4478.PA-001 Optimize - SAR - Converter - Design REV B PDF

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Optimize Your SAR ADC Design

Bonnie Baker
Senior Applications Engineer
bonnie@ti.com Special Thanks for Inputs from
Tim Green
Rick Downs
Miro Oljaca

The most popular and versatile Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) has a Successive
Approximation Register (SAR) topology. These converters work by comparing an
analog voltage signal to known fractions of the full-scale input voltage and then
setting or clearing bits in the ADC’s data register. Modern SAR converters use a
Capacitive Data Acquisition Converter (C-DAC) to successively compare bit
combinations. Usually these devices have an integrated sample/hold input function.
It is common to use an operational amplifier (Op Amp) to directly drive the input of a
SAR Analog-to-digital converter (SAR-ADC). Although this configuration is an
acceptable practice in manufacturer’s data sheets, it has the potential to create
circuit performance limitations. For optimum performance, C-DAC SAR-ADCs
require the correct front-end buffer and filter. The additional input filter or RC-
network will relax the driving Op Amp requirements. This presentation details the
reasons for an input filter and buffer amplifier to the C-DAC SAR-ADC along with an
analytical approach to selecting the filter components and op amp characteristics.

SAR ADC System Design
Op Amp A/D
- Filter

OpAmp Filter ADC

Signal Bandwidth Charge Reservoir Acquisition Time
Slew Rate Capacitor Load Data Rate
Output Impedance Resolution
Noise Filtering
ADC Input Topology
ADC Ref In

A typical input stage for a SAR ADC system is shown above. A buffer
amplifier is used, driving a small RC-filter prior to the input to the ADC. We’ll
examine just what these elements do for us in this seminar. Each of these
elements have a relationship to the preceding or the following element which
will make the combination more powerful than the individuals.
As we can see, for each part of this circuit, there are many considerations, all
of which potentially affect the accuracy and resolution of the system. When
choosing components for this system, we must be mindful of all of these

The Design Tools We Will Use
• Data Sheet Parameters .

• Rules of Thumb .

• Tricks and Tips .

• Testing .

Many articles have been written about choosing op amps for use in driving
ADCs (see last page of this presentation). All of the articles point out things
that we should watch out for. From these articles and this seminar, we will
observe some guidelines and make it easier and faster to get to a good
The design procedure we will present contains some rigorous analysis, but
also observes rules of thumb, some “tricks”, and of course refers to the
datasheets of the products in our circuit. As always with analog circuitry and
proof of function will be required with some testing and prototyping.

Design Procedure
Op Amp A/D
- Filter
+ C
? ? ? ?


Signal (1) Op amp (5) RC pair (3,4) ADC (2)

Bandwidth Input Stage ADC vs cap Full-scale input range
Full-scale Bandwidth Cap quality Acquisition time
Range Output RO Opa vs Resistor Kick Back Voltage &
Settling Time Charge

So this is how we design our SAR-ADC circuit from beginning to end. We will first
determine what our input signal looks like in terms of the bandwidth and a full-scale
range. Once we understand the characteristics of our input signal, we will take a
look at the ADC. The ADC that we select should match the bandwidth of our input
signal per nyquist. This device should also have an appropriate resolution for our
signal. With the ADC selected, we will determine the acquisition time and the ADC
sampling capacitance.
Once we’ve selected our ADC, we determine the values of the external input
capacitance (CFLT) and input resistance (RFLT). We will find that the quality of our
capacitor is critical if we are concerned about the distortion that will be generated by
our circuit. The value of our capacitor insurers that our ADC will have ample charge
for each conversion. The value of the resistor insurers that our operational amplifier
will be stable.
We will finally select our operational amplifier. At this point, we will determine what
style of the input stage we need. we will also select an amplifier that has ample
bandwidth for the input signal.

1. Define Input Signal
Op Amp A/D
- Filter



• Highest Frequency
– 1 kHz (single channel)
• Largest Voltage Swing
– 0 to 4.096 V
• High Accuracy
– 62.5 μV LSB size or 16-bit with range of 4.096

These are characteristics of the input signal that we will use in our discussion of our
circuit. The highest input frequency in our SAR-ADC system is 1 kHz. The largest
voltage swing of our ADC should be able to handle on its input from 0 to 4.096V.
We want to have 16-bit resolution or a 62.5 μV LSB size to our analog signal. We
will design the entire system around these specifications.

2. Selecting the ADC
Op Amp A/D
- Filter



• Things we need to know

– Sampling frequency > 50 ksps
– Full-scale input range (FSR) = 4.096V
– Highest Resolution : 16-bit
– SAR Architecture : no latency

Once we know the pertinent characteristics of the input signal we can select
the ADC for this circuit. In particular, we want an ADC that has a minimum
sampling frequency that is two times higher than the maximum signal
frequency plus an additional 10 to 20 x multiplier so that we capture a better
picture of the input signal. With this logic we will need an ADC that has a
maximum sampling frequency of at least 20 ksps.
Given the sampling rate of > 20 ksps, the appropriate architecture for this
application circuit is a SAR converter. We will use a SAR architecture for its
low latency, and chose this particular converter architecture because it
offers the highest speed and resolution combination of converters that
operate at this sampling speed.

ADS8320 Application Specs
• 16-bit, 100 kHz Micropower, Sampling Analog-
To-Digital Converter
– Throughput Rate (Sampling Rate) = 100 ksps
• tACQ (min)= 1.88 μs
– Input VFSR = VREF = +4.096 V
– CSH (input sample hold capacitance) = 45 pF
• Secondary specifications
– SNR = 88 dB @ 1 kHz
– THD = -86 dB @ 1 kHz
– SINAD = 84 dB @1 kHz
– SFDR = 86 dB @1 kHz

For the TI product line, the ADS8320 best matches our input requirements.
This slide shows some of the important ADS8320 specifications we’ll need to
know. Fortunately, all of these parameters are specified in the datasheet.
The maximum throughput rate of the ADS8320 at 100 ksps exceeds the >20
ksps requirement. The input range of the ADS8320 is equal to the reference
voltage supplied to the converter. A 4.096 reference voltage is
recommended. Specifications that we are going to need through out the
remainder of this discussion is the signal acquisition time (tACQ = 1.88 μs)
and the value of the input capacitance of the SAR converter. In the case of
the ADS8320, the input capacitance (CSH) is equal to 45 pF.
Secondary specifications, such as Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR), Total
harmonic Distortion (THD), Signal-to-Noise Ratio plus Noise (SINAD), and
Spurious Free Dynamic Range are specifications that we will keep our eye
on as we proceed through the design.

A/D Converter Terms
• Acquisition Time (tACQ):
– The time the internal A/D sample capacitor is connected to the
A/D input analog signal
• Conversion Time (tCONV)
– The time the A/D requires to convert the sampled analog input
to a digital output after the acquisition time (tACQ) is complete
• Throughput Rate [Sampling Rate]
– Maximum frequency at which A/D conversions can be
– Is equal to the Acquisition time plus the Conversion time (tACQ
+ tCONV)
• i.e. 100 ksps Throughput Rate [Sampling Rate] implies that an
input analog signal may be converted every 10μs

Before going further, it’s important to understand some of the timing

characteristics of the ADC that we’ll be using.
A SAR ADC takes a sample of a signal at a moment in time, and converts
that one sample to a digital value. It takes a certain amount of time for the
input signal to be connected to the internal capacitor of the ADC and store its
voltage on the internal sampling capacitor. The amount of time allowed to
get the input voltage stored on the ADC input capacitor to the accuracy
required by the ADC is the acquisition time of the converter.
Once the sample voltage is stored on the sampling capacitor, the actual
conversion process takes place, where the sample is successively compared
to known fractions of charge. The time it takes to make all of the
comparisons and generate the digital value is the conversion time.
To accomplish a complete conversion, both the acquisition and conversion
times must pass. The fastest a system can sample and convert a signal
would be the rate at which it can successively sample. The throughput rate
of a converter describes the fastest speed that the ADC can successively
sample. This rate must also include the settling time of the converter’s input
stage, as well as settling times for the other amplifiers and elements in the
signal chain.

SAR Acquisition and Conversion Time
VS Data Output Register


RS = 0Ω
Time -

N-bit search

A typical SAR conversion cycle has two phases; a sampling phase and a conversion phase.
During the sampling phase, the analog input signal charges the ADC’s Sample-and-Hold
(S/H) capacitor (CSH) through the switch resistance (RSW) to a level proportional to the
analog input. The combination of the switch resistance (RSW), the source resistance (RS),
and the sampling capacitor (CSH) determine the rate of change of the charge on the sampling
capacitor (CSH).
The diagram in the upper left portion of this slides illustrates the rise time characteristics of
the voltage on CSH during the acquisition phase. As expected, this rise time has a single pole
Conversion begins immediately following the sampling phase with the opening of the input
switch (S1). Conversion successively compares the unknown value of the charge stored on
the S/H capacitor to known fractions of charge. After each comparison, logic on the ADC
determines if the unknown charge is greater or smaller than the known fractional charge.
At the end of the process the data register will contain a binary value proportional to the
value initially placed on the S/H capacitor. The user reads this value out as converted data.
As shown in the diagram above, the converter we are evaluating does not have an internal
input buffer amplifier. This may not be the case with the particular SAR converter you may
use. The product data sheet provides details on the input structure for a particular product.

Single-pole, Time Constant
Time Constant
Number of bits 0.5LSB (k) Multiplier
10 0.0488281% 8
12 0.0122070% 9
14 0.0030518% 11
16 0.0007629% 12
18 0.0001907% 13
20 0.0000477% 15
22 0.0000119% 17
24 0.0000030% 18

The amount of time needed to settle the input structure of the SAR-ADC depends
on the number of bits of the converter. This table lists the number (k) of time
constants (τ) required to settle to within a half LSB to a given number of bits. For
our 16-bit example, we will allow the twelve time constants for the ADC input stage
to settle or k =12. The time constant of the ADS8320 alone is equal to RSW (~100 Ω)
times CSH (= 45 pF, typ) or τADC = CSH x RSW = 4.5 ns. The input structure of the
ADC requires a total of k x τADC time or 540 ps to charge. When we add the external
RC network before the ADC, the time constant of the system will change to become
τFLT which equals CFLT times RFLT.

ADC System Model

? 50Ω

VS ? 20pF- 50pF

• Large charge distribution must settle during tACQ

• Added capacitor (and possibly resistor) can reduce spike
• Op amp must be capable of charging
•Capacitance (CSH + CFLT)
•Within acquisition time, tACQ
•From 0 V to (FSR - 0.5LSB)

The input of a modern SAR ADC can be modeled as shown above. At any time, the
sampling capacitor can have an initial voltage ranging from 0V to the supply voltage,
from sample to sample. This presents a very dynamic load to the driving op amp.
Because the sample capacitor may have residual charge on it from a previous
conversion, it is not uncommon for this charge to discharge back out of the ADC
input terminal. This “kickback” charge injection can sometimes be seen with an
To help reduce this effect, and to provide a charge reservoir for charging the
sampling capacitor (CSH), an RFLT|CFLT circuit is added between the op amp and the
ADC. The op amp must be capable of driving this capacitive load, and settle from
zero volts to within full-scale range (FSR) minus 0.5LSB of VS, within the acquisition
time of the ADC. Generally, this means that the op amp must have a low wideband
open-loop output resistance (RO). We’ll look at the op amp requirements in more
detail later.

SAR ADC Input Charge
• Op amp

– Must charge the ADC

cap quickly &


This is a scope capture of the input of a SAR ADC, which clearly shows the
charge distribution at the input of the 16-bit ADS8361. This particular
converter (ADS8361) shows about a 20mV spike, which is equivalent to a
little more than 16LSBs.
The scope photo in this slide shows the ADS8361 charge injection
transients. This data was generated by placing a 10 kΩ resistor between the
buffer op amp and the SAR ADC input, so we could clearly see the spikes. In
general, the input impedance presented to a SAR converter should never be
as high as 10 kΩ. If we can see spikes like this on the input to our SAR, it
means that the impedance of our source is too high.
Even with lower impedances, we may see spikes at the input of our SAR
ADC. The spikes are caused by the internal switching while the converter is
acquiring the input signal value. If these spikes do not settle back to match
the input value within the acquisition time of the converter, there may be a
measurement error. These spikes also present a very demanding load to the
driving op amp.
The functions of the RFLT|CFLT filter in front of the SAR is to provide a path for
this charge injection to come and go from, and to do some minimal isolation
of the op amp output to these transients.

ADC Conclusion
• Key ADC specifications per Input Signal
– Sampling Rate ≤ 100 ksps
– Full-scale input range = 4.096 V
• In following discussion we will use the
– tACQ : ADC acquisition time
– CSH : ADC input capacitance
– k : 16-bit time constant multiplier
– VFSR : Full-scale input range of ADC

The converter that we have chosen for our example circuit is the ADS8320. This
converter is capable of converting at a 100 ksps rate. The ADS8320 can also
operate with a full-scale voltage input range of 4.096V if the reference to the
converter, VREF, is equal to 4.096V.
As we define the value of the external capacitor, CFLT, we need to know the
acquisition time of the converter (tACQ), the ADC input capacitance (CSH), the time
constant multiplier for an 16-bit converter (k), and the converter full-scale input
voltage range (VFSR).

3. Choosing CFLT
Op Amp A/D
- Filter



• Provides charge to ADC sampling capacitor, CSH

• CFLT is the charge reservoir

CFLT serves several purposes. The first purpose that this capacitor serves is
to store energy to charge the ADC internal sampling capacitor (CSH).
Secondly, CFLT provides a place for the internal capacitor’s charge to go.
Due to the storage capabilities of CFLT, we will sometimes refer to this
capacitor as the “flywheel” capacitor. CFLT has this alternative name
because, like a flywheel, it stores energy for when we need it; during the
acquisition time of the ADC. Another name we will use to describe CFLT is
charge reservoir.

ADC Specs for CFLT Determination

Need to Know :: CSH, tACQ, k, VFSR
• tACQ = 1.88 μs

• CSH (sampling ADC input capacitor) = 45pF

• k = 12

• Worst case ΔV across CSH is VFSR

– VFSR = VREF = +4.096 V

Continuing on, the ADC values that we are going to use in our calculations are tACQ,
CSH, k, and VFSR.
As we select the value for CFLT, it is critical that we meet the acquisition time (tACQ)
requirements of the converter. This will be specified in the manufacturer’s data
sheet. The size of the external capacitor must facilitate this effort by minimizing the
impact of the charge injection on the output of the driving op amp. This charge is
generated by the ADC input structure at the beginning of the acquisition period.
We will need to know the value of the ADC input capacitance (CSH) to insure that
the external capacitor reduces the impact of the charge injection from the converter
on the operational amplifier. Again, the ADC input capacitance value can be found
in the manufacturer’s data sheet.
We have identified a time constant multiplier (k, slide 10) equal to twelve for a 16-bit
ADC. This number will be used when we size the external capacitor.
Finally, we will perform a worst case calculation using the full-scale range of the
converter as a maximum input and the initial voltage on CSH equal to zero volts.
Although it is possible to characterize the charge injection characteristics of the
ADS8320, a worst case assumption will make our work applicable to all SAR

Capacitor Charge Transfer
• Prior to acquisition VIN ≠ VSH VIN
+ CSH (a.) prior to acquisition
• During acquisition
– CFLT and CSH exchange CFLT CSH
– VSH changes to equal VIN
(b.) during acquisition

This slide shows a simplified circuit for the capacitive input stage of the circuit in the
previous slide. Prior to the input signal acquisition, S1 is open (diagram a). The
input capacitor, CFLT, has an initial voltage of VIN and the voltage across the sample
capacitor, CSH, is VSH0. S1 closes at the start of signal acquisition (diagram b). After
the sampling switch (S1) closes, the capacitor voltages, VIN and VCSH, start to settle
to the final value of VIN as the charge quickly redistributes between CFLT and CSH.

Ideal Value for CFLT

• Charge Transfer Equation: Q = C x V

– QSH = 45pF x 4.096V = 184pC

– Charge reservoir fills CSH with 1/2LSB from VS droop on CFLT
• 1/
of VFSR = VFSR / 2N :: (worst case)
• 1/ LSB of V
2 FSR = 4.096 V / 2
16 = 31.25 μV

• QFLT = CFLT x (1/2LSB from FSR)
– 184pC = CFLT x (31.25μV) → CFLT = 5.9 μF

We can calculate the charge (QSH) needed to charge the internal sampling capacitor
to the input voltage. Ideally, the charge reservoir provides enough charge to the
internal sampling capacitor so that the voltage on the filter capacitor droops by less
than 0.5LSB of VS. If we assume the worst case condition, VS equals VFSR and
0.5LSB of VFSR equals 31.25 µV. This would require a filter capacitor (CFLT) of 5.9
µF be placed in front of the ADC.

IDEAL CFLT = 5.9 μF: Assessment

• The Driving Op Amp probably

– Can not directly drive a 5.9 mF capacitor
– Circuit may be marginally stable
– Could have transient current problems
• With resistor between Op Amp and capacitor
– Resistor and capacitor still need to meet signal
– Resistor may not be large enough to help isolate

With a capacitance value of 5.9 μF, the op amp may not be able to drive such a
large capacitive load. If an external resistor (RFLT) is added, the RFLT|CFLT time
constant may not be small enough to allow the input signal to settle in a reasonable
amount time. Moreover, the capacitor using your calculations and ADC may be too
large and perhaps expensive.

CFLT Suggested Modification
• Starting Point :: Partition the charge reservoir
– 95% from CFLT
– 5% from Op Amp

• CFLT value provides QSH with <5% droop on CFLT

– QFLT = CFLT x (0.05 VFSR)
– 184pC = CFLT x (0.05 x 4.096V) → CFLT = 898 pF
– We’ll use 1000pF or 1 nF

• Ensure CFLT ≥ 20 x CSH

– During tACQ the Op Amp must be able to replace 5% VFSR on CFLT

If we partition the charge reservoir and the op amp, the amplifier provides some of
the current to charge the sampling capacitor. Now, as a starting point, the filter cap
provides a less than 5% droop when supplying the charge. This suggests a more
reasonable value for CFLT of about 898 pF – we’ll use 1 nF as a close
approximation. Remember, all the values we find are starting points, and then we’ll
optimize, so there’s no need to be too rigid about the results.
As a check, we make sure that the filter capacitor value chosen is at least 20 times
the internal capacitor value. In our case, it’s more than 20 times the size, so we’re
meeting that rule of thumb.

Capacitor Voltage Coefficient

• Voltage coefficient causes distortion

– C = C0 x (1+bVCAP)
– Also has non-linear error proportional to frequency
• Voltage and frequency coefficients impact ADC distortion
Capacitance Change (%)

-60 Source: Murata
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
Voltage (Vrms)

One thing to watch out for in choosing the filter capacitor is distortion. The
distortion occurs due to the normal capacitor voltage dependant
characteristic, meaning that the capacitance changes with the voltage
An equation that describes this change in one region of the voltage curve is:
C = C0 ( 1 + bVCAP),
C0 is the nominal capacitance,
VCAP is the voltage across the capacitance,
b is the voltage coefficient of the capacitor.

A plot of a typical curve of this capacitance is shown in this slide.

The current or input charge travels through the ADC driving impedance,
which creates a voltage drop error, which again varies with voltage. Since
the charging current from CFLT is voltage dependant, it creates a non-linear
error. For a sine wave, this error contains harmonics.
The capacitor voltage coefficient characteristic can be more pronounced in
semiconductor process technologies. Since the ADC input has an internal
input RC, this distortion-producing phenomena also occurs at the input of the

Capacitor THD+N versus Frequency

-75 Z5U
THD + N (dB)

-90 System Measurement

100 200 500 1k 2k 5k 10k 20k 50k 10k 200k

Silver Mica

The input signal frequency across CFLT can also impact the accuracy of your
conversion. Capacitors have a voltage coefficient, which means the capacitance
changes with applied voltage. The capacitance value also tends to be nonlinear,
and introduces distortion which also changes with frequency.
This graph shows the characteristics of several capacitor technologies and their
Total Harmonic Distortion plus Noise (SINAD) versus frequency performance. The
lowest line on this chart is taken using a Silver Mica capacitor. The line above the
Silver Mica Capacitor data shows the system measurement. The other lines on this
chart are from ceramic caps with different dielectrics - Z5U, Y5V, and X7R. Note
that these types of capacitors introduce significant non-linearity and signal distortion
over frequency.
Not shown on this chart is the ceramic C0G type capacitor. The C0G type capacitor
closely matches the silver mica performance
It is critical that you select the right capacitor type for CFLT. We will find that a higher
quality external capacitor (CFLT) will not degrade the AC specifications of the ADC.
The larger voltage coefficient of the smaller internal ADC capacitor (CSH) will be
dwarfed by the lower voltage coefficient of the larger external capacitor.

CFLT Type and Value Requirements

• For our example CFLT = 1 nF

• High quality capacitor
– Low Voltage Coefficient
– Low Frequency Coefficient
– Capacitor Type : C0G

• CFLT > 20 x CSH

– >95% of Charge to ADC from CFLT
– < 5% of Charge to ADC from OPA
– Dominant load of Op amp is CFLT
• Droop on CFLT < 5%

The capacitance value that we have chosen for our design example is 1 nF. This
capacitor should be a high quality capacitor with low voltage and frequency
coefficients. Recommended capacitor types is silver Mica or C0G.
If we design the external capacitor value to be at least twenty times larger than the
size of the internal sampling capacitor, 95% of the charge required during the
acquisition time comes from the external capacitor, CFLT. This minimizes the effects
of the charge redistribution on the driving amplifier. Additionally, this configuration
reduces the voltage droop at the input to the SAR ADC, insuring that the
instantaneous voltage droop at the amplifier is less than 5% of the original voltage
droop without CFLT.

4. Choosing RFLT
Op Amp A/D
- Filter



• Things we need to know

– tACQ = ADC acquisition time (1.88 μs)
– k = Single-pole time constant multiplier for 16-bit ADC (12)
– CFLT = External input capacitor to ADC (1 nF)

With the capacitor chosen, we move on to the resistor, RFLT.

As we work thru the resistor selection we will again need to know the acquisition
time of the converter (tACQ), the time constant multiplier (k), and the value of the filter
capacitor (CFLT).
The acquisition time of the converter will assist in choosing a resistor that balances
with CFLT. The value of “k” will also be used in this part of the resistor value
We will use the combination of values of RFLT and CFLT to verify the stability of our

First Pass Determination of RFLT Value

• First Pass RFLT Calculation

τFLT = RFLT x CFLT = Filter time constant

– tACQ ≥ k x τFLT
• 1.88 μs = 12 x τFLT
→ τFLT ≤ 157 ns

The external RFLT|CFLT network must settle within the ADC acquisition time. Using
the converter’s acquisition time (tACQ), the maximum filter time constant (τFLT for
RFLT|CFLT) for this circuit is 157 ns.

RFLT Value with 40 % Margin
Given tACQ ≥ k x τFLT
Design in a margin of 40%
– 60 % x tACQ ≤ k x τFLT
• Margin for:
¾ Op Amp Output Load Transient
¾ Op Amp Output Small Signal Settling Time
– RFLT ≥ (0.60 x tACQ ) / ( k x CFLT)
• RFLT ≥ (0.60 x 1.88 ns)/(12 x 1 nF)
→ RFLT ≥ 94.2 Ω
• Use RFLT = 100Ω

As a rule of thumb, we will set the external RFLT|CFLT settling time constant a bit
faster than ideal – 60% say, to allow a margin for error of the op amp load transient
and the small signal settling time. Using this guideline, we can calculate a
resistance value that is more forgiving.

5. Choosing Op Amp
Op Amp A/D
- Filter



• Things we need to know

– RFLT = External input resistor to ADC (100 Ω)
– CFLT = External input capacitor to ADC (1 nF)
– tACQ = ADC acquisition time (1.88 μs)

With our RFLT|CFLT filter values chosen, we can now search for a suitable op amp to
drive this system. The combination of RFLT and CFLT will be used to determine the
stability of the operational amplifier. During this evaluation process, the open-loop
output resistance of the amplifier will help to verify amplifier stability and the value of
The acquisition time of the converter will be compared to the amplifier large signal
and small signal settling time. In our evaluation we will insure that the amplifier we
have selected will settle in enough time for the ADC to complete the signal

Primary Op Amp Buffer Specs

Specification Symbol
Gain Bandwidth Product GBWP

Closed Loop Gain Bandwidth fCL

Slew Rate to Track 100kHz Input SROPA

Op Amp A/D
- Filter


As mentioned earlier, knowing what power supplies we plan to use to power the op
amp is important. It helps to narrow down the available operational amplifier
choices. In our case, we’ll opt to use a single, 5V supply.
The buffer amplifier may be configured as either a follower (noninverting gain of +1
V/V) or an inverting gain of –1 V/V amplifier. We’ve chosen a non-inverting
We will pick the GBWP of the amplifier to make sure that the input signal bandwidth
is accounted for, and the amplifier is stable with the RFLT|CFLT load.
The amplifier must have sufficient slew rate to charge the RFLT|CFLT changes. A
wideband amplifier will generally have a fast transient response and will be able to
handle the load transients better.

Secondary Op Amp Buffer Specs
– Total Harmonic Distortion (THD)
– Low Noise for 16-bit performance
– Closed Loop Gain Error
– Peak Output Current
– Input Cross-over Distortion

The THD, noise, closed loop gain error, and peak output current capabilities are
secondary op amp specifications.
At our 16-bit level, we’d like an amplifier that has extremely low distortion in our
signal range of interest. This requires digging into the op amp product data sheets,
because this parameter is rarely shown in selection tables. Usually a curve is
included in the datasheet showing THD even if it is not specified in the specification
Because of our 16-bit system, a low noise amplifier is a must. The op amp data
sheet has the noise specification in the Electrical Characteristics table.
Another thing to consider is the open loop gain of the op amp, and how that might
contribute to gain error. For example, an op amp with 97dB of open loop gain would
give us a gain accuracy to approximately a 13-bit level. Is this a problem? Probably
not – the other gain error sources in the system, from our front end to the reference,
are generally much larger. Calibration at the system level can remove this error, and
is generally required of any measurement system.
The limit of the peak output current is calculated by using the value of the filter
resistor (RFLT) we will find, and remembering that the op amp is asked to supply 5%
of VFSR to recharge the flywheel capacitor.
We have elected to use the operational amplifier in a buffer configuration where the
gain is equal to +1 V/V. Consequently, we will use an amplifier that does not display
input cross-over distortion.

OP Amp Buffer Application Specs
• Application:
– Single Supply = +5V
– Buffer – NO CM Input Crossover
– Slew Rate to track 1kHz Input
– Wideband for good gain flatness: 1kHz, G=1
– Wideband for fast transient response to Noise Filter Transients
– Low Noise for 16 Bit performance
– RRIO for 65mV to +4.935V Input and Output on +5V Supply
• Best Industry Choice
– OPA363 or OPA364 (OPA363 with Shutdown feature)
– “1.8V, 7MHz, 90dB CMRR, Single-Supply, Rail-To-Rail I/O”

The absence of common-mode crossover makes the OPA363 and OPA364

excellent buffer amplifiers. In addition, they have fast settling time and output drive
current to provide a good filter transient response. Excellent rail-to-rail performance
allows us to take full advantage of the ADS8320 dynamic signal range.

OPA363/OPA364 Application Specs
• SRMIN (V/μs) = 2 π f x VOP (1e-6)
– Minimum Slew Rate to track input sine wave (@ <1% Distortion)
– SRMIN = 2x π x 1kHz x (4.096Vpp/2) x (1e-6) = 0.013V/μs
– OPA363/OPA364 = 5V/μs
– Choose Op Amp SROPA > 2 X SRMIN
• Gain Error
– ACL = AOL/(1+Aolβ)
• AOL @1kHz = 80dB = 10000
• β = 1 for Unity Gain Follower
– ACL= 10,000/(1+10000·1) = 0.99990001
• 0.009999% Gain Error @ 1kHz
• ≈ 12 Bit (1/2 LSB Accuracy)
– Calibrate gain error at system level
– Many systems are more concerned about relative changes than

The relationship between frequency and slew rate is given by SR (Volts per second)
equals 2* π *VOP per cycle.
There are T seconds per cycle. T equals 1/f , so SR= 2* π * VOP *f . VOP =V(full
scale)/2 and V(full scale) is 4.096V from a prior slide. So now SR = 2* π *f*(4.096/2)
= 15.3 * f = 15.3 * 1000
To express SR in V/μs we will divide by 1,000,000.
This then leaves us SRMIN = 0.013 V/μs.
A good rule of thumb is to select an op amp with 2*SRMIN
The OPA363 with a SROPA of 5V/μs more than meets this criterion.
Gain error at 1kHz is on the order of 12 bits but can be calibrated out at the system

System’s Transients
Input Transient = Load Transient =
Input Step Voltage; Output Step Voltage;
Output Voltage Slew Rate Output Step Current


+ Load
VOUT IT Transient

Another issue to be aware of is the dynamic requirements that are placed on the op
amp by the ADC. The input signal can change across the full voltage range and the
amplifier must slew and settle to final value. Op amp data sheets may specify a
settling time, but if they do, it is usually only to 0.01%, which is only about 12 bits of
accuracy. Our 16-bit system needs 0.0001907% settling – and we’re not likely to
find that specified in an op amp data sheet.
The load transient poses the biggest problem for us in choosing an op amp,
because while we know the load is the input capacitor of the ADC, we don’t know
what voltage might be on it at any given time. No op amp data sheet even
discusses the effect of load transients of this nature.
As we go forward in this discussion we will use the OPA364 amplifier at the input of
at our SAR system. The OPA364 amplifier has a GBWP of 7 MHz. The slew rate of
this amplifier is typically 5 V/μs. It typically produces a low noise at 17nV/√ Hz at
frequencies greater than 10 kHz.

Calculating the Op Amp
• Calculate Unity Gain BW
– Select Op Amp BW
• GBWP > 4 X fFLT f-3db

• fFLT f-3db = 1/[2πRFLT x CFLT]

• fFLT f-3db = 1/[2π x 100Ω x 1 nF] = 1.6 MHz

• Op Amp GBWP >4 x 1.6 MHz = 6.4 MHz

Now we need to find what bandwidth we need for the op amp. The rule of thumb is
to select an op amp with a unity gain bandwidth at least four times the bandwidth of
our RFLT|CFLT filter. The amplifier in our example needs to have a GBWP larger than
6.4MHz. The OPA364’s GBWP is 7 MHz.

OpAmp + Filter: Small Signal


107 Ω
+ 100 Ω
OPA364 1 nF

• Modify Aol due to RFLT & CFLT

– fPX = 1/[2π(RO + RFLT)CFLT]
• fPX = 1/[2π(107Ω + 100Ω)1 nF] = 768kHz
– fZX = 1/[2πRFLTCFLT]
• fZX = 1/[2π x100Ω x1 nF] = 1.6MHz

The reason we need to know the open loop output resistance (RO) is that we
now must check the small signal performance of the chosen op amp, and
check for stability of this op amp driving the RFLT|CFLT circuit.
The open-loop gain (AOL) of the op amp will be modified by a pole present
from the open loop resistance plus RFLT|CFLT, and then cancled by a zero
from the RFLT|CFLT.

OpAmp + Filter: Frequency Response


ACL Modified


3.2 MHz

Drawing the pole and zero in on the open-loop gain chart shows us the modified open-loop gain
response. The closed loop gain can then be plotted, so that we can find the closed-loop corner
frequency of the op amp response.
In the diagram in this slide, the left y-axis plots the open-loop and closed-loop gain of our amplifier.
The units of this axis are decibels (dB). The right y-axis plots the open-loop phase response of the
amplifier. The units of this axis are degrees (°). The x-axis plots the frequency response of the gains
(left y-axis) and phase (right y-axis). The units of the x-axis is hertz (Hz).
The open-loop gain curve for this amplifier (OPA364) has a gain of 100 dB at 10 Hz. As frequency
increases, this gain curve changes (~100 Hz) to a -20 dB/decade slope. This slope continues until
the curve continues past 0 dB. The frequency at the intersection point between the open loop gain
curve and 0 dB is 7 M Hz.
When the external filter (RFLT|CFLT) loads the amplifier, the open-loop gain curve is modified. In this
slide the blue curve represents the modified open loop curve. The pole at fPX increases the roll-off
towards 40dB/decade but the zero at fZX straightens the curve back out to a safe 20dB/decade well
before crossing the closed loop curve AVCL at fCL thus assuring stability.
As shown in this diagram the pole from this filter network occurs at 769 kHz and the zero occurs at
1.6 MHz. The slope of this modified open-loop gain curve changes from -20dB/decade to -40
dB/decade slope with fPX and the reverts back to a slope of -20 dB/decade with the zero, fPZ at 1.6
Circuit stability is defined at the intersection point of the open-loop gain curve and the closed-loop
gain curve. At this intersection point, if the difference between the slopes of these two curves is 20
dB/decade, the amplifier will be stable. If the difference between these slopes is greater than 20
dB/decade (ex 40 dB/decade) the amplifier circuit will be marginally stable.

OpAmp + Filter: Stability
• Buffer Closed Loop Gain Bandwidth as modified by RFLT|CFLT
– fCL = 3.2 MHz

• Stability Check
– At fCL = 3.2 MHz “Rate-of-closure” is 20dB/decade Æ fZX cancels fPX
before fCL
• fCL > 2 x fFLT-3dB

– fPX and fZX are < decade apart

• Phase of pole will be cancelled by phase of zero
• RO ≤ 9 x RFLT

– fFLT-3db = 1/[2πRFLT x CFLT] = 1.6MHz

Now that we know the closed loop bandwidth of the operational amplifier, we
can do a stability check. The rule of thumb is to make sure that the rate of
closure at the corner frequency is 20dB/decade. Generally this is assured if
the zero of the RFLT|CFLT cancels the pole before reaching the closed loop
bandwidth frequency, and the zero frequency is less than a decade from the
pole frequency. In our case, this checks out.
There are two key issues that have occurred with the addition of RFLT|CFLT to
the circuit. The closed loop bandwidth has been reduced and there is a
danger that the open-loop gain curve and closed-loop gain curve can
intercept with a difference in slopes of 40 dB/decade, creating a possible
instability. We must assure that the op amp gain bandwidth is more than four
times the filter bandwidth, which in our case is true.

Amplifier Selection Guidelines
• Stability insured and Bandwidth exceeds input
– GBWP > 4 x fS(MAX)
– GBWP ≥ 2 / (π CFLT x RFLT)
• RO ≤ 9 x RFLT
– fCL > 2 x fFLT-3dB
• Slews fast enough for the input signal
– SROPA > 4π x fS(MAX) x VOP x (1e-6)

You should apply the guidelines in this slide when you select our amplifier for this
SAR system.

Final OPA-SAR Circuit Design

+VCC = 5V VREF = 4.096V

RFLT = 100Ω
OPA364 + IN Digital
+ ADS8320 Out
1 nF

Our finished design is shown in this slide.

ADS8320 On Test System

SNR = 88dB
ENOB = 14.33

Input Input
Frequency Amplitude
1kHz -0.25 dB

The next three slides are displays from a Lynium ATS4000 tester. This slide shows
the performance of a stand alone ADS8320. The tested SNR value for the
ADS8320 without RFLT|CFLT is 88.16dB.
The frequency of the input signal is 1 kHz with a magnitude of -025 dB (11 mV less
than the FSR of the converter).

OPA364 + Filter + ADS8320

Op Amp+ Filter+

SNR = 87.78dB
ENOB = 14.19

Input Input
Frequency Amplitude
1kHz -0.25 dB

This slide shows the SNR performance of the entire system: the op amp, the filter,
and the ADS8320. Note the tested SNR is equal to 87.78 dB.
The frequency of the input signal is 1 kHz with a magnitude of -025 dB (11 mV less
than the FSR of the converter).

Comparison of Tests

ADS8320 Only OPA364, Filter, ADS8320 SNR = 88dB
ENOB = 14.33

Op Amp+ Filter+

SNR = 87.78dB
ENOB = 14.19

This slide shows a side-by-side comparison. The difference in SNR is only 0.22dB
or 0.14 effective number of bits. Fortunately the addition of the buffer and filter does
not significantly degrade the overall performance of the A/D.

Design Equations: SAR-ADC System

• Filter Capacitor and Resistor Values

– CFLT > 20 x CSH
– RFLT ≥ (0.60 x tACQ ) / ( k x CFLT)
• Select Amplifier
– GBWP > 4 x fS(MAX)
– GBWP ≥ 2 / (π CFLT x RFLT)
– RO ≤ 9 x RFLT
– fCL > 2 x fFLT-3dB
– SROPA > 4π x fS(MAX) x VOP x (1e-6)

Following the selection of the ADC, you will calculate the filter capacitor and resistor
(RFLT|CFLT) values . It is important that the filter capacitor technology is high quality ,
such as capacitors constructed with Silver Mica or CO8 with low voltage and
frequency coefficients.
With the identification of the values of RFLT|CFLT, you will select your amplifier. Using
the Gain Bandwidth Product (GBWP), output open-loop resistance (RO), and the
amplifier slew rate (SROPA) you can determine the appropriateness of the amplifier
that you finally intend to select with the formulas in this slide.

Summary: Design Steps
Op Amp A/D
- Filter
+ R
S ? ? ? ?


Signal Op amp RC pair ADC

Bandwidth Input Stage Cap quality Full-scale input range
FS Range Output RO Opa vs resistor Acquisition time
Slew Rate ADC vs cap Input resistance
Bandwidth Sampling capacitance

So this is how you design your SAR ADC system from beginning to end. You will
first determine what your input signal looks like in terms of the bandwidth and a full-
scale range. Once that is determined take a look at the ADC. The ADC that you
select should match the bandwidth of your input signal. This device should also
have an appropriate resolution for your signal. When you select your ADC, you
need to determined the acquisition time, input resistance, and the sampling
Once you’ve settled on your ADC, the values of the external input resistance and
external input capacitance are determined. The quality of your capacitor is critical if
you are concerned about the distortion that will be generated by your circuit. The
value of your capacitor insures that your ADC will have ample charge for each
conversion. The value of the resistor insures that your operational amplifier will not
You will finally select your operational amplifier. At this point, you will determine
what style of the input stage you need. You will also select an amplifier that has
ample bandwidth for the input signal.

Reference 1: Baker, B., Oljaca, M., “Use External components to Improve the Accuracy of a SAR ADC”, EDN 2007
Reference 2: Green, Tim, “Operational Amplifier Stability – Part 3 of 15: RO and ROUT”, AnalogZone Acquisition Zone
Reference 3: Oljaca, M. and McEldowney, J. (2002.) Using a SAR Analog-to-Digital Converter for Current Measurement in
Motor Control Applications. Burr-Brown Application Report SBAA081.
Reference 4: Downs, R. and Oljaca, M. (2005) Designing SAR ADC Drive Circuitry Part II. AnalogZONE: Acquisition Zone.
Reference 5: Downs, R., Oljaca, M., “Designing SAR ADC Circuitry – Part 1: A Detailed Look at SAR ADC Operation”,
AnalogZone: Acquisition Zone
Reference 6: Downs, R., Oljaca, M., “Designing SAR ADC Drive Circuitry – Part 3: Designing the Optimal Input Drive Circuit
for SAR ADCs”, AnalogZone Acquisition Zone
Reference 7: Green, T. (2005) “Operational Amplifier Stability - Part 6 of 15: Capacitance-Load Stability: RISO, High Gain &
CF, Noise Gain” AnalogZONE: Acquisition Zone.
Reference 8: Baker, Bonnie, “A Glossary of Analog-to-Digital Specifications and Performance Characteristics”, Texas
Instruments, SBAA147

ACL = Operational Amplifier closed loop gain
AOL = Operational Amplifier open loop gain
b = the voltage coefficient of the capacitor
C0 = nominal capacitance of a capacitor
CFLT = External filter capacitor between Op Amp and SAR ADC
CSH = Input sampling capacitance of SAR ADC
fCL = Op Amp Closed Loop Gain Bandwidth
fFLT-3dB =
fPX = Pole that effects open-loop gain response of an amplifier. Generated by RO + RFLT and CFLT
fS = Input Signal frequency for the SAR-ADC system
fS(MAX) = Maximum Input Signal frequency for the SAR-ADC system
FSR = Full-scale signal range
fZX = Zero that effects open-loop gain response of an amplifier. Generated by RFLT and CFLT
GBWP = Gain Bandwidth Product
k = Single pole time constant multiplier to calculate converter settling time
QFLT = Charge on the external filter capacitor (CFLT) in SAR ADC system
QSH = Charge on the internal sampling capacitor (CSH) of SAR ADC
RFLT = External filter resistor between Op Amp and SAR ADC
RO = Open-loop output resistance of an operational amplifier
RSW = Parasitic switch resistance at input of SAR ADC
S1 = Sampling switch at the input of the SAR ADC
S2 = Switch to charge CSH to VSH0 prior to signal acquisition
SRMIN = minimum Slew Rate required to track a 1 kHz signal with < 1% distortion
SROPA = Op Amp Slew Rate
tACQ = ADC acquisition time
tCONV = ADC conversion time
VCAP = the voltage across a capacitor
VCC = Positive power supply voltage
VFSR = Full-scale voltage input range of ADC
VS = Input signal for the SAR ADC system
VOP = Output voltage of Op Amp
VREF = Voltage reference for the ADC. For the ADS8320 VREF = VFSR
τADC = Time constant of input structure of ADC equalling RSW x CSH
τFLT = Time constant of RFLT and CFLT
τFLT* = Time constant of RFLT and CFLT with a 40% margin

Optimize Your SAR ADC Design


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