Law On Sales Practice Set
Law On Sales Practice Set
Law On Sales Practice Set
9. Three (3) of the following are 13. In a sale, the buyer is entitled
option money. Which is the earnest and has the right to the fruit of the
money? thing sold from the time:
39. A characteristic of the Contract of 44. The following are the alternative
Sale which involves exchange of remedies, except one available to the
value, it is buyer in case of breach of warranty by
the seller:
A. Commutative
B. Nominate A. Keep the goods and ask for
C. Bilateral damages
D. Consensual B. Refuse to accept the goods and
ask for damages
40. The principal is not liable for C. Rescind the sale and retain the
expenses incurred by the agent: goods
D. Keep the goods and set up
A. When it was stipulated that the against the seller by way of
agent would only be allowed a recoupment in price.
certain sum
B. When the agent has complied 45. Which of the following statements
with his obligations by acting is true and correct?
according to the principal’s
instructions A. In a Contract of Sale, the full
C. When the agent incurred them payment of the price is in the
with the knowledge that an nature of a suspensive condition
unfavorable result would ensue in that the seller is obligated to
and the principal was aware of transfer ownership of the thing
it sold.
D. When the expenses were B. The seller need not be the
incurred without the fault of the owner of the thing sold at the
agent perfection of the sale.
C. There may be a transfer of
41. An assignor of credit warrants: ownership over the thing even if
the seller has not delivered the
A. Solvency of the debtor thing sold to the buyer.
B. Existence and legality of credit D. In a Contract of Sale, the buyer
C. Collectibility becomes the owner of the thing
D. Assurance of payment sold upon full payment of the
purchase price.
42. A appoints B to sell his land
46. X, Y and Z were appointed by R as
Example 1. If the authority of B is his agents to administer his building
oral and B sells the which was rented by various tenants
land in writing. The sale while R was abroad for three years. In
is valid. the course of management, X cause
Example 2. If the authority of B is through his fault damage to the
in writing and B sells
Law on Sales
building, which was assessed at but for a price of P120 each. After
P30,000. R can claim: ratifying the sale on credit, B can
collect. After ratifying
A. P10,000 from each of X, Y and the sale on credit, B can collect
Z. cash payment from C.
B. P30,000 from X
C. P30,000 from Y and Z A. P1,000
D. P30,000 from either X, Y and Z B. P1,200
C. P1,080
47. Pledge and Mortgage are D. P 900
accessory contracts because they:
52. Three of the following are
A. Are meant to secure the essential requisites of a contract of
fulfillment of a principal mortgage. Which one is not?
B. Cannot exist if the principal A. The person instituting the
obligation is void. mortgage has the free disposal
C. Can exist by themselves. of his property.
D. Cannot secure fulfillment of B. The contract must be in writing.
rescissible obligation. C. The mortgagor is the absolute
owner of the thing mortgaged.
48. Mr. A offered to sell his land to Mr. D. The mortgage is constituted to
B for P300,000. Mr. B accepted the secure the fulfillment of a
offer and paid Mr. A the purchase principal obligation.
price. Mr. A delivered the owner’s
certificate of the Transfer certificate of 53. In real mortgage, the following
Title to the land. Mr. B wants to rules are valid, except one:
register the land in his name, but the
Register of Deeds asks Mr. B for the A. A stipulation in the mortgage
Deed of Sale. What can Mr. B do? contract prohibiting the owner
from alienating the immovable
A. He may occupy the land as a mortgaged is valid.
buyer in good faith. B. The mortgage may alienate the
B. He cannot compel Mr. A to mortgage credit or assign to a
return the payment because the third person in whole or in part.
contract is unenforceable. C. Any stipulation allowing the
C. He may compel Mr. A to mortgage creditor to
execute the Deed of Sale appropriate the property
because the contract is valid. mortgaged is null and void.
D. He may sue Mr. A to return the D. If alienation of the mortgage
purchase price under the legal credit is not registered, it is still
principle that no one may enrich valid between the parties.
himself at the expense of
another. 54. A wrote a letter to B wherein A
offered to sell his piece of land to B for
49. Pacto de retro sale as P200,000. B signified his desire to buy
distinguished from mortgage: the land. In A’s letter, he gives B a
period of two (2) months within which
A. There is redemption by to produce the P200,000. After 45
payment principally of the debt. days, A told B that the price of the
B. There is no transfer of land is now P250,000. Can B compel A
possession of the thing sold to accept the P200,000 first offered by
C. There is no foreclosure unless it A and execute the deed of sale?
is declared as an equitable
mortgage. A. Yes, there was actual meeting
D. There is no transfer of of the minds of the parties
ownership of the thing sold. B. No, for B did not signify his
acceptance of A’s offer.
50. A is authorized by B to sell the C. Yes, because A is already
latter’s books for P100 each. A sells 10 stopped by his signed letter
books to C on credit
Law on Sales
D. Yes, because the period of two D. C can recover the deficiency of
months has not expired. P2,000.
55. A and B are good friends. A sold 59. In a contract wherein a person
and delivered his car to B. It was binds himself to render special service
agreed and understood that on the to do something in behalf of another
next Sunday A will name and fix the with consent of the latter.
price of the car. Sunday came. A
called B by phone and stated and A. Contract of piece of work
fixed the price at P150,000. Is the sale B. Contract of service
perfected? C. Contract of agency
D. Contract of exchange
A. Yes. The price was stated and
fixed on the date agreed upon. 60. Which of the following obligations
B. No. The price was left to the of the vendor cannot be waived:
discretion of the seller.
C. No. at the time of the sale, the A. To allow the buyer to examine
price is not fixed. the goods sold.
D. No. The price fixed by the seller B. To transfer ownership to the
was not accepted by the buyer. buyer.
C. To pay the expenses of the
56. In sale, this is actual delivery: deed of sale.
D. To warrant the thing sold.
A. Execution and signing of the
sales document. 61. A appoints B as his agent to sell
B. When the goods sold are his land, which of the following is
p0laced in the control and valid:
possession of the buyer.
C. Delivery by the seller to the A. The authority of B is in writing
buyer of the key where the and the sale of the land in favor
goods are kept. of C is oral.
D. The buyer is already in actual B. The authority of B from A is by
possession of the goods. way of letter and B sells the
land to C in writing.
57. This is a mode of extinguishing an C. The authority of B is oral and B
agency: sells the land to C for P50,000 in
a written contract of sale.
A. Death of the principal, but the D. When goods are delivered to an
agency is for the interest of the agent to be sold by him and the
principal and agent. agent is not liable to the
B. Partial accomplishment of the manufacturer of the goods.
C. Upon withdrawal of the 62. A stipulation whereby the pledge
principal. or mortgagee automatically becomes
D. Insanity of the principal or the owner of the thing pledged or
agent. mortgaged:
A. Pactum commisorium
58. D pledged his Singer Sewing B. Consolidation of ownership
Machine to C for P8,000. D was unable C. Conventional redemption
to pay the obligation 60 days after due D. Consignation
date. C sold the machine at public
auction for P6,000. 63. Which of the following statements
is true and correct:
A. C cannot recover the deficiency
of P2,000 even if there is A. Pledge and mortgage are
stipulation that he can. accessory contracts because
B. C can recover the deficiency of they cannot exist by
P2,000 even without stipulation. themselves.
C. C cannot recover the deficiency
of P2,000
Law on Sales
B. In both pledge and mortgage, I. The sale is not valid because a
the creditor is entitled to seller cannot sell that which he
deficiency judgment. does not own.
C. Where an obligation is secured
by a pledge or mortgage and it II. The sale is not valid because a
is not paid when due the pledge public document is required.
or mortgagee may dispose of
the thing pledged or mortgaged A. First statement is true, second
if there is an agreement to that statement is false.
effect between the parties. B. First statement is false, second
D. Unless otherwise agreed upon statement is true.
by the parties, the sale of the C. Both statements are true.
mortgage property extinguishes D. Both statements are false
in full the obligation of the
mortgagor to the mortgagee. 67. Husband owes C. Subsequently,
------------------------------------------------------ husband sold his car to his wife. If
------------------------------------------------------ husband cannot pay C on due date:
64. I. A sales contract is a real I. C can question the sale
contract because no ownership is because the sale prejudices C,
transferred unless there is delivery. a creditor.
II. A sales contract is a real
contract because the seller suffers II. C can question the sale
the risk of loss until the object of the because husband is relatively
sale has been delivered. disqualified to enter into this kind
of sale.
A. First statement is true, second
statement is false. A. First statement is true, second
B. First statement is false, second statement is false.
statement is true. B. First statement is false, second
C. Both statements are true. statement is true.
D. Both statements are false C. Both statements are true.
D. Both statements are false
65. A sells to B for P25,000 all the
mango fruits to be harvested from the 68. A sells his TV set to B for P50,000
mango orchard which A plans to buy. on sale or return. Subsequently, the
TV set is lost by
I. The sale is valid because the fortuitous event.
mango fruits have potential
existence. I. The risk of loss pertains to the
seller because the buyer is not
II. The sale is valid because the at fault.
object of the contract need not
exist at the time of the II. The risk of loss pertains to
contract. the seller until the buyer signifies to
the seller that he accepts
A. First statement is true, second the TV set.
statement is false.
B. First statement is false, second A. First statement is true, second
statement is true. statement is false.
C. Both statements are true. B. First statement is false, second
D. Both statements are false statement is true.
C. Both statements are true.
66. A who plans to buy a piece of land D. Both statements are false
from B, enters into contract of sale
respecting the same land with X for 69. A offered to sell for P500,000 his
the price of P100,000. The contract is house and lot to B who was interested
in writing. in buying the same. A gave B thirty
days to raise the amount and as soon
as B is ready they will sign the deed of
sale. On the 25th day, A notified B that
Law on Sales
he is no longer willing to sell the perfection pertains always to the
property unless the price is increased seller.
to P550,000. II. Should fungible things be sold
for a price fixed according to weight,
I. B can compel a to accept the number or measure the risk of loss
P500,000 first offered because there pertains to the buyer after perfection
exists a bilateral offer to even before delivery.
sell and to buy a definite
property for a definite price. A. First statement is true, second
statement is false.
II. B cannot compel A to accept the B. First statement is false, second
P500,000 because this is merely an statement is true.
unaccepted unilateral C. Both statements are true.
promise to sell. D. Both statements are false
71. A specific boat was sold to B for 74. A entered into a contract of sale of
the price of P1 million on credit. his car to B for a price of P50,000. The
Shortly after perfection of the sale but terms are: Upon payment of P20,000 A
before delivery, the boat was shall deliver the car and the balance
destroyed by a fortuitous event. to be paid after one month. B also
I. The seller suffers the loss executed a chattel mortgage on the
because at time of loss he was still car to secure the payment of the
the owner. balance. B defaulted in the payment of
II. The buyer suffers the loss the balance, therefore A foreclosed
because if it were not for the the mortgage. The proceeds realized
fortuitous event ownership would in the foreclosure sale were not
have transferred to him. sufficient to pay the entire balance.
A. First statement is true, second
statement is false. I. A can still recover the
B. First statement is false, second deficiency.
statement is true. II. A cannot recover the deficiency
C. Both statements are true. because the law prohibits him from
D. Both statements are false doing so.
A. First statement is true, second
72. I. Should fungible things be sold statement is false.
for a price independently and for a B. First statement is false, second
single price, the risk of loss before statement is true.
C. Both statements are true.
Law on Sales
D. Both statements are false A. First statement is true, second
statement is false.
75. Guardian sells the property of the B. First statement is false, second
ward to X for a price certain. The statement is true.
property is rural land, area 1 /2 C. Both statements are true.
hectare. X already owns rural land. D. Both statements are false
Guardian is an adjacent owner of 1/ 4
area and the other adjacent owner is C 78. I. A contract of “sale or return” is
of 1/ 2 hectare. a sale with a resolutory condition.
I. Guardian cannot legally redeem II. A contract of “sale on trial or
because he is relatively incapacitated. approval” is a sale with a suspensive
II. Guardian cannot legally redeem condition.
because he is the owner of a lesser
area. A. First statement is true, second
statement is false.
76. S owns 10 sacks of rice for sale in B. First statement is false, second
his store. B came into the store and statement is true.
buys the 10 sacks at the price of C. Both statements are true.
P1,200 per sack and promised S to D. Both statements are false
pay as soon he is paid for the bags of
cement which are then being 79. I. If the bill of lading covering the
unloaded from a truck parked opposite goods sold is by its terms the goods
the store. Upon request of B, S described therein are deliverable to
ordered the loading of the sacks of the order of the seller, and retained by
rice on the truck, continuously the seller, the seller has reserved his
watching the loading. After the sacks ownership over the goods.
of rice were loaded on the truck, B did II. If the bill of lading is by its terms
not appear to pay the price. So, S the goods described therein are
again ordered the unloading of the deliverable to the order of the buyer
sacks of rice. At this moment, the and retained by the seller, the seller
driver of the truck objected to the ha reserved his right of possession of
unloading of the sacks of rice claiming the goods as against the buyer.
the he purchased the sacks of rice
from B and therefore acquired A. First statement is true, second
ownership thereof. statement is false.
I. S cannot order the unloading B. First statement is false, second
because B acquired ownership when statement is true.
the sacks or rice were C. Both statements are true.
loaded on the truck. D. Both statements are false
II. S cannot order the unloading 80. B bought a pair of shoes from shoe
because ownership was transferred to store and repair shop. It was later
the driver by B who discovered that the pair of shoes
had ownership of the sacks of bought by B belonged to a customer
rice. who left it there for repair.
I. B acquired ownership provided
A. First statement is true, second he acted in good faith.
statement is false. II. B did not acquire ownership
B. First statement is false, second because a seller cannot transfer
statement is true. ownership if he himself has
C. Both statements are true. no ownership.
D. Both statements are false A. First statement is true, second
statement is false.
B. First statement is false, second
77. I. If seller has ownership, he can statement is true.
always transfer ownership. C. Both statements are true.
II. If seller has ownership but no D. Both statements are false
possession, he cannot transfer
ownership by constructive 81. I. An unpaid seller loses his
delivery. possessory lien after he has delivered
the goods to a carrier for
Law on Sales
the purpose of transmission to the II. This contract is a contract of
buyer without reserving the ownership sale with leaseback.
in the goods or the right to the A. First statement is true, second
possession thereof. statement is false.
B. First statement is false, second
II. The unpaid seller who loses his statement is true.
possessory lien does not lose his lien C. Both statements are true.
for the payment of the purchase price. D. Both statements are false.
A. First statement is true, second
statement is false. 85. A sold his piece of land to B last
B. First statement is false, second November 10, 2009.
statement is true. I. S shall repurchase the land
C. Both statements are true. within 4 years from date of sale.
D. Both statements are false. II. S shall have within 10 years
from date of sale to repurchase the
82. I. Once the goods have been land so long as the period of
accepted by the buyer, the seller is no repurchase shall not exceed 10 years.
longerresponsible to him for any
breach of warranty. A. First statement is true, second
II. Acceptance by the buyer does statement is false.
not as a general rule release the B. First statement is false, second
seller from liability for breach of statement is true.
warranty. C. Both statements are true.
D. Both statements are false.
A. First statement is true,
second statement is false. 86. A, B and C are co-owners of rural
B. First statement is false, land with an area of 9 hectares. A sold
second statement is true. his undivided interest to X who does
C. Both statements are true. not own rural land.
D. Both statement are false. I. B and C cannot legally redeem
because the sale was an absolute sale.
83. A enters into a contract of sale II. B and C as co-owners can
with B respecting 2 immovables for legally redeem for the purpose of
P200,000, the boundaries are reducing the number of co-
mentioned and the area is 20,000 sq. ownership.
meters. A. First statement is true, second
I. The seller shall suffer a statement is false.
proportionate reduction in price B. First statement is false, second
if the area delivered is less than statement is true.
the area specified in the C. Both statements are true.
contract even though the D. Both statements are false.
boundaries were followed.
II. The seller shall also be entitled 87. I. Conventional redemption is a
to a proportionate increase in privilege.
price if the area exceeds the II. Legal redemption is a right
number specified in the granted by law.
A. First statement is true, second A. First statement is true, second
statement is false. statement is false.
B. First statement is false, second B. First statement is false, second
statement is true. statement is true.
C. Both statements are true. C. Both statements are true.
D. Both statements are false. D. Both statements are false.
84. S sells his piece of land to B for 88. A sold his piece of land to B with a
P100,000. Consequently, another right of repurchase when A has sold
contract was entered into his car.
between the parties whereby B leases
the land to S. I. A can repurchase within 4
I. This contract shall be construed years from date of sale.
as an equitable mortgage.
Law on Sales
II. A can repurchase within 4 D. Both statements are false.
years from date of sale of his car.
A. First statement is true, second
statement is false. 92. I. An agency cannot revoked at
B. First statement is false, second principal’s will if the agency depends
statement is true. upon a bilateral contract.
C. Both statements are true. II. An agency cannot be revoked
D. Both statements are false. at principal’s will if the agency is for a
89. P authorized his agent to direct
and administer his commercial A. First statement is true, second
business, among others “to statement is false.
collect sums of money and exact B. First statement is false, second
their payment by legal means.” statement is true.
C. Both statements are true.
I. A can bring a court action for D. Both statements are false.
collection provided he brings it
in the principal’s name 93. A and B were appointed
under his agency. simultaneously by P as his agents.
II. A needs a special power of Solidary liability of the agents
attorney to bring a court action was stipulated.
because the agency of A pertains only I. Any one of the agents shall be
to acts of administration. liable for any damage suffered
by the principal for
A. First statement is true, second nonperformance of the agency.
statement is false. II. Solidary liability will apply in
B. First statement is false, second case of damages suffered by the
statement is true. principal caused by the negligence of
C. Both statements are true. either agent provided the agent acted
D. Both statements are false. within the scope of his authority.
A. First statement is true, second
90. I. A special power to mortgage statement is false.
includes the special power to B. First statement is false, second
constitute a second mortgage. statement is true.
II. A special power to mortgage C. Both statements are true.
does not include the power to sell. D. Both statements are false.
A. First statement is true, second
statement is false. 94. On September 1, 2010, P owns a
B. First statement is false, second piece of land gave a general power of
statement is true. attorney to A. On October 1, 2010, P,
C. Both statements are true. without the knowledge of A executed
D. Both statements are false. in favor of C a special power of
attorney to sell said piece of land.
91. Agent was authorized by Principal November 10, 2010, A as attorney-in-
to sell the latter’s TV set for P10,000 fact of P executed a deed of sale over
on the installment the piece of land in favor of X. On the
plan. A was able to sell it for same date, C under the special power
P10,000 cash basis. given by P, sold the same piece of
I. The sale is not binding upon the land t Y. Both purchasers acted in
principal unless the principal good faith. X registered his sale. Y did
ratifies it. not.
I. The sale in favor of X must
II. The sale is not binding upon the be respected because he
principal because the agency was registered it in good faith.
performed in a manner not II. The sale in favor of Y must
included in the agency. be respected because C was
A. First statement is true, second specially granted with
statement is false. authority to sell.
B. First statement is false, second
statement is true. A. First statement is true, second
C. Both statements are true. statement is false.
Law on Sales
B. First statement is false, second B. First statement is false, second
statement is true. statement is true.
C. Both statements are true. C. Both statements are true.
D. Both statements are false. D. Both statements are false.
A. First statement is true, second 68. I. The ownership of the thing sold
statement is false. shall be transferred to the vendee
B. First statement is false, second upon perfection of the
statement is true. contract.
C. Both statements are true.
D. Both statements are false II. An unaccepted unilateral
promise to buy or to sell a
65. I. If the price is grossly determinate thing for a price certain
inadequate, the sale is void. is binding upon the
II. Whenever option money is
given in a contract of sale, it shall be A. First statement is true, second
considered as part of the statement is false.
price and a proof of the B. First statement is false, second
perfection of the contract. statement is true.
C. Both statements are true.
A. First statement is true, second D. Both statements are false
statement is false.
B. First statement is false, second 69. I. The husband and the wife
statement is true. cannot sell property to each other, as
C. Both statements are true. a rule.
D. Both statements are false
II. The sale of a piece of land or
66. I. Earnest money and option interest therein when made thru an
money both apply to perfected sale. agent is void unless the
agent’s authority is in writing
II. In a contract of sale of personal even if the sale itself is in s public
property the price of which is payable instrument and has been
in installment, the registered.
vendor may cancel the sale
should the vendee fail to pay. A. First statement is true, second
statement is false.
A. First statement is true, second B. First statement is false, second
statement is false. statement is true.
B. First statement is false, second C. Both statements are true.
statement is true. D. Both statements are false
C. Both statements are true.
D. Both statements are false 70. I. The expenses for the execution
and registration of the sale shall be
67. I. Should the vendee’s failure to borne by the vendee,
pay, cover two or more installments, unless there is a stipulation to
the vendor may the contrary.
foreclose the chattel mortgage
on the thing sold but he shall have no II. If the same thing should have
further action against been sold to different vendees the
the purchaser to recover any ownership shall be
unpaid balance of the price, except if transferred to the person who
there is an agreement to may have taken possession thereof in
the contrary. good faith.
73. I. Option money is considered as II. If the vendee has renounced the
part of the purchase price while right to warranty in case of eviction,
earnest money is not. and eviction should
take place, the vendor shall
II. The Maceda Law refers to the only pay the value which the thing
sale of personal property by sold had at the time of sale.
installments while the Recto
Law refers to the sale of real A. First statement is true, second
property by installments. statement is false.
B. First statement is false, second
A. First statement is true, second statement is true.
statement is false. C. Both statements are true.
B. First statement is false, second D. Both statements are false
statement is true.
C. Both statements are true. 77. I. Unless otherwise agreed, the
D. Both statements are false buyer of goods is not bound to accept
delivery thereof by
74. I. If two or more animals are sold installment.
together, whether for lump sum or for
a separate price for II. In case of doubt, a contract
each of them, the redhibitory purporting to be an equitable
defect of one shall give rise to the mortgage shall be construed as a
redhibition of the others. sale with a right to repurchase.
II. If through the negligence or II. If the price of the sale is more
willful act of the pledge, the thing than the amount of the obligation, the
pledge is in danger of debtor shall be
being lost or impaired, the pledge entitled to the excess, unless it
may cause the same to be sold at a is otherwise agreed.
public auction.
A. First statement is true, second
A. First statement is true, second statement is false.
statement is false. B. First statement is false, second
B. First statement is false, second statement is true.
statement is true. C. Both statements are true.
C. Both statements are true. D. Both statements are false.
D. Both statements are false.
17. I. If the price of the sale is less
14. I. If the thing pledged is returned than the amount of the obligation the
by the pledge to the pledgor or owner, creditor shall not be
the pledged is entitled to recover the
extinguished, except if there is deficiency except if there is a
stipulation to the contrary. stipulation to the contrary.