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Expert Systems With Applications 85 (2017) 292–304

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Expert Systems With Applications

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Detecting anomalies in time series data via a deep learning algorithm

combining wavelets, neural networks and Hilbert transform
Stratis Kanarachos a,∗, Stavros-Richard G. Christopoulos a,b, Alexander Chroneos a,
Michael E. Fitzpatrick a
Engineering & Computing Building, Faculty of Engineering, Environment and Computing, Coventry University, 3, Gulson Road, Coventry, CV1 2JH,
United Kingdom
Solid Earth Physics Institute, Faculty of Physics, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Panepistimiopolis, Zografos, 157 84 Athens, Greece

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The quest for more efficient real-time detection of anomalies in time series data is critically important in
Received 9 February 2016 numerous applications and systems ranging from intelligent transportation, structural health monitoring,
Revised 6 April 2017
heart disease, and earthquake prediction. Although the range of application is wide, anomaly detection
Accepted 14 April 2017
algorithms are usually domain specific and build on experts’ knowledge. Here a new signal processing
Available online 26 April 2017
algorithm – inspired by the deep learning paradigm – is presented that combines wavelets, neural net-
Keywords: works, and Hilbert transform. The algorithm performs robustly and is transferable. The proposed neural
Anomaly detection network structure facilitates learning short and long-term pattern interdependencies; a task usually hard
Deep learning to accomplish using standard neural network training algorithms. The paper provides guidelines for se-
Receiver operating characteristics lecting the neural network’s buffer size, training algorithm, and anomaly detection features. The algorithm
learns the system’s normal behavior and does not require the existence of anomalous data for assessing
its statistical significance. This is an essential attribute in applications that require customization. Anoma-
lies are detected by analysing hierarchically the instantaneous frequency and amplitude of the residual
signal using probabilistic Receiver Operating Characteristics. The method is shown to be able to automat-
ically detect anomalies in the Seismic Electrical Signal that could be used to predict earthquake activity.
Furthermore, the method can be used in combination with crowdsourcing of smartphone data to locate
road defects such as potholes and bumps for intervention and repair.
© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction

Abbreviations: A, Amplitude; ADF, Anomaly Detection Filter; AP, Anomalous Over the past few decades the advent of advanced computa-
Pulses; AUC, Area Under Curve; DNN, Deep neural network; DR, Dichotomous rep-
resentation; FN, False Negative; FP, False Positive; FPr, False Positive rate; IMS-SEPI,
tional methods in conjunction with ever-increasing computational
Ioannina Measuring Station of the Solid Earth Physics Institute; L’s-I,L’,L, Length of resources has led to advances in our understanding of the phys-
dipoles; M, Dichotomous representation index; M2 , Anomalous pulses index; MEMS, ical world (Choudhury et al., 2015; Fan, Osetskiy, Yip, & Yildiz,
Micro Electro-Mechanical Systems; NDEEF, Normalized Deflection of the Earth’s 2013; Rushton & Chroneos, 2014; Sun, Jayaraman, Chen, Persson,
Electric Field; Nq , Polynomial degree; NN, Neural networks; ROC, Receiver Operating
& Ceder, 2015). Detecting anomalies in the behavior of systems
Characteristics; Sm , n , Approximation coefficients; SES, Seismic Electric Signal; Tm , n ,
Detail coefficients; TN, True Negative; TP, True Positive; TPr, True Positive rate; V2I, and processes is significant for predicting their behavior. This
Vehicle-to-infrastructure; V2V, Vehicle-to-vehicle; Wm , Neural network interconnec- is critically important in systems as diverse as materials per-
tion matrices for the output layer; Vm , Neural network interconnection matrices for formance in hazardous environments such as nuclear reactors;
the hidden layer; WANEH, WAvelets, NEural networks and Hilbert transform; V, autonomous vehicle suspension systems; disaster prevention due
Voltage difference; ao , Dilation parameter; bo , Location parameter; dm , Signal de-
tail at scale m; ddm , Filter signal detail at scale m; e, Error; eH , Hilbert transfrom
of error e; k, Estimator value; ki , Threshold value; m, meter; m, Parameter control-
ling the wavelet dilation; m0, Arbitrary scale; n, Parameter controlling the wavelet

translation; nh , Number of hidden neurons; p, Probability; q, Scaling function shift; Corresponding author: Engineering & Computing Building, Faculty of Engineer-
s, Second; x, Signal in time domain; xd , Filtered signal; xm , Approximation signal ing, Environment and Computing, Coventry University, 3, Gulson Road, Coventry,
at scale m; y, Neural network output; ym , Neural network output at scale m; β m, CV1 2JH, United Kingdom.
Bias vector; θ , Instantaneous phase; λ, Noise threshold; τ m , Scale dependent phase E-mail addresses: stratis.kanarachos@coventry.ac.uk (S. Kanarachos),
lag; ϕ , Scaling function; ϕ m,n , Wavelet (father) basis; ψ , Wavelet; ψ m,n , Wavelet ac0966@coventry.ac.uk (S.G. Christopoulos), ab8104@coventry.ac.uk (A. Chroneos),
(mother) basis. ab6856@coventry.ac.uk (M.E. Fitzpatrick).

0957-4174/© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
S. Kanarachos et al. / Expert Systems With Applications 85 (2017) 292–304 293

to earthquakes; social networks (https://blog.twitter.com/2015/ Signal decomposition on different scales and independent analy-
introducing- practical- and- robust- anomaly- detection- in- a- time- sis is adequate for detecting anomalies. The algorithm was applied
series); as well as heart attack prevention (Ghahramani, 2015; with success in standard benchmark case studies.
Ikonomopoulos, Alamaniotis, Chatzidakis, & Tsoukalas, 2013; Sarlis, In Georgoulas et al. an early warning bearing fault detection
Christopoulos, & Bemplidaki, 2015; Varotsos, Sarlis, Skordas, & scheme was proposed. The acceleration signal is first analyzed in
Lazaridou, 2007). These complex systems share a characteristic: Intrinsic Mode Functions (IMF) using the Hilbert–Huang transform
lack of models that can accurately describe the system’s behavior. and then processed by three independent anomaly detectors. Be-
Therefore, for performing anomaly detection, it is necessary to rely cause of the continuous shaft rotation, it is appropriate to analyze
on data-based approaches. the signal analysis in IMFs or frequencies. The authors employed
The body of literature indicates substantial interest of the re- an empirical rule for determining that the first and third IMFs
search community in developing time series anomaly detection al- are the most important. To discover an anomaly the “opinions” of
gorithms (Akhoondzadeh, 2015; Akouemo & Povinelli, 2016; Chen the detectors are combined using the majority voting scheme. The
& Zhan, 2008; Georgoulas, Loutas, Stylios, & Kostopoulos, 2013; anomaly detectors utilised in the study are: (a) a Gaussian detec-
Harrou, Kadri, Chaabane, Tahon, & Sun, 2015; Li, Liu, & Zhang, tor that assumes a normal data distribution; (b) a Nearest Neigh-
2015). In Pimentel et al., a comprehensive review of existing bour detector assuming that normal data instances occur in dense
anomaly detection algorithms is provided. The authors pointed out neighbourhoods, while anomalies occur far from the nearest neigh-
that there is no universally accepted definition for an “anomaly”, bour; and (c) a Principal Components Analysis detector, which re-
and that anomalies can be distinguished into: outliers, data points constructs a normal signal using subspaces capable of describing
that are dissimilar to the remaining points in the data set; and the normal dataset.
anomaly patterns, a small fraction of data which are different Harrou et al. developed a detection scheme for detecting
from the majority of “normal” data in the feature space. Further- anomalies in emergency department calls. The method is a com-
more, anomaly detection algorithms were classified into five ma- bination of Principal Component Analysis and the multivariate cu-
jor categories: Probabilistic, Distance-based, Reconstruction-based, mulative sum (MCUSUM) monitoring chart. The signal is recon-
Domain-based, and Information-theoretic-based. structed using PCA and then the residuals, when compared to the
A probabilistic approach for detecting anomalies in natural gas original signal, are calculated. The cumulative sum of deviations
consumption data was proposed by Akouemo and Povinelli. First, of each residual previously observed is compared to the nominal
a linear regression model is developed, mapping the natural gas value. In case the difference is exceeding a predefined threshold
consumption to the outside temperature, cooling and heating refer- the event is classified abnormal. The authors highlighted the im-
ence temperatures, Cooling and Heating Degree Days, and the nat- portance of considering the multivariate signals’ cross-correlation.
ural gas consumption of the previous day. After the coefficients of In Li et al. two versions of the negative selection method are
the linear regression are determined, they are used to compute the proposed for detecting anomalies on two synthetic datasets. The
residuals of the data, by taking the difference between the actual detector’s performance was evaluated on the basis of true posi-
and estimated values. The maximum and minimum values of the tives, true negatives, false positives and false negatives.
set of residuals are used to discover anomalies. A statistical test is From the literature review, it is concluded that different prob-
conducted, with the null hypothesis being that the extremum is lems were solved using different anomaly detection algorithm. The
not an outlier. If the probability for the extremum to belong to the nature of the problems varied significantly in terms of the underly-
same distribution as the remaining points in the residual data set ing dynamics, domain knowledge, embedded measurement noise,
is less than the probability of committing a type I error, then it is complexity and repeatability of normal or abnormal behavior. The
considered as abnormal. Type I occurs when the null hypothesis evaluation methods used are significantly different; some studies
is rejected when true. The significance level was typically 1%. The just focus on the number of true positives while others provide a
regression model is location-dependent and depends on empirical comprehensive analysis of true positives, true negatives, false pos-
coefficients such as Heating and Cooling Degree Days and thresh- itives and false negatives. In all methods, a threshold was required
old temperatures. Furthermore, natural gas consumption appears for distinguishing normal from abnormal behavior, but in only a
to have a linear dependency from time as only the previous’ day few cases was the threshold determination explained in detail and
natural gas consumption is considered. linked to the detection method. Last but least, most anomaly de-
In Akhoondzadeh, an anomaly detection method for predicting tection algorithms are rarely tested as to whether they are trans-
earthquakes is presented. The proposed method, which is a com- ferable without significant tuning effort. In complex systems where
bination of a reconstruction and statistical approach, detects iono- the interactions and disturbances are unknown or too complex to
spheric anomalies that occur a few days before and after earth- model this is important.
quakes, a relatively slow phenomenon. Akhoondzadeh implements In this paper, a new transferable anomaly detection method is
the Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm for training a predictor that es- presented. The method is a combination of Neural Networks, dis-
timates the future value of electron concentration. The prediction is crete wavelet analysis, and Hilbert transform. The threshold for
made using three past samples. In case the cumulative prediction classifying an event as abnormal and its statistical significance
error falls outside a predefined range μ ± k · σ (where μ and σ are determined using the probabilistic Receiver Operating Char-
are the mean and the standard deviation) the behavior is consid- acteristics (ROC) method. Our main contributions in the field of
ered as abnormal. According to the authors, the method performed “Anomaly Detection” are: (a) the proposition of a unique Deep
satisfactorily in a number of earthquakes. Neural Network structure for reconstructing the normal behavior
Chen and Zhan proposed a distance-based anomaly detection of a system; and (b) the feature selection of the anomaly detec-
algorithm for discovering infrequent patterns in time series. First, tor in dependence of the probabilistic Receiver Operating Charac-
Haar wavelet decomposition is applied to reduce the noise level in teristics method. The first is important for detecting short and long
the signal. Then the signal is analyzed in multiple scales. The sig- term interdependencies using NNs; usually this is a hard task using
nal in each time scale is segmented and compared to previous time standard training algorithms. The latter is important when mod-
patterns of the same time scale. In case no match is found – differ- elling the normal behavior of a complex system, where it is diffi-
ence larger than a predefined threshold – the pattern is considered cult to accurately reconstruct it.
anomalous. The method is based on two assumptions: (a) only the As mentioned, the proposed method reconstructs only the nor-
temporal information is important for anomaly detection; and (b) mal behavior of the system which is very important for applica-
294 S. Kanarachos et al. / Expert Systems With Applications 85 (2017) 292–304

tions in which anomalies are rare. Furthermore, the use of NN fa- of dyadic grid arrangement and the use of orthonormal bases – the
cilitates online training, beyond the point of deployment, which use of a scaling function ϕ (t) is required:
is significant for applications where normal behavior needs cus-  
tomization, for example, depending on the vehicle type or patient.
ϕm,n (t ) = 2−m/2 · ϕ · 2−m · t − n (5)
The proposed method is successfully applied – without any manual with the property
tuning effort – to two diverse examples: the detection of anomalies  ∞
in the Seismic Electric Signal activity, that is potentially important ϕ0,0 (t ) · dt = 1 (6)
for earthquake prediction; and automated road anomaly detection
(for example potholes, bumps) using smartphones for crowdsourc- The scaling function is convolved with signal x(t) to produce the
ing applications. approximation coefficients Sm, n :
The rest of the paper is structured as follows: in Section  ∞
2 the proposed algorithm is presented and compared to existing Sm,n = x(t ) · ϕm,n (t ) · dt (7)
anomaly detection methods. In Section 3 the application of the al-
gorithm in two diverse cases is described in detail. In Section 4 the and obtain a continuous approximation of signal xm (t), at scale m:
results are analyzed and discussed, while in Section 5 conclusions

are drawn and suggestions for future work are presented.
xm (t ) = Sm,n · ϕm,n (t ) (8)
2. Transferable anomaly detection in time series data: the
where xm (t) is a smooth, scaling-function-dependent, version of
WANEH algorithm
signal x(t), at scale m. Using Eqs. (4) and (8) signal x(t) is repre-
sented as a combined series expansion:
The anomaly detection method proposed in this paper is called
m0 ∞

WANEH. It combines WAvelets, NEural networks and Hilbert trans-
form (WANEH) and its schematic is illustrated in Fig. 1. x(t ) = Sm0,n · ϕm0,n (t ) + Tm,n · ψm,n (t ) (9)
n=−∞ m=−∞ n=−∞

Eq. (9) expresses the original continuous signal as the combi-

2.1. Multiresolution signal reconstruction using wavelet analysis
nation of an approximation of itself, at arbitrary scale index m0,
added to a succession of signal details from scales m0 down to
Wavelets are important mathematical tools to analyze a time
−∞. If we denote with dm (t) the signal detail, at scale m:
series x(t). There are different methods for applying wavelets, for
example, the continuous or discrete wavelet transform. ∞

A wavelet ψ m, n grows and decays within a limited time period dm (t ) = Tm,n · ψm,n (t ) (10)
and the wavelet transform Tm, n can decompose a signal into differ-
ent scales with different levels of resolution through the dilation then Eq. (9) is rewritten as:
of a single prototype function known as the basis wavelet ψ , see

Fig. 1(b). x(t ) = xm0 (t ) + dm (t ) (11)
 ∞ m=−∞
Tm,n = x(t ) · ψm,n (t ) · dt (1)
xm−1 (t ) = xm (t ) + dm (t ) (12)
1 t − n · b0 · am Eq. (12) says that if the signal detail dm (t), at an arbitrary
ψm,n (t ) =  ·ψ · 0
(2) scale (index m), is added to the approximation xm (t), at that scale,
am am0
we get the signal approximation xm−1 (t ) at an increased resolu-
where Tm, n are the discrete wavelet transform values given on tion. Eq. (12) allows the multiresolution representation dm of signal
a scale-location grid of index m, n. The integers m, n control the x(t) at different scales m, see Fig. 2. For further details on the selec-
wavelet dilation and translation respectively and are contained in tion of the scaling function, refer to Addison (2002). A key advan-
the set of all integers, both positive and negative. a0 is a specified tage of signal analysis via wavelets is that it allows local features
fixed dilation step parameter set at a value greater than 1, and b0 of the signal to be studied, with a detail matching their scale.
is the location parameter which must be greater than zero. To obtain the de-noised xd (t) representation of signal x(t) a
Common choices for a0 and b0 are 2 and 1, respectively. Eq. threshold λ is defined and the detail coefficients Tm, n are adjusted
(2) becomes: according to:
ψm,n (t ) = 2−m/2 · ψ · 2−m · t − n (3) 0, i f |Tm,n | < λ
Tm,n = (13)
Tm,n , i f |Tm,n | ≥ λ
This power-of-two logarithmic scaling of both the dilation and
translation steps is known as the dyadic grid arrangement. In this 

arrangement, the values Tm, n are known as wavelet coefficients or xd (t ) = xm0 (t ) + ddm (t ) (14)
detail coefficients. Some methods exploit the detail coefficients for m=−∞

detecting anomalies. where ddm (t) is the filtered signal detail, at scale m. There are dif-
By choosing an orthonormal wavelet basis, ψ m, n (t) it is possi- ferent ways for defining the threshold and in this paper the min-
ble to reconstruct the original signal in terms of the wavelet coeffi- imax approach was selected. For more details the readers are re-
cients Tm, n using the inverse discrete wavelet transform as follows: ferred to Donoho and Johnstone (1998).
In this study, the wavelet basis function comes from the

 Daubechies wavelet family. Daubechies wavelets besides Eqs.
x(t ) = Tm,n · ψm,n (t ) (4)
m=−∞ n=−∞
(5) and (6) satisfy also:
Nq −1
Eq. (4) is useful for reconstructing the signal x(t) but not for 
(−1 )q · cq · qm = 0 (15)
obtaining a multiresolution of it. For this – under the assumption
S. Kanarachos et al. / Expert Systems With Applications 85 (2017) 292–304 295

Fig. 1. WAvelets, NEural networks and Hilbert transform (WANEH) algorithm: (a) flow chart of proposed algorithm, (b) Daubechies 9 wavelet basis for de-noising the
raw signal, (c) Energy temporal evolution, (d) Deep neural network architecture for learning the patterns in and between different time scales.

Table 1. behind deep learning is to first learn the hidden patterns in raw
Polynomial degrees supported by Daubechies
data and then combine this information to perform the prediction
wavelets db2 (Haar) and db9.
or classification. DNNs have not been applied extensively to time
Daubechies wavelet Polynomial degree series data but this field is currently gaining increasing attention
Db2 0 (Längkvist, Karlsson, & Loutfi, 2014).
Db9 3 A novel deep temporal neural network architecture for identify-
ing the temporal structure of the filtered signal xd (t) is illustrated
in Fig. 1(d). The DNN is structured in three layers. The inputs to
for integers m = 0, 1, 2, . . . . . . , Nq /2 − 1 and q (q represents the the first layer are the filtered signal details ddm (t), for all scales m.
scaling function shift along the time axis). Daubechies wavelets can The first layer comprises an ensemble of stacked neural networks.
approximate signals which are polynomial up to degree Nq /2 − 1. For each scale m, a standard feedforward neural network is trained
For example, Table 1 lists the polynomial degrees supported by for identifying the temporal structure of the signal detail ddm (t).
two different Daubechies wavelet types.


ym = wmir · σm · vmr j · xm j + βmr (16)
r=1 j=1
2.2. Deep temporal neural networks architecture
or in matrix form:
Recent advances have demonstrated the excellent performance
ym = Wm · σm · (Vm · xm + βm ) (17)
of Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) in modelling static data and per-
forming tasks such as image classification and protein structure where xm = [ddm (t ), ddm (t − τm ), ddm (t − 2 · τm ), . . .] ∈
Rpis the in-
prediction (Heffernan et al., 2015; Hinton, 2007). The main idea put., τ m is a scale dependent constant, ym = ddm (t + 1 ) is the out-
296 S. Kanarachos et al. / Expert Systems With Applications 85 (2017) 292–304

Fig. 2. Multiresolution representation of a signal using wavelet analysis using m = 5 scales.

put at time t + 1 and the nonlinear operation σ is taken element- plitude A(t) of e(t) are defined:
wise. In this paper, the nonlinear operation σ is a logistic sigmoid. 
eH (t )
For more details on the different options available, refer to Rojas θ (t ) = arctan
(1996). The interconnection matrices are Wm ∈ Rl×nh for the output e(t )
layer, Vm
Rnh ×pn for the hidden layer, βm ∈ Rnh is the bias vector dθ
with nh the number of hidden neurons. θ˙ (t ) = (22)
In the second layer, the m feedforward neural networks are 
combined to learn the temporal structure of signal xd (t):
A(t ) = e(t )2 + eH (t )2 (23)

A schematic of an envelope detector is given in Fig. 1(c) (thick
y=W·σ · V2 · σ · ym + β2 (18)
solid line).

where ym = [ym (t ), ym (t − τm ), ym (t − 2 · τm ), . . .]
R p , τ m is a 2.4. Probabilistic receiver operating characteristics
scale dependent constant, and y = y(t + 1 ) is the DNN output at
time t + 1. The ROC method is used to compare the results of the proposed
algorithm with a dichotomous time series characterizing the spe-
2.3. Hilbert transform cific anomaly. In each example, the latter time series is determined
by independent methods. This comparison is used for the evalu-
The error signal e is defined as the difference of the filtered ation of both the statistical significance and the efficiency of the
signal xd (t) from the DNN’s output y(t): method.

e = xd − y (19) 2.5. Comparison to existing methods

The envelope A and instantaneous frequency θ˙ of the error sig-

The proposed methods focus on the early and accurate detec-
nal e(t) are the features used for anomaly detection. For this the
tion of anomalies and not in their classification or origin. Fur-
Hilbert transform is utilized:
thermore, we are only interested in detecting anomalies in pat-
 t−ε  +∞
1 e(t ) 1 e(t ) terns, not in the detection of outlier points. Many existing anomaly
eH (t ) = limε→0 · · dt + · · dt (20)
π −∞ x−t π t+ε x − t
detection methods require datasets containing pattern anomalies,
which are difficult to produce in real life problems. Some anoma-
where eH (t) is the Hilbert transform. Hilbert transform is the con- lies are rare: for example, changes in the Earth’s seismic electric
volution of e(t) with a reciprocal function 1/x − t, thus Hilbert signals ahead of earthquakes; or data are too expensive to col-
transform emphasizes the local properties of e(t). If eˆ(ω ) repre- lect. Besides, unknown anomaly patterns might emerge. By con-
sents the Fourier transform of e(t), then the Hilbert transform is: trast, the proposed method is based on approximation of the sys-
  tem’s normal behavior and does not require for its development
eH (t ) = F −1 − j · sgn(ω ) · eˆ(ω ) (21) prior anomalous data.
As mentioned in Pimentel, Clifton, Clifton, and Tarassenko
where F −1 represents inverse Fourier transform (Goswami & Hoe- (2014), anomaly detection methods can be broadly classified into
fel, 2004). The instantaneous phase θ (t), frequency θ˙ (t ), and am- five categories: Probabilistic, Distance-based, Reconstruction-based,
S. Kanarachos et al. / Expert Systems With Applications 85 (2017) 292–304 297

Domain-based, and Information-theoretic-based. Each category has quire several iterations. On the other hand, in the test phase the
its own strengths and weaknesses. Probabilistic methods require DNN implementation is computationally very efficient. Although
large amounts of data, and thus do not perform well when the there are efficient techniques for analysing a signal in its wavelets
anomalies training set is small. Distance-based methods, which components, its real-time implementation is still a challenge. Last
include nearest-neighbour and clustering approaches, require the but not least, it is emphasized that it is very likely that physics-
definition of an appropriate distance measure for the given data. based domain-specific methods perform better than the proposed
It is hard to define such a metric, especially in high-dimensional algorithm. However, the focus of this paper is on the development
problems. Furthermore, distance-based methods usually require of a transferable anomaly detection method, which requires mini-
manual selection of parameters, so it is not possible to use mal tuning effort when applied in different domains.
them for automatically constructing a model of normality. Dis-
tance based methods are also computationally expensive in the 3. Applications
test phase. Domain-based methods, which include Support Vec-
tor Machines, do not make any assumptions on data distribution 3.1. Seismic electric signal application
and detect anomalies using only a small number of data, closest
to the boundary. Therefore, they can be trained using relatively It was previously demonstrated by Varotsos and Alexopoulos
small database sizes, and training is fast. However, for the same (1986) that when a critical stress is achieved on an ionic solid the
reason, they are sensitive to outliers. Information-theoretic-based existing electric dipoles orient cooperatively. This behavior results
methods are highly dependent on the choice of the information in the emission of an electric signal, which is transient (Varotsos,
theoretic measure, and it may be difficult to associate score with Sarlis, & Skordas, 2011). Thus, before an earthquake takes place,
an anomaly. Additionally, information-theoretic-based methods are since the stress in the focal area (containing ionic materials) grad-
computationally intensive in the test phase. ually increases, when a critical value is approached we may ob-
The proposed method belongs to the reconstruction-based tain characteristic Seismic Electric Signals (SES) (Varotsos et al.,
anomaly detection methods. They typically do not make any as- 1996; Varotsos & Lazaridou, 1991). These SES are low frequency
sumptions regarding the properties of the data distribution. On the (≤1 Hz) variations of the Earth’s electric field (Varotsos & Alex-
other hand, their structure depends on parameters that need to be opoulos, 1984) usually consisting of rectangular pulses. The sug-
optimized. The optimization method choice is vital for the model gested mechanism (Varotsos & Alexopoulos, 1986) of SES genera-
performance (Kanarachos, Griffin, & Fitzpatrick, 2017; Piotrowski, tion is as follows. In ionic solids, in addition to the common inher-
2014; Piotrowski & Napiorkowski, 2011). Furthermore, NN perfor- ent defects in the lattice, there are always extrinsic defects owing
mance depends heavily on its structure. For example, NNs cannot to aliovalent impurities. Aliovalent impurities attract nearby intrin-
learn easily long-term dependencies and are prone to overfitting sic defects, forming electric dipoles the orientation of which can
(Martens & Sutskever, 2012). To this end, an NN structure is pro- be changed by defect migration. Initially the orientations of these
posed based on signal reconstruction using wavelets. Wavelets of- dipoles are random, but as the applied pressure increases a critical
fer a better trade-off in the time/frequency resolution of the sig- value is approached above which cooperative orientation of these
nal compared to Fourier Transform or Short Fourier Transform and dipoles occurs (Varotsos et al., 2011).
their performance in detecting temporal anomalies, this paper’s fo- In the present study, we apply our algorithm in order to de-
cus, is much better (Gao & Yan, 2011). Reconstructing the signal tect anomalies of the Earth’s electric field and thereby SES activ-
at multiple scales has several advantages: (a) easier NN training, ity. Here, we investigate as an example the case of SES activity
because NNs are required to learn less and so can identify more that was recorded on the 18th and 19th April 1995, a few weeks
coherent features compared to when learning the complete signal; before the M6.6 1995 Kozani-Grevena earthquake at 40.2°N21.7°E
and (b) Easier learning of long term and short term interdependen- on 13 May 1995 at 08:47 UT. The SES time series that we analyze
cies, as the signals at different scales represent the signal’s short were recorded at the Ioannina measuring station of the Solid Earth
and long term temporal structure. Physics Institute (IMS-SEPI). Fig. 3 shows a 5 h excerpt of measure-
In the anomaly detection phase, it is not proposed to use detec- ments on a “normal” day.
tors at each scale because (a) In many practical applications, some This station has several short and long dipoles in a number
scales are not informative and thus, it is more difficult to train a of directions (see map in Fig. 1 of supplemental material of Ref.
detector for each scale and then combine them; and (b) The in- Varotsos, Sarlis, & Skordas, 20 03a; 20 03b available from http://ftp.
terdependencies between different scales are not explicitly consid- aip.org/epaps/phys_rev_lett/E- PRLTAO- 91- 007338/SupInfo.pdf). The
ered. If anomaly detection is performed separately at each scale, it SES activity can be distinguished from human-generated noise us-
is implicitly assumed that the signals are independent. The reason ing the V/L criterion: V/L is approximately the same when
for using Hilbert transform is because it focuses on the local fea- measured in parallel short and long dipoles (Varotsos & Lazari-
tures of the signal. In case the frequency content is indicative of an dou, 1991) thus if short and long dipoles are operating simultane-
anomaly, this will be utilised in the anomaly detection. In the op- ously one can identify SES activity. The application of the algorithm
posite case, as happens in many nonlinear systems, the detection therefore focused on the long dipoles L’s − I, L’ and L since they
is based on the amplitude of the residual signal. are almost parallel and exhibit similar behavior (see Fig. 4). The
With regard to the anomaly detection threshold, no data dis- dichotomous (or binary) representation (DR) of an SES (Varotsos,
tribution assumptions are made. The Receiver Operating Charac- Sarlis, & Skordas, 2002) which is a two-valued (ON/OFF) time se-
teristics (ROC) method allows a comprehensive evaluation of the ries that acquires the value OFF, e.g. xDR (t ) = 0, when there is no
anomaly detector’s performance, distinguishing between true pos- SES pulse at time t and the value ON, e.g. xDR (t ) = 1, when there is
itives, true negatives, false positives and false negatives. Further- an ongoing SES pulse at that time, is here compared with our out-
more, the particular ROC implementation facilitates – in a compu- come (in contrast, e.g. Ref. Varotsos et al., 2002). The dichotomous
tational efficient manner, near real-time – recalculating the confi- representation of an SES activity can be represented by comparing
dence in the method’s performance, when new anomalies are de- simultaneously the value of the deflection of the electric field mea-
tected. In the future, it is envisaged to link the proposed ROC eval- sured from short and long dipoles at time t with a threshold and
uation method to the training phase of the DNNs. indicates the existence of an SES pulse).
WANEH is computationally intensive in the training phase. In Fig. 3(a) 5 h excerpt of the measurements of a “normal”
Learning the system’s normal behavior is not trivial and may re- day without anomalies in the SES are presented as-received from
298 S. Kanarachos et al. / Expert Systems With Applications 85 (2017) 292–304

Fig. 3. Monitoring Earth’s electrical activity: the normalized deflection of the

Earth’s electric field (NDEEF) (red) together with the Anomaly Detection Function
(ADF) outcome (blue) for the dipoles L’s -I, L’ and L in (a), (b), and (c), respectively.
(For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is re-
ferred to the web version of this article.)

Fig. 5. Abnormal Earth activity on 19/04/95: the normalized deflection of earth’s

electric field (NDEEF) (red), the Dichotomous Representation (DR) of the Seismic
Electrical Signal (green) together with the Anomaly Detection Filter (ADF) outcome
(blue) for the dipoles L’s − I, L’ and L in (a), (b), and (c), respectively, on 19/04/95.
(For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is
referred to the web version of this article.)

the three long dipoles at IMS-SEPI. The electric field is not con-
stant and exhibits fluctuations that seem (quasi-)random. Addi-
tionally, we can observe spikes, and different values of the poten-
tial difference on each dipole. It is a challenge to detect anoma-
lies against such a non-stable background with an Anomaly De-
tection Filter (ADF) algorithm. The proposed deep neural network
learns not only how the signal behaves at different time scales but
also the interdependencies between the scales themselves. This is
a unique approach compared to other neural network or wavelet-
based methods (Alexandridis & Zapranis, 2013; Kocadağlı & Aşıkgil,
In Figs. 4 and 5 the recorded normalized deflection (Varotsos
et al., 20 03a; 20 03b) of the electric field of the earth (red lines),
the Dichotomous Representation of the SES pulses (green lines)
and the Anomaly Detection Filter outcome are presented for the
long dipoles L’s − I (Figs. 4(a) and 5(a)), L’ (Figs. 4(b) and 5(b))
and L (Figs. 4(c) and 5(c)) (blue lines) for 5 h excerpts on 18 and
19/04/95. As we can see the ADF outcome and DR match well in
all cases. We can better inspect the quality of matching, for exam-
ple, in the zoom area of Fig. 3(b) if we focus on the local maxima
of ADF and the DR pulses.
In order to evaluate the SES anomaly detection we employ a
Receiver Operating Characteristics (ROC) analysis (Fawcett, 2006).
The ROC method can be used to evaluate an estimator (Sarlis et
Fig. 4. Abnormal Earth activity on 18/04/95: the normalized deflection of the al., 2015); in this case as estimator k we are using the value of the
Earth’s electric field (NDEEF) (red), the dichotomous representation (DR) of SES
ADF outcome. The DR index M takes value M = 1 when there is an
(green) together with the Anomaly Detection Function (ADF) outcome (blue) for the
dipoles L’s − I, L’ and L in (a), (b), and (c), respectively, on 18/04/95, that preceded SES pulse and M = 0 when there is not (see schematic diagram in
the 13/05/95 M6.6 Kozani-Grevena earthquake. In panel (b) there is also a zoom Fig. 6). The ROC graph (e.g., see Fig. 7) depicts the Hit rate (or True
area between 50 0 0 and 90 0 0 s. (For interpretation of the references to color in this Positive rate) on the Y-axis and the False Alarm rate (or False Pos-
figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
itive rate) on the X-axis. Here, we examine if the estimator k lies
S. Kanarachos et al. / Expert Systems With Applications 85 (2017) 292–304 299

The ROC graphs arising from the detection of the SES activity
using the present method (i.e., the estimator k) are depicted in Fig.
7(a) for 18/04/95 and in Fig. 7(b) for 19/04/95; in both diagrams
the ROC diagrams for the L’s − I, L’ and L dipoles are shown. We
can observe similar behavior in all dipoles, which reveals the very
good performance of the Anomaly Detection Filter regardless of the
noisy background. In particular, the Areas Under the Curve for 18th
of April are AUC L’s − I = 0.8771, AUC L’ = 0.8266, AUCL = 0.8445
and for 19th of April are AUC L’s − I = 0.9410, AUC L’ = 0.9269,
AUCL = 0.9054: additionally the p-value in all of these cases is
much smaller than 10−8 (10−8 is the accuracy of the VISROC.f FOR-
TRAN code Sarlis & Christopoulos, 2014).
Finally, we note the very good efficiency of the Anomaly Detec-
tion Filter since we obtain TPr ≈ 86%, 81%, 82% with FPr ≈ 25%
for 18th April and TPr ≈ 90%, 86%, 83% with FPr ≈ 15% for 19th
April for the L’s − I, L’ and L dipoles, respectively. At this point it
is useful to mention that the results for 19th April are better, and
Fig. 6. ROC schematic: diagram for receiver operating characteristics classifications. one of the reasons for this is that, as we can see in Fig. 5, some
anomalous pulses (see the panels (b) and (c) between 13,0 0 0 s and
14,300 s at L’ and L dipoles) were detected on 18 April but there is
over a given threshold ki . There are two classes for a Dichotomous no SES activity since the V/L criterion is not fulfilled. This shows
Response: “Positive” when M = 1 and “Negative” when M = 0; and that a vector generalization of the ADF algorithm may increase the
there are also two hypothesized classes: “Yes” if k ≥ ki and “No” if already high SES anomaly detection efficiency. The fact that the al-
k < ki . Therefore, there are four classifications: TP (True Positive) gorithm is fast can be useful for decision-making during real-time
when M = 1 and k ≥ ki ; FP (False Positive) when M = 0 and k ≥ data acquisition: a computer can analyze data excerpts and decide
ki ; FN (False Negative) when M = 1 and k < ki ; and TN (True Neg- automatically on the basis of the estimator k whether this excerpt
ative) when M = 0 when k < ki . Thus, the True Positive rate (TPr) should be transmitted to a central station or not. Moreover, in an
is the ratio of TPs over the total number of “Positives” P = T P + F N; updated setup this decision may trigger the activation of a higher
and the False Positive rate (FPr) is the ratio of FPs over the total sampling rate.
number of “Negatives” Q = F P + T N. These are summarized in Fig.
6. For each value of ki we obtain an operating point in the ROC 3.2. Intelligent transportation application
A random estimator will be located in the region close to Modern road vehicles are equipped with hundreds of sensors
the diagonal, where the true positive and false positive rates are that monitor both the vehicle’s behavior and the surrounding envi-
roughly equal. An approach to evaluate the statistical significance ronment. Smartphones, which are nowadays widespread, have nu-
of an ROC curve is to calculate the Area Under the Curve (AUC). Re- merous embedded sensors and can contribute also to monitoring
cently, for the statistical significance of the ROC curves a new visu- the vehicle and driver’s states. Recent advances in mobile, vehicle-
alization scheme has been proposed (Sarlis & Christopoulos, 2014) to-vehicle (V2V) and vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) communication
based on k-ellipses and with this technique among others, using enables the connection of these sensors into the Internet of Things
the areas under the curves of the k-ellipses, one can measure the (Digital Agenda for Europe, 2015). The combination and utilization
probability (p-value) for given values of P and Q to obtain an ROC of information from multiple vehicles is expected to have a ma-
curve by chance when ascribing “Yes” or “No” randomly. jor impact on transportation safety, comfort and efficiency. How-

Fig. 7. Earth’s electric activity – ROC output: receiver operating characteristics when using the anomaly detection filter outcome as estimator for the dipoles L’s -I (red
pluses), L’ (green crosses) and L (blue asterisks) on (a) 18/04/95 and (b) 19/04/95. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to
the web version of this article.)
300 S. Kanarachos et al. / Expert Systems With Applications 85 (2017) 292–304

Fig. 8. Road anomaly informed map: detection and visualization of road anomalies. The schematic was drawn for this paper using Adobe Illustrator.

ever, the number of vehicles involved and the amount of data that ral network’s output three places when plotting y in Fig. 9(b). The
can be gathered is massive, and this has implications for data han- shifted signal is also used for the remaining operations that involve
dling and data analysis. A potential remedy lies in the detection the calculation of the error function e, the Hilbert transform, and
and isolation of the critical information at vehicle level before on- the ROC analysis.
ward transmission. In order to indicate humps, manhole covers and potholes in the
Here, we present the automated detection of road anomalies time series, we define a threshold (T h = 2.16) on the absolute
(e.g. potholes, bumps) using smartphone sensors. The analysis is value of z-score of the recorded values from the accelerometer and
based on measurements collected using the in-built accelerometers we rejected all the cases that are not marked as such in Fig. 9(b).
of a smartphone while driving in Coventry city centre, UK (see Fig. Thus, we made a series of Anomalous Pulses (AP): the AP index M2
8). The smartphone was fixed using a mobile holder on the vehi- takes value M2 = 1 when there is a road anomaly and M2 = 0
cle’s front window and oriented at an angle of about 30˚ to the when there is not (see Fig. 9(b)). Finally, we employ the Receiver
vertical. The sampling rate was 10 Hz. Operating Characteristics analysis to evaluate the detection (see
As observed in Fig. 9(a), the accelerometer’s signal is noisy and Fig. 10, where the yellow, green and black lines depict k-ellipses
therefore detection of road anomalies at low speeds is difficult. The for p-values of 1%, 5% and 10%, respectively (Sarlis & Christopoulos,
vehicle speed under which the experiments took place was below 2014). The Area Under the Curve here is AUC = 0.9078 and the p-
10 m s-1 . Road anomalies, Fig. 9(b), were labeled by correlating ac- value is much smaller than 10−8 , as in the case of the seismic elec-
celeration signals, video images recorded from within the vehicle, trical application. We can observe again the very good efficiency of
and obstacle verbal descriptions during the test runs. the Anomaly Detection Function since we obtain a True Positive
The vehicle dynamics case is completely different to the Seis- Rate of ≈ 81% with a False Positive Rate ≈ 12%.
mic Electric Signal described in the previous section. The system Despite the structural uncertainties and the low signal-to-noise
behaves deterministically and the response depends mainly on the ratio the anomaly detector performs quite robustly. At higher vehi-
type of road disturbances and the vehicle’s dynamical properties cle speeds, where the signal-to-noise ratio increases, the algorithm
(springs, masses and dampers). The challenge here is that the ve- performs even better. Another point for discussion is the low sam-
hicle dynamical properties are in general unknown and costly to pling rate of the smartphone used in this example. At a speed of
obtain. Additionally, a number of vehicle parameters may vary: 10 m/s and a sampling rate of 10 Hz the spatial resolution is about
e.g. the passengers’ total mass. Furthermore, the sensors used for 1 m, which means that the acquired signal is – to a certain extent –
measuring the vibrations are low-cost Micro Electro-Mechanical already filtered. Many smartphones currently offered in the market
Systems (MEMS) and differ between smartphones. Thus the sen- can acquire acceleration signals with sample rates of up to 100 Hz.
sor quality, sampling rate, and the support conditions differ. Last
but not least, handling manoeuvres such as braking or cornering 4. Results and discussion
induce disturbances to the system’s response and may fool the
anomaly detector. The present study discusses WANEH. The following non-
The acceleration signal, shown in Fig. 9(a), was de-noised us- application-specific components summarize the algorithm:
ing the Daubechies 9 mother wavelet up to the 8th level. The DNN
structure was built on the wavelet decomposition. The nonlinear
4.1. Multiresolution reconstruction
autoregressive neural network was trained using the vertical accel-
eration signal obtained while driving on smooth road surfaces. It
Wavelet decomposition is applied to reconstruct the signal in
is highlighted that as we use a buffer of size 3 we shift the neu-
multiple scales and filter the measurement noise. The de-noised
S. Kanarachos et al. / Expert Systems With Applications 85 (2017) 292–304 301

Fig. 9. Acceleration signal and road anomaly detection: (a) the recorded time series from the smartphone accelerometer whilst driving in Coventry City Centre. (b) The
Anomalous Pulses (AP) (green), the normalized absolute value of z-score of the recorded values from the accelerometer (ABSZA) together with the normalized Anomaly
Detection Filter (ADF) outcome (blue) for the case of road anomaly detection. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the
web version of this article.)

well polynomials of 3rd degree. Although in many cases wavelet

decomposition up to the 5th level is adequate, it was found that
the 8th level decomposition provided a better estimation of the
long-term dependencies. It is well known that a pseudo-frequency
fwm is assigned to each scale m:
fwm = (24)
where fc is the center frequency of the wavelet and  is the sam-
pling period. Thus, the higher scale m of the wavelet decomposi-
tion, the better the description of long term signal dependencies.
Eq. (24) also underlines Heisenberg’s principle: the larger the scale
m, the finer the frequency resolution obtained. On the other hand,
owing to the wavelet’s dilation, the temporal resolution is coarser.

4.2. Deep learning

Here a nonlinear autoregressive neural network (NN) is em-

ployed for predicting xd . The main assumption is that the NN ap-
proximates only the system’s normal behavior. Under this assump-
tion, in the case of an anomaly, it is expected that the NN will fail
Fig. 10. Road anomalies – ROC output: receiver operating characteristics plot
to predict accurately the system’s output xd . The error e = xd − y is
when using the Anomaly Detection Filter (ADF) outcome as an estimator for the
detection of road anomalies. The k-ellipses for p-values 10%, 5% and 1% are depicted
then used to detect the anomaly.
with yellow, green and black solid lines, respectively. (For interpretation of the ref- The actual implementation is based on the Deep Learning
erences to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of paradigm (LeCun, Bengio, & Hinton, 2015). Instead of training only
this article.) one neural network, a collection of multiple stacked neural net-
works is employed to learn the signal’s xd underlying temporal
structure (Längkvist et al., 2014).
signal xd is obtained using Eqs. (13) and (14). Signal xd is then For this, a novel deep temporal neural network is proposed.
used to build the DNN. A comparison between different wavelet The architecture is given in Fig. 1(d). It is well known that NNs
bases – including db2, db4, db5 and db9 – has shown that db9 per- are weak in learning long-term trends, and the proposed archi-
forms more robustly. This is probably because db9 approximates tecture overcomes the problem. The first part is a set of stacked
302 S. Kanarachos et al. / Expert Systems With Applications 85 (2017) 292–304

neural networks that models xd at different time scales. The sec-

ond part is an autoregressive neural network consisting of 10 hid-
den neurons with nonlinear (log-sigmoid) activation functions and
a three-layer buffer. Although the exact number of hidden layers
and buffer size are problem-dependent, it was found that relatively
simple neural networks (number of neurons less than 10) cannot
describe temporal dynamics sufficiently. Different standard neural
network training algorithms were evaluated, including Levenberg–
Marquardt, BFGS Quasi-Newton, Fletcher–Powell Conjugate Gradi-
ent and Bayesian regularization; among them, Bayesian regulariza-
tion backpropagation performed more robustly. Numerous numer-
ical experiments with different sized buffers have shown that a
large buffer size decreases the detector’s performance. In the prob-
lems studied, a buffer size with three to five elements presented
the best performance. The implication of using a three-layer buffer
is that anomaly detection can only start when at least three sam-
ples at each scale are acquired.

4.3. Feature extraction

The instantaneous energy and frequency content of signal e are

extracted using Hilbert transform. Hilbert transform is useful for Fig. 11. Comparison between WANEH (red solid circles), Method A (dark blue solid
circle) and two versions of Method B, B1 (orange solid circle) and B2 (purple solid
identifying instantaneous frequency changes also in the higher fre-
circle). (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader
quency spectrum, where wavelet transform is not performing well. is referred to the web version of this article.)
In case the instantaneous frequency is not useful to detect anoma-
lies, the signal’s envelope is exploited instead.

components are uncertain and variable. Manoeuvres such as brak-

4.4. Probabilistic inference ing can introduce significant pitch and therefore can potentially
mislead the anomaly detector. The low sampling rate and low vehi-
Here a threshold is derived based on the statistical significance cle speeds make anomaly detection difficult. For the road anomaly
of the classifier’s Receiver Operating Characteristics (ROC) (Sarlis case, different detection methods, using smartphone signals, have
& Christopoulos, 2014). This approach requires only few anoma- been proposed.
lous data as opposed to other methods (e.g. Christopoulos & Sarlis, In the following, we compare WANEH with Method A (Vittorio
2017). We calculated that the statistical significance is far beyond et al., 2014) and method B (Cong et al., 2013). Method A refers
chance and the efficiency is very high. Using probabilistic ROC to an acceleration-based anomaly detection method, classified as
method and decreasing in these cases the threshold ki of the es- a probabilistic method. If acceleration exceeds a certain threshold
timator k, one can find the value of threshold ki (threshold of ADF then it is classified as an anomaly. Method B is based on the sig-
outcome in these cases) that we have the best efficiency or a spe- nal’s wavelet decomposition and exploitation of the detail coeffi-
cific efficiency (e.g. the value of ki in order to have FPr less than cients. Support Vector Machines are employed to map the detail
10%) and the corresponding p-value to found the statistical signifi- coefficients to the anomalies. Method B is classified as a clustering
cance of these results even with small total numbers of “Positives” technique.
and “Negatives”. Practically, based on the results of probabilistic Although it is possible to develop Method A by studying only
ROC we can trust the detection for values of ADF greater or equal the system’s normal behavior, this is not possible with Method
to a threshold that gives the best efficiency knowing in the same B. For completeness of the comparison, two different versions of
time the probability to have these results by chance. Therefore, we Method B were implemented. In the first version, method B1, the
argue that the method is shown to be able to automatically detect Support Vector Machine is trained using data that include all road
anomalies in the Seismic Electrical Signal that could be used to anomalies. In the second version, method B2, data that include
predict earthquake activity. Furthermore, the method can be used only half of the anomalies are used for training the Support Vec-
in combination with crowdsourcing of smartphone data to locate tor Machine. The ROC for WANEH, method A, method B1 and B2
road defects such as potholes and bumps for intervention and re- are shown in Fig. 11 with red, purple, orange, and dark blue solid
pair. circles, respectively. As observed the three other methods cannot
obtain a hit rate higher than approximately 41% and their perfor-
4.5. Numerical results and comparison to existing methods mance is very close (if not identical) to that of the current method
when focusing on operating points with very small false alarm
The performance of the algorithm is illustrated by two exam- rate. In simple words, the current method performs equally well
ples, characterized by completely different underlying dynamics. as the other three methods, but it additionally allows the selection
In the SES activity case, the time series signal NDEEF is non- of higher hit rates (at the expense of course of higher false alarm
stationary. The signal range for both “normal” and “abnormal” rates).
earth activity is the same. The record exhibits frequent spikes, not To further elaborate the necessity of Deep Neural Networks
periodic, which can mislead the anomaly detector. To our knowl- (DNNs), a comparison is made between the performances of
edge, this is the first time where an anomaly detector for abnormal WANEH when using DNNs and when using shallow autoregressive
Seismic Electrical Activity is successfully applied. NNs. For the latter case, we trained an autoregressive neural net-
In the intelligent transportation case, the noise-to-signal ratio is work with buffer size three and ten hidden neurons to follow sig-
high owing to the smartphone’s sensor characteristics. Although in nal x. In Fig. 12 the results obtained using WANEH with DNNs and
this case the dynamic system is less complex, the properties of its WANEH without DNNs are illustrated with the red and dark purple
S. Kanarachos et al. / Expert Systems With Applications 85 (2017) 292–304 303

ing and is adaptive because the training phase extends beyond the
point of deployment. These attributes are important for applica-
tions in which anomalies are rare and for applications where nor-
mal behavior requires customization, for example, depending on
the vehicle type or patient.
The algorithm is fast; however it is not real-time as it requires
a number of samples and processing time to detect an anomaly.
Nonetheless, decision-making strategies based on the results of
this algorithm can expedite real-time data analysis and acquisition.
The training phase can be computationally demanding, as it is re-
quired to learn the normal system behavior. The selection of opti-
mization method is crucial for the performance of the method. This
is a research field where significant contributions are expected, in
the forthcoming years. In this paper, guidelines were given consid-
ering the most popular NN training methods.
The method is shown to be able to automatically detect anoma-
lies in the Seismic Electrical Signal that could be used to predict
earthquake activity. Furthermore, the method can be used in com-
bination with crowdsourcing of smartphone data to locate road de-
fects such as potholes and bumps for intervention and repair. In
the road anomaly case, the proposed algorithm was compared to
Fig. 12. Comparison between WANEH with DNNs and without DNNs (shallow au- two known road anomaly detection methods (a) one based on a
toregressive neural network) with red and dark purple solid circles, respectively. probabilistic method and (b) one based on wavelet decomposition
(For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is re- and Support Vector Machines. The comparison confirms the good
ferred to the web version of this article.)
performance of the proposed WANEH algorithm.
Future work includes (a) the automated calculation of the de-
tection threshold by coupling the anomaly detection filter with the
solid circles, respectively. As observed the AUC of the WANEH with
probabilistic Receiver Operating Characteristics and (b) extend the
DNNs (AUC = 0.9078) is greater than the AUC of the WANEH with-
method for predicting anomalies. Last but not least, it is envisaged
out DNNs (AUC = 0.7691). In simple words, the use of the WANEH
to further improve the success rate of the anomaly detection fil-
with DNNs improves the method.
ter by combining the outcome from different sources-signals e.g.
In conclusion, the proposed anomaly detection method is trans-
acceleration in the longitudinal and vertical direction.
ferable without significant manual tuning effort. It can be uti-
lized in different applications, without employing domain-specific
Author contributions
knowledge. The method is based on learning the system’s normal
behavior. Therefore, the method is computationally expensive in
S.K. and S.-R.G.C. performed the calculations. All the authors an-
the training phase. In the testing phase its application is near real-
alyzed the results and contributed to the discussion and prepara-
time. In the road anomaly case, WANEH performed similarly or
tion of the paper.
better compared to methods known from the literature.
Competing interest
5. Conclusions and future work
The authors declare no competing financial interests.
Anomaly detection in time series data is a significant problem
with applications in many different domains including medicine, Acknowledgments
physics, engineering, and finance. Although many methods have
been proposed up to now most of them share some common dis- S.-R.G.C., A.C. and M.E.F are grateful for funding from the Lloyd’s
advantages; they are application specific, require large amounts of Register Foundation, a charitable foundation helping to protect life
(existing) anomalous data, are not (near) real-time capable, can- and property by supporting engineering-related education, public
not distinguish complex anomalies or provide a confidence mea- engagement and the application of research. S.-R.G.C would like
sure over the classifier’s outcome. to express his sincere thanks to the Director of the SEPI Profes-
In this study a systematic method, designed to overcome the sor Panayiotis Varotsos for useful discussions and for providing the
aforementioned shortcomings, is presented. The method, inspired data of IMS-SEPI. We would like to thank Vicky Eves for producing
by the deep learning paradigm, combines neural networks, wavelet the artwork map of Coventry in Fig. 8.
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