Conserve Rare and Economically Important suspicious activities in the area that potentially
Species harm the environment.
Some examples of human activities that help Do not buy from or patronize companies that
protect and conserve rare and economically are known polluters and destructive to nature.
important species include familiarizing or
learning about endangered species in the area Volunteer and show respect to wildlife.
of residence or interest, taking care of the Be educated and get more accurate
environment these rare species are living in, information.
and protecting wildlife habitat in general.
Additionally, human activities such as recycling Educate, share information with others, and be
and reducing the use of plastics and other a good example.
products harmful to the environment are also
ways to protect and conserve rare and Importance of the
economically important species.
Species Act
Additional Examples of Human Activities That
Help Protect and Conserve Rare and
Economically Important Species
The Endangered Species Act (ESA),
Here are some more practical human activities passed in 1973, was enacted to halt the
that help protect and conserve rare and rapid loss of plant and animal life.
economically important species not only in an Frequently referred to as the “crown
area but around the world:
jewel” of our nation’s environmental
laws, the ESA has been responsible for
saving many species formerly on the
Avoid buying products made from endangered
or threatened species. brink of extinction, including the bald
eagle, gray wolf and California sea otter.
Reduce personal footprint or by using
The ESA is the only piece of
biodegradable products, driving less, and
environmental legislation to date that
reducing consumption of disposable materials.
does not demand a cost-benefit analysis
Conserve water and trees. before going into action, making it
Engage in tree planting and grow native or local uniquely effective. Once a species is
plants in their natural habitat. declared threatened or endangered, the
ESA ensures that it will be protected
Refrain from using chemicals and other
and all efforts will be made to assist in
hazardous pollutants or substances.
its recovery.
The Endangered Species Act is not just 2. Medical
our strongest environmental law – it
Over 50% of the 150 most prescribed
also articulates a noble vision. In it, for
medicines were originally derived from a
the first time in world history, the
plant or other natural product.
legislators of a great nation said that it
Unfortunately, only about 5% of known
would do everything in its power to
plant species have been tested for
prevent the extinction of any species
medicinal uses and there are thousands
within its border.
of plant species that have yet to be
identified. Tens of thousands of
Why is it so important Americans die every year from illnesses
for us to protect for which there is no known cure. The
vision is carried out to tool kit, you will find ways that you can
help and get more involved. The
its fullest?
information we are providing is designed
to guide you through the endangered
species work and we will be available to
assist you every step of the way.
10 Easy Things jobs and supports local businesses. To
find a wildlife refuge near you, visit
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