Assignment #2 PER
Assignment #2 PER
Assignment #2 PER
Employees Employee
Philippine Christian University
Mental Models:
Human Resource Department
Philippine Christian University
Human resource development includes training an individual after he/she is first hired,
providing opportunities to learn new skills, distributing resources that are beneficial for
the employee’s tasks, and any other developmental activities.
This set of processes within the HR department is critical to employee on-boarding and
retention. Without proper training, employees can not succeed. Without learning and
development of personal and professional skills, employees grow stale and stagnant.
Human resource development is the integrated use of training, organization, and career
development efforts to improve individual, group, and organizational effectiveness. HRD
develops the key competencies that enable individuals in organizations to perform
current and future jobs through planned learning activities. Groups within organizations
use HRD to initiate and manage change. Also, HRD ensures a match between
individual and organizational needs.
The term HRD is often confused with HRM (Human Resource Management) – so how
are they different?
Mental Model:
Employee Relations
Continuous Personnel
Improvement Development
Relative Training
Human Resource
Employee Understanding
Satisfaction Employee Behavior
Philippine Christian University
“Clients do not come first. Employees come first. If you take care of your employees, they will
take care of your clients” – Richard Branson
Customers are one of the reason why organizations thrive until today, but looking back
understanding more about these businesses, you will realize that you can not have happy
customers with bad service, and service is directly related to your employees.
If you want to have a successful business, you need to understand that employees are the ones
who bring the customers in to the business as well as make them stay. Being a business owner
is hard especially if you don’t have the luxury of time. Having a great workforce can almost
always ensure the success of your brand, before considering the feasibility of the product itself.
To have stay relevant you must not always look into your product alone, but should always look
at the people who work everyday for you. As the customers may be the blood of the business,
the employees make up everything else of it.