WebAgent IIS PDF
WebAgent IIS PDF
WebAgent IIS PDF
0 for Web
for IIS 7.5, 8.0, and 8.5 Installation and
Configuration Guide
Revision 1
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Copyright © 1995-2017 EMC Corporation. All Rights Reserved Published in the USA.
December 2015
Revised: May 2017
RSA Authentication Agent 8.0 for Web for IIS Installation and Configuration Guide
Revision History .............................................................................................................. 7
Preface................................................................................................................................... 9
About This Guide................................................................................................................ 9
RSA Authentication Agent for Web for IIS Documentation .............................................. 9
Related Documentation....................................................................................................... 9
Support and Service .......................................................................................................... 10
Before You Call Customer Support........................................................................... 10
Contents 3
RSA Authentication Agent 8.0 for Web for IIS Installation and Configuration Guide
4 Contents
RSA Authentication Agent 8.0 for Web for IIS Installation and Configuration Guide
Contents 5
RSA Authentication Agent 8.0 for Web for IIS Installation and Configuration Guide
Configure the Web Agent for Single Sign-On to the SharePoint Server 2013................114
Prepare to Set Up Single Sign-On to the SharePoint Server 2013 ...........................115
Configure Single Sign-On to the SharePoint Server 2013 .......................................115
Configure the Web Agent for Single Sign-On to the SharePoint Server 2010................118
Prepare to Set Up Single Sign-On to the SharePoint Server 2010 ...........................118
Configure Single Sign-On to the SharePoint Server 2010 .......................................119
Configuring a New SharePoint Server 2010 Site to Use
Claims-Based Authentication ............................................................................... 121
Before You Uninstall the Web Agent ............................................................................. 124
6 Contents
RSA Authentication Agent 8.0 for Web for IIS Installation and Configuration Guide
Revision History
Date Revision
Revision History 7
RSA Authentication Agent 8.0 for Web for IIS Installation and Configuration Guide
Related Documentation
For more information about products related to RSA Authentication Agent for Web
for IIS, see the RSA Authentication Manager documentation set. RSA Authentication
Manager documentation is available ffrom RSA Link at https://community.rsa.com.
Preface 9
RSA Authentication Agent 8.0 for Web for IIS Installation and Configuration Guide
10 Preface
RSA Authentication Agent 8.0 for Web for IIS Installation and Configuration Guide
1 Overview
About RSA Authentication Agent for Web for IIS
Security Features
Types of User Access
Support for TCP/IP
Web Templates
RSA Authentication Agent Control Panel
Note: Web access authentication protects http and https URLs. Web access
authentication does not support gopher, news, ftp, wais, or telnet protocols.
Security Features
When combined with RSA Authentication Manager, the Web Agent enhances web
server security with the strong, two-factor authentication of time-based RSA SecurID
authenticators (hardware or software tokens).
1: Overview 11
RSA Authentication Agent 8.0 for Web for IIS Installation and Configuration Guide
Important: The security provided by the Web Agent depends on the security of the
protected system. Even if the Web Agent is implemented with no vulnerabilities, the
strong authentication it provides can be compromised if the underlying system is not
secure. The Web Agent is intended to bolster the security of the web server, not
replace it. If the underlying application is not secure, the Web Agent cannot prevent
those vulnerabilities from being exploited.
The customer is responsible for securing the servers protected by the Web Agent. This
involves securing the binaries and other files stored on the server. RSA recommends
that you allow only administrators to access production machines hosting web servers.
You must also ensure that sample code is not installed on production machines.
The following table describes the security features provided by the Web Agent.
Two-factor authentication To gain access to a protected web page, users enter their user
name and a valid RSA SecurID passcode, which consists of
• A personal identification number (PIN)
• The tokencode currently displayed on their RSA SecurID
Tamper-evident cookies Cookies that the Web Agent distributes to a user’s browser
that contain:
• Information indicating that the user has successfully
• An encrypted data string that is used to detect whether
someone has altered the cookie contents.
Any tampering is logged in the system Web Agent audit
The Web Agent administrator can set the expiration times for
the cookies during installation to help protect the URL if users
leave their computers.
12 1: Overview
RSA Authentication Agent 8.0 for Web for IIS Installation and Configuration Guide
Support for Risk-Based The Web Agent can be configured to support the Risk Based
Authentication Authentication feature of Authentication Manager. For more
information, see the document Integrating RSA Authentication
Agent for Web with RSA Authentication Manager Risk-Based
Authentication. You can download this document from
RSA Link at https://community.rsa.com.
Cookies Distributed to
Access URLs the User Can Configuration
User’s Browser Upon
Type Access Instructions
Successful Authentication
Local Local cookie Protected URLs on the local “Configure the Web
web server Access Authentication
Cookies” on page 40.
Domain Domain cookie Protected URLs on all web “Set Up Multiple Server
servers in the domain and Multiple Domain
Authentication” on
page 58.
Multiple Domain cookies from each Protected URLs on web “Set Up Multiple Server
domains domain servers in multiple domains and Multiple Domain
Authentication” on
page 58.
1: Overview 13
RSA Authentication Agent 8.0 for Web for IIS Installation and Configuration Guide
Note: If you are using the risk-based authentication (RBA) feature in RSA
Authentication Manager, you must keep the default UDP support on the Web Agent.
The Web Agent with TCP/IP does not support RBA.
Web Templates
When users authenticate successfully to the Web Agent using a standard browser, the
system returns a message informing them about the success or failure of the
authentication attempt through an HTML page. For wireless device microbrowsers,
the system returns messages in WML format.
The Web Agent product kit provides default versions of HTML and WML templates
and messages that you can customize to reflect your company’s image and
administrative needs. For more information, see Chapter 5, “Customizing Templates
and Message Strings.”
14 1: Overview
RSA Authentication Agent 8.0 for Web for IIS Installation and Configuration Guide
1: Overview 15
RSA Authentication Agent 8.0 for Web for IIS Installation and Configuration Guide
Note: The Web Agent supports running 32-bit applications on Windows Server 2008
R2 SP1 (64-bit) for IIS 7.5, Windows Server 2012 (64-bit) for IIS 8.0, and Windows
Server 2012 R2 (64-bit) for IIS 8.5.
The following table describes the hardware requirements to install Web Agent 8.0.
Disk Space 35 MB
• Mozilla Firefox 37
• Google Chrome 42
For security purposes, instruct end users to disable caching in their browsers. If you do
not prevent the caching of protected pages, and the logoff URL does not have a
referring page or referrer, the default URL “/” is cached. Unauthorized users are sent
to the default web page without being challenged for RSA SecurID credentials.
Ensure that you do not place any sensitive information in the root “/”.
You can prevent the caching of protected pages by choosing the Web Agent option to
Prevent Caching of Protected Pages on Clients. For more information, see
“Configure Advanced Settings” on page 44. You can use the IIS Manager to prevent
the caching of static web pages. For more information, see “Prevent Caching of Static
HTML Pages in Client Browsers” on page 58.
Wireless Support
RSA SecurID authentication to web pages through wireless application protocol
requires the following WAP 1.1 and 1.2.1 specifications:
• Caching of cookies
• DTD 1.1 of WML
RSA SecurID users must enable the cookie acceptance feature in their browsers. They
must also use web browsers that support FORMs and Persistent Client State HTTP
Pre-Installation Tasks
Install Role Services
Verify that .NET 3.5 is Installed on Windows Server 2012 and 2012 R2
Specify the Character Set
Collect the sdconf.rec File
Prepare Users for RSA SecurID Authentication
Allow Different RSA SecurID and Microsoft Windows User Names
Note: If these role services are not installed, you cannot uninstall or reinstall the Web
Verify that .NET 3.5 is Installed on Windows Server 2012 and 2012 R2
To install the Web Agent on Windows Server 2012 or Windows Server 2012 R2, you
must have .NET Framework 3.5 installed on the Windows Server 2012 or Windows
Server 2012 R2 machine.
Windows Server 2012 comes prepackaged with .NET 4.5 and Windows Server 2012
R2 comes prepackaged with .NET 4.5.1. However, .NET 3.5 is required.
To generate sdconf.rec:
1. Log on to the Security Console as an administrator.
2. Select Access > Authentication Agents > Generate Configuration File.
3. Using the default settings, select Generate Config File.
4. Click the Download Now link and save the file in a location accessible during the
Web Agent installation.
5. Unzip the AM_Config.zip file so that the contents can be used.
To allow different user names for RSA SecurID and Microsoft Windows:
1. In the Windows registry, access HKLM\SOFTWARE\SDTI\RSAWebAgent.
2. Create a new DWORD Value named MatchOnSecurIDUsername.
3. Set the Value to 0. This value allows different user names.
To require the user names to match, set the value to 1.
4. Restart IIS. Do the following:
a. On the IIS server, click Start > Run.
b. Type IISReset, and click OK.
The Command Prompt window displays the IISReset command status.
c. Verify that IIS stops and restarts.
Before installing RSA Authentication Agent for Web for IIS, do the following:
• Verify that RSA Authentication Manager is installed and running.
• Verify that users have RSA SecurID hardware or software authenticators (tokens)
that have been enabled in RSA Authentication Manager.
• Make sure the sdconf.rec file is available for import during the installation. For
more information, see “Collect the sdconf.rec File” on page 21.
• Check whether the user names in the Authentication Manager database records
have the users’ Windows domain name attached (for example, DOMAIN\user
name). If so, select the Send domain and user name to RSA Authentication
Manager option when you configure authentication options. For more
information, see “Configure Advanced Settings” on page 44.
Note: If you leave the fields blank on the Character Set page, you must
configure the character settings for each web site. If you do not configure the
character settings at both the Web Agent and web site levels, the Web Agent
returns an error when you access protected pages from these web sites.
Next Steps
After installing Web Agent, perform the following tasks:
1. (Optional) “Configure the Web Agent to Support 32-Bit Applications on
Windows 64-Bit IIS” on page 25
2. (Optional) “Change to TCP/IP Networking Support” on page 25
3. “Register the Web Agent in RSA Authentication Manager 8.0 or Later” on
page 26
4. “Configure the IIS Manager SSL Certificate” on page 26
5. “Test Authentication” on page 26
6. “Enable an IP Address Override on a UDP-Based Web Agent” on page 28
7. (Optional) “Configure the Agent to Use Risk-Based Authentication” on page 29.
This option requires UDP networking.
Configure the Web Agent to Support 32-Bit Applications on Windows 64-Bit IIS
The 64-bit installer for the Web Agent installs both 32-bit and 64-bit dynamic libraries
(.dll) and services (.exe) to protect both 32-bit and 64-bit web applications.
The Web Agent supports running 32-bit applications on Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1
(64-bit) for IIS 7.5, Windows Server 2012 (64-bit) for IIS 8.0, and Windows Server
2012 R2 (64-bit) for IIS 8.5.
You can group your 32-bit applications under one web site, and assign a 32-bit
application pool to that web site.
Next Step
Register the Web Agent in RSA Authentication Manager 8.0 or Later
Next Steps
For a new Web Agent 8.0 installation, do the following:
1. “Configure the IIS Manager SSL Certificate” on page 26.
2. “Test Authentication” on page 26.
If you upgraded to Web Agent 8.0, see “Test Authentication” on page 26.
Note: If you do not have an SSL certificate installed, the web access authentication
user name and passcode will not be encrypted before transmission between the end
user browser and the web server.
Test Authentication
You test authentication to:
• Verify the authentication environment
• Create a node secret for a UDP-based Web Agent
The node secret is a symmetric encryption key that Authentication Manager and the
Web Agent use to encrypt and decrypt packets of data as they travel across the
network. The first time a user successfully authenticates or tests authentication from a
UDP-based Web Agent host, Authentication Manager creates a node secret for that
Web Agent host and stores it in the Authentication Manager database. A copy of the
node secret is encrypted and sent to the Web Agent.
For agents that are based upon the UDP protocol, the node secret is stored in both the
Authentication Manager database and in a file on the Web Agent host. For agents that
are based upon the TCP protocol, a node secret file is optional, and the location is
specified in the rsa_api.properties file. Instead of a node secret, a dynamically
negotiated key is used to encrypt the channel along with a strong encryption
If the node secret was created with the RSA Authentication Agent SDK 8.1 or earlier,
then the node secret uses an older format. You must convert the existing node secret to
the newer format that is used by the Web Agent 8.0. Use the agent_nsload utility that
is included with the RSA Authentication Agent API 8.5 on RSA Link. To download
the Authentication Agent API, go to https://community.rsa.com. For instructions on
using the utility, see the RSA Authentication Agent API 8.5 Developer’s Guide.
For UDP-based agents, if the node secret on the Web Agent host is corrupted or does
not match the node secret in the Authentication Manager database, encrypted
communications between the Web Agent and Authentication Manager cannot work. If
this happens, Authentication Manager logs a node verification failure message in the
Authentication Manager Activity Monitor. For troubleshooting information, see
“Node Secrets” on page 138.
Use the RSA Authentication Agent control panel to test that Web Agent authentication
has been correctly implemented. The test verifies that:
• The sdconf.rec file you installed on the agent host points to the appropriate
Authentication Manager database.
• The agent host has a valid node secret file.
• Your system is configured properly for authentication.
To test authentication:
1. Open the RSA Control Panel.
• On Windows Server 2008 R2:
Click Start > Control Panel, and then double-click RSA Authentication
• On Windows Server 2012 or Windows Server 2012 R2:
7. In the Passcode field, enter the passcode (your RSA SecurID PIN followed by the
tokencode generated by your RSA SecurID token.
8. Click OK.
If the system is correctly implemented and configured, it returns Authentication
successful. You have successfully installed or upgraded the Web Agent.
If you cannot authenticate, see Chapter 8, “Troubleshooting.”
Next Steps
The following steps might be required in some deployments:
• If a UDP-based Web Agent runs on a host that has multiple network interface
cards, see “Enable an IP Address Override on a UDP-Based Web Agent” on
page 28.
• “Configure the Agent to Use Risk-Based Authentication” on page 29. This option
requires UDP.
• If the Web Agent and the Windows Agent are installed on the same machine, see
“Co-Existence of the Web Agent and the Windows Agent” on page 29.
Note: Use the Repair option in the installation wizard to reinstall the Web
Next Steps
The following steps might be required in some deployments:
• “Configure the Agent to Use Risk-Based Authentication” on page 29. This option
requires UDP.
• If the Web Agent and the Windows Agent are installed on the same machine, see
“Co-Existence of the Web Agent and the Windows Agent” on page 29.
Next Steps
If the Web Agent and the Windows Agent are installed on the same machine, see
“Co-Existence of the Web Agent and the Windows Agent” on page 29.
3. If you changed the Web Agent to support TCP/IP networking, you must edit the
rsa_api.properties file in the C:\Program Files\RSA Security\
RSAWebAgent directory. These updates are not required if you kept the default
UDP networking support for the Web Agent.
Update the following parameters:
• RSA_AGENT_NAME requires the same agent host entry that you added in
RSA Authentication Manager.
• If you are using the Windows Agent node secret, then update
SDNDSCRT_LOC with the node secret path.
4. Restart IIS from the command prompt. Do not use the IIS Manager GUI to restart
IIS. Do the following:
a. On the IIS server, click Start > Run.
b. Type IISReset, and click OK.
The Command Prompt window displays the IISReset command status.
c. Verify that IIS stops and restarts.
Note: You can obtain a new sdconf.rec file from RSA Authentication
4. For each website in IIS, SharePoint, and Exchange Server that is protected by
RSA SecurID, back up the website and resource files web.config and rsa-temp.
For example,in IIS Manager, right-click Default Web Site and select Explore.
Back up the following files:
• C:\inetpub\wwwroot\web.config
• C:\inetpub\wwwroot\rsa-temp
Repeat this step for every website that are protected with RSA SecurID.
Next Step
Uninstall Version 7.1.3 or Later
Next Step
Install Version 8.0
Note: If you leave the fields blank on the Character Set page, you must
configure the character settings for each web site. If you do not configure the
character settings at both the Web Agent and web site levels, the Web Agent
returns an error when you access protected pages from these web sites.
Next Step
Install Version 8.0
Note: You can obtain a new sdconf.rec file from RSA Authentication
8. For Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 or 2016 only, verify that the
RSAResponseInterceptorModule is in the Exchange Back End Modules list. Do
the following:
a. On the Microsoft Exchange Server, click Start > Settings > Control Panel >
RSA Web Agent.
b. In the Connections pane, double-click server_name, and click Sites >
Exchange Back End > owa, where server_name is the name of the IIS Server
c. Verify that the RSAResponseInterceptorModule is in the Modules list. If the
module is not listed, you must add it.
d. Using a text editor, open web.config of server_name, and click Sites >
Exchange Back End > owa, where server_name is the name of the IIS Server
e. Add the following entry in the <modules> tag, which is before the
</system.webServer> tag:
<add name="RSAResponseInterceptorModule"
RSAResponseInterceptorModule, Version=version_number,
Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=3b8ca08bdac1d008" />
Replace version_number with the correct version number. For example,
replace version_number with
To determine the RSA Authentication Agent version number, click Start >
Control Panel, and click RSA Authentication Agent. The version number is
displayed on the main tab, in the Installed RSA Agents section.
f. Save and close the web.config file.
9. For each SharePoint site that is protected by RSA SecurID, edit the web.config
file, and replace the RSAResponseInterceptorModule version number with the
latest Web Agent version number. Do the following:
To determine the RSA Authentication Agent version number, click Start >
Control Panel, and click RSA Authentication Agent. The version number is
displayed on the main tab, in the Installed RSA Agents section.
Next Step
Next Steps After Upgrading
• On Windows Server 2012 or 2012 R2, click > Control Panel >
Programs > Programs and Features.
• On Windows Server 2008 R2, Click Start > Control Panel > Programs and
2. Scroll to and click RSA Authentication Agent for Web for IIS.
3. Click Uninstall.
4. In the modules list, verify that an entry exists for the SecurIDModule. Click
Remove from the Actions pane of the IIS Manager to remove the module.
Next Steps
Do the following:
• If the Web Agent was deployed with Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 SP1 or
2016 with or without SSO, see “Reconfigure Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 or
2016 After Uninstalling Web Agent” on page 36
• If the Web Agent was deployed with Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 without
SSO, see “Reconfigure Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 After Uninstalling Web
Agent” on page 36.
• If the Web Agent was deployed with Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 with SSO,
no additional procedures are required.
4. In the owa (Default Web Site) Properties dialog box, click the Authentication tab,
and then select Use forms-based authentication and Domain/user name
5. Click OK.
6. Restart the IIS web server.
Note: When you make changes to the web access authentication properties of a virtual
server, you must restart the IIS server.
Note: RSA provides online Help (RSA Authentication Agent for Web Help)
describing how to configure the options described in the following sections. To view
Help, click the Help link on the RSA SecurID page of any virtual web site in the
Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.
Note: The pop-up is displayed if the protected site’s application pool is in integrated
mode in Outlook Web App or SharePoint.
Important: Always use the SharePoint Server Sign Out command to end SharePoint
Server sessions. If you click user_name > Sign Out, the Web Agent deletes all
session cookies and persistent cookies.
Note: You can use the Web Agent Cookie API to add information, which you extract
at a later time, to the cookie. For more information, see the RSA Authentication Agent
for Web for IIS Developer’s Guide.
Protect Resources
The following table describes options for protecting resources and provides the related
Help topic for each option.
Option Related Help Topic Description
Entire web site Protect This Protecting an Entire By protecting the virtual server,
Resource Site you are protecting the root
directory of that server and all the
resources in the server. Do not
attempt to protect only the
default.htm file. Instead, protect
the entire virtual web server, but
remove the protection settings on
specific directories or files that
you want to make available for
general access.
Option Related Help Topic Description
Individual files Protect This Protecting Individual When you protect a directory, any
Resource Files files or subdirectories you add to
with the directory later are protected
RSA SecurID automatically.
Protecting files instead of specific
directories creates additional
administrative overhead. With
individual file protection, you
must enable URL protection on
each file, which may result in
some files being overlooked and
left unprotected.
Option Related Help Topic Description
Web Agent Configuring Web This setting allows you to enhance the
Character Settings Agent Character security of your web site.
Settings You must determine the character settings
used by the web site to configure this setting.
By default, this setting is inherited from the
Web Agent level default setting that is set
during installation. If you want to override the
Web Agent level settings, you can configure
the character sets for individual web sites.
If your web site is designed to support the
UTF-8 character set, you must set the
site-level character setting to UTF-8. You can
find the code page corresponding to the
character setting at
If you do not specify the character sets
correctly, the web site might not function as
expected and data might get corrupted.
Redirect HTTP Controlling If you enable SSL, clients that connect using a
Connections to Redirection of HTTP non-SSL (HTTP) connection are redirected to
Secure Server Connections a page with a link to the HTTPS server.
Rather than display a page with a link, you
can automatically redirect users to the secure
For example, if a user attempts to access a
protected resource at
res/, the user’s request would be redirected
automatically to
ures/ (note use of the HTTPS protocol).
Disable IIS Server Disabling the Internet If the web access authentication feature set
if Agent Fails to Information Services fails to load properly during web service
Load (IIS) Server if the startup, the IIS server is disabled. All users
Agent Fails to Initialize who try to access URLs on the server see an
error page. The server is disabled to ensure
that unauthorized users do not gain access to
protected resources.
RSA recommends that you enable this feature
for optimum protection of web resources. If
you do not disable the virtual web server, if a
failure occurs, all protected resources are fully
available to any person who gains access to
the server.
Enable Group Enabling Group The Group Security feature allows you to
Security Security control group access to protected web
resources. For more information, see “Control
Group Access to Protected Web Resources”
on page 59.
Send Domain and Sending the Domain If your Authentication Manager database
User Name to Name with the User records have users’ domain names appended
RSA Name to their user names, for example,
Authentication DOMAIN\jsmith, you can configure web
Manager access authentication to send the full
domain\user name string during
authentication to the Authentication Manager.
To use this feature, you must have Windows
authentication enabled on your web server.
For more information, see the Microsoft
Internet Information Services (IIS)
When RSA SecurID users attempt to access a
page that is protected by web access
authentication, they must first enter their
Windows user name and password. You must
instruct users to always enter their domain
names with their user names (for example,
DOMAIN\jsmith). When the RSA SecurID
passcode authentication prompt is displayed,
the full domain\user name string is inserted
automatically in the User name field.
Ignore Browser IP Ignoring the Browser By default, this feature is disabled so that the
Address for IP Address for Cookie Web Agent uses the browser IP address to
Cookie Validation Validation sign the cookie. However, if there is a proxy
or a firewall between the browser and the Web
Agent, the IP address used may be the same.
If you have web sites that are accessed
through load balanced proxy servers, where
the browser IP addresses may change, you
may want to enable this feature. Otherwise,
the user may have to authenticate quite
Use RSA Enabling Name Name locking is a legacy feature. Select this
Authentication Locking option if you want to configure the Web
Manager Name Agent to display separate user name and
Locking Feature passcode pages to the user.
Use Separate User Using Separate User You can configure the Web Agent to display
Name and Name and Passcode separate user name and passcode pages to the
PASSCODE Pages Pages user. To use this feature, you must also enable
name locking.
Use JavaScript Using a JavaScript If the protected web site uses HTML frames,
Pop-Up Window Pop-Up Window to sometimes the passcode prompt is too small
to Authenticate in Authenticate in Frames to read clearly. To prevent this problem,
Frames display the passcode prompt in a JavaScript
pop-up window.
Use Text Link Using the Text Link During multiple domain authentication, the
Authentication Authentication Web Agent attempts to get an image from
Mechanisms for Mechanism for each of the domains to verify that it has made
Multiple Domain Multiple Domain a connection. Some mobile devices display
WML Access WML Access the image even though the Web Agent has not
connected successfully. Once users
authenticate in a multiple domain
environment and attempt to access a URL in
another domain, they are prompted to
authenticate again.
This option forces the users to manually click
a text link for each domain instead of
attempting to automatically make the
connection using images.
Disable Cookie Disabling Cookie API This option allows you to disable any cookie
API Processing Processing API processing that you have implemented.
Use Standard Page Using the Standard Because many mobile devices do not respond
Cache Prevention Page Cache Prevention to the standard method of preventing page
Mechanism for Mechanism for WML caching, the Web Agent uses an alternative
WML Access Access method for WML access. However, the
standard method is more efficient.
This option configures the Web Agent to
attempt to use the standard method of
preventing page caching.
To use this feature, you must first enable
Prevent Caching of Protected Pages on
Clients, and the user’s device must be capable
of using the standard no cache method.
Use RSA Token Using the RSA Token Enabling this option protects RSA SecurID
for Cross-Site for Cross-Site Request Authentication web pages from cross-site
Request Forgery Forgery Protection request forgery attacks. This feature works by
Protection adding a random number, referred to as an
RSA token, as a hidden parameter in the
forms and pages, which are based on the
templates provided by RSA. The RSA Web
Authentication API provides functions to get
the RSA token from the web access
authentication cookie. A request is allowed
only if the RSA token is found to be valid, as
verified by the Web Agent.
For the logoff URL, the web page containing
the link to the RSA logoff URL uses this API
to retrieve the RSA token and set it in a
hidden field. This token is sent along with the
logoff request. If this option is enabled, the
Web Agent verifies the RSA token and
accepts the request only if the token in the
request is valid. To learn more about how to
use the RSA Web Authentication API to add
the RSA token in the logoff URL, see the
sample programs provided with the Web
Agent installer.
The Web Agent also sets a pre-logon cookie
containing an RSA token in all the RSA web
pages, such as the Logon page and New PIN
page, which is verified when you submit these
Target This Using Single-Sign On With single sign-on (SSO), users authenticate
Resource for using only RSA SecurID tokens to access a
Single-Sign On web application or web portal that would
otherwise also be protected by a Microsoft
Windows logon.
SSO access is applicable for the Outlook Web
App and Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010
SP2 (with the latest patches) on Windows
Server 2008 R2 SP1 (64-bit), and the Outlook
Web App and SharePoint Server 2013 SP1 on
Windows Server 2012 and Windows Server
2012 R2.
Manage Manage SharePoint You can configure the RSA Persistent Cookie
SharePoint Settings settings for single sign-on between Internet
Settings Explorer and Microsoft Office 2007 and 2010
when client integration is enabled on
SharePoint Server 2010 SP2 and 2013 SP1.
Action on Cookie Setting Cookie Select an option for what happens when the
Expiration Expiration Times specified time expires:
• Session Logoff — (default) The session
times out, and a SecurID Logon page
appears. The user must reauthenticate to
continue working.
If multiple windows are open, only one
authentication is required. The user can
refresh the other windows, and ignore the
authentication cancelled message.
Some URLs include a hashtag, #, that is
followed by information about the state of
the client or the browser, for example, if a
draft is being edited in Outlook Web App.
This information is not sent to the server.
Instead, a user who reauthenticates after a
session logoff is returned to the root URL.
The Session Logoff option is recommended
if you are using SharePoint Server.
Cookies Expire if Setting Cookie You can set the cookies to expire if they
Not Used Within Expiration Times remain idle (server side) for the specified
the Specified Time expiration time during a browsing session.
The minimum time is one minute. The
maximum time is 1440 minutes (one day).
This value applies to both session cookies and
persistent cookies.
If you use legacy applications that require you
to prevent persistent cookies from expiring,
see “Remove the Idle Timeout Value for
Persistent Cookies” on page 52.
Cookies Always Setting Cookie You can set the cookies to expire after the
Expire After the Expiration Times specified expiration time is reached during a
Specified Time browser session, whether or not the cookies
are idle.
The minimum time is one minute. The
maximum time is 1440 minutes (one day).
This value applies to session cookies. It does
not apply to persistent cookies.
3. For Exchange Server 2010, Exchange Server 2013, or Exchange Server 2016, on
the RSA SecurID web access authentication properties sheet, select the “Prevent
Caching of Protected Pages on Clients” option.
4. Clear the option to “Use RSA Token for RSA Cross-Site Request Forgery
5. For SharePoint 2010 and SharePoint 2013 only, do the following:
a. On the Microsoft SharePoint Server, click Start > Settings > Control Panel
> RSA Web Agent.
b. In the Connections pane of IIS Manager, double-click server_name, and click
Sites > Site > WebID, where server_name is the name of the IIS Server
c. In the WebID Home pane, double-click Authentication.
d. In the Authentication pane, do the following:
• Select Anonymous Authentication, and click Enable on the Actions
• Select Windows Authentication, and click Disable on the Actions pane.
6. For Exchange Server 2016, you must change the Microsoft Exchange Server Back
End physical path to the same path as the default website.
Note: Record the default Microsoft Exchange Server Back End physical path.
If you need to uninstall the Web Agent, you must first restore the default path.
Do the following:
a. On the Microsoft Exchange Server, click Exchange Back End > Manage
Website > Advanced Settings.
b. On the Advanced Settings panel, set the physical path to
c. Save and close the panel.
7. Verify that the RSAResponseInterceptorModule is in the Exchange Back End
Modules list. Do the following:
a. On the Microsoft Exchange Server, click Start > Settings > Control Panel >
RSA Web Agent.
b. In the Connections pane, double-click server_name, and click Sites >
Exchange Back End > owa, where server_name is the name of the IIS Server
c. Verify that the RSAResponseInterceptorModule is in the Modules list. If the
module is not listed, you must add it.
d. Using a text editor, open web.config of server_name, and click Sites >
Exchange Back End > owa, where server_name is the name of the IIS Server
By default, the web.config file is located in the following directory:
Note: For Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 only, do not apply RSA SecurID
protection to the EWS of the Exchange Back End. Protecting the EWS
prevents emails from being deleted.
10. Restart IIS from the command prompt. Do not use the IIS Manager GUI to restart
IIS. Do the following:
a. On the IIS server, click Start > Run.
b. Type IISReset, and click OK.
The Command Prompt window displays the IISReset command status.
c. Verify that IIS stops and restarts.
Note: Record the default Microsoft Exchange Server Back End physical path.
If you need to uninstall the Web Agent, you must first restore the default path.
Do the following:
a. On the Microsoft Exchange Server, click Exchange Back End > Manage
Website > Advanced Settings.
b. On the Advanced Settings panel, set the physical path to
c. Save and close the panel.
7. Verify that the RSAResponseInterceptorModule is in the Exchange Back End
Modules list. Do the following:
a. On the Microsoft Exchange Server, click Start > Settings > Control Panel >
RSA Web Agent.
b. In the Connections pane, double-click server_name, and click Sites >
Exchange Back End > owa, where server_name is the name of the IIS Server
c. Verify that the RSAResponseInterceptorModule is in the Modules list. If the
module is not listed, you must add it.
d. Using a text editor, open web.config of server_name, and click Sites >
Exchange Back End > owa, where server_name is the name of the IIS Server
By default, the web.config file is located in the following directory:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\vNumber
Where vNumber is v14 for Exchange Server 2010 or v15 for Exchange
Server 2013 and Exchange Server 2016.
e. Add the following entry in the <modules> tag, which is before the
</system.webServer> tag:
<add name="RSAResponseInterceptorModule"
RSAResponseInterceptorModule, Version=version_number,
Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=3b8ca08bdac1d008" />
Replace version_number with the correct version number. For example,
replace version_number with
To determine the RSA Authentication Agent version number, click Start >
Control Panel, and click RSA Authentication Agent. The version number is
displayed on the main tab, in the Installed RSA Agents section.
f. Save and close the web.config file.
g. Repeat step c through step f for the ecp site.
8. For Exchange Server 2013 or 2016 only, make sure that OWA and the ECP of the
Exchange Back End is SecurID protected. Do the following:
a. On the Microsoft Exchange Server, click Start > Settings > Control Panel >
RSA Web Agent.
b. In the Connections pane, double-click server_name, and click Sites >
Exchange Back End > owa, where server_name is the name of the IIS Server
c. In the owa Home pane, double-click RSA SecurID.
d. In the RSA SecurID pane, select Protect This Resource with RSA SecurID.
e. In the Actions pane, click Apply.wik
f. In the Connections pane, double-click server_name, and click Sites >
Exchange Back End > ecp, where server_name is the name of the IIS Server
g. In the ecp Home pane, double-click RSA SecurID.
h. In the RSA SecurID pane, select Protect This Resource with RSA SecurID.
i. In the Actions pane, click Apply.
9. For Exchange Server 2010 only, make sure that the ECP of the Exchange Back
End is SecurID protected. Do the following:
a. On the Microsoft Exchange Server, click Start > Settings > Control Panel >
RSA Web Agent.
b. In the Connections pane, double-click server_name, and click Sites >
Exchange Back End > ecp, where server_name is the name of the IIS Server
c. In the ecp Home pane, double-click RSA SecurID.
d. In the RSA SecurID pane, select Protect This Resource with RSA SecurID.
e. In the Actions pane, click Apply.
Note: For Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 only, do not apply RSA SecurID
protection to the EWS of the Exchange Back End. Protecting the EWS
prevents emails from being deleted.
10. Restart IIS from the command prompt. Do not use the IIS Manager GUI to restart
IIS. Do the following:
a. On the IIS server, click Start > Run.
b. Type IISReset, and click OK.
The Command Prompt window displays the IISReset command status.
c. Verify that IIS stops and restarts.
Ensure that you test the multiple server and multiple domain authentication features
from the client machine and not the machine on which the Web Agent is installed
(agent host). For multiple domain authentication to work, you need to allow access to
third-party cookies in the web browser.
For instructions on setting up multiple server or multiple domain authentication, see
the Help topics “Setting Up Multiple Server Authentication” and “Setting Up Multiple
Domain Authentication.”
Note: The browser should consider all Web Agent-protected domains in the local
intranet. For example, a problem accessing *.net after first authenticating at *.com:88
can be resolved by adding *.net as a local intranet. To do this in Internet Explorer,
perform the following steps:
1.Select Tools > Internet options > Security > Local intranet > Sites > Advanced.
2.Add the *.net domain to the web sites.
Note: You cannot use the Group Security feature if the IIS machine is a primary
domain controller or backup domain controller.
To enable the Group Security feature, you must perform the following tasks:
1. Create a Local Group
2. Activate a User on the Agent Host
Note: RSA Authentication Manager also allows you to activate users on agent hosts
through Authentication Manager groups. If a user is activated directly on the agent
host and through an Authentication Manager group with the same user name but
different Shell fields, the direct Shell field overrides the group Shell field.
To activate a user on the agent host in RSA Authentication Manager 8.0 or later:
1. Access the appropriate user record in Authentication Manager.
2. Select User Authentication Settings for the user.
The User Authentication Settings page is displayed for the user.
3. In the Default Shell field, enter the name of the local group created on the web
4. Click Save.
Note: You must perform this procedure through Windows Explorer, not the IIS
1. On the IIS web server, open Windows Explorer, and browse to the file you want to
associate with the local group.
2. Right-click the file, and select Properties.
3. Click the Security tab, and click Edit
4. In the Permissions for file_name dialog box, click Add.
5. In the Select Users, Computers, or Groups dialog box, add the local group you
created on the web server.
6. Assign the appropriate permissions.
7. Click OK.
Note: In the Password Only mode, the user must enter the password in the Passcode
Option Description
4. If either the All Users In or All Users Except options are selected, enter the user
names or Active Directory group names, separated by a semicolon (;), with no
spaces before or after each semicolon.
Configure Web Agent selective authentication exactly as follows:
Group specification
Valid groups (in combination with any other setting) are:
a. Local groups
To specify a local group, the syntax is groupName. No prefix, such as ".\", is
b. Domain groups, defined as domain local
To specify a domain group, the syntax is domainName\groupName where
domainName must be the “flat” domain name, as specified by the NETBIOS
For either a Local or Domain group, the members must be domain users. No other
type of group content is acceptable.
User specification
A username can represent a local user or a domain user.
To specify a user name, the syntax is username. No prefix specifying a domain is
Multiple group and user specification
You can specify multiple groups, multiple users, or multiple groups and users.
Make sure that the groups and users are separated by a semicolon (;), with no
spaces before or after each semicolon.
5. Click Apply.
6. Click Close.
Note: The groups listed under All Users In and All Users Except can be local groups
or domain groups. If the group is a domain group, the group scope should be Domain
Note: If you do not provide an argument to referrer= in the logoff URL, users are
sent to the root directory on the virtual web server.
Important: If you do not use a relative path to set up the logoff URL, the URL logs off
the user and fails to connect to the referrer web site. The user is not prompted to
reauthenticate. If you use an absolute path to set up the logoff URL, you must add an
auto-redirect script to enforce RSA SecurID authentication. For information about
auto-redirect scripts, see the following section, “Enforce RSA SecurID Authentication
Using Auto-Redirect Scripts.”
To ensure that the copied cookies are not reused after the user performs a Web Agent
logoff, the logged off cookies are stored in a cookie cache until the cookies
expire.This feature is enabled by default.
Important: The ASP and Perl scripts included with the Web Agent are sample scripts
only. To use them, you must first customize them with your own code.
Important: RSA recommends that your script contain a list of URLs that
users are allowed to access using the redirect URL. Compare the script’s input
argument to the list of allowed URLs before any redirect takes place. Any
user who attempts to access the redirect hyperlink can see the link definition
and can potentially use the redirect script to access the authentication cookie.
By implementing a URL comparison list, you minimize the security risk.
3. Use the customized redirect URL from the script as the hyperlink to the
unprotected site.
An example redirect URL looks like this:
In this example:
• /WebID/IISWebAgentIF.dll/ is the virtual Web Agent reference. It ensures that a
user attempting to access the unprotected URL is prompted to authenticate.
• /Scripts/AspScriptRedirect.asp is the script that performs the redirect to the
input argument.
• http:// unprotectedHostname/new_application.jsp is the input argument, or
unprotected URL.
For more information about customizing auto-redirect scripts, see the instructions
included in each script.
Note: These steps are applicable to protect any web site (including SharePoint sites)
with RSA SecurID.
1. On the IIS server, click Start > Settings > Control Panel > RSA Web Agent.
2. In the Connections pane, double-click server_name, and click Sites > WebSite,
where server_name is the name of the IIS Server Machine and WebSite is the
name of the web site to be protected.
3. In the Site Home pane, double-click RSA SecurID.
4. In the RSA SecurID pane, select Enable RSA SecurID Web Access
Authentication and Protect This Resource with RSA SecurID.
5. In the Actions pane, click Apply.
6. Refresh IIS Manager Connections pane, click server_name, and click Sites >
WebSite > WebID.
7. In the WebID Home pane, double-click Authentication.
8. In the Authentication pane, select Anonymous Authentication, and click Enable
in the Actions pane.
9. Restart the IIS Web Server.
Next Step
The default Session Logoff feature requires users to reauthenticate when a session is
idle on the server for a specified period of time. The Modal Popup feature displays a
blank privacy screen. Both options require additional configuration. For instructions,
see “Configure the Session Logoff or Modal Popup Feature” on page 52.
Note: To protect Outlook Web App see “Protect the Outlook Web App Application”
on page 67.
6. In the Connections pane, double-click server_name, and click Sites > WebSite,
and then select the resource (file, folder or application) to be protected.
7. In the Resource home pane, double-click RSA SecurID.
8. In the RSA SecurID pane, select Protect This Resource with RSA SecurID.
9. In the Actions pane, click Apply.
10. Refresh the IIS Manager Connection pane, click server_name, and click Sites >
WebSite > WebID.
11. In the WebID Home pane, double-click Authentication.
12. In the Authentication pane, select Anonymous Authentication, and click Enable
in the Actions pane.
13. Restart the IIS Web Server.
The user will now be prompted for SecurID Authentication, while accessing the
protected resource.
Next Step
The default Session Logoff feature requires users to reauthenticate when a session is
idle on the server for a specified period of time. The Modal Popup feature displays a
blank privacy screen. Both options require additional configuration. For instructions,
see “Configure the Session Logoff or Modal Popup Feature” on page 52.
Note: If the administrator wants to change the Applications Pool Identity settings for
the Protected Site or for the WebID application see “Web Agent Protection and
Application Pool Identity Settings” on page 71.
Note: For information on configuring the Web Agent for single sign-on (SSO) to
Outlook Web App, see Chapter 6, “Configuring the Web Agent for Single Sign-On to
Outlook Web App.”
Next Step
The default Session Logoff feature requires users to reauthenticate when a session is
idle on the server for a specified period of time. The Modal Popup feature displays a
blank privacy screen. Both options require additional configuration. For instructions,
see “Configure the Session Logoff or Modal Popup Feature” on page 52.
Note: Enabling SecurID protection in the OWA virtual directory does not protect the
Calendar operations. To protect OWA Calendar or Appointments, the administrator
has to enable SecurID protection in the /ecp virtual directory under the Default Web
• Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1, Windows Server 2012, or Windows Server 2012
R2 on the environment domain controller.
• The site should be disabled for Anonymous authentication.
• The site should be enabled for Windows authentication, where the credentials the
user enters should be validated by the Domain Controller.
• The site should be protected by SecurID, and when the user attempts to access the
site should be challenged by both RSA SecurID and Windows credentials.
• Unique user names across all domains.
In addition, user names in the Active Directory Server must match the user names
in the RSA Authentication Manager database.
• Using Active Directory, assign the right to delegate services:
– On the domain controller, click Start > Programs > Administrative Tools >
Active Directory Users and Computers.
– In the left pane, double-click domain name.
– Double-click Computers, and in the right pane, double-click server_name.
– In the Delegation tab, select Trust this computer for delegation to any
service (Kerberos only), and click OK.
4. In the Connections pane of the IIS Manager, double-click server_name, and click
Sites > Site_name where Site_name is the site to be enabled for Single Sign-On,
5. In the Site_name Home pane, double-click Modules.
6. In the Actions pane, click Configure Native Modules and add the
7. In the Connections pane of IIS Manager, double-click server_name, and click
Sites > Site>WebID.
8. In the WebID Home pane, double-click Modules.
9. In the Actions pane, select the SecurIDSSOModule, and click Remove.
Note: The Task scheduler can be configured to run this utility periodically
Protected site’s
Application Pool Identity
2. Grant Read and Execute, List folder contents, and Read permissions to the
\Program Files\RSA Security\RSAWebAgent
3. Grant Read and Execute, and Read permissions to the file:
\Program Files\RSA Security\RSAWebAgent\securid
4. Grant Read and Execute, and Read permissions to the file:
\Program Files\RSA Security\RSAWebAgent\sdstatus.12
Note: Web Agent accesses some registry entries. The permissions for the Web Agent
registry entries and Web Agent configuration files are restricted to SYSTEM and
Domain Administrator. So if the application pool is configured to any identity other
than SYSTEM and Domain Administrator, that particular account should be explicitly
given permission to read the registry settings and configuration files.
Note: For the default UDP-based agents, if the SecurID file is not present in
C:\Program Files\RSA Security\ RSAWebAgent, it means that the node
secret has not yet been created. Create a node secret by following the steps in,
“Test Authentication” on page 26 and then perform step 4. For TCP-based
agents, the node secret is optional.
Value Description
Flow Control Statements All logic flow controls use this (ifs)
4. In the Tracing Destination section, select one or more of the tracing destinations
as explained below.
Location Description
5. By default the log files are created in %WINDIR% directory with the name
Note: To change the default location, create a string value TraceFile under
HKLM\SOFTWARE\SDTI\ACECLIENT and provide the log file location.
For example, to change it to C:\logs folder, specify
6. After the changing the location of the log file, follow the steps below to apply the
a. Restart the RSA Pipe Service.
b. Restart the RSA Config Service.
c. Restart the w3wp process using the IISReset command.
d. Close and re-open the IIS Manager.
Key Description
RSA_LOG_FILE_SIZE Enter the maximum log file size in KB. The maximum
size is 1024 (1 MB). If this tag is not provided, the default
size is 1024.
After the log file reaches the maximum size, a new log
file is created.
RSA_LOG_FILE_COUNT Enter the number of log files to be created before log file
If this tag is not provided, the default number is 10.
After the log files reach the maximum file count, a new
log file overwrites the file with the oldest creation date.
Customized Templates
When users authenticate successfully to the Web Agent using a standard browser, the
system returns a message informing them about the success of the authentication
attempt through an HTML page. For wireless device microbrowsers, the system
returns messages in WML format.
The Web Agent provides default versions of HTML and WML templates and
messages that you can customize to reflect your company’s image and administrative
needs. You can:
• Add a custom greeting message.
• Add your own custom graphics.
• Change standard buttons to custom graphics.
• Display web access authentication prompts in a language other than English.
• Customize the web access authentication messages.
The Web Agent templates can be classified into HTML templates and WML
• HTML Templates
– Manual Authentication templates: These templates are displayed when a
user accesses the protected page from a client machine which does not have a
RSA SecurID Software Token installed in it. The user has to manually enter
the username and passcode.
– WebID Plugin templates: These templates provide compatibility with the
RSA SecurID Software Token for Windows WebID components. These
components integrate the RSA SecurID software token application with
Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox on Windows. When users navigate to a
site that is protected by the RSA Authentication Agent for Web, the Web ID
authentication page is displayed, which allows them to select their software
token and authenticate with their user name and pin. They do not have to enter
their user name and passcode, as is required in the manual authentication
Default Templates
The following table describes the default templates.
Note: If you are using RSA SecurID PIN Pads instead of tokens, you need to change
the passcode and useridandpasscode templates to display the correct message to
your users. The correct message to display is included in the templates in a comment
Template Description
error.htm The page that RSA SecurID users see when a fatal error occurs
error.wml during authentication. The @@sub macro in the template
substitutes the error message passed from the system or from
the strings.txt file.
forbidden.htm The page that RSA SecurID users see in response to requesting
forbidden.wml a forbidden URL.
Authentication Templates
newpin.htm The New PIN page is displayed when users are in the new pin
newpin.wml mode or are authenticating with their token for the first time.
From this page, users create their own PINs. This then loads
either the WebID NewPin page (newpinplugin.htm) or the
manual authentication page (newpinmanual.htm)
newpinplugin.htm This page is displayed if the user’s computer has the Software
Token WebID plug-in installed. The user enters the PIN to
newpinmanual.htm This page is displayed if the user’s computer does not have the
Software Token WebID plug-in installed. The user enters
Template Description
newpin_fba.htm This page is displayed when the user is in NewPin mode and
during Forms Based Authentication, which happens when user
opens a Microsoft Office Document from a SharePoint Site.
newpin1plugin.htm This page is if the user’s computer has the Software Token
WebID plug-in installed.
newpin1manual.htm This page is displayed if the user’s computer does not have the
Software Token WebID plug-in installed.
newpin2.htm The New PIN page is displayed when a user is given the choice
newpin2.wml of whether to create a PIN or receive a system-generated PIN.
This page then loads either the WebID page
(newpin2plugin.htm) or the manual authentication page
(newpin2manual.htm). This functionality is determined in
Authentication Manager.
newpin2plugin.htm This page is displayed if the user’s computer has the Software
Token WebID plug-in installed.
newpin2manual.htm This page is displayed if the user’s computer does not have the
Software Token WebID plug-in installed.
nextprnplugin.htm This page is loaded if the user’s computer has the Software
Token WebID plug-in installed.
nextprnmanual.htm This page is loaded if the user’s computer does not have the
Software Token WebID plug-in installed.
Template Description
sslredir.htm The page users might see momentarily with some browsers
sslredir.wml when they must use a secure channel to access protected pages.
sslredir-post.htm In some cases, users must click a link on the sslredir or
sslredir-post.htm page to continue.
redirectmanual.wml This page is displayed to cell phone users when the cell phone
does not support automatic redirection to a protected URL. The
user is provided with a list of secure URLs and must manually
choose one.
showsys.htm The page is displayed to users for ten seconds while the system
showsys.wml generates an RSA SecurID PIN for them.
showsys_fba This page displays the system generated pin during Forms
Based Authentication which happens when Microsoft Office
Document is opened from a SharePoint site.
userid.htm If you chose to present separate web pages to users to input the
userid.wml user name and passcode, this template is used for the user
name. If you did not choose to present separate pages, the
useridandpasscode template is used. This page then loads
either the WebID authentication page (useridplugin.htm) or the
manual authentication page (useridmanual.htm)
Template Description
useridplugin.htm This page is loaded if the user’s computer has the Software
Token WebID plug-in installed. The user enters the PIN to
useridmanual.htm This page is loaded if the user’s computer does not have the
Software Token WebID plug-in installed. The user enters
userid_fba.htm This page is loaded for authentication and during 'Forms Based
Authentication', which happens when user opens a Microsoft
Office Document from a SharePoint Site.
passcode.htm If you chose to present separate web pages to users to input the
passcode.wml user name and passcode, this template is used for the passcode.
If you did not choose to present separate pages, the
useridandpasscode template is used. This then loads either the
WebID authentication page (passcodeplugin.htm) or the
manual authentication page (passcodemanual.htm).
passcodeplugin.htm This page is loaded if the user’s computer has the Software
Token WebID plug-in installed. The user enters the PIN to
passcodemanual.htm This page is loaded if the user’s computer does not have the
Software Token WebID plug-in installed. The user enters
useridandpasscode.htm If you chose to present one web page to users to input both the
useridandpasscode.wml user name and passcode, this template is used. If you chose to
present separate web pages to input the user name and
passcode, the userid and passcode templates are used. This then
loads either the WebID authentication page
(useridandpasscodeplugin.htm) or the manual authentication
page (useridandpasscodemanual.htm).
useridandpasscodeplugin This page is loaded if the user’s computer has the Software
.htm Token WebID plug-in installed. The user enters the PIN to
useridandpasscodemanua This page is loaded if the user’s computer does not have the
l.htm Software Token WebID plug-in installed. The user enters
useridandpasscode_fba.h This page is loaded for authentication and during 'Forms Based
tm Authentication', which happens when user opens a Microsoft
Office Document from a SharePoint Site.
The HTML and WML templates use the following files, which are also installed in the
/templates directory.
Template Description
modalContent.html This page displays a modal popup after cookie expiry if the
application pool of the protected site is configured in Integrated
denied.jpg If you have configured the Web Agent to allow multiple domain
denied.wbmp authentications, the word “Denied” displays if a user’s
authentication request to a virtual web server does not succeed.
ok.jpg If you have configured the Web Agent to allow multiple domain
ok.wbmp authentications, the word “OK” displays if a user’s authentication
request to a virtual web server succeeds.
Other Files
strings.txt This file contains text strings that display various messages while
users interact with the web access authentication prompt pages.
style.css The cascading style sheet used for the web pages.
Template Management
The following sections list the general guidelines for customizing templates and
describe the procedure to customize the text, images, and buttons used in the default
• After you have completed your changes, test the templates to make sure they are
functioning properly. For information on utilities you can use to troubleshoot
problems, see Chapter 8, “Troubleshooting.”
• For security purposes, do not change the administrative privileges when
customizing templates. Also, the web server may not be able to read the templates
if you change the privileges.
• Do not alter any of the substitution strings in the templates or message text files
(webagent.msg and strings.txt).
Substitution strings are used to include error messages and text from the
Authentication Manager and provide placeholders for graphics and message
strings. These strings begin with two “at” signs (@@).
2. Delete the static text you want to change, and add the new text.
For example, the tag <H1>Welcome to ABC, Inc.</H1>, when placed in the
passcode.htm or passcode.wml file, changes the text of the first heading in that
page from “RSA SecurID Passcode Request” to “Welcome to ABC, Inc.”
3. Save and close the file.
Note: WAP or WML devices usually have limited display space for graphics. Be sure
the use of graphics is appropriate for your WAP devices before using them.
Note: When using HTTP URLs, ensure the image file you point to in the src
path is in a directory that is not protected by RSA SecurID and that you
always specify a fully qualified path to the image file.
Note: Make sure the image file you point to in the src path is in a directory that is not
protected by RSA SecurID and that you always specify a fully qualified path to the
image file.
Note: To find the correct language code, see the language preferences list of
codes in the Internet Explorer or Firefox web browser. For more information
about using international character sets in HTML documents, consult an
HTML reference book or go to www.w3.org/pub/WWW/International.
Note: Do not remove the substitution macros. (These macros begin with
@@.) The macros are replaced with actual values when the text is displayed.
Note: The character encoding of the language being customized should be the same as
the character set configured for the Web Agent. After editing the template files, you
must save them using the same configured character encoding. Otherwise, the
templates will not work properly in the Web Agent authentication pages. For more
information, see “Pre-Installation Tasks” on page 20.
Important: If you modify the message strings, make certain that you do not remove or
alter the position of the variable strings (@@SUB1, @@SUB2, and so on) contained
in the message text. The strings are replaced by actual values when the messages are
Note: If you translate the text messages in strings.txt into a language other than
English, you must store the translated file in the same language-specific directory
where other translated templates are stored. For more information, see “Customize
Templates for Another Language” on page 85.
The character encoding of the language being customized should be the same as the
character set configured for the Web Agent. After editing the strings.txt file, you must
save it using the same configured character encoding. Otherwise, the templates will
not work properly in the Web Agent authentication pages. For more information, see
“Specify the Character Set” on page 21.
Note: For Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 only, do not apply RSA SecurID
protection to the EWS of the Exchange Back End. Protecting the EWS prevents
emails from being deleted.
6: Configuring the Web Agent for Single Sign-On to Outlook Web App 89
RSA Authentication Agent 8.0 for Web for IIS Installation and Configuration Guide
MS Exchange Server
Hub Transport Server RSA Web
Client Access Server Agent
Mailbox Server
The following figure shows a standard configuration in which the Microsoft Exchange
Mailbox Server is deployed on a separate machine.
MS Exchange Server
90 6: Configuring the Web Agent for Single Sign-On to Outlook Web App
RSA Authentication Agent 8.0 for Web for IIS Installation and Configuration Guide
6: Configuring the Web Agent for Single Sign-On to Outlook Web App 91
RSA Authentication Agent 8.0 for Web for IIS Installation and Configuration Guide
Next Steps
Follow the procedure for your version of Microsoft Exchange Server:
• “Configure the Web Agent for SSO for Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 SP1 or
2016” on page 92
• “Configure the Web Agent for SSO for Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 SP3” on
page 96
Configure the Web Agent for SSO for Microsoft Exchange Server
2013 SP1 or 2016
After you have met the prerequisites described in “Prepare to Set Up SSO Access” on
page 91, follow these steps in order:
1. Configure Outlook Web App (OWA) and WebID for Anonymous Access in
Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 or 2016
2. Enable Single Sign-On in Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 or 2016
3. Verify Application Pool Settings in Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 or 2016
4. Test the Configuration for Single Sign-on with Microsoft Exchange Server 2013
or 2016
Configure Outlook Web App (OWA) and WebID for Anonymous Access in
Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 or 2016
To configure the OWA for anonymous access:
1. On the Microsoft Exchange Server, click Start > Settings > Control Panel >
RSA Web Agent.
2. In the Connections pane of the IIS Manager, double-click server_name, and then
click Sites > Default Web Site, where server_name is the name of the Microsoft
Exchange Server.
3. In the Default web site home page, double-click RSA SecurID. In the RSA
SecurID pane, select Enable RSA SecurID Web Access Authentication and
click Apply on the Actions pane.
4. In the Connections pane of the IIS Manager, double-click server_name, and then
click Sites > Default Web Site > OWA where server_name is the name of the
Microsoft Exchange Server.
92 6: Configuring the Web Agent for Single Sign-On to Outlook Web App
RSA Authentication Agent 8.0 for Web for IIS Installation and Configuration Guide
5. In the OWA home pane, double-click Authentication, and perform the following
a. In the Authentication pane, select Anonymous Authentication, and click
Enable in the Actions pane. Similarly, select Windows Authentication, and
click Enable in the Actions pane.
b. In the Authentication pane, select Anonymous Authentication, and then
click Edit in the Actions pane.
c. In the Edit Anonymous Authentication Credentials dialog box, click Set to set
the user identity to the specific domain-level user account you created in
“Prepare to Set Up SSO Access” on page 91.
d. Click OK.
Next Step
“Enable Single Sign-On in Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 or 2016.”
6: Configuring the Web Agent for Single Sign-On to Outlook Web App 93
RSA Authentication Agent 8.0 for Web for IIS Installation and Configuration Guide
10. On the Microsoft Exchange Server, open the Internet Information Services (IIS)
Manager. Click Start > Settings > Control Panel > RSA Web Agent.
11. Select Target This Resource for Single Sign-On for the ecp website. Do the
a. In the Connections pane of the IIS Manager, double-click server_name, and
click Sites > Default Web Site > ecp
where server_name is the name of the Microsoft Exchange Server.
b. In the ecp Home pane, double-click RSA SecurID.
c. In the RSA SecurID pane, select Target This Resource for Single Sign-On.
d. In the Actions pane, click Apply.
12. Select Target This Resource for Single Sign-On for the owa website. Do the
a. In the Connections pane of the IIS Manager, double-click server_name, and
click Sites > Default Web Site > owa
where server_name is the name of the Microsoft Exchange Server.
b. In the owa Home pane, double-click RSA SecurID.
c. In the RSA SecurID pane, select Target This Resource for Single Sign-On.
d. In the Actions pane, click Apply.
If you have a custom application pool, an RSA Authentication Agent
Properties dialog box states that you must change the application pool to
“RSA SecurID Pool.”
13. Restart IIS. Do the following:
a. On the IIS server, click Start > Run.
b. Type IISReset, and click OK.
The Command Prompt window displays the IISReset command status.
c. Verify that IIS stops and restarts.
Next Step
“Verify Application Pool Settings in Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 or 2016.”
94 6: Configuring the Web Agent for Single Sign-On to Outlook Web App
RSA Authentication Agent 8.0 for Web for IIS Installation and Configuration Guide
Next Step
“Test the Configuration for Single Sign-on with Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 or
Test the Configuration for Single Sign-on with Microsoft Exchange Server 2013
or 2016
The following procedure assumes you have satisfied all of the requirements and
preparations listed in the section “Prepare to Set Up SSO Access” on page 91.
Note: If the Web Agent is configured for Auto Submit, you do not have to
click Continue. Your mailbox opens automatically. For more information, see
“Configure Advanced Settings” on page 44.
You have now successfully configured SSO for Microsoft Exchange Server 2013.
Next Step
If your deployment includes Microsoft SharePoint Server, see Chapter 7,
“Configuring the Web Agent to Microsoft SharePoint Server.”
6: Configuring the Web Agent for Single Sign-On to Outlook Web App 95
RSA Authentication Agent 8.0 for Web for IIS Installation and Configuration Guide
Configure the Web Agent for SSO for Microsoft Exchange Server
2010 SP3
After you have met the prerequisites described in “Prepare to Set Up SSO Access” on
page 91, follow these steps in order:
1. Configure Outlook Web App (OWA) and WebID for Anonymous Access in
Microsoft Exchange Server 2010
2. Enable Single Sign-On in Microsoft Exchange Server 2010
3. Verify Application Pool Settings in Microsoft Exchange Server 2010
4. Test the Configuration for Single Sign-On with Microsoft Exchange Server 2010
Configure Outlook Web App (OWA) and WebID for Anonymous Access in
Microsoft Exchange Server 2010
To configure the OWA for anonymous access:
1. On the Microsoft Exchange Server, click Start > Settings > Control Panel >
RSA WebAgent.
2. In the Connections pane of the IIS Manager, double-click server_name, and then
click Sites > Default Web Site, where server_name is the name of the Microsoft
Exchange Server.
3. In the Default Web Site home page, double-click RSA SecurID. In the RSA
SecurID pane, select Enable RSA SecurID Web Access Authentication and
click Apply on the Actions pane.
4. In the Connections pane of the IIS Manager, double-click server_name, and then
click Sites > Default Web Site > OWA where server_name is the name of the
Microsoft Exchange Server.
5. In the OWA home pane, double-click Authentication, and perform the following
a. In the Authentication pane, select Anonymous Authentication, and click
Enable in the Actions pane. Similarly, select Windows Authentication, and
click Enable in the Actions pane.
b. In the Authentication pane, select Anonymous Authentication, and then
click Edit in the Actions pane.
c. In the Edit Anonymous Authentication Credentials dialog box, click Set to set
the user identity to the specific domain-level user account you created in
“Prepare to Set Up SSO Access” on page 91.
d. Click OK.
96 6: Configuring the Web Agent for Single Sign-On to Outlook Web App
RSA Authentication Agent 8.0 for Web for IIS Installation and Configuration Guide
Next Step
“Enable Single Sign-On in Microsoft Exchange Server 2010.”
5. Click OK.
6. On the Microsoft Exchange Server, open the Internet Information Services (IIS)
Manager. Click Start > Settings > Control Panel > RSA Web Agent.
7. Select Target This Resource for Single Sign-On for the ecp website. Do the
a. In the Connections pane of the IIS Manager, double-click server_name, and
click Sites > Default Web Site > ecp
where server_name is the name of the Microsoft Exchange Server.
b. In the ecp Home pane, double-click RSA SecurID.
c. In the RSA SecurID pane, select Target This Resource for Single Sign-On.
d. In the Actions pane, click Apply.
6: Configuring the Web Agent for Single Sign-On to Outlook Web App 97
RSA Authentication Agent 8.0 for Web for IIS Installation and Configuration Guide
8. In the Connections pane of the IIS Manager, double-click server_name, and click
Sites > Default Web Site > owa
where server_name is the name of the Microsoft Exchange Server.
9. In the owa Home pane, double-click RSA SecurID.
10. In the RSA SecurID pane, select Target This Resource for Single Sign-On.
11. In the Actions pane, click Apply.
If you have a custom application pool, an RSA Authentication Agent Properties
dialog box states that you must change the application pool to “RSA SecurID
12. Restart IIS. Do the following:
a. On the IIS server, click Start > Run.
b. Type IISReset, and click OK.
The Command Prompt window displays the IISReset command status.
c. Verify that IIS stops and restarts.
Next Step
“Verify Application Pool Settings in Microsoft Exchange Server 2010.”
98 6: Configuring the Web Agent for Single Sign-On to Outlook Web App
RSA Authentication Agent 8.0 for Web for IIS Installation and Configuration Guide
10. Verify that the ecp website is protected by RSA SecurID. Do the following:
a. In the Connections pane of the IIS Manager, double-click server_name, and
click Sites > Default Web Site > ecp
b. In the ecp Home pane, double-click RSA SecurID.
c. In the RSA SecurID pane, verify that Target This Resource for Single
Sign-On is selected.
Next Step
“Test the Configuration for Single Sign-On with Microsoft Exchange Server 2010.”
Test the Configuration for Single Sign-On with Microsoft Exchange Server 2010
The following procedure assumes you have satisfied all of the requirements and
preparations listed in the section “Prepare to Set Up SSO Access” on page 91.
Note: If the Web Agent is configured for Auto Submit, you do not have to
click Continue. Your mailbox opens automatically. For more information, see
“Configure Advanced Settings” on page 44.
You have now successfully configured SSO for Microsoft Exchange Server 2010
Note: If offloading SSL with Exchange is enabled, and require ssl and redirect to ssl is
disabled, users will have to enter their credentials on the http login page.
Next Step
If your deployment includes Microsoft SharePoint Server, see Chapter 7,
“Configuring the Web Agent to Microsoft SharePoint Server.”
6: Configuring the Web Agent for Single Sign-On to Outlook Web App 99
RSA Authentication Agent 8.0 for Web for IIS Installation and Configuration Guide
Next Steps
Additional configuration steps are required. For instructions, see “Reconfigure
Microsoft Exchange Server.”
Important: If you do not reconfigure Microsoft Exchange Server after disabling SSO,
disabling the Web Agent, or before you uninstalling the Web Agent, Microsoft
Exchange Server will not work.
100 6: Configuring the Web Agent for Single Sign-On to Outlook Web App
RSA Authentication Agent 8.0 for Web for IIS Installation and Configuration Guide
Next Steps
If you are uninstalling the Web Agent, see “Uninstall the Web Agent” on page 35.
Otherwise, the procedure is complete.
6: Configuring the Web Agent for Single Sign-On to Outlook Web App 101
RSA Authentication Agent 8.0 for Web for IIS Installation and Configuration Guide
Next Steps
If you are uninstalling the Web Agent, see “Uninstall the Web Agent” on page 35.
Otherwise, the procedure is complete.
102 6: Configuring the Web Agent for Single Sign-On to Outlook Web App
RSA Authentication Agent 8.0 for Web for IIS Installation and Configuration Guide
Add Domain Suffixes if the Exchange Server and User Accounts are
on Different Domains
When the Exchange Server front-end and the Web Agent are installed on one domain
and the user accounts are enabled in other trusted domains, the administrator can
specify a list of possible domain suffixes for a user.
6: Configuring the Web Agent for Single Sign-On to Outlook Web App 103
RSA Authentication Agent 8.0 for Web for IIS Installation and Configuration Guide
Important: In SharePoint 2013 and SharePoint 2010, add the statement <remove
name="OutputCache" /> in the web.config modules list, of the SharePoint site to be
Note: If you are using a SharePoint farm configuration, see the following Microsoft
topics about using a domain administrator for the application pool identity.
For SharePoint Server 2013, see:
For SharePoint Server 2010, see:
To verify the RSA SecurID Pool Application Pool setting for the Windows
1. Go to Application Pools in IIS Manager.
2. Verify the .Net Framework Version setting for RSA SecurID Pool is .NET
Framework 4.x.
Next Step
“Configuring Web Access Authentication Persistent Cookies.”
cookieRequest = new
} catch (othermicrosoft) {
try {
cookieRequest = new
} catch (failed) {
cookieRequest = false;
var ifModifiedSince =
ifModifiedSince = (ifModifiedSince)?ifModifiedSince
: new Date(0);
cookieRequest.open("GET", url, false);
if (cookieRequest.status!= 200)
alert("ERROR: Single-Signon Cookie Request"+
"Failed!,Application may not load Document");
c. Copy the following functions from core.js to customcore.js:
function _DispEx
function _DispDocItemEx
function editDocumentWithProgID2
function createNewDocumentWithProgIDCore
d. Add the call sendRSAShortTermCookieRequest() function at the beginning of
the functions copied from core.js.
Note: These functions are called when a new Microsoft Office session is
launched. If these functions do not cover any custom behavior, you can add
the call to the sendRSAShortTermCookieRequest() function in the required
e. Copy the customcore.js file to the same directory as core.js. Use one of the
following locations:
• In a default SharePoint Server 2013 installation, the core.js file is at
C:\Program Files\Common Files\microsoft shared\Web Server
• In a default SharePoint Server 2010 installation, the core.js file is at
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server
If you use a non-standard layout template, this path may be different.
7. Create a custom master page for the site that hosts Microsoft Office documents.
Do the following:
a. Determine the location of the original master page. For example, run the
following command in the SharePoint Management Shell:
$site = Get-SPSite http://SharePointSITEURL
$web = $site.RootWeb
b. In SharePoint Designer, open the SharePoint site, and click Master pages.
If the SharePoint is already protected by RSA SecurID, you must remove that
protection until the custom master page procedure is complete. Do the
a. On the IIS server, click Start > Settings > Control Panel > RSA Web
b. In the Connections pane, double-click server_name, and click Sites >
WebSite, where server_name is the name of the IIS Server Machine and
WebSite is the name of the protected web site.
c. In the Site Home pane, double-click RSA SecurID.
d. In the RSA SecurID pane, clear the Protect This Resource checkbox.
e. In the Actions pane, click Apply.
f. Restart the IIS Web Server. Do the following:
On the IIS server, click Start > Run.
Type IISReset, and click OK. The Command Prompt window displays
the IISReset command status.
Verify that IIS stops and restarts.
c. Copy the master page and rename it custom.master.
d. Open custom.master for editing and replace the following line,
<SharePoint:ScriptLink language="javascript"
name="core.js" OnDemand="true" runat="server" />
<SharePoint:ScriptLink language="javascript"
name="core.js" Defer="true" runat="server"/>
<SharePoint:ScriptLink language="javascript"
name="customcore.js" Defer="true" runat="server"/>
e. Right click custom.master and set it as the Custom and Default Master
f. If you removed RSA SecurID protection before creating a custom master
page, apply it again. Do the following:
a. On the IIS server, click Start > Settings > Control Panel > RSA Web
b. In the Connections pane, double-click server_name, and click Sites >
WebSite, where server_name is the name of the IIS Server Machine and
WebSite is the name of the web site to be protected.
c. In the Site Home pane, double-click RSA SecurID.
d. In the RSA SecurID pane, select the Protect This Resource checkbox.
e. In the Actions pane, click Apply.
f. Restart the IIS Web Server. Do the following:
On the IIS server, click Start > Run.
Type IISReset, and click OK. The Command Prompt window displays
the IISReset command status.
Verify that IIS stops and restarts.
Important: Microsoft Office uses the privacy settings you select in Internet Explorer.
It does not download cookies if you have selected not to allow cookies to be
downloaded. However, those features that use cookies may not work correctly. If you
previously saved cookies to your hard disk, Microsoft Office may still read these
cookies unless you remove previously saved cookies in Internet Explorer.
Note: Microsoft Office applications communicating with Web Servers do not send
persistent cookies that are saved by Internet Explorer back to the Web Server. This
may result in a user being asked for authentication each time a Office document is
opened, even if persistent cookies are configured in WebAgent. To avoid this, users
should perform the resolution mentioned in http://support.microsoft.com/kb/932118
Important: Always use the SharePoint Server Sign Out command to end SharePoint
Server sessions. When you click user_name > Sign Out, the Web Agent deletes all
session cookies and persistent cookies.
If you have only Microsoft Office 2007 clients, and do not want to enable persistent
cookie creation, you are prompted for authentication each time a document is accessed
from the SharePoint Server. For more information, see “Support for Forms-Based
Authentication in Microsoft Office” on page 73.
Note: The following steps are applicable for the Windows Server 2012
(64-bit) or Windows Server 2012 R2 (64-bit) domain controller.
1. On the domain controller, use Microsoft Active Directory to create a domain level
2. Using Active Directory, assign the right to delegate services:
• On the domain controller, click Start > Programs > Administrative Tools >
Active Directory Users and Computers.
• In the left pane, double-click domain name.
• Double-click Computers, and in the right pane, double-click SharePoint
server name.
• In the Delegation dialog box, select Trust this computer for delegation to
any service (Kerberos only), and click OK.
3. Using a text editor, open web.config, which is located in the document root
directory of your web portal. Make sure the following entry is in the
<appsettings> tag, before the </configuration> tag:
<add key="SPS-EnforceIISAnonymousSetting" value="false"/>
Next Step
“Configure the Web Agent for Single Sign-On to the SharePoint Server 2013.”
Next Step
“Verify Authentication and Application Pool Settings for the WebID Application.”
Next Step
“Verify the Application Pool Settings for the Site.”
3. Under Process Model, click the Identity field and change the identity to
Next Step
“Enable Single Sign-On.”
To enable single-sign on
1. Access System32 > inetsrv > config > applicationHost.config.
2. Search for the SecurIDModule in the file and add an entry for
SecurIDSSOModule under that in the format
<add name="SecurIDSSOModule" image="PATH_TO_ RSASinglesignon.dll"
Note: When SSO is enabled, a user cannot sign in as another user on the protected
Note: The following steps are applicable for the Windows 2008 R2 SP1
(64-bit) domain controller.
1. On the domain controller, use Microsoft Active Directory to create a domain level
2. Using Active Directory, assign the right to delegate services:
• On the domain controller, click Start > Programs > Administrative Tools >
Active Directory Users and Computers.
• In the left pane, double-click domain name.
• Double-click Computers, and in the right pane, double-click SharePoint
server name.
• In the Delegation dialog box, select Trust this computer for delegation to
any service (Kerberos only), and click OK.
3. Using a text editor, open web.config, which is located in the document root
directory of your web portal. Make sure the following entry is in the
<appsettings> tag, before the </configuration> tag:
<add key="SPS-EnforceIISAnonymousSetting" value="false"/>
Next Step
“Configure the Web Agent for Single Sign-On to the SharePoint Server 2010” on
page 118.
Next Step
“Verify Authentication and Application Pool Settings for the WebID Application.”
Next Step
“Verify the Application Pool Settings for the Site.”
Next Step
“Enable Single Sign-On.”
To enable single-sign on
1. Access System32 > inetsrv > config > applicationHost.config.
2. Search for the SecurIDModule in the file and add an entry for
SecurIDSSOModule under that in the format
<add name="SecurIDSSOModule" image="PATH_TO_ RSASinglesignon.dll"
Note: When SSO is enabled, a user cannot sign in as another user on the protected
Next Step
“Configuring a New SharePoint Server 2010 Site to Use Claims-Based
Create a Backup
To create an empty collection that you will overwrite with your backup:
1. On the Central Administration home page, click Application Management.
2. Under the Site Collections, click Create site collections.
Important: Make sure the “Web application” on the right is the site:8080.
Next Step
Uninstall the Web Agent. For instructions, see “Uninstall the Web Agent” on page 35.
8 Troubleshooting
RSA Authentication Manager Monitoring and Authentication Testing
Web Agent Logging
Authentication Attempts Logs
Error and Event Viewer Log Messages
Node Secrets
Known Issues Using Third-Party Software
Multiple Domain Issues
Disable the RSA Response Interceptor Module
Uninstalling the Web Agent
8: Troubleshooting 125
RSA Authentication Agent 8.0 for Web for IIS Installation and Configuration Guide
100:Access denied. The RSA For a UDP-based Web Agent, the first time an
ACE/Server rejected the authentication occurs after the Web Agent has been
Passcode. Please try again. installed on the web server, a node secret is generated by
RSA Authentication Manager and sent to the web server.
The node secret will be generated inside the Web Agent
installation directory. The name of the file is securid.
For agents that are based upon the TCP/IP protocol, a
node secret file is optional, and the location is specified
in the rsa_api.properties file. Instead of a node secret, a
dynamically negotiated key is used to encrypt the
channel along with a strong encryption algorithm.
This error is received if the node secret file is missing or
the node secret on the Authentication Manager and the
web server do not match.
You can do the following:
• If the node secret was created with the
RSA Authentication Agent SDK 8.1 or earlier, then
the node secret uses an older format. You must
convert the node secret to the newer format that is
used by the Web Agent. Use the agent_nsload utility
that is included with the RSA Authentication Agent
API 8.5. To download the Authentication Agent API,
go to https://knowledge.rsasecurity.com. For
instructions on using the utility, see the RSA
Authentication Agent API 8.5 Developer’s Guide.
The name of the node secret file should be securid.
After the node secret is converted, use agent_nsload
to load the node secret to the Web Agent installation
location. The default location of the node secret is
C:\Program Files\RSA Security\RSAWebAgent.
• Contact your RSA Authentication Manager
administrator. An Authentication Manager
administrator can generate a new node secret. For
more information, see “Node Secrets” on page 138.
Frames are not supported if you enable the option Use
RSA Token for Cross-Site Request Forgery
Protection. If you want to use frames, and you have
enabled the Use RSA Token for Cross-Site Request
Forgery Protection option, you must also enable Use
JavaScript Pop-Up Window to Authenticate in
126 8: Troubleshooting
RSA Authentication Agent 8.0 for Web for IIS Installation and Configuration Guide
500 Internal Server Error The reason could be some of the web agent intialization
When the user browses to the operations would have failed. Enable Web Agent logs to
protected page it sends back 500 get a detailed error. Also make sure the RSA Config
Internal Server Error. Service is running.
Access Denied. Make sure that you log on with administrative privileges
Test authentication succeeds but to the system on which the IIS web server is running.
access is denied when the user
tries to log on to access a
protected page.
AceInitialize Failed during acetest The sdconf.rec file is missing. Obtain an sdconf.rec file
authentication. from your Authentication Manager administrator. Place
the file inside the Web Agent installation directory.
Restart the web server.
For Multi-Domain Make sure that the same domain secret exists on each
Authentication: Requesting web server within the multiple domain area.
authentication from server
http://server Denied.
HTTP Error 500.21 - Internal This message might appear under the following
Server Error circumstances:
Handler • If the default UDP networking support is enabled,
“RSASecurIDHandlerMapping” make sure that the rsa_api.properties file specifies
has a bad module the correct location of the node secret.
“SecurIDHandler” in its module • If the Web Agent is deployed with TCP/IP networking
list support, you might need to register the Web Agent in
RSA Authentication Manager. For instructions on
registering the Web Agent to Authentication Manager
version 8.0 or later, see the Security Console Help
topic “Add an Authentication Agent.”
• If the Web Agent is configured for either the UDP
protocol or the TCP protocol on a network that only
supports the other protocol, then this error could
• If you update the environment variable
USEUDP_ENV_VAR to change between UDP and
TCP/IP networking support, make sure to restart IIS
using the IISReset command from the command
prompt. If you restart IIS from the IIS Manager GUI,
then the change is not applied. For instructions, see
“Change to TCP/IP Networking Support” on page 25.
Modal Popup is not displayed Make sure that the application pool of the protected site
after cookie expiry is in Integrated Mode.
Use DebugView to get the Modal Popup logs.
8: Troubleshooting 127
RSA Authentication Agent 8.0 for Web for IIS Installation and Configuration Guide
Outlook Web App gives 404 login Make sure that the WebID virtual application under the
timeout. Default Web Site has anonymous authentication
RSA Web Access Authentication The path to the templates is invalid. Verify the correct
Extension Error. RSA Web path in the Web Agent configuration.
Access Authentication: Internal
server configuration error.
SecurID Error. Error generating Make sure that you configure the character sets properly.
HTML page.
SSO is enabled, but still user is Make sure the WebID virtual application under the SSO
prompted for Windows enabled site has Anonymous Authentication enabled
authentication. using IIS Manager. Enable Web Agent logs to get a
detailed error. Also make sure the 'RSA Pipe Service' is
The Page cannot be displayed. There are two possible causes for this error message:
• Communication to the web server is down.
• The web server was started without SSL. Therefore,
the Redirect Secure feature in the Web Agent is
disabled. The best solution is to restart the web server
with SSL. You could also have users access the page
with an https request.
The page cannot be found. The requested page may not be present.
Unexpected authentication error. This error may occur when authenticating using the RSA
Authentication Manager Control Panel.
Communication to the Authentication Manager is down.
Contact your RSA Authentication Manager
Unexpected RSA Authentication This error is received when there are network problems.
Agent error 103. Please try again. Contact your RSA Authentication Manager
128 8: Troubleshooting
RSA Authentication Agent 8.0 for Web for IIS Installation and Configuration Guide
Authentication failure.
The subject described in the Event Detail did not authenticate successfully and was
therefore refused access.
8: Troubleshooting 129
RSA Authentication Agent 8.0 for Web for IIS Installation and Configuration Guide
Authentication Manager: User Canceled New PIN Mode. User user name.
The user was prompted to associate a new PIN with his or her token, but the user did
not complete the new PIN procedure. Make sure the user understands how to use his
or her token in New PIN mode.
130 8: Troubleshooting
RSA Authentication Agent 8.0 for Web for IIS Installation and Configuration Guide
8: Troubleshooting 131
RSA Authentication Agent 8.0 for Web for IIS Installation and Configuration Guide
132 8: Troubleshooting
RSA Authentication Agent 8.0 for Web for IIS Installation and Configuration Guide
8: Troubleshooting 133
RSA Authentication Agent 8.0 for Web for IIS Installation and Configuration Guide
134 8: Troubleshooting
RSA Authentication Agent 8.0 for Web for IIS Installation and Configuration Guide
Successful authentication.
The subject described in the Event Detail authenticated successfully and was granted
access to the system.
The discretionary Access Control List for filename was not found.
The Windows security entry for this file is corrupted. If you suspect that the ACL has
become corrupted, see the Microsoft Windows Help, or contact Microsoft technical
8: Troubleshooting 135
RSA Authentication Agent 8.0 for Web for IIS Installation and Configuration Guide
The Help for this program was created in Windows Help format, which
depends on a feature that isn’t included in this version of Windows.
However, you can download a program that will allow you to view Help
created in the Windows Help format.
The user has to download and install the Windows Help program (WinHlp32.exe) for
Windows Server 2008 R2.
The security descriptor could not be found. The file may not exist:
A user requested a URL that does not resolve to a file on the machine. Make sure the
user is entering the URL correctly.
The user user name has connected and been authenticated on port
A normal (authenticated) Web Agent-Server connection occurred.
136 8: Troubleshooting
RSA Authentication Agent 8.0 for Web for IIS Installation and Configuration Guide
User user name: Access denied. Attempt to use invalid handle. Closing
An internal error occurred. If the message recurs, call RSA Customer Support.
User user name: ACE Check Error: Invalid group SID. Passcode required.
The user’s group SID did not contain a valid group name. The user was challenged for
an RSA SecurID passcode.
User user name: Domain not found. User challenged for passcode.
The user may have entered the domain name incorrectly and will be challenged for a
8: Troubleshooting 137
RSA Authentication Agent 8.0 for Web for IIS Installation and Configuration Guide
Node Secrets
The node secret is a symmetric encryption key that RSA Authentication Manager and
the Web Agent use to encrypt and decrypt packets of data as they travel across the
network. For agents that are based upon the UDP protocol, the node secret is stored in
both the Authentication Manager database and in a file on the Web Agent host. For
agents that are based upon the TCP/IP protocol, a node secret file is optional, and the
location is specified in the rsa_api.properties file. Instead of a node secret, a
dynamically negotiated key is used to encrypt the channel along with a strong
encryption algorithm.
For UDP-based agents, if the node secret is missing on either the RSA Authentication
Manager server or the Web Agent host, clear the node secret in the other location. If
the node secret files on the Authentication Manager and the Web Agent host do not
match, clear the node secret in both locations. After you clear the node secret, you
must generate a new node secret.
Next Steps
• If there is a node secret on the Web Agent host, see “Clear the Node Secret on the
Web Agent Host Machine.”
• If the Web Agent host does not have a node secret, follow the procedure
“Generate a New Node Secret.”
138 8: Troubleshooting
RSA Authentication Agent 8.0 for Web for IIS Installation and Configuration Guide
To clear the node secret from the Web Agent host machine:
1. Log on to the Web Agent host machine and locate the node secret file,
nodesecret.rec, in the \Program Files\RSA Security\RSAWebAgent directory.
2. Rename or delete the node secret file.
3. The node secret is also stored in the web server cache. Restart the web server to
clear the node secret from the cache.
Next Step
“Generate a New Node Secret.”
8: Troubleshooting 139
RSA Authentication Agent 8.0 for Web for IIS Installation and Configuration Guide
Wireless Devices
Web Agent and Authentication Manager administrators must be aware of the
following items pertaining to RSA SecurID web authentication. A user could
experience these scenarios when using a cellular phone equipped with a microbrowser
to access protected URLs.
• If your environment includes a GSM network, your WAP connection needs to be
in connection mode. Multiple domain environments require that handset devices
and gateways support the receipt of cookies from multiple domains.
• Requiring an SSL connection to protected URLs creates a more secure
environment. For ease of use, you can configure the Web Agent to automatically
redirect the URL request to a secure connection. However, not all microbrowsers
support automatic redirection. In this case you need to disable the redirect option.
A web page is then presented with a link to the secure connection that users must
manually click.
• When the Web Agent is configured to use a single web page for entering the user
name and passcode, the LCD on certain devices may appear to be using separate
pages, one for entering the user name and a second page for entering the passcode.
However, the microbrowser on the device is sending the data all at once, unless
you have specifically enabled the Use Separate User Name and Passcode Pages
option in the Web Agent.
• When Name Locking and Use Separate User Name and Passcode Pages are
enabled in the Web Agent, and the carrier signal is lost after transmitting the user
name, the user name is locked in the Web Agent database until the Name Lock
time-out expires. Instruct the user to authenticate again after the Name Lock
expiration time.
140 8: Troubleshooting
RSA Authentication Agent 8.0 for Web for IIS Installation and Configuration Guide
Note: Displaying the user name and passcode prompts as separate pages comes with
security tradeoffs that may or may not be appropriate for your environment. When the
prompts are separated onto different pages, the Web Agent creates new sessions while
submitting the user names. As with most session management systems, this creates the
possibility that all sessions will be reserved, and new authentication attempts will be
rejected until old sessions complete.
• It can be difficult for users to enter the PIN and tokencode within the designated
time limit (typically 60 seconds) before the tokencode changes again. Most WAP
devices by default are set up for alphanumeric entries. That means the user must
scroll through the letters assigned to a button before reaching the numbers.
Because tokencodes are always numeric, instruct users to switch their phone to
numeric entry, if their phone allows this, only after entering the PIN.
• Some gateways have very specific size limitations for WML templates. You may
need to reduce the amount of information provided in the templates.
• To enable the Redirect HTTP Connections to Secure Server option, the cellular
device and its gateway must allow for SSL redirection. RSA recommends that you
instruct the user to refer to the documentation provided with his or her cellular
• Devices that allow for an image display may, during the course of an
authentication, display the status “Failed” for several seconds (depending on the
speed of the microbrowser) until an image is shown on the LCD that indicates
success. In these instances, the user should wait for several seconds until the
success image is shown. If, however, the “Failed” status message is displayed for
a substantial amount of time, it is most likely valid, and the user should attempt
authentication again.
Important: All web servers protected using the multiple domain option should be
configured to use only SSL( not plain http).
Note: All servers protected using multiple domain authentication should have the
same WebID URL. If you have changed the default webID URL value in any of these
servers (default value is /webauthentication) then you must change it in all the
servers, else the feature will not work.
8: Troubleshooting 141
RSA Authentication Agent 8.0 for Web for IIS Installation and Configuration Guide
If you have configured some URLs protected by the Web Agent for multiple domain
single sign-on access, single sign-on will not work if you use Internet Explorer 8.0
browsers even if you have added the URLs to the trusted zone in Internet Explorer.
When you access one URL and successfully authenticate, you will still be challenged
when accessing the other URL configured for SSO.
To avoid this problem, you must configure the following settings in the Internet
Explorer browser in addition to allowing third-party cookies:
1. Click Tools > Internet Options.
2. In the Internet Options dialog box, click the Privacy tab.
3. Click Sites.
4. In the Per Site Privacy Actions dialog box, type the URL that you want to
configure for multiple domain single sign-on access in Address of Web site text
box, and click Allow.
5. Repeat step 4 for all the URLs participating in single sign-on.
6. Click OK in the Per Site Privacy Actions dialog box.
7. Click Apply > OK.
The following issues might occur when using multiple domain access on wireless
• When Multi-Domain Access is enabled in the Web Agent, a list of URLs for the
domains is displayed. WAP devices that allow for an image display may, during
the course of an authentication, display the “Failed” status for several seconds
(depending on the speed of the microbrowser) until an image is shown on the
LCD that indicates success. In these instances, the user should wait for several
seconds until the success image is shown. However, if the “Failed” status message
remains for a substantial amount of time, it is most likely valid, and the user
should attempt to authenticate again.
• When Multi-Domain Access is enabled, the Web Agent attempts to get an image
from each of the domains to see if it has connected. With some cell phones, the
image is displayed, but the connection was never actually made. When the user
has authenticated once in a multiple domain environment and then attempts to
access a URL in another domain, the user is asked to authenticate again rather
than having single sign-on.
• To work around this issue, enable the Using Text Link Authentication
Mechanism for Multi-Domain WML Access configuration option. For more
information, see “Configure Advanced Settings” on page 44.
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8: Troubleshooting 143
RSA Authentication Agent 8.0 for Web for IIS Installation and Configuration Guide
Web Agent with Exchange Server 2013 or Follow these procedures in Chapter 3,
2016 without SSO “Installing Authentication Agent for Web:”
1. “Uninstall the Web Agent” on page 35.
2. “Reconfigure Microsoft Exchange Server
2013 or 2016 After Uninstalling Web
Agent” on page 36.
Web Agent with Exchange Server 2010 Follow these procedures in Chapter 3,
without SSO “Installing Authentication Agent for Web:”
1. “Uninstall the Web Agent” on page 35.
2. “Reconfigure Microsoft Exchange Server
2010 After Uninstalling Web Agent” on
page 36.
144 8: Troubleshooting
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8: Troubleshooting 145
RSA Authentication Agent 8.0 for Web for IIS Installation and Configuration Guide
acestatus, 125 error log, 126
advanced settings, 44 error messages, 126
agent_nsload, 27, 30
auditing, 12 G
authenticating graphics
error log, 126 customizing, 84
two-factor, 12 group access
WML, 47 setting up, 59
authentication group security, 45
logging attempts, 126 guidelines
auto submit, 47 for customizing, 82
auto-redirect scripts, 65
buttons templates, 78
customizing, 84 http, 11
HTTP redirection, 44
C https, 11
preventing, 46 J
Character Set page, 24, 32 JavaScript, 47
character settings, 24, 32
client integration, 107
code page, 21
local access, 13
Configuring, 105
logging, TCP environment, 75
configuring, 39
logging, UDP environment, 73
group access, 59
Logoff URL, 64
configuring, 40
description, 12 M
disabling API, 47 message strings
cross-site request forgery protection, 48 customizing, 86
customized templates, 49 Microsoft Exchange Server,
customizing reconfiguring, 100
buttons, 84 multiple domain access, 13, 58
graphics, 84 known issues, 141
guidelines, 82 WML, 47
location of templates, 82 multi-server access, 58
message strings, 86
multiple domain authentication, 58 N
static text, 83 name locking
enabling, 46
D node secret, 14, 15, 26, 29, 138
default character set, 21
directories P
protecting, 41 persistent cookie
short-term, 107
Index 147
RSA Authentication Agent 8.0 for Web for IIS Installation and Configuration Guide
148 Index