ELC550 ANS KEY - 22january2019-Vetted
ELC550 ANS KEY - 22january2019-Vetted
ELC550 ANS KEY - 22january2019-Vetted
Citation of Source/Publisher detail/Publication detail
Roldan, S. (May 20, 2017). Does your skin cream have mercury in it? 1 mark
Retrieved from http://www.womenshealthmag.com/beauty/mercury-
In-text citations
2 marks
- ½ mark x 4 appropriate in-text citations
- Based on APA format
- Do not award marks for incorrect in-text citation
Overview of the Article/Objective of the Article
1 mark
To inform the readers about the high levels of mercury found in some beauty
products and the health dangers it poses to everyone.
Type of Article
Online Health Magazine
1 mark
In 2015, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) reported that 1 mark
exposure to this metal could have serious health consequences,
including damage to the kidneys and nervous system, and it can
impact the brain development of young children.
A recent study by Cornwall and Blithe (2016) reveal that when beauty
products containing mercury are used over time, mercury vapour is 1 mark
slowly released into the air. They add that this airborne vapour can
contaminate the entire households even if they have never used the
products themselves.
Other reports on mercury poisoning reveal that the metal can cause
lower cognitive functioning in users, as well as kidney damage,
headaches, fatigue, hand tremors, depression, and other symptoms 1 mark
(Jomova, 2011; Graeme & Pollack, 2014).
target readership/intended audience: the general public
logical organisation of the article
5 Marks
author’s tone: neutral/matter-of-fact
author’s use of language
usefulness of the article
author’s use of other resources
strength/weakness of the article
suggestion to improve the article
7–9 The essay is generally average. The essay is reasonably paraphrased and
summarised. Though there is an attempt to summarise/paraphrase the
contention of the writer, some degree of plagiarism is evident. There are
occasional minor flaws in word formation or spelling, but they do not impede
comprehensibility. The range of sentence structures and vocabulary is
noticeably limited, sometimes causing strain on the reader.
4–6 The essay is generally inadequate. There is little attempt to paraphrase and
summarise the essay. The range of sentence structures and vocabulary is
often so inadequate that meaning may come through only after considerable
effort by the reader. There appears to be a considerable amount of