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Assignment #II

EC-204: Analog Communication Systems

Q1. An angle-modulated signal with carrier frequency ωc = 2π × 106 rad/s is described by

the equation
sFM (t)= 10 cos(ωc t + 0.1 sin 2000 πt)
(a) Find the power of the modulated signal.
(b) Find the frequency deviation ∆f.
(c) Find the phase deviation ∆∅ .
(d) Using the Carson’s rule, estimate the bandwidth of sFM (t).

Q2. Given m(t) = sin (2000 πt) , kf = 200,000 π , kp =10.

(a) Using Carson’s rule, estimate the bandwidths of sFM (t) and sPM (t).
(b) Repeat part (a) if the message signal amplitude is doubled.
(c) Repeat part (a) if the message signal frequency is doubled.
(d) Comment on the sensitivity of FM and PM bandwidths to the spectrum of m(t) .
Q3. Given m(t) = e−t , fc = 104 Hz , kf = 6000 π , and kp =8000 π
(a) Find ∆f , the frequency deviation for FM and PM.
(b) Estimate the bandwidths of the FM and PM waves.

Hint: Find M(f) and find its 3dB Bandwidth (W << ∆f ) .

Q4. Design (only the block diagram) an Armstrong indirect FM modulator to generate an FM
carrier with a carrier frequency of 98.1 MHz and ∆f = 75 kHz. A narrowband FM generator
is available at a carrier frequency of 100 kHz and a frequency deviation ∆f = 10 Hz. The
stock room also has an oscillator with an adjustable frequency in the range of 10 to 11
MHz. There are also plenty of frequency doublers, triplers and quintuplers.

Q5. Consider a narrow-band FM signal approximately defined by

st   Ac cos2f c t   Ac sin2f c t sin2f m t 
(a) Determine the envelope of this modulated signal. What is the ratio of the maximum to
the minimum value of this envelope? Plot this ratio versus  , assuming that  is
restricted to the interval 0    0.3 .
(b) Determine the average power of the narrow-band FM signal, expressed as a percentage
of the average power of the unmodulated carrier wave. Plot this result versus  ,
assuming that  is restricted to the interval 0    0.3 .
(c) By expanding the angle  i t  of the narrow-band FM signal st  in the form of a power
series, and restricting the modulation index  to a maximum value of 0.3 radians, show
 i t   2f c t   sin 2f m t   sin 3 2f m t 
What is the value of the harmonic distortion for   0.3 ?

Q6. The sinusoidal modulating wave

mt   Am cos2f m t 
is applied to a phase modulator with phase sensitivity k p . The unmodulated carrier wave
has frequency f c and amplitude Ac .
(a) Determine the spectrum of the resulting phase-modulated signal, assuming that the
maximum phase deviation  p  k p Am does not exceed 0.3 radians.
(b) Construct a phasor diagram for this modulated signal, and compare it with that of the
corresponding narrow-band FM signal.

Q7. A signal g t  and a frequency modulated signal st  are applied to a multiplier and the
output g t  st  is fed into a filter of impulse response ht  . The st  and ht  are linear
FM signals whose instantaneous frequencies vary at opposite rates, as given by
st   cos2f c t  kt 2 ,

ht   cos 2f c t  kt 2
where k is a constant. Show that the envelope of the filter output is proportional to the
amplitude spectrum of the input signal g t  with kt playing the role of frequency f .

Q8. An FM signal with a frequency deviation of 10 kHz at a modulation frequency of 5 kHz is

applied to two frequency multipliers connected in cascade. The first multiplier doubles
the frequency and the second multiplier triples the frequency. Determine the frequency
deviation and the modulation index of the FM signal obtained at the second multiplier
output. What is the frequency separation of the adjacent side frequencies of this FM

Q9. Consider a pair of wide-sense stationary random processes X t  and Y t  . Show that the
cross-correlations R XY   and RYX   of these processes have the following properties.
(a) RXY    RYX   
(b) R XY    R X 0  RY 0
where, R X   and RY   are the autocorrelation functions of X t  and Y t  , respectively.

Q10. Consider two linear filters connected in cascade as shown in Fig. 2. Let X t  be a wide
sense stationary process with autocorrelation function R X   . The random process appearing
at the first filter output is V t  and that at the second filter output is Y t  .
(a) Find the autocorrelation function of Y t  .
(b) Find the cross-correlation function RVY   of V t  and Y t  .

Fig. 2

Q11. Consider a white Gaussian noise process of zero mean and power spectral density N 0/2
that is applied to the input of the high-pass RL filter shown in Fig. 3.
(a) Find the autocorrelation function and power spectral density of the random process at the
output of the filter.
(b) What are the mean and variance of this output?

Fig. 3

Q12. A narrow-band noise nt  has zero mean and autocorrelation function RN   . Its power
spectral density S N  f  is centered about  f c . The quadrature components n I t  and nQ t  of
nt  are defined by the weighted sums

nI t   nt  cos2f c t   nt sin 2f c t 

nQ t   nt  cos2f c t   nt sin 2f c t 

where nt  is the Hilbert Transform of nt 

Show that the cross-correlation functions of nt  and nt  are given by

RNNˆ     Rˆ N   and RNˆ N    R N  

where R N   is the Hilbert transform of the autocorrelation function RN   . Using above
results, show that n I t  and nQ t  have the correlation functions

RNI    RNQ    RN  cos2f c   Rˆ N  sin2f c 

and, RN I NQ     RNQ N I    RN  sin 2f c   Rˆ N  cos2f c 

Q13. The sample function xt   Ac cos2f c t    t  is applied to the low-pass RC filter of
Fig. 5. The amplitude Ac and frequency f c of the sinusoidal component are constants, and  t 
is a white Gaussian noise of zero mean and power spectral density N 0/2. Find an expression for
the output signal-to-noise ratio with the sinusoidal component of xt  regarded as the signal of

Fig. 5
Q14. A DSB-SC modulated signal is transmitted over a noisy channel, with the power spectral
density of the noise being as shown in Fig. 6. The message bandwidth is 4 kHz and the carrier
frequency is 200 kHz. Assuming that the average power of the modulated wave is 10 watts,
determine the output signal-to-noise ratio of the receiver.

Fig. 6

Q14. The average noise power per unit bandwidth measured at the front end of an AM receiver
is 10-3 watt per Hertz. The modulating wave is sinusoidal with a carrier power of 80 kilowatts,
and a sideband power of 10 kilowatts per side band. The message bandwidth is 4 kHz.
Assuming the use of an envelope detector in the receiver, determine the output signal-to-noise
ratio of the system. By how many decibels is this system inferior to a DSB-SC modulation

Q15. An AM receiver, operating with a sinusoidal modulating signal and 80 percent

modulation, has an output signal-to-noise ratio of 30 dB.
(a) What is the corresponding carrier-to-noise ratio?
(b) By how many decibels can we decrease the carrier-to-noise ratio so that the system is
operating just above thresholds?

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