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Subject Pronoun The Verb Ser Adjectives

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Then Jesus turned to his

disciples and said to them

privately, "Fortunate are you
to see what you see, for I tell
you that many prophets and
kings would have liked to see
what you see but did not, and
to hear what you hear but did
not hear it."
Spanish alphabet
Z in Spanish

◦ The letter z in Spanish is pronounced like the s in the

English word sun by speakers of Latin American Spanish.

◦ The letter z in Spanish is pronounced like the th in the

English word thing by most speakers of Castilian Spanish.
B and V in Spanish
◦ The most important thing to remember about pronouncing the Spanish b and v is that in
standard Spanish they are pronounced exactly alike.
◦ ceviche or cebiche, is a type of seafood dish that can be spelled with either letter.
◦ The "hard" b or v: This sound is known in phonetics as a voiced stop. It is much like the
English "b" but less explosive.
◦ The "soft" b or v: This sound is the more common of the two and is classified as a voiced
bilabial fricative, meaning that a voiced sound that is "squeezed" between the two lips,
forming a kind of buzzing sound. In other words it is much like the English "v" but with
the two lips touching instead of the lower lip and upper teeth. The sound of the English
"v" such as in the word "victory" does not exist in standard Spanish.
◦ The hard b or v is used after pauses, such as at the beginning of a sentence or when a word
is standing alone and begins with b or v. It is also used after the m or n sounds, the latter
of which can sound much like an m when it comes before a b or v. Some speakers also use
the hard b or v after the d in words such as advertencia (warning).
◦ See the boldfaced examples in these sentences:
• Vamos a la playa. (Let's go to the beach. The v comes at the beginning of the
• Queremos terminar el embargo contra el país. (We want to end embargo against
the country. The b comes after an m.)
• Envolvieron los galletas con film transparente. (They wrapped the cookies in
plastic wrap. The n in envolvieron sounds much like an m. Note how the only the
first v in envolvieron gets the hard sound.)
◦ In other situations, the soft b or v is used. Between vowels it can become
extremely soft.

◦ La evolución se estudia en clases de biologia. (Evolution is studied in biology

classes. Note how the b in biología gets the soft sound even though it comes
at the beginning of the word. In normal speech, there is no pause between
biología and the preceding word.)
◦ Cantabamos en la playa. (We were singing on the beach. The b is
pronounced because it comes between two vowels.)
◦ ¡Brava! (Excellent!) (The first letter gets the hard sound because it's at the
beginning of an utterance, but the v is between vowels.)
◦ In the word obvio (obvious), the b gets the hard sound, while the v
gets the soft sound.

◦ When spelling out loud in Spanish, the b is sometimes referred to

as be alta, be grande, or be larga in order to distinguish it from the
v, usually called uve (which became its official name a few years
ago), ve baja, ve chica, or ve corta.
Sit Dolor Amet
Subject Pronouns
yo – I nosotros – we [masculine]
nosotras – we [feminine]

tú – you [singular, informal] vosotros – you [masculine]

vosotras – you [femine]

él – he ellos – they [masculine]

ella – she ellas – they [feminine]

usted – you [singular, formal] ustedes - you [plural, formal]

“ser” – to be
Los usos del verbo Ser
Se usa para denotar condiciones permanentes o caracteristicas:
Tu eres guapa.
El es alto y simpatico.
Con la preposicion “de” denota:
origen – Yo soy de Manila
El bolso es de Italia.
posesion – La casa es de Luisa.
Los zapatos son de Marino.
Ser denota:
nacionalidad – Ellos son Filipinos.
rango – Mi amigo es coronel.
dignidad – Ella es secretaria de la club.
profession – Mi padre es abogado.
relaciones – Sr. Perez es mi abuelo.
Los usos del verbo Ser

Denota hora y tiempo

Son las dos y media.
Es temprano
Denota expresiones impersonales
Es verdad – It is true.
Es possible – It is possible.
Es terrible – It is terrible.
Ejercicios de aplicacion
◦ Yo soy Filipino.
◦ Tu eres generoso.
◦ El es de Pampanga.
◦ Ella es guapa.
◦ Usted es de Madrid.
◦ Nosotros somos amigos.
◦ Vosotros sois diligentes.
◦ Ellos son aplicados.
◦ Ellas son delegadas.
◦ Ustedes son oficiales.
Indica la forma correcta del verbo segun el sujeto:
1. Sra. Cruz __________ mi professor.
2. Nosotros __________ condiscipulos.
3. El libro ___________ interesante.
4. Nosotros ___________ Cavitenos,
5. Luis y yo ____________ estudiantes de Universidad De La Salle.
6. Yo __________ de la ciudad de Cavite.
7. Mi amigo ____________ empleyado de esta oficina.
8. Ellos ____________ miembros da la fraternidad.
9. La manzana ____________ dulce.
10.Los hombres ___________ valientes.
Contesta las preguntas en oraciones completes:
1. ?Que dia es hoy?
2. ?Que hora es?
3. ?De donde son ellos?
4. ?De quien es el libro?
5. ?Son dulces las frutas?
6. ?De que es la mesa?
7. ?Quien es tu professor en espanol?
8. ?Quantos son cinco y cuatro?
9. ?De donde eres tu?
10.?Sois vosotros Americanos?
◦ Spanish and English share many cognates, which are words that
are the same or similar in two languages. Sometimes Spanish
cognates are spelled the same as the word in English: normal,
hotel, usual. Other Spanish cognates are spelled similar to, but not
the same as, the word in English: activo, responsable, excelente.
Your comprehension of Spanish will improve if you listen for
cognates when conversing and look for them when reading.
◦Actor Actor
◦Admirable Admirable
◦Agenda Agenda
◦Alcohol Alcohol
◦Altar Altar
◦Animal Animal
◦Area Area
◦Artificial Artificial
◦Auto Auto

Spanish English
◦Balance Balance
◦Bar Bar
◦Base Base
◦Brutal Brutal
◦Cable Cable
◦Canal Canal
◦Cáncer Cancer
◦Canon Canon
False cognates

◦ Occasionally, a Spanish word will look like an English

word but mean something else. These words are called
false cognates. Examples include largo (which looks like
“large” but means “long”) and colegio (which looks like
“college” but means “high school”). False cognates,
however, are relatively rare compared to the vast number
of cognates shared by English and Spanish.
Adjectives in Spanish must agree in number and gender with the noun
being modified. So, if the subject is masculine singular, the adjective
must also be masculine singular, and if the subject is feminine plural,
the adjective must also be feminine plural. Adjectives ending in -o
have four forms. For example, viejo, meaning “old,” has the following
four forms: Viejo (masculine singular); vieja (feminine singular);
viejos (masculine plural); viejas (feminine plural).
◦ Adjectives ending in -e have two forms, as can be seen in
responsable (masculine and feminine singular) and
responsables (masculine and feminine plural). Adjectives
ending in -ista have two forms, as can be seen in pesimista
(masculine and feminine singular) and pesimistas
(masculine and feminine plural).
Adjetivos (Adjectives)
◦ alto – tall accidental – accidental
◦ simpático – nice usual – usual
◦ antipático – unfriendly normal – normal
◦ guapo – good-looking optimista – optimistic
◦ bonito – pretty pesimista – pessimistic
◦ feo – ugly activo – active
◦ joven – young responsable – responsible
◦ viejo – old
◦ largo – long embarazada – pregnant
◦ corto – short in length elegante – elegant
◦ grande – big excelente – excellent
◦ pequeño – small fantástico –
◦ avergonzado – embarrassed

◦ nina bonita – pretty girl

◦ mujer guapa –beautiful woman
◦ hombre diligente – diligent man
◦ alumnos aplicados – studios pupils
◦ ciudad limpia – clean city
◦ libros nuevos – new books
Adjectives of nationality ending in consonant
add “a” to form the feminine.
◦ frances – francesa
◦ espanol – espanola
◦ ingles – inglesa
◦ portugues – portuguesa
◦ japones - japonesa
Adjectives ending in vowel ”o” change to “a”
to form the feminine.
◦ chino – china
◦ filipino –filipina
◦ mejicano – mejicana
◦ americano – americana
◦ italiano – italiana
◦ cubano - cubana
Common adjectives with their antonyms

facil (easy) deficil (difficult)

aplicado (studios) perezoso (lazy)
grande (big) pequeno (small)
largo (long) corto (short)
pobre (poor) rico (rich)
limpio (clean) sucio (dirty)
caro (expensive) barato (cheap)
basto (rough) fino (fine)
Common adjectives with their antonyms

caliente (hot) frio (cold)

claro (clear) oscuro (dark)
orgulloso (proud) humilde (humble)
blanco (while) negro (black)
algre (happy) triste (sad)
ancho (wide) estreho (narrow)
fuerte (strong) debil (weak)
guapo (handsome) feo (ugly)
hermosa (beautiful) fea (ugly)
Common adjectives with their antonyms

simpatica (charming) antipatico (ugly)

generoso (generous) mesquino (stingy)
util (useful) inutil (useless)
bueno (good) malo (bad)
pesado (heavy) ligero (light)
blando ( soft) duro (hard)
lleno (full) vacio (empty)
cobarde (coward) valiente (brave)
sabroso (palatable) soso (tasteless
inteligente (intelligent) tonto (dull)
nuevo (new) antiguo(old)
hondo (shallow) profundo (deep)
These adjectives refer to both genders.

◦ leccion facile – examen facil

◦ hombre cobarde – mujer cobarde
◦ nino diligente – nina diligente
◦ padre triste – madre triste
◦ alumno joven – alumna joven
Adjectives ending in vowels add “s” to form the plural
and those ending in consonant add “es”. Change z to “c”
and add “es” for those ending in z.

◦ facil – faciles cortes - corteses

◦ joven – jovenes feliz - felices
◦ bueno – buenos algre - alegres
◦ grande – grandes leal - leales
Describe el sustantivo y cambia al plural (Describe the noun and
change to the plural)
◦ casa ciudad
◦ mano jardin
◦ farol calle
◦ cuarto libro
◦ fruta zapato
◦ dia papel
◦ clase noche
◦ examen problema
◦ leccion estudiante
◦ pie nacion
Mariposa Bella
Mariposa bella, de mi tierra immortal
Es la filipina en su traje natal
Que oestenta unas mangas, con gracejo y sal
Y saya de cola, de una pieza de percal.

Con peineta de carey, Uy

Y un panuelo coqueton
Y enaguas de ojetes
Que larosa el talon.

Con el tapiz real

Sobre el talle sutil
Y es la mariposa
Del malayo pensil.

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