PSV Blocked Fire Relief Valve Cases
PSV Blocked Fire Relief Valve Cases
PSV Blocked Fire Relief Valve Cases
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Enter data as necessary in the light blue highlighted cells only. Note that no User Manual has been
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Project specific information such as Client, Project, Job No. etc. and design conditions are entered
on the 'Input Data' sheet, the main calculation pages are also accessed from this sheet.
Once on an individual relief case page, data should be input in the light blue spaces. Three principal references
have been used to program these calculations, you may wish to refer to them for additional explanation,
they are as follows:
- API 520 / 521
- Crane
- Crane Technical Paper 410
- Masonelian Handbook
As these references provide all the technical backup required to use this program, no additional Technical
Manual has been produced.
Notes on the program have been included at each stage where necessary.
This spreadsheet is intended for preliminary sizing only. Care must be taken if using the sizing spreadsheets
for detailed design, as more rigorous methods may give more accurate relief loads.
Relief valve areas are preliminary estimates only for the intention of determining the relief valve sizing case.
This spreadsheet is for use with equipment that have a design pressure in excess of 1 barg.
For design pressures below this, API 2000 shall be consulted.
Feedback: All feedback and any further queries regarding this spreadsheet should be sent to the assigned
owner indicated above
Revision History
Date Prepared Checked Approved
Revision 0 Software validated for use 11/15/2007 JS RL AB
Relief Rate Determination
Fill in basic data regarding relieving device in light blue spaces below.
Scroll to the right and select which relieving cases are valid by typing either
yes' or 'no' as appropriate in the yellow spaces. Where 'yes' is typed,
go to the appropriate worksheet and complete all highlighted cells.
Where 'no is typed, the appropriate worksheet can be ignored as the
summary table on the Results sheet is automatically updated.
Upper Lower
Design Pressure (barg): 10 -0.005
Design Temperature (°C): 60 -10
Relief Case 4.1: ESD Valve Failure & Backflow through NRV (Check Valve) No
Relief Case 4.2: ESD Valve Failure & Backflow Through Compressor No
Relief Case 5.1: Tube Failure - Gas Leak (Equivalent Liquid Volume) No
Relief Rate Determination
Percentage Overpressure % 10
Relieving temp o
K 325.23
Compressibility 0.9768
Calculated C 343
1. The sensitivity of the result to the value of the isentropic exponent should be observed.
3. For back pressure< 10% of set pressure, Kb = 1.0. Otherwise, for balanced bellows and conventional relief valves, refer
1. Basis for calculated orifice area is API RP 520 part 1 Equation 3.9 for non flashing liquid.
2. Valves in liquid service not requiring capacity certification can have overpressure up to 25%.
These valves can be sized by the same equation applying a correction factor Kp.from API 520 Pt I Figure 37.
3. For conventional valves, Kw = 1.0. For balanced bellows valves, refer to API 520 Pt I Figure 31.
Relief Rate Determination
Percentage Overpressure % 10
Upstream Relief Pressure bara 12.01
Relieving Rate kg/h 100000
Relieving temp o
K 323
Compressibility 0.9
Molecular weight 18
Isentropic exponent, Cp / Cv (See Note 3) 1.25
Eff. Discharge coefficient, Kd 0.975
Back pressure correction factor, Kb (Note 5) 1
Calculated C 342
Critical flow pressure bara 6.67
Required area (Note 4) mm2 13195
1. Basis for calculated orifice area is API RP 520 part 1 Equation 3.9 for non flashing liquid.
2. Valves in liquid service not requiring capacity certification can have overpressure up to 25%. These valves
can be sized by the same equationapplying a correction factor Kp.from API 520 Pt I Figure 37.
3. The sensitivity of the result to the value of the isentropic exponent should be observed.
Care should be taken to use a good estimate.
4. Basis for calculated orifice area is API RP 520 part 1.
5. For back pressure< 10% of set pressure, Kb = 1.0. Otherwise, for balanced bellows and conventional relief valves, refer
to API 520-I Figs 30 and 35 respectively.
6. For conventional valves, Kw = 1.0. For balanced bellows valves, refer to API 520 Pt I Figure 31.
Relief Rate Determination
(Method from Masoneilan Sizing Handbook Page 9 & GPSA Page 4-21)
1. The sensitivity of the result to the value of the isentropic exponent should be observed.
Care should be taken to use a good estimate.
2. Basis for calculated orifice area is API RP 520 part 1.
3. An estimate of the required gas blowby valve Cv can be obtained by using the approved control valve sizing spreadsheet.
4. For back pressure< 10% of set pressure, Kb = 1.0. Otherwise, for balanced bellows and conventional relief valves, refer
to API 520-I Figs 30 and 35 respectively.
5. For Masoneilan this is Xt and values are given for a wide variety of valves in the Handbook Supplement. The equivalent in
GPSA is Xc and typical values are given in Figure 4-32.
Relief Rate Determination
Vessel Details:
Internal Diameter m 2.00
Length T/T m 8.00
Liquid Level m 3.00
Head Type (Note 2) VS
Theta (Horizontal only) (°) Not required
Wetted Surface Area - Vessel m² 23.18
Pipework Details:
Pipe Length - Wetted m 0
Pipe OD in 10
Wetted Surface Area - Pipework m² 0.0
Vapourisation Rate:
Total wetted surface area ft² 249.53
Adequate Drainage & Firefighting (Note 3) Yes
Environment Factor, F (Note 4) 1.00
Heat Absorbed, Q Btu/hr 1940267
Latent Heat, L (Notes 1,5) Btu/lb 80
Relieving Flow kg/h 11001
Relieving temp o
K 308
Compressibility 0.7
Molecular weight 16.7
Isentropic exponent, Cp / Cv (See Note 6) 1.75
Eff. Discharge coefficient, Kd 0.975
Back pressure corr'n factor, Kb (Note 1) 1
Calculated C 384
Critical flow pressure bara 6.24
Required area mm2 1060
1. For back pressure< 10% of set pressure, Kb = 1.0. Otherwise, for balanced bellows and conventional relief valves, refer
to API 520-I Figs 30 and 35 respectively.
Relief Rate Determination
1. Bare Vessels 1
2. Insulated Insulation shall resist dislodgement by
Vessels fire hose
(arbitary streams.
Btu/hr ft2 °F
W/m2 °C4 0.3
2 0.15
1 0.075
0.67 0.05
0.5 0.0376
0.4 0.03
0.33 0.026
3. Water 1 Deluge or Spray system should use
Application on 0.05-0.20
Keep GPM
top of percool
vessel sq ft.since
to 0.6
Bare Vessels m 3
/hr/m2) of
protected bytotal area.
internal liquid.
No reduction in F since system reliability
affected by weather, etc.
5. For a preliminary estimate API 521 Fig A-1 can be used, with a minimum value of 50 Btu/lb. However, it's applicability is restricted
to single component paraffin hydrocarbons (or 2 components with small MW differences).
6. The sensitivity of the result to the value of the isentropic exponent should be observed.
Care should be taken to use a good estimate.
7. Basis for calculated orifice area is API RP 520 part 1.This worksheet sizes a relief valve for gas flow where flow is critical.
Critical flow occurs when the pressure downstream of the valve outlet nozzle is less than or equal to the critical flow pressure.
Relief Rate Determination
Vessel Details:
Internal Diameter m 1.0
Length T/T m 3.0
Horizontal or Vertical V
Liquid Height m 0
Total Volume m3 2.62
Vessel Liquid Volume m3 0.00
Vessel Gas Volume m3 2.62
Wetted Area m² 0.00
Total Vessel Surface Area m² 11.60
Exposed Vapour Surface Area m² 11.60
Pipework Details:
Pipe Length - Wetted m 0
Pipe OD in 3
Wetted Surface Area - Pipework m² 0.0
Relief Load:
Upstream Relieving Pressure, Pr psia 190
Normal operating pressure, Pn Bara 8
psia 116.2
Normal operating temperature, Tn C
R 585.7
Total Surface Area m² 11.6
ft² 125
Percentage Assumed Exposed to Fire % 100
Total Surface Area Exposed to Fire ft² 125
Molecular Weight, MW - 17.69
Compressibility, Z - 0.9768
k = (Cp/Cv) - 1.259
C = 520*sqrt(k (2/(k+1))^((k+1)/(k-1))) - 343.1
Coefficient of Discharge, Kd - 0.975
Vessel Wall Temperature, Tw (Note 1) o
C 593.33
R 1560
Temperature @ Relieving Pressure, (Pr/Pn)*Tn o
R 958.5
(Tw - T1) o
R 601
F' - 0.014
Relief Load: lb/h 1,138
kg/h 516
Orifice Area:
Calculated Orifice Area in2 0.130
mm2 84.00
1. Typical vessel wall temperature to use is 1100oF
2. The recommended minimum value of F is 0.01; when the minimum
value is unknown, F' = 0.045 should be used.
Relief Rate Determination
Relief Case 4.1: ESD Valve Failure & Backflow through NRV (Check Valve)
Liquid Relief
Upstream Relief Pressure bara 12.01
Mass Flowrate kg/h 0
Specific gravity (water = 1) 1.13
Volumetric flowrate m3/h 0.0
Backpressure bara 5.6
Overpressure corr factor Kp. (Note 2) 1
Viscosity correction factor Kv. Based on API 520 Pt 1 Fig 36 1
Eff. Discharge coefficient Kd 0.65
Back pressure corr'n factor Kw. (Note 7) 1
Required area mm2 0
Relief Rate Determination
Relief Case 4.1: ESD Valve Failure & Backflow through NRV (Check Valve)
Relief Rate Determination
Relief Case 4.1: ESD Valve Failure & Backflow through NRV (Check Valve)
1. It should be stressed that this failure is considered extremely unlikely as protection is afforded by two generically dissimilar check valves.
It is also assumed that one valve has failed to close that a solid particle has lodged in the check valve seat of the other and is preventing
the check valve from closing. It is further assumed that the leakage path is a circumferential annulus of width the same as that of the
solid particle diameter. This annulus is converted to an equivalent orifice diameter using a nomogram sourced from Optimum
Pipe Size Selection by Claude B. Nolte, Trans Tech Publications, 1978 (reproduced below).
2. Nomogram extracted from Optimum Pipe Size Selection by Claude B. Nolte, Trans Tech Publications, 1978
3. Based on restriction orifice sizing equations 3-21 and 3-22, Crane Technical Paper no. 410, Flow of Fluid. Applicable for both liquid
4. Flow coefficient C based on A-20 of Crane"Flow of Fluids Through Valves, Fittings and Pipes"
5. Expansion factor based on A-21 of Crane"Flow of Fluids Through Valves, Fittings and Pipes"
6. For back pressure< 10% of set pressure, Kb = 1.0. Otherwise, for balanced bellows and conventional relief valves, refer
7. For conventional valves, Kw = 1.0. For balanced bellows valves, refer to API 520 Pt I Figure 31.
Relief Rate Determination
Relief Case 4.1: ESD Valve Failure & Backflow through NRV (Check Valve)
Relief Rate Determination
Relief Case 4.2: ESD Valve Failure & Backflow Through Compressor
Relief Case 4.2: ESD Valve Failure & Backflow Through Compressor
Total Gas Flow kg/h 194,287
Relief Rate Determination
Relief Case 4.2: ESD Valve Failure & Backflow Through Compressor
Relieving temp o
K 80
Compressibility 0.90
Isentropic exponent, Cp / Cv 1.25
Eff. Discharge coefficient, Kd 0.975
Back pressure corr'n factor, Kb (Note 6) 1
Calculated C 342
1. It should be stressed that this failure is considered extremely unlikely as protection is afforded by two generically dissimilar check valves.
It is also assumed that one valve has failed to close that a solid particle has lodged in the check valve seat of the other and is preventing
the check valve from closing. It is further assumed that the leakage path is a circumferential annulus of width the same as that of the
solid particle diameter. This annulus is converted to an equivalent orifice diameter using a nomogram sourced from Optimum
Pipe Size Selection by Claude B. Nolte, Trans Tech Publications, 1978 (reproduced below).
2. Nomogram extracted from Optimum Pipe Size Selection by Claude B. Nolte, Trans Tech Publications, 1978
3. Based on restriction orifice sizing equations 3-21 and 3-22, Crane Technical Paper no. 410, Flow of Fluid. Applicable for both liquid
4. Flow coefficient C based on A-20 of Crane"Flow of Fluids Through Valves, Fittings and Pipes"
5. Expansion factor based on A-21 of Crane"Flow of Fluids Through Valves, Fittings and Pipes"
6. For back pressure< 10% of set pressure, Kb = 1.0. Otherwise, for balanced bellows and conventional relief valves, refer
7. For Masoneilan this is Xt and values are given for a wide variety of valves in the Handbook Supplement. The equivalent in
Relief Case 4.2: ESD Valve Failure & Backflow Through Compressor
8. Factor is dependent on the relative Cv of the bypass to the Cv of the anti-surge valve.If no bypass present, then use a factor of 1.0.
Relief Rate Determination
Relief Case 5.1: Tube Failure - Gas Leak (Equivalent Liquid Volume)
ID of Tubes mm 19.5
Molecular Weight - 20.0
Relieving temp o
K 323
Compressibility 0.9
Molecular weight 20
Tubeside Density kg/m3 107.6
Pressure Drop bara 118.0
Pressure Ratio - 0.908
Ratio of Specific Heats (at std T and P) k 1.30
Discharge coefficient, C (Crane A-20) 0.60
Note: Tube failure will lead to a rapid increase in the shellside pressure. A relief valve is an unsuitable device
to mitigate against this pressure rise, therefore a bursting disc is required.
Relief Rate Determination
1. The table below, as taken from API 521, shows typical figures for cubical expansion coefficient:
2. For conventional valves, Kw = 1.0. For balanced bellows valves, refer to API 520 Pt I Figure 31.
Relief Rate Determination
Relieving temp K
Compressibility 0.7
Molecular weight 16.7
Isentropic exponent, Cp / Cv 1.75
Eff. Discharge coefficient, Kd 0.975
Back pressure corr'n factor, Kb (Note 1) 1
Calculated C 384
Critical flow pressure bara 5.71
Required area mm2 174
1. For back pressure< 10% of set pressure, Kb = 1.0. Otherwise, for balanced bellows and conventional relief valves, refer
to API 520-I Figs 30 and 35 respectively.
Relief Rate Determination
Relief Rates and PSV Area estimates for other relief cases not covered by standard worksheets:
Relief Pressure (bara) 12.1
Credible Relief Vap/ Relief Comp Mole Cp/Cv Liquid PSV Kv Kp Kd Kb (vap) C Crit Calc Inlet by
Relief Rate Liq Temp Z Weight Density Back or Flow PSV Orifice
Case Press Kw (liq) Press Area by Outlet
Yes / No kg/h o
K kg/m3 Bara Bara mm2
Control valve malfunction (if not gas blowby) Yes 100000 V 323 0.90 18.0 1.25 1000 5.0 1.0 1.0 0.975 1.0 342 6.7 ### 8" x T x 10"
Machine trip or overspeed Yes 100000 V 323 0.90 18.0 1.25 1000 5.0 1.0 1.0 0.975 1.0 342 6.7 ### 8" x T x 10"
Column Blocked outlet Yes 100000 V 323 0.90 18.0 1.25 1000 5.0 1.0 1.0 0.975 1.0 342 6.7 ### 8" x T x 10"
Power failure Yes 100000 V 323 0.90 18.0 1.25 1000 5.0 1.0 1.0 0.975 1.0 342 6.7 ### 8" x T x 10"
Air failure Yes 100000 V 323 0.90 18.0 1.25 1000 5.0 1.0 1.0 0.975 1.0 342 6.7 ### 8" x T x 10"
Hydraulics failure Yes 100000 V 323 0.90 18.0 1.25 1000 5.0 1.0 1.0 0.975 1.0 342 6.7 ### 8" x T x 10"
Cooling medium failure Yes 100000 V 323 0.90 18.0 1.25 1000 5.0 1.0 1.0 0.975 1.0 342 6.7 ### 8" x T x 10"
Reflux failure Yes 100000 V 323 0.90 18.0 1.25 1000 5.0 1.0 1.0 0.975 1.0 342 6.7 ### 8" x T x 10"
Abnormal entry of volatile liquid Yes 100000 V 323 0.90 18.0 1.25 1000 5.0 1.0 1.0 0.975 1.0 342 6.7 ### 8" x T x 10"
Chemical reaction Yes 100000 V 323 0.90 18.0 1.25 1000 5.0 1.0 1.0 0.975 1.0 342 6.7 ### 8" x T x 10"
Manual maloperation (specify) Yes 100000 V 323 0.90 18.0 1.25 1000 5.0 1.0 1.0 0.975 1.0 342 6.7 ### 8" x T x 10"
Other 1(specify) Yes 105000 L 323 0.90 18.0 1.25 1050 5.6 1.0 1.0 0.650 1.0 342 6.7 1213.7 4" x L x 6"
Other 2 (specify) Yes 105000 L 323 0.90 18.0 1.25 1050 5.6 1.0 1.0 0.650 1.0 342 6.7 1213.7 4" x L x 6"
Other 3 (specify) Yes 105000 L 323 0.90 18.0 1.25 1050 5.6 1.0 1.0 0.650 1.0 342 6.7 1213.7 4" x L x 6"
Note: The inlet / outlet sizes for the PSV orifices given in the above tables are typical only
for purpose of estimating the inlet / outlet line sizes for the preliminary P&IDs.