InSync Administrators Guide Ver 4.0
InSync Administrators Guide Ver 4.0
InSync Administrators Guide Ver 4.0
Administrator’s Guide
Druva inSync 4.0 – Administrator’s Guide
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Druva inSync 4.0 – Administrator’s Guide
This document describes in detail, the task of installing the Druva inSync product and managing
all its components.
Intended Audience
This document is meant for the inSync administrators and Druva inSync Server Management
operations staff. This document assumes that the readers have the following skills depending
on the target platform:
Windows® Administration skills
Typographic Conventions
Symbol Meaning
Getting Help
For technical assistance or license renewal, please send an email to
If you have signed up for Gold or Platinum support, please login into
We value your feedback. Kindly send your comments on the contents of this document to Include the title and page number of the document and the chapter and
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Druva inSync 4.0 – Administrator’s Guide
Table of Contents
1 Introduction .................................................................................................... 6
1.1 Druva inSync Features ...................................................................................................... 7
1.2 New Features..................................................................................................................... 8
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1 Introduction
nterprises today significantly rely upon the corporate data stored on the computers.
Prevalence of multimedia content, thousands of emails and attachments, proliferation
and preservation of many versions and copies of data contributes to the tremendous
data growth most companies are experiencing.
The inSync client monitors file changes in configured folders and then, on availability of
network connection –
Prepares a fingerprint of changed files and sends it to the server.
Server responds back with the parts of files unique to the client i.e. those parts of files
not backed up by any other user in the organization.
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The client then compresses, encrypts and sends only the unique data to the server.
All of this is transparent to the user. The user only notices a fast backup consuming less
bandwidth. On restore, the user is shown only his files and how they have changed in the past.
The user can choose to restore files from any point in the past.
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1. The End User License Agreement (EULA) displays. Accept the EULA and then click Next.
2. Choose the destination folder for installation or browse or type a directory for installing
the Druva inSync server. Click Next.
3. Setup creates the program shortcut Druva inSync Server in the default Start menu
4. Choice to have the desktop icon or quick launch icon.
5. The installation screen shows the status of tasks performed till now regarding locations
and advises the readiness for installation.
6. Starting the installation, shows the status of Installing Druva inSync Server 4.0 and the
Finish screen shows after successful installation.
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2. Enter the valid Web control port number to access the inSync Server management
console remotely. The default port used by the server is 6065. Enter the inSync server
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administrator account details. Choose the administrator username and the password to
match your system or domain password management policy. Click Next.
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4. Druva inSync Control Panel displays in the Web browser. Enter username and password
in the inSync Administrator Login page which were assigned in the inSync Administrator
Account Details. After successful login, click the Open Control Panel button.
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2.4 Dashboard
The dashboard provides a quick view of the status of different inSync entities namely storages,
users, server machine, and highlights the problems/failures that need the inSync
administrator’s attention. The different statistics on the dashboard can help the inSync
administrator easily monitor their inSync servers and decide on backup strategies for their
organization. See the sample dashboard screen on the next page.
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Storage Status: A quick summary of the assigned storage to the inSync server. Click the
Storage Status link which displays the following screen.
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Bandwidth Usage: Graph of bandwidth usage of server vs. time in the past 24 hours.
NOTE: The historical data of user connections, CPU usage, and bandwidth usage cannot be
displayed if the inSync server restarted.
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2.5 Settings
To start, the inSync administrator should perform the following functions categorized under
i. Managing License
ii. Email Server Settings
iii. Network Settings
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Druva inSync server comes with a default license for 25 clients and 30 days usage. This is to help
customers evaluate the product before purchasing it.
NOTE: Data synchronization stops after the expiry of license but data restoration can be
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The inSync administrator can change the default port settings (Synchronization port, Web
Control Panel port, and Browse Restore port), published IP addresses for backup, and the Web
panel. Click the Edit button to change the network settings.
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Synchronization Port - The first step towards configuring the network connection is
setting the default port to listen for synchronizing requests from clients. The default
port used by the server is 6061 and can be changed to any valid port number.
NOTE: The inSync server opens and listens to secure TCP traffic on the configured port.
Web Control Panel Port - To access the Web control panel, a port needs to be set.
The default port used by the server is 6065 and can be changed to any valid port
Browser Restore Port - To configure the web-restore feature is setting the default
port to listen for HTTPS web-restore requests from browsers. The default port used
by the server is 443 (default HTTPS port) and can be changed to any valid port
Browser Restore IP Port address - The inSync administrator needs to add a network
address (IP address or domain name) which will be visible to the inSync clients for
Web restore. This information will be passed to connecting clients using inSync client
key files (.isk file extension) and would be visible to users under web-restore tab in
client configuration.
The in Sync administrator can edit the IP Port address field to modify the address. The
published address should be in <IP Address | Domain name> : <port> format.
For example, in the above example the web-restore would be accessed by users using URL –
NOTE: If the port is not specified in the Published IP address box then default port address is
443.The server opens and listens to secure HTTPS traffic on the configured port.
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In presence of multiple network interfaces (for LAN/WAN) or a firewall, the inSync server may
be reachable by the inSync clients on different network addresses (IP address and port
This information is communicated to connecting clients using inSync client key files (.isk file
extension). The inSync Client tries to connect to the IP address in the given order, so the user
need not remember the IP address of the Server to connect to.
The inSync administrator can add an IP address to the list by clicking the Add Server IP Address
button. This displays the IP address entry window where inSync administrator can specify –
IP address – The IP address of the inSync server used by the connecting client to
reach the server.
TCP Port number – The port number on the inSync server used by the connecting
client to reach the server.
Network Type (LAN/ WAN/ Auto) – Identifies the connection type, which is used to
define bandwidth limits (see the Resources section under User Profiles for resource
planning). If the network type is set to Auto, the connection type is decided
dynamically when the clients connects. Any connection with RTT (Round Trip Time -
time taken by network packet to reach the destination host and travel back) more
than 20 ms is identified as a WAN/VPN connection.
Similarly, click the Remove button under Published IP Address section to delete an existing IP
address from the list.
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NOTE: The unidirectional server communication means the backup is always initiated by the
client and the server never initiates the connection.
The firewall port and IP address should be added to inSync server configuration, so that the
server can pass on the same information to clients using the key file.
NOTE: While configuring inSync server on Microsoft Windows 2008 with default firewall
running, add a rule to allow incoming connections to the configured port.
2.6 Configuration
The functions which the inSync administrator performs more frequently for configuration and
management of the installation are categorized under Configuration. These functions include
i. Storage
ii. User Profiles
iii. Users
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2.6.1 Storage
The inSync Server uses an Encrypted Single Instance Store to maintain backup data.
The encrypted single instance store (SIS) maintains only a single copy of data across users. The
unique data is further compressed to reduce storage usage. It’s also encrypted (AES 256 bits)
before it is stored. This makes the stored data more secure.
Select the Storage option from the left navigation bar, the Storage management screen
displays. It helps the inSync administrator to determine the storage capacity for the server.
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Maximum data space used on disk – Maximum space to be reserved for backup.
Notify administrator if usage exceeds –Sends an email to the inSync administrator if
the notification exceeds the value mentioned here.
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NOTE: The inSync server does not reserve the space on the server. It consumes as the usage
increases. On the Windows platform, Single Instance Storages can only be created on volumes
formatted as NTFS.
Cache size for this storage– Cache size is the size of in-core cache used by the
database for the storage.
Maximum parallel connection for this storage – The total parallel connections to
the particular storage.
Compaction Schedule - Compaction attempts to reclaim the space unallocated by
removing restore points and users. Compaction schedule can be set while creating
storage. It can also be edited later. In the compaction schedule time interval in
which compaction is to be carried out daily and weekly is to be specified. Data Files
are compacted when their usable space decreases below the percentage specified in
the Compact when usable space drops below box while storage creation and edit.
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restore points younger than the Daily limit are kept. For Those restore points which are older
than daily limit but younger than the weekly limit and whom adjacent restore point has time
difference less than seven days are deleted. For those restore points which are older than
weekly limit but younger than the monthly limit and whom adjacent restore point has time
difference less than thirty days are deleted. All restore points whose creation time is older than
the monthly limits are deleted.
Disk Configuration: It displays the quick summary of storage configured for backup.
The Edit button displays the Update Storage screen allows the inSync administrator
to change the storage disk usage and notification limits. Lowering the maximum disk
usage limit less than the current usage will stop the backup over that storage, but
will not delete any existing data.
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Usage Stats: It displays the statistics of data storage and it is very helpful to inSync
administrator to decide succeeding storage allocation strategies. It includes
provisioned users, total size of files backed up, database size, deduplication ratio,
space allocated for data backup, actual space consumed of allocated storage, and
the current usage of storage in percentage.
Compaction: The compaction summary shows the schedule timings and its details. It
includes daily compaction schedule timing, the day on which it should occur, weekly
schedule, and the fragmentation percentage when it should occur. The Edit button
allows the inSync administrator to change the settings.
Clicking the User Profiles under configuration in the left navigation bar shows the user profile
management console. This helps inSync administrator to manage user groups or profiles but
the Default profile cannot be deleted.
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General tab
o Profile name– Enter a unique profile name
o Profile Description –Enter a short description about the profile.
Schedule tab
o Synchronization after every–The inSync administrator can specify how often the
user can backup. The users can override this option by selecting the Allow users
to change schedule check box.
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o Allow user to pause backup– If this check box is selected, users would see the
Pause option to suspend the backups in the inSync client.
o Synchronize at Logoff/ Shut-down – Forces the end user to backup all changes
at shutdown and logoff.
o Allowed Backup only from and never from– The inSync administrator can
choose certain time period during which no automatic backup is allowed for the
profile users.
NOTE: The minimum synchronization interval is 5 minutes. But certain files identified as large
files are not backed up more frequently than 20 minutes and during log-off events. The default
size for large files is 100 MB.
Resources tab
o Maximum bandwidth over LAN and Maximum bandwidth over WAN – Sets the
maximum bandwidth for each client to sync with the server. The bandwidth can
be chosen as an absolute value (KBps/MBps) or as a percentage of available
bandwidth at the client.
A connection is identified as LAN/WAN by the IP address used for connection
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(see Network Settings). If the IP address is marked Auto, any connection with 20
ms TTL is identified as WAN based connection.
o CPU usage– Sets the CPU priority and usage for each client. If set above 50%,
reduces the priority for the backup process and if set below 50% slows down the
backup voluntarily.
o Allow user to change Bandwidth/CPU settings – Both the bandwidth and CPU
settings can be allowed or disallowed by selecting or not selecting this check box.
o Per user Quota – Per user cumulative storage usage from all restore points.
o Keep all backups for – The retention period for all backups
o Keep weekly backups for –Retention period for weekly backups.
o Keep monthly backups for – Retention period for monthly backups
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o Allow users to add folders– Allow the profile users to configure folders for back
up from the client side. If not selected, the users can not choose any folders for
o Global Exclude Filters–The inSync administrator can choose global exclude
filters, which take precedence for file exclusion rules for all user backups. To
exclude certain file types from being synced check various options as given
i) Office files ii) PDF files iii) HTML files iv) Email files v) Image files vi) Video
files vii) Audio files viii) Executables
Setting global filters will override all the other filters that have been set
throughout the application.
o Exclude filter list–Enter other known file types to be excluded from backing up.
Notification tab
The Notification tab allows the inSync administrator to configure the email alert
setting to be received in specific days or in case of backup errors. Another option
about pop up warnings to be displays at client’s machines if backup error occurs.
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o Popup warning on user desktop in case of backup errors–On the client side if
the inSync administrator needs the user to be notified in case of backup errors
select this check box.
Restore tab
o Allow restore from web browser– The inSync user can restore backed up files
from the Web browser if the Allow restore from web browser check box is
o Use Active Directory password for web-restore – The inSync user is asked active
directory credentials for restoring data if the Use Active Directory password for
web-restore check box is selected. The inSync administrator has to provide
Active Directory Host IP and Port.
The Mange action under User Profile displays the following screen.
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There are different options to define or choose folder(s); those are described below.
o Choose from three simple options (Email, Desktop, and My Documents) in Quick
Configuration. These folders are relative to user’s computer. The fourth option
All Drives which considers all available drives on the client’s computer.
o With email quick configuration, the inSync administrator can configure Outlook
emails to be backed up via MAPI interface by choosing Outlook 2003, 2007 and
2010 Advanced from the list of email option. This provides better deduplication
and faster backup/ restore of pst files. The inSync administator still has the
option of backing up Outlook emails as plain pst files by choosing 'Outlook 2003,
2007 and 2010' option.
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o Include filter – Select the file types which should be included for the folder. After
selecting a file type, Include filter list populates with the potential extensions list
separated by semicolon (;). This list can be updated manually.
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2.6.3 Users
Backup user account creation in Druva inSync follows the steps shown in the diagram -
The administrator can import domain users from active directory or create new backup users.
On successful creation of an account, the administrator gets a key file for each user account
The key file contains the relevant information to enable the user to contact the server for
backup including authentication credentials and backup settings. The key file can be delivered
to the user directly or using email (when importing from Active Directory) through the console.
Select Users from the left navigation bar shows the users management screen. The Select
profile list box allows the inSync administrator to choose a profile and displays users under the
selected profile. The Search User Name box allows searching particular user under the selected
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Login name: Enter the unique user name. The user name can be alphanumeric but
some special characters are not allowed for example, |, ?, *, :, /, \, “, <, >
Display name: It can be a full name for identifying the user
Profile: Select profile from the Profile drop-down list which belongs to the user
Storage: Select storage entity from the storage drop-down list which belongs to the
User quota: Assign maximum storage allocation in TB or GB or MB for a particular
Email Address: Enter the valid email address of the user
Send the authentication key via email: Select this check box to send the
authentication key by email with an attachment. Otherwise, the control panel shows
a File Download dialog box for save keys as below. The inSync administrator can then
save the key file and deliver it to the user.
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The inSync administrator can delete multiple users at a time. Select users which are to are to be
deleted. This Remove button deletes the users along with their data. Disable
The inSync administrator can select multiple users at the same time and disable these selected
users. Disabling the user accounts only stop authenticating and hence stop backup and restore,
but the data associated with the accounts remain as it is.
2.7 Manage
The administration functions are grouped under Manage. These functions include –
i. Restore - Managing Restore from the server side
ii. Reports - Managing reports that are sent to the inSync administrator
2.7.1 Restore
The inSync administrator can browse through all the restore points against a particular user
belonging to a particular profile. The number of restore point’s display can be changed by
selecting the Page Size list box.
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NOTE: After the restore point is marked for deletion, it takes some time for the storage space
to be freed up. The inSync administrator can use the compact now option in storage
management for immediate results.
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After user completes full-PC backup or synchronizes, the administrator can choose from a list of
restore points to restore.
Then the inSync administrator can add to the image multiple folders backed up under the
restore point by left-clicking on browse.
The BMR image can be split into multiple smaller files for easy distribution. The Create BMR
Image button opens a wizard to create the image files.
NOTE: The Create BMR Image button appears only when the user completes full-PC backup
after the inSync administrator allows by selecting the Allow Bare Metal Restore option in the
user’s profile.
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The inSync administrator can then finally set a read password on the image for enhanced
security of the restore media. This password will be needed during the Bare Metal Restore
Choose any path to store the restore files. Then click Next to create the image and complete
the process.
NOTE: When creating BMR image files, choosing a smaller restore media size is recommended
(for example, 700 MB), multiple data files can be written to a single media and restore with
that. Some CD/DVD writing software do not support creating ISO files with files that are larger
than 2GB each. Also if using an external USB disk formatted as FAT32, it is not possible to copy
files that are larger than 2GB each.
To start the bare-metal restore, create the BMR backup images for the backed up PC. Refer the
Create BMR Backup Image section for creating the BMR backup images.
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1. Download the BMR bootable ISO image from the Druva Web site. Write the ISO image as
RAW format on an optical medium to create a bootable disk.
2. Restart the client PC that needs to be restored with the newly created disk. The inSync BMR
screen displays.
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2.7.4 Reports
Druva inSync server sends two types of email messages –
i. Alerts– Short message sent for any notification trigger set or error occurring on the
ii. Status Reports – Elaborate report for user activity, status and statistics since the last
report was generated. Alerts
Each time a notification trigger is hit or error is generated, the server generates an alert and
sends the inSync administrator a short email describing the alert details.
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The inSync administrator can also disable certain reports by clicking on the disable button
against a report.
2.8 Help
The documentation Help for inSync Sever is available in two formats.
i. Quick Setup Guide and
ii. Administrator’s Guide
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The Quick Setup Guide is an 8 quick steps guide to configure Druva inSync server. It shows each
step along with a sample screen for quicker configuration of inSync server.
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Go to Control Panel Add Remove Programs Druva inSync Server and choose uninstall.
After uninstalling the Druva inSync server successfully, the server configuration files have to
be deleted manually. These files are located under inSyncServer and Druva folders.
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2. The End User License Agreement (EULA) displays. Accept the EULA and then click Next.
3. Specify the location for the Druva inSync Client. A user can also browse or specify alternate
4. Setup creates the program shortcut, Druva inSync in the Start menu folder.
5. Click the Next button, the installation screen displays. It displays the status of tasks
6. Starts the performing different tasks and shows the status. Click the Finish button.
7. The inSync client starts working and appears in the Windows system tray.
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CAUTION: An authentication key can only be used once and it can never be reused by the same
user or anyone else. In case a user loses the backup configuration or a laptop then user needs
to restore the data, the inSync administrator can generate a new authentication key for the
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After starting the inSync client, the inSync icon appears in the system tray. Click the inSync icon.
The Druva inSync control panel displays with various possible options. A user can configure the
backup settings described below.
The Configure inSync screen appears, where a user can configure the following –
i. Backup settings
ii. Folders
iii. Web Restore
iv. Advanced settings
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NOTE: Druva inSync client uses opportunistic scheduling which means that if a scheduled sync
hasn’t taken place, it will take place the next time connectivity to server is available.
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The inSync client lets the user provision a fraction of available computation power for backup
making backups less intrusive and battery life friendly. Move the slider to the appropriate level
of available CPU to make provision for inSync. The inSync client will try to use CPU accordingly
when possible.
Bandwidth and CPU prioritization enable users to dedicate lesser resources for backup and
prioritize on work. This is especially useful for WAN based off-site backups or for users who
travel frequently.
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Folder Path - Choose the folder path to synchronize by clicking the Choose Folder Path
InSync Identifier - The inSync client identifies the folder configured for synchronization
by a unique folder identifier, which auto-generates. A user can change it. The identifier
is used to identify the folders and files, while restoring them.
Optimize of Large Number of Files - This option should only be used when the number
of files in the configured folders exceeds ten thousand (10,000). For example, while
choosing path – C:\Users\Mary in Windows Vista.
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The option requests the client to use advanced file-system scanning (MFT) and file-
change-log (FCL) tracking for backup and may be a bit slow for smaller folders.
Include Filter - InSync allows a user to set an include filter that specifies what file types
to synchronize. A user can choose from common file types like, office documents, PDF
files, HTML files and so on to automatically populate the filter list.
Exclude Filter - Similar to the Include Filter, a user can specify a set of file types or file
patterns to exclude. Note that if the inSync administrator sets an exclude filter, the
effective filter set is the combination of both filter sets.
NOTE: A user can directly edit the filter list to add or remove file extensions separated
by semi-colon. This filter set is more powerful than mere filename extensions. A user
can also specify partial global patterns like design*.pdf; which will include/exclude files
that start with 'design' and end with a '.PDF' extension – depending on which filter list a
user adds it to. Also beware that if a user include a file type or pattern and exclude it as
well then it will be effectively excluded.
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Exclude Folders - This option lets the user choose folder names which should be
excluded from the backup. Any sub-folder name containing the exclude folder name is
Quick Configuration - For quicker configuration, apart from configuring custom folders,
the inSync client offers three predefined folders which can be added for synchronization
with a single click.
With email quick configuration, a user can configure Outlook emails to be backed up via
MAPI interface by choosing Outlook 2003, 2007 and 2010 Advanced from the list of
email option. This provides better deduplication and faster backup/ restore of pst files.
A user still has the option of backing up Outlook emails as plain pst files by choosing
Microsoft Outlook 2003, 2007 and 2010 option.
Selecting one of the folder checkboxes pops the New Folder for inSync window and lets
the user confirm the folder path and filter.
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Similarly, select the folder and click Remove Folder Configuration for deleting the folder
This feature is disabled for every user by default and must be activated manually from Web
Restore tab in the client configuration. To use this feature, click the Web Restore tab and check
- Enable restore from a browser and set the web-restore password as shown in the screen
below –
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To use this feature and access the backed up files, open the browser from any computer and
type the web address listed in the web-restore GUI (For example,
Alternatively click the Launch Web Restore button to open the browser window.
As shown below, the restore URL when accessed shows a login screen first. Use the backup
username and web-restore password to access files.
On successful login, the restore page lists all the restore points (shown below). The user can
either click the file directly to download or choose the folder. Click the download folder button
to download the entire folder as a zip archive.
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However there may be times when the Druva inSync Server is changed or needs a new IP
address, and the inSync administrator may request the client to change the IP. In that case the
user can select an IP address and remove it and then add a new IP address. A user can have
more than one IP address in the list. The inSync client will cycle through the list and attempt to
connect to each server in turn. This allows user to configure the local (LAN) server IP as well as
the external (WAN) IP and port number once and then freely moves between both networks
without having to re-configure the server IP address each time a user switches the different
types of networks.
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Druva inSync 4.0 – Administrator’s Guide Notifications
The Show notification option enables notifications on the client. If enabled, the client pops up a
notification message in case of errors or warnings as shown below –
The user can actively track progress and after the backup is complete it automatically displays
the status window.
5.4 Restore
The inSync client facilitates easy restore over the network. To begin restore, the users can right-
click on the system tray and select restore or choose to restore from the main menu.
The data is backed up and maintained for as many days as specified by the inSync
administrator. All the backups within this timeframe are shown as a timeline when the user
starts the restore.
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If the user is configured for a Plain File Store, only two versions of each file are maintained. The
restoration window at the top level lists the versions as current and old. Each time a file is
deleted or changed the last working version is copied from current to old.
NOTE: The Plain File Store has some drawbacks regarding file sizes as well. The inSync
administrator can specify a maximum file size that limits the availability of 2 versions of this file
on the server. For example, if the file size limit is set to 100MB, then files larger than this won't
show up in the old folder unless it has been deleted. To restore the files, right click on any file or
folder and choose to restore to original location or to a new location in the PC.
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Druva inSync 4.0 – Administrator’s Guide
5.5 Status
The inSync client shows the detailed status of last backup and can be launched from the system
tray or from the main menu. The inSync status window shows details from the last backup like–
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Druva inSync 4.0 – Administrator’s Guide
Pause or Resume –Allows a user temporarily pause or resume backup synchronization at any
time. This can be particularly useful when the user experiencing slow network link and
absolutely don't want any synchronization to take place temporarily. The option must be
allowed by the inSync administrator.
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Druva inSync 4.0 – Administrator’s Guide
The user should, in that case, check the logs, and if needed contact the inSync administrator.
The logs can be examined by clicking the view logs button on the status window, as shown
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Druva inSync 4.0 – Administrator’s Guide
Go to Windows Start All Programs Druva inSync select Uninstall Druva InSync
After uninstalling the Druva inSync successfully, the client configuration files have to be
deleted manually. These files are located under inSync folder.
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