List of Police Ranks in The World
List of Police Ranks in The World
List of Police Ranks in The World
Generally, all police forces of Australia follow this rank structure with some individual state police forces have ranks differing slightly.
Insignia of rank displayed on epaulette in italics and brackets
For an overview of all distinct state and federal rank structures, see Australian police ranks.
Commissioned Ranks
o Commissioner (two crossed and wreathed batons below a crown)
o Deputy Commissioner (two crossed and wreathed batons below a pip)
o Assistant Commissioner (two crossed batons)
o Commander (three pips in a triangular pattern below a crown)
o Chief Superintendent (two pips below a crown)
o Superintendent (one pip below a crown)
o Inspector (three pips)
Senior Non-Commissioned Ranks
o Senior Sergeant (three chevrons, crown and surmounted by a laurel wreath)
o Sergeant (three chevrons)
Non-Commissioned Ranks
o Senior Constable (two chevrons)
o Constable (plain epaulette)
o Probationary Constable (plain epaulette)
Each state has its own distinct rank structure
o Australian Capital Territory
o Australian Federal Police
o New South Wales
o Northern Territory
o Queensland
o South Australia
o Tasmania
o Victoria
o Western Australia
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Highest commissioned rank
o Hoofdcommissaris / commissaire divisionnaire (Chief Commissioner)
Commissioned rank
o Commissaris / Commissaire (Commissioner)
Senior non commissioned rank
o Hoofdinspecteur / Inspecteur principal (Chief Inspector/Superintendent)
Non commissioned rank
o Inspecteur / Inspecteur (Inspector, equivalent to Constable or Officer)
Auxiliary rank
o Agent van Politie / Agent de Police (Auxiliary Officer)
Policia Egresado - Graduate Policeman
Cabo - Corporal
Sargento Segundo - Sergeant
Sargento Primero - Staff sergeant
Suboficial Segundo - Zone Sergeant
Suboficial primero - Technical Sergeant
Suboficial mayor - Station Sergeant
Suboficial Supervisor - Sergeant Major
Subteniente - Second Lieutenant
Teniente - Lieutenant
Capitan - Captain
Mayor - Major
Teniente Coronel - Lieutenant Colonel
Coronel - Colonel
General Director - Brigadier
General Superior - Major General of Police
General Supervisor - Lieutenant General of Police
General Comandante - Director General of Police
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Brazil has several different police forces, each with its own ranks. At a federal level, there are the Federal Police (Policia Federal, the equivalent to the FBI), the Federal Road
Police (Policia Rodoviaria Federal) and the Federal Railroad Security Police (Policia Ferroviaria Federal). At a state level, there are the Military Police (Policia Militar, not to be
confused to the Army police, which has a purely internal function) and the Civil Police (Policia Civil). At a city level, there are the City Guard (Guarda Municipal). In terms of
staff, the Military Police and the Civil Police are the most important one, although in terms of headlines and prestige, the Federal Police is the one that concentrates most of the
media attention.[1]
The Civil Police is responsible for investigating crimes whilst the Military Police is responsible for preventing them to take place, although it is not rare to see their functions
clashing and ever so often they actually have open confronts.
The Civil Police is organized accordingly to functions. 'Escrivao' is the low rank position responsible for the internal work inside the police premises (e.g., collecting witness
statements). 'Detetive' or 'investigador' (detectives) is the position responsible for actions outside the premises (e.g., investigating the circumstances of a crime), and 'delegado'
(similar to Captain in USA) are senior officials (required to have law degrees) responsible for the lower ranks and for coordinating the whole work (investigations) of the Civil
Police. The Civil Police also have the assistance of 'peritos', which are the technical body. The Federal Police follows a very similar structure to the Civil Police, the same case in
the Road and Railroad Security Police.
The ranks listed below are valid for the state military police agencies (such as PMMG, PMESP, PMERJ and others) and are listed, respectively, from higher to lower ranks:
coronel (colonel)
tenente-coronel (lieutenant-colonel)
major (major)
capitão (captain)
1º tenente (1st lieutenant)
2º tenente (2nd lieutenant)
aspirante-a-oficial (cadet, student rank)
subtenente (under-lieutenant)
1º sargento (1st sergeant)
2º sargento (2nd sergeant)
3º sargento (3rd sergeant)
cabo (corporal)
soldado de 1ª classe (Private 1st Class)
soldado de 2ª classe (Private 2nd Class, student rank)
The 2nd class soldier and the cadet are considered to be students in the formation courses and have no street policing duties (except in a very few cases, as probationary tours).
Despite closely resembling the rank structure within the Brazilian army, there are no rank of general in the military police forces, as the Military Police is slotted under the Army
control in case of war, with its colonels slotting under the Army generals.
Ranks of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police[2]:
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Deputy Commissioner
Assistant Commissioner
Chief Superintendent
Corps Sergeant Major
Sergeant Major
Staff Sergeant Major
Staff Sergeant
Police Constable 1st Class (Gendarme)
Police Constable 2nd Class (Gendarme)
Police Constable 3rd Class (Gendarme)
Police Constable 4th Class (Gendarme)
Police Ranks for Provincial (With the exception of the Sûreté du Québec and Alberta Sheriffs) and the majority of Municipal Police Services as follows[3][4][5]:
Chief of Police / Commissioner / Chief Constable
Deputy Chief of Police / Deputy Chief Constable
Staff Superintendent
Staff Inspector
Sergeant Major
Staff Sergeant
Sergeant / Detective
Police Constable 1st Class / Detective Constable
Police Constable 2nd Class
Police Constable 3rd Class
Police Constable 4th Class
Police Ranks for the Alberta Sheriffs[6]:
Deputy Chief
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Regimental Sergeant Major
Sheriff III
Sheriff II
Sheriff I
Ranks of the Sûreté du Québec[7]:
Director General of the QPP (Directeur général)
Deputy Director (Directeur adjoint)
Chief Inspector (Inspecteur chef)
Inspector (Inspecteur)
Captain (Capitaine)
Lieutenant (Lieutenant)
Sergeant (5 classes of sergeants: Detective sgt, Staff sgt, specialist sgt)
Agent (3 classes of Agents)
Ranks of the Service de police de la Ville de Montréal[8]:
Directeur (Director)
Associate Director
Assistant Director
Chief Inspector
Lieutenant / Detective Lieutenant
Sergeant / Detective Sergeant
Canadian Auxiliary Police Ranks as follows:
Auxiliary Staff Superintendent
Auxiliary Superintendent
Auxiliary Staff Inspector
Auxiliary Inspector
Auxiliary Sergeant Major
Auxiliary Staff Sergeant
Auxiliary Sergeant
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Auxiliary Constable
These are the ranks used by Chilean police services.
Director General
Prefecto General
Prefecto Inspector
General Director
General Inspector
Teniente Coronel
Non-commissioned officers and enlisted
Suboficial Mayor
Sargento 1º
Sargento 2º
Cabo 1º
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Cabo 2º
Chinese Police Officers under the Ministry of Public Security use rank insignia on both side of shoulders in the duty uniform. Senior officers ranking at Commissioner and
Superintendent levels wear these on the white collar uniform, and for Inspector level and below officers wear them on the sky blue collar uniform.
Senior Officers
Commissioner of Police (Chinese: 总警监, zǒng jǐngjiān)
Mr GUO Sheng-kun, currently Commissioner of Police, Minister of Public Security(since December 2012). Shoulder insignia: national coat of arms fully circled with a pair of
olive branch.
Deputy Commissioner of Police (副总警监, fù zǒng jǐngjiān)
Deputy Minister of Public Security, shoulder insignia: national coat of arms partly circled with a pair of olive branch.
Superintendent 1st Class (一级警监, yījí jǐngjiān)
Assistant Commissioner of Police is also wearing this rank, SUPT 1st class normally commands a functional bureau (e.g. CID, Immigration, Traffic, Anti-Smuggling) or a
province formation, direct report to DCP. Shoulder insignia: three pips with olive leaves.
Superintendent 2nd Class (二级警监, èrjí jǐngjiān)
Normally is second in charge of a functional bureau, or a province formation, or a city police headquarters commander. Shoulder insignia: two pips with olive leaves.
Superintendent 3rd Class (三级警监, sānjí jǐngjiān)
Normally commands police division of a functional bureau, or the head of a police sub-bureau of a city. Shoulder insignia: one pip with olive leaves.
Inspector 1st Class (一级警督, yījí jǐngdū)Shoulder insignia: three pips with two silver bars.
Inspector 2nd Class (二级警督, èrjí jǐngdū)Shoulder insignia: two pips with two silver bars.
Inspector 3rd Class (三级警督, sānjí jǐngdū)Shoulder insignia: one pip with two silver bars.
Administrative positions do not exactly tally with ranks among Inspector level and junior officers, admin positions (from PC to Station Commander or even Deputy Chief of a sub-
Bureau), are various and flexible, it depends on each individual's qualifications and multiple skills, performance efficiency and effectiveness, years of service, personality and
communication ability, potential leadership. Loyal and qualified officers with no misconduct record, are eligible to get rank promotion at every four-year of service (only
applicable from Sgt 1st class to Insp 1st class). Which means for example, for a normal PC holding a non-commissioned position during his/her entire police career, with the
increasing years of service, the highest rank he/she may attain is either Insp 3rd class (for high school and below qualification holders), or Insp 1st class (for university graduated
certificate holders). Alternatively, young officers who are holding university degree(regardless of disciplines and majors), usually after three years of service, once his/her overall
performance and ability meet operation needs, recommended by his/her team leader or a higher ccommanding officer, may have chance to get promoted (as sub-unit commander,
detective supervisor... ).
Officers at this mid-rank level play very important roles as the "Cornerstone" of the national police force. As most of them have already served quite long years, with accumulated
work experiences, no matter standing at commanding or non-commanding position, they are either undertaking major responsibilities in public security or nurturing young officers
with self model behaviours and proper instructions.
Junior Officers
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Sergeant 1st Class (一级警司, yījí jǐngsī)Shoulder insignia: three pips with one silver bar. Highest admin position at this rank can be Station Commander, or Operations
Squad Leader and sub-Unit Commander/Section Head at a police bureau or sub-bureau, normally in charge of a detective case or a common police raid operation.
Sergeant 2nd Class (二级警司, èrjí jǐngsī)Shoulder insignia: two pips with one silver bar. University degree holder's entry ranking level is Sgt 2 class. Other than basic
duties, also attend and assist sub-unit commander/section head in handling all kinds of cases. Sometimes is second in charge or Acting Commander during a case or
Sergeant 3rd Class (三级警司, sānjí jǐngsī)Shoulder insignia: one pip with one silver bar. Other than basic duties, also attend and assist sub-unit commander/section head in
handling all kinds of cases.
Police Constable 1st Class (一级警員, yījí jǐngyuán)Shoulder insignia: two pips. Perform road patrol and vehicle command duties.
Police Constable 2nd Class (二级警員, èrjí jǐngyuán)Shoulder insignia: one pip. Perform road patrol and vehicle command duties.
Loyal and qualified officers with no misconduct record, are eligible to attain rank promotion at every three-year of service (only applicable from PC 2nd class to Sgt 1st class).
Rank does not have any connection with position, it can only shows how many years you have been work for police unit.
Probationary Police Constable 见习警员 Shoulder insignia: two stripes.(Normally one year probationary period) Might be attaching to any of police stations or sub-units to
familiar with the real police operations.
Cadet (at PTS-Police Training School) 学警 Shoulder insignia: one stripe.
The People's Armed Police, as part of the People's Liberation Army, uses the same ranks and uniform as the PLA itself, save for the China Coast Guard which uses navy-style
ranks and uniform plus the China Maritime Safety Administration.
Regular Police ranks
Police Director (Ravnatelj policije)
Deputy Police Director (Zamjenik ravnatelja policije)
Major Police advisor (Glavni policijski savjetnik)
Police advisor (Policijski savjetnik)
Major Police inspector (Glavni policijski inspektor)
Independent Police inspector (Samostalni policijski inspektor)
Upper Police inspector (Viši policijski inspektor)
Police inspector (Policijski inspektor)
Independent Police sergeant (Samostalni policijski narednik)
Upper Police sergeant (Viši policijski narednik)
Police sergeant (Policijski narednik)
Independent Police officer (Samostalni policajac)
Upper Police officer (Viši policajac)
Police officer (Policajac)
Probationer with college (Vježbenik više i visoke stručne spreme)
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Probationer with secondary school (Vježbenik Srednje Stručne Spreme)
Special Intervention Police ranks
Commander of intervention Police (Zapovjednik interventne policije)
Deputy of commander of intervention Police (Pomoćnik zapovjednika interventne policije)
Instructor in headquarters of intervention Police (Instruktor u zapovjedništvu interventne policije)
Commander of intervention Police unit (Zapovjednik jedinice interventne policije)
Deputy of commander of intervention Police unit (Zamjenik zapovjednika jedinice interventne policije)
Commander of troop in intervention Police (Zapovjednik satnije)
Deputy of commander of troop in intervention Police (Pomoćnik zapovjednika satnije)
Commander of platoon in intervention Police - instructor (Zapovjednik voda- instruktor)
Commander of section in intervention Police(Zapovjednik odjeljenja)
Leader of intervention group (Vođa interventne grupe)
Police officer in intervention group (Interventni policajac)
Title Title in Greek
Chief of Police Αρχηγός
Deputy Chief of Police Υπαρχηγός
Assistant Chief of Police Βοηθός Αρχηγός
Chief Superintendent Ανώτερος Αστυνόμος
Superintendent A' Αστυνόμος Α'
Superintendent B' Αστυνόμος Β'
Chief Inspector Ανώτερος Υπαστυνόμος
Inspector Υπαστυνόμος
Senior Sergeant Αρχιλοχίας
Sergeant Λοχίας
Acting Sergeant Αναπληρωτής Λοχίας
Senior Constable Αρχιαστυφύλακας
Acting Sergeant Αναπληρωτής Λοχίας
Senior Constable Αρχιαστυφύλακας
Constable Αστυφύλακας
Special Constable Ειδικός Αστυφύλακας
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Main article: Danish police
Danish National Police Rank Insignia
Politidirektør, Vicepolitimester,
Denm Politidirektør or Vicepolitidirektør, Chefpolitiinspektør Chefanklager, Politiassistent Politiassistent
ark (Edit) Rank Rigspolitichefen Vicepolitiinspektør Politikommissær Vicepolitikommissær Politibetjent
Vicerigspolitichef Vicerigspolitichef or or Chefanklager Politiinspektør or af 1. grad af 2. grad
Politimester Chefpolitiinspektør
Regional Police
Deputy Chief of Police
EN National Police Chief, Deputy Chief Inspector, Deputy Police
Chief of Police, Police, Inspector, Deputy Inspector Commissioner Constable Policeofficer
Rank Commissioner National Police Chief Prosecutor Commissioner Constable
Chief Inspector First Class
General (Politseikindral)
Inspector-General (Politseikindralinspektor)
Colonel (Politseikolonel)
Lieutenant Colonel (Politseikolonelleitnant)
Major (Politseimajor)
Captain (Politseikapten)
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Lieutenant (Politseileitnant)
Senior Comissar (Vanemkomissar)
Comissar (Komissar)
Chief Constable, Chief Inspector (Ülemkonstaabel, üleminspektor)
Senior Constable, Senior Inspector (Vanemkonstaabel, vaneminspektor)
Constable, Inspector (Konstaabel, inspektor)
Junior Constable, Junior Inspector (Nooremkonstaabel, nooreminspektor)
National Police Commissioner (poliisiylijohtaja)
Deputy National Police Commissioner (poliisijohtaja)
Chief Superintendent (poliisitarkastaja)
Police chief (poliisipäällikkö)
Deputy Police Chief (apulaispoliisipäällikkö)
Superintendent (ylikomisario)
Chief Inspector (komisario)
Sergeant (ylikonstaapeli)
Senior Constable (vanhempi konstaapeli)
Constable (nuorempi konstaapeli)
Main articles: Police nationale and Gendarmerie
Police Nationale
Corps de Conception et de Direction
Director of Active Services (Directeur des Services Actifs)
Inspector General (Inspecteur Général)
Controller General (Contrôleur Général)
Divisional Commissioner (Commissaire Divisionnaire)
Commissioner (Commissaire de Police)
Corps de Commandement
Police Major (Commandant de Police)
Police Captain (Capitaine de Police)
Police Lieutenant (Lieutenant de Police)
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Intern Police Lieutenant (Lieutenant de Police stagiaire)
Student Police Lieutenant (élève Lieutenant de Police)
Corps d'Encadrement et d'Application
Police (Sergeant) Major (Major de police)
Police Chief Brigadier (Brigadier-chef de police)
Police Brigadier Brigadier de police
Peace Guard (Gardien de la Paix)
Intern Peace Guard (Gardien de la Paix stagiaire)
Student Peace Guard (élève Gardien de la Paix)
Army General (Five Stars) (Général d'armée)
Army Corp General (Four Stars) (Général de corps d'armée)
Division General (Three Stars) (Général de division)
Brigade General (Two Stars) (Général de brigade)
Colonel (Colonel)
Lieutenant-Colonel (Lieutenant-Colonel)
Major (Commandant)
Captain (Capitaine)
Lieutenant (Lieutenant)
Student Lieutenant (Elève Officier)
Master Sergeant (Major)
Sergeant First Class (Adjudant-chef)
Staff Sergeant (Adjudant)
Chief Deputy (Maréchal des logis chef)
Deputy (Gendarme de carrière )
Probationary Deputy (Gendarme sous contrat)
Student Deputy (Elève Gendarme)
Volunteers (5 years)
Volunteer Lieutenant (AGIV, or Aspirant de Gendarmerie Issu du Volontariat)
Senior Volunteer Assistant Deputy (Maréchal des logis)
Chief Volunteer Assistant Deputy (Brigadier-chef)
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First Class Volunteer Assistant Deputy (Brigadier)
Volunteer Assistant Deputy (Gendarme Adjoint Volontaire)
The following ranks are in use by state police forces. Detective Ranks follow the same scheme, replacing the word Polizei with Kriminal, for example a plainclothed detective
lieutenant is called Kriminalkommissar. The Federal Police of Germany basically follows the scheme, but deviates in the flag ranks.
Politically appointed
They are comparable to military flag (General) officers, and are appointed by the state Minister of Interior (Senators of Interior in City-States). For federal agencies the federal
Minister of Interior is responsible. They are usually specialists in public administration and have a master-level law degree. Since they are outside of the career system, they
receive payment according to the B-scale of public officer payment grades.
President of the Federal Police Commission (Präsident des Bundespolizeipräsidiums), the highest police rank, only used by the Federal Police, responsible to the federal
Ministry of Interior
President of Police (Polizeipräsident), commands an independent regional authority of state police (Polizeipräsidium, Landespolizeidirektion, or similar), directly
subordinated to the corresponding state ministry of interior.
Vice President of Police (Polizeivizepräsident or Vizepräsident), also used in some states, serves as assistant to the state police commander
Inspector of/Director of (stand-by) police (Inspekteur/Direktor der Bereitschaftspolizei), this rank is named differently in some states. The officer commands the stand-by
police forces of the state.
Higher echelon
Comparable to military staff officers, Major and above. The ranks are available for applicants who completed master level university studies, usually in law. It is possible for
officers from the elevated echelon to obtain a master degree from the Deutsche Hochschule der Polizei, so they can enter higher ranks.
Police Chief Director (Leitender Polizeidirektor) acts as lieutenant to the President of Police or heading a branch service of state police. As a career position it corresponds
to grade A16. Four gold stars on shoulder patch.
Police Director (Polizeidirektor), commands a subdivision of a regional authority of state police, either territorial (encompassing roughly one or two Districts of Germany
districts) or by branches (traffic, crime). Grade A15. 3 gold stars.
Police Senior Councillor (Polizeioberrat), grade A14. 2 gold stars.
Police Councillor (Polizeirat), commands a local police division (Polizeiinspektion) or special branch; grade A13. 1 gold star.
Elevated echelon
Comparable to military officers, Lieutenant and above. The ranks are obtained after receiving a bachelor level degree of a state college of public administration. In several states of
Germany this is the lowest echelon for service entry, the medium service echelon is being abolished.
First Police Chief Inspector (Erster Polizeihauptkommissar), may serve in lieu of a Police Councillor, grade A13. 4 silver stars (in some states 5).
Police Chief Inspector (Polizeihauptkommissar), grades A11 and A12. 3 silver stars, in some states 4 stars when in grade A12.
Police Senior Inspector (Polizeioberkommissar), grade A10, 2 silver stars.
Police Inspector (Polizeikommissar), grade A9, 1 silver star.
Medium echelon
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Comparable to military non-commissioned officers. Those ranks are usually obtained during or after two years service in training companies (Ausbildungshundertschaften) of the
Bereitschaftspolizei. The ranks are indicated by light blue (with blue uniform) or light green (with green-brown uniform) stars.
Police Chief Master (upgraded pay) (Polizeihauptmeister mit Amtszulage), may serve in lieu of a Police Inspector, grade A9 with upgrade, 4 or 5 stars.
Police Chief Master (Polizeihauptmeister), grade A9, 4 stars.
Police Senior Master (Polizeiobermeister), grade A8, 3 stars.
Police Master (Polizeimeister), grade A7, 2 stars.
Chief Constable (Hauptwachtmeister), grade A6, 1 star (only in a few states, usually during service in the Bereitschaftspolizei).
Senior Constable (Oberwachtmeister) (only in a few states, usually during service in the Bereitschaftspolizei), grade A5.
There have been lower ranks in use in earlier times, with the abolishment of the basic echelon, they have been out of use since the 1980s. The most well-known of these is
Wachtmeister (Constable) which still is considered the standard address for a policeman of unknown rank, even though it may now be considered condescending, given the
policeman has a higher rank than mere Wachtmeister.
Candidates (Anwärter), usually the word is appended to the rank, to which the person is going to be commissioned, e.g. Polizeikommissaranwärter. Pay is a reduced
amount of the corresponding rank.
Hong Kong
See also: Hong Kong Police Force § Ranks
Commissioner of Police (CP)
Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP)
Senior Assistant Commissioner of Police (SACP)
Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP)
Chief Superintendent of Police (CSP)
Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP)
Superintendent of Police (SP)
Chief Inspector of Police (CIP)
Senior Inspector of Police (SIP)
Inspector of Police (IP)
Probationary Inspector of Police (PI)
Station Sergeant (SSGT)
Sergeant (SGT)
Senior Police Constable (SPC)
Constable (PC)
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Main article: Icelandic National Police § Ranks
Rank Title Icelandic title
1 National Commissioner Ríkislögreglustjóri
Deputy National Commissioner Vararíkislögreglustjóri
2 Police Commissioner Lögreglustjóri
Director of the Police College Skólastjóri Lögregluskóla ríkisins
Varalögreglustjóri í Reykjavík
3 Deputy Commissioner
Staðgengill lögreglustjóra
4 Chief Superintendent/Detective Chief Superintendent Yfirlögregluþjónn
5 Superintendent/Detective Superintendent Aðstoðaryfirlögregluþjónn
Chief Inspector Aðalvarðstjóri
Detective Chief Inspector Lögreglufulltrúi
Inspector Varðstjóri
Detective Inspector Rannsóknarlögreglumaður
8 Brevet Inspector Staðgengill Varðstjóra
9 Policeman/Constable Lögreglumaður
Trainee Lögreglunemi
10 Temporarily Employed Policeman Afleysingamaður í lögreglu
Reservist Héraðslögreglumaður
Main Articles : List of Police Ranks in India and Indian Police Service (I.P.S.)
Gazetted officers include all the Indian Police Service officers and all State Police Services officers of and above the rank of Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP) or Deputy
Superintendent of Police (DSP) in State Police and Metropolitan Police forces respectively.
Ranks of Gazetted Officers
Director Intelligence Bureau (post held by senior most Indian Police Service officer; not a rank)
Commissioner of Police (State) or Director General of Police
Special Commissioner of Police or Additional Director General of Police
Joint Commissioner of Police or Inspector General of Police
Additional Commissioner of Police or Deputy Inspector General of Police
Deputy Commissioner of Police or Senior Superintendent of Police or Senior Commandant
Deputy Commissioner of Police or Superintendent of Police or Commandant
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Additional Deputy Commissioner of Police or Additional Superintendent of Police or Deputy Commandant
Assistant Commissioner of Police or Deputy Superintendent of Police or Assistant Commandant
Assistant Superintendent of Police (IPS Probationary Rank: 2 years of service)
Assistant Superintendent of Police (IPS Probationary Rank: 1 year of service)
Ranks of non-Gazetted Officer
Circle Inspector (C.I.)
Sub-Inspector (S.I.)
Assistant Sub Inspector (A.S.I.)
Head Constable
Senior Constable
Main article: Indonesian National Police
Indonesian Police Ranks:
High-ranking officers Mid ranking officers First ranking officers
Perwira Tinggi Perwira Menengah Perwira Pertama
Police Commissioner Inspector Brigadier Police Chief Police Police Police Chief First Second
Rank: General General General General Commissioner Superintendent Commissioner Inspector Inspector Inspector
Warrant officers (Head Constable) Non-Commissioned officers (Constable)
Brigadir Tinggi Brigadir Polisi
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Rank: Police Sub-inspector Second Sub-inspector Police Chief Brigadier Police Brigadier Police Brigadier First Class Police Second Brigadier
The Rank bellow is only used in the Mobile Brigade and Water police units:
Enlisted (Junior Constable)
Brigadier Adjutant First Brigadier Adjutant Second Brigadier Adjutant Chief Agent First Agent Second Agent
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Islamic Republic of Iran
Police Commissioned Officers and Enlisted Ranks
Commissioned Officer rank insignia of the Islamic Republic of Iran Police (NAJA)
Police Police Police Second Police Police Police
Police Police Major Police Police Police First
Lieutenant Brigadier Brigadier Lieutenant Police Major Second Third
General General Colonel Captain Lieutenant
General General General Colonel Lieutenant Lieutenant
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Persian: Persian: Persian: Persian: Persian: Persian: Persian: Persian: Persian: ستوان Persian: Persian:
Persian: سپهبد
ارتشبد سرلشکر سرتیپ سرتیپ دوم سرهنگ سرهنگ دوم سرگرد سروان یکم ستوان دوم ستوان سوم
Main article: Iraqi Police
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The Iraqi Police is made up of three branches, under the command of the Iraqi Ministry of Interior, these being the Iraqi Police Service which tasked with general patrol of Iraq's
cities, the National Police which are a paramilitary organisation which deals with incidents that are beyond the control of the Iraqi Police, but are not so serious the Iraqi Army are
involved, and the supporting force that is made up of the Department of Border Enforcement.[9]
Iraqi Police Service ranks, ordered lowest to highest with symbol on epaulette:[10]
Chief of Police/ رئيس الشرطة- (single bar, Crossed wreath & Star)
Chief Superintendent/ مشرفة رئيسيّة- (Crossed wreath & Star)
Superintendent/ مشرفة- (Three stars)
Chief Inspector/[ ]شف ينسبكتور- (Bar, and two stars)
Inspector/ مفتشة- (Bar, and one star)
Captain/ نقيب- (Two stars)
Lieutenant/ مالزم أوّل- (One star)
Sergeant/ رقيب- (Four bars)
Patrolman/[ ]بترولمن- (One bar)
Ranks of the Garda Síochána (Guardians of the Peace) the Police service of the Republic of Ireland.
Garda Commissioner
Deputy Commissioner
Assistant Commissioner
Chief Superintendent
Garda (equivalent to constable or police officer)
Commissioner General (Japanese: 警察庁長官 Keisatsu-chō Chōkan?): The Chief of National Police Agency. The rank outside. 1 capacity.
Superintendent General (警視総監 Keishi-sōkan?): The Chief of Metropolitan Police Department. 1 capacity.
Senior Commissioner (警視監 Keishi-kan?): Deputy Commissioner General, Deputy Superintendent General, The Chief of Regional Police Bureau, The Chief of
Prefectural Police Headquarters, others. 38 capacity.
Commissioner (警視長 Keishi-chō?): The Chief of Prefectural Police Headquarters.
Assistant Commissioner (警視正 Keishi-sei?): The Chief of Police Station(large). More than this rank, all police officer join to National Police Agency.
Superintendent (警視 Keishi?): The Chief of Police Station(small or middle), The Vice Commanding Officer of Police Station, Commander of Riot Unit.
Police Chief Inspector (警部 Keibu?): Squad Commander of Police Station, Leader of Riot Company.
Inspector (警部補 Keibu-ho?):Squad Sub-Commander of Police Station, Leader of Riot Platoon. National Police Officer 1st class's career start from this rank.
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Sergeant (巡査部長 Junsa-buchō?):Field supervisor, Leader of Police box. National Police Officer 2nd class's career start from this rank.
Senior Police Officer (巡査長 Junsa-chō?): Honorary rank of Police Officer.
Police officer, (巡査 Junsa?):Prefectural Police Officer's career start from this rank.
South Korea
Commissioner General (치안총감, 治安總監): at most one may be appointed at a time.
Chief Superintendent General (치안정감, 治安正監): at most five may be appointed at a time.
Senior Superintendent General (치안감, 治安監)
Superintendent General (경무관, 警務官)
Senior Superintendent (총경, 總警)
Superintendent (경정, 警正)
Senior Inspector (경감, 警監)
Inspector (경위, 警衛)
Assistant Inspector (경사, 警査)
Senior Police Officer (경장, 警長)
Police Officer (순경, 巡警)
o Newly commissioned officers are appointed as Policeman Assistant (순경시보, 巡警試補) for a two-year probationary period. The uniform and insignia of an
assistant is identical to those of a Policeman.
Auxiliary Policeman (의경, 義警)
o Sergeant Constable (수경, 首警)
o Corporal Constable (상경, 上警)
o Private Constable First Class (일경, 一警)
o Private Constable (이경, 二警)
Ģenerālis/Police general
Pulkvežleitnants/Lieutenant Colonel
Virsleitnants/First lieutenant
Virsnieka vietnieks/Warrant Officer
Virsseržants/First sergeant
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Generalinis komisaras/Comissionier-General
A class officers
Vyriausiasis komisaras/Chief Commissioner
Vyresnysis komisaras/Senior commissioner
B class officers
Komisaras inspektorius/Comissionier inspector
Vyresnysis inspektorius/Chief inspector
C class officers
Vyresnysis policininkas/Police officer 1st class
Policininkas/Police officer
Jaunesnysis policininkas/Junior police officer
The Grand Ducal Police of Luxembourg has the following ranks (from top to bottom):
Director General (directeur général)
Assistant Director General (directeur général adjoint)
First Division Commissioner (1er commissaire divisionnaire)
Division Commissioner (commissaire divisionnaire)
Assistant Division Commissioner (commissaire divisionnaire adjoint)
First Senior Commissioner (1er commissaire principal)
Senior Commissioner (commissaire principal)
Chief Commissioner (commissaire en chef)
Commissioner (commissaire)
Chief Inspector (inspecteur-chef)
First Inspector (premier inspecteur)
Inspector (inspecteur)
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Assistant Inspector (inspecteur adjoint)
Chief Brigadier (brigadier-chef)
Senior Brigadier (brigadier principal)
First Brigadier (premier brigadier)
Brigadier (brigadier)
Supterintendent General
1st Class Guard
2nd Class Guard
Below shown are the rank structure of the Royal Malaysian Police.
Inspector General Grade
o Inspector General of Police [IGP]: National Chief Police.
o Deputy Inspector General of Police [DIG]: Deputy National Chief Police.
o Commissioner of Police [CP] Department Chief Police
o Senior Deputy Commissioner of Police
o Deputy Commissioner of Police [DCP] : State Chief Police Officer [CPO]
o Senior Assistant Commissioner of Police
o Assistant Commissioner of Police [ACP]: District Chief Police.
Superintendent Grade
o Superintendent of Police [SUPT]
o Deputy Superintendent of Police [DSP]: District Division Chief
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o Assistant Superintendent of Police [ASP]: Station Chief Police.
Inspector Grade
Inspector [INSP]
Probationary Inspector [P/INSP]
Enlisted Grade
o Sub-Inspector [S/INSP]
o Sergeant Major [SM]
o Sergeant [SGT]
o Corporal [CPL]
o Lance Corporal [L/CPL]
o Constable
Police ranks of the Netherlands
First Chief Commissioner Chief Commissioner Chief Superintendent Superintendent Inspector Sergeant
(Eerste Hoofdcommissaris) (Hoofdcommissaris) (Commissaris) (Hoofdinspecteur) (Inspecteur) (Brigadier)
Rank Senior Constable Constable Police Patrol Officer Police Trainee Non Executive Employee
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(Hoofdagent) (Agent) (Surveillant) (Aspirant) (Niet-Executieve Medewerker)
Police ranks of Norway
Norwegian Politidirektør Politimester Visepolitimester og Politiadvokat Politifullmektig
National Assistant
Deputy Assistant Police Junior Police
Rank Police National Chief of Police
Chief of Police Chief of Police Prosecutor Prosecutor
Commissioner Commissioner
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Norwegian og Politioverbetjent Politiførstebetjent Politibetjent 3 Politibetjent 2 Politibetjent 1
Police Chief Police Police Police
Rank Police Inspector Police Sergeant Police Constable
Superintendent Superintendent Chief Inspector Reserve
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Main article: Romanian Police § Ranks
Romanian Police ranks
Corps Corpul ofiţerilor de poliţie (Police Officers' Corps)
Group Quaestors Commissioners Inspectors
Romanian chestor-general chestor-șef chestor-principal chestor comisar-șef comisar subcomisar inspector-principal inspector subinspector
Rank Quaestor-General Chief-Quaestor Principal Quaestor Quaestor Chief Commissioner Commissioner Subcommissioner Principal Inspector Inspector Subinspector
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The Police of Russia uses the following rank system:
Cadet (educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs)
junior commanding staff
Junior Sergeant
Staff Sergeant
Sergeant major (Starshina)
Warrant officer
Senior warrant officer
Middle commanding staff
First Lieutenant
Senior commanding staff
Lieutenant colonel
General officers
Police Major General
Lieutenant-General of Police
Colonel-General of Police
General of the Police of the Russian Federation
The rank of Yefeytor is only used by the Internal Troops of the MVD, now the National Guard of Russia.
General of the Police (General policije)
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Chef Police Adviser/Counselor (Glavni policijski savetnik)
Police Adviser/Counselor (Policijski savetnik)
Chief Police Inspector (Glavni policijski inspektor)
Independent police inspector (Samostalni policijski inspektor)
Police Inspector (Policijski inspektor)
Police Sergeant (Policijski narednik)
Junior Police Sergeant 1st Class (Mladji policijski narednik 1 klase)
Junior Police Sergeant (Mladji policijski narednik)
Independent Policeman (Samostalni policajac)
Senior Policeman (Viši policajac)
Policeman 1st Class (Policajac 1 klase)
Policeman (Policajac)
Junior Policeman 1st Class (Mladji policajac 1 klase)
Junior Policeman (Mladji policajac)
Below shown are the rank structure of the Singapore Police Force
Senior police officers
o Commissioner of Police [CP][13]
o Deputy Commissioner of Police [DCP]
o Senior Assistant Commissioner [SAC]
o Assistant Commissioner [AC]
o Deputy Assistant Commissioner [DAC]
o Superintendent of Police [SUPT]
o Deputy Superintendent of Police [DSP]
o Assistant Superintendent of Police [ASP]
o Inspector of Police [INSP]
Police officers
o Senior Station Inspector (2) of Police [SSI2]
o Senior Station Inspector of Police [SSI]
o Station Inspector of Police [SI]
o Senior Staff Sergeant [SSSGT]
o Staff Sergeant [SSGT]
o Sergeant [SGT]
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o Corporal [CPL]
o Lance Corporal [LC]: Obsolete for the regular force. Currently only available for the Gurkha Contingent.
o Special constable [SC]: Full-time National Servicemen. Promoted FTNS officers will have the SC prefix to their rank, e.g. SC/Cpl, SC/Sgt.
o Police Constable [PC]: This rank is no longer granted to regulars. However, officers below the rank of inspector being discharged from the police force on
disciplinary grounds are first reduced to the rank of constable before their discharge.
Sri Lanka
Gazetted Officers
Inspector General of Police (IGP)
Senior Deputy Inspector General of police (SDIG)
Deputy Inspector General of police (DIG)
Senior Superintendent of police (SSP)
Superintendent of police (SP)
Assistant Superintendent of police (ASP)
Chief Inspector of police (CIP)
Inspector of police (IP)
Sub Inspector of police (SI)
Non-Gazetted Officers
Police Sergeant Major (PSM)
Police Sergeant Class 1 (PS)
Police Sergeant Class 2 (PS)
Police Constable Class 1 (PC)
Police Constable Class 2 (PC)
Police Constable Class 3 (PC)
Police Constable Class 4 (PC)
South Africa
As of 1 June 2016, the functional rank structure in the South African Police Service (SAPS) is as follows:[14][15]
Senior Management - Commissioned officers
General (Gen) - designation of National Commissioner
Lieutenant General (Lt Gen) - Actg. National Commissioner, Deputy National Commissioner, Regional Commissioner, Provincial Commissioner, Divisional
Major General (Maj Gen)
Commissioned Officers
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Colonel (Col)
Lieutenant Colonel (Lt Col)
Non-commissioned officers
Warrant Officer (W/O)
Sergeant (Sgt)
Constable (Const)
From 1 April 2010 until 1 June 2016, the rank structure was as follows:
Senior Management - Commissioned officers
General (Gen) - designation of National Commissioner
Lieutenant General (Lt Gen) - Actg. National Commissioner, Deputy National Commissioner, Provincial Commissioner, Divisional Commissioner
Major General (Maj Gen)
Commissioned Officers
Colonel (Col)
Lieutenant Colonel (Lt Col)
Non-commissioned officers
Warrant Officer (W/O)
Sergeant (Sgt)
Constable (Const)
Prior to April 2010, the rank structure was as follows:
National Commissioner
Deputy National Commissioner
Divisional Commissioner or Provincial Commissioner
Assistant Commissioner
Senior Superintendent
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Cuerpo Nacional de Policía
Director General of Police (Spanish: Director General de Policia)
Deputy Director General (Director Adjunto Operativo)
Sub-Director General (Subdirector General)
Commissioner General/Division Chief (Comisario General/Jefe de Division)
Senior Chief (Jefe Superior)
Principal Commissioner (Comisario Principal)
Commissioner (Comisario)
Chief Inspector (Inspector Jefe)
Sub-Inspector (Subinspector)
Police Officer (Oficial de Policia)
Police (Policia)
Guardia Civil - Civil Guard
Lieutenant General (Teniente General)
Divisional General (General de División)
Brigade General (General de Brigada)
Colonel (Coronel)
Lieutenant Colonel (Teniente Coronel)
Major (Comandante)
Captain (Capitán)
Lieutenant (Teniente)
Second Lieutenant (Alférez)
Chief Warrant Officer (Suboficial Mayor)
Warrant Officer (Subteniente)
Sergeant first class (Brigada)
Staff Sergeant (Sargento Primero)
Sergeant (Sargento)
Master Corporal (Cabo Mayor)
Corporal (Cabo Primero)
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Lance Corporal (Cabo)
Constable first class (Guardia Civil de 1ª)
Constable (Guardia Civil)
Basque Country
Ertzaintza - Basque Police
Superintendent (Basque: Superintendentea)
Intendent (Intendentea)
Chief Inspector (Inspektorea)
Inspector (Inspektoreordea)
Officer (Ofiziala)
Non-commissioned Officer (Ofizialordea)
Constable 1st Class (1. Ertzaina)
Constable (Ertzaina)
Mossos d'Esquadra - Catalonian Police
Chief Superintendent (Catalan: Major)
Superintendent (Comissari)
Chief Inspector (Intendent)
Inspector (Inspector)
Lieutenant (Sotsinspector)
Sergeant (Sergent)
Corporal (Caporal)
Constable (Mosso)
Ranks of the Mossos d'Esquadra
Rank Mosso Caporal Sergent Sotsinspector Inspector Intendent Comissari Major
Policía Foral (Foruzaingoa in Basque) - Navarrese Police
Foral Police Chief (Spanish: Jefe Policía Foral, Basque: Foruzaingo Nagusia)
Chief Superintendent (Comisario Principal, Komisario Nagusia)
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Superintendent (Comisario, Komisarioa)
Inspector (Inspector, Inspektorea)
Deputy Inspector (Subinspector, Inspektoreordea)^
Corporal (Cabo, Kaporala)
Foral Constable (Agente Foral, Foruzaina)
Swedish police ranks and insignia after reorganization 2015[16]1
National Police Deputy Police Deputy Police Assistant Police
Rank Police Director Police Commissioner Chief Superintendent
Commissioner Director Commissioner Commissioner
Note Regional Police Chief, Deputy Chief of District Police Chief, Special assignment Special assignment
Head of Department Region, Head of Division
Deputy Head of Dept.
Polisdirektör Polismästare
Swedish Biträdande
Rikspolischef (Regionpolischef, (Polisområdeschef, Polisöverintendent Polisintendent Polissekreterare
Name Polisdirektör
Avdelningschef) Enhetschef)
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Chief Inspector,
Superintendent, Inspector, Sergeant,
Rank Detective Chief Senior Police Constable Police Constable Police Trainee
Detective Superintendent Detective Inspector Detective Sergeant
Note Local Police Chief, Head of Group After 4 years of
Head of Section employment
kriminalkommissarie Poliskommisarie, Polisinspektör,
Swedish Name (Lokalpolisområdeschef, kriminalkommissarie
Polisassistent Polisassistent Polisaspirant
Main article: National Police Agency (Republic of China) § Ranks
Police Supervisor General (警監特級)
Police Supervisor Rank One (警監一級)
Police Supervisor Rank Two (警監二級)
Police Supervisor Rank Three (警監三級)
Police Supervisor Rank Four (警監四級)
Police Officer Rank One (警正一級)
Police Officer Rank Two (警正二級)
Police Officer Rank Three (警正三級)
Police Officer Rank Four (警正四級)
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Police Rank One (警佐一級)
Police Rank Two (警佐二級)
Police Rank Three (警佐三級)
Police Rank Four (警佐四級)
สำนักงานตำรวจแห่ งชาติ (samnak ngan tamruat haeng chat) - Royal Thai Police
Commissioned officers
พลตำรวจเอก - Police General (phon tamruat ek)
พลตำรวจโท - Police Lieutenant General (phon tamruat tho)
พลตำรวจตรี - Police Major General (phon tamruat tri)
พลตำรวจจัตวา - Police Brigadier General (not in use now) (phon tamruat jattawa)
พันตำรวจเอก (พิเศษ) - Police Senior Colonel (equivalent to Police Brigadier General) (phan tamruat ek phiset)
พันตำรวจเอก - Police Colonel (phan tamruat ek)
พันตำรวจโท - Police Lieutenant Colonel (phan tamruat tho)
พันตำรวจตรี - Police Major (phan tamruat tri)
ร้อยตำรวจเอก - Police Captain (roi tamruat ek)
ร้อยตำรวจโท - Police Lieutenant (roi tamruat tho)
ร้อยตำรวจตรี - Police Sub-Lieutenant (roi tamruat tri)
Non-commissioned officers
ดาบตำรวจ - Police Senior Sergeant Major (dap tamruat)
จ่าสิ บตำรวจ - Police Sergeant Major (ja sip tamruat)
สิ บตำรวจเอก - Police Sergeant (sip tamruat ek)
สิ บตำรวจโท - Police Corporal (sip tamruat tho)
สิ บตำรวจตรี - Police Lance Corporal (sip tamruat tri)
พลตำรวจ - Policeman/Constable (phon tamruat)
Emniyet Genel Müdürlüğü - Turkish Police
Director General (Emniyet Genel Muduru)
Director 1st Grade Police Chief for Provinces or departments (1. Sinif Emniyet Muduru)
Director 2nd Grade Assistant or Vice Police Chief for Provinces or chief sub-departments, or Police Academy Principle (2. Sinif Emniyet Muduru)
Director 3rd Grade Police Chief for townships or Branches; such as maritime police branch (3. Sinif Emniyet Muduru)
Director 4th Grade Assistant or Vice Police Chief Police Chief township or chief regional districts or division (4. Sinif Emniyet Muduru)
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Superintendent is a head of service bureaus such as criminal bureau (Emniyet Amiri)
Chief Inspector Chief Inspector is the supervisor for gruop or head of local police station (Baskomiser)
Inspector Inspector is the supervisor for squad or assistant head of local police station (Komiser)
Sub-InspectorSub-Inspector is the assistant supervisor for task team or shift leader for static locations or head of local police station (Komiser Yardimcisi)
Kıdemli BaşPolis Memuru senior lead-hand police officer
BaşPolis Memuru lead-hand junior police officer
Police Officer (Turkish: Polis Memuru)
The National Police of Ukraine uses the following rank system starting 2015:
Junior officers Senior officers
Shoulder insignia
for every day uniform
Shoulder insignia
for every day uniform
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United Kingdom
Main article: Police ranks of the United Kingdom
While some smaller or area specific police forces (ports, docks, tunnels etc.) may use variations on, or fewer of, these ranks, most territorial police forces and special police forces
have a standard set of operational ranks:
Police Constable
Chief Inspector
Chief Superintendent
The standard Chief Officer ranks outside London are:
Assistant Chief Constable
Deputy Chief Constable
Chief Constable
Within London's Metropolitan Police Service the Chief Officer ranks are:
Deputy Assistant Commissioner
Assistant Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis
Deputy Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis
Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis
The City of London Police use similar Chief Officer ranks to the Metropolitan Police Service but with fewer ranks:
Assistant Commissioner
Commissioner of the City of London Police
A police officer with investigative duties, up to and including the rank of Chief Superintendent, is a detective and the word Detective is prefixed to their rank (e.g. Detective Chief
Inspector), except for the rank of Police Constable where the word Police is replaced, making them a Detective Constable.
United States of America
Main article: Police ranks of the United States
The United States of America police rank model is generally quasi-military in structure. Although the large and varied number of federal, state, and local police departments and
sheriff's offices have different ranks, a general model, from highest to lowest rank, would be:
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See Federal Bureau of Investigation for ranks used by this service. Ranks of the United States Border Patrol, United States Capitol Police and United States Park Police are
covered in their respective articles.
Colonel (some departments use Commissioner, Director, Chief or Superintendent)
Lieutenant Colonel (some departments use Deputy Director, Deputy Chief or Deputy Commissioner)
Staff Captain (optional)
Technician Lieutenant (some departments only)
Sergeant Major (few departments only)
Master Sergeant (some departments use First Sergeant, Sergeant First Class or Staff Sergeant)
Senior Corporal (Optional)
Master Trooper (or Trooper First Class, Senior Trooper, Technician)
Trooper, Patrolman, Detective
Cadet, Probationary Trooper
Sheriff, Chief
Undersheriff, Deputy Chief
Assistant Sheriff
Division Chief
Area Commander
Senior Deputy Sheriff, Senior Deputy
Deputy Sheriff, Deputy
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Chief of Police (some large departments use Superintendent, Director or Commissioner)
Deputy Chief
Major (Inspector or Commander used by most large departments)
Detective (some departments use the rank of Corporal at or above this rank; in some departments, "Detective" is not a separate rank, but a designation used by a police
officer trained as a detective, and who does not have supervisory authority)
Technician (some departments only)
Police Officer/Patrol Officer
Certain very large metropolitan police departments, notably the NYPD and the Boston Police Department, have a civilian-appointed Commissioner in the highest role supervising
the uniformed sworn officers.
Comisonado General
Comisonado Jefe
Comisonado Agregado
Supervisor Jefe
Inspector Jefe
Sargento Mayor Supervisor
Sargento Mayor
Sargento I
Sargento II
Cabo I
Cabo II
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Công an Nhân dân Việt Nam - Vietnam People's Public Security
Commissioned officers
Highest Rank
Đại tướng Công an - Police General - only held by the Minister of Public Security
Thượng tướng Công an - Police Colonel General - usually held by the Deputy Ministers of Public Security
Trung tướng Công an - Police Lieutenant General - usually held by the Directors of General Departments of Ministry, Directors of Hanoi Police Department and
Directors of Ho Chi Minh City Police Department
Thiếu tướng Công an - Police Major General - usually held by Vice Directors of General Departments of Ministry, Directors of Departments of Ministry
Middle Rank
Đại tá Công an - Police Brigadier - usually held by Directors of Municipality and Province Police Departments
Thượng tá Công an - Police Colonel - usually held by Chiefs of City, Town and District Police
Trung tá Công an - Police Lieutenant Colonel - usually held by Chiefs of Ward and Commune Police
Thiếu tá Công an - Police Major
Low Rank
Đại úy Công an - Police Captain
Thượng úy Công an - Police First Lieutenant
Trung úy Công an - Police Lieutenant
Thiếu úy Công an - Police Sub-Lieutenant
Non-commissioned officers
Thượng sĩ - Staff Sergeant
Trung sĩ - Sergeant
Hạ sĩ - Corporal
Chiến sĩ bậc 1 - Policeman 1st Class
Chiến sĩ bậc 2 - Policeman
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