Ressurrected Testimony II
Ressurrected Testimony II
Ressurrected Testimony II
Roles of physical demons Once our training programmes were completed, it was
time to be deployed on the face of the earth as part
You may wonder how submarine items are transported of the spiritual war against Christians and humanity.
to the surface of the earth. The answer is simple. I told Our first mission was to destroy a man of God who REVELATION
you that I was married to a lady of the sea. And we was previously a satanist. He was delivered from the
had 4 children. These children are hybrid demons that darkness by Jesus Christ, and was blessed financially by
are not necessarily immortal. Most children from the His Master. This man went from one church to another
union of earthly men and water beings begin their life to denounce and expose the works of the devil and the
in the underwater world. They grow up there but when
they become adults, they are sent to live on the surface
of the earth with specific missions. These missions
kingdom of lucifer. So we were mandated to kill him.
But before any operation on earth against Christians, JESUS CHRIST IS COMING
the mermaid would project direct images of the target
have definite durations. Some are sent to earth for 50 to attack. These pictures showed the person we were NEWS OF THE END TIMES
or 60 years. They come with finances and they set up supposed to fight, and where they were and what
enterprises, businesses, companies and corporations. they were doing. One had the impression that all men TESTIMONY OF A RESURRECTED N°2
Then they employ workers who will be potential living on earth are filmed by the world of satan. Then This testimony is the 2nd in a series of six volumes. To fully benefit from it, you should read the other parts in numerical order.
targets of human sacrifice. And as the mission of these the mermaid pointed at the wall and as a result a giant
physical demons on earth is to win souls for the world screen appeared, and live images of this pastor were A few months later, I called the same number a Bible verse that we were supposed to recite during
of darkness, they will begin to sacrifice those who projected into this giant screen. again. Julia received me on the phone. She was the ritual and the incantation. The mermaid selected
work in their company. overwhelmed by events; I told her, “Julia, go home a leader among us. She explained to him the prayer
We began our mission against this pastor by looking
and tell my parents to send me some clothes because of incantation to be done in the New Testament.
No one will be able to suspect them because they do for an open door, but this man had closed all the doors
I’m here half-naked.” Julia was so terrified that she She instructed him to put the perfume on our eyes
so mysteriously and tactically. Several multinational in his life. We looked for something in his life that
hung up the phone. When the cousin who sacrificed after the prayer and to throw the eggs into the river
corporations are run by men who were born and belonged to the devil like sin, but he feared God. The
me heard about it, he reported me to the astral world as soon as the candles go out, in order to open the
raised in the underwater world. They come from Bible says: I will not speak with you much longer, for
and the authorities delegated someone who took the inter-dimensional gate leading into the underwater
the union of humans and mermaids. They are on the prince of this world is coming. He has no hold on
me. John 14:30 Beloved, do not keep the properties of phone by force and warned me not to use the phone. I world. Then, she disappeared. So our colleague
the earth on mission. All items and products that
the devil when you go to war against him. The life of was still a black man but the customers perceived me began to pray with the New Testament. Then he put
are sold in these companies and businesses, be
sin that many live in is a property of the devil. Finally, as an Arab, because I had taken a false appearance. the perfumes on our eyes and as soon as the black
they food, clothing and cosmetics, come directly
we decided to strike this man although we did not find I recognised some of my customers but they could candles that were lit went out, he threw the eggs into
from the underwater world. There are also business
an open door. So we travelled in spirit and we landed in not recognise me. Humans on the street are not all the Congo River. The river withdrew as when the
leaders who are in agreement with the evil world; they
his house. We could see this man. He was asleep with ordinary men. I was already functioning as a demon, children of Israel walked in the Red Sea. And then a
receive articles and products from underwater world
industries. As concerns the food we eat on earth, his wife on their bed. So, we went to his room where he a human spirit serving the kingdom of lucifer. golden boulevard emerged in the middle of the river,
know that people often visit witch doctors to become was sleeping with his wife. They were there just a few The mystery of the submarine world and this boulevard reached the bank of the river.
rich; they must therefore offer human sacrifices to meters in front of us. We were about to execute him. In fact, this golden boulevard led directly into the
One day, while I was going about my business as
demons. These demons that live in the world of We began making prayers of incantations in order to usual, I was visited by a mermaid from lucifer’s world underwater world: The pandemonium.
satan do not drink water; they drink human blood capture the spirit of this pastor and transport him to of pandemonium. She is called Madame Jacqueline. As soon as we went down this golden boulevard, we
every day. When someone offers a human sacrifice the world of pandemonium. In fact, every time we saw in front of us a magical, fairy-like and mysterious
She had come to the surface of the earth to inspect
to a demon through mystics and witch doctors, this captured a soul on earth, we carried it into the world
the businesses and industries of the dark world in world that we have never seen since we were born on
demon will only drink the blood of the victim and of satan, and there was a big party. And after the party
the region. She inspected my store within seconds, earth. It was an urban and sophisticated civilization. It
after drinking the human blood, he will transfer the we were supposed to be rewarded and given presents.
because she is a mermaid, a powerful demon who was another universe. To tell the truth, there is no city
human body to the industries of the world of satan So, we were in that pastor’s room doing invocation
prayers to capture his soul when suddenly something works at the speed of light. She proposed to use me on earth that can match submarine civilization. We
who cut these bodies and make them go through
happened. A man dressed in bright, brilliant white, as her servant, and she asked me to join her in the saw huge constructions and advanced architectures.
processes. Later, they are put in cans. These multiple
appeared. He was slender, he was a being of light. underwater world of the sea where she lives. She said The level of technology and sophistication is far
cans are exported to the surface of the earth at night
He gave me the impression that he did not take into to me, “Your work here on earth is finished. From ahead human civilization. The infrastructures of this
to corporations and companies run by hybrid demons.
account our presence and he was silent. He went to the now you will work as my bodyguard in the world of cosmopolitan and prehistoric world go beyond those
War and invisible battles against bed where the pastor and his wife were sleeping, and the waters.” The next day she came with the person of human civilization on the surface of the earth.
Christians he covered the preacher and his wife with a sheet that who was to replace me and I handed him the key. The This city is a dazzling metropolis, built with precious
Beloved, “put on the full armour of God so that you came out of his fingers. And as a result, they became day I was going to the submarine kingdom came; we stones. When we arrived in this metropolitan city,
can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For invisible, including their bed and mattress. Then, the were in a group of 4; we were all servant spirits in the we saw the great lady of the sea, the mermaid
our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against being of light disappeared. shops of agents of darkness in the city. The mermaid Jacqueline who was waiting for us. She received us
the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers came to gather us and we went to the bank of the enthusiastically and then took us to her palace. Once
May God bless you!
of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of Congo River. we arrived at her palace, she introduced us to her
evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full Contact and FREE Subscription: She explained to us the ritual we had to do to open staff and workers. She told them, “Here are my new
armour of God, so that when the day of evil comes, Christian Mission of Revival, the inter-dimensional gate to the submarine kingdom. bodyguards.” When we started the new life in this
you may be able to stand your ground, and after you E-mail: Before disappearing, she gave us a New Testament, a mysterious world of lucifer, I started seeing the elites
have done everything, to stand.” Ephesians 6:11-13 perfume, two black candles and an egg. She gave us who manage our world.
Please feel free to make photocopies of this newspaper and give them out. May The Lord bless you. Amen! Christian Mission for Revival, E-mail:
I saw royal families, aristocrats, the upper class and earth with specific missions. When they come to the on earth during this century are perpetrated by the cousin sacrificed me to the devil but he cannot finish
the people we see on television. I saw our musicians, surface of the earth, they look so much like ordinary world of satan. Scientists around the world travel to the whole family. It is unacceptable. You will return
I was shocked to see all the famous people we watch men to the extent that it is difficult to detect them. the world of pandemonium to acquire knowledge, to earth willingly or by force.” Then the executioners
on TV. I saw them all in the kingdom of lucifer, the They manage corporations and large companies. because the technology on earth is less advanced who had captured the spirit of my younger brother
submarine kingdom. They live there and regularly The Bible says in Genesis 6:1-2,4 “When men began than that of the macrocosmic world of satan. The began to argue with me, but as I was one of the
attend lucifer’s meetings. This kingdom is ruled to increase in number on the earth and daughters mermaid had put us in different training programmes, bodyguards of the mermaid Jacqueline, I had authority.
by the world government of lucifer. There are 2 were born to them, the sons of God saw that the in order to prepare us for the various missions that So I ordered these people to return the spirit of my
Congolese in this government: one is a pastor and daughters of men were beautiful, and they married we were going to perform on the earth. The training younger brother into his body. In fact, while I was
the other is a musician who dresses as a fitter. In this any of them they chose. … The Nephilim were on the was related to scientific and esoteric knowledge. In tussling with those satanists who had captured
government of satan, there are those who sit at the earth in those days - and also afterward - when the terms of scientific knowledge, I learned to drive a car, the soul of my younger brother in the underwater
left hand of lucifer and those who sit at his right hand. sons of God went to the daughters of men and had a train, a boat, a bicycle, although before I died I did world, he was in a coma on the surface of the earth;
Many satanists claim to be secretaries of lucifer, but children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of not know how to drive a car or a bicycle. I learned all since I was categorical, these satanists ended up
in reality the secretaries of lucifer are fallen angels, renown.” The underwater world is filled with hybrid this in the underwater kingdom. returning my younger brother’s spirit into his body
not humans. He was betrayed and exposed by many demons from the union of men with sea ladies: I did many sport disciplines under the sea by the on the surface of the earth. And when he came out
former satanists who came to Christ, so he no longer mermaids. The infernal world of lucifer is under recommendation of the mermaid. I also learned music of his coma, he started crying. And later, he told
has trust in man. The mermaid we were serving is the water. As Christians, we must know that under and the use of musical instruments. We were trained the family that he was captured and transported to
a member of satan’s government. It is thanks to her the seas, rivers and oceans, there are different a mysterious world by six individuals who were
to walk with leaders. We were taught how to talk
that we could see lucifer. Access to the throne of kingdoms, there are cities and agglomerations with satanists. He informed the family that he met me in
and walk with political leaders. And concerning the
lucifer is not given to everyone because he is god dense populations. There are people there living that mystical world and I fought to free him from the
mystical knowledge, we learned different techniques
in the underwater world. It is the members of his a life that is not very different from our life on the hand of satanists.
to kill humans. This training was imperative because
government like Jacqueline, Andou Sankara and face of the earth, because the agglomerations that we had to carry out missions on earth as unseen and Articles from the submarine world
Nabam who have easy access to him. are under the seas, under the rivers and oceans, are visible spirits. Therefore, we were to function as
The destruction of humanity is the main and strategic physical civilizations with infrastructures as on the demons. The strategic goal of the kingdom of lucifer Beloved, know that about 90% of items we use on the
goal of satan’s world, hence the need for parliament surface of the earth. People who live there go to work is the destruction of humanity and the Church. So we surface of the earth come from the world of lucifer.
to debate this subject. I would like to recall that I and get paid. They get married and they give birth to learned all the techniques of destruction. We learned Whenever lucifer wants to win souls or women, he
went to live in the world of lucifer with my physical children; they have boulevards and cars. They have the mystery of nature, we learned to operate like evil will gather mermaids. These ladies of the sea have
body and not in spirit. The construction of houses bars and restaurants. spirits, like demons. We learned to disappear and to long hair running down to the foot. He will order
in the underwater world by marine spirits is done that this hair be cut. Later, this hair will be subjected
My education and training in the become invisible.
to certain treatments and processes, before being
by the spoken word. To build a house in the water
world, demons pronounce the word and they specify submarine kingdom We learned how to enter the bodies of men and sent to the surface of the earth. They will be put
After my marriage to the mermaid, Jacqueline dwell in them, to possess and influence them as in sachets and sent to the earth. It should be noted
the structure of the house, and the house appears. We
ordered that we undergo training in different evil spirits do. We also learned to capture the souls that this hair is well prepared to affect women and
must know that in the underwater world there is a
disciplines, because we will be deployed regularly of humans to kill them. At the end of these different marriages. When you wear them, once you sweat
government and a parliament, and in this universe
on the surface of the earth in different missions. training courses, we were to be deployed in missions on that hair, your sweat which is your blood will
under the sea, parliament is continually debating
Our training was scientific and esoteric. Within the of destruction. Most of our targets were Christians, be transferred to the spiritual world. You will be
and determining how to destroy humanity. When
context of my scientific training I learned to drive because there is an invisible and perpetual war controlled from your sweat because your sweat is
we arrived in the water world, Jacqueline who is a
a car, although I never owned a car during my life between the realm of satan and the realm of light. We your blood. Many women are controlled around the
mermaid of the toilet installed us in our respective
on earth. I remember when I lived in the submarine had to cause destruction and even traffic accidents, world because of artificial hair, and their marital lives
homes. She was supposed to come and pick us up
world, there was already the car René there, while this because we had become like demons even though we are destabilised from the underwater world.
every time she needed us.
car was not yet on the earth; it was more developed were human spirits. Life there was not very different
After we had settled in our homes in this mysterious from life on the surface of the earth. In fact, every day I remember when I came back to life, I warned women
world, she asked us to get married before serving her. and advanced than those circulating on the earth. about the release of the artificial hair called “Cabello”
Scientists travelling in the underwater world have I went to work, I had a wife and children.
She offered us women. But these beautiful women while this hair was not yet circulating on the earth.
were goddesses, ladies of the sea, mermaids of waters. tried to copy this technology. But in the underwater I see my nephew in the submarine world Freshly coming from the water world, I knew that
So we got married. The celebration of our weddings world this car is equipped with a computer that offers I remember one day, I was with my colleagues in that this hair was being prepared when I left the kingdom
was no different from the one happening on the options. For example, when you press the “kitchen” mysterious underwater world when suddenly I saw of lucifer. I had left mermaids who were working on
surface of the earth. After my marriage to the lady button, the interior of the car turns into a kitchen; and my nephew. He was actually captured by people who that hair, in order to carry it to the surface of the earth.
of the sea, Jacqueline offered us another house. I had when you press the “bathroom” button, the interior of were taking him to where I did not know. When I saw I warned people that there was an artificial hair brand
4 children with my wife the mermaid that I left in the the car turns into a bathroom. them, I recognised my nephew and I blocked their called “Cabello” on its way to the surface of the earth
submarine kingdom. When a mermaid is pregnant, Know that the greatest scientists in the world are way. I asked my nephew, “Young brother, where are by mermaids. People thought I was joking. Later,
her pregnancy lasts only a few days and the children satanists. They go to the world of pandemonium you going like this?” He was confused and he said this artificial hair was put into circulation. Beloved,
born from the marriage between men and mermaids and work with demons that transfer to them the to me, “Big brother Matthew, I do not know, these you must invoke the blood of Jesus in order to
are hybrid demons, but these demons are not technology they are supposed to bring to the surface people came and abducted me, and I do not know avoid the manipulation of the underwater world
immortal. And these children who are demons grow of the earth. The mysterious world of the devil has where they are leading me.” I told him: “Younger that manufactures all that we use on the surface
up in a very short time. In fact, when these children several metropolises. It is a computerised world. brother, you’re not going to endure the realities of this of the earth. You must learn to pray and declare
become adults they are often sent to the surface of the The rapid technological advances we have recorded world, you have to go back to earth. I know that my words of authority when you make your purchases.
Please feel free to make photocopies of this newspaper and give them out. May The Lord bless you. Amen! Christian Mission for Revival, E-mail: