Expt. 4 - Batch Sedimentation
Expt. 4 - Batch Sedimentation
Expt. 4 - Batch Sedimentation
I. Introduction
The type of separation process usually depends on the phases and particular differences
of materials being separated. In a mixture of solid and fluid, separation is accomplished via
mechanical-physical forces such as gravitational and centrifugal, actual mechanical, and
kinetic forces (Geankoplis, 2003). An example of this type of separation process is
In sedimentation, particles in suspension settle out of the fluid entrainment due to the
gravitational force (Speight, 2017). This unit operation is applicable in many industrial
processes including wastewater treatment systems wherein solids are removed from the liquid
sewage (Carlsson, 1988).
The settling mechanism of particles during sedimentation could be determined by
conducting a batch settling test (Geankoplis, 2003). In this process, solid initially undergoes
free settling wherein a particle does not influence the movement of other particles. After a
certain time during settling, particles become crowded thereby decreasing the settling rate. At
compressed conditions, a region of clear fluid becomes distinct from a slurry of higher solids
Figure 1. Progress of batch sedimentation through time (McCabe, Smith, & Harriott, 1993)
In conducting the batch settling test using a slurry with uniform concentration, the total
height of the suspension at time equal to zero is initially noted (zo) (see Figure 1-a). Upon
settling, different zones indicating different particle concentration is formed. As shown in
Figure 1-b, particles in zone B tend to separate from the fluid which consequently creates a
clear liquid zone A. Concentration in zone B is identical to the initial slurry concentration since
particles settle at a uniform rate during this stage. This stage is called free settling wherein
separation occurs at low solid concentration and without particle to particle interaction.
As time progresses, zone D containing the settled particles begins to appear. Zone C
with concentration ranging from the solid contents in zone B and D is the transition layer (see
Figure 1-c). This stage indicates hindered settling wherein inter-particle forces interfere with
the motion of individual particles (Geankoplis, 2003).
As sedimentation continues, the height of each zone varies. Eventually, zone B
disappears, as shown in Figure 1-d, and solids are deposited at zone D and C. The critical point
of sedimentation is indicated by the first appearance of compression. At a certain time, solid
particles settle at the bottom of the container as sediments with a distinct clear liquid region
above it.
In performing batch-sedimentation experiments, it is important to determine the settling
velocity. As depicted in Figure 1, the heights of the various zones vary with time. In this case,
the height (z) of the clear liquid region will be plotted versus time wherein the slope of the line
indicates the settling velocity (Foust, 1980).
Figure 2. Ideal graph of clear-liquid zone height vs. settling time (Geankoplis, 2003)
Figure 2 shows that a constant settling velocity occurs at the initial stage of the
separation process. Point C indicates the critical point. Beyond C, the height of the interface
tends to be constant which clearly refers to the compression settling stage. In this part of
sedimentation, particles are intact at the bottom of the container.
To determine the settling velocity at a certain time, a tangent to the curve should be
drawn. Consequently, the following equation will be used in calculating the value of the desired
parameter (Perry & Green, 2008):
𝑧𝑖 − 𝑧1
𝑣1 = (1)
𝑡1 − 0
where z1 is the height of interface at time t1 and zi is the intercept of the tangent line to the
In determining the average concentration of the suspension (c1) at a certain height of
the slurry (z1), the following equation could be used:
𝑐1 = ( ) 𝑐𝑜 (2)
where co is the original slurry concentration in kg/m 3 at height zo and time equal to zero.
Furthermore, the critical point of settling could be determined from the curve by
drawing two tangent lines, one in the free settling portion and at the final compression at the
near end of settling in which interface height becomes almost constant (Foust, 1980).
Figure 3. Determining the critical point from the curve (Foust, 1980)
As shown in the figure above, an angle bisector of the two tangent lines, with vertex as
the intersection point, is drawn. The intersection of the angle bisector and the settling curve
estimates the critical point (Foust, 1980).
II. Objectives
The experiment aims to understand the principles involved in batch sedimentation by
examining and analyzing the sedimentation process of a flour-water suspension. Specifically,
the experiment aims to:
1. Determine the settling velocity of the flour-water suspension of the different flour
2. Determine the relationship between the settling bed height and time of the different
flour samples.
3. Determine the relationship between the settling rate and time of the different flour
IV. Methodology
• 1000mL Graduated Cylinder
• 250mL Beaker
• Distilled Water
• Vernier Caliper
• Tape Measure
• Aluminum Foil
• Masking Tape
• Stirring Rod
• Stopwatch
• PPE (Mask)
• Flour
A. Preparation
1. The inner diameter of the 1000mL graduated cylinder will be measured using the
Vernier caliper.
2. Place the measuring tape in the graduated cylinder for calibration of height.
3. Fill 5 - 1000mL graduated cylinder with distilled water up to 900mL.
B. Experiment Proper
The experiment will test the settling rate of different brands of flour found in the
1. Weigh 40 grams of each of the flour samples.
2. The flour samples will be mixed with distilled water and the mixture will be
poured in graduated cylinder.
3. The missed solution will be diluted to 1000mL mark and will be stirred
continuously until all the set-up have a uniform particle size distribution.
4. The volume of the interface will be recorded every 3 minutes for 1 hour.
5. The 5 set-ups will be conducted simultaneously.
6. A graph of interface versus time will be plotted using the gathered
7. data.
V. Expected Output
Table 1. Specifications of the sedimentation set-up
Set 1 Set 2 Set 3
Diameter (m)
Water level (mL)
Mass of sample (g)