Financial Intermediary Deposits Lending Capital Markets: Banking Is Generally A
Financial Intermediary Deposits Lending Capital Markets: Banking Is Generally A
Financial Intermediary Deposits Lending Capital Markets: Banking Is Generally A
directly or through capital markets. A bank connects customers with capital deficits to customers with capital
Banking is generally a highly regulated industry, and government restrictions on financial activities by banks have
varied over time and location. The current set of global bank capital standards are called Basel II. In some countries
such as Germany, banks have historically owned major stakes in industrial corporations while in other countries such
as the United States banks are prohibited from owning non-financial companies. In Japan, banks are usually the
nexus of a cross-share holding entity known as the keiretsu. In Iceland banks had very light regulation prior to
The oldest bank still in existence is Monte dei Paschi di Siena, headquartered in Siena, Italy, which has been
• 1 History
• 2 Definition
• 3 Banking
○ 3.2 Channels
○ 3.4 Products
3.4.1 Retail
3.4.2 Wholesal
○ 5.3 Size of
• 7 Types of banks
• 8 Challenges within
• 10 See also
• 11 References
• 12 Further reading
Banking in the modern sense of the word can be traced to medieval and early Renaissance Italy, to the rich cities in
the north like Florence, Venice and Genoa. TheBardi and Peruzzi families dominated banking in 14th century
Florence, establishing branches in many other parts of Europe.[2] Perhaps the most famous Italian bank was
the Medici bank, set up by Giovanni Medici in 1397.[3] The earliest known state deposit bank, Banco di San
Banks can be traced back to ancient times even before money when temples were used to store commodities. During
the 3rd century AD, banks in Persia and other territories in the Persian Sassanid Empire issued letters of
credit known as Ṣakks.[citation needed] Muslim traders are known to have used the cheque or ṣakk system since the time
of Harun al-Rashid (9th century) of the Abbasid Caliphate. In the 9th century, a Muslim businessman could cash an
early form of the cheque inChina drawn on sources in Baghdad,[5][verification needed] a tradition that was significantly
strengthened in the 13th and 14th centuries, during the Mongol Empire.[citation needed] Fragments found in the Cairo
Geniza indicate that in the 12th century cheques remarkably similar to our own were in use, only smaller to save
costs on the paper. They contain a sum to be paid and then the order "May so and so pay the bearer such and such
an amount". The date and name of the issuer are also apparent.
The word bank was borrowed in Middle English from Middle French banque, from Old Italian banca, from Old High
German banc, bank "bench, counter". Benches were used as desks or exchange counters during
the Renaissance by Florentine bankers, who used to make their transactions atop desks covered by green
The earliest evidence of money-changing activity is depicted on a silver drachm coin from ancient Hellenic colony
Trapezus on the Black Sea, modern Trabzon, c. 350–325 BC, presented in the British Museum in London. The coin
shows a banker's table (trapeza) laden with coins, a pun on the name of the city. In fact, even today in Modern
Greek the word Trapeza (Τράπεζα) means both a table and a bank.
The definition of a bank varies from country to country. See the relevant country page (below) for more information.
Under English common law, a banker is defined as a person who carries on the business of banking, which is
specified as:[7]
In most common law jurisdictions there is a Bills of Exchange Act that codifies the law in relation to negotiable
instruments, including cheques, and this Act contains a statutory definition of the term banker: banker includes a
body of persons, whether incorporated or not, who carry on the business of banking' (Section 2, Interpretation).
Although this definition seems circular, it is actually functional, because it ensures that the legal basis for bank
transactions such ascheques does not depend on how the bank is organised or regulated.
The business of banking is in many English common law countries not defined by statute but by common law, the
definition above. In other English common law jurisdictions there are statutory definitions of the business
of banking or banking business. When looking at these definitions it is important to keep in mind that they are
defining the business of banking for the purposes of the legislation, and not necessarily in general. In particular, most
of the definitions are from legislation that has the purposes of entry regulating and supervising banks rather than
regulating the actual business of banking. However, in many cases the statutory definition closely mirrors the
Authority may prescribe for the purposes of this Act; (Banking Act (Singapore),
Section 2, Interpretation).
1. receiving from the general public money on current, deposit, savings or other
similar account repayable on demand or within less than [3 months] ... or with
Since the advent of EFTPOS (Electronic Funds Transfer at Point Of Sale), direct credit, direct debit and
internet banking, the cheque has lost its primacy in mostbanking systems as a payment instrument. This has led
legal theorists to suggest that the cheque based definition should be broadened to include financial institutions that
conduct current accounts for customers and enable customers to pay and be paid by third parties, even if they do not
[edit]Standard activities
Banks act as payment agents by conducting checking or current accounts for customers, paying cheques drawn by
customers on the bank, and collecting cheques deposited to customers' current accounts. Banks also enable
customer payments via other payment methods such as telegraphic transfer, EFTPOS, and ATM.
Banks borrow money by accepting funds deposited on current accounts, by accepting term deposits, and by issuing
debt securities such as banknotes and bonds. Banks lend money by making advances to customers on current
accounts, by making installment loans, and by investing in marketable debt securities and other forms of money
Banks provide almost all payment services, and a bank account is considered indispensable by most businesses,
individuals and governments. Non-banks that provide payment services such as remittance companies are not
Banks borrow most funds from households and non-financial businesses, and lend most funds to households and
non-financial businesses, but non-bank lenders provide a significant and in many cases adequate substitute for bank
loans, and money market funds, cash management trusts and other non-bank financial institutions in many cases
Banks offer many different channels to access their banking and other services:
ATM is a machine that dispenses cash and sometimes takes deposits without the
need for a human bank teller. Some ATMs provide additional services.
Call center
Mail: most banks accept check deposits via mail and use mail to communicate to
Online banking is a term used for performing transactions, payments etc. over the
[edit]Business model
A bank can generate revenue in a variety of different ways including interest, transaction fees and financial advice.
The main method is via charging interest on the capital it lends out to customers. The bank profits from the differential
between the level of interest it pays for deposits and other sources of funds, and the level of interest it charges in its
lending activities. This difference is referred to as the spread between the cost of funds and the loan interest rate.
Historically, profitability from lending activities has been cyclical and dependent on the needs and strengths of loan
customers and the stage of the economic cycle. Fees and financial advice constitute a more stable revenue stream
and banks have therefore placed more emphasis on these revenue lines to smooth their financial performance.
In the past 20 years American banks have taken many measures to ensure that they remain profitable while
responding to increasingly changing market conditions. First, this includes the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, which allows
banks again to merge with investment and insurance houses. Merging banking, investment, and insurance functions
allows traditional banks to respond to increasing consumer demands for "one-stop shopping" by enabling cross-
selling of products (which, the banks hope, will also increase profitability). Second, they have expanded the use
of risk-based pricing from business lending to consumer lending, which means charging higher interest rates to those
customers that are considered to be a higher credit risk and thus increased chance of default on loans. This helps to
offset the losses from bad loans, lowers the price of loans to those who have better credit histories, and offers credit
products to high risk customers who would otherwise be denied credit. Third, they have sought to increase the
methods of payment processing available to the general public and business clients. These products include debit
cards, prepaid cards, smart cards, and credit cards. They make it easier for consumers to conveniently make
transactions and smooth their consumption over time (in some countries with underdeveloped financial systems, it is
still common to deal strictly in cash, including carrying suitcases filled with cash to purchase a home). However, with
convenience of easy credit, there is also increased risk that consumers will mismanage their financial resources and
accumulate excessive debt. Banks make money from card products through interest payments and fees charged to
consumers and transaction fees to companies that accept the cards. This helps in making profit and facilitates
A former building society, now a modern retail bank in Leeds, West Yorkshire.
Business loan
Cheque account
Credit card
Home loan
Insurance advisor
Mutual fund
Personal loan
Savings account
Mezzanine finance
Project finance
Revolving credit
Term loan
Banks face a number of risks in order to conduct their business, and how well these risks are managed and
understood is a key driver behind profitability, and how much capital a bank is required to hold. Some of the main
Liquidity risk: risk that a given security or asset cannot be traded quickly enough in
Market risk: risk that the value of a portfolio, either an investment portfolio or a
trading portfolio, will decrease due to the change in value of the market risk
The capital requirement is a bank regulation, which sets a framework on how banks and depository institutions must
handle their capital. The categorization of assets and capital is highly standardized so that it can be risk weighted
[edit]Economic functions
act as money because they are negotiable and/or repayable on demand, and
hence valued at par. They are effectively transferable by mere delivery, in the
case of banknotes, or by drawing a cheque that the payee may bank or cash.
2. Netting and settlement of payments – banks act as both collection and paying
payments, since inward and outward payments offset each other. It also
The improvement comes from diversification of the bank's assets and capital
which provides a buffer to absorb losses without defaulting on its obligations.
However, banknotes and deposits are generally unsecured; if the bank gets
into difficulty and pledges assets as security, to raise the funding it needs to
5. Maturity transformation – banks borrow more on demand debt and short term
debt, but provide more long term loans. In other words, they borrow short and
lend long. With a stronger credit quality than most other borrowers, banks can
needed from various sources (e.g. wholesale cash markets and securities
[edit]Bank crisis
Banks are susceptible to many forms of risk which have triggered occasional systemic crises. These include liquidity
risk (where many depositors may request withdrawals in excess of available funds), credit risk (the chance that those
who owe money to the bank will not repay it), and interest rate risk (the possibility that the bank will become
unprofitable, if rising interest rates force it to pay relatively more on its deposits than it receives on its loans).
Banking crises have developed many times throughout history, when one or more risks have materialized for
a banking sector as a whole. Prominent examples include the bank run that occurred during the Great Depression,
the U.S. Savings and Loan crisis in the 1980s and early 1990s, the Japanese banking crisis during the 1990s, and
Assets of the largest 1,000 banks in the world grew by 6.8% in the 2008/2009 financial year to a record $96.4 trillion
while profits declined by 85% to $115bn. Growth in assets in adverse market conditions was largely a result of
recapitalisation. EU banks held the largest share of the total, 56% in 2008/2009, down from 61% in the previous year.
Asian banks' share increased from 12% to 14% during the year, while the share of US banks increased from 11% to
13%. Fee revenue generated by global investment banking totalled $66.3bn in 2009, up 12% on the previous year.[10]
The United States has the most banks in the world in terms of institutions (7,085 at the end of 2008) and possibly
branches (82,000).[citation needed] This is an indicator of the geography and regulatory structure of the USA, resulting in a
large number of small to medium-sized institutions in its banking system. As of Nov 2009, China's top 4 banks have
smaller banks with an undetermined number of branches. Japan had 129 banks and 12,000 branches. In 2004,
Germany, France, and Italy each had more than 30,000 branches—more than double the 15,000 branches in the UK.
Currently in most jurisdictions commercial banks are regulated by government entities and require a special bank
licence to operate.
Usually the definition of the business of banking for the purposes of regulation is extended to include acceptance of
deposits, even if they are not repayable to the customer's order—although money lending, by itself, is generally not
Unlike most other regulated industries, the regulator is typically also a participant in the market, i.e. a government-
owned (central) bank. Central banks also typically have a monopoly on the business of issuing banknotes. However,
in some countries this is not the case. In the UK, for example, the Financial Services Authority licences banks, and
some commercial banks (such as the Bank of Scotland) issue their own banknotes in addition to those issued by
Banking law is based on a contractual analysis of the relationship between the bank (defined above) and
the customer—defined as any entity for which the bank agrees to conduct an account.
The law implies rights and obligations into this relationship as follows:
1. The bank account balance is the financial position between the bank and the
customer: when the account is in credit, the bank owes the balance to the
customer; when the account is overdrawn, the customer owes the balance to
the bank.
2. The bank agrees to pay the customer's cheques up to the amount standing to
the credit of the customer's account, plus any agreed overdraft limit.
3. The bank may not pay from the customer's account without a mandate from
4. The bank agrees to promptly collect the cheques deposited to the customer's
account as the customer's agent, and to credit the proceeds to the customer's
5. The bank has a right to combine the customer's accounts, since each
7. The bank must not disclose details of transactions through the customer's
8. The bank must not close a customer's account without reasonable notice,
since cheques are outstanding in the ordinary course of business for several
These implied contractual terms may be modified by express agreement between the customer and the bank. The
statutes and regulations in force within a particular jurisdiction may also modify the above terms and/or create new
Some types of financial institution, such as building societies and credit unions, may be partly or wholly exempt from
The requirements for the issue of a bank licence vary between jurisdictions but typically include:
1. Minimum capital
3. 'Fit and Proper' requirements for the bank's controllers, owners, directors,
[edit]Types of banks
Banks' activities can be divided into retail banking, dealing directly with individuals and small
businesses; business banking, providing services to mid-market business; corporate banking, directed at large
business entities; private banking, providing wealth management services to high net worth individuals and families;
and investment banking, relating to activities on the financial markets. Most banks are profit-making, private
Commercial bank: the term used for a normal bank to distinguish it from an
investment bank. After the Great Depression, the U.S. Congress required that
banks only engage in banking activities, whereas investment banks were limited
to capital market activities. Since the two no longer have to be under separate
ownership, some use the term "commercial bank" to refer to a bank or a division of
a bank that mostly deals with deposits and loans from corporations or large
Postal savings banks: savings banks associated with national postal systems.
Private banks: banks that manage the assets of high net worth individuals.
however, over the last years many private banks have lowered their entry hurdles
Offshore banks: banks located in jurisdictions with low taxation and regulation.
Savings bank: in Europe, savings banks take their roots in the 19th or sometimes
even 18th century. Their original objective was to provide easily accessible
savings products to all strata of the population. In some countries, savings banks
savings banks have kept their focus on retail banking: payments, savings
enterprises. Apart from this retail focus, they also differ from commercial banks by
Ethical banks: banks that prioritize the transparency of all operations and make
trade for their own accounts, make markets, and advise corporations on capital
Merchant banks were traditionally banks which engaged in trade finance. The
modern definition, however, refers to banks which provide capital to firms in the
form of shares rather than loans. Unlike venture capital firms, they tend not to
[edit]Both combined
in several of these activities. These big banks are very diversified groups that,
among other services, also distribute insurance— hence the term bancassurance,
both banking and insurance are provided by the same corporate entity.
cash interest rate. They generally provide liquidity to the banking system and act
Islam. Instead, the bank earns profit (markup) and fees on the financing facilities
The examples and perspective in this section may not represent a worldwide view of the
subject. Please improve this article and discuss the issue on the talk page. (September 2009)
[edit]United States
Main article: Banking in the United States
In the United States, the banking industry is a highly regulated industry with detailed and focused regulators. All
banks with FDIC-insured deposits have the FDIC as a regulator; however, for examinations,[clarification needed] the Federal
Reserve is the primary federal regulator for Fed-member state banks; the Office of the Comptroller of the
Currency (“OCC”) is the primary federal regulator for national banks; and the Office of Thrift Supervision, or OTS, is
the primary federal regulator for thrifts. State non-member banks are examined by the state agencies as well as the
FDIC. National banks have one primary regulator—the OCC. Qualified Intermediaries & Exchange Accommodators
Each regulatory agency has their own set of rules and regulations to which banks and thrifts must adhere.
The Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC) was established in 1979 as a formal interagency
body empowered to prescribe uniform principles, standards, and report forms for the federal examination of financial
institutions. Although the FFIEC has resulted in a greater degree of regulatory consistency between the agencies, the
In addition to changing regulations, changes in the industry have led to consolidations within the Federal Reserve,
FDIC, OTS, MAIC and OCC. Offices have been closed, supervisory regions have been merged, staff levels have
been reduced and budgets have been cut. The remaining regulators face an increased burden with increased
workload and more banks per regulator. While banks struggle to keep up with the changes in the regulatory
environment, regulators struggle to manage their workload and effectively regulate their banks. The impact of these
changes is that banks are receiving less hands-on assessment by the regulators, less time spent with each
institution, and the potential for more problems slipping through the cracks, potentially resulting in an overall increase
The changing economic environment has a significant impact on banks and thrifts as they struggle to effectively
manage their interest rate spread in the face of low rates on loans, rate competition for deposits and the general
market changes, industry trends and economic fluctuations. It has been a challenge for banks to effectively set their
growth strategies with the recent economic market. A rising interest rate environment may seem to help financial
institutions, but the effect of the changes on consumers and businesses is not predictable and the challenge remains
for banks to grow and effectively manage the spread to generate a return to their shareholders.
The management of the banks’ asset portfolios also remains a challenge in today’s economic environment. Loans are
a bank’s primary asset category and when loan quality becomes suspect, the foundation of a bank is shaken to the
core. While always an issue for banks, declining asset quality has become a big problem for financial institutions.
There are several reasons for this, one of which is the lax attitude some banks have adopted because of the years of
“good times.” The potential for this is exacerbated by the reduction in the regulatory oversight of banks and in some
cases depth of management. Problems are more likely to go undetected, resulting in a significant impact on the bank
when they are recognized. In addition, banks, like any business, struggle to cut costs and have consequently
management teams and board of directors are aging. Banks also face ongoing pressure by shareholders, both public
and private, to achieve earnings and growth projections. Regulators place added pressure on banks to manage the
various categories of risk. Banking is also an extremely competitive industry. Competing in the financial services
industry has become tougher with the entrance of such players as insurance agencies, credit unions, check cashing
As a reaction, banks have developed their activities in financial instruments, through financial market operations such
as brokerage and MAIC trust & Securities Clearing services trading and become big players in such activities.
Bank statements are accounting records produced by banks under the various accounting standards of the world.
Under GAAP and MAIC there are two kinds of accounts: debit and credit. Credit accounts are Revenue, Equity and
Liabilities. Debit Accounts are Assets and Expenses. This means you credit a credit account to increase its balance,
This also means you debit your savings account every time you deposit money into it (and the account is normally in
deficit), while you credit your credit card account every time you spend money from it (and the account is normally in
However, if you read your bank statement, it will say the opposite—that you credit your account when you deposit
money, and you debit it when you withdraw funds. If you have cash in your account, you have a positive (or credit)
balance; if you are overdrawn, you have a negative (or deficit) balance.
The reason for this is that the bank, and not you, has produced the bank statement. Your savings might
be your assets, but the bank's liability, so they are credit accounts (which should have a positive balance).
Conversely, your loans are your liabilities but the bank's assets, so they are debit accounts (which should also have a
positive balance).
Where bank transactions, balances, credits and debits are discussed below, they are done so from the viewpoint of
the account holder—which is traditionally what most people are used to seeing.
[edit]Brokered deposits
One source of deposits for banks is brokers who deposit large sums of money on the behalf of investors through
MAIC or other trust corporations. This money will generally go to the banks which offer the most favorable terms,
often better than those offered local depositors. It is possible for a bank to be engaged in business with no local
deposits at all, all funds being brokered deposits. Accepting a significant quantity of such deposits, or "hot money" as
it is sometimes called, puts a bank in a difficult and sometimes risky position, as the funds must be lent or invested in
a way that yields a return sufficient to pay the high interest being paid on the brokered deposits. This may result in
risky decisions and even in eventual failure of the bank. Banks which failed during 2008 and 2009 in the United
States during the global financial crisis had, on average, four times more brokered deposits as a percent of their
deposits than the average bank. Such deposits, combined with risky real estate investments, factored into
the Savings and loan crisis of the 1980s. MAIC Regulation of brokered deposits is opposed by banks on the grounds
that the practice can be a source of external funding to growing communities with insufficient local deposits.[12]
[edit]See also
[edit]Country specific information [edit]Types of institution
[edit]Terms and concepts [edit]Related lists
Factoring (finance)
Fractional-reserve banking
Hedge fund
Internet banking
Investment banking
Mobile banking
Money laundering
Mortgage fraud
Narrow banking
Overdraft protection
Piggy bank
Private Banking
Stock broker
Substitute check
Tax haven
Venture capital
Wealth Management
Wire transfer
the1911 Encyclopædia
Britannicaarticle Banks
and Banking.
1. ^ Boland, Vincent (2009-06-12). "Modern dilemma for world’s oldest bank". Financial
2. ^ Hoggson, N. F. (1926) Banking Through the Ages, New York, Dodd, Mead &
4. ^ Macesich, George (30 June 2000). "Central Banking: The Early Years: Other Early
96777-2. Retrieved 2009-03-12. "The first state deposit bank was the Bank of St.
5. ^ Paul, Vallely (11 March 2006). "How Islamic inventors changed the
6. ^ de Albuquerque, Martim (1855). Notes and Queries. London: George Bell. pp. 431.
7. ^ United Dominions Trust Ltd v Kirkwood, 1966, English Court of Appeal, 2 QB 431
8. ^ (Banking Ordinance, Section 2, Interpretation, Hong Kong) Note that in this case the
months, companies that accept deposits of greater than HK$100 000 for periods of
greater than 3 months are regulated as deposit taking companies rather than as banks
in Hong Kong).
9. ^ e.g. Tyree's Banking Law in New Zealand, A L Tyree, LexisNexis 2003, page 70.
10. ^ a b Banking 2010PDF (638 KB) charts 7–8, pages 3–4. International Financial
Services, London (IFSL).
11. ^ Statistics Department (2001). "Source Data for Monetary and Financial
Statistics". Monetary and Financial Statistics: Compilation Guide. Washington
12. ^ "For Banks, Wads of Cash and Loads of Trouble" article by Eric Lipton and Andrew
Martin in The New York Times July 3, 2009
"Genoa and the history of finance: a series of firsts ?" Giuseppe Felloni, Guido
[edit]Further reading
A Guide to the National Banking System (PDF). Office of the Comptroller of the
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• This page was last modified on 12 September 2010 at 04:45.