District Contingency Plan

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region II – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of Nueva Vizcaya




Ongoing 2019- Vulnerability Formation and Office of the Shairuz Caesar B. Dugay  Facilitate the February
nCoV ARD and Activation of Public Nurse II approval on the 13, 2020
Situation Exposure of District Task Schools Lamo NHS formation and
(2019 Novel the learners Force on the District activation of the
Coronavirus and 2019-nCoV Supervisor School-Based
Acute personnel of ARD in Wilson Hindac 2019-nCoV
Respiratory Dupax del compliance to Nurse II Management
Disease) Norte I DepEd Dupax del Norte I and II Task Force in
Memorandum compliance to
No.015, s. 2020 DepEd
Background Joel Nuestro Memorandum
On December District DRRM No. 015, s. 2020
31, 2010, the Coordinator  Prepare the February
WHO China School-Based 13, 2020
Country Office Contingency Plan
was informed on the 2019-
of cases of nCoV ARD
pneumonia of Rosie D. Calacala  Facilitate February
PSDS-Dupax del Norte I approval of the 13, 2020

Address: Quezon St., Don Domingo Maddela, Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya

Telephone Nos.: (078) 362-0106, 09171589946
Email Address: nuevavizcaya@deped.gov.ph Doc Code: xx-xxx-xxx-00x Rev: 01
Website: www.deped-nv.com.ph As of: xx-xx-xxxx Page: 1
unknown Contingency Plan
cause detected  Presentation of February
in Wuhan the Contingency 13, 2020
City, Hubei Plan
Province of  Activate the Task February
China. This Force through an 13, 2020
was later to be orientation on the
caused by a roles and
novel (new) responsibilities of
type or strain the committee
of coronavirus. composition.
According to Coordination IEC Rosie D. Calacala  Coordinate with February
WHO, as of with the Committee PSDS-Dupax Del Norte I the Provincial 14, 20202
February 4, Provincial/Muni LGU on the
2020, there cipal Health Shairuz Caesar B. Dugay establishment of
are 17391 Office for Nurse II referral system,
confirmed preventive Lamo NHS existing
cases globally measures, preventive
where 99% of information measures and
which are from sharing and Wilson Hindac information
China. Three establishment Nurse II sharing
of these of referral Dupax del Norte I and II
confirmed system
cases are from
the Philippines Joel Nuestro
and the lone District DRRM
recorded from Coordinator
outside China Rosie D. Calacala  Attend meetings February
PSDS, Dupax del Norte I called for by the 14, 2020

Address: Quezon St., Don Domingo Maddela, Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya

Telephone Nos.: (078) 362-0106, 09171589946
Email Address: nuevavizcaya@deped.gov.ph Doc Code: xx-xxx-xxx-00x FM-OSDS-SDS-001
As of: xx-xx-xxxx 01-09-2020
Website: www.deped-nv.com.ph
is one of the 3 Municipal Health
Philippine Board or the
cases. MDRRMO
Council on the
establishment of
referral system,
measures and
Information IEC Shairuz Caesar B. Dugay  Orient the district February
Dissemination Committee Nurse II personnel on the 13, 2020
Activities for Lamo NHS nature of the
district 2019-nCoV ARD,
personnel ways of
Wilson Hindac transmission,
Nurse II signs and
Dupax del Norte I and II symptoms and
and safety
Provision of Logistics Victoria Silao  Ensure February
Necessary Committee availability of 14, 2020
Assistance funds for the
procurement of
needed logistics
ADAS  Facilitate February-
procurement of May 2020
supplies such as

Address: Quezon St., Don Domingo Maddela, Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya

Telephone Nos.: (078) 362-0106, 09171589946
Email Address: nuevavizcaya@deped.gov.ph Doc Code: xx-xxx-xxx-00x FM-OSDS-SDS-001
As of: xx-xx-xxxx 01-09-2020
Website: www.deped-nv.com.ph
but not limited to
soap, disinfectant
for use of school
 Ensure February-
availability of May 2020
supplies such as
but not limited to
soap, disinfectant
for use of school
personnel and the
SHS for buffer
Maintenance of Office of the Victoria Silao  Ensure adequate February-
the District Public supply of water May 2020
Cleanliness and Schools and soap, hand
Orderliness District sanitizers and/or
Supervisor rubbing alcohol
in the comfort
rooms, front desk
and offices
Per office School heads  Ensure February-
disinfection of May 2020
Establish the IEC Shairuz Caesar B. Dugay  Disseminate the February-
Coordination Committee Nurse II hotline numbers May 2020
and Reporting Lamo NHS for queries

Address: Quezon St., Don Domingo Maddela, Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya

Telephone Nos.: (078) 362-0106, 09171589946
Email Address: nuevavizcaya@deped.gov.ph Doc Code: xx-xxx-xxx-00x FM-OSDS-SDS-001
As of: xx-xx-xxxx 01-09-2020
Website: www.deped-nv.com.ph
Mechanism related to the
within the Wilson Hindac 2019-nCoV ARD
District Nurse II
Dupax del Norte I and II

Joel Nuestro
District DRRM

Shairuz Caesar B. Dugay  Facilitate the February-

Nurse II submission of May 2020
Lamo NHS reports to the
School Health
Wilson Hindac Division of DepEd
Nurse II cc. Region,
Dupax del Norte I and II DRRMS and LCE

Ensure Monitoring School Heads  Monitor February-

Compliance Committee compliance in the May 2020
pursuant to Nurses issued
District Order memoranda (DO#
#___, s. 2020; District DRRM ____, s. 2020 and
DepEd Memo Coordinator DepEd Memo No.
No. 015, s. 015, s. 2020
Ensure Monitoring School Heads  Ensure February-
Continuity of Committee availability of May 2020
Learning Nurses alternative

Address: Quezon St., Don Domingo Maddela, Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya

Telephone Nos.: (078) 362-0106, 09171589946
Email Address: nuevavizcaya@deped.gov.ph Doc Code: xx-xxx-xxx-00x FM-OSDS-SDS-001
As of: xx-xx-xxxx 01-09-2020
Website: www.deped-nv.com.ph
District DRRM (ADMs) to be
Coordinator adopted in case of
suspension of
Presence of Conduct clinical IEC Shairuz Caesar B. Dugay  Provide As the
personnel assessment of Committee Nurse II appropriate mask case
exhibiting personnel Lamo NHS and assist on the arises
respiratory exhibiting proper usage.
infection respiratory Wilson Hindac  Conduct further
infection Nurse II assessment on
Dupax del Norte I and II the personnel
using the
Joel Nuestro Decision Tool
District DRRM

Establish the IEC Shairuz Caesar B. Dugay  Refer the As the

Coordination Committee Nurse II personnel to the case
and Reporting Lamo NHS nearest treatment arises
Mechanism facility.
within the Wilson Hindac  Facilitate the
school Nurse II submission of
Dupax del Norte I and II reports to the
School Health
Joel Nuestro Division of DepEd
District DRRM cc. Region,
Coordinator DRRMS and LCE
confidentiality of
patient details)

Address: Quezon St., Don Domingo Maddela, Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya

Telephone Nos.: (078) 362-0106, 09171589946
Email Address: nuevavizcaya@deped.gov.ph Doc Code: xx-xxx-xxx-00x FM-OSDS-SDS-001
As of: xx-xx-xxxx 01-09-2020
Website: www.deped-nv.com.ph
Presence of Conduct further IEC Shairuz Caesar B. Dugay  Provide As the
personnel assessment of Committee Nurse II appropriate case
exhibiting the personnel Lamo NHS mask, assist on arises
respiratory using the the proper usage
infection falls decision tool Wilson Hindac and isolate the
in the and falls under Nurse II PUI
category of PUI Dupax del Norte I and II  Coordinate with
Patient the hospitals and
Under Joel Nuestro endore the
Investigation District DRRM personnel for
(PUI) or Coordinator admission to the
Person for nearest treatment
Monitoring facility for proper
and completion of
the case

Establish the IEC Shairuz Caesar B. Dugay  Refer the As the

Coordination Committee Nurse II personnel to the case
and Reporting Lamo NHS nearest treatment arises
Mechanism facility
within the Wilson Hindac  Facilitate the
district Nurse II submission of
Dupax del Norte I and II reports to the
School Health
Joel Nuestro Division of DepEd
District DRRM cc. Region,
Coordinator DRRMS and LCE

Address: Quezon St., Don Domingo Maddela, Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya

Telephone Nos.: (078) 362-0106, 09171589946
Email Address: nuevavizcaya@deped.gov.ph Doc Code: xx-xxx-xxx-00x FM-OSDS-SDS-001
As of: xx-xx-xxxx 01-09-2020
Website: www.deped-nv.com.ph
confidentiality of
patient details)
Receipt of Ensure conduct IEC Shairuz Caesar B. Dugay  Ensure that As the
Report that of assessment Committee Nurse II appropriate case
learner or Lamo NHS intervention was arises
personnel is provided (mask
exhibiting Wilson Hindac was provided and
respiratory Nurse II that
infection Dupax del Norte I and II learner/personnel
was assisted on
Joel Nuestro its proper usage)
District DRRM

Establish the IEC Shairuz Caesar B. Dugay  Ensure that the As the
Coordination Committee Nurse II learner/personnel case
and Reporting Lamo NHS referred to proper arises
Mechanism office for proper
within the Wilson Hindac intervention
district Nurse II  Comply with the
Dupax del Norte I and II protocols set by
the Department
Joel Nuestro of Health through
District DRRM the Provincial/
Coordinator Municipal Health
 Facilitate the
submission of
reports to the

Address: Quezon St., Don Domingo Maddela, Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya

Telephone Nos.: (078) 362-0106, 09171589946
Email Address: nuevavizcaya@deped.gov.ph Doc Code: xx-xxx-xxx-00x FM-OSDS-SDS-001
As of: xx-xx-xxxx 01-09-2020
Website: www.deped-nv.com.ph
School Health
Division of DepEd
cc. Region,
confidentiality of
patient details)
Receipt of Conduct further IEC Shairuz Caesar B. Dugay  Ensure that As the
Report from assessment of Committee Nurse II appropriate case
School that the personnel Lamo NHS intervention was arises
learner/ using the provided (mask
personnel decision tool Wilson Hindac was provided and
exhibiting and falls under Nurse II that learner/
respiratory PUI Dupax del Norte I and II personnel was
infection falls assisted on its
in the Joel Nuestro proper usage) and
category of District DRRM if the PUI or the
Patient Coordinator Person for
Under Monitoring was
Investigation isolated.
(PUI) or  Coordinate with
Person for the hospitals and
Monitoring endorse the
personnel for
admission to the
nearest treatment
facility for proper
and completion of
the case

Address: Quezon St., Don Domingo Maddela, Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya

Telephone Nos.: (078) 362-0106, 09171589946
Email Address: nuevavizcaya@deped.gov.ph Doc Code: xx-xxx-xxx-00x FM-OSDS-SDS-001
As of: xx-xx-xxxx 01-09-2020
Website: www.deped-nv.com.ph
Establish the IEC Shairuz Caesar B. Dugay  Ensure that the As the
Coordination Committee Nurse II learner/personnel case
and Reporting Lamo NHS referred to proper arises
Mechanism office for proper
within the Wilson Hindac intervention
District Nurse II  Comply with the
Dupax del Norte I and II protocols set by
the Department
Joel Nuestro of Health through
District DRRM the Provincial/
Coordinator Municipal Health
 Facilitate the
submission of
reports to the
School Health
Division of DepEd
cc. Region,
confidentiality of
patient details)

Prepared by:


Nurse II, Lamo National High School Nurse II, Dupax del Norte I and II District DRRM Coordinator

Address: Quezon St., Don Domingo Maddela, Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya

Telephone Nos.: (078) 362-0106, 09171589946
Email Address: nuevavizcaya@deped.gov.ph Doc Code: xx-xxx-xxx-00x FM-OSDS-SDS-001
As of: xx-xx-xxxx 01-09-2020
Website: www.deped-nv.com.ph


Public School District Supervisor
Dupax del Norte I

Address: Quezon St., Don Domingo Maddela, Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya

Telephone Nos.: (078) 362-0106, 09171589946
Email Address: nuevavizcaya@deped.gov.ph Doc Code: xx-xxx-xxx-00x FM-OSDS-SDS-001
As of: xx-xx-xxxx 01-09-2020
Website: www.deped-nv.com.ph

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