IKExcursions S1Vol3
IKExcursions S1Vol3
IKExcursions S1Vol3
Cover by
MOUTHS TO FEED........................................................................12
lands their forebears had once seized through conquest. The two
smaller kingdoms of Llael and Ord were forged from contested
territories and so have often served as battlegrounds between the two
stronger powers. The prosperous and populous southern nation of
Cygnar has periodically allied with these nations in efforts to check
Khador’s imperial aspirations.
Just over a century ago, Cygnar endured a religious civil war that
ultimately led to the founding of the Protectorate of Menoth. This
nation, the newest of the Iron Kingdoms, stands as an unforgiving
theocracy entirely devoted to Menoth, the ancient god credited with
creating mankind.
In the current era, war has ignited with particular ferocity. This
began with the Khadoran invasion of Llael, which succeeded in
toppling the smaller kingdom in 605 AR. The fall of Llael ignited
an escalating conflict that has embroiled the region for the last three
years. Only Ord has remained neutral in these wars, profiting by
becoming a haven for mercenaries. The Protectorate has launched the
Great Crusade to convert all of humanity to the worship of Menoth.
With the other nations occupied with war, this crusade was able to
make significant gains and seize territories in northeastern Llael.
Other powers have been drawn into this strife, either swept up
in events or taking advantage of them for their own purposes. The
Scharde Islands west of Immoren are home to the Nightmare Empire
of Cryx, which is ruled by the dragon Toruk and sends endless waves
of undead and their necromantic masters to bolster its armies with
the fallen of other nations. To the northeast the insular elven nation
of Ios is host to a radical sect called the Retribution of Scyrah that
is driven to hunt down human arcanists, whom they believe are
anathema to their gods.
The savage wilds within and beyond the Iron Kingdoms contain
various factions fighting for their own agendas. From the frozen
collar at my neck with heavy locks that clank when I walk. They
weigh me down, give me something to strain against, and when they
are gone, I feel their phantom weight.
My bonds are heavy, but I wear them gladly. They are nothing
compared to the burden I bear, and their presence serves as a constant
reminder of that shame.
him better. She told me no one else needed to know—it was between
the Creator and me.
I wanted to believe her. I tried to be worthy of her love for me,
to be worthy of Menoth, but even then I knew she was mistaken. I
could feel the wrongness of my power, feel the darkness of it coiling
in my gut. I could feel it longing to escape and be free, and I knew
nothing so wild and uncontrolled could come from the Creator. I
knew what I was.
At first I wanted to take my own life, though I knew what waited
for me on the other side. I was afraid there was nothing I could do,
no way I could serve Menoth. So long as I lived, I would be working
against his will.
Instead, I turned myself over to the House of Truth, and the
scrutators confirmed what I already knew, what I had always known,
but they also showed me what I could be, how I could serve. They
showed me how even my curse fit into Menoth’s great plans and gave
me a purpose.
When they learned what my mother had told me, I knew they
would come for her. I watched as they took her and saw the tears
on her face. She didn’t understand, not yet, but I knew she would.
She had only wanted to protect me, but she was wrong to do so. No
mortal can protect another from the Lawgiver’s judgment. Instead,
I would protect her and deliver her from any blame for my sin. The
scrutators would help her find her way and restore her obedience.
Unlike me, she could be spared.
Lawgiver. They can touch the cortexes with their minds and wield
awe-inspiring magic. Their power is blessed and delivered to them
by the Creator. I am different. I am not a champion. My power
comes from a dark and profane source. I am a weapon turned to
righteous purpose, but when that purpose is fulfilled, I will still be
an abomination. No matter how it is held, a sword with no hilt is
dangerous to friend and foe.
On the battlefield I can use my power, the poison that is always
inside me. I can turn it loose against Menoth’s enemies. I can make
our warjacks stronger or I can simply reach out with my curse and
kill. The magic inside me is coiled like a snake, and it feels good to
let it strike. Though it is upon enemies of the faith that I loose this
power, I know it is proof I am accursed.
The battles are filled with fire and blood and a distant roaring. The
mask cuts off the sound, deadens it. The smell of burning flesh and
scorched metal is lost in the stench of my own breath. All the sights
of the battlefield, the crashing of machines and men, the churning
of the sands to crimson mud, are reduced to the two tiny windows
through which I view the world. I see only what I need to see, do
only what I need to do. I am a tool at Menoth’s disposal, a weapon in
the hands of the righteous.
When I was a child I wanted to die, and there are still times
I long for death. I pray a bullet will find me or the flames will
consume me. I wear my bonds gladly, but they are heavy, and there
are times when I look forward to the day when my usefulness ends,
so I may finally rest.
Still, I cannot falter. I know the fire can never cleanse me. I know
death will not release me. I could not take my life when I was a child,
and I cannot throw it away now. It belongs to Menoth, and I cannot
die until the Lawgiver reclaims my soul. All my pain I send as a
prayer to him. In spite of what others may say, I cannot believe there
drunk, drops his axe, and chops off two of his toes again? Or is it
something more dire?”
“Some . . . things came out of the swamp,” Burnok said. “Gorthane
wants to kill them.”
“What things? Farrow? Gatormen?” It wasn’t uncommon for
bands of those savage peoples to offer their services to the kriels, and
they sometimes made useful, if unreliable, allies. They also frequently
raided for food and treasure, and Gorthane and his champions had
been called upon to defend the kriel from their marauding more
than once.
“No, Elder. I don’t know what they are. No one does.”
“Then why is Gorthane considering attacking?” The brainless oaf,
Torfal thought. Always itching for battle even when it isn’t in the kriel’s
best interest.
This was intriguing, though, and now Burnok’s urgency seemed
reasonable. The young trollkin had more sense than most of the young
warriors did, and he knew that Torfal, unlike many stone scribes, did
more than simply record the deeds of great trollkin heroes. Over the
years the elder had developed a keen interest in the tales and myths
of other races, which had forced him to learn at least a smattering of
many human tongues as well as farrow, gatorman, and other more
obscure languages.
“Very well,” Torfal said and stood. He lifted his axe from where
it leaned against his desk, grunting slightly at its weight. It had been
some time since he’d had reason to take it up, but the kin were at
war, and the young warriors expected their leaders to be armed. He
offered a silent prayer to Dhunia that he wouldn’t have to use it.
“Take me to Gorthane.”
The ground was a thick mire as Torfal made his way toward the
outskirts of the camp. The swamps around Lake Scarleforth were
treacherously deep, and the only firm footing amounted to mud that
didn’t rise past the ankles. It was a tiring slog to where Gorthane and
the other warriors were gathered; Torfal was breathing heavily by the
time they arrived.
Gorthane was a massive trollkin, almost ogrun-sized, and his war
maul had crushed more enemies than could easily be counted. His
champions—sizable kin but nowhere near as big as their leader—
stood clustered at the edge of the swamp, weapons in hand, where
the firmer mud gave way to a soup of brown water, tangled vines,
and rotting vegetation.
“We were handling this, old one,” Gorthane said as Torfal
approached. The champion held his maul before him, and his face
was set in a petulant frown. “This doesn’t concern you or your . . .
studies.” Gorthane had little use for kin who didn’t fight, and
although he saw the chronicling of heroic deeds as important, he
had less respect for Torfal’s other interests.
“I’m sure,” Torfal said. “Show me these creatures you are so eager
to slaughter.”
“There.” Gorthane pointed to a weedy boulder about ten feet into
the swamp. When the boulder shifted and a pair of great yellow eyes
opened on its surface, Torfal realized he was looking at the massive
head of a swamp troll. “They’re hiding in the water next to Blugg.”
“I don’t see—” Torfal began, and then three shapes rose up out
of the swamp. They were humanoid and roughly the size of trollkin,
but beyond that they seemed completely alien. The first word that
leaped into Torfal’s mind was frog. That’s what they most resembled:
tall, gangly, humanoid frogs. Their slick skin was bright green, and
their eyes jutted from their heads on short stalks. Each carried a short
spear in a four-fingered hand, the fingers ending in round suckers.
he pointed his spear at Blugg. The swamp troll had moved toward
the shore, listening. Torfal had never seen the lazy, cantankerous
swamp troll so interested in anything.
Torfal considered the question. No one could be said to truly
control the swamp troll, but like most trolls, Blugg fought willingly
for the kin. In the end, Torfal thought it better not to muddle the
situation with too much information.
“Yes,” he replied. “Long-tongue fight for us.”
Swamp-Walker held his spear out to Torfal, the shaft of the weapon
across both open palms. “We fight sharp-heads for blue-skins.”
Torfal accepted the spear. He didn’t know what else to do, so he
held it for a few seconds, then returned the spear to Swamp-Walker
in the same manner it had been given to him. That seemed to be
right. The frogman bobbed his head again and accepted the weapon.
“Well, old one,” Gorthane said. “What did he say? Are we eating
frog tonight?”
Torfal turned to the towering champion and poked a finger
into his broad chest. “Absolutely not.“ He smiled. “You have new
O mok was tired and hungry, and he was only going to get
hungrier. But hunger was not his primary concern now.
“You greedy-dumb fish-brains,” hissed Mamman-Shiha, the
swamp gobber clan matriarch. She clenched her gnarled grey hands
into fists and planted them firmly on her hips. Omok shrank away
from her and looked to his younger sister Lili for support.
“It’s Omok’s fault, Mamman,” Lili said. “Omok is greedy-
dumb and strong-smelly.” She waved at the tank on Omok’s
back. “He is good for carrying the smoke but terrible for talking.
He talked to the she-gator, Grakka the bokor, and told her all
our scouting, then asked for more food. Grakka said no, said
had you undone. You planned for Grakka a battle that gobbers had
no part in. Grakka has never wanted my poisons or potions and
laughs at the clan’s short blades. With the cover of black water and
darkest morning, the ever-hungry, never-happy bokor does not need
your smoke. So why pay you, or any of us?”
Omok sank under the weight of the unused smoke. He and Lili
had the only thing the clan could sell to the gators, and now he’d
soured even that.
“The fish-brain wanderers, did they have food?” Mamman asked.
“What would they pay us for a warning? For a morning fog under
which to quick-flee?”
“Oh, no,” said Lili. “I mean yes, they had sacks and barrels in a
broken-wheel wagon, but it is death to help them. Fog or fresh air,
Grakka’s pod will end these farrow. If they are warned, the end will
come under sunlight, and Grakka will know it was us, and I so very
not-want what follows that.”
Omok nodded, and then he had a dangerous, clever, silly idea.
“Mamman,” he said, his stomach growling at the thought of a
winter foraging through swamp duff for food. “Uncle Tin could
easy-switch a new wheel, could do it with closed eyes even. If we
leave swift-quick, with our very best sneak, we could take the wagon
in the dark, ahead of Grakka-Bokor’s attack.”
Mamman’s frown became a smile, which spread all the way to
her flattened ears. “Greedy-dumb Omok thinks like running water
now.” She pointed at the heavy tank on his back. “Trade with Lili.
You, Omok, take the nozzle, and soft-step as our sneaky first-feet.”
She drew a long, oiled knife and spun it deftly in her gnarled hands.
“The family will follow.”
Calder: The largest and brightest of Caen’s three moons. Its cycle is
used as the basis for the duration of months for the calendars used in
western Immoren. When people refer to the phases of the moon they
are generally speaking about Calder. See also Artis and Laris.
some wilderness races like the farrow. In some myths, Dhunia is seen
as the female embodiment of nature, while the Devourer Wurm is the
male embodiment. Viewed by Dhunian races as their divine mother.
Menoth: The primal god credited by his worshipers with the creation
of aspects of the world itself, including the division of the water from
the land, the ordering of the seasons, and most importantly the creation
of humanity. Menoth’s gifts to humanity included fire, agriculture,
masonry, and the written word in the form of the True Law, his divine
commandments. Menoth’s worshipers are known as Menites.
trollkin: A hardy and intelligent race that live both in their own
communities in the wilderness and within cities of man. Distantly
related to the more savage and monstrous trolls, trollkin have a distinct
appearance with colorful skin, usually blue in hue, and with quills
instead of hair and rock-like calcified growths on various parts of their
bodies. They possess a complex and rich culture, including their own
written language. Most trollkin worship the goddess Dhunia.
Orrin Grey
Orrin Grey is a writer, editor, and monster expert who was born on
the night before Halloween. He’s the author of Never Bet the Devil
& Other Warnings and the co-editor (with Silvia Moreno-Garcia)
of Fungi, an anthology of weird fungus-themed stories. He plays
Gatormen whenever he can, and his website is at orringrey.com.
Aeryn Rudel
Aeryn Rudel is the Publications Manager for Privateer Press. When
not wrangling Skull Island eXpeditions projects, he contributes
fiction to the Iron Kingdoms setting and writes WARMACHINE,
HORDES, and RPG articles for No Quarter magazine. He is also
a notorious dinosaur nerd (ALL theropod dinosaurs had feathers!),
a rare polearm expert (the bec de corbin is clearly superior to the
lucerne hammer), and has mastered the art of fighting with sword-
shaped objects (but not actual swords). Aeryn lives in Seattle
with his wife, Melissa, who has demonstrated near superhuman
tolerance to her husband’s nerdery.
Howard Tayler
Howard Tayler writes and illustrates Schlock Mercenary
(schlockmercenary.com), co-hosts the Hugo Award winning Writing
Excuses podcast with Brandon Sanderson, Dan Wells, and Mary
Robinette Kowal (writingexcuses.com), and writes fantasy, horror, and
science fiction in such free time as remains. He lives with his wife (and
business partner, and fellow writer) Sandra and their four children in
Orem, Utah.
Iron Kingdoms Excursions: Season One, Volume Three
Copyright © 2014 Privateer Press
This book is printed under the copyright laws of the United States of America and
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Five Fingers: Port of Deceit, Full Metal Fantasy, Immoren, WARMACHINE®, Forces
of WARMACHINE, WARMACHINE High Command, Steam-Powered Miniatures
Combat, Convergence of Cyriss, Convergence, Cryx, Cygnar, Khador, Protectorate of
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Forces of HORDES, HORDES High Command, Monstrous Miniatures Combat, Circle
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ISBN: 978-1-939480-64-4
Privateer Press