A Business Plan
A Business Plan
A Business Plan
For starting
The Candy Basket Company
Submitted By : Aishwarya K. Taru
PUNE (2017-18)
Submitted To:
Executive Summary
We are starting a business of manufacturing chocolates. Name of the company is
“The Candy Basket”.Our target market is whole Maharashtra. The customers to
whom our products will be supplied are retailers, wholesalers and traders in
Pune,Mumbai,Nashik,Nagpur,Aurangabad etc.The location of our manufacturing
plant would be PUNE.
We would be targeting the consumers of all age groups. The products that we
would offer are:
Our vision is to be the leading manufacturer of chocolates all over India.
We seek to produce high quality products at competitive price using modern
technology to provide high satisfaction to the consumers.
1.To manufacture and provide the customers with the quality products to the best
interest of the customers.
2.To create Price competitive Products as part of the effect to increase the world
access to high quality chocolates.
Target Market
Upper class Middle class Lower middle class All age groups
Cadbury is the leading player in the chocolate market industry with the penetration
of 70% market share. The company's brands like Five Star, Gems, Éclairs, Perk,
and Dairy Milk are leaders in their segments. Nestle &Amul are the other major
players in chocolate industry. Chocolate industry is growing at steady growth rate
of 25%. Over 70% of the consumption of chocolates takes place in the urban
market. It is price sensitive market.
Until early 90's, Cadbury had a market share of over 80 %, but its party was
spoiled when Nestle appeared on the scene. The other one has introduced its
international brands in the country (Kit Kat, Lions), and now commands
approximately 15% market share. Competition in the segment will soon get keener
as overseas chocolate giants Hershey's and Mars consolidate to grab a bite of the
Indian chocolate pie.
Indian Chocolate Industry’s Margin range between 10 and 20%, depending on the
price point at which the product is placed. The input costs in India are under check
owing to the 24% decline in the prices of sugar.
Core Competencies
The core competencies on which our company will compete are:
Taste By consuming the “The Candy Basket” flavor begins to fill your mouth
the moment the chocolate begins to melt on your tongue like butter and it tastes
like pure chocolate rather than cocoa powder. At first there is so much pleasure in
tasting the chocolate, it may be difficult to focus on the specifics of flavor. First
perception the consumer would describe for the chocolate as “chocolaty” and
Quality The raw ingredients are of finest quality and also care is taken of the
production process; roasting and crushing the cocoa beans and mixing the cocoa
paste with sugar and other ingredients such as milk. Yummy chocolates are high
quality chocolates as they are shiny brown, breaks cleanly and is smooth. The
Candy Basket has the sufficient quantities of cocoa butter and vegetable fat so that
it does not become greasy or sticky at ambient room temperature.
Take one cup of powdered sugar, one cup of milk powder. One heaped table
spoon of cocoa powder, about half table spoon of butter, and to this add the
minimum quantity of water required to make a thick batter. Place this batter on
a stove and bring to a boil on a low flame. When the batter becomes thick
(shown in Our company will be dealing in the manufacturing of 3 products.
They are:
the clip) stop the boiling, cool. Pour into suitable moulds, cut, cool in a fridge
and it gets ready.
Sugar, Full Cream Milk Powder, Raisins, Cocoa Butter, Cocoa Mass, Almonds,
Vegetable Fat, Emulsifiers, Flavors.
First take whatever moulds you like and grease it with butter. Set this aside for a
moment. Melt the chocolate either in double boiler method or in a microwave.
Remove it and set aside. Chop up all your nuts and dried fruits. Add it to the
chocolate and mix well. Take a spoonful of this and fill your prepared mould
and put it in the deep freeze for 1 hour. Unmould it and keep it in the fridge
until serving.
Combine cocoa and sugar and blend until all lumps of cocoa are gone. Add
water and salt and mix well. Cook over medium heat, bringing it to a boil.
Keep boiling until thick, stirring to keep from overflowing. Remove from heat
and let cool. When cool, add vanilla. Then put this in your milk, just like
the store bought stuff.
Marketing Plan
The range and variety of chocolates available in malls seems to be growing day
by day, which leads to lot of impulse sales for chocolates companies.
Chocolates which use to be unaffordable is now considered mid-priced.
Branded chocolates have become more popular. Mithai is becoming the
substitute of chocolates Instead of buying sweets on Rakhshabhandan, Diwali,
people prefer to buy chocolates.
Barriers to entry
Huge startup costs Ensuring good quality products to the customers High
Level of competition from the well established brands To keep price of the
product low, as it is a price sensitive market
Plain chocolate
Chocolate contains essential trace elements and nutrients such as iron, calcium
and potassium, and vitamins A. B1, C, D, and E. Cocoa is also the highest
natural source for Magnesium. The high Magnesium content of Chocolate is
beneficial for the Cardiovascular System and hypertension. Cancer Fighter
High in Antioxidants Cocoa contains flavones, a type of flavonoid that is only
found in cocoa and chocolate.
Amul Nestle Cadbury Kent
Our niche market would be the children and young generation as chocolate is
mostly liked by children and youngsters.
Local news paper Local TV channel Local radio Station Through
pages and account on Social Networking Sites (Facebook & Twitter)
Distribution channels
Our products would be distributed through channels like wholesalers, retailers and
our own sales force.
Operational Plan
The product will be manufactured by Full Automatic Chocolate Production Line
(QH200), with this system, baking the moulds, depositing, forming etc. series
procedure can be achieved automatically. It's available to depositing all shape of
chocolate. Such as double color filled- inside, nuts etc chocolate. Since our product
are plain as well as nut are added this machine is appropriate.
This machine can produce 100-300 kg chocolates per hour. It can produce
chocolates in different shapes .It can help to reduce cost of chocolates mould. By
Producing Chocolates in different shapes we can attract all segments of market.
Manufacturing process
Chocolate production is highly sophisticated computer controlled process with
much of the new specialist machinery. Machines like as chocolate cooling tunnels,
enrobing machines, coating machines, moulding machines.
The beans are then roasted to develop the characteristic chocolate flavor of the
bean in large rotary cylinders. The roasting lasts from 30 minutes to 2 hours at very
high temperatures. The bean colour changes to a rich brown and the aroma of
chocolate comes through.
The roasted nibs are milled through a process that liquefies the cocoa butter in the
nibs and forms cocoa mass (or paste). This liquid mass has dark brown colour,
typical strong smell and flavor and contains about 54% of cocoa butter.
Cocoa Pressing
Part of cocoa mass is fed into the cocoa press which hydraulically squeezes a
portion of the cocoa butter from the cocoa mass, leaving "cocoa cakes". The cocoa
butter is used in the manufacture of chocolates; the remaining cakes of cocoa solids
are pulverized into cocoa powders.
Conching is a flavour development process during which the chocolate is put under
constant agitation. The conching machines, called "conches", have large paddles
that sweep back and forth through the refined chocolate mass anywhere from a few
hours to several days. Conching reduces moisture, drives off any lingering acidic
flavors and coats each particle of chocolate with a layer of cocoa butter. The
resulting chocolate has a smoother, mellower flavor.
The moulded chocolate enters controlled cooling tunnels to solidify the pieces.
Depending on the size of the chocolate pieces, the cooling cycle takes between 20
minutes to two hours. From the cooling tunnels, the chocolate is packaged for
delivery to retailers and ultimately into the hands of consumers.
Legal formalities:
We could get DIN (Director Identification Number) which is printed, signed,
and sent to Ministry of Corporate Affairs. Get a TAN (Tax Account Number)
for income taxes from Income Tax Department’s Assessing Office. We must be
registered Enroll with Establishment Act (State/Municipal), Shops, and Office of
Inspector. We should also get food process order certificate from ministry of
food processing industries and also doing as business certificate required for our
chocolate industry.
The machine is fully automatic so need of personnel is less. We need skilled
worker for packaging and storage of our product. There would be a need of
professional for checking and maintaining the quality of product.
The basic raw material required for making chocolate is Sugar, Full Cream Milk
Powder, Cocoa Butter, Cocoa Mass, Vegetable Fat, Emulsifiers, and Flavors.
Job Description:
Increasing management's effectiveness by recruiting, selecting, orienting,
training, coaching, counseling, and disciplining managers