SomerfieldModel PDF
SomerfieldModel PDF
SomerfieldModel PDF
Prof.P. Ravindran,
Department of Physics, Central University of Tamil
Nadu, India
P.Ravindran, PHY075- Condensed Matter Physics, Spring 2013 16 July: Sommerfield Model for Free Electron Theory
Quantum free electron theory
P.Ravindran, PHY075- Condensed Matter Physics, Spring 2013 16 July: Sommerfield Model for Free Electron Theory
In mechanics, the principle of least action states” that a
moving particle always chooses its path for which the action is a
minimum”. This is very much analogous to Fermat’s principle of
optics, which states that light always chooses a path for which the
time of transit is a minimum.
P.Ravindran, PHY075- Condensed Matter Physics, Spring 2013 16 July: Sommerfield Model for Free Electron Theory
Wave function
A variable quantity which characterizes de-Broglie waves
is known as Wave function and is denoted by the symbol .
The value of the wave function associated with a moving
particle at a point (x, y, z) and at a time ‘t’ gives the probability of
finding the particle at that time and at that point.
de Broglie wavelength
deBroglie formulated an equation relating the momentum
(p) of the electron and the wavelength () associated with it, called
de-Broglie wave equation.
where h - is the planck’s constant.
P.Ravindran, PHY075- Condensed Matter Physics, Spring 2013 16 July: Sommerfield Model for Free Electron Theory
Schrödinger Wave Equation
P.Ravindran, PHY075- Condensed Matter Physics, Spring 2013 16 July: Sommerfield Model for Free Electron Theory
8 2
( E V ) 0
For one-dimensional motion, the above equation becomes
d 2
8 2 m
2 ( E V ) 0
dx h
P.Ravindran, PHY075- Condensed Matter Physics, Spring 2013 16 July: Sommerfield Model for Free Electron Theory
In the above equation
d 2 2m
( E V ) 0
For three dimension,
2 ( E V ) 0
P.Ravindran, PHY075- Condensed Matter Physics, Spring 2013 16 July: Sommerfield Model for Free Electron Theory
2 2
where H = V = Hamiltonian operator
E = i = Energy operator
P.Ravindran, PHY075- Condensed Matter Physics, Spring 2013 16 July: Sommerfield Model for Free Electron Theory
P.Ravindran, PHY075- Condensed Matter Physics, Spring 2013 16 July: Sommerfield Model for Free Electron Theory
Each Energy level can provide only two states namely, one with spin
up and other with spin down and hence only two electrons can be
occupied in a given energy level.
So, it is assumed that the permissible energy levels of a free electron are
In this theory, though the energy levels of the electrons are discrete, the
spacing between consecutive energy levels is very less and thus the
distribution of energy levels seems to be continuous.
P.Ravindran, PHY075- Condensed Matter Physics, Spring 2013 16 July: Sommerfield Model for Free Electron Theory
P.Ravindran, PHY075- Condensed Matter Physics, Spring 2013 16 July: Sommerfield Model for Free Electron Theory
Summerfeld’s Quantum Mechanical Model of Electron
Conduction in Metals
The Free Electron Gas: A Non-trivial Quantum Fluid
Bohr, de Broglie, Schrödinger, Heisenberg, Pauli, Fermi, Dirac….. The
development of the new theory of quantum mechanics.
2 2
P.Ravindran, PHY075- Condensed Matter Physics, Spring 2013 16 July: Sommerfield Model for Free Electron Theory
Note that no other potential terms are included; hence we can
for a single, independent electron and then investigate the
consequences of putting in many electrons.
To solve (7), we need appropriate boundary conditions for a metal.
Standard ‘particle in a box’: set ψ = 0 at boundaries. This is
not a good representation of a solid, however.
P.Ravindran, PHY075- Condensed Matter Physics, Spring 2013 16 July: Sommerfield Model for Free Electron Theory 14
Most appropriate boundary condition for solid state physics: the periodic
boundary condition first introduced by Born and von Karman:
2 p
k x, y , z
1 i (kx xk y y kz z )
1/ 2
e , kx , p integer, etc. (9)
Here V = L3 and the V-1/2 factor ensures that normalisation is correct, i.e. that
the probability of finding the electron somewhere in the cube is 1.
P.Ravindran, PHY075- Condensed Matter Physics, Spring 2013 16 July: Sommerfield Model for Free Electron Theory
What is the physical meaning of these eigenstates?
2k 2
First, note energy eigenvalues: k (10)
2k 2 p 2
k (11)
2m 2m
P.Ravindran, PHY075- Condensed Matter Physics, Spring 2013 16 July: Sommerfield Model for Free Electron Theory
It thus also has a velocity v = k/m.
Cubic grid of points in k-space, separated by 2/L; volume per point (2/L)3.
So, why have we come anywhere here? We have just done a quantum
calculation of a free particle spectrum, and seen close analogies with that of
classical free particles.
P.Ravindran, PHY075- Condensed Matter Physics, Spring 2013 16 July: Sommerfield Model for Free Electron Theory
Each k state can hold only two electrons (spin up and down). Make up the
ground (T = 0) state by filling the grid so as to minimise its total energy.
Fermi State volume
wavenumber (2L)3
kz . . . . . .
kF . . . . . .
states State separation
Fermi surface
P.Ravindran, PHY075- Condensed Matter Physics, Spring 2013 16 July: Sommerfield Model for Free Electron Theory
We set out to do a quantum Drude model, and did not explicitly include any
direct interactions due to the Coulomb force, but we ended up with something
very different. The Pauli principle plays the role of a quantum mechanical
particle-particle interaction.
4 3 N 2
3 1/ 3
2 N (12)
No - k F k F 3
3 2 L V
Quantities of interest depend on the carrier number per unit volume; the
sample dimensions drop out neatly.
P.Ravindran, PHY075- Condensed Matter Physics, Spring 2013 16 July: Sommerfield Model for Free Electron Theory
How can we scale these quantum mechanical effects against something we are
more familiar with?
vF 1 x 106 ms-1
F 2 eV
This is a huge effect: zero point motion so large that a Drude gas of
electrons would have to be at 25000 K for the electrons to have this
much energy!
P.Ravindran, PHY075- Condensed Matter Physics, Spring 2013 16 July: Sommerfield Model for Free Electron Theory
A couple of much-used graphs relating to the Sommerfeld model:
of state
kF k 0 , k
F or
P.Ravindran, PHY075- Condensed Matter Physics, Spring 2013 16 July: Sommerfield Model for Free Electron Theory
The specific heat of the quantum fermion gas
f (, T ) ( ) / k BT
where the chemical potential F. (13)
e 1
At finite T:
~ 2kBT
f() As expected, T is a minor player
when it comes to changing things.
P.Ravindran, PHY075- Condensed Matter Physics, Spring 2013 16 July: Sommerfield Model for Free Electron Theory
The Fermi function gives us the probability of a state of energy being
occupied. To proceed to a calculation of the specific heat, we need to know
the number of states per unit volume of a given energy that are occupied
per unit energy range at a given T.
Etot (T ) n( , T )d (15)
Our next task, then, is to derive a quantity of high and general importance, the
density of states g().
P.Ravindran, PHY075- Condensed Matter Physics, Spring 2013 16 July: Sommerfield Model for Free Electron Theory
State volume
dk (2L)3
kz . . . . . .
. . . . . .
State separation
Number of allowed states per unit volume per shell thickness dk:
md 2m
1/ 2
dk 2 ; k 2 (16a, b)
1/ 2
2m m 2
4 2 2
g ()d 2 d
g ()
3 / 2 1/ 2
2 2 3
Movement of
electrons in
F energy at finite T
[Etot(T) - Etot(0)]/V 1/2g(F). kBT.2kBT = g(F). (kBT)2 (18)
P.Ravindran, PHY075- Condensed Matter Physics, Spring 2013 16 July: Sommerfield Model for Free Electron Theory
Differentiating with respect to T gives our estimate of the specific heat
How does this compare with the classical prediction of the Drude model?
Combining g(F) from (17) with the expression for F derived in tutorial
question 4 gives, after a little rearrangement :
2 k BT 3
cel nkB (21) c.f. Drude: nkB
2 F 2
P.Ravindran, PHY075- Condensed Matter Physics, Spring 2013 16 July: Sommerfield Model for Free Electron Theory
A remarkable result: Even though our quantum mechanical interaction leads to
highly energetic states at F, it also gives a system that is easy to heat, because you
can only excite a highly restricted number of states by applying energy kBT.
The quantum fermion gas is in some senses like a rigid fluid, and its thermal
properties are defined by the behaviour of its excitations.
P.Ravindran, PHY075- Condensed Matter Physics, Spring 2013 16 July: Sommerfield Model for Free Electron Theory
What about the response to external fields or temperature gradients?
To treat these simply, should introduce another vital and wide-ranging concept,
the Semi-Classical Effective Model.
In this case, the procedure is to think in terms of wave packets centred on each
k state as particles. Each particle is classified by a k label and a velocity v.
P.Ravindran, PHY075- Condensed Matter Physics, Spring 2013 16 July: Sommerfield Model for Free Electron Theory
Include scattering by modifying (22) to
This is just the equation of motion for classical particles subject to ‘damped
acceleration’. If the fields are turned off, the velocity that they have acquired
will decay away exponentially to zero. This reveals their ‘conjuring trick’.
The physical meaning of v in (23) must therefore be the ‘extra’ or ‘drift’
velocity that the particles acquire due to the external fields, not the group
velocity that they introduced in their (3.22).
It is no surprise, then, that it leads to the same expression for the electrical
P.Ravindran, PHY075- Condensed Matter Physics, Spring 2013 16 July: Sommerfield Model for Free Electron Theory
Set B to zero and stress that the relevant velocity is vdrift ; (23) becomes
m(dvdrift/dt + vdriftt -eE
vdrift = -(et/m)E
Following the procedure from Kittel gives us the Drude expression (3):
ne 2t
If you give this some thought, it should concern you. What happened to our
new quantum picture?
P.Ravindran, PHY075- Condensed Matter Physics, Spring 2013 16 July: Sommerfield Model for Free Electron Theory
To understand, consider physical meaning of the process:
ky ky
kz kz
kx kx
Fermi surface is shifted along the kx axis by an E field along x. The ‘quasi-
Drude’ derivation assumes that every electron state in the sphere is shifted by
dk. This is ‘mathematically correct’, but physically entirely the wrong picture.
P.Ravindran, PHY075- Condensed Matter Physics, Spring 2013 16 July: Sommerfield Model for Free Electron Theory
ky Which states can ‘interact with the
outside world’?
In the quantum model, only those
within kBT of F, i.e. those very near the
Fermi surface.
Pauli principle: only those states can scatter, so
only processes involving them can relax the
Fermi surface. So how does the ‘wrong’
picture work out?
3 3
2 4 3 Quantum 2
4k 2
F dk 2
like k F .dk picture: . kF (24)
picture: L 3 L 2 3
# of states mom. # of states (1/2 mom. x comp.
gain FS area) gain only
P.Ravindran, PHY075- Condensed Matter Physics, Spring 2013 16 July: Sommerfield Model for Free Electron Theory
So the two pictures, one of which is conceptually incorrect, give the
same answer, because of a cancellation between a large number of
particles acquiring a small extra velocity and a small number of
particles acquiring a large extra velocity.
However, this is only the case for a sphere. As we shall see later,
Fermi surfaces in solids are not always spherical. In this case, the
Drude-like picture is simply wrong, and the conductivity must be
calculated using a Fermi surface integral.
P.Ravindran, PHY075- Condensed Matter Physics, Spring 2013 16 July: Sommerfield Model for Free Electron Theory 35
What about thermal conductivity?
Provided that t is the same for both electrical and thermal conduction
(basically true at low temperatures but not at high temperatures; see Hook
and Hall Ch. 3 after we have covered phonons), we can now revisit the
Wiedemann-Franz law using (21) for the specific heat:
k 1 m 1 2 k BT
2 2
vF t nkB (25)
T T ne t 3
2 F 3 e
P.Ravindran, PHY075- Condensed Matter Physics, Spring 2013 16 July: Sommerfield Model for Free Electron Theory
The approximate factor of two error from the Drude model has been
corrected (2/3 in quantum model cf. 3/2 in Drude model).
Thinking for the more committed (i.e. non-examinable): Would all quantum
gas models give the same result for the Wiedemann-Franz law as the
quantum fermion gas?
P.Ravindran, PHY075- Condensed Matter Physics, Spring 2013 16 July: Sommerfield Model for Free Electron Theory
The modern conceptualisation of the quantum free electron gas:
Make an analogy with quantum electrodynamics (QED).
kz kz
kx kx
P.Ravindran, PHY075- Condensed Matter Physics, Spring 2013 16 July: Sommerfield Model for Free Electron Theory dk 38
Scorecard so far; achievements and failures of the quantum Fermi gas
P.Ravindran, PHY075- Condensed Matter Physics, Spring 2013 16 July: Sommerfield Model for Free Electron Theory
Classical Drude gas Quantum Sommerfeld gas: do wave
mechanics and then think in an
‘equivalent particle’ picture
P.Ravindran, PHY075- Condensed Matter Physics, Spring 2013 16 July: Sommerfield Model for Free Electron Theory
P.Ravindran, PHY075- Condensed Matter Physics, Spring 2013 16 July: Sommerfield Model for Free Electron Theory
The Sommerfeld Model
- the thermopower kB 2 k B k BT
Q ( )( )
2e 6 e EF
P.Ravindran, PHY075- Condensed Matter Physics, Spring 2013 16 July: Sommerfield Model for Free Electron Theory
The Sommerfeld theory of metals
3/ 2
m mv 2
the Drude model: electronic velocity distribution f MB ( v ) n exp
is given by the classical 2 k B
T 2 k B
Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution
m /
the Sommerfeld model: electronic velocity distributionf ( v)
4 3 1 2
is given by the quantum mv k T
Fermi-Dirac distribution B 0
exp 2 1
k BT
Pauli exclusion principle: at most one electron
can occupy any single electron level
n dvf ( v ) condition T0
P.Ravindran, PHY075- Condensed Matter Physics, Spring 2013 16 July: Sommerfield Model for Free Electron Theory
consider noninteracting electrons 44
x, y , z L x, y , z
x, y L, z x, y, z
x L, y, z x, y, z 3D:
x, y , z L x, y , z
1 ikr x, y L, z x, y, z
k (r ) e the area
V x L, y, z x, y, z per point
the volume 2 3 2 3
e e 1
ik x L ik y L ik z L
apply the boundary conditions
e per point
2 2 2
kx nx , k y ny , kz nz
components of k must be L L L
nx, ny, nz integers
P.Ravindran, PHY075- Condensed Matter Physics, Spring 2013 16 July: Sommerfield Model for Free Electron Theory
consider T=0 46
the Pauli exclusion principle postulates that only one electron can occupy a single state
therefore, as electrons are added to a system, they will fill the states in a system
like water fills a bucket – first the lower energy states and then the higher energy states
the ground state of the N-electron system is formed by occupying all single-particle levels with k < kF
volume density
state of the lowest energy of states
the number of allowed values of 4 k F 3 V kF 3
3 2V
2 6
k within the sphere of radius kF 3
kF 3 ky
to accommodate N electrons
N 2 2V
2 electrons per k-level due to spin 6 Fermi sphere kF
kF 3
n 2
3 Fermi surface
E F 2 k F / 2m
k F 3 2n
Fermi energy ~1-10 eV 13
vF k F / m
vF 3 2n
Fermi velocity ~108 cm/s 13
dn 1 2m
The density of states per unit volume or the density of D( E ) 2 2 E
states dE 2
k-space density of states – the number of states per unit volume of k-space
2 3
P.Ravindran, PHY075- Condensed Matter Physics, Spring 2013 16 July: Sommerfield Model for Free Electron Theory
Ground state energy of N electrons
2 2
E 2 k
Add up the energies of all electron k k F 2m
states inside the Fermi sphere
k 8 3 V
volume of k-space per state V V
F (k ) 3
8 k
F ( k )k k 0i . e.V
8 3
F ( k )dk
smooth F(k) k
kF 3
N 2V
P.Ravindran, PHY075- Condensed Matter Physics, Spring 2013 16 July: Sommerfield Model for Free Electron Theory
Remarks on statistics I 49
1, 2 2 , 1
spins for each of the
repeated particle exchange → e2ia 1 particles
n dEn( E ) dED( E ) f ( E )
P.Ravindran, PHY075- Condensed Matter Physics, Spring 2013 16 July: Sommerfield Model for Free Electron Theory
remarks on statistics II m v 51
BE and FD distributions differ from the classical MB distribution
because the particles they describe are indistinguishable. (x)
Particles are considered to be indistinguishable if their wave packets
overlap significantly.
Two particles can be considered to be distinguishable
if their separation is large compared to their de Broglie wavelength.
g(k’) k
12 k’
Thermal de Broglie 2 h2 k0
k '2
wavelength dB ~ (r, t ) g (k ') exp i k ' r t
mk BT
p k' 2 m
A particle is represented by a
Particles become
dB ~ d n 1 3
wave group or wave packets
indistinguishable when of limited spatial extent,
2 2 2 3 which is a superposition of many matter
i.e. at temperatures below TdB n waves with a spread of wavelengths
mk B
centered on 0=h/p
At T < TdB fBE and fFD are strongly different from fMB The wave group moves
At T >> TdB fBE ≈ fFD ≈ fMB with a speed vg – the group speed,
Electron gas in metals: which is identical to the classical
particle speed
n = 1022 cm-3, m = me → TdB ~ 3×104 K
Heisenberg uncertainty principle, 1927:
Gas of Rb atoms: If a measurement of position is made with
precision x and a simultaneous
n = 1015 cm-3, matom = 105me → TdB ~ 5×10-6 K measurement of momentum in the x
direction is made with precision px,
Excitons in GaAs QW then
n = 1010 cm-2, mexciton= 0.2 me → TdB ~ 1 K p x
x Theory 2
P.Ravindran, PHY075- Condensed Matter Physics, Spring 2013 16 July: Sommerfield Model for Free Electron
T≠0 the Fermi-Dirac distribution 52
dn 1 2m
Density of states D( E ) 2 2 E
dE 2
Distribution function f ( E ) lim f ( E ) 1, E
E T 0
exp 1 0 E
k T
n dED ( E ) f ( E ) lim EF
T 0
D( E )dE [the number of states in the energy range from E to E + dE]
D( E ) f ( E )dE [the number of filled states in the energy range from E to E + dE]
Density of
is determined by the form of H(E) near E=
( E )n d n
Replace H(E) by its Taylor expansion about E= H ( E ) n
H ( E ) E
n 0 n! dE
d 2 n 1
The Sommerfeld expansion H ( E ) f ( E )dE H ( E )dE k T
B an 2 n 1
H ( E ) E
n 1 dE
2 7 4
H (E )E k BT H ( ) kBT 4 H ( ) O kBT
6 360
Successive terms are 2
smaller by O(kBT/)2 u ED ( E )dE k BT 2 D( ) D( ) O (T 4 )
For kBT/ << 1 n D ( E )dE k BT 2 D( ) O (T 4 ) Replace
by T0 = EF
H ( E )dE H ( E )dE ( E
0 0
F ) H ( EF )
P.Ravindran, PHY075- Condensed Matter Physics, Spring 2013 16 July: Sommerfield Model for Free Electron Theory
correctly to order T2
Specific heat of the degenerate electron gas
1 k T 2
EF 1 B
3 2 E F
u u0 k BT
D( EF )
u 2 2
cv k B TD ( E F )
1 2m
32 T 3
D( E ) 2 2 E
2 3 n
D( EF )
3 n 2 EF
EF 2
2 k BT
cv nk B
2 EF
(1) cclassical nk B
FD statistics depress k BT
cv by a factor of 3 EF
(2) cv T
P.Ravindran, PHY075- Condensed Matter Physics, Spring 2013 16 July: Sommerfield Model for Free Electron Theory
Thermal conductivity
thermal current density jq – a vector parallel to the direction of heat flow
whose magnitude gives the thermal energy per unit time
jq kT crossing a unite area perpendicular to the flow
1 1
k v 2tcv lvcv
3 3
k cv mv 2 3 k B
T Wiedemann-Franz law (1853)
m 3ne2 2 e Lorenz number ~ 2×10-8 watt-ohm/K2
Drude: 3
cv nkB success of the Drude model is due to the cancellation
application of 2 of two errors: at room T the actual electronic cv is 100
classical ideal 1 2 3 times smaller than the classical prediction, but v is 100
gas laws mv k BT times larger
2 2
For 2 k BT
the correct cv nkB cv cv classical ~ k BT / EF ~ 0.01 at room T
degenerate 2 EF
Fermi gas of 2 2
the correct estimate of v2 is vF2 vF vclassical ~ EF / k BT ~ 100 at room T
k 2 kB
T 3 e
P.Ravindran, PHY075- Condensed Matter Physics, Spring 2013 16 July: Sommerfield Model for Free Electron Theory
Seebeck effect: a T gradient in a long, thin bar should be accompanied by an electric field
directed opposite to the T gradient
high T low T E QT thermoelectric field
gradT Thermopower Q
application of 3 kB
cv nkB Q
classical ideal 2 2e
gas laws
For 2 k BT
degenerate the correct cv nkB cv cv classical ~ k BT / EF ~ 0.01 at room T
2 EF
Fermi gas of
electrons Q/Qclassical ~ 0.01 at room T
2 k B k BT
6 e EF
P.Ravindran, PHY075- Condensed Matter Physics, Spring 2013 16 July: Sommerfield Model for Free Electron Theory
Electrical conductivity and Ohm’s law
Equation of motion dv dk
Newton’s law m eE dp ( t ) p( t )
dt dt f (t ) 0
In the absence of collisions the Fermi sphere in dt t
k-space is displaced as a whole at a uniform rate k (t ) k (0) eE t p ft eEt
by a constant applied electric field
Because of collisions the displaced Fermi sphere eE
is maintained in a steady state in an electric field k avg t
ky Ohm’s law
F k eE
v avg avg
t ne2t
Fermi sphere m m j E
j nev avg
kx ne2t
kavg m
1 m
the mean free path l = vFt ne t
because all collisions involve only electrons near the Fermi surface
vF ~ 108 cm/s for pure Cu:
at T=300 K t ~ 10-14 s l ~ 10-6 cm = 100 Å
at T=4 K t ~ 10-9 s l ~ 0.1 cm
kavg << kF for n = 1022 cm-3 and j = 1 A/mm2 vavg = j/ne ~ 0.1 cm/s << vF ~ 108 cm/s
P.Ravindran, PHY075- Condensed Matter Physics, Spring 2013 16 July: Sommerfield Model for Free Electron Theory