HUMSS Creative Writing

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Subject: Creative Writing

Grade & Section: Grade 12- HUMSS

A Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in Creative Writing 12


At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:

1. Differentiate imaginative writing, technical writing, and creative writing;
2. Express one’s emotions and ideas through writing; and
3. Write a simple journal entry through imaginative writing.


Topic: Introduction to Creative Writing

Reference: HUMSS- Creative Writing Curriculum Guide, google
Materials: PowerPoint Presentation, visual Aids, black board, and chalk
Value Focus : Express creative ideas through writing
Skill Focus: Writing and Speaking

Learning Competencies:
1. Differentiate imaginative writing from among other forms of
writing HUMSS_CW/MP11/12-Iab- 1
2. Cull creative ideas from experiences HUMSS_CW/MP11/12-


Teacher’s Activity
A. Preliminary Activities (5 minutes)

1. Prayer

Please all stand, let’s begin this day by a short prayer. ____________, can you please
lead the prayer?
2. Greetings
Good morning Class! Welcome to our first day of school.

3. Checking of Environment
Before you sit down, please pick up the pieces of paper, candy wrappers, and all the
trash that you see around and under your chair and throw those in the trash can.
Arrange also your chairs properly. Keep all the things not related to our subject inside
your bag. Lastly, to student’s who bring their cell phones with them kindly turn it off or
on a silent mode. Thank you!

4. Checking of Attendance
Look at your seat mates. Is anybody absent today? Okay, Good to hear that no one is
absent! So, Since this is the first day of the class let us set our classroom rules.

Okay, we are now done setting our classroom rules. We will now proceed, are you all
excited? Yes that’s the spirit! I am excited too.
B. Motivation (10 minutes)
Before we start our lesson let us first take a look and identify the following pictures. Look at
the Power point Presentation.
Are you ready?
1. What is in the first picture? What is it all about?

Yes, Ms. _________.

Ok, good observation and interpretation! Let us see, for the 2nd picture. Yes, Mr. _______.

Another good idea! How about number for the 3rd picture. Ms. __________. Can you please
share to us your insight?


Wow! A very good and meaningful answer. I am impressed with the ideas you have in your
mind. And for the last picture?

Very good answers! We will proceed. From those pictures that you saw, what do you think will
be our topic for today?

Anyone? Yes, Mr. ________________.

Very Good! You guessed it well.

C. Presentation (5 minutes)
But before we proceed to our lesson, I have here three (3) objectives expected of you to
accomplish at the end of the lesson. Class please read the objectives.

Thank you! We will proceed.

D. Discussion (30 minutes)

A while ago, you mentioned about “imaginative writing”. That is correct, and that is included
in the forms of writing that we will discuss today.

We have three (3) forms of writing;

1. Imaginative/Creative Writing – expresses ideas and thoughts in an imaginative way. The art
of making things to be able to express feelings and emotions.

Please read the meaning and give some example Ms. __________.

Correct! Novels and poems are included in imaginative writing. Another example

Good! How about the Book of Harry Potter, is it a product of creative writing? Why?
Good! J.K Rowling, the writer of the “Harry Potter “is very good when it comes to the details
with complex plot and rich word choice that entertains readers so thoroughly. The fantastical,
magical world, adventure and suspense ignites and improves a reader’s imagination.

Here are the common examples of Imaginative Writing:

(Please the class.)
a) Poems
b) Epics
c) Short Stories
d) Screen Plays
e) Songs
f) Television Scripts

The 2nd form of writing is Technical Writing.

2. Technical Writing – a type of writing where the author is writing about a particular
subject that requires direction, instruction and explanation.
Everybody please read the meaning of Technical Writing.

From what you read who can give me an example of technical writing?

Yes Mr________.

That’s a very good answer! Your answer is correct. Let us hear another example. Mr.

Thank you for your answer. Another good answer. Ok. Here are the examples of Technical
Writing. (Everyone Please read.)

1. Company Documents
2. Service level Agreements
3. Software Installation Guide
4. Request for Proposal
5. User Manuals

The 3rd form of writing is Academic Writing. 2. Academic Writing- any writing done to
fulfill a requirement of a college or university.

Do you have example on your mind?

Right! Good to know that you are aware of the requirements you have here in school for you to
Please read the examples:

1. Research Paper
2. Books
3. Outputs in Specific Topic
4. Portfolio
5. Narrative Report

Those are the three forms of writing and their examples.

Do you have any questions?

E. Generalization (5 Minutes)
1. What are the three (3) forms of writing?

2. Differentiate the three (3) forms of writing.

F. Application (25 Minutes) Individual Activity

Please get your activity notebook and do the activity.

Complete the paragraph through creative or imaginative writing.
(2 Paragraphs, 5-10 sentences for each paragraph)
Create your own title.

When I was a child, I want to become _____________________________________________





Today, I want to become a ______________________________________________________



Rubrics in Rating the Individual Activity.


The output is very The output is The output The output was not able to
comprehensive. It comprehensive. It has few communicate a clear
communicates the uses some thoughts ideas. message.
thoughts and ideas and ideas to express
clearly. the message clearly.

IV- Evaluation (5 minutes)

Identify to what form of writing the following examples belong:

1. Novels
2. Songs
3. User Manual
4. Research Paper
5 Poems
6. Textbooks
7. Software Installation Guide
8. Title: Sleepless Nights
9. Title: Game of Thrones
10. Company Documents

V- Assignment (5 Minutes)
Please get your notebook and copy the assignment. Define the following words.

1. Imagery
2. Figure of Speech
3. Dictions
4. Language

Are you done copying the assignment? That’s all for today. Don’t forget to study your

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