Features of Modernism
Features of Modernism
Features of Modernism
• Modernism was a revolt against the conservative values of realism. The modernist movement, at
the beginning of the 20th century, marked, for the first time, the term "avant-garde", with which
the movement was labeled until the word "modernism" prevailed, was used for the arts (rather
than in its original military and political context).
• Modernism rejected the lingering certainty of Enlightenment thinking and also rejected the
existence of a compassionate, all-powerful Creator God- NIHILISM. (Waiting for Godot)
Features of the Modern
• Modernism produced abstract arts. Gertrude Stein's abstract writings, for example, Pablo Picasso’s
Paintings .
“Twit twit twit
Jug jug jug jug jug jug
So rudely forc’d.”
• The Modernist re-contextualization of the individual within the fabric of this received social heritage.
“To every man his little cross. Till he dies. And is forgotten.”― Samuel Beckett, Waiting for Godot
• Modernist literature often features a marked pessimism. But the questioning spirit of modernism
could also be seen, less elegiac, as part of a necessary search for ways to make sense of a broken
world, in his modernist expression the artist as "hero" seeks to embrace complexity and locate new
meanings (Absurd Hero).
“A brother is as easily forgotten as an umbrella.”― James Joyce
• The concept of modernism denies the existence of truth. According to this school of thought,
everything is relative, including Time (Albert Camus)
• Rediscovery of primitivism, Gothic, Neo-Gothic, even profane.
Features of the Modern
• A salient characteristic of modernism is self-consciousness/stream of consciousness.
“ tell your mama & your pappa i'm trying to keep from dying too”
“tell your mamma & your pappa that there's nothing wrong with my jugular vein
tell your mama i love her & tell your sister Alice the same…”
“when you sleep on windows & you stay up all night swallowing rocks”