NCP001 Isolation
NCP001 Isolation
NCP001 Isolation
S= “Dili ko Social Isolation After the 2- 1. Establish therapeutic > To promote trust, After 2 Week 1 – Goal
ganahan related to week nurse-client relationship allowing client to feel weeks of was met. Patient
makig-istorya feelings of related through frequent, brief free to discuss related was able to
nila kay mga indifference learning contacts and an sensitive matters. learning interact with
boang man towards others. experience accepting attitude. experience, others and join
na sila”, as , patient the patient group activities
verbalized by will be able 2. Spend time with client. > Nurse’s presence will be able but with the
the patient. Scientific to (ex. sitting in silence for helps improve client’s to student nurse’s
basis: demonstra a while) perception of self as a demonstrate assistance.
O>received Alones te worthwhile person. willingness
patient experienced by willingness and desire Week 2 – Goal
sitting on the the individual to interact 3. Identify individual > To provide to socialize was met. Patient
bench, alone and perceived as with strengths and areas of opportunities for with others. approaches
>being imposed by others. interest. involvement with others in
uncommunica others and as a others. appropriate
tive noted negative or 4. Encourage attendance manner for one-
> poor eye threatened state in group activities, after > The presence of a to-one or group
contact noted client feels comfortable trusted individual interaction and
> blunt affect in one-on-one provides emotional participates in
noted Source: relationship. Nurse may security for the client. activities
NANDA edition need to attend with independently.
10 pp.513 client the first few times
to offer support.