusted depending on budgets approved for specific activities.
Local nutrition planning involves several activities (Table 1) that are undertaken by the local
nutrition committee under the leadership of the local chief executive, with the nutrition action
officer as overall coordinator. It is to be noted that while these activities are listed sequentially,
the process is iterative with the local nutrition committee or its planning core group going back
and forth to certain activities as the plan is being formulated.
Activity Description
1. Mobilization of local Activate core group composed of NAO and representatives
nutrition committee or local from planning office, agriculture, health, social welfare,
nutrition planning core DepEd, DILG, NGOs, and budget office
2. Assessment of nutrition Answers the guide questions (below) in conducting nutrition
situation situation assessment
1. What forms of malnutrition exist?
2. How many are malnourished
3. Who are the malnourished?
4. Where are the manlnourished?
5. What are the causes of malnutrition? (prepare a problem
6. What have been done to address malnutrition? How
effective have these been?
7. What resources are available to address malnutrition?
8. What constraints could affect the implementation of
nutrition interventions?
3. Setting of goals and Determining expected reduction in malnutrition based on
objectives modified problem tree, trends and higher level goals.
1. Define and agree on goals and objectives
2. Identify priority nutrition problem
3. Identify areas for complementation and integration of
the goals and objectives contributing to higher level PPAN and
other comprehensive plans
Guidelines on local nutrition planning
Activity Description
4. Identification and Identification and prioritization of interventions
prioritization of nutrition 1. Identification of intervention based on nutrition
interventions problem and causes
2. Setting of prioritization criteria
3. Rating of projects
4. Ranking of projects
5. Selection of intervention or group of interventions
5. Preparation of work Prepare the details of the work and financial plan
plan or operational plan including targets, interventions, duration, resources
6. Designing of Preparing of monitoring and evaluation plan as part of
monitoring and evaluation the operation plan
7. Plan packaging Preparing of LNAP for submission to different
stakeholders; preparing the write-up
8. Legislation/adoption Includes strategies for adoption of LNAP at local level as
and resource allocation well as financing; submission to the planning office for
integration in the CLDP and AIP
These activities can be undertaken through a series of meetings that progressively develops the
plan. Table 2 shows how these meetings can be designed to achieve specific outputs. The LGU is
encouraged to evolve its own strategy for local nutrition planning.
Activity Outputs
1. LNC planning meeting a. Decisions and agreements the planning process, i.e.,
No. 1 activities to be done and by whom, timetable of activities,
resources needed and source
b. Organization of planning core group
c. Organization of planning secretariat
2. Situational analysis a. Draft nutrition situational analysis to describe the nature
(may be done by a team and magnitude of nutritional problems, past performance of
organized for the purpose) nutrition plan implementation,
b. Recommendations for overall directions for the plan
c. Draft plan and objective
3. LNC planning meeting a. Validation and approval of the results of the nutrition
No. 2 situation analysis
b. Agreement on priority problems, areas and target groups,
specific strategies
c. Initial agreements on key programs and projects
d. Draw up details of the agreed programs and projects
e. Additional tasks to be done, if any
Guidelines on local nutrition planning
Activity Outputs
4. Series of meetings of Draft plan (includes targets, scheme for monitoring and
LNC/LPCG to be evaluation, budget, local agency or NGO in charge) for each of
complemented by individual the programs and projects initially agreed upon by the LNC
assignments or consultation
with key personalities/actors
5. LNC planning meeting a. Approval of draft plan
Nos. 3 and 4 b. Additional task to be done, if any
6. Integration of all Finalized LNAP (write-up with supporting tables and figures, if
comments of P/C/MNC needed)
planning meeting usually by
the P/C/M Nutritional Action
7. LNC planning meeting a. Approval of the LNAP by way of LNC resolution
No. 5 b. Plans for presentation to the P/C/M Development
Council, and Sangguniang Panlalawigan or Panlungsod or
Sangguniang Bayan
8. Reproduction and Copies of approved LNAP distributed to:
distribution of approved a. all members of the LNC
LNAP b. all members of the P/C/MDC
c. all members of the SP or SB
d. barangays targeted in the LNAP
9. Preparations for a. Visual aids
presentation to P/C/MDC b. Handouts to be distributed
and SP or SB which may
include initial discussions
with some members
10. Presentation of LNAP Approval and allocation of budget needed for plan
to the SP or SB implementation
Mobilization means brining the members of the LNC together, under the leadership of the LCE,
to formulate the LNAP. If the LGU has no organized or active LNC, the nutrition planning process
provides an opportunity to reactivate or organize the LNC. It is to be noted that the LNC also
serves as the local nutrition cluster.
If the LNC has many members, a local planning core group (LPCG) could be organized to make
the planning process manageable.
Guidelines on local nutrition planning
a. Agriculture
b. Health
c. Social Welfare and Development
3. Budget Office
a. Department of Education
5. NGOs implementing social development projects that benefit many of the nutritionally-
at-risk or affected groups and communities.
It could also undertake the planning activities to develop a draft plan that should be presented,
deliberated on and eventually approved by the local nutrition committee.
Situational analysis
In this phase the LNC or LPCG, using data available, endeavors to answer the following
To answer these questions, the LNC or LPCG could collect and analyze data from various sources
(Table 3). It could also conduct focus group discussions with various groups especially the
intended targets to also generate their inputs on problem identification as well as on measures
to undertake to address identified problems.
Guidelines on local nutrition planning
The situational analysis should also involve the development of a problem tree (one for each
identified nutrition problem) that will show the linkage of the chain of factors that affect the
nutritional problem. The problem tree is a useful tool to understand how various factors affect
In constructing a problem tree, the specific nutrition problem should be identified and agreed on
by the local nutrition committee. This can be followed by a brainstorming session on the possible
causes of the problem. These causes are then arranged and organized in to a tree.
As a rule, the topmost past of the tree contains the consequences of not attending to the chosen
nutritional problem. The layer under the box of the problem being considered is the immediate
cause of the problem. A series of whys can be answered to identify causes. For instance, “why are
children malnourished? Because food production is low. Why is food production low? Because
good seeds are inadequate”, etc.
In constructing the problem tree, the LNC may consider using the local dialect. This could allow a
better understanding and appreciation of the causality of the problem.
Figures 1 and 2 show sample problem trees. However, it is a modified problem tree and all
potential causes at the lower part of the tree are all listed in a box. Since this is a sample tree, the
LNC should review the causes in the list, and identify which ones are applicable in the LNC’s unique
situation. Those that are not applicable should be taken out of the list. Causes in addition to those
in the list may also be identified.
Guidelines on local nutrition planning
The results of the situational analysis should be used in prioritizing nutritional problems to be
addressed, areas and population groups to be targeted. It should also guide the selection and
design of nutrition interventions.
Poor quality of life
Death Illnesses Poor Poor Low
resistance learners in functional Unemployment and
to infection school literacy underemployment
children, <5 years
-Inadequate food -Poor infant and young child -Limited health supplies
production feeding practices
-Congested area
-Limited money to buy -Limited knowledge on child
food LGUs may remove or add item/s
care and maternal care
depending on their specific
LGUs may remove or LGUs may remove or add situation
add item/s depending item/s depending on their
on their specific specific situation
Guidelines on local nutrition planning
Figure 2. A sample modified problem tree for iodine deficiency among pregnant women
High unemployment/
Poor school
Iodine deficiency,
pregnant women
The next step is on setting the plan’s goal and outcome objectives.
The goal is a statement of what the LNC wants to achieve when the main problem is solved and the
consequences of the problem are lessened. An example of a goal is “Improved quality of life through
improved nutritional well-being”
The outcome objective(s) is a quantified statement of the desired change in the main problem
identified. In nutrition planning, improving the topmost box of the problem tree is selected as the
outcome objective.
In setting targets, the LNC can look at trend (percent decrease or increase) in the indicator in the past
three to five years and apply the trend in projecting the targeted prevalence. In some instances, the
trend in percentage decrease could be assumed to move faster as a result of the planned
Guidelines on local nutrition planning
Based on the situational analysis and the set goal and objectives, the LNC or LPCG should identify
what interventions will be implemented. Attachment 1 lists a range of interventions that can be
implemented to achieve certain objectives.
The LNC or LPCG could also prioritize the interventions using processes described in the nutrition
program management manual.
After the prioritization exercise, the LNC or LPCG should then develop the workplan for the selected
interventions using the matrix below.
Monitoring is the regular follow-up of the implementation of planned activities. It also involves
documentation of activities vis-à-vis the LNAP. It is also the systematic and continuous process of
following and keeping track of indicators in order to ensure that the project is proceeding according
to plan and provide basis for modifying the plan as necessary.
On the other hand, evaluation is the systematic assessment of effectiveness and efficiency of the
project achievements based on the set objectives.
Monitoring and evaluation are important processes in the nutrition program management cycle.
These processes provide information that will help make informed decision on program design and
adjustments to increase the chances of achieving set objectives.
However, in most instances, monitoring and evaluation are forgotten in the planning stage. Thus, the
LNC or LPCG should ensure that the LNAP includes plans for monitoring and evaluation. The matrix
below can be used for the purpose.
Guidelines on local nutrition planning
Province/City/Municipality: _________________________________
The following table lists sample indicators that can be considered for the monitoring and evaluation
Plan packaging
At this stage the write-up of the plan is prepared following the outline. The matrices form part of the
plan and are integrated in the appropriate section with the appropriate write-up that should provide
more information on the contents of the matrices.
The plan should be approved by LNC through a resolution that indicates such approval as well as a
commitment to translate the plan into action. All members of the LNC should sign the resolution as
an indication of ownership and commitment to operationalize the plan.
The plan can then be presented to the incoming local chief executive and the Sanggunian for the
approval as well.
To ensure that the LNAP is implemented, it should get the appropriate funding from the local
government. Along these lines, the Annual Investment Plan for Nutrition should be developed using
the form on the next page. Its entries should be based on the LNAP.
Guidelines on local nutrition planning
Province/City/Municipality: ______________________________________________
Performance Area: _____________________________________________________
AIP Program/ Lead Period of Expected Source Period of Implementation and Project Cost
Reference Project/ Agency Implementation Result of
Code Activity Starting Ending Funds Personnel MOOE Capital TOTAL
Date Date Services Outlay
The LNAP and AIP should be submitted to the LPDO for inclusion in the overall local development
plan, ELA, and AIP.
The plan should then be implemented by the LGU departments or offices, national agencies or
entities concerned. It may be adjusted in response to the evolving situation.
The plan should also be used as a tool for advocacy in engaging partners in its implementation.
Attachment 1
Attachment 2
Workshop Forms
General or
outcome objective
AIP Program/ Lead Period of Expected Source Period of Implementation and Project
Reference Project/ Agency implementation Result of Cost
Code Activity Starting Ending Funds Personnel MOOE Capital TOTAL
Date Date Services Outlay
Specific/ Output
Objective 1
WHEREAS, the Philippine Plan of Action for Nutrition (PPAN), 2017-2022 is the country’s framework for
nutrition action;
WHEREAS, the PPAN 2017-2022 contributes to the attainment of the goals of the Philippine
Development Plan, the Sustainable Development Goals, and ultimately Ambisyon Natin.
WHEREAS, one of the strategies to fully operationalize the PPAN 2017-2022 is the formulation of a
Regional Plan of Action for Nutrition (RPAN);
WHEREAS, the Central Luzon RPAN contains key elements expected to contribute to the attainment of
the PPAN 2017-2022 national goals and targets;
WHEREAS, the levels of undernutrition in the region have been continuously high throughout the years,
and based on the Updating of the Nutritional Status of Filipino Children and Other Population Groups
conducted by the Food and Nutrition Research Institute of the Department of Science and Technology
(FNRI-DOST) in 2015, the prevalence of underweight in Central Luzon is at 16.6%, stunting at 23.1% and
wasting at 7.5%. The Central Luzon RPAN 2019-2020 aims to address the key manifestations of
malnutrition such as undernutrition, overnutrition, micronutrient deficiencies and their causes following
the ASEAN Conceptual Validate Framework of Malnutrition;
WHEREAS, in full recognition of the nutritional problems and their dimensions during the planning
process, the Central Luzon RPAN, 2019-2022 identified a mix of interventions appropriate for the region
consisting of three distinct but complementing types of programs, such as nutrition-specific, nutrition-
sensitive and enabling management programs as defined in the PPAN program framework;
WHEREAS, the CL RPAN provides estimated budget requirements for each of the identified program and
projects cognizant to the actual GOP budget process. It also anticipates risks and threats by factoring
mitigating strategies and program adjustments, defines the institutional accountabilities to deliver
outputs and outcomes to include accountability for coordination with the rest of the RNC. It also lays
out the monitoring, reporting and evaluation mechanism necessary to determine progress of
implementation and extend of outcome targets achievement.
Resolution No. 1 Series of 2019
RESOLVED FURTHER, that we commit our departments or agencies or organizations to translate our
commitments into concrete activities and shall initiate efforts to implement these programs, projects
and activities within our respective agencies and include in our plans, budget for its implementation in
2019 and onwards.
RESOLVED FURTHER, for the National Nutrition Council Secretariat to coordinate and monitor the
actions leading to the implementation of this resolution and provide status report to the CL RNC
members during its quarterly meeting and to its NNC Central Office.
Attested by:
Resolution No. 1 Series of 2019
Resolution No. 2 Series of 2019
WHEREAS, the NNC Governing Board in its meeting on 21 February 2017 considered the government
workers on its nutrition programs pursuant to the Philippine Plan of Action for Nutrition 2017-2022.
Improved nutritional status among government workers will contribute to the efficiency in the
WHEREAS, the recommendation of the Governing Board is supported by the findings of the 7th and 8th
National Nutrition Surveys of the Department of Science and Technology-Food and Nutrition Research
Institute (DOST-FNRI) which showed that working adults with occupation categorized as officials,
professionals, and clerks, had high prevalence of overweight and obesity, hypertension, high fasting
blood glucose and high cholesterol; and with low physical activity as compared to other occupational
WHEREAS, research has shown that promoting health in the workplace provides benefits both to the
employees and to the organization which include increased productivity and reduced absenteeism,
enhanced self-esteem and improved morale, lower healthcare cost and improved positive image of the
employer organization;
WHEREAS, a nutrition program for government workers is consistent with the objectives and strategies
of the Philippine Plan of Action for Nutrition 2017-2022 particularly the nutrition specific programs on
Nutrition Promotion for Behavior Change Program and Overweight and Obesity Prevention and
Management Program; along with other existing policies and programs including the Pilipinas Go 4
Health program, National Occupational Health and Safety Policy Framework, Civil Service Commission
(CSC) Memo Circular No. 4, Series 2003 (Promotion of Good Nutrition in the Bureaucracy), among
1. The Department of Health Central Luzon Center for Health Development, together
with the NNC Secretariat shall facilitate the convening of an Inter-Agency Technical
Working Group (TWG) composed of:
The TWG shall finalize the design of the nutrition program and develop appropriate
guidelines and cause the approval and integration of such within the bureaucracy.
2. As members of the Central Luzon Regional Nutrition Committee, we shall initiate and
observe the four components of the nutrition programs for government workers, such
b. Healthy food and work environment, which include actions that provide a
healthy food and work environment and to enable healthy preferences such as
serving of healthy food and beverages in canteens, during on-site and off-site
meetings, seminars, events and other activities. Further, it will enable
employees have access to affordable and fresh farm produce such as
vegetables, fruits, dairy products and other items through collaboration with a
group of local farmers near the office; make safe drinking water freely
available in the workplace; establish and maintain food gardens as source of
fresh fruits and vegetables for employees;
Resolution No. 2 Series of 2019
ii. encouraging brisk walking or running within the office or going to and
from the office. The office may provide inexpensive gadgets that have
pedometers to implement the “10,000 steps a day” initiative; and
RESOLVED FURTHER, that as members of the Central Luzon Regional Nutrition Committee, we
shall initiate efforts to implement the nutrition program within our respective agencies and
include in our plan, budget for its implementation in 2019 and onwards.
RESOLVED FURTHER, for the National Nutrition Council Secretariat to coordinate and monitor
the actions leading to the implementation of this resolution and provide status report to the
CL RNC members during its quarterly meeting and to its NNC Central Office.
Attested by:
Resolution No. 3 Series of 2019
WHEREAS, the NNC issues policy statements in aid of legislation or to clarify prevailing issues
in nutrition and define the stand of the NNC in addressing such issues;
WHEREAS, one issue that has been identified by the NNC is the proliferation of fad diets, also
known as a crash diet or diet cult, that claim to result to rapid weight loss cause concern as
these may pose health and nutrition concern among Filipinos;
WHEREAS, several studies have proven that fad diets are nutritionally-imbalanced, challenging
to comply with in the long-run, induce stress, cause disease to certain organs, lack focus on
physical activity, and may have psychological implications;
WHEREAS, studies have shown that following a short dietary regimen is medically unsuitable
and unsustainable with many dieters failing in their dietary adherence and long-term
behavioral change, and may pose potential health risks;
WHEREAS, the Central Luzon Regional Nutrition Committee desires to protect the general
public against fad diets and provide guidance to nutrition and health practitioners in dealing
with people adhering to fad diets;
“Fad diets are not recommended for weight loss as it may pose potential health risk
and dangers. Instead, the NNC recommends the adherence to holistic, sustainable,
adequate, and nutritionally-balanced diet, complemented by an active lifestyle and
lifelong behavioral modifications. It is also the position of the NNC that individual
efforts to address overweight and obesity must complemented with population-
based interventions, particularly on the promotion of healthier food environments
and food systems and public awareness through behavior-change communications,
to prevent further increase in overweight and obesity prevalence in the country.”
RESOLVED FURTHER, that recommendations for a safe, healthy and holistic dietary, exercise,
and behavioral plan as key to long-term weight loss and improvement of overall health must
be advocated by nutritionist-dietitians ad other health professionals, both in private and public
practice in Central Luzon;
RESOLVED FURTHER, that to ensure that this policy statement is disseminated as widely as
possible to the general public, practitioners and health and nutrition workers and those in the
medical and allied professions in Central Luzon, the following commitments shall be adhered
Resolution No. 3 Series of 2019
RESOLVED FURTHER, that to ensure that this policy statement is disseminated as widely as
possible to the general public, practitioners and health and nutrition workers and those in the
medical and allied professions in Central Luzon, the following commitments shall be adhered
a. post in its websites and social media a copy of the policy statement on fad
b. issue memorandum circular to all their staff and all other concerned on the
potential health risks that fad diets pose; and
c. provide venue for discussion of the policy statement among its staff during
general assembly or as part of the agency-wide health and nutrition promotion
4. Department of the Interior and Local Government shall issue a Memorandum Circular
to all provincial governors, city/municipal mayors, DILG provincial and city directors,
cluster heads, City Local Government Operations Officers (LGOOs), Municipal LGOOs
and all other concerned to disseminate the policy statement and warn the public on
the potential health risk that fad diets pose;
5. National Economic and Development Authority shall include in the agenda of the
Regional Development Council meeting discussion on the policy statement on fad
diets; and for the Sub-Committee on Social Development to issue similar resolution for
adoption of its members;
Resolution No. 1 Series of 2019
b. organize a speakers bureau, in partnership with the DOH Central Luzon Center
for Health Development, composed of nutritionist-dietitians and other health
professionals who will be tapped as speakers on topics such as health,
nutrition, fad diets and related-topics during fora organized by agencies,
private organizations, among others; and
c. lead the monitoring of the dissemination of the policy statement and provide
status report to the RNC members during its quarterly meeting and to its NNC
Central Office.