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Design of Water Supply For Plumbing

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hydro pneumatic pressure type or the elevated gravity type

LECTURE: Design of WATER should be provided. As a general rule, the minimum pressure
SUPPLY for Plumbing System in required at the ordinary faucet of plumbing fixture is 8 psi.



First, obtain the necessary or all information for establishing a

DESIGN OF WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM proper basis for sizing the building water supply system, such
An Application of the Requirements of Uniform Plumbing as:
Code and or Revised National Plumbing Codes of the Phils.
1. The kinds of piping materials to be installed in the
DESIGN OBJECTIVES: system should be determined. This is a matter of
selection by the owner of the building or an
The most important design objective in sizing the water
authorized representative, who maybe an Engineer,
supply system is the satisfactory supply of potable water to al
an architect or a contractor, for an experienced
fixtures at all times, and at proper pressure and flow rate for
person who will select the piping materials, has
normal fixture operation. This may be achieved only if
knowledge and experience about.
adequate sizes of pipes and appurtenances are provided. The
sizes established must be large enough to prevent occurrence THE SIGNIFICANT CHARACTERISTICS WHICH MAY BE APPLIED
of negative pressures in any part of the system during periods TO INDICATE WATER CORROSIVELY AND SCALE TENDENCY
of peak demand in order to avoid hazard of water supply FORMING SUCH AS:
contamination due to backflow and backsiphonage from
potential sources of pollution. Hence the sizing of building  pH value
water supply systems is a matter of vital concern in protecting
health and must be regulated by codes. Other important  CO2 content
objectives in the design of water supply system are:
 dissolved air content
• to achieve economical sizing of piping and eliminate
 carbonate hardness
over design.
 Langelier index, and ryznar index
• To provide against potential supply failure due to
gradual reduction of pipe bore with the passing of THE MOST APPROPRIATE SOURCE OF THE ABOVE
time such as may result from deposits of corrosion MENTIONED IS THE LOCAL WATER AUTHORITY HAVING
or hard water scale in the piping. JURISDICTION OVER THE SYSTEM SUPPLYING WATER.

• To avoid erosion-corrosion effects and potential pipe

2. Location and size of the water supply
failure or leakage conditions owing to corrosive
3. Developed length of the system
characteristics of the water and/or to excessive
4. Pressure data relative to source of supply
design velocities of flow.
5. Elevations
• To eliminate water hammer damage and 6. Minimum pressure required to the highest outlet
objectionable whistling noise effect in the piping due
to excessive design velocity of flow.
The water supply system should be designed in accordance
Velocity limits recommended by pipe manufacturers to avoid
with the minimum pressure available at the public water
accelerated deterioration of their piping materials due to
main, or other source of water supply pressure, and the
erosion-corrosion should be observed. Recent studies have
minimum pressure required at all time at water outlets of the
shown that extreme turbulence accompanying high flow
system, where the pressure at the water main in insufficient
velocities is an important factor causing erosion-corrosion
to maintain the minimum required at the highest water
and that it is especially prone to occur where the water
outlet of the system, a pressure booster pump system,
supply has high carbon dioxide content (in excess of 10 ppm)
approved as to the capacity and reliability, or an
and where it has been softened to zero hardness. Another
automatically controlled water supply tank or either the
important factor is very high temperature (in excess of



 Where the water supply has a pH value higher that

6.9 and a positive scale-forming tendency, such as
may be shown by a positive Langelier index, velocity
should be limited to no more than 8 fps. (2.4 mps)
 Where water has a pH value lower than 6.9 and may
be classified as aggressively corrosive or where
water supply has been softened to zero hardness by
passage through a softener, velocity should be
limited to no more than 4 fps (1.2 mps)
Tabulation per sample diagram of Sizing Water System
 The 4 fps (1. 2mps) velocity limit should be applied
to all not water piping conveying water at a
temperature above 150oF because of the
accelerated rate of corrosion at such temperature.
 q = 60.8 d 21.2 x (P/L)1/2 for across and cover piping
 d = inside dia.
 If pH value < 6.9 velocity not more than 4bp
 pH > 6.9 velocity not more than 6 bps

Problem No. 1

• Given:
• WC – Water Closet
• UR – Urinal
• All WC are 1.6 GPF
• All UR are 1.0 GPF
• Static pressure at meter – 74 psi
• Distance from meter to most remote outlet – 150ft.
• Elevation of highest outlet above meter – 40ft.
• All pipe is “L” Copper
• Design velocity per standard – 8 ft/sec.
• Note: Lavatory group and drinking fountains were Solution: The demand for this system is computed from the
not includes in the design as their demands are fixture:
minimal. • 1. Unit values given in the tables
From Chart: Revised National Plumbing Code of the Therefore: 15 x 8 fu = 120 fixtures units
Philippines 13 x 5 fu = 65 fixture units
Total demand = 185 fixture units
• 2. Distance from meter to most remote fixture =
150 ft
• 3. Elevation of highest outlet above meter =
40 ft
• 4. Minimum pressure at the meter =
74 psi
• 5. From table, 185 f.u = 88 GPM; show
for all pipe runs etc. 21/2” dia at 8 ft/sec. the GPM capacity will be 120 GPM.
• 6. Determine the total pressure available for friction Going down to our 8 ft/sec transverse line as it intersect with
loss in pound per sq. the 2” line, the maximum GPM is:
inch (psi) per 100 feet or pipe
• 2” pipe = 73 GPM
a. Flushometric valve requires a minimum
available pressure of 15 psi to operate properly. • 1 ½” = 42 GOM

Therefore: • 1” = 10 GPM

Minimum pressure to be maintained =15 psi • 3/2” = 12 GPM

b. Total static pressure loss (head loss) – This is determined Note that as we follow the line to below 1” there are three
by multiplying the elevation distance by 0.433 dotted lines.


40 ft x 0.433 psi/ft = 17.2 psi

c. Pressure loss through meter, filters, reducing valves,

backflow preventers, etc. In this illustration, we have chosen
a 2” disc meter. This meter has a pressure loss of 6.5 psi at 85

Therefore: Meter loss = 6.5 psi

Total Pressure Loss = 38.7 psi

Therefore: (minimum static pressure – Total pressure loss)

= 74 psi – 38.7 psi = 35.3 psi

NOTE:The remaining pressure of 35.3 psi is the maximum

amount of pressure we have available for pressure loss due
to friction in our system while maintaining the minimum
pressure of 15 psi at the highest outlet. However, this 35.3
psiof pressure must be distributed throughout the total
length of the system, which in this case has a total length of
150ft. Determine now the pressure loss per 100 ft of pipe.
The total loss is 35.3 psi for 150 ft. of pipe, we calculate this

(100 x 35.3) divided by 150 = 23.53 psi loss per 100 ft of pipe.

7. From the Copper tubing chart project 23.53 psi up until it

intersect with GPM horizontal line as demand. Note that it
intersect above line of velocity of 15 ft/sec., which is almost
16.5 ft/sec. as their rated flow.

a. Since recommended velocity is 8ft/sec., however, good

Engineering practice would further reduce this to between 4-
6 ft/sec. but since our design call for 8ft/sec, we move further
along the 8 GPM line until it intersect with 8 ft./sec. These represent wall thicknesses of smaller pipes. Please
note that the charts and tables are also found in the Uniform
b. Note that the intersection of our new point is another pipe
size line. This will be our new starting point which is pipe size
Code, and also in our Revised Phil. National Plumbing Code, like what I have discussed today.
however there is no problem similar or problem with solution

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