Body Builder Instructions

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Body builder instructions

Volvo Truck Corporation

Göteborg, Sweden

Date Group Release Page

Supersedes VBI release 08 from 1.07.
Changes are marked with a bar (|) in the margin. 4.07 95 09 1(57)

Chapter 4, Electricity
Vehicle electronics

“Introduction” page 2
“Parameter information” page 3
“Vehicle Electronic Control Unit (VECU)” page 4
“Vehicle Electronic Control Unit, functions pinout” page 4
“Power take-off 1 (PTO1)” page 5
“Engine speed control, activation” page 8
“Body Builder Module (BBM)” page 10
“Location of the BBM components in the cab and in the chassis” page 11
“31-pin connector for bodywork” page 12
“Body builder module (BBM), pinout” page 14
“Power take-off control” page 16
“Examples, installations of PTO’s” page 21
“Engine speed control” page 22
“Engine low idle resume” page 29
“Engine speed limit” page 30
“Engine torque limit” page 31
“Road speed limit (second)” page 32
“Vehicle speed output” page 33
“Bus triggered output” page 35
“System warning” page 36
“Engine shut down” page 37
“Engine remote start” page 38
“Auto Neutral” page 42
“Split box – power take off” page 44
“Second Driver Interface” page 45
“Body builder CAN Gateway Function, according to SAE J1939” page 49
“Level control, air suspension” page 51
“Fleet management system (FMS) preparation kit” page 54

ENG25557.ihval English
Printed in Sweden
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Vehicle electronics
The electrical system is designed as a computer network.

Every truck has a number of control units, which

are connected to each other via data buses. All
communication is carried out through the data buses,
according to the standards SAE J1708/1587 and J1939.
Some control units are standard components, for example
vehicle control unit (VECU), light control module (LCM),
engine control unit (EECU) and the instrument cluster.
Others are mounted only when extra equipment is chosen
on the truck, for example control units for automatic
gearboxes (Powertronic, Geartronic and I-Shift) and
control unit for body builder features (BBM).

This type of electrical system has fewer components,

sensors and cables compared to a conventional electrical
system. A large amount of information is available on the
data buses, which the body builder can utilise to operate
and regulate functions, for example power take-off,
pre-set engine speed and engine shut down.
In order to utilise the body builder features effectively, the
variants and components are described on the following

It is strictly forbidden to connect to the CAN-buses
(1–3). This could severely affect the drivability.
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Parameter information
The functions are possible to tailor make by changing the
values of the software parameters.

Some parameters are given a pre-set value, and other

parameters are delivered deactivated from the factory
and have to be activated and given a desired value. This
is carried out using the Volvo tools VCADS-Pro (see
screen-dump below) or Body Builder Pro.

The parameters are divided into two different categories:

• Vehicle parameters. Can only be modified by
connection to the Volvo vehicle database, VDA. The
tool is connected to the truck diagnosis connector,
located above the clutch pedal (see illustration).

• Customer parameters. Can be modified directly. If T3009445

the body builder is not able to program the parameters

himself, they can ask a dealer for help.


Screen-dump VCADS-Pro
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Vehicle Electronic Control Unit (VECU)

Vehicle Electronic Control Unit (VECU) is a standard
control unit. It is prepared to control one Power Take Off
If more than one PTO is necessary a control unit for
body builder, called Body Builder Module (BBM), must
be installed.

Connector PA and PB, pinout


Connector seen from wire side

PA = Green, PB = Blue

Vehicle Electronic Control Unit, functions pinout

DI H=Ubat input, DI L= Ground Input, DO H= Ubat output,
DO L= Ground Output.

Connector PA (green) Connector PB (blue)

PA 29 PTO enable switch (DI H) Input signal to PB 16 PTO out 1 (DO L) Signal to activate a Pto
engage PTO out. If parameter AZH is set soleniod valve.Parameters. QP, ANE, AND,
to “Yes” this input signal also engages ANF, DA, DB AZG, AZH, XP, XM, XN, XO.
high idle (resume speed) (max load 0,5 A)
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Power take-off 1 (PTO1)

This section describes the functionality of the Vehicle
Electronic Control Unit (VECU) controlled “Power Take
Off 1” (PTO1).
The VECU can control one PTO only. If more PTO’s the
Body Builder Module (BBM) must be installed.

PTO out 1, activation of PTO1

The following conditions must be fulfilled during the whole
PTO session:

• QP and XO shall always be “Yes”

• PTO switch is in the ON-position; PtoEnableSwitch

The value of the parameter code XN describes which

PTO-type the VECU manages. The parameter can take
the values:

• Transmission PTO #1
Automatic gearbox: If an automatic gearbox (with
transmission mounted PTO) is installed the TECU
(Transmission Control Unit) activates the output.
Manual gearbox: If a manual gearbox is installed the
VECU activates the output.

• Transmission PTO #2. Second transmission power

take-off (controlled from BBM) can be set to the same
function as Transmission PTO #1.

• Engine PTO #1. If engine PTO is mounted, the VECU

activates the output.

• Engine PTO #2. The same function as Engine PTO #1.

Common to all values of parameter code XN:

Before the output is set for the first time PtoEnableSwitch
(S28A) must have been inactivated at least once.

When the truck is delivered from factory with a PTO

mounted, the parameter code XN is set to the right
value for the PTO that is mounted. (See parameter XN
If engine speed control and PTO are both active and
the PTO is deactivated, engine speed control is also

If engine speed control and PTO are both active and the
engine speed control is deactivated, the PTO stays active.
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PTO in I-Shift gearboxes
Note: The information in this section is only valid
for vehicles equipped with I-Shift gearbox (except
V2412IS) in combination with the variant APF-ENH.

To update a vehicle to variant APF-ENH (Enhanced

I-shift PTO functions), a conversion kit (part no
85109624) can be ordered from Volvo Parts.

To large engine PTO loads can cause gear shift problems.

To avoid this, engine PTO loads while driving should be
limited to:
• 300 Nm, for D13.
• 200 Nm, for D9.

Larger engine PTO loads are allowed for a vehicle while

standing still or driving on the start gear without shifting.

When driving with a gearbox mounted PTO engaged, the

gearbox will not change gear.

When engine speed limitations are active, the I-shift

gearbox will adapt the gear selection strategy to active
engine speed limitation.

When the truck is delivered from factory with PTER1300,

PTER1400 or variable HPE-pump, a switch is mounted
that can be used to control PTO-realated equipment
(max. load 1A). This switch will also bring the engine
ECU in PTO-mode.

PTO without electrical control

To secure good gear selection and gearshift, the

Transmission Electronic Control Unit (TECU) must
estimate how much of the engine torque that is used to
propel the vehicle and how much that is consumed by
other loads (PTO:s). To do this, the TECU must know
when the engine torque can be present.
As default, the TECU assumes that engine PTO is present
when any of the engine PTO buttons are activated. When
parameter GJJ is set to Yes, it will assume that engine
PTO can always be present.

For related parameters, see table 2.

Gearbox mounted PTO

For I-Shift gearboxes it is possible to set parameter codes

that defines which split gear to engage when transmission
power take off 1 and 2 are engaged. Those parameter
codes are located in the TECU.

For related parameters, see table 2.

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Parameters PTO out 1 (DO L on PB 16)
Table 1 shows the parameter settings for all gearboxes.

Parameter Description Min Default Max Unit

code value
QP PTO basic function enable Yes Yes/No
XO Activate PTO out 1 output from vehicle control unit. Yes Yes/No
Enables the output signal on Pin PB 16 and shall
always be “Yes”.
XM PTO out 1 engage condition Parking Brake. No Yes/No
The parking brake must be applied if XM is set to “Yes”
XN PTO out 1 mount 1 Engine Transm. #1
#1 Transm. #2
Note: If there are two PTO on the engine or gearbox Engine #1
they need to have different # numbers. Engine #2
DXM Engine speed limit enable PTO out 1 No=std. Yes/No
(can not be used in trucks with engine D16C and BBM (yes) 2
DWN Max engine speed PTO out 1 500 2500=std 2500 r/min
(can not be used in trucks with engine D16C and BBM (1700,
installed) 2000) 2

When trucks without BBM are delivered from factory with a gearbox mounted PTO, parameter XN will be Transmission #1 (Without BBM =
UELCE-PK & USPEED-DU). Trucks delivered with PTO-types PTRD-D1 or PRTD-D2 will have parameter XN set to "Transmission #2".
When truck is delivered from factory with an engine mounted HPE-pump, the engine speed limitation will be active, when the pump is
engaged. Depending on which pump is mounted, the engine speed limitation is set to 1700 or 2000rpm. 2000 rpm 9–lit. with HPE-F41
to F61 and HPE-V45 to 75. 1700 rpm for all other HPE-pumps
Table 2 shows the parameter settings valid only for
I-Shift gearboxes (except V2412IS) in combination
with the variant APF-ENH.

LS = Low Split gear, HS = High Split gear

Selectable = For time being actual split gear (can be
changed with the shift button on the shift gear)

Parameter Description Min Default Max Unit

code value
GJJ Assume that Engine Power Take Off loads can be No Yes/No
present also when engine PTO buttons are in off
GJG Decides how the split gear is handled when Selecta- LS/HS/Se-
Transmission PTO #1 is engaged. ble lectable
GJH Decides how the split gear is handled when Selecta- LS/HS/Se-
Transmission PTO #2 is engaged. ble lectable

PB 16 PTO out 1 Signal (DO L) to activate a Pto PA 29 PTOEnableSwitch (DI H) Input signal to
solenoid valve. Parameters. QP, XM, XN, engage PTO out. If parameter AZH is set to
XO. (max load 0,5 A) “Yes” this input signal also engages high idle
(resume speed)
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Engine speed control, activation
Engine speed can be controlled via the cruise control
(CC) switches.

Requirement is that the cruise control switch is in


The activation or inactivation of the engine speed control

can be set to depend on the brake pedal or the clutch

When any of the switches (CC set+ or CC set switch) are

depressed the current engine speed will be recorded as a
reference speed if it is within the valid range, parameter
codes ANF - AND. If the current engine speed is outside
the limits, the closest limit will be used instead.

The current engine speed can be raised by pressing

the accelerator pedal prior to activating any of the CC
set switches and thereby achieve the desired reference

If the switch is activated for longer than 0,5 second a

trim ramp message will be sent. This will continue as
long as the switch is held and the engine speed is within
parameter codes ANF - AND. When the switch is released
the current engine speed will be recorded as a reference

Depressing the RESUME switch.

When activating the RESUME switch, parameter code

ANE will be set as a reference speed.

To adjust the reference engine speed when engine speed

management function is active there are two possibilities:

• Use the accelerator pedal to obtain the desired speed

and then press the CC set+ or CC set- switch. The
current engine speed will thereby be set as a reference

• Depress the CC set+/- switch.

In this case an activation will cause the reference
speed to be increased/decreased by 50 rpm. An
activation longer than 0,5 seconds will cause the same
ramp behaviour as mentioned before.
A number of consecutive short activations will cause the
reference speed to be increased/decreased proportionally,
i.e. ten activations will lead to the new reference speed
being set to the old reference speed + 50 rpm.

If the engine, due to a heavy load, can’t follow the

requested target value it will still be requested until a new
value is recorded.
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Parameters engine speed control, (DI H on PA 29)
Parameter Description Min Default Max Unit
code value
ANE Engine resume speed 500 1000 2500 r/min
(Engine speed when using the resume button. If AZH
is set to “Yes” this will be the set value.)
AND Max engine speed 750 2500 2500 r/min
(Max engine speed that can be adjusted with SET +,-

Note: This limit do not limit the engine speed if the

accelerator pedal is used.
ANF Min engine speed 500 750 2500 r/min
(Min engine speed that can be adjusted with SET +,-
DA Max vehicle speed 0 12 15 km/h
(Turns high idle off, above this speed, the PTO output (30)
signal will still be active)
If DA is set to 16–30: BL must be higher than DA and
lower than BK.
DB Min vehicle speed 2 5 30 km/h
(This functions is used together with automatic
gearboxes. When the gear lever is not in neutral the
speed have to be over this value to engage engine
speed control.)
AZG High idle engagement condition parking brake. No Yes/No
AZH Activate high idle from PTO switch to receive “Engine No Yes/No
resume speed” without using the resume button.
XP High idle disengagement condition brake pedal. Yes Yes/No
BYR Clutch pedal position — to enable activation of engine 2 0=condi-
speed control. tion not
BYT Clutch pedal position — to disable engine speed 2 0=condi-
control when engine speed control active. tion not

PA 29 PTO enable switch (DI H) Input signal
to engage PTO out. If parameter AZH
is set to “Yes” this input signal also
engages high idle (resume speed)
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Body Builder Module (BBM)

The Body Builder Module (BBM) is a control unit unique
for body builders. BBM must be ordered together with
the vehicle.

To equip the vehicle with the BBM, a variant named

ELCE-CK or SPEED-DU must be chosen when specifying
the truck. This variant includes a special set-up with
BBM in the vehicle electronic control unit (VECU). Wire
harness are routed from the BBM to a 31-pin connector in
the chassis frame rail. For detailed information about the
31-pin body builder’s connector, see the following table.
In the BBM, there are a number of adjustable parameters.
To be able to adjust or modify those parameters, the Volvo
tool VCADS-Pro or Body Builder Pro has to be used.

Not all products are supported by all parameters. Please

refer to each function.


Connector BBA and BBB, pinout


Connector seen from wire side

BBA = Orange, BBB = White
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Location of the BBM components in the cab and in the chassis
On the left hand side frame rail, there is a 31-pin
connector (X06) with pre-routed wires to be used for
bodywork. The configuration of the pins are shown in the
table on the next page.


The BBM components:

1 The Body builder module (BBM), (located below

the Fuse and Relay Centre)

2 Body builder electrical centre

3 The 31-pin connector (X06) for the body builder

in the chassis/frame-rail
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31-pin connector for bodywork
(X06) information about the switch connections, please refer
to wiring diagram NA.
Pinout functions with variant AUXW-6 (without BBM),
ELCE-CK (BBM) or SPEED-DU (BBM). For further Note: It is possible to move wires on the BBM from
unused functions to wanted ones.

The table is presented on two pages.

Pin AUXSW-6 ELCE-CK SPEED_DU Circuit El. feature Note
no. (truck ordered (truck ordered
with 6 extra with BBM)
1 x x Plus voltage for rem. Plus. Fused
start 15A
2 x Switch (S79A, pin 2) max. cont.
via relay load 12A
3 x Switch (S79A, pin 4) max. load 1 A
4 x Switch (S79B, pin 2) max. cont. Reachable
via relay load 12A also in trailer
conn.pos. 9
5 x Switch (S79B, pin 4) max. load 1A
6 x Switch (S19, pin 2) via max. cont. Reachable
relay load 12A also in trailer
conn.pos. 10
7 x x Neutral switch for
manual gearbox
8 x Switch (S76, pin 2) max. load 1A
9 x Forced low idle input (+)
x Engine speed limit digital input
10 x x Plus voltage for BBM output max.
inputs 70mA
11 x Reverse lamps max. cont.
load 12A
12 x Park. lights, kl. 58 max. cont.
load 12A
13 x x Engine Speed mode 1 input (+)
14 x x Engine Speed mode 2 input (+)
15 x Set + input (+)
x Engine speed mode 3 input (+)
16 x Set - input (+)
x Road speed limit 2 input (-)
17 x x Engine shut down input (+)
18 x Switch (S83, pin 2) via relay Reachable
also in trailer
conn. pos. 12
19 x Earth conn. max. 20 A
20 x Road speed limit 2 input (-)
x CAN-bus, SAE
21 x Engine speed limit input (+)
x CAN-bus, SAE
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Remote engine start
Not used
Earth conn.
Not used
Not used
Not used
Earth conn.
Earth conn.
Input (+)

Max 20A

Max 20A
Max 16A
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Body builder module (BBM), pinout
Note: EMS2 is used on all engines except D16C and all
D12 engines.

Note: To fully understand the description shown in the

table you must know following:
DI H=Digital input (from specified supply), DI L=Ground
Input, DO H=Ubat output, DO L=Ground Output.

The table is presented on two pages.

BBA (orange) BBB (white)
BBA 1 Engine Speed: Decrease (DI H) Parameters BBB 1 Engine Remote Start Enable (DO L) Gives an
IF. Engine speed mode 1,2,3, or 4 has to be output low signal when the criteria in parameter
engaged to be able to Decrease engine RPM ZV, ZU are fulfilled. Parameters ZV, ZU (nom
load 0,5 A, max load 1A) D16C.
BBA 2 Engine Speed: Increase (DI H) Parameters BBB 2 PTO Out 2 (DO L) Signal to activate a Pto
IF. Engine speed mode 1,2,3,or 4 has to be soleniod valve. Parameters. YW, YV, YU, YZ, YT,
engaged to be able to increase engine RPM YY, YX, ZA, ZB, (nom load 0,5 A, max load 2A)
BBA 3 Engine Speed mode 3 (DI H) (A pre set engine BBB 3 PTO Out 3 (DO L) Signal to activate a Pto
rpm connected to a number of parameters) IE, soleniod valve. Parameters ZF, ZE, ZD, ZI, ZC,
HD, HJ, BRT, BRX, HV, YL, HG, IB, DC, AA ZH, ZG, ZJ, ZK, (nom load 0,5 A, max load 1A)
BBA 4 Engine Speed mode 1 (DI H) (A pre set engine BBB 4 PTO Out 4 (DO L) Signal to activate a Pto
rpm connected to a number of parameters) IC, soleniod valve. Parameters ZO, ZN, ZM, ZR, ZL,
HB, HH, BRR, BRV, HT, YJ, HZ, E, AA, DC ZQ, ZP, ZS, ZT. (nom load 0,5 A, max load 1A)
BBA5 Engine Speed mode 4 (DI H) (A pre set engine BBB 5 Output supply 24 volt supply to be used for input
rpm connected to a number of parameters), YO, signals (nom load 70 mA)
BBA 6 Engine Shut down (DI H, NO) No related BBB 6 Not used
parameters. Engine stops on digital high input
BBA 7 Low Idle resume (DI H) Resumes the engine BBB 7 Not used
speed to low idle, on input and below a vehicle
speed. Parameters AIM, AIC.
BBA 8 Auto Neutral (DI H) Parameters AHX, BRO, BBB 8 Not used
BBA 9 Extra gear selector, forward gear (DI H). BBB 9 2:nd Throttle (AI) Signal input from a 2:nd
Parameter AIB. throttle. Parameters EE, ZX, GO, ZZ, ZY
BBA 10 Extra gear selector, neutral (DI H). Parameter BBB 10 Analog supply (5 volt supply for 2:nd throttle)
BBA 11 Not used BBB 11 Not used
BBA 12 ECU gnd (earth connection) BBB 12 2:nd Throttle Enable (DI L) Input signal when
2:nd Throttle should be used.
BBA 13 Ubat (battery supply) BBB 13 Not used
BBA 14 Not used BBB 14 Not used
BBA 15 CAN-4 H Bodybuilder control link, Parameters BBB 15 Not used
BBA 16 CAN-4 L Bodybuilder control link, Parameters BBB 16 Warning Out (DO L) Signal out if a
AET, AEU warningmessage is received from the data link,
one or several messages trigger this output
Parameters, (nom load 0,5 A, max load 1A)AEI,
BBA 17 Engine Speed Limit (DI H) Parameters GU, GQ BBB 17 Not used
BBA 18 PTO 2 Dash Switch (DI H) Input signal to BBB 18 Bus triggered Out (DO L) Signal out if a message
activate PTO out 2 see info on pin BBB 2 is received from the data link Parameters AHZ,
ADA, ADB, ADC (max load 0,5 A)
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BBA 19

BBA 20

BBA 21

BBA 22
BBA 23
BBA 24
PTO 3 Dash Switch (DI H) Input signal to
activate PTO out 3 see info on pin BBB 3
PTO 4 Dash Switch (DI H) Input signal to
activate PTO out 4 see info on pin BBB 4
Extra gear selector, reverse (DI H). Parameter

Not used
Engine Remote Start (DI H) EMS2
Neutral Gear (DI L) Input signal from a switch
on a manual gearbox that gives a signal when
BBB 19

BBB 20

BBB 21

BBB 22
BBB 23
BBB 24
Output supply 24 volt supply to be used for input
signals (max load 70 mA)
Not used

Engine Speed Mode 2 (DI H) (A pre set engine

rpm connected to a number of parameters) IF,
Analog Ground connection for 2:nd throttle
Analog Ground connection for 2:nd throttle
Not used

the gear is in neutral. Parameters ZN, ZE, YV,

BBA 25 Engine Torque Limit (DI L) Parameters GW, GR BBB 25 Output supply (8 volt supply max load 15 mA)
BBA 26 Road Speed Limit 2 (DI L) Input signal to BBB 26 Analog supply (5 volt supply for 2:nd throttle)
activate extra roadspeed limit. Parameters GV,
BBA 27 Engine Shut Down (DI L, NC) Engine stops BBB 27 Not used
when the low input signal is taken away.
Parameter IL
BBA 28 Low Split (DI L) Inputsignal from a switch on a BBB 28 Speed Output (H) C3 signal or High signal (DO
manual gearbox that gives a signal when the H). Parameters GT,SD, LV (max load 2 A)
gear is in low split. Parameters YW, ZF, ZO.
BBA 29 Split Box PTO (DI H) Input signal from a switch BBB 29 Not used
on a splitbox that gives a signal when the
splitbox is in use. Parameter BRQ
BBA 30 Not used BBB 30 Idle Validation Switch 2:nd Throttle (DI H) Idle
validate switch on 2:nd throttle. Only used when
a Volvo standard accelerator pedal is used.
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Power take-off control

This section describes the BBM functionality Power
take-off control. With this function it is in a configurable
way possible to control the engaging of PTO equipment.
Three equal blocks are accessible for set-up: PTO out
2, PTO out 3 and PTO out 4. (PTO out X will represent
them in the following text).

Maximum four PTO can be set up with individually entry

conditions, one in VECU and three in BBM. Both engine
and transmission PTO can coexist.
Refer to page for wiring scheme on “Examples,
installations of PTO’s” page 21

For PTO in I-shift gearboxes (except V2412IS) in

combination with the variant APF-ENH, please refer
to “Power take-off 1 (PTO1)” page 5.

Each PTO must have different values on parameter:
“PTO Out mount” (ZA, ZJ or ZS).
VECU is using Engine #1 as default setting, when the
truck is factory built without PTO (see PTO_out 1).

Three different inputs are available for controlling the

engaging of the PTO equipment. They have each equal
parameter set up.
The value on parameter: “PTO Out mount” (ZA, ZJ or
ZS), which corresponds to PTO OutX, is used to identify
for TECU and EECU where the actual PTO is installed.
The parameter can take the values:

• Transmission PTO#1.
• Transmission PTO#2.
• Engine PTO#1.
• Engine PTO#2.
• None

If transmission PTO is installed:

• Manual gearbox
If a manual gearbox is installed the PTO can be
activated by BBM, PTO OutX. The parameter shall be
set to Transmission PTO#1 or 2.

• Automatic gearbox
If an automatic gearbox is installed the PTO is
not activated by BBM, PTO OutX. Instead one of
TECU’s outputs is activating the PTO. In this case the
parameter shall be set to Transmission PTO#1 or 2.
Note that BBM when the entry conditions are fulfilled
always activates PTO OutX, even though an automatic
gearbox is present, and therefore nothing should be
connected to the output. In that case the information in
parameter: “PTO Out mount” (ZA, ZJ or ZS) acts as
request to TECU that one of their PTO outputs should
be activated.
If engine PTO is installed:

• Engine PTO can be activated by BBM, PTO out X. The

parameter shall be set to Engine PTO#1 or PTO#2.
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Level or edge trig is set by parameter: “PTO Out engage Edge trig, description
condition edge trig” (YT, ZC or ZL).
When Edge trig is set to “Yes”:
If the function shall be reactivated, after that some of
CAUTION the criterias not have been fulfilled. Must the dash
switch be set off → on. This reactivates the function.
The edge trig parameter shall always be set to“Yes”
when controlling a gearbox mounted PTO on a manual When Edge trig is set to “No”:
gearbox. The function is activated when all criterias are fulfilled.
Without demands on the dash switch to be set off → on.
Mandatory conditions:

• PTOX Dash Switch activated.

• Engine speed above (parameter: “PTO Out engage

condition engine speed above” (YX, ZG or ZP) for
more than two seconds.
Note: After two seconds this criteria is not used.

• Engine speed below (YY, ZH or ZQ) see following


• Vehicle speed below (YZ, ZI or ZR) see following


PTO, protection against high engine speed

During the PTO out active it is possible to limit the engine
speed by setting parameter: “PTO out engine speed limit”
(ZB, ZK or ZT) to “Yes”. The engine speed will then be
limited to the value set in parameter: “PTO Out engage
condition engine speed below” (YY, ZH or ZQ).

If any of the conditions stated in the above entry
conditions not are fulfilled, with exception for YY when
ZB is set to “No”
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Parameters PTO out 2 (DI H on BBA 18)
Note: DI H=Digital input (from specified supply), DI
L=Ground Input, DO H=Ubat output, DO L=Ground

For parameters and information specific for I-shift

gearboxes (except V2412IS) in combination with the
variant APF-ENH , please refer to “Power take-off 1
(PTO1)” page 5.

Parameter Description Min Default Max Unit

code value
YW PTO Out 2 engage condition Gear in Low Split. No Yes/No
YV PTO Out 2 engage condition Gear in Neutral. No Yes/No

Note: To use this function on manual gearboxes, a

neutral switch has to be mounted.
YU PTO Out 2 engage condition Parking Brake applied. No Yes/No
YZ PTO Out 2 engage condition vehicle speed below 2 90 250 km/h
YT PTO Out 2 engage condition edge trig Yes Yes/No
YY Max Engine Speed PTO Out 2. 700 2500 2500 r/min
If ZB is set to “No” this parameter will give another (1700
functionality. To get a PTO Out signal, the engine or 2000
speed has to be lower than this value. when
built with
See page
YX PTO Out 2 engage condition engine speed above 300 500 700 r/min
(To get a PTO Out signal, the engine speed has to
be higher than this value for 2 seconds on start up
of function.
I.E to prevent the engine from stopping if the load
is to high)
ZA PTO Out 2 mount. Engine #2 Transm.#1
If there is two PTO on the engine or gearbox they Transm.#2
need to have different # number. When a truck with Engine#1
BBM is factory built with a gearbox mounted PTO, Engine#2
parameter ZA will be “Transmission #1”. (With BBM = None
ZB PTO out 2 engine speed limit Yes Yes/No
(Limiting the engine speed when using PTO out 2. If
this is active the value is adjusted with YY)

Description BBA 28 Low Split (DI L) Input signal from a

switch on a manual gearbox that gives
BBA 18 PTO 2 Dash Switch (DI H) Input signal
a signal when the gear is in low split.
to activate PTO out 2 see info on pin
Parameters YW, ZF, ZO.
BBA 24 Neutral Gear (DI L) Input signal from a
BBB 2 PTO Out 2 (DO L) Signal to activate a
switch on a manual gearbox that gives
PTO solenoid valve. Parameters. YW,
a signal when the gear is in neutral.
YV, YU, YZ, YT, YY, YX, ZA, ZB, (nom
Parameters ZN, ZE, YV, ZV.
load 0,5 A, max load 2A)
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Body builder instructions 4.07 95 09 19(57)

Parameters PTO out 3 (DI H on BBA 19)
Note: DI H=Digital input (from specified supply), DI
L=Ground Input, DO H=Ubat output, DO L=Ground

For parameters and information specific for I-shift

gearboxes (except V2412IS) in combination with the
variant APF-ENH , please refer to “Power take-off 1
(PTO1)” page 5.

Parameter Description Min Default Max Unit

code value
ZF PTO Out 3 engage condition Gear in Low Split. No Yes/No
ZE PTO Out 3 engage condition Gear in Neutral No Yes/No

Note: To use this function on manual gearboxes, a

neutral switch has to be mounted.
ZD PTO Out 3 engage condition Parking brake applied No Yes/No
ZI PTO Out 3 engage condition vehicle speed below 2 90 250 km/h
ZC PTO Out 3 engage condition edge trig Yes Yes/No
ZH Max Engine Speed PTO Out 3. 700 2500 2500 r/min
If ZK is set to “No”this parameter will give another
functionality. To get a PTO Out signal, the engine
speed has to be lower than this value.
ZG PTO Out 3 engage condition engine speed above 300 500 700 r/min
(To get a PTO engaged signal, the engine speed
has to be higher than this value for 2 seconds on
start up of function.
I.E to prevent the engine from stopping if the load
is to high )
ZJ PTO Out 3 mount Transm. Transm.#1
(Transm.#1,#2= PTO on gearbox. Engine #1,#2 = #1 Transm.#2
PTO on engine. Engine#1
If there is two PTO on the engine or gearbox they Engine#2
have to have different # number. When a truck with None
BBM is factory built with a gearbox mounted PTO,
parameter ZJ will be “none”.
ZK PTO out 3 engine speed limit Yes Yes/No
(Limiting the engine speed when using PTO out 3. If
this is active the value is adjusted with ZH)

Description BBA 28 Low Split (DI L) Input signal from a

switch on a manual gearbox that gives
BBA 19 PTO 3 Dash Switch (DI H) Input signal
a signal when the gear is in low split.
to activate PTO out 3 see info on pin
Parameters YW, ZF, ZO.
BBA 24 Neutral Gear (DI L) Input signal from a
BBB 3 PTO Out 3 PTO Out 3 (DO L) Signal
switch on a manual gearbox that gives
to activate a PTO solenoid valve.
a signal when the gear is in neutral.
Parameters ZF, ZE, ZD, ZI, ZC, ZH, ZG,
Parameters ZN, ZE, YV, ZV.
ZJ, ZK, (nom load 0,5 A, max load 1A)
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Body builder instructions 4.07 95 09 20(57)

Parameters PTO out 4 (DI H on BBA 20)
Note: DI H=Digital input (from specified supply), DI
L=Ground Input, DO H=Ubat output, DO L=Ground

For parameters and information specific for I-shift

gearboxes (except V2412IS) in combination with the
variant APF-ENH , please refer to “Power take-off 1
(PTO1)” page 5.

Parameter Description Min Default Max Unit

code value
ZO PTO Out 4 engage condition Gear in Low Split. No Yes/No
ZN PTO Out 4 engage condition Gear in Neutral No Yes/No

Note: To use this function on manual gearboxes, a

neutral switch has to be mounted.
ZM PTO Out 4 engage condition Parking Brake applied No Yes/No
ZR PTO Out 4 engage condition vehicle speed below 2 90 250 km/h
ZL PTO Out 4 engage condition edge trig Yes Yes/No
ZQ Max Engine Speed PTO Out 4. 700 2500 2500 r/min
If ZT is set to “No”this parameter will give another
functionality. To get a PTO Out signal, the engine
speed has to be lower than this value.
ZP PTO Out 4 engage condition engine speed above 300 500 700 r/min
(To get a PTO engaged signal, the engine speed
has to be higher than this value for 2 seconds on
start up of function. I.E to prevent the engine from
stopping if the load is to high)
ZS PTO Out 4 mount (Transm.#1,#2= PTO on gearbox. Transm. Transm.#1
Engine #1,#2 = PTO on engine. If there is two PTO #2 Transm.#2
on the engine or gearbox they have to have different Engine#1
# number. When a truck with BBM is factory built Engine#2
with a gearbox mounted PTO, parameter ZS will None
be “none”.
ZT PTO out 4 engine speed limit (Limiting the engine Yes Yes/No
speed when using PTO out 4. If this is active the
value is adjusted with ZQ)

BBA 20 PTO 4 Dash Switch (DI H) Input signal
to activate PTO out 4 see info on pin
BBB 4 PTO Out 4 (DO L) Signal to activate a
Pto solenoid valve. Parameters ZO, ZN,
ZM, ZR, ZL, ZQ, ZP, ZS, ZT. (nom load
0,5 A, max load 1A)
BBA 28 Low Split (DI L) Input signal from a
switch on a manual gearbox that gives
a signal when the gear is in low split.
Parameters YW, ZF, ZO.
BBA 24 Neutral Gear (DI L) Input signal from a
switch on a manual gearbox that gives
a signal when the gear is in neutral.
Parameters ZN, ZE, YV, ZV.
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Body builder instructions 4.07 95 09 21(57)

Examples, installations of PTO’s


A Wires for the first PTO, VECU-PTO are prepared in all C Gearbox mounted PTO on automatic gearboxes.
trucks Always connect from TECU. Y18H is used instead of
• Engine mounted as default.
D Wires for PTO2, BBM-PTO are prepared when BBM is
• Gearbox mounted on manual gearboxes
ordered. Gearbox mounted on manual gearboxes, engine
• Clutch independent mounted or cluth independent.
B Gearbox mounted PTO on automatic gearboxes. E or F Wires for PTO3–4 has to be routed by the Body
Always connect from TECU. Y18G alt. Y18B is used builder.
instead of Y18A.
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Body builder instructions 4.07 95 09 22(57)

Engine speed control

Engine speed mode 1, 2, 3 and 4, function
This section describes the BBM functionality Engine
Speed Control.
Engine Speed Control gives access to four equal set
up blocks which render control of the engine speed in
a configurable way, to control the engine speed during
operation of PTO equipment.

When any of the engine speed modes are active, the

pre-set value can be adjusted, up or down with SET+ or –
buttons according to the wiring diagram on next page.
Installation example: A rotary switch is used to switch
between the engine speed modes 1–4.


Note: In this example some wires at the BBM has been

moved to other positions, in order to connect the cable
harness to X06 the best way.

When activating the digital input Engine Speed ModeX
the corresponding Engine Speed ModeX set-up will
become active, if the selected conditions are fulfilled. If
more than one input Engine Speed ModeX is activated
and the respective conditions for several modes are
fulfilled, the one that was first activated will be the one
that gets the priority.

Parameter: “Engine Speed Mode enable” (IC, ID, IE or Edge trig, description
Y0) will enable the Engine Speed ModeX set-up.
Then when the input Engine Speed ModeX is activated When Edge trig is set to “Yes”:
the engine speed will be set to the value in parameter: If the function shall be reactivated, after that some of
“Engine Speed Mode, Engine resume speed” (HB, HC, the criterias not have been fulfilled, the dash switch
HD, YN). The value in parameter: “Engine Speed Mode, must be set off → on.
Engine resume speed” (HB, HC, HD, YN) must be set When Edge trig is set to“ No”:
within the interval parameter: “Engine Speed Mode max The function is activated when all criterias are fulfilled.
engine speed set” (DC, AA). Without demands on the dash switch to be set off → on.
Parameter: “Engine Speed Mode, Edge trig” (YJ, YK, YL
or YM).
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Engine speed control, suggestion 1 (stepless)


Note: One of the engine speed modes must be

selected (activated) before adjustments with set +
and set – can be carried out.

A = Switch to activate, engine speed mode

B = Set +, engine speed increase
C = Set -, engine speed decline
Volvo Truck Corporation Date Group Release Page
Body builder instructions 4.07 95 09 24(57)

Entry/exit ramp to the engine speed modes
For each engine speed mode there is a parameter:“Engine
speed ramp enable” (HZ, IA, IB, or YS). If the entry
conditions are fulfilled this parameter decides with what
rate the engine speed shall be changed in order to
achieve the target speed. Whenever the current mode
is left the same ramp will be used to ramp up/down the
engine speed to the target value.

The BBM will continue sending the ramp until the required
target speed is accomplished. It is possible to vary the
ramp between 1 to 250 rpm per second. If parameter:
“PTO Engine speed ramp enable” (HZ, IA, IB or YS) is set
to zero the target speed will be achieved via steps of each
250rpm. instead of ramp.

If the condition for the current mode becomes invalid

before the target value is reached, there will be an
immediate change to exit ramp. As soon as the exit ramp
has started it is possible to enter one of the other modes
or the same again, provided that an edge is detected.

It is possible to deactivate Engine Speed Control
with a delay before the function is left. The delay is
programmable between 1 to 10 seconds via parameter:
“Engine speed mode idle return delay” (HE, HF, HG or
If parameter is set to zero the target speed will be
achieved immediately via step. As soon as the delaying
has started it is possible to enter one of the other modes or
the same mode again, provided that an edge is detected.
This means that the ongoing delay does not have to
be terminated. If the conditions for the current mode
becomes invalid before the target value is reached and
the delay is enabled for this mode no delay will take place.

To adjust the engine speed when the function BBM Engine 1 Depress the BBM input switches Engine Speed
Speed Control is active there are three possibilities. If the increase or decrease (installed by the body builder
engine due to heavy load can not follow the requested marked B and C i wiring diagram Engine speed
target value it will still be requested until the new value control, suggestion 1 (stepless). Activation will cause
is recorded. the reference speed to be increased or decreased with
the value set in parameter IF. It is possible to adjust
within the interval “PTO max engine speed set” (DC,
AA) and the ramp can be varied between 1 to 250 rpm
per second.

2 Depress the VECU input switches CC set+ or CC set-.

Then using the CC set+/- switches the limits within it is
possible to adjust is controlled by VECU parameters
ANF default value 500 rpm and AND default value
2500 rpm.

3 Use the accelerator pedal to obtain the desired engine

speed and then press the CC set+ or CC set- switch.
The current engine speed will hereby be set as PTO
reference speed.
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Body builder instructions 4.07 95 09 25(57)

Mandatory conditions:
1 Parameter “Engine speed mode enable” (IC, ID, IE or
YO) = “Yes”

2 Digital input Engine Speed ModeX switch is activated.

If positive edge is chosen as electrical condition for
activating the input, it must have been deactivated at
least once each ignition cycle, to prevent entry in case
of a stuck on switch.

3 The engine is running.

If any of the conditions stated in the above entry
conditions not are fulfilled.

Parameters, Engine Speed Mode 1 (DI H on pin BBA 4)

Note: DI H=Digital input (from specified supply), DI L=
Ground Input, DO H=Ubat output, DO L=Ground Output.

Param- Description Min Default Max Unit

eter value
IC Engine Speed Mode 1 enable Yes Yes/No
HB Engine Speed Mode 1 Engine resume speed 500 800 2500 r/min
HH Engine Speed Mode 1 engagement condition parking brake Yes Yes/No
BRR Engine Speed Mode 1 disengagement condition brake pedal. Yes Yes/No
BRV Engine Speed Mode 1 disengagement condition clutch pedal Yes (No) Yes/No
(Default value = No if automatic gearbox)
HT Engine speed mode 1. engagement condition PTO dash No Yes/No
switch activated.
If “Yes”there has to be an input signal from at least one of
the PTO dash switch inputs BBA 18, BBA 19 or BBA 20).
YJ Engine Speed Mode 1 Edge trig Yes Yes/No
HZ Engine Speed Mode 1 Engine speed ramp enable 0 0 250 r/min/s
HE Engine Speed Mode 1 idle return delay 0.0 0.0 10.0 s

BBA 4 Engine speed mode 1 (DI H) (A pre set
engine rpm connected to a number of
parameters) IC, HB, HH, BRR, BRV, HT,
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Body builder instructions 4.07 95 09 26(57)

Parameters, Engine Speed Mode 2 (DI H on pin BBB 21)
Note: DI H=Digital input (from specified supply), DI L
Ground Input, DO H=Ubat output, DO L=Ground Output.

Param- Description Min Default Max Unit

eter value
ID Engine Speed Mode 2 enable Yes Yes/No
HC Engine Speed Mode 2 Engine resume speed 500 1000 2500 r/min
HI Engine Speed Mode 2 engagement condition parking brake Yes Yes/No
BRS Engine Speed Mode 2 disengagement condition brake pedal Yes Yes/No
BRW Engine Speed Mode 2 disengagement condition clutch pedal Yes (No) Yes/No
(Default value = No if automatic gearbox)
HU Engine speed mode 2. engagement condition PTO dash No Yes/No
switch activated.
If “Yes”there has to be an input signal from at least one of
the PTO dash switch inputs BBA 18, BBA 19 or BBA 20).
YK Engine Speed Mode 2 Edge trig Yes Yes/No
IA Engine Speed Mode 2 Engine speed ramp enable 0 0 250 r/min/s
HF Engine Speed Mode 2 idle return delay 0.0 0.0 10.0 s

BBB 21 PTO Mode 2 (DI H) (A pre set
engine rpm connected to a number of
parameters) IF, AA, DC, ID, HC, BRS,
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Parameters, Engine Speed Mode 3 (DI H on pin BBA 3)
Note: DI H=Digital input (from specified supply), DI
L=Ground Input, DO H=Ubat output, DO L=Ground

Param- Description Min Default Max Unit

eter value
IE Engine Speed Mode 3 enable Yes Yes/No
HD Engine Speed Mode 3 Engine resume speed 500 1200 2500 r/min
HJ Engine Speed Mode 3 engagement condition parking brake Yes Yes/No
BRT Engine Speed Mode 3 disengagement condition brake pedal Yes Yes/No
BRX Engine Speed Mode 3 disengagement condition clutch pedal Yes (No) Yes/No
(Default value = No if automatic gearbox)
HV Engine speed mode 3. engagement condition PTO dash No Yes/No
switch activated.
If “Yes”there has to be an input signal from at least one of
the PTO dash switch inputs BBA 18, BBA 19 or BBA 20).
YL Engine Speed Mode 3 Edge trig Yes Yes/No
IB Engine Speed Mode 3 Engine speed ramp enable 0 0 250 r/min/s
HG Engine Speed Mode 3 idle return delay 0.0 0.0 10.0 s

BBA 3 Engine speed mode 3 (DI H) (A pre set
engine rpm connected to a number of
parameters) IE, HD, HJ, BRT, BRX, HV,
Volvo Truck Corporation Date Group Release Page
Body builder instructions 4.07 95 09 28(57)

Parameters, Engine Speed Mode 4 (DI H on pin BBA 5)
Note: DI H=Digital input (from specified supply), DI
L=Ground Input, DO H=Ubat output, DO L=Ground

Param- Description Min Default Max Unit

eter value
YO Engine Speed Mode 4 enable Yes Yes/No
YN Engine Speed Mode 4 Engine resume speed 500 1400 2500 r/min
YQ Engine Speed Mode 4 engagement condition parking brake Yes Yes/No
BRU Engine Speed Mode 4 disengagement condition brake pedal Yes Yes/No
BRY Engine Speed Mode 4 disengagement condition clutch pedal Yes (No) Yes/No
(Default value = No if automatic gearbox)
YP Engine speed mode 4. engagement condition PTO dash No Yes/No
switch activated.
If “Yes”there has to be an input signal from at least one of
the PTO dash switch inputs BBA 18, BBA 19 or BBA 20).
YM Engine Speed Mode 4 Edge trig Yes Yes/No
YS Engine Speed Mode 4 Engine speed ramp enable 0 0 250 r/min/s
YR Engine Speed Mode 4 idle return delay 0.0 0.0 10.0 s

BBA 5 Engine speed mode 4 (DI H) (A pre set
engine rpm connected to a number of
parameters), YO, YN, YQ, BRU, BRY,

Parameters, Engine Speed Mode general (applies to mode 1, 2, 3 and 4)

Note: DI H=Digital input (from specified supply), DI
L=Ground Input, DO H=Ubat output, DO L=Ground

Param- Description Min Default Max Unit

eter value
AA This value is the maximum engine speed that can be 500 2500 3500 r/min
reached with set (+) or increase rpm (BBA2) when using the
engine speed mode 1, 2, 3 or 4.

Note: The acceleration pedal overrides this value. To protect

the “pump” use parameter ZB, ZK or ZT in PTO out mode
2, 3 or 4.
DC This is the minimum engine speed that can be reached with 500 500 2500 r/min
set (-) or decreased rpm (BBA1).
IF Engine Speed Mode trim factor (how much the engine 0 50 250 r/min/s
speed shall ramp up or down when using Engine speed
increase/decrease, BBA 1 or BBA 2)
Volvo Truck Corporation Date Group Release Page
Body builder instructions 4.07 95 09 29(57)

Engine low idle resume

This function gives ability to force the engine speed to
low idle rpm. Resumes the engine speed to idling if the
vehicle speed is below AIC, DI H on Pin BBA 7.

Note: This function has priority over Engine Speed

Control and accelerator pedal/potentiometer demands.
Note: When supply to BBA 7 is removed, the engine
speed will return to previous engine speed, presumed
that conditions still are fulfilled.

Parameters Engine low idle resume (DI H on pin BBA 7)

Note: DI H=Digital input (from specified supply), DI
L=Ground Input, DO H=Ubat output, DO L=Ground

Parameter Description min Default Max Unit

code value
AIM Low idle speed, resume, active. No Yes/No
In vehicles ordered with the variant SPEED-DU, the
parameters AIM is by default set to "yes".
AIC Idle Resume Vehicle Speed (see parameter AIM) 2 12 130 km/h

BBA 7 Low Idle resume (DI H) Resumes the
engine speed to low idle, on input and
below a vehicle speed. Parameters
BBB 5 Output supply, 24 volt supply to be used
for input signals (nom load 70 mA)
Volvo Truck Corporation Date Group Release Page
Body builder instructions 4.07 95 09 30(57)

Engine speed limit

This function limits the engine speed below the normal
maximum engine speed.

Note: If more than one engine speed limit demand is

active, the lowest one will have priority. D

A Switch

Parameters Engine speed limit (DI H on pin BBA 17)

Note: DI H=Digital input (from specified supply), DI
L=Ground Input, DO H=Ubat output, DO L=Ground

Pa- Description Min Default Max Unit

ram- value
GU Engine speed limit enable. No Yes/No
GQ Engine speed limit value 500 2500 2500 r/min

BBA 17 Engine Speed Limit (DI H) Parameters
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Body builder instructions 4.07 95 09 31(57)

Engine torque limit

This function gives ability to limit the engine torque to a
pre-programmable value.

100% torque reduction will force the engine to low idle.


A Switch

Parameters Engine torque limit (DI L on pin BBA 25)

Note: DI H=Digital input (from specified supply), DI
L=Ground Input, DO H=Ubat output, DO L=Ground

Parameter Description Min Default Max Unit

code value
GW Engine torque limit 1 enable No Yes/No
GR Engine torque limit value 1 0 100 100 %

BBA 25 Engine Torque Limit (DI L) Parameters
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Body builder instructions 4.07 95 09 32(57)

Road speed limit (second)

This function gives ability to limit the vehicle speed to a
lower speed than the one set by legislation demands. It
can be used on refuse trucks to limit the speed if a man is
standing on the back of the vehicle.

This function also includes possibility to inhibit the

engaging of reverse gear on trucks equipped with
automatic (Powertronic) gearbox or with I-Shift gearbox
(except V2412IS) in combination with the variant
Note: For automatic (Powertronic) gearbox and for I-Shift
gearbox (except V2412IS) in combination with the variant
If parameter AIA is set to Yes, and the input BBA 26 is
low, the engaging of reverse gear will be inhibited. A reset
of the inhibited condition can only be made if BBA 26 is
inactive, and the gear lever is in neutral.
If the function Second Driver Interface is active at the
same time as this function, the lowest RSL value will have

Parameters Road speed limit (DI L on pin BBA 26)

Note: DI H=Digital input (from specified supply), DI
L=Ground Input, DO H=Ubat output, DO L=Ground

Parameter Description Min Default Max Unit

code value
GV Road speed limit enable No Yes/No
In vehicles ordered with the variant SPEED-DU, the
parameter GV is by default set to "yes".
IG Road speed limit set, optional 5 30 140 km/h

Note: If the speed is set lower than 30 km/h, ensure

that the total gear ratio (chosen gear, rear axle ratio
and tyre size) receives an engine speed of minimum
1000 rpm (±20 rpm).
Especially important for trucks with automatic
(Powertronic) gearbox.
Note: For trucks with manual gearbox: A lower gear
than normal start gear could be necessary to use.
AIA Enable reverse inhibit by blocking of reverse gear No Yes/No
engagement. In vehicles ordered with the variant
SPEED-DU, the parameter AIA is by default set to

BBA 26 Road speed limit 2 (DI L) Input signal
to activate extra roadspeed limit.
Parameter GV, IG
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Body builder instructions 4.07 95 09 33(57)

Vehicle speed output

This signal is provided for body builders to simplify
integration with other equipment. It is a configurable
digital output signal. Vehicle speed output can be set-up
to be either activated above or below a defined vehicle

It can also be set-up as a FM/PWM signal, where the duty

cycle is proportional to the vehicle speed.

PWM = Puls Width Modulated

FM = Frequency Modulated
Note: A vehicle speed signal can also be taken from the
See Volvo body builder instructions “Standard Equipment”.

• FM/PWM signal:
If parameter GT is set to Yes and parameter LV is
set to zero a FM/PWM signal with variable frequency
and duty cycle will be generated on Speed Output.
The positive duty cycle time, Tduty, will however be
constant. See illustration.


The signal must be loaded to reach the low level = 0

Volt (24 V is high level)
The period, T, for the frequency will reflect the vehicle
speed as follows:

(1000x3600 )

• T is the period in ms.

• K is the velocity constant in pulses/km.
• V is the current velocity in km/h.

The duty cycle, Tduty, will be decided from the velocity

constant as follows:

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Body builder instructions 4.07 95 09 34(57)

Tduty is the positive duty cycle time in ms.
K is the velocity constant, a scale factor defining the
number of pulses per kilometer. The constant 16000
is chosen to give 100% duty cycle when the speed
equals 225 km/h.
The above will only be valid if the parameter GT is
set to Yes. If it is set to No the output will always be
Note: The amplitude of the FM/PWM signal is 24 Volt
(0–24 Volt). The output must be loaded to be able to
reach 0 Volt.
Note: When the speed is less than 3 km/h the output is
set to constant low.
• Digital output:
If the parameter LV has a value greater than zero.
Speed Output will be set up as a digital output. Speed
Output will switch from low to high if the velocity
exceeds parameter. T9008271

Parameter LV and switch from high to low if the velocity This relay will switch at speed, set in parameter LV.
thereafter drops below parameter LV. If parameter SD
is set to Yes, an inverse function will be obtained on
Speed Output.

• PWM signal
Parameter GT = 1
Parameter LV = 0

• Digital output
Parameter LV ≠ 0.

Parameters Vehicle speed output (DO H out signal on BBB 28)

Note: DI H=Digital input (from specified supply), DI
L=Ground Input, DO H=Ubat output, DO L=Ground

Parame- Description Min Default Max Unit

ter code value
GT “C3” output enable. (see info on LV) 0 0 = Vehicle speed as digital
1 = Vehicle speed as PWM/
2 = Not used
3 = Not used
LV Speed output 0 0 140 km/h
( if this value is set to 0, pin BBB 28 will have
a “C3” output signal. If any other value, BBB
28 will go to DO H if the speed is above this
value. see also info SD)
SD Speed output inverted No Yes/No
(if this parameter is set to “Yes” it will give an
inverted output on BBB 28 compered to LV.
DO H if the speed is below LV. NOTE: you
have to set the value of LV+ before you set
this parameter to “Yes”)

In vehicles ordered with the variant SPEED-DU, the

parameter LV is set to 20 and parameter SD is set to “yes”.

BBB 28 Speed Output (H) “C3” signal or High
Parameters GT, SD, LV (max load 2 A)
Volvo Truck Corporation Date Group Release Page
Body builder instructions 4.07 95 09 35(57)

Bus triggered output

This function can be used to visually or audibly alert the
operator if at least one of the four selected conditions
passes the set trigger level. It could also be included
as input condition for deactivation or activation of body
builder equipment.

Parameters Bus triggered out put (DO L on pin BBB 18)

Note: DI H=Digital input (from specified supply), DI L=
Ground Input, DO H=Ubat output, DO L=Ground Output.
Parameter Description Min Default Max Unit
code value
ADA Engine speedTrig output above (gives DO L on BBB 0 0 2500 r/min
18 if the engine speed is above this value) If parameter
ADA is set to 0, this condition shall be omitted.
ADB Output shaft speedTrig output above (gives DO L on 0 0 2500 r/min
BBB 18 if the output shaft speed is above this value).
If parameter ADB is set to 0, this condition shall be
ADC Vehicle speedTrig output above (gives DO L on BBB 0 0 130 km/h
18 if the vehicle speed is above this value). If parameter
ADC is set to 0, this condition shall be omitted.
AHZ Gear in neutralTrig output (gives DO L on BBB 18 if No Yes/No
the gear is in neutral). If parameter AHZ is set to No,
this condition shall be omitted.

Note: Only automatic gearbox

BBB 18 Bus triggered Out (DO L) Signal out if
a message is received from the data
link Parameters AHZ, ADA, ADB, ADC
(max load 0,5 A)
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Body builder instructions 4.07 95 09 36(57)

System warning
This function can be used to visually or audibly alert the
operator, that at least one of the fault conditions below
has occurred. It could also be included as input condition
for deactivation or activation of body builder equipment.
Engine or transmission faults can be chosen from a
pre-given trigger set up.

Parameters System warning (DO L on pin BBB 16)

Note: DI H=Digital input (from specified supply), DI L=
Ground Input, DO H= Ubat output, DO L= Ground Output.
Parameter Description Min Default Max Unit
code value
AEI Engine oil level Warning on DO L on pin BBB 16 if this No Yes/No
warning comes on the information link.
AEJ Engine oil pressure Warning on DO L on pin BBB 16 No Yes/No
if this warning comes on the information link.
AEK Crankcase pressure Warning on DO L on pin BBB 16 No Yes/No
if this warning comes on the information link.
AEL Coolant temperature Warning on DO L on pin BBB No Yes/No
16 if this warning comes on the information link.
AEM Coolant level Warning on DO L on pin BBB 16 if this No Yes/No
warning comes on the information link.
AEN Transmission oil temperature Warning on DO L on No Yes/No
pin BBB 16 if this warning comes on the information
AEO Transmission oil level Warning on DO L on pin BBB No Yes/No
16 if this warning comes on the information link.
AEP Engine oil temperature Warning on DO L on pin BBB No Yes/No
16 if this warning comes on the information link.

BBB 16 Warning Out (DO L) Signal out if a
warning message is received from the
data link, one or several messages
trigger this output Parameters, (nom
load 0,5 A, max load 1A)AEI, AEJ, AEK,
Volvo Truck Corporation Date Group Release Page
Body builder instructions 4.07 95 09 37(57)

Engine shut down

This function gives ability to remote controlled engine
shut down.
Remote stopping the engine according to the instructions
will leave the ignition ON.
This means for example that an engaged PTO will remain
engaged at a following remote engine start, except
gearbox mounted PTOs on automatic gearboxes.

This is not an emergency stop.


“Normally Closed”, engine stops when connection

to earth is broken
A Switch
There are two digital inputs which could be used for
remote engine shut down,“Normally Open” and “Normally

Note: Parking brake must be applied and vehicle speed



“Normally open”, engine stops when signal comes in

on BBA6
B: Switch, engine shut-down
C: BB’s 31–pin connector in chassis

Parameters Engine Shut Down (DI L on pin BBA 27 and DI H on pin BBA 6)
Note: DI H=Digital input (from specified supply), DI L=
Ground Input, DO H=Ubat output, DO L= Ground Output.

Parameter Description Min Default Max unit

code value
IL Engine shutdown input, enable “Normally Closed” No Yes/No
(connected to pin BBA 27)

BBA 27 Engine Shut Down (DI L, NC) Engine
stops when the low input signal is taken
away. Parameter IL
BBA 6 Engine Shut down (DI H, NO) No
related parameters. Engine stops on
digital high input
Volvo Truck Corporation Date Group Release Page
Body builder instructions 4.07 95 09 38(57)

Engine remote start

This function gives ability to a remote controlled engine
start. Note that the functionality only comprise control of
status for certain appropriate conditions for allowing an
engine remote start.
Note: EMS1 is used on D16C and all D12 engines.

Wiring EMS1

A= Engine stop button

B= Engine start button

C= Neutral switch, normally open. Installed by

the body builder.

Wires that the body builders connects to the

31–pin connector in the chassis frame rail.
Volvo Truck Corporation Date Group Release Page
Body builder instructions 4.07 95 09 39(57)

Requirement (EMS1 only)
There are two selectable conditions, parking brake
applied and gear in neutral position. To avoid activation
of the output Engine Remote Start Enable during normal
engine operation, certain conditions for engine speed
have to be fulfilled. The output will be deactivated when
the engine speed passes 500 rpm. When the engine
speed drops to 0 rpm the output will be active again.

• Parking brake applied. If parameter ZU is set to No,
this condition is omitted.

• Gearbox in neutral gear position. If parameter ZV is

set to No, this condition is omitted.

Note: On a manual gearbox a neutral gear sensor must

be connected on pin BBA24 by the body builder.

Parameters Engine remote start (DO L on pin BBB 1) (all engines except D13)
Note: DI H = Digital input (from specified supply), DI L=
Ground Input, DO H = Ubat output, DO L= Ground Output.

Parameter Description Min Default Max Unit

code value
ZV Engine remote start condition gear in neutral Yes Yes/No
ZU Engine remote start condition parking brake Yes Yes/No

BBB 1 Engine Remote Start Enable (DO
L) Gives an output low signal when
the criterias in parameter ZV, ZU are
fulfilled. Parameters ZV, ZU (nom load
0,5 A, max load 1A) EMS1 only
BBA 24 Neutral Gear (DI L) Input signal from a
switch on a manual gearbox that gives
a signal when the gear is in neutral.
Parameters ZN, ZE, YV and ZV.
Volvo Truck Corporation Date Group Release Page
Body builder instructions 4.07 95 09 40(57)

Wiring EMS2 (D9, D13 and D16E)

A = Engine stop button

B = Engine start button

C = Optional, neutral gear switch, built in by the

Body builder

Condition for Engine remote start, EMS2, is parking brake
applied, and for trucks with automatic gearboxes, gear
in neutral.

If gear in neutral is required as condition for remote start

in trucks with manual gearboxes a neutral gear switch
has to be built in by the Body builder, in similarity to
“Neutral position switch for manual gearbox” page 41
but connected according to schematics for “wiring EMS2

Note: EMS2 is used on all engines except D16C and all

D12 engines.

Parameters Engine remote start (D9B, D13 and D16E) according to

schematics above
Note: DI H=Digital input (from specified supply).

Parameter Description Min Default Max Unit

code value
FNN Engine remote start enable from BBM No Yes/No

Also parameter code CUL in VECU has to be changed.

Parameter Description Min Default Max Unit

code value
CUL Enable start from BBM Off On/Off

BBA 23 Engine remote start request (DI H)
Input on this pin will activate the starter
motor, if the parking brake is applied.
Volvo Truck Corporation Date Group Release Page
Body builder instructions 4.07 95 09 41(57)

Neutral position switch for manual gearbox
Manual gearboxes, type VT gearboxes shall be provided
with a pressure switch, normally open, (part no.
20424055, T-piece part no. 976284, 2 pcs VIPS nipples
part no. 976444 and 2 pcs VIPS threaded couplings
part no. 968696) on the range shift air hose, refer to the
adjacent figure. The contact should be installed in the
frame rail, where the vibration level is lower than on the
gearbox. The sensor should be located so that the hose
extension is as short as possible. Avoid sharp bends in
the air hose.

If the truck has an automatic transmission (Geartronic, T9008249

Powertronic and I-Shift), the information about neutral

gear is available on the information link (SAE J1587).

1 Range cylinder

2 Inhibitor valve, control housing

3 Pressure switch
Volvo Truck Corporation Date Group Release Page
Body builder instructions 4.07 95 09 42(57)

Auto Neutral
Available on trucks with:

Powertronic gearbox in combination with EBS
I-Shift gearbox (except V2412IS) in combination with

This function can temporary set the automatic gearbox
into neutral gear when the parking brake is depressed or
applied, or by external input only.

If all selected conditions are fulfilled, an active high level

(DI H) on the input Auto Neutral will set the automatic
gearbox in position neutral gear.

If parameter AHZ is set to “Yes”, auto neutral (and normal

neutral gear) can be detected at BBB 18.

Auto Neutral in I-Shift gearbox

Note: The information in this section is valid only for T9008250

I-Shift gearbox (except V2412IS) in combination with


In an I-Shift gearbox, Auto Neutral can be performed by:

• Disengaging the clutch.
Normally preferred when the brake pedal is used for
activation. Since the clutch is open, no power can be
taken out from a gearbox mounted PTO. Therefore, an
engine mounted PTO should be used.

• Shifting to neutral gear and close the clutch.

Normally preferred when the parking brake is used for
activation. Since the clutch is closed, power can be
taken from a gearbox mounted PTO.
Volvo Truck Corporation Date Group Release Page
Body builder instructions 4.07 95 09 43(57)

Parameters Auto Neutral (DI H on pin BBA 8)
Note: DI H=Digital input (from specified supply), DI
L=Ground Input, DO H=Ubat output, DO L=Ground

Table 1 shows the parameter settings for Powertronic and

I-Shift gearboxes.

Pa- Description Min Default Max Unit

ram- value
CPP Activate auto neutral function 0 0 = Function Switched Off
1 = Autoneutral activated in
reverse and forward gears
2 = Not used
3 = Not used
AHX This parameter decides if parking brake applied Yes Yes/No
will be a condition to set the automatic gearbox
in neutral position.
BRO This parameter decides if Brake Pedal Position 0 99.6% 100 0–100%
above the parameter value will be a condition to
set the automatic gearbox in neutral gear. A zero
value will disable this condition.
AHY This parameter decides if vehicle speed below 1 1 20 1–20 km/h
the parameter value will be a condition to set the
automatic gearbox in neutral gear.
BRP This parameter decides if gear lever position must Yes Yes/No
be in neutral before the functionality auto neutral
is left.
Table 2 shows the parameter settings valid only for
I-Shift gearbox (except parameter V2412IS, that is placed
in TECU) in combination with EBS and APF-ENH.

Pa- Description Min Default Max Unit

ram- value
GJI Decides if the power train is disengaged with the clutch No Yes/No
during auto neutral

BBA 8 Auto Neutral (DI H) Parameters AHX,
Volvo Truck Corporation Date Group Release Page
Body builder instructions 4.07 95 09 44(57)

Split box – power take off

Splitbox is a type of power take-off (PTO) that is being
installed directly on the propeller shaft. It is used when
regular PTO equipment could not transmit enough
power. In trucks with Powertronic, highest gear will be
automatically engaged. In trucks with I-shift, gear 12 will
be activated in gearboxes with this as direct gear and gear
11 in gearboxes with overdrive. I-shift gearbox V2412IS
does not support use of splitbox PTO.

Split box PTO in I-Shift vehicles

Split box PTO can be used on I-Shift vehicles (except
D T9008270
vehicles with gearbox V2412IS) if the variant APF-ENH is

If parameter BRQ is set to Yes, an active high level (DI
H) on input Split box will lead to a request to TECU for
activating the Powertronic or I-Shift gearbox.
This feedback signal is necessary to have the remote
engine stop function to work, when the road speed sensor
not is moved to a position behind the Split box.

Note: The parking brake must be applied during the Split

box session.

Parameters Split box (DI H on pin BBA 29)

Note: DI H=Digital input (from specified supply), DI
L=Ground Input, DO H=Ubat output, DO L=Ground

Pa- Description Min Default Max Unit

ram- value
BRQ This parameter is enable condition for the Split box No Yes/No

BBA 29 Split box PTO (DI H) Input signal from a
switch on a Split box that gives a signal
when the Split box is in use. Parameter
Volvo Truck Corporation Date Group Release Page
Body builder instructions 4.07 95 09 45(57)

Second Driver Interface

This function is used when there are two driver locations
installed in the truck. It evaluates the second accelerator
pedals position. Hand control interface can be connected
instead of the second accelerator pedal.

Note: No wires are prepared in the truck.

Two types of sensors can be connected to the input
Second Throttle:

• Control interface:
The control interface can be based on an ordinary
potentiometer and the input IVS Second Throttle must
not be used together with this interface.
It is essential that the value of the control interface
that shall be selected is within the zero throttle span
to allow overtaking.
• Second accelerator pedal The pedal must be a Volvo
standard accelerator pedal equipped with one idle
validation switch.
The pedals position will be evaluated via the analogue
input Second Throttle.
If the function Road Speed Limit is active at the same
time, the lowest speed limit will have priority. If the one T9008804
that won the arbitration becomes inactive and the other A = Accelerator no 2
is still active, the limit of the active one will be valid. B = Engine speed switch
C = Switch, accelerator no 2
D = Potentiometer, 4 k , ± 25%

Figures are pin-out for Volvo accelerator pedal.

• Second gear lever (only Powertronic and I-shift

(except V2412IS) gearboxes)

Selected gear for automatic gearbox will be detected

via gear lever buttons connected to the digital inputs
Extra Gear Lever Forward, Neutral and Reverse.
Actual status will then be transmitted to transmission.
If more than one gear lever input is activated at the
same time, TECU will give priority to neutral position.


Wiring, second gear lever

C = Switch, accelerator no 2
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Body builder instructions 4.07 95 09 46(57)

• Control interface:
Parameter EE = Yes
Parameter ZX = Yes
The digital input Second Throttle Enable is low.
Analog value Second Throttle ≤ parameter ZY.

• Second accelerator pedal:

Parameter EE = Yes
Parameter ZX = No
The digital input Second Throttle Enable is low (DI L).

• Second gear lever:

Parameter AIB = Yes
The digital input Second Throttle Enable is low (DI L).
Parameter FRJ in ECU (VECU) = Yes

Note: To engage forward or reverse gear the signal must

move from neutral to forward or reverse gear.

If any of the conditions stated in the above entry
conditions not are fulfilled, with exception for the last
condition regarding second accelerator pedal and hand
control interface, which only is a safety condition for entry.

• Control interface:
If analogue value from the control interface is outside
valid range.

• Second accelerator pedal:

If there is a confirmed error on the second accelerator
Volvo Truck Corporation Date Group Release Page
Body builder instructions 4.07 95 09 47(57)

Parameters Second Driver Interface
Note: DI H=Digital input (from specified supply), DI
L=Ground Input, DO H=Ubat output, DO L=Ground

Table 1 shows the parameters settings for using a

potentiometer as Hand throttle/ 2:nd throttle:

Parameter Description Min Default Max Unit

code value
ZX Enable Hand Throttle (set this pararmeter to “Yes” together with No Yes/No
EE = yes if a potentiometer is used as extra accelerator control.
ZZ Hand throttle, high limit (the position for the potentiometer that 0.98 4.0 4.50 Volt
should correspond to 100% throttle)
ZY Hand throttle, low limit (the position for the potentiometer that 0.49 0.98 4.0 Volt
should correspond to 0% throttle)
AER Hand throttle potentiometer minimum limit (value for the 0 0.49 0.98 Volt
potentiometer in minimum position, this value have to be
smaller than ZY)
AES Handthrottle potentiometer maximum limit (value for the 4.0 4.50 5 Volt
potentiometer in maximum position, this value have to be
greater than ZZ)

Table 2 shows the parameter settings for using a Volvo

standard accelerator pedal as 2:nd accelerator pedal:

Parame- Description Min De- Max Unit

ter code fault
EE Second accelerator pedal (Set this parameter to 0 0 = Disable second
“1” if a Volvo standard accelerator pedal is used, accelerator pedal
and ZX to 0. 1 = Enables second
accelerator pedal
2 = Not used
GO Duel drive speed, high limit (the position for the 5 20 140 km/h
potentiometer that should correspond to a 100%

Note: If the speed is set lower than 20 km/h,

ensure that the total gear ratio (chosen gear, rear
axle ratio and tyre size) receives an engine speed
of minimum 1000 rpm (±20 rpm).
Especially important for trucks with Powertronic

Note: For trucks with manual gearbox: A lower

gear than normal start gear could be necessary
to use.
Table 3 shows the parameter settings for using Extra gear

Parameter Description Min Default Max Unit

code value
AIB This parameter is enable condition for the functionality Extra No Yes/No
Gear Lever.

Table 4 shows the parameter settings in VECU for using

second gear lever:

Parameter Description Min Default Max Unit

code value
FRJ Second gear lever. No Yes/No
Volvo Truck Corporation Date Group Release Page
Body builder instructions 4.07 95 09 48(57)


BBA 10

BBA 21


BBB 10
Extra gear selector, forward gear (DI H).
Parameter AIB.
Extra gear selector, neutral (DI H).
Parameter AIB.
Extra gear selector, reverse (DI H).
Parameter AIB.
2:nd Throttle (AI) Signal input from a
2:nd throttle. Parameters EE, ZX, GO,
Analog supply (5 volt supply for 2:nd
BBB 23 Gnd analog Ground connection for extra
BBB 19 Output supply 24 volt supply to be used
for input signals (max load 70 mA)
BBB 12 2:nd Throttle Enable (DI L) Input signal
when 2:nd Throttle should be used.
BBB 30 Idle Validation Switch 2:nd Throttle (DI
H) Idle validate switch on 2:nd throttle.
Only used when a Volvo standard
accelerator pedal is used.
BBB 5 Output supply 24 volt supply to be used
for input signals (max load 70mA).
Volvo Truck Corporation Date Group Release Page
Body builder instructions 4.07 95 09 49(57)

Body builder CAN Gateway Function, according to SAE J1939

This function opens up a CAN interface between the
trucks internal J1939 link and computer aided body
builder equipment. This gives ability to receive five J1939
standard messages from the truck. The J1939 standard
message that includes signals for engine speed/torque
can be transmitted in to the truck. Appropriate filters in
the gateway implementation will prevent from interference
in normal truck operation.

If parameter AET is set to Yes the messages, ETC1,
ETC2, EEC1, EEC2 and CCVS will be routed from the
trucks internal CAN1 link via BBM and the CAN4 interface
against the body builder.
If control of engine speed is asked for, parameter AEU is
set to Yes. Then the TSC1 message will be possible to
transmit from the body builder equipment via BBM and
the CAN4 interface in to the trucks internal CAN1 link. To
prevent interference with the internal TSC1 messages on
the CAN1 link, the signals with requested speed control
information from the body builder would be sent via the
proprietary BBM message VP45 in to the link.

If limitation of the engine speed or torque is asked for, the

TSC1 message from the body builder will be sent directly
in to the CAN1 link.

External CAN gateway, receive.
• Parameter AET = Yes

External CAN gateway, transmit.

• Parameter AEU = Yes

Note: If the parameter AEU is set to Yes the following
function will be disabled: Engine Speed Control,
Engine Speed limit, Engine Torque limit and Engine
Low Idle Resume.

Parameters CAN Gateway

Note: DI H=Digital input (from specified supply), DI
L=Ground Input, DO H=Ubat output, DO L=Ground

Parameter Description Min Default Max Unit

code value
AET Control link body builder receive (should only be set to No Yes/No
yes if the body builder have connected a control unit to
the link connection BBA15, BBA 16)
AEU Control link body builder send (should only be set to No Yes/No
yes if the body builder have connected a control unit to
the link connection BBA15, BBA 16)

BBA 15 CAN-4 H Body builder control link,
Parameters AET, AEU
BBA 16 CAN-4 L Body builder control link,
Parameters AET, AEU
Volvo Truck Corporation Date Group Release Page
Body builder instructions 4.07 95 09 50(57)

CAN interface, according to SAE J1939

Note: This table is only presented in English since this
is a SAE J1939 standard.

Message transmitted into

the truck
TSC1 - Torque/Speed
Control #1

External body builder

Signals (Overview)

Override control modes

Requested speed control conditions
Override Control mode priority
Requested speed/speed limit
Requested torque/torque limit
Message received from From Update Signals (Overview)
the truck rate[ms]
CCVS - Cruise VECU 100 Two speed axle switch
Control/Vehicle Speed Parking brake switch
Wheel-based vehicle speed
Cruise control active
Cruise control enable switch
Brake switch
Clutch switch
Cruise control set switch
Cruise control coast switch
Cruise control resume switch
Cruise control accelerate switch
Cruise control set speed
Cruise control state
Idle increment switch
Idle decrement switch
Engine test mode switch
EEC1 - Electronic Engine EECU 20 Engine/Retarder torque mode
Controller #1 Drives demand engine - percent torque
Actual engine - percent torque
Engine speed
EEC2 - Electronic Engine EECU 50 Accelerator pedal low idle switch
controller #2 Accelerator pedal kickdown switch
Accelerator pedal position
Percent load at current speed
ETC1 - Electronic TECU 10 Driveline engaged
Transmission Controller Torque converter lockup engaged
#1 Shift in process
Output shaft speed
Percent clutch slip
Momentary engine overspeed enable
Progressive shift disableInput shaft speed
ETC2 - Electronic TECU 100 Selected gear
TransmissionController Actuel gear ratio
# Current gear
Transmission requested range
Transmission current range
Volvo Truck Corporation Date Group Release Page
Body builder instructions 4.07 95 09 51(57)

Level control, air suspension

When the vehicle is equipped with i.e a snow plough or
hydraulic outriggers, it can sometimes be necessary to
switch off the automatic level control, otherwise the air
system will continue to compensate for the change of
pressure in the air bellows.

Switching off the level control of the air suspension is

carried out in accordance with the adjacent diagram. Use
either one 3–position switch or two 2–position switches.
Note: The body builder is responsible for making the
driver aware about when the level control is switched
off. This could be done by an information lamp on the
instrument panel.


A16 Control unit, air suspension

A Switch for shutting off level

The customer can choose one or two of the eight functions

in the ECS system. Note that not all combinations are
possible, see table below. The added ECS functions are
ordered from Volvo Parts AB. For part numbers, please
refer to “Accessories catalogue”.
All functions are separately described in Service Bulletin
Group 728–20 “Added ECS functions”.
1 Inhibit ride height adjustment
2 Curtseying of an axle when the parking brake is applied
3 Curtseying of one axle
4 Alternative ride height
5 Load height M1
6 Load height M2
7 Ferry mode
8 Alternative axle loading distribution

The following combinations of auxiliary functions can be

used together. Different combinations require different
switches, please refer to the explanation below the table.

Function combination 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 Inhibit ride height adjustment 1 2p 2 2p 2 2p 2 2p 2 2p 2 2p 2 2p 2 2p
2 Curtseying of one axle when the parking brake 1 2p 1 3p 2 2p 1 3p — 1 3p 2 2p
is applied
3 Curtseying of one axle 1 2p 2 2p — — — 2 2p
4 Alternative ride height 1 2p 2 2p 2 2p 2 2p 2 2p
5 Load height M1 1 2p 1 3p 1 3p 2 2p
6 Load height M2 1 2p — 2 2p
7 Ferry mode 1 2p 1 3p
8 Alternative axle loading distribution 1 2p

• 1 2p: 1 x 2–position switch (if only one auxiliary • 1 3p: 1 x 3–position switch
function is to be used) • —: These combinations are not sold together
• 2 2p: 2 x 2–position switches
Volvo Truck Corporation Date Group Release Page
Body builder instructions 4.07 95 09 52(57)

If you have two functions in a 3–position switch, the
function with the lowest number will be activated when the
switch is in position 1 and the function with the highest
number when the switch is in position 3.


Parameters ECS added functions

Note: DI H=Digital input (from specified supply), DI
L=Ground Input, DO H=Ubat output, DO L=Ground

Parameter Description Min Default value Max Unit

BHA Set the active function (1–8) on pin FA2 X2:06 0 1 8 -
0=No function chosen
1=Inhibit ride height adjustment
2=Curtseying of one axle by applying the parking brake
3=Curtseying of one axle
4=Alternative ride height
5=Load height M1
6=Load height M2
7=Ferry mode
8=Alternative axle loading distribution
BHB Set the active function (1–8) on pin FA3 X2:16 0 2 8 -
0=No function chosen
1=Inhibit ride height adjustment
2=Curtseying of one axle by applying the parking brake
3=Curtseying of one axle
4=Alternative ride height
5=Load height M1
6=Load height M2
7=Ferry mode
8=Alternative axle loading distribution
BHC Auxiliary function: type of switch Type of switch is
Choose between: depending on type of
1 x 2–position switch chosen function.
2 x 2–position switches
1 x 3–position switch
BHD Alternative axle loading distribution Axle load distribution
must be within certain
permissible values.
Please refer to VCADS
Pro/Body Builder Pro for
each vehicle variant.
BHE Curtseying level, parking brake, front axle The curtseying level
must be within the
permissible levels for
each vehicle. Please
BHF Curtseying level, parking brake, rear axle refer to the highest and
lowest values in VCADS
Pro/Body Builder Pro.
Volvo Truck Corporation Date Group Release Page
Body builder instructions 4.07 95 09 53(57)




Curtseying level switch, front axle

Curtseying level switch, rear axle

Alternative ride height, front axle

Alternative ride height, rear axle

D The curtseying level
must be within the
permissible levels for
each vehicle. Please
refer to the highest and
lowest values in VCADS
Pro/Body Builder Pro.
The ride height must be
within the permissible
levels for each vehicle.
Please refer to the
highest and lowest values
in VCADS Pro/Body
Builder Pro.

FA2 Input, +24V
FA3 Input, +24V

Functions 5 and 6, Load height M1 and M2

Function 5 and 6 can be programmed by means of for each function must be activated to use either of the
the control box. Load heights M1 and M2 are set as functions 5 and 6. Parameters BHA, BHB and BHC must
usual, please refer to the Service information “Electronic be set in the same way as for the other functions.
controlled air suspension”, ECS Group 728. The switch
Volvo Truck Corporation Date Group Release Page
Body builder instructions 4.07 95 09 54(57)

Fleet management system (FMS) preparation kit

By using the FMS Gateway (Fleet Management System)
it is possible to install external transport information
systems in a vehicle, since the interface uses an open
standard that is used by all the major truck manufacturers.

FMS Gateway allows you to use the same transport

information system for all vehicles in your fleet, even if the
vehicles come from different manufacturers. The purpose
of FMS Gateway is to act as an interface that receive
signals from the vehicle network, translates them to the
FMS standard and then forwards them to an external
FMS unit.

It is strictly forbidden to connect to the CAN-buses
(1-3). This could severely affect the drivability.


FMS Gateway is located inside the instrument panel.

Installation of external FMS (non VOLVO)

For connection of Power, Ground and Ignition signals see
“Extra equipment” in chapter 4.

Connection of CAN signals

The cables from the FMS Gateway are mounted on
connector B Volvo part no 20383169, and will fit connector
A Volvo part no. 20367821.

FMS:1 = CAN-L (green wire)
FMS:2 = CAN-H (yellow wire)
The wires should be twisted 40 turns per meter.

The FMS Gateway is equipped with a 120 Ohms
terminating resistor. The responsibility of making sure
that the external CAN link from the FMS Gateway is
terminated correctly, lays on the installer of the external
FMS unit.
If there is nothing else than a FMS unit connected to the
FMS Gateway, the FMS unit should be terminated with
a 120 Ohms resistor. For more details see SAE J1939
Volvo Truck Corporation Date Group Release Page
Body builder instructions 4.07 95 09 55(57)

Signals from control unit FMS Gateway
The Message column contains English terminology from Note: The messages from the FMS Gateway are only
the SAE J1939 standard. available when the ignition is on (interrupted during start).

All messages may not be available depending on the

vehicle configuration.

The table is presented on three pages. Broadcasted signals are marked with X.
Message Signal Byte/Bit CHID-A544695 CHID A544696- CHID A550433-
CHID-B311773 550432 CHID B319288-
CHID B311774-
CCVS Vehicle speed value X X X
Clutch switch clutch released X X X
clutch depressed X X X
Brake switch brake released X X X
brake depressed X X X
Cruise control, switched off X X X
connected X X X
malfunction X X X
PTO, status switched off X X
hold X X
stand-by X X
set X X
resume X X
accelerate X X
not available X X X
EEC2 Accelerator, value
Fuel Total consumed value
consumption fuel
Dash display Fuel level value X X
EEC1 Engine rpm value X X X
Vehicle weight Axle position bit pattern X X
not available X X
Wheel position bit pattern
not available
Axle loading value X X
Engine hours, Total running time, value
rev. hours
Vehicle Vehicle bit pattern
Identification Identification
Volvo Truck Corporation Date Group Release Page
Body builder instructions 4.07 95 09 56(57)

FMS standard
Question, help

Diagnostic help

Software version
not available
not available
not available
not available



HRVD Total driven value

Service Service value
component id
Service distance value
Service value
component id
Service delay / value
calendar time
Service value
component id
Service delay value
/ running time
TCO1 Driver activity stationary X X
speed detected X X
Driver 2 activity rest X X
driver available X X
work X X
driving X X
reserved X X
malfunction X X
not available X X
Driver 1 activity rest X X
driver available X X
work X X
driving X X
reserved X X
malfunction X X
not available X X
Overspeed no overspeed
Driver card 1 card not available X X
card available X X
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Body builder instructions 4.07 95 09 57(57)

TCO 1 Driver 1 time

related to position
15 min before 4.5
4.5 hours reached
15 min before 9
9 hours reached
15 min before 16
16 hours reached
not available X X
Driver card 2 card not available X X
card available X X
Driver 2 time normal
related to position
15 min before 4.5
4.5 hours reached
15 min before 9
9 hours reached
15 min before 16
16 hours reached
not available X X
Direction indicator forward
Tachograph tachograph
performance performance
User info no information X X
information X X
System events no tachograph
Tachograph value
vehicle speed
Engine Coolant value
temperature temperature

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