Lesson Planxa

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Name: Melinda Boroş

Date: 22nd of April 2008
Class: 10th A
School: “Onisifor Ghibu” High-school, Oradea
Time of lesson: 9 a.m.-10 a.m.
Textbook: Upstream Upper-Intermediate
Unit: 8
Lesson: ‘The Job Interview’
Type of lesson: mixed ( speaking, reading & writing)
Lesson aims: By the end of the lesson, students will have:
- learned the new vocabulary and used it in conversation
- acquired knowledge related to a job interview
- acted as interviewers and interviewees

Materials: - handouts
-video projector

Lesson stages: 1. Warm up: greeting, marking the absents,

check homework: Choose a job and write down
the qualities required for the job, together with the qualities
that you have.
2. Lead-in: introducing the title ‘The job interview’
3. Before writing: introduce vocabulary , brainstorming on
do’s and don’ts during an interview
4. Writing : check Ss’ ideas and compare them with T’s
information, pictures (video projector)
5. Check comprehension: compare answers with information
projected by means of a projector.
6. Before acting: 3 teams (interviewers, interviewees,
managing board)
7. Acting : ‘The Job Interview’
8. Discussion: the managing board express their opinion
about the interviewers’ choice
9. Homework: Find information about the latest job on the
Teacher’s Task Students’ Task
1. Warm up:
Skill focused on: Speaking
Time : 5 MIN.
T greets SS, marks the absents; SS read the homework and correct
checks the homework, corrects the the possible mistakes- Choose a job
possible mistakes, appreciates the and write down the qualities
correct homework; required for the job, together with
the qualities that you have.

2. Lead-in :
Skill focused on: Speaking
Time: 3 MIN.
T introduces the title (The Job SS answer the T’s Qs .
Interview); T starts a dialogue
eliciting from Ss important aspects of
a job interview (attire, attitude,
language, body language), trying to
create interest in the lesson.
3. Before writing :
Skill focused on : Speaking
Time: 5 MIN.
T continues discussion showing SS look at the pictures and say what
drawings representing wrong is wrong.
interviews (projected on a projector e.g. The man is late for the interview.
screen), eliciting from Ss what they The man is wearing the wrong
notice is wrong. Then T elicits from clothes.
SS what women should wear to an The man uses informal language.
interview, then T shows pictures of Then SS study the pictures of
women’s attire. women’s attire for the interview.
4. Writing:
Skill focused on : Speaking & Writing
Time: 7 MIN.
T divides Ss into teams of 4, telling SS work in teams brainstorming on
them that they have to write a list of what to do and not to do during an
do’s and don’ts during an interview. interview.
5. Check comprehension:
Skill focused on: Reading ,Speaking & Writing
Time: 7 MIN.
T checks Ss’ answers and shows SS read their answers and complete
information on overhead projector, their list with new information
adding to the information that the projected on the projector screen.
students had written in their

6. Before Acting :
Skill focused on : Speaking & Writing
Time: 7 MIN.
T divides Ss in 3 groups :Group Ss work in groups to prepare for the
1(interviewers); Group 2 interview.
(interviewees), Group 3 (managing
board).Then T shows a job advert
and tells SS that they have to work
like this: Group 1- prepare Qs for the
interview; Group 2- prepare possible
answers ; Group 3-study handouts on
body language . T monitors.
7. Acting/Assessment :
Skill focused on: Speaking
Time: 9 MIN.
T sets the scene for an interview and The interviewers have to choose one
invites Ss to role-play, encouraging person (out of 3) for the job. SS role-
them. play and wait for the interviewers’
choice. Then they say the reason for
their choice.
8. Discussion :
Skill focused on : Speaking
Time: 5 MIN.
T invites the managing board (Group SS from the managing board do their
3) to express their opinion about the task.
interviewers’ choice.
9. Homework :
Time: 2 MIN.
T tells SS that they have find SS write their task in their notebooks.
information about the latest job on
the market.

If time is left SS read information from overhead projector about positive

and negative body language.

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