Economic Project - Class Xii
Economic Project - Class Xii
Economic Project - Class Xii
a new one.
They were laid off due to lack of work and
haven't yet been rehired.
Their company reduced the work force,
and they are seeking a new position. This
can be due to a local condition, when the
company closes a plant or division, or a
national condition, when the economy
slows and many companies reduce their
work force.
They have recently returned to the work
force - perhaps from pregnancy or
attending school - and haven't yet located a
The need for their skill set has gone down,
and there are limited positions available,
which may lead to unemployment until
they train for a new position.
Technology has reduced the need for their
type of position.
What is 'Unemployment'
Unemployment occurs when a person who is
actively searching for employment is unable to
find work. Unemployment is often used as a
measure of the health of the economy. The
most frequent measure of unemployment is
the unemployment rate, which is the number
of unemployed people divided by the number
of people in the labor force.
The following steps have been taken by Govt,
to increase employment opportunities:
1. Integrated Rural Development
Programme (IRDP):
In 1978-79, government of India introduced
IRDP to create full employment opportunities
in rural areas. Under this programme
agriculture, animal husbandry, forests,
fisheries, small and cottage industries,
construction of roads and canals etc. are to be
developed in all the 5111 development blocks.
Moreover, to provide more employment, in
the Seventh Plan a sum of Rs. 312 crores was
spent on this programme. It benefited 182 lakh
families. In 1995- 96 about 21 lakh families
have been benefited.
2. Drought Prone Area Programme
This programme was launched in 70 such
districts of 13 states as were prone to drought.
The programme has proved fruitful
particularly in removing seasonal
unemployment. In Sixth Plan, the programme
provided 17 crore and 70 lakh man-days of
In the same period, a sum of Rs. 301 crores
was made on the programme. In Seventh Plan,
Rs. 474 crores has been spent for the
3. Training for Self-Employment:
This programme was launched on 15th
August, 1979 by the Government of India. It is
called National Scheme of Training of Rural
Youth for Self Employment (TRYSEM). The
main objective of this programme is to reduce
unemployment among the youth. During
Seventh Plan about 11.6 lakh youth were
imparted training under the programme.
During training period, young men are given
financial assistance. On completion of
training, they are asked to prepare project
report. Arrangements are made to get them
financial assistance from the banks. Every
trained youth is given a financial help varying
from Rs. 3,000 to Rs. 5,000 to start his work.
In the Seventh Plan, under this programme,
Composite Rural Training and Technical
Centres (CRTTC) were set up to impart
training to rural youth. In 1995-96 training
was to be provided to 2.8 lakh rural youth
under this programme.
4. Jawahar Rozgar Yojana:
The Jawahar Rozgar Yojana was started on
28th April 1989. The objective of this Yojana
is to provide employment to at least one
member of each poor rural family for fifty to a
hundred days a year at a work place near his
residence. A special feature of the scheme is
that 30% of the employment generated will be
reserved for women.
The Central government will finance 80% of
the programme and the state government will
have to bear only 20% of the expenditure of
this scheme. In 1989, National Rural
Employment Programme and Rural Landless
Employment Guarantee Programmes were
merged in the yojana.
5. Employment in Foreign Countries:
Government also helps people to get
employment abroad. Special agencies have
been set up to recruit people to serve in gulf
countries like Kuwait, etc.
6. Self-employment to Educated
Unemployed Youth:
In 1983, a scheme namely self-employment of
educated unemployed was initiated. Under this
scheme, loans up to Rs. 25,000 are given to
those educated unemployed who have no other
financial resources.
This scheme is enforced by District Industries
Centers. Government will give 25 percent as
subsidy of the loans given by the banks under
this scheme.
7. Nehru Rozgar Yojana (NRY):
This Yojana was started in 1989. There are
three schemes under it. (1) Under the first
scheme, subsidy is given to urban poor to set
up micro enterprises. In 1995, under this
programme, 1.25 lakh families have been
benefited. (2) Under the second scheme
arrangements have been made for wage-
employment to labourers in cities with less
than 10 lakh population by providing Indian
Economic Development and Elementary
Statistic 'them basic facilities.
In 1995, under this scheme 93 lakhs man-days
of employment have been provided. (3) Under
the third scheme, urban poor in the cities are
to be provided employment opportunities in
jobs like house repairing etc.
8. Small and Cottage Industries:
In order to reduce unemployment, government
if has made special efforts to develop small
and cottage industries. In 1995-96 about 33
lakh persons were employed in these
9. Development of Organized Sector:
Many people are getting employment in
organized public and private sectors. In 1995-
96, nearly 340 lakh persons got employment
in large industries.
In 1961, organized public sector provided
employment to 70 lakh persons; now it
provides employment to 1 crore and 92 lakh
persons. Likewise, in 1961 organized private
sector provided employment to 50 lakh
persons; in 2000 it provided employment to 89
lakh persons.
10. Employment Exchanges:
Government has set up about 890 employment
exchanges offering information on the
possible vocational avenues. These exchanges
do not provide employment directly but are of
great assistance in directing the job-seeker to
the possible areas of employment.
11. Employment Guarantee Scheme:
This Scheme has been launched in man; states,
such as, Maharashtra, West Bengal, Kerala,
Rajasthan etc. Under the scheme unemployed
persons are given economic assistance.
12. Employment Assurance Scheme:
The Employment Assurance Scheme (EAS)
was launched in 1994 in 1752 backward
blocks in the country. The main objective was
to provide 100 days of unskilled manual work
to the rural poor who are seeking employment.
13. Prime Minister's Integrated Urban
Poverty Eradication Program (PMIUPEP):
This programme has been implemented in
1995-96. This programme aims at to provide
employment to the urban poor. It will cover 50
lakh urban poor living in 345 towns. The
central government will incur an expenditure
of Rs. 800 crores this programme during a
period of Five years.
14. The Swaran Jayanti Rozgar Yojana:
This plan began on December 1, whereas
launching of this yojana, previous
programmes meant for providing employment
to urban unemployed like Nehru Rozgar
Yojana and Prime Minister Integrate Urban
Poverty Eradication Programme were merged
into it.
It aims at providing self-employment or wage
employment to urban unemployed and under-
employ persons. It comprises of two plans: (i)
Urban Self- Employment Programme-(USE
and (ii) Urban Wage Employment
Programme-(UWEP). Of the total expenditure
on "Yojana, 75 percent will be borne by the
centre and 25 percent by the state
governments. In the year 1997-98, a sum of
Rs. 125 crore was spending on this yojana.
15. Jawahar Gram Samridhi Yojana:
Jawahar Rozgar Yojana has been restructured
as Jawahar Gram Samridhi Yojana with effect
from April 1999. This Yojana has been
formulated to improve the quality of life of the
rural poor by providing the additional gainful
16. Other Programmes:
Govt, of India launched other employment and
poverty alleviation programme as under:
(i) Pradhan Mantri Gramodaya Yojana
(ii) Pradhan Mantri Gramodaya Yojana
(Gramin Awas)
(iii) Pradhan Mantri Gramodaya Yojana-Rural
Drinking water project.
(iv) Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana
(v) Autyodya Anna Yojana.
(vi) Jai Prakash Rozgar Guarantee Yojana
(vii) Valmiki Ambedkar Awas Yojana
Udiyaman Swanirbhar Karmasansthan Prakalpa
(USKP)” 2008
Objective:Udiyaman Swanirbhar Karmasansthan
Prakalpa (USKP), is to assist unemployed youth
validly registered with employment exchanges in
West Bengal by providing subsidized credit from
commercial banks.
Implementing Authority:Directorate of
Employment under Labour Department, West
Bengal through its network of Employment
Exchanges implements the scheme through Banks
and other financial organization.
The maximum limit of loan available under the
scheme :
• The maximum limit of loan available under the
scheme is usually Rs. 50,000/- per individual,
including the margin money or subsidy provided b
the state government.
• The margin money or subsidy would be @ 25%
of the loan amount per person, subject to a
maximum of Rs 12,500/-.
• Number of beneficiaries of identical trade can
form cluster for joint activities under the scheme.
By formation of a cooperative society or any such
recognized body corporate, which will be termed
as Udiyaman Swanirbhar Karmasansthan Joutha
Prakalpa (USKJP)
• Except where categorically so mentioned, the
features of the scheme shall remain the same
irrespective of whether it is a Prakalpa or Joutha
Eligibility :
• The Beneficiary has completed his 18th year but
not the 45th year of age as on 1st day of April of
the year in which he has applied to come under the
scheme . The upper age limit is relaxable by five
years in case of physically handicapped persons as
well as persons belonging to scheduled
caste/schedule tribes and other backwards classes;
• He is registered at any Employment Exchange of
West Bengal for more than one year as on the 1st
day of April of the year for which he has applied
for the scheme; provided that no waiting period as
a registered unemployed shall be required for the
candidates belonging to physically challenged
category or Women, candidates belonging to the
scheduled caste, scheduled tribe, other backward
classes, ex-serviceman, minority category or EDP
trained candidates
• He is not a defaulter in any financial
organization or Banks.
• He is not avail benefits of Self Employment
Scheme for the Registered Unemployed (SESRU)
in West Bengal
How to apply :An eligible candidate may apply
for assistance under this scheme in a prescribed
form (to be collected from local Employment
Exchange) to the local Employment Exchange at
any time of the year.
For details the local employment exchange may be
contacted.Self Employment Motivation – cum-
Awareness camp :Keeping in view this general
aversion towards self employment, Directorate of
Employment, W.B has ventured into this new path
of Entrepreneurial Development Programme
throughout the State, using the network of
Employment Exchanges, with a two-fold
The maximum cost of the project/unit admissible
under manufacturing sector is Rs. 25 lakh. (2) the
maximum cost of the project/unit admissible
under business/service sector is Rs. 10 lakh. (3)
the balance amount of the total project cost will be
provided by banks as term loan.
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