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Seminar Report




Submitted for partial fulfillment of the requirement for degree (VII sem)

Computer Science and Engineering
From Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur

Submitted By
Yogeshwari Shiwankar
Renuka Wadekar Shayari Chandak
Anuja Bhande Somesh Kohurke

Under the Guidance of

Prof. P.D. Mude

Department of Computer Science and Engineering,

Datta Meghe Institute of Engineering, Technology & Research,

Sawangi (Meghe), Wardha


This is to certify that the seminar entitled


is a bonafide work and it is submitted t o the Rashtrasant Tukadoji
Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur


Yogeshwari Shiwankar
Renuka Wadekar Shayari Chandak
Anuja Bhande Somesh Kohurke

in the partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree

(VII Sem) of Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science
and Engineering, during the academic year 2019-2020 under
my guidance.

Prof.P.D.Mude Prof. V. R. Palekar

Guide Head
Department of CSE Department of CSE


This project arose in part out of months of efforts that have been done
since we came to final year. By that time, we have worked with a great number
of people whose contributions in different ways to the research and the making
of this Report deserved special mention. It is our great pleasure to convey
gratitude to them all in our humble acknowledgment.

In the first place we would like to record my gratitude to our guide, Prof.
V. R. Palekar, Department of Computer Science & Engineering DMIETR,
Sawangi(M), Wardha for his supervision, advice, and guidance from the very
early stage of this research as well as giving me extraordinary patience,
throughout the work. Above all and the most needed, he provided us unflinching
encouragement and support in various ways.

At times it is not so easy to capture feelings in words. That is the great sense of
thankfulness we harbour to Prof. P.D. Mude, Department of Computer Science
& Engineering,DMIETR, Sawangi(M), Wardha for his truly scientist intuition,
support and dynamic supervision, which has made him as a constant oasis of
ideas and passions in science, which exceptionally inspire and enrich our growth
as a student. We are indebted to him more than he knows.

We also thank to respected Dr. P. L. Zade, the Principal of DMIETR for

their constant support.

Our parent deserves special mention for their inseparable inspiration,

support and prayers, giving me strength and support to complete this work
successfully. We again thank to all those have directly or indirectly helped me to
for this work.

Submitted By

Miss.Yogeshwari Shiwankar

Miss.Renuka Wadekar

Miss.Shayari Chandak

Miss.Anuja Bhande

Mr.Somesh Kohurke

Chapters No

Title Page i.
Certificate of Approval ii.
Acknowledgement iii.
Table of Contents iv.
List of Figures v.
List of Screen-shots vi.
Abstract vii.

Chapter 1 Introduction 1
Chapter 2 Literature Review

Chapter 3 Problem Statement 4

Chapter 4 Objective

Chapter 5 System Architecture/Flowchart/Design/ER diagram etc. 6

Chapter 6 Methodology/Algorithm Description 7

Chapter 7 Output/Result 10
Chapter 8 Further plan of the project 16

Chapter 9 Conclusion

Future Scope
References 18


Sr.No Contents Page No

Alice shares files with identifiers 2, 3, 6 and 8 with

Fig 3.1 Bob by sending him a single aggregate key. 6
Fig 5.1 System Architecture 9

Fig 5.2 System Flow

Fig 5.3 Data Flow Diagram-Level 0

Fig 5.4 Data Flow Diagram-Level 1

Fig 5.5 Data Flow Diagram-Level 2


List Of Screenshots

Sr. No Contents Page No.

Screenshot-7.1 Login page 5

Screenshot-7.2 User Registration page 10

Screenshot-7.3 Home page 11

Screenshot-7.4 User Database 11


Data sharing is an important functionality in cloud storage. Cloud computing is

a recently developing technology which can be used to access and store data easily.
Cloud storage will provide good reliability and lowest cost. Its functionality is sharing
data with other users securely, efficiently and flexibly in cloud environment. We
introduce a special type of public key encryption called as Key Aggregate cryptosystem
(KAC). In KAC user encrypts message with public key and also with an identifier of
cipher text. In KAC any set of secret keys can be aggregated and made them as single
key. key cryptosystem produces constant size cipher texts and user can aggregate any
set of secret keys and make them as compact as single and can decrypt any set of cipher
texts by using that compact aggregate key but, files outside the set remain confidential.
In this cryptosystem it is possible to efficiently assign decryption rights for the set of
cipher texts to any users. The secret key holder can release a constant-size aggregate
key for set of cipher texts and this compact aggregate key conveniently shared with
others with very limited secure storage.

Keywords:- Key-aggregate cryptosystem, Elliptic curve cryptography, public-key

cryptosystem, Data sharing.

Chapter 1


The idea for designing the security system came from Cloud storage is
gaining popularity recently. In enterprise settings, we see the rise in demand for
data outsourcing, which assists in the strategic management of corporate data. It
is also used as a core technology behind many online services for personal
applications. Nowadays, it is easy to apply for free accounts for email, photo
album, file sharing and/or remote access, with storage size more than 25GB (or
a few dollars for more than 1TB). Together with the current wireless technology,
users can access almost all of their files and emails by a mobile phone in any
corner of the world.

1.1 Overview

The main purpose of the system is to develop a system that provides

proper data security in Cloud storage using key aggregate cryptosystem. In the
world of technical life cloud computing has become integral part and also
understanding the way of business is changing and is likely to continue changing
into the future. Using cloud storage services means that you and others can access
and share files across a range of devices and position. Files such as photos and
videos can sometimes be unmanageable to email if they are too big or you have
a lot of data. You can upload your data to a cloud storage provider means you
can speedily circulate your data with the help of cloud service and you can share
your data files with anyone you choose. Since cloud computing shares distributed
resources via network in the open environment thus it makes less secured. Data
security has become a major issue in data sharing on cloud. The main motto
behind our system is that it secures the data and generates the key for each
transaction so every user can secure our shared data by the third party i.e.
unethical hacker. Personal data stored in the Cloud may contain account

numbers, passwords, notes, and other important information that could be used
and misused by a miscreant, a competitor, or a court of law. These data are
cached, copied, and archived by Cloud Service Providers, often without user’s
authorization and control. The system proposed consist of the key generation
logic for cloud server which helps random key generation security. In addition,
our system secures the data and generates the key for each transaction.

In this Report following are the important functions/features our project

1. Authentication

2. Data Encryption and Compression

3. File Sharing in 1 to 1 and 1 to many manner.

4. All types File Upload/Download

5. Key Aggregation Services

Our System is a Web Based Application it provides a Single Platform where admin/user
can Share and download the file in secured manner this will done by using ECC .

Chapter 2

Review Of Literature

2.1 Overview

In modern cryptography, a fundamental problem we often study is about

leveraging the secrecy of a small piece of knowledge into the ability to perform
cryptographic functions (e.g. encryption, authentication) multiple times. In this
paper [1], author Cheng-Kang Chu, Sherman S.M. Chow, Wen- Guey Tzeng,
Jianying Zhou, and Robert H. Deng, Senior Member, IEEE show how to
securely, efficiently, and flexibly share data with others in cloud storage. Author
also describe new public-key cryptosystems that produce constant-size cipher
texts such that efficient delegation of decryption rights for any set of cipher texts
are possible. But disadvantage was: - Works in 1 to 1 manner, Weak encryption
technique used, Won’t work in 1 to many environment,Space Complexity is

The author [2] K. Sriprasadh Saicharansrinivasan O. Pandithurai A.

Saravana, in this paper proposed that whenever a new user enters into the cloud
the new key will be generated. It will withstand for that session. A new key will
be generated whenever a user enters or leaves a group. but If session goes very
long the key can be guessed so it creates a major drawback.

In Journal of Convergence Information Technology (JCIT) Volume 7,

Number 20, Nov 2012, the Author [3] Wenjun Luo, Min Xu, present a
hierarchical identity-based signcryption key management scheme in cloud
computing. Their solution adopts identity-based signcryption technology.
Identity-based signcryption not only provides privacy protection and
unforgeability but also is more efficient manner than a composition of an
encryption scheme with a signature scheme.

Shraddha U. Rasal, Bharat Tidke [4] author proposed Conventional

framework in cryptography permits simply imparting of keys between the sender

and beneficiary, for such a method just the mark stockpiling is accommodated
the client's open key. Anyhow as the quantity of clients builds, it’s turned into a
testing occupation to have such a declaration stockpiling and also key
conveyance, to defeat this Identity Based Encryption (IBE) was proposed, yet
again it had made the tedious environment as it was supporting just to
coordinated correspondence. After IBE Attribute Based encryption (ABE) made
probability to give multicast correspondence between clients however it was
constrained to just key approach-based encryption and additionally couldn't give
the repudiation sensation to keys. So, this paper means to create a current
framework utilizing MAMM (Multiple Authority Multiple Mediator) with the
utilization of disseminated CP-ABE (Cipher Policy ABE) which upgrades the
disavowal and enhances the execution.

Sun Changxia Ma Wenping [7] Author propose another characteristic

based limit mark plan without a trusted focal power. At the point when the
number of client's properties achieves the limit he can sign truly. Moreover, the
focal power can be questioned. We demonstrate that the plan is existentially
unforgeable under specific properties and versatile picked message assault and
is guarantee against connivance assault.

Amit Sahai, UCLA HakanSeyalioglu [8] author Inspired by the inquiry

of access control in distributed storage, we consider the issue utilizing Attribute-
Based Encryption (ABE) in a setting where clients' certifications may change
and figure writings may be put away by an outsider. Author find that an extensive
answer for our issue should all the while take into consideration the denial of
ABE private keys and also consider the capacity to upgrade cipher texts to reflect
the latest upgrades. Our principle result is acquired via blending two

Dalia Khader University of Bath [9] Author proposed an Attribute Based

Group Signature (ABGS) permits a verifier to demand a signature from a part of
a gathering who has notable qualities. Hence, a mark ought to validate an
individual in a gathering and demonstrate responsibility for properties. The
significant distinction between our plan and past gathering marks, is that the
verifier can focus the part of the genuine endorser inside the gathering. In this

paper we define the first ABGS plan, and security thoughts, for example, secrecy
and traceability. We then build the plan and demonstrate it.

Recently, lots of institutes outsource data storage to the cloud such that
a member (owner) of an organization can easily share data with other members
(users). Just due to presence of security concerns in the cloud, both owners and
users are suggested to verify the integrity of cloud data with Provable Data
Possession (PDP) before further utilization on data. However, previous methods
either unnecessarily reveal the identity of a data owner to the untrusted cloud or
any public verifiers, or introduce significant overheads on verification metadata
to preserve anonymity. In this paper, we propose a simple and efficient publicly
verifiable approach to ensure cloud data integrity without sacrificing the
anonymity of data owners nor requiring significant verification metadata. Our
purpose, decouples the anonymity protection mechanism from the PDP. So that
institutes can employ its own anonymous authentication mechanism, and the
cloud is oblivious to that since it only deals with typical PDP-metadata,
consequently, there is no extra storage overhead when compared with existing
non-anonymous PDP solutions. Security analyses prove our scheme is secure,
and experiment results demonstrate our scheme is efficient [4].

Chapter 3

Problem Statement

To develop a system that provides proper data security in Cloud storage

using key aggregate cryptosystem.

Consider a scenario where two employees of a company would like to

share some confidential business data using a public cloud storage service (e.g.,
dropbox or syncplicity). For instance, Alice wants to upload a large collection
of financial documents to the cloud storage, which are meant for the directors of
different departments to review. Suppose those documents contain highly
sensitive information that should only be accessed by authorised users, and Bob
is one of the directors and is thus authorized to view documents related to his
department. Due to concerns about potential data leakage in the cloud, Alice
encrypts these documents with different keys, and generates keyword
ciphertexts based on department names, before uploading to the cloud storage.
Alice then uploads and shares those documents with the directors using the
sharing functionality of the cloud storage. In order for Bob to view the
documents related to his department, Alice must delegate to Bob the rights both
for keyword search over those documents, and for decryption of documents
related to Bob’s department.

Fig.3 1. Alice shares files with identifiers 2, 3, 6 and 8 with Bob by sending
him a single aggregate key.

Assume that Alice puts all her private photos on Dropbox, and she does not want
to expose her photos to everyone. Due to various data leakage possibility Alice
cannot feel relieved by just relying on the privacy protection mechanisms
provided by Dropbox, so she encrypts all the photos using her own keys before
uploading. One day, Alice’s friend, Bob, asks her to share the photos

To design a key-aggregate encryption scheme under which any subset of the

keyword ciphertexts from any set of documents is searchable with a constant-
size trapdoor generated by a constantsize aggregate key taken over all these
years which Bob appeared in. Alice can then use the share function of Dropbox,
but the problem now is how to delegate the decryption rights for these photos to
Bob. A possible option Alice can choose is to securely send Bob the secret keys
involved. Naturally, there are two extreme ways for her under the traditional
encryption paradigm: • Alice encrypts all files with a single encryption key and
gives Bob the corresponding secret key directly. • Alice encrypts files with
distinct keys and sends Bob the corresponding secret keys. Obviously, the first
method is inadequate since all unchosen data may be also leaked to Bob. For the
second method, there are practical concerns on efficiency. The number of such

keys is as many as the number of the shared photos, say, a thousand. Transferring
these secret keys inherently requires a secure channel, and storing these keys
requires rather expensive secure storage. The costs and complexities involved
generally increase with the number of the decryption keys to be shared. In short,
it is very heavy and costly to do that. Encryption keys also come with two flavors
— symmetric key or asymmetric (public) key. Using symmetric encryption,
when Alice wants the data to be originated from a third party, she has to give the
encryptor her secret key; obviously, this is not always desirable. By contrast, the
encryption key and decryption key are different in public-key encryption. The
use of public-key encryption gives more flexibility for our applications. For
example, in enterprise settings, every employee can upload encrypted data on
the cloud storage server without the knowledge of the company’s master-secret
key. Therefore, the best solution for the above problem is that Alice encrypts
files with distinct public-keys, but only sends Bob a single (constant-size)
decryption key. Since the decryption key should be sent via a secure channel and
kept secret, small key size is always desirable. For example, we can not expect
large storage for decryption keys in the resource-constraint devices like smart
phones, smart cards or wireless sensor nodes. Especially, these secret keys are
usually stored in the tamper-proof memory, which is relatively expensive. The
present research efforts mainly focus on minimizing the communication
requirements (such as bandwidth, rounds of communication) like aggregate

Chapter 4


▪ To develop a website that will provide functionality to upload and download

data from cloud.
▪ To design an efficient encryption scheme which supports flexible delegation in
the sense that any subset of the ciphertexts is decryptable by a constant-size
decryption key.
▪ To Encrypt data using ECC algorithm.
▪ To compression data using ultra ZIP.
▪ To share data with multiple users.
▪ To share key with multiple users using key aggregate cryptosystem.

Chapter 5

System Architecture/Flowchart/Design/ER diagram

System Architecture

Basically whenever a user wants to use the system he/she is required to register
onto the system if not registered. After registration the email is verified by sending the
temporary password on mail itself. Ones the user has id and password he can login into
the system and use system services.

Fig5.1:System Architecture
1. Setup(1 λ , n): the cloud server will use this algorithm to initialize system
parameters as follows: • Generate a bilinear map group system B=(p, G, G1,
e(·, ·)), where p is the order of G and 2 λ ≤ p ≤ 2 λ+1 .

• Set n as the maximum possible number of documents which belongs to a data

owner. • Pick a random generator g ∈ G and a random α ∈ Zp, and computes gi
= g (α i ) ∈ G for i = {1, 2, · · ·, n, n + 2, · · ·, 2n}.

• Select a one-way hash function H: {0, 1} ∗ → G. Finally, cloud server
publishes the system parameters params = (B, P ubK, H), where P ubK = (g,
g1, · · ·, gn, gn+2, ..., g2n) ∈ G2n+1 .

2. Keygen: data owner uses this algorithm to generate his/her key pair. It picks a
random γ ∈ Zp, and outputs: pk = v = g γ , msk = γ.

3. Encrypt(pk, i): data owner uses this algorithm to encrypt data and generate its
keyword ciphertexts when uploading the i-th document. To generate the
keyword ciphertexts, this algorithm takes as input the file index i ∈ {1, ..., n},

• randomly picks a t ∈ Zp as the encryption key ki of this document.

• generates a delta ∆i for ki by computing: c1 = g t , c2 = (v · gi) t •

• for a keyword w, outputs its ciphertext cw as: cw = e(g, H(w))t/e(g1, gn)


4. Extract(msk, S): data owner uses this algorithm to generate an aggregate

searchable encryption key. For any subset S ⊆ {1, ···, n} which contains the
indices of documents, this algorithm takes as input the owner’s master-secret
key msk and outputs the aggregate key kagg by computing: kagg = Πj∈sg γ
n+1−j . To delegate the keyword search right to a user, data owner will send
kagg and the set S to the user.

System Flowchart
At first, we have to visit our website/system, after that if the user is already
register then he can directly login otherwise user must have to register first then

After login user can perform following operations:

File Upload

File Download

File Share

File Delete

Fig 5.2: System Flow

Data Flow Diagram

Figure 5.3 shows the data flow diagram of the system of level 0. First upload a file or
video on cloud after upload the Meta data server for image key to random key

User User
Data Data

Fig.5.3: Data Flow Diagram-Level 0

Fig.5.4: Data Flow Diagram-Level 1

Fig.5.5: Data Flow Diagram-Level 2

Chapter 6

Methodology/Algorithm Description

In ABS, an underwriter, who have a set of qualities from the power,

can sign a message with a predicate that is fulfilled by his attributes [1]
specifically, the mark cover the ascribes used to fulfil the predicate and any
distinguishing data about the endorser (that could connect different marks as
being from the comparative underwriter). The cloud environment which contain
number of data. To provide more security to these data also protect the user data
privacy from the leakages should implement Attribute based signature using
image as an attribute method in cloud. It can provide more security against the
attacker through Hash algorithm with systems nano time, which generate a
random key to the user to provide security to the user from unethical user.

• Key assignment schemes aim to minimize the expense in storing and managing
secret keys for general cryptographic use.

• Utilizing a tree structure, a key for a given branch can be used to derive the
keys of its descendant nodes (but not the other way round).

• Just granting the parent key implicitly grants all he keys of its descendant
nodes. Sandhu proposed a method to generate a tree hierarchy of symmetric keys
by using repeated evaluations of pseudorandom function/blockcipher on a fixed

• The concept can be generalized from a tree to a graph. More advanced

cryptographic key assignment schemes support access policy that can be
modelled by an acyclic graph or a cyclic graph.

The implementation of the data process includes two processes such as

file uploading and downloading.

Mathematical Model

Set S = I, P, R, O

Where I = set of all inputs given to the system. (User name, password, encryption

P= Set of process to generate the output.

R= Set of rules.

O= Set of Output.

I= α, β, γ, δ α = login (id,password)

• Enter id and password

• Validate with database: Select * from user where userid='id' and


• if (userid==id and password==password) then

• login successful

• else login unsuccessful β =login result

• if (userid==id and password==password) then

• login successful

• else login unsuccessful γ = pk and mk δ = Pf Where pk=public key, mk= master

key and Pf = file to be encrypted. P= p0, p1, p2, p3 P0= Login to system P1=
Encrypt (Pf)

• Divide x into two 32-bit halves: xL, xR

• For i = 1to 16:

• x L = XL XOR Pi

• xR = F(XL) XOR xR

• Swap XL and xR

• Swap XL and xR (Undo the last swap.)

• xR = xR XOR P17

• xL = xL XOR P18

Recombine xL and xR

P2= Generate aggregate key

P3=Decrypt (Ef)

R= R0, R1 R0= Verify (id,password).

R1= Activation Status.

O=O1, O2, O3

O1= Ef encrypted _le

O2= Ak aggregate key pair (pk,msk) where pk-public key and msk-master key
O3= Df Decrypted file


Chapter 7


First have to visit our website/system, after that the following screen will
be that you have to log in.

Fig 7.1 Login Page

As shown in screen short ,If user is not register then have to register
first,then and then user can login into the system .

Fig 7.2 Registration page

After successfully Login following screen will be display.

Fig7.3 Home page

Following is the user database,each registerd user data will be displayed
in database.

Fig 7.4 User Database

Chapter 8

Further plan of the project

Further plan is to enable mailing system, uploading and downloading of

any kind of file. we proposed that how to protect users‟ data privacy with
cryptographic schemes, which are getting more versatile and often involve
multiple keys for a single application. Here we consider how to combine secret
keys in public-key cryptosystems which support delegation of secret keys for
different cipher text classes in cloud storage. The user can always get an
aggregate key of constant size. KAC approach is more flexible than hierarchical
key assignment approach which saves spaces if all key-holder users share a
similar set of privileges.

Sharing data flexibly and securely is the main issue in cloud computing.
Users prefer cloud to upload their data with different users. Uploading of data to
server may lead to leakage of private data of user to everyone. Encryption is the
best solution, which is provided to share selected data with desired users.

Chapter 9


The proposed system provides security using Key Aggregation and ECC
encryption algorithm. This project servers an alternative to key management
systems. The security provided is improvise using a random key generator which
uses a key aggregation function. The proposed system can be used in any
application which includes data sharing between users (either one to one or many
to many) approach.

The main concept of key aggregation will be done for all types of filesw can be
shared through cloud storage.

Key sharing is made secured using key aggregation and file sharing is extended
to 1 to many manner.

Future Scope
In future we can extend following functionalities in this project:

• Use of multiple encryption algorithms for better security.

• Extending project to multi-cloud.
• Real time data sharing like audio and video conferencing.
• Strong Compression algorithm for less cloud data storage.
• Making it more user friendly.


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Mapping with PO’s and CO’s

PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO 10 PO 11 PO 12

Mapping of Program Specific Outcomes (PSO’s)



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