No Quarter - 60
No Quarter - 60
No Quarter - 60
he Iron Kingdoms abound with people both good and evil, but many others live, survive, and even
thrive in the grey shadows between heroics and villainy. Social misfits but not always social outcasts,
they make their way through the world any way they can—even if it results in hardship for others. In
the end, even scoundrels and sell-swords feel justified in doing what they must to stay alive. These kinds of
characters make excellent NPCs—whether as antagonists or allies—for your Iron Kingdoms RPG campaign.
This time, you'll be reintroduced to a trio of characters you may remember from The Witchfire Trilogy.
Witchfire Rogues
By Josh Colon, Andy Gill, and Tim Simpson • ART by ivan dixon
the Black Bastard
The Black Bastard—a nickname Draegyn wears with a certain pride— of the man who would change his life forever: former mercenary
is a perfect representative of the undesirable elements in Corvis. He is Hamil Bodak, today an influential arms dealer in Corvis.
a businessman, manipulative and savvy; he is a politician, balancing Bodak caught the boy, but instead of killing him decided to train
disparate parties in Corvis’ hierarchy to ensure everyone’s needs are Draegyn as an agent in his illicit dealings within the City of Ghosts.
met—even when they are at cross-purposes; and he is a criminal,
Draegyn came to serve as Bodak’s representative, becoming increasingly
willing to double-cross or kill those who threaten to his position and
esteemed among the city’s criminal element. He also found work as
power. In the end, Draegyn’s greatest concern is himself, and he has
a hired gun with various criminal organizations in Corvis—a sideline
spent years cultivating the reputation that earned him his nickname.
Bodak encouraged. The more Draegyn worked among the other gangs
DRAEGYN: A BRIEF HISTORY of the Undercity, the more detailed information he could provide to his
primary employer, Hamil Bodak. Over time Draegyn found his own
Draegyn first arrived in Corvis as a young boy with nothing to rely on station enhanced, earning him an even greater role in Bodak’s operations.
but his own wits. He survived as a petty thief, taking what he needed His skill as a pistoleer and his willingness to kill any who crossed him
through his skill as a pickpocket and, eventually, as a second-story earned him the moniker “the Black Bastard.” Even hardened thugs
man. After years of simply scraping by, Draegyn picked the pocket knew to proceed cautiously in Draegyn’s presence.
has some shortcomings. Draegyn is aware that Alkot once hunted Kex,
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carbines while engaged.
Intellectual – This character and and his failure to bring down the arcanist is what ultimately convinced
allies in this character’s command Draegyn to elevate his opinion of Kex and view Alkot’s skills in a
Command Range: 7 range gain +1 to attack and slightly diminished light.
damage rolls.
Base Size: small Street Shadow – This character (Tim Simpson)
Encounter Points: 20 gains an additional die on Sneak
rolls while in populated urban
Equipment: environments.
Ammo bandolier, armored great coat,
holdout pistol, repeating pistol, wrist-
spring holster
Seth Alkot has given up all hope of a normal life, vowing to spend
whatever time he may have left on Caen to honor the loved ones he
lost by ensuring no other innocents fall prey to a particular strain of
violence and greed: that of farrow brigands and marauders.
Alkot vowed to remain in the wild until the Korhoof tribe and all
other bloodthirsty farrow in the region were destroyed. This obsession
led him into countless battles in the Northern Midlunds over the next
two decades, combatting not only farrow tribes but also powerful
beasts and even other intelligent races such as bogrin.
Over time, Seth Alkot’s one-man war against the farrow became
infamous among the savage peoples of the wilds. The Korhoof tribe
had spent years conquering weaker farrow tribes in an attempt to gain
dominance in the region, and Alkot’s persistent attacks undermined
their successes. Finally, as the Korhoof’s influence began to falter, their
chieftain initiated a final bid for glory. Gathering his surviving allies,
the chieftain prepared to march on Corvis through the surrounding
swamps and into the Undercity, where scavenged barrels of blasting
powder would blow a hole to the surface for an attack on the city itself.
Alkot learned of this plan through one of his gobber contacts, and
though he knew the farrow could never take the city, he vowed they
wouldn’t do to any other family what they had done to his.
gutting knife Skilled – This character gains an additional attack during his activation phase if he chooses to attack that turn.
MAT POW P+S Survivalist – This character can reroll failed Survival rolls. Each failed roll can be rerolled only once as a result of Survivalist.
8 3 8
Targeteer – When the character hits with a ranged attack, he chooses the branch of the target’s life spiral or the column of the
Abilities: Gain +1 on Craft (skinner) skill rolls target’s damage grid that is hit, if applicable.
INITIATIVE INIT 16 Traceless Path – Though he can move at only half his usual rate of speed while using this ability, either on foot or horseback,
anyone attempting to follow his trail has +3 added to his skill roll target number.
(Armor Great Coat -1) Tough – When this character is disabled, roll a d6. On a 5 or 6, the character heals 1 vitality point, is no longer disabled, and
is knocked down.
(Armor Great Coat +5)
WILLPOWER WILL 11 Alkot gathered a small but powerful fighting force comprised primarily of swamp gobbers, to whom
he promised all scavenged farrow weapons. As the farrow marched through the swamps, they found
themselves set upon by Alkot and his allies. The farrow fell in swaths long before reaching the city.
1 2 AGILITY Once again several members of the Korhoof tribe were able to escape, this time fleeing south to the
mountains. Though wounded, Alkot left his gobber allies behind to follow them into the Dragonspine
3 Peaks where, at long last, Alkot destroyed the final remnants of the tribe. In the aftermath of this
battle, Alkot sought shelter in a cave to recover from his wounds, where he came upon a discarded
4 journal, one he eventually gave to a group of mercenaries. This would prove invaluable in finding the
E Tomb of Lost Souls and saving Corvis from Vinter Raelthorne’s skorne invasion of 603 AR.
His family avenged, Seth decided to return to Corvis. Tales of his exploits had spread, and after
5 I his reintroduction to civilization, his skills as a guide and monster hunter were in high demand.
Eventually, his reputation began to attract all manner of powerful and at times unseemly clients within
the city. One of these was the notorious pistoleer Draegyn, the Black Bastard. Over the years, Draegyn
Command Range: 4 has used Seth Alkot’s skills in a variety of ways, employing him to lead smugglers in and out of the
Base Size: small city through the surrounding swamplands or to provide information about local wilderness tribes.
Encounter Points: 23 Alkot is known to sell his services to the other side of the law just as frequently, however, such as when
he helped the Fraternal Order of Wizardry track the arcanist and Vinter loyalist Lorimer Kex through
the Corvis Undercity—one of the few times the tracker failed to catch his prey.
Armored great coat, Boar Hunter (repeating
heavy carbine), 30 cased light rounds, 10 While serving as a monster hunter and guide for an expedition out of Corvis University in 606 AR,
cased light frangible rounds, 2d6+10 gc Alkot encountered a farrow warbeast unlike any he had seen previously—one with mechanikal limbs
and other enhancements. He soon learned these warbeasts were employed by a growing army of
OUT IN THE WORLD grand plan to leverage his loyalty and the elimination of powerful
dissenters into a position of authority when Vinter reclaimed the
Seth Alkot is an experienced monster hunter who has dedicated himself throne. His rivals were tortured and many were brutally killed
to eradicating any and all violent and aggressive farrow. Any PCs by Vinter’s inquisitors and the skorne paingivers, much to Kex’s
who ally with farrow, especially members of the Thornfall Alliance, satisfaction.
may find themselves on the wrong end of his carbine, Boar Hunter.
Over the years, Alkot has learned a great deal about the many cultures In the aftermath of the Battle of Corvis, the inquisitors and paingivers
of the wilds, and he often works alongside members of various wild were forced to abandon their strongholds within the city, leaving
races to achieve his goals. their prisoners behind. Among the survivors were several Kex had
betrayed, and because of his megalomaniacal boasting, these newly
Given his background, Seth will treat any PCs with connections to the released arcanists identified him as their accuser. He soon found
Cygnaran military amicably. He will not personally work with farrow himself wanted for treason, hunted not only by the city watch but by a
party members, whom he treats with either quiet disdain or outright special task force recruited by the Fraternal Order of Wizardry.
hostility, but neither will he attack them outright. Any farrow Alkot
interacts with is regarded as a disposable resource to be observed After laying low in the Undercity for several days, Kex sought
closely. At any sign of such a character threatening innocents, out the notorious gangster Draegyn for help. Draegyn was well
Alkot will shoot that character down without hesitation. aware of Kex’s situation, as one of his own informants was a part
of the force the Fraternal Order had formed to capture the arcanist.
THE WITCHFIRE OTHERS Draegyn understood aiding Lorimer would attract too much of the
wrong kind of attention, and he refused the fugitive.
Seth Alkot considers himself a loner—his relationship with Draegyn
is one of mutual benefit, not one of friendship or even shared goals. Kex had little choice but to make a desperate run for the city gates.
Alkot has, in fact, rejected certain jobs Draegyn offered him in the In the dead of night, he crept out of his hiding place in the Undercity.
past because Draegyn wanted some of his own people involved Though the watch identified him as he attempted to flee Corvis,
in the job. Alkot does not feel beholden to the Black Bastard, he used his magic to defeat several guards and escape without
despite Draegyn’s powerful position in the underworld of Corvis. pursuit. He then made his way to Ternon Crag, where the Vinter
Lorimer Kex, however, has earned a grudging respect from the loyalist Asheth Magnus was said to reside.
monster hunter for successfully evading capture. Once the hunt for
Kex was called off, Alkot remained attentive to any rumors he heard When at last Kex met Magnus, the outlaw warcaster refused to help the
about the mad arcanist. While he is no longer interested in capturing arcanist directly. Magnus did, however, profess to know the location
or killing Kex, he would certainly like to understand more about the of a skorne outpost in the Bloodstone Marches where he suggested
rare target who evaded him. Kex might find sanctuary among the remnants of Vinter’s forces—and,
if he played his cards right, where he might even gain an audience
(Josh Colon) with Vinter Raelthorne himself.
Kex made his way into the hostile desert, following the retreating
skorne force. After weeks in the harsh wastes, he was taken in by a
skorne patrol—though as a prisoner, not an ally. He pleaded with
Lorimer Kex, his captors to speak of him to the man they knew as the Conqueror,
a man he thought would spare him, but his protests were ignored.
The Mad Arcanist Instead, the skorne treated him as a font of information they could
exploit as they devised a new plan of attack.
At one time, Lorimer Kex was part of a proud order of arcanists,
Kex found himself subjected to the paingivers’ arts as they tortured him
driven by a desire to rise above them all. Yet his betrayal of that order,
for information regarding Corvis. Through a combination of chemical
combined with his arrogant assumption that his loyalty to a fallen
concoctions and paingiver’s barbs, they nullified his magical ability
king would pave his way to power, led him to become who he is now:
and eventually broke his mind. He became an empty shell, telling his
a madman plagued by a single-minded vision of vengeance at any cost.
captors anything and everything he thought they might want to know.
Kex’s time among the skorne and his fortuitous escape from them has The process took years—every bit of information was squeezed from
brought him full circle, back the western Immoren, and stripped him him until the paingivers at last decided he had provided all he knew
of his loyalty to Vinter Raelthorne. His only loyalty now is to himself. and forced Kex into slavery.
Kex may begin his interaction with the PCs as a villain. Draegyn might
ask the players to eliminate Kex before the mad arcanist decides to take
vengeance against him. Similarly, Commander Helstrom or agents of
the Order might ask the PCs to investigate a series of murders in which
arcanists were the victims. Investigation into the victims will reveal all
were survivors of the Inquisition. If the Game Master is looking for a
more personal connection to the PCs, an NPC they had previously met
might make an excellent victim of Kex’s vengeance.
(Andy Gill)
Excruciator – The character does not suffer the effects of crippled aspects.
Feat Points – This character starts each encounter with 1 feat point. He is allocated 1 feat point at the start of each of his turns.
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