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Human Activities That Help Protect and Alert authorities when there are illegal or

Conserve Rare and Economically Important suspicious activities in the area that potentially
Species harm the environment.

Some examples of human activities that help Do not buy from or patronize companies that
protect and conserve rare and economically are known polluters and destructive to nature.
important species include familiarizing or
learning about endangered species in the area Volunteer and show respect to wildlife.
of residence or interest, taking care of the Be educated and get more accurate
environment these rare species are living in, information.
and protecting wildlife habitat in general.
Additionally, human activities such as recycling Educate, share information with others, and be
and reducing the use of plastics and other a good example.
products harmful to the environment are also
ways to protect and conserve rare and Importance of the
economically important species.
Species Act
Additional Examples of Human Activities That
Help Protect and Conserve Rare and
Economically Important Species
The Endangered Species Act (ESA),
Here are some more practical human activities passed in 1973, was enacted to halt the
that help protect and conserve rare and rapid loss of plant and animal life.
economically important species not only in an Frequently referred to as the “crown
area but around the world:
jewel” of our nation’s environmental
laws, the ESA has been responsible for
saving many species formerly on the
Avoid buying products made from endangered
or threatened species. brink of extinction, including the bald
eagle, gray wolf and California sea otter.
Reduce personal footprint or by using
The ESA is the only piece of
biodegradable products, driving less, and
environmental legislation to date that
reducing consumption of disposable materials.
does not demand a cost-benefit analysis
Conserve water and trees. before going into action, making it

Engage in tree planting and grow native or local uniquely effective. Once a species is
plants in their natural habitat. declared threatened or endangered, the
ESA ensures that it will be protected
Refrain from using chemicals and other
and all efforts will be made to assist in
hazardous pollutants or substances.
its recovery.
The Endangered Species Act is not just 2.  Medical
our strongest environmental law – it
Over 50% of the 150 most prescribed
also articulates a noble vision. In it, for
medicines were originally derived from a
the first time in world history, the
plant or other natural product.
legislators of a great nation said that it
Unfortunately, only about 5% of known
would do everything in its power to
plant species have been tested for
prevent the extinction of any species
medicinal uses and there are thousands
within its border.
of plant species that have yet to be
identified. Tens of thousands of
Why is it so important Americans die every year from illnesses
for us to protect for which there is no known cure. The

species? cures for these diseases may eventually

come from plants, therefore, we must

1.  Ecological protect all species before they are lost

importance forever from nature’s medicine cabinet.

Healthy ecosystems depend on plant

and animal species as their foundations. 3. 
When a species becomes endangered, it Aesthetic/Recreationa
is a sign that the ecosystem is slowly
falling apart. Each species that is lost
triggers the loss of other species within The American tourism industry is
its ecosystem. Humans depend on dependent on plant and animal species
healthy ecosystems to purify our and their ecosystems for their multi-
environment. Without healthy forests, billion dollar, job-intensive industry.
grasslands, rivers, oceans and other Every year, millions of people visit
ecosystems, we will not have clean air, natural areas in the US and participate
water, or land. If we allow our in wildlife related activities. From
environment to become contaminated, woodland hikes to beach going, outdoor
we risk our own health. activities are the second most popular
travel activity (Travel Industry
Association of America). The U.S. Park
Service logs over 200 million visitors to
our National Parks every year. The local
economies of these areas
benefit greatly from activities associated
with these visits. The preservation of With a firm grasp of the importance of
our nation’s biological diversity is an threatened and endangered species, we
immensely important facet to the need to make sure that they are
survival of the travel industry. protected. The Endangered Species Act
is our nation’s first line of defense
against extinction. Unfortunately,
4.  Agricultural species are slipping through cracks in
the ESA. Citizens across the country
Agriculture also plays an important role
remain vigilant in protecting the
in the protection of species, farmers are
biodiversity and wildlife within their own
often seen as the original
communities. Through the monitoring of
conservationists. Many farmers set
state and federal actions concerning
aside portions of their land as wildlife
threatened and endangered species,
habitat and also work in partnership
citizens act as a voice for the voiceless
with groups such as Trout Unlimited to
to guarantee that the well-being of
restore river and stream habitats for
these species are considered.
endangered and threatened fish and
reptiles. In addition, wild relatives of The ESA has also faced well-funded and
common crops contain important well-organized attacks. With the help of
genetic material needed to maintain committed groups and citizens, these
these crops. These relatives can be used attacks have been defeated. To ensure
to ensure crops are disease-resistant that we continue to have a strong and
while providing information for powerful Endangered Species Act, we
developing new crops that can grow in need to make sure it is fully funded and
less than adequate lands. reauthorized.

The Endangered Species Coalition has

been working hard to ensure the ESA
How can we ensure remains intact and fully funded. With
the Endangered your help, we are sure that all attacks to
Species Act’s noble the ESA will be stopped. Through this

vision is carried out to tool kit, you will find ways that you can
help and get more involved. The
its fullest?
information we are providing is designed
to guide you through the endangered
species work and we will be available to
assist you every step of the way.
10 Easy Things jobs and supports local businesses. To
find a wildlife refuge near you, visit
You Can Do to www.fws.gov/refuges/ To find a park

Save near you, visit www.nps.gov To find a

zoo near you, visit www.aza.org
Species 3. Make your home wildlife
friendly. Secure garbage in shelters or
cans with locking lids, feed pets indoors
and lock pet doors at night to avoid
1. Learn about endangered species
attracting wild animals into your home.
in your area. Teach your friends and
Reduce your use of water in your home
family about the wonderful wildlife,
and garden so that animals that live in
birds, fish and plants that live near you.
or near water can have a better chance
The first step to protecting endangered
of survival. Disinfect bird baths often to
species is learning about how interesting
avoid disease transmission. Place decals
and important they are. Our natural
on windows to deter bird collisions.
world provides us with many
Millions of birds die every year because
indispensable services including clean
of collisions with windows. You can help
air and water, food and medicinal
reduce the number of collisions simply
sources, commercial, aesthetic and
by placing decals on the windows in
recreational benefits. For more
your home and office. For more
information about endangered species,
information on what you can do, check
visit endangered.fws.gov and join our
out these tips from the US Fish and
activist network to receive updates
Wildlife Service.
and action alerts.
4. Native plants provide food and
2. Visit a national wildlife refuge,
shelter for native wildlife. Attracting
park or other open space. These
native insects like bees and butterflies
protected lands provide habitat to many
can help pollinate your plants. The
native wildlife, birds, fish and plants.
spread of non-native species has greatly
Scientists tell us the best way to protect
impacted native populations around the
endangered species is to protect the
world. Invasive species compete with
places where they live. Get involved by
native species for resources and habitat.
volunteering at your local nature center
They can even prey on native species
or wildlife refuge. Go wildlife or bird
directly, forcing native species towards
watching in nearby parks. Wildlife
extinction. For more information about
related recreation creates millions of
native plants, visit buy furniture made from wood from
https://www.plantsocieties.org. rainforests. Recycle your cell phones,
because a mineral used in cell phones
5. Herbicides and pesticides may
and other electronics is mined in gorilla
keep yards looking nice but they
habitat. Minimize your use of palm oil
are in fact hazardous pollutants
because forests where tigers live are
that affect wildlife at many
being cut down to plant palm
levels. Many herbicides and pesticides
take a long time to degrade and build
up in the soils or throughout the food 8. Never purchase products made
chain. Predators such as hawks, owls from threatened or endangered
and coyotes can be harmed if they eat species.Overseas trips can be exciting
poisoned animals. Some groups of and fun, and everyone wants a
animals such as amphibians are souvenir. But sometimes the souvenirs
particularly vulnerable to these chemical are made from species nearing
pollutants and suffer greatly as a result extinction. Avoid supporting the market
of the high levels of herbicides and in illegal wildlife including: tortoise-
pesticides in their habitat. For shell, ivory, coral. Also, be careful of
alternatives to pesticides, visit products including fur from tigers, polar
https://www.beyondpesticides.org. bears, sea otters and other endangered
wildlife, crocodile skin, live monkeys or
6. Slow down when driving. Many
apes, most live birds including parrots,
animals live in developed areas and this
macaws, cockatoos and finches, some
means they must navigate a landscape
live snakes, turtles and lizards, some
full of human hazards. One of the
orchids, cacti and cycads, medicinal
biggest obstacles to wildlife living in
products made from rhinos, tiger or
developed areas is roads. Roads divide
Asiatic black bear.
habitat and present a constant hazard
to any animal attempting to cross from 9. Harassing wildlife is cruel and
one side to the other. So when you’re illegal. Shooting, trapping, or forcing a
out and about, slow down and keep an threatened or endangered animal into
eye out for wildlife. captivity is also illegal and can lead to
their extinction. Don’t participate in this
7. Recycle and buy sustainable
activity, and report it as soon as you see
products. Buy recycled paper,
it to your local state or federal wildlife
sustainable products like bamboo and
enforcement office. You can find a list of
Forest Stewardship Council wood
state wildlife departments at
products to protect forest species. Never
https://www.fws.gov/offices/statelinks.h By protecting habitat, entire
tml. communities of animals and plants can
be protected together. Parks, wildlife
10. Protect wildlife habitat. Perhaps
refuges, and other open space should be
the greatest threat that faces many
protected near your community. Open
species is the widespread destruction of
space also provides us with great places
habitat. Scientists tell us the best way
to visit and enjoy. Support wildlife
to protect endangered species is to
habitat and open space protection in
protect the special places where they
your community. When you are buying
live. Wildlife must have places to find
a house, consider your impact on
food, shelter and raise their young.
wildlife habitat.
Logging, oil and gas drilling, over-
grazing and development all result
habitat destruction. Endangered species
habitat should be protected and these
impacts minimized.

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