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Name: Elrose Jean A.

Tocao Date: April 16, 2019

School: MSU – IIT Coop Academy Subject: TLE (FBS)
Grade: 9


1. Identify the different types of menu
2. Appreciate the importance of menu
With 75% proficiency level.
a. Subject Matter: Types of Menu
b. References: Internet Sites:
c. Instructional Materials: Visual Aids, Pictures, Illustration
d. Teaching Strategies: Collaborative Teaching Strategy
Discussion Method

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

A. Preparatory Activity
Classroom Management
Class, pick-up the pieces of paper on the floor
and arrange your chairs properly. Keep your (Students arranged their chairs
requirements from the other subject. properly)
Everybody please stand up for the prayer.
Karen, please lead the prayer.
Student 1: Let’s bow our head…
(Students prayed)
Good morning class! Good morning Ma’am Elrose!

You may now take your seat. (Students seated)

How are you today? We’re great Ma’am.
That’s good to know. Reminding you of our
class rules: Listen when I talk, no chatting
nonsense and keep your cellphones/gadgets.
Yes Ma’am.
Checking of Attendance
Let’s check first your attendance. Secretary,
who are absent today?
No one is absent Ma’am.
Very good everyone for not being absent for
Checking and Collecting of Assignment
Did you make the assignment that I gave you
last meeting class? Yes, ma’am.
What was your assignment all about? List at least 5 drinks and foods that
restaurants offer ma’am.
Okay, kindly get your assignment and
exchange papers with your seatmate. (Exchange papers with seatmates)
Let us check your assignment.
What are some drinks and foods that
restaurants offers? Ma’am, pasta, burgers, steak, fries,
Ma’am, juices, wines, softdrinks, etc.
Correct! 1 point each.
Are you done checking class? Yes, ma’am.
Okay. Pass the papers forward. 5, 4, 3 … 1.
B. Review of the Past Lesson
Class, can you still recall our previous lesson?
What is it all about? Don’t answer in chorus.
If you want to answer please raise your hand.
Ma’am, our previous lesson was all
about Duties and Responsibilities of
Food Service Team.
Very good! You answered my question right.
Who can give at least 1 duty and responsibility
of a food service team?
Yes, student 2? Ma’am, prepare food in a time
sensitive environment.
Okay. Another hand? From the boys.
Yes, student 3? Ma’am, ability to interact with our
Very good class that you’ve really learned
from our previous lesson. I gues you are now
ready for the new topic this morning. Am I
right class? Yes ma’am!
C. Motivation
Class, I want you to observe this illustration.
(shows the illustration) (observes the illustration)
Class, what have you observe in the
illustration? Ma’am, it’s an example of a menu in
a restaurant.

Very good! Your observations are correct. It is

an example of a menu. In relation to your
assignment, those are some items that can be
found in a menu. Right class? Yes ma’am.

Class this is an example of a menu.

Now, who can guess what would be our topic
this morning? About menu ma’am.
It can be. But specifically, our lesson for this
morning is all about the Types of Menu.
D. Learner’s Objectives
Class at the end of this period, you are
expected to… Everybody please read.
1. Identify the types of menu
2. Appreciate the importance of

E. Unlocking of Difficult Terms

We will unlock first the difficult terms that we
will encounter in our discussion.
 Menu – list of foods that may be
ordered at a restaurant
 Banquet – a formal dinner for many
people usually to celebrate a special
 Host – one that receives or entertains
guests socially, commercially or
 A la carte – French word which means
“by the card” with a separate price for
each item on the menu
 Table d’hote – French word which
means “table of the host” a meal
served to all guests at a stated hour and
fixed price
F. Lesson Proper
Let’s have a group activity. Can you still
remember our 4 set of groups from the
previous activities? Yes Ma’am.

Okay. So, group 1 will stay here, group 2 there

and so on.
a) Activity
Now that you have grouped
yourselves, I will give each group an
envelope. Each envelope contains
pictures of menus and the name of the
type of each menu. All you have to do
is to label each menu according to its
type and post here in front. I want you
to collaborate with your group.When
all groups are done posting, choose
your representative to present your
output here in front. I will only give 1
minute to every representative to
present their activity.
I will rate you using a rubric. (Shows
the rubric)
Excellent Good Fair Poor Points
5pts. 4pts. 3pts. 2pts. Earned
Collaboratio All group All group Some group Only 1 or 2 group
n memebers members
members members
participated participated.
participated. participated.
Time Finished the Finished the Finished the Finished the activity
Management activity in activity on
activity 1-2 very late.
advance. time.
minutes late.
Presentation Presenters were Presenters Presenters Presenters were
very confident in were were not
unconfident and
delivery and occasionally consistent
presentation confident in with the level presentation includes
includes many delivery and of confidence
few or no details.
details. presentation and
includes some
includes few
Yes, Ma’am.

(Read the rubric) Is it clear class?

You may now start.
b) Analysis
(Students do the activity)
(Let the students analyze the types of
Time’s up! Post your activity now.
(Students analyze their activity)
Let’s give an Angel clap for everyone.
Did all members of the group
(Performs angel clap)
Okay, let’s have the presentation of
Yes Ma’am.
your activity on how did you come up
with that answers.

(Students analyze and present their

Congratulations to each group you did
the activity very well.
c) Abstraction
What are the types of menu?
How is it important to waiters?
How are we going to apply the menu
in our real life situations?
We will know the answers in our
lesson this morning. So everybody
must listen.

(The students are expected to listen

carefully to the teacher)
Class, there are four types of menus
that some restaurants used.
The four types of menus are…

Blackboard menu, Banquet Menu, A

Blackboard menu is…
la carte menu and Table d’hote menu.

Blackboard menu is written on a

blackboard at the entrance to some
This is an example of blackboard restaurants.

In this picture class, where can you

find this type of menu here in Iligan

Student 5: Poprock, ma’am.

Okay!.You can find this in Poprock
café class. They uses blackboard type
of menu.

Very good for giving an example of

balackboard menu.
Next is banquet menu.
Banquet menu is…

Banquet menu is list of food

selections for banquets, which are
festive dinners that celebrate special
These are banquet menus…
The restaurants that usually uses this
type of menu are restaurants that
accepts catering services.
Next is a la carte menu.
A la carte menu is…

These are examples of A la carte


A la carte menu means “by the card”,

is a list of items on a menu which are
priced separately.
And the last one is table d’hote menu.
Table d’hote menu is..

These are examples of table d’hote


Table d’hote menu means “table of

the host”, is a menu where multi-
course meals with only a few choices
are charged at a fixed total price

Those are the types of menus..

d) Application
Can you now identify the types menus
Well, let’s see. Again, with the 5
groups, identify the types of menus.

Very good! You can already identify

the four types of menu.
Let’s give everybody an Angel Clap.
Let’s have a recap first before having a
G. Generalization
There are four types of menus namely;
blackboard menu, banquet menu, a la carte Yes ma’am.
menu, and table d’hote menu. Blackboard
menu is written on a blackboard at the
entrance of restaurants. Banquet menu is list (Students identifies the four types of
of menus for festive dinners or special menus)
occasions. A la carte menu is list of items on
a menu which are priced separately. And
table d’hote menu is is a menu where multi- (Performs angel clap)
course meals with only a few choices are
charged at a fixed total price.

Any questions, clarifications or violent

reactions class?
Since you don’t have questions, I will be the
one to ask questions.
What is this type of menu that is list of items
on a menu which are priced separately?
Very good you answered correctly.
What is this type of menu that is list of menus
for festive dinners or special occasions?
Very good your answer is correct!
Why is it called blackboard menu class?
Very good class your answer is correct.
How would you distinguish or differentiate a
la carte menu to table d’hote menu? No, Ma’am.
For example class, if a restaurant don’t have a
menu what will happen?
As a student, for instance, you don't have a
notebook. What will happen? How are you
going to relate the importance of menu to you
as a student? A la carte ma’am.
Very good class you really learn and
appreciate our topic for today! With that, let’s
give ourselves a Fireworks Clap. Banquet menu ma’am.





(Performs fireworks clap)

Matching Type. In a ¼ sheet of paper, match column A with column B. Write only the
letter of the correct answer.

1) A type of menu which is a list of a. Blackboard menu
food selections for festive dinners
b. Banquet menu
or special occasions.
c. A la carte menu
2) This type of menu which means
“table of the host”. d. Table d’hote menu
3) A menu that is written on a
blackboard at the entrance of a
4) Type of menu that is listed as a
single item and priced separately
from other foods.
5) A menu where multi-course
meals with only a few choices are
charged at a fixed total price.

Answer Key

1) B
2) D
3) A
4) C
5) D

In a ¼ sheet of paper, list one restaurant, cafeteria or fastfoods and identify what type of
menu they offer.

Do you have any questions with

regards to our assignment? None Ma’am.
Okay, that’s all for this morning.
Thank you and goodbye class! Goodbye Ma’am Elrose!
Thank you for teaching us!

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