Testosterone ARC
Testosterone ARC
Testosterone ARC
NOTE: This package insert must be read carefully prior to use. Package insert instructions must be carefully
followed. Reliability of assay results cannot be guaranteed if there are any deviations from the instructions in this
package insert.
Reagent Lot
Store at 2-8°C
Reaction Vessels
Sample Cups
Consult instructions for use
Abbott Ireland
Diagnostics Division Legal
Lisnamuck, Longford Replacement Caps
Co. Longford
Abbott Ireland Ireland
Diagnostics Division + 353-43-31000
Serial Number
Lisnamuck, Longford
Co. Longford
+ 353-43-31000
See REAGENTS section for a full explanation of symbols used in reagent component naming.
Diagnostics Division
ARCHITECT® Testosterone Reagent Kit, 100 Tests
NOTE: Some kit sizes are not available in all countries; please
contact your local distributor.
The ARCHITECT Testosterone assay is a Chemiluminescent
Microparticle Immunoassay (CMIA) for the quantitative ARCHITECT Testosterone Reagent Kit (7K73)
determination of testosterone in human serum and plasma. • 1 or 4 Bottle(s) (6.6 mL) Anti-Testosterone
(mouse, monoclonal) coated Microparticles in BIS-TRIS buffer
with protein (bovine) stabilizers. Preservative: antimicrobial
Testosterone is a male sex hormone, secreted by Leydig or agent.
interstitial cells of the testes, regulated and controlled through
• 1 or 4 Bottle(s) (5.9 mL) Testosterone acridinium-
negative feedback on the hypothalamus and pituitary gland by the
labeled Conjugate in citrate buffer with surfactant stabilizer.
pituitary hormone, luteinizing hormone (LH). Serum concentrations
Minimum concentration: 0.1 nM. Preservative: antimicrobial
of testosterone will go through a sequence of rise and fall through
the fetal stage until 6 months after delivery due to maternal hormonal
• 1 or 4 Bottle(s) (5.9 mL) Testosterone Assay
changes. From 6 months through puberty, testosterone
Diluent containing surfactant in citrate buffer. Preservative:
concentration remains at about 1 nmol/L (0.3 ng/mL). The increase
antimicrobial agent.
of testosterone levels in males is gradual post puberty until it reaches
the adult level. In females, testosterone is mainly produced by Manual Diluent
peripheral conversion of prehormones. ARCHITECT Testosterone Manual Diluent (7K73-50)
Typical Physiological Testosterone Levels.1 • 1 Bottle (1 mL) of ARCHITECT Testosterone
Male (ng/mL) Female (ng/mL) Manual Diluent containing processed bovine serum.
Prepubertal 0.01 - 1.77 0.01 - 0.20 Preservative: antimicrobial agent.
Pubertal 0.02 - 8.00 0.02 - 0.40
Adult 2.80 - 11.00 0.15 - 0.70 Other Reagents
ARCHITECT i Pre-Trigger Solution
Testosterone is highly protein-bound. In males, 98% of the
testosterone in circulation is bound; the value is slightly lower in • Pre-Trigger Solution containing 1.32%
females. The majority of the steroid is bound to a specific binding (w/v) hydrogen peroxide.
protein, sometimes referred to as Sex Hormone Binding Globulin ARCHITECT i Trigger Solution
(SHBG) or Testosterone Binding Globulin (TeBG), and serum
• Trigger Solution containing 0.35N sodium
Testosterone monitoring is used clinically to diagnose and hydroxide.
differentiate endocrine disorders. In males, these include ARCHITECT i Wash Buffer
hypogonadonism, testicular failure, infertility, hypopituitarism and NOTE: Bottle and volume varies based on order.
hyperprolactinemia. In females, polycystic ovary syndrome, adrenal • Wash Buffer containing phosphate buffered
hyperplasia, infertility, hirsutism, amenorrhea, obesity and virilization saline solution. Preservative: antimicrobial agent.
can cause changes in serum testosterone levels.
The ARCHITECT Testosterone assay is to be used as an aid in the WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS
investigation of infertility in males and hirsutism and virilization in • For In Vitro Diagnostic Use.
females. • Package insert instructions must be carefully followed. Reliability
BIOLOGICAL PRINCIPLES OF THE PROCEDURE of assay results cannot be guaranteed if there are any deviations
The ARCHITECT Testosterone assay is a one-step immunoassay from the instructions in this package insert.
to determine the presence of testosterone in human serum and Safety Precautions
plasma using Chemiluminescent Microparticle Immunoassay • ARCHITECT i Trigger Solution contains sodium hydroxide
(CMIA) technology with flexible assay protocols, referred to as (NaOH) and is classified per applicable European
Chemiflex™. Community (EC) Directives as: Irritant (Xi). The following are
Sample, anti-testosterone (mouse, monoclonal) coated the appropriate Risk (R) and Safety (S) phrases.
paramagnetic microparticles, testosterone acridinium-labeled
R41 Risk of serious damage to eyes.
conjugate and assay diluent are combined to create the reaction S25 Avoid contact with eyes.
mixture. Testosterone present in the sample competes with the S26 In case of contact with eyes, rinse
testosterone acridinium-labeled conjugate for binding with anti- immediately with plenty of water and seek
testosterone (mouse, monoclonal) coated microparticles to form medical advice.
an antigen-antibody complex. After washing, Pre-Trigger and S35 This material and its container must be
Trigger Solutions are then added to the reaction mixture; the disposed of in a safe way.
resulting chemiluminescent reaction is measured as relative light S36/39 Wear suitable protective clothing and eye/
units (RLUs). An inverse relationship exists between the amount of face protection.
testosterone in the sample and the RLUs detected by the S46 If swallowed, seek medical advice
ARCHITECT i optical system. immediately and show this container or label.
For additional information on system and assay technology, refer • For product not classified as dangerous per European Directive
to the ARCHITECT System Operations Manual, Section 3. 1999/45/EC as amended - Safety data sheet available for
professional user on request.
• For a detailed discussion of safety precautions during system
operation, refer to the ARCHITECT System Operations Manual,
Section 8.
Handling Precautions ASSAY PARAMETERS
• Do not use reagent kits beyond the expiration date. The default values for the assay parameters used in the
• Do not mix reagents from different reagent kits. ARCHITECT Testosterone assay are contained in the categories
• Prior to loading the ARCHITECT Testosterone Reagent Kit on listed below. Assay parameters that can be edited contain a (>). In
the system for the first time, the microparticle bottle requires order to obtain values for the parameters with an asterisk (*), review
mixing to resuspend microparticles that have settled during the category-specific Details for assay parameters dialog windows.
shipment. For microparticle mixing instructions, refer to the For detailed information on viewing and editing assay parameters,
PROCEDURE, Assay Procedure section of this package insert. refer to the ARCHITECT System Operations Manual, Section 2.
• Septums MUST be used to prevent reagent evaporation and General Parameters Calibration Parameters
contamination and to ensure reagent integrity. Reliability Name: > Testost Mode: Adjust
of assay results cannot be guaranteed if septums are not Assay type: One Step 25 Data reduction method: 4PLC Y
used according to the instructions in this package insert. Assay number: 231 Adjustment method: Parameter
• To avoid contamination, wear clean gloves when placing a Adjustment
septum on an uncapped reagent bottle. Pretreatment option: None Replicates: > 2
• Prior to placing the septum on an uncapped reagent bottle, Assay version: * Cal A: 0.0
Assay availability: >* Cal B: 0.2
squeeze the septum in half to confirm that the slits are open. If
Cal version: * Cal C: 1.0
the slits appear sealed, continue to gently squeeze the septum Assay status: >* Cal D: 2.5
to open the slits. Cal E: 7.0
• Once a septum has been placed on an open reagent bottle, do Cal F: 15.0
not invert the bottle as this will result in reagent leakage and Cal 1: 1.0
may compromise assay results. Cal 2: 15.0
• Over time, residual liquids may dry on the septum surface. These Dilution Parameters Results Parameters
are typically dried salts which have no effect on assay efficacy. Manual dilution: Yes Normal range: >*
• For a detailed discussion of handling precautions during system Default dilution: > Undiluted Extreme range: >*
operation, refer to the ARCHITECT System Operations Manual, Dilution range (Low): 0.08
Section 7. Dilution range (High): 15.0
Result Units
Storage Instructions
Result concentration units: > ng/mL
Result decimal places: > 2
• The ARCHITECT Testosterone Reagent Kit must be • For a detailed description of system procedures, refer to the
stored at 2-8°C and may be used immediately after removal ARCHITECT System Operations Manual.
from 2-8°C storage. • The default result unit for the ARCHITECT Testosterone assay
• When stored and handled as directed, reagents are stable until is ng/mL. Alternate result units, nmol/L or ng/dL, may be selected
the expiration date. for reporting results by editing assay parameter “Result
• The ARCHITECT Testosterone Reagent Kit may be stored on- concentration units” to nmol/L or ng/dL. The conversion factor
board the ARCHITECT i System for a maximum of 30 days. used by the system is 3.47 for nmol/L and 100 for ng/dL.
After 30 days, the reagent kit must be discarded. For information SPECIMEN COLLECTION AND PREPARATION FOR
on tracking on-board time, refer to the ARCHITECT System ANALYSIS
Operations Manual, Section 5.
• Human serum (including serum collected in serum separator
• Reagents may be stored on or off the ARCHITECT i System. If
tubes) or plasma collected in sodium heparin, lithium heparin
reagents are removed from the system, store them at 2-8°C
or potassium EDTA anticoagulant tubes may be used in the
(with septums and replacement caps) in an upright position.
ARCHITECT Testosterone assay. Other anticoagulants have not
For reagents stored off the system, it is recommended that they
been validated for use with the ARCHITECT Testosterone assay.
be stored in their original trays and boxes to ensure they remain
Follow the manufacturer’s processing instructions for serum or
upright. If the microparticle or assay diluent bottle does not
plasma collection tubes.
remain upright (with a septum installed) while in 2-8°C
• The ARCHITECT i System does not provide the capability to
storage off the system, the reagent kit must be discarded.
verify specimen type. It is the responsibility of the operator to
After reagents are removed from the system, you must initiate
verify the correct specimen types are used in the ARCHITECT
a scan to update the on-board stability timer.
Testosterone assay.
Indications of Reagent Deterioration • Use caution when handling patient specimens to prevent cross
When a control value is out of the specified range, it may indicate contamination. Use of disposable pipettes or pipette tips is
deterioration of the reagents or errors in technique. Associated test recommended.
results may be invalid and may require retesting. Assay recalibration • For optimal results, inspect all samples for bubbles. Remove
may be necessary. For troubleshooting information, refer to the bubbles with an applicator stick prior to analysis. Use a new
ARCHITECT System Operations Manual, Section 10. applicator stick for each sample to prevent cross contamination.
• For optimal results, serum and plasma specimens should be
INSTRUMENT PROCEDURE free of fibrin, red blood cells or other particulate matter.
• The ARCHITECT Testosterone assay file must be installed on
the ARCHITECT i System from the ARCHITECT i Assay
CD-ROM prior to performing the assay. For detailed instructions
on assay file installation refer to the ARCHITECT System
Operations Manual, Section 2.
• Ensure that complete clot formation in serum specimens has • If the microparticles do not resuspend, DO NOT USE.
taken place prior to centrifugation. Some specimens, especially Contact your local Abbott representative.
those from patients receiving anticoagulant or thrombolytic • Order tests.
therapy may exhibit increased clotting time. If the specimen is • Load the ARCHITECT Testosterone Reagent Kit on the
centrifuged before a complete clot forms, the presence of fibrin ARCHITECT i System. Verify that all necessary assay reagents
may cause erroneous results. are present. Ensure that septums are present on all reagent
• If testing will be delayed more than 24 hours, remove serum or bottles.
plasma from the clot, serum separator or red blood cells. • The minimum sample cup volume is calculated by the system
Specimens may be stored for up to 7 days at 2-8°C prior to and is printed on the Orderlist report. No more than 10 replicates
being tested. If testing will be delayed more than 7 days, may be sampled from the same sample cup. To minimize the
specimens should be frozen at -10°C or colder. Specimens effects of evaporation verify adequate sample cup volume is
stored frozen at -10°C or colder for 6 months showed no present prior to running the test.
performance difference. • Priority: 150 µL for the first Testosterone test plus 100 µL for
• Multiple freeze-thaw cycles of specimens should be avoided. each additional Testosterone test from the same sample cup
Specimens must be mixed THOROUGHLY after thawing, by • < 3 hours onboard: 150 µL for the first Testosterone test
LOW speed vortexing or by gently inverting, and centrifuged plus 100 µL for each additional Testosterone test from the
prior to use to remove red blood cells or particulate matter to same sample cup
ensure consistency in the results. • > 3 hours onboard: additional sample volume is required.
• When shipped, specimens must be packaged and labeled in Refer to the ARCHITECT System Operations Manual,
compliance with applicable state, federal and international Section 5 for information on sample evaporation and volumes.
regulations covering the transport of clinical specimens and • If using primary or aliquot tubes, use the sample gauge to ensure
infectious substances. Specimens must be shipped frozen (dry sufficient patient specimen is present.
ice). Prior to shipment, it is recommended that specimens be • To obtain the recommended volume requirements for the
removed from the clot, serum separator or red blood cells. ARCHITECT Testosterone Calibrators and Controls, hold the
• ARCHITECT Testosterone Calibrators and Controls should be bottles vertically and dispense 8 drops of each calibrator or
thawed and mixed by gentle inversion prior to use. 4 drops of each control into each respective sample cup.
• Load samples
• For information on loading samples, refer to the ARCHITECT
Materials Provided: System Operations Manual, Section 5
• 7K73 ARCHITECT Testosterone Reagent Kit • Press RUN. The ARCHITECT i System performs the following
Materials Required but not Provided: function:
• Moves the sample to the aspiration point
• ARCHITECT i System • Loads a reaction vessel (RV) into the process path
• ARCHITECT i Assay CD-ROM • Aspirates and transfers sample into the RV
• 7K73-01 ARCHITECT Testosterone Calibrators • Advances the RV one position and transfers assay-specific
• 7K73-10 ARCHITECT Testosterone Controls diluent, conjugate and microparticles into the RV
• Mixes, incubates and washes the reaction mixture
• 7K73-50 ARCHITECT Testosterone Manual Diluent
• Adds Pre-Trigger and Trigger Solutions
• ARCHITECT i • Measures chemiluminescent emission to determine the
• ARCHITECT i quantity of testosterone in the sample
• ARCHITECT i • Aspirates contents of RV to liquid waste and unloads RV to
solid waste
• ARCHITECT i • Calculates the result
• ARCHITECT i • For information on ordering patient specimens, calibrators and
• ARCHITECT i controls, and general operating procedures refer to the
ARCHITECT System Operations Manual, Section 5.
• For optimal performance, it is important to follow the routine
• For information on materials required for maintenance maintenance procedures defined in the ARCHITECT System
procedures, refer to the ARCHITECT System Operations Operations Manual, Section 9. If your laboratory requires more
Manual, Section 9. frequent maintenance, follow those procedures.
• Pipettes or pipette tips (optional) to deliver the volumes specified
on the patient or control order screen. Specimen Dilution Procedures
Specimens which read >15.0 ng/mL may be diluted with the
Assay Procedure ARCHITECT Testosterone Manual Diluent (7K73-50).
• Before loading the ARCHITECT Testosterone Reagent Kit on • Manual dilutions should be performed as follows:
the system for the first time, the microparticle bottle requires • The suggested dilution for Testosterone is 1:4.
mixing to resuspend microparticles that have settled during • For a 1:4 dilution, add 100 µL of the patient specimen to
shipment: 300 µL of ARCHITECT Testosterone Manual Diluent.
• Invert the microparticle bottle 30 times. • The operator must enter the dilution factor in the patient or
• Visually inspect the bottle to ensure microparticles are control order screen. The system will use this dilution factor
resuspended. If microparticles are still adhered to the bottle, to automatically calculate the concentration of the sample
continue to invert the bottle until the microparticles have been before dilution. This will be the reported result. The dilution
completely resuspended. should be performed so that the reported result reads greater
• Once the microparticles have been resuspended, remove than 3.0 ng/mL.
and discard the cap. Wearing clean gloves, remove a septum • If the operator does not enter the dilution factor, the reported
from the bag. Squeeze the septum to confirm that the slits result will be that of the diluted sample. This result should be
are open. Carefully snap the septum onto the top of the bottle. greater than 0.75 ng/mL.
• For detailed information on ordering dilutions, refer to the • Specimens from patients who have received preparations of
ARCHITECT System Operations Manual, Section 5. mouse monoclonal antibodies for diagnosis or therapy may
contain human anti-mouse antibodies (HAMA). Such specimens
may show either falsely elevated or depressed values when
• To perform an ARCHITECT Testosterone calibration, test tested with assay kits which employ mouse monoclonal
Calibrators 1 and 2 in duplicate. A single sample of all levels of antibodies. 3,4 Additional information may be required for
testosterone controls must be tested to evaluate the assay diagnosis.
calibration. Ensure that assay control values are within the • Heterophilic antibodies in human serum can react with reagent
concentration ranges specified in the package insert. Calibrators immunoglobulins, interfering with in vitro immunoassays.5
should be priority loaded. Patients routinely exposed to animals or animal serum products
• Calibrator range: 0.0 - 15.0 ng/mL. can be prone to this interference and anomalous values may be
• Once an ARCHITECT Testosterone calibration is accepted and observed. Additional information may be required for diagnosis.
stored, all subsequent samples may be tested without further
calibration unless: EXPECTED VALUES
• A reagent kit with a new lot number is used The expected ranges for the ARCHITECT Testosterone assay were
• Controls are out of range obtained by testing specimens drawn from 77 premenopausal
• For detailed information on how to perform an assay calibration, females, 20 postmenopausal females, and 82 males. For this study,
refer to the ARCHITECT System Operations Manual, Section 6. specimens from premenopausal females were categorized as
ovulating, and using oral contraceptives. Male specimens were
categorized as less than 50 years old, and 50 years and older. The
The recommended control requirement for the ARCHITECT results are presented in the following table.
Testosterone assay is a single sample of all control levels tested
Testosterone Value (ng/mL)
once every 24 hours each day of use. If the quality control
2.5 97.5
procedures in your laboratory require more frequent use of controls Population n Minimum Percentile Percentile Maximum
to verify test results, follow your laboratory-specific procedures.
Females 97 0.09 0.13 1.08 1.30
Ensure that assay control values are within the concentration ranges
Premenopausal 77 0.09 1.09
specified in the package insert. Ovulating 52 0.09 1.09
Verification of Assay Claims Using Oral
Contraceptives 25 0.13 0.83
For protocols to verify package insert claims, refer to the Postmenopausal 20 0.12 1.30
ARCHITECT System Operations Manual, Appendix B. The
ARCHITECT Testosterone assay belongs to method group 1. Males 82 1.56 1.66 8.11 8.77
<50 years old 70 1.66 8.77
RESULTS 50 years and older 12 1.56 5.63
The ARCHITECT Testosterone assay utilizes a 4 Parameter Logistic
It is recommended that each laboratory establish its own expected
Curve Fit data reduction method (4PLC, Y weighted) to generate a
calibration curve.
Alternate Result Units
• The default unit for the ARCHITECT Testosterone assay is
ng/mL. Precision was determined as described in the National Committee
• Alternate result units available are as follows: for Clinical Laboratory Standards (NCCLS) Protocol EP5-T2.6 A
• When the alternate result unit, nmol/L, is selected, the three member processed bovine serum based panel was assayed,
conversion factor used by the system is 3.47. using a single lot of reagents, in replicates of two at two separate
times per day for 20 days. Data from this study is summarized in
Conversion formula:
the following table.
(Concentration in ng/mL) x (3.47) = nmol/L
Panel Reagent Instru- Mean Conc. Within Run Total
• When the alternate result unit, ng/dL*, is selected, the Member Lot ment n Value (ng/mL) SD %CV SD %CV
conversion factor used by the system is 100.
1 1 1 80 0.83 0.033 4.0 0.055 6.6
Conversion formula: 1 1 2 80 0.82 0.037 4.5 0.065 8.0
(Concentration in ng/mL) x (100) = ng/dL 2 1 1 80 5.04 0.094 1.9 0.184 3.7
* i Assay CD-ROM version 6.0 and higher will be required to install this 2 1 2 80 4.87 0.118 2.4 0.209 4.3
alternate result unit (ng/dL). 3 1 1 80 10.11 0.201 2.0 0.317 3.1
Flags 3 1 2 80 9.93 0.212 2.1 0.360 3.6
• Some results may contain information in the Flags field. For a
description of the flags that may appear in this field, refer to the
Known concentrations of testosterone were added to four normal
ARCHITECT System Operations Manual, Section 5.
human serum samples. The concentration of testosterone was
LIMITATIONS OF THE PROCEDURE determined using the ARCHITECT Testosterone assay and the
• For diagnostic purposes, results should be used in conjunction resulting percent recovery was calculated.
with other data; e.g., symptoms, results of other tests, clinical
impressions, etc.
• If the testosterone results are inconsistent with clinical evidence,
additional testing is suggested to confirm the result.
Endogenous Observed Cross Reactant % Cross
Testosterone Testosterone Testosterone Cross Reactant Added (ng/mL) Reactivity
Concentration Added Concentration % 4-Estren-17α-ol-3-one 100 0.01
Sample (ng/mL) (ng/mL) (ng/mL) Recovery* Estrone 1000 0.01
1 6.04 1.51 7.61 104 Ethisterone 50 0.06
3.22 9.21 98 Etiocholan-3,17-dione 1000 0.01
6.92 12.76 97 Etiocholan-3α,17β-diol 2000 0.09
2 3.94 1.51 5.37 95 Etiocholan-3β,17β-diol 1000 0.07
3.22 7.20 101 11β-Hydroxyandrostenedione 1000 0.04
6.92 10.78 99 19-Hydroxyandrostenedione 1000 0.08
3 2.43 1.51 4.11 111 17-Hydroxyprogesterone 1000 0.01
3.22 5.78 104 6β-Hydroxytestosterone 100 8.26
6.92 9.42 101 10 7.20
11β-Hydroxytestosterone 100 14.10
4 0.54 1.51 2.05 100 10 13.60
3.22 3.76 100 19-Hydroxytestosterone 100 2.14
6.92 7.66 103 10 2.20
Average Recovery: 101% 11-Ketotestosterone 10 22.30
Observed Testosterone Conc. (ng/mL) - Methyltestosterone 100 0.07
Endogenous Testosterone Conc. (ng/mL) 19-Nortestosterone 50 3.18
*% Recovery = –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– x 100
Testosterone Added (ng/mL) Progesterone 1000 0.02
Spironolactone 1000 0.01
The following compounds showed no (0.00%) cross reactivity.
Cross Reactant
The functional sensitivity of the ARCHITECT Testosterone assay
Cross Reactant Concentration (ng/mL)
was calculated to be 0.14 ng/mL (95% confidence interval of 0.11
to 0.17 ng/mL). Amitriptyline HCl 1000
Clomiphene citrate 1000
Functional sensitivity is defined as the concentration of testosterone
Cortisol 1000
that can be measured with a CV of 20%. This was determined by Cortisone 1000
testing processed human serum samples ranging up to 6.03 ng/mL. Cyproterone acetate 1000
Each sample was tested one time per day for 10 days on each of Danazol 1000
two ARCHITECT i Systems using two reagent lots. The %CV was Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) 100000
calculated and plotted against the mean concentration. The Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate 1000
functional sensitivity value represents the concentration interpolated 11-Deoxycortisol 1000
from the fitted curve at the 20% CV level. Desogestrel 100
Dexamethasone 1000
Analytical 17α-Estradiol 1000
The analytical sensitivity of the ARCHITECT Testosterone assay 17β-Estradiol (Estradiol) 1000
is better than 0.08 ng/mL (n=24 runs in replicates of 10). Analytical Estriol 1000
sensitivity is defined as the concentration at two standard deviations Ethinylestradiol 1000
from the ARCHITECT Testosterone MasterCheck™ Level 0 Ethynodiol diacetate 50
(0.0 ng/mL), and represents the lowest measurable concentration Flunisolide 1000
of testosterone that can be distinguished from zero. Fluoxymesterone 1000
17-Hydroxypregnenolone 1000
Specificity Lynestrenol 1000
The specificity of the ARCHITECT Testosterone assay was Medroxyprogesterone acetate 1000
determined by studying cross reactivity of the structurally similar Mestranol 1000
compounds below. Aliquots of processed human serum were Norethindrone 50
supplemented to the concentrations indicated with the potential Norethindrone acetate 50
cross reactants and assayed for testosterone. The percent cross Norethynodrel 50
reactivity of the compounds is listed in the following table for the Norgestimate 1000
ARCHITECT Testosterone assay. Norgestrel (Levonorgestrel) 50
Oxymetholone 100
Cross Reactant % Cross 10
Cross Reactant Added (ng/mL) Reactivity Prednisone 800
Aldosterone 8000 0.01 Salbutamol 1000
Androstanedione 1000 0.10 Stanozolol 1000
5α-Androstane-3β,17β-diol 1000 0.15 Testosterone enanthate 100
Androstendiol 100 0.02 10
Androstenedione 1000 1.41 Triamcinolone 50
100 1.04
Androsterone 1000 0.03 Interference
Corticosterone 1000 0.01 Potential interference from hemoglobin, bilirubin, triglycerides and
Desoxycorticosterone (DOC) 1000 0.02 SHBG was studied in the ARCHITECT Testosterone assay. The
Dihydroandrosterone 1000 0.19
ARCHITECT Testosterone assay demonstrated the following
5α-Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) 100 2.11
Epiandrosterone 1000 0.01
Epitestosterone 1000 0.15
• Hemoglobin - <10% at 150 mg/dL
• Bilirubin - <10% at 20 mg/dL
• Triglycerides - <10% at 2000 mg/dL
• SHBG - <10% at 96 nM
Accuracy by Correlation
The ARCHITECT Testosterone assay was compared to a
commercially available diagnostic kit and to gas chromatography/
mass spectrometry (GC/MS). The results of the specimen testing
are shown in the following table.
Abbott ARCHITECT Testosterone vs.
Chiron Diagnostics ACS:180® Testosterone
Number of Correlation
Method Specimens Intercept Slope Coefficient
Least Squares
Linear Regression 607 -0.02 0.89 0.986
Linear Regression* 607 -0.03 0.89 0.986
In this evaluation, serum specimens tested ranged from 0.09 to
12.02 ng/mL with the ARCHITECT Testosterone assay and from
0.13 to 13.24 ng/mL with the ACS:180® Testosterone assay.
Abbott ARCHITECT Testosterone vs. GC/MS
Number of Correlation
Method Specimens Intercept Slope Coefficient
Least Squares
Linear Regression 102 0.02 0.97 0.996
Linear Regression* 102 0.12 0.95 0.996
In this evaluation, serum specimens tested ranged from 0.15 to
13.48 ng/mL with the ARCHITECT Testosterone assay and from
0.10 to 13.36 ng/mL with GC/MS.
* A linear regression method with no special assumptions regarding
the distribution of the samples and the measurement errors.7
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2. Dunn JF, Nisula BC and Rodbard D. J of Clinical Endocrinology
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3. Primus FJ, Kelley EA, Hansen HJ, Goldenberg DM. “Sandwich”-
Type Immunoassay of Carcinoembryonic Antigen in Patients
Receiving Murine Monoclonal Antibodies for Diagnosis and
Therapy. Clin Chem 1988;34:261-4.
4. Schroff RW, Foon KA, Beatty SM, Oldham RK, Morgan AC Jr.
Human Anti-Murine Immunoglobulin Responses in Patients
Receiving Monoclonal Antibody Therapy. Cancer Res
5. Boscato LM and Stuart MC. Heterophilic Antibodies: A Problem
for All Immunoassays. Clin Chem 1988; 34:27-33.
6. National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards,
Evaluation of Precision Performance of Clinical Chemistry
Devices - Second Edition; Tentative Guideline. NCCLS
Document EP5-T2. Villanova, PA: NCCLS, March 1992.
7. Passing H, Bablok W. A New Biometrical Procedure for Testing
the Equality of Measurements from Two Different Analytical
Methods. J Clin Chem. Clin Biochem. 1983;21:709-20.
AIDD Longford,
Ireland March, 2006