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Design of Cross Sections

SOFiSTiK | 2018
Design of Cross Sections
AQB Manual, Version 2018-4
Software Version SOFiSTiK 2018
Copyright © 2018 by SOFiSTiK AG, Oberschleissheim, Germany.


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This manual is protected by copyright laws. No part of it may be translated, copied or reproduced, in any form or by
any means, without written permission from SOFiSTiK AG. SOFiSTiK reserves the right to modify or to release
new editions of this manual.

The manual and the program have been thoroughly checked for errors. However, SOFiSTiK does not claim that
either one is completely error free. Errors and omissions are corrected as soon as they are detected.

The user of the program is solely responsible for the applications. We strongly encourage the user to test the
correctness of all calculations at least by random sampling.

Front Cover
Project: New SOFiSTiK Office, Nuremberg | Contractor: WOLFF & MÜLLER, Stuttgart | Architecture: WABE-PLAN
ARCHITEKTUR, Stuttgart | Structural Engineer: Boll und Partner. Beratende Ingenieure VBI, Stuttgart | MEP: GM Planen +
Beraten, Griesheim | Lead Architect: Gerhard P. Wirth gpwirtharchitekten, Nuremberg | Vizualisation: Armin Dariz, BiMOTiON
Contents | AQB


Contents i

1 Task Description 1-1

2 Theoretical Principles 2-1

2.1 Internal Forces and Cross Section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1
2.1.1 Coordinate System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1
2.1.2 Internal Forces and Moments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1
2.1.3 Cross Sections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2
2.2 Stress Analysis by the Theory of Elasticity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3
2.2.1 Method of Stress Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3
2.2.2 Partial Cross Sections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3
2.2.3 Limit Stresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-4
2.3 Design of Sections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-5
2.3.1 Section Classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-5
2.3.2 Utilisation Levels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-7
2.3.3 Buckling Limit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-9
2.3.4 Special Treatment of EN 1999 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-10
2.4 Secondary Stresses (Creep and Construction Stages) . . . . . . . . . . . 2-10
2.4.1 Shrinkage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-11
2.4.2 Creep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-12
2.4.3 Relaxation of Tendons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-14
2.4.4 Numerical Treatment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-15
2.5 Design of Reinforced Concrete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-16
2.6 Determination of the Required Reinforcement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-17
2.6.1 Longitudinal Reinforcement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-17
2.6.2 Min. Reinforcement of the Statically Required Cross Section . 2-19
2.6.3 Divided Sections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-20
2.6.4 Unreinforced Cross Sections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-20
2.6.5 Tendons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-20
2.7 Shear Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-22
2.7.1 Strut Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-22
2.7.2 Difference of the Longitudinal Forces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-24
2.7.3 Shear Design according to Design Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-26
2.7.4 Shear Checks in Circular Cross Sections . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-27
2.8 Stress Checks with Non-linear Material Behaviour . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-28
2.8.1 General Principles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-28
2.8.2 Non effective plates (Sections of Class 4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-29
2.8.3 Strain Check . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-29
2.8.4 Stress Range of the Reinforcement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-29
2.8.5 Crack Width Check . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-29

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AQB | Contents

2.8.6 Other Checks for Crack Width . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-31

2.8.7 Determination of Non-linear Stiffnesses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-32
2.8.8 Interaction between Shear and Axial Stresses . . . . . . . . . . 2-36
2.9 Fatigue Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-37
2.9.1 General Principles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-37
2.9.2 Fatigue according to EN 1992-1-1 / DIN 1045-1 . . . . . . . . . 2-37
2.9.3 Fatigue according to DIN 15018 / DS 804 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-39
2.10 Special Effects of Design according to DIN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-39
2.10.1 Shear Checks According to DIN 4227 Zone a . . . . . . . . . . 2-39
2.10.2 Shear Checks According to DIN 4227 Zone b . . . . . . . . . . 2-39
2.10.3 Crack Width according to DIN 4227 Appendix A1 . . . . . . . . 2-40
2.10.4 Shear Design according to DIN 1045 (1988) . . . . . . . . . . . 2-41
2.10.5 Shear Design according DIN 1045-1 (2001) . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-41
2.11 Special Effects of Design according OENORM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-42
2.11.1 Concrete Shear Design according to old OeNORM . . . . . . . 2-42
2.11.2 Design according to OENORM B 4700 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-42
2.12 Design according to SIA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-43
2.13 Design according to French BAEL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-43
2.14 Design according to Italian Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-43
2.15 Design according to Spanish EHE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-44
2.16 Design according to Danish DS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-44
2.17 Design according to Swedish BBK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-44
2.18 Design according to British Standard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-44
2.19 Design according ACI / AASHTO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-46
2.20 Design according to Russian SNIP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-48
2.20.1 Moment and Normal Force . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-48
2.20.2 Shear and Torsion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-48
2.20.3 Serviceability and Crack Width . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-50
2.21 Design according to Australian Standards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-50

3 Description of Input 3-1

3.1 Input Language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1
3.2 Input Records . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1
3.3 Overview of the Design Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2
3.4 Important changes to the Version 2016 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3
3.5 NORM – Default Design Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4
3.6 CTRL – Controlling the Calculation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-19
3.6.1 Forces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-20
3.6.2 Analysis Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-21
3.7 TVAR – Boxed Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-25
3.8 BEAM – Selection of the Elements to be Designed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-27
3.8.1 External sections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-30
3.8.2 Construction stages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-30
3.8.3 Specification of reinforcements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-33
3.9 TEND – Tendons (AQBS only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-34
3.10 LC – Selection of the Load Case to be Designed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-36
3.11 S – Internal Forces and Moments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-40
3.12 COMB – Definition of Load Case Combinations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-42
3.13 EIGE – Determination of Internal Stresses (AQBS only) . . . . . . . . . . . 3-48

ii SOFiSTiK 2018
Contents | AQB

3.14 STRE – Linear Stresses and Plastic Forces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-51

3.14.1 Shear Design- STRE UL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-56
3.14.2 Minimum Reinforcement - STRE RL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-57
3.15 REIN – Specification for Determining Reinforcement . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-59
3.16 DESI – Reinforced Concrete Design, Bending, Axial Force . . . . . . . . . 3-63
3.17 NSTR – Non-linear Stress and Strain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-68
3.17.1 Design for Structural Steelwork (DIN 18800, EN 1993) . . . . . 3-70
3.17.2 Design for Reinforced Concrete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-71
3.17.3 Iteration Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-73
3.17.4 Fatigue / Stress Range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-74
3.18 CAPA – Sectional Capacity Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-75
3.18.1 STR single values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-76
3.18.2 MC moment-curvature relations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-76
3.18.3 NM interaction of normal force with moments . . . . . . . . . . . 3-76
3.19 ECHO – Control of the Extent of Output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-77
3.19.1 Output masks) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-81

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AQB | Contents

iv SOFiSTiK 2018
Task Description | AQB

1 Task Description

AQB is used for stress analysis and design of cross sections created with AQUA. The enhanced
version AQBS allows the consideration of the special features of prestressed concrete and
composite structures (prestressing tendons, imposed secondary stresses, creep and shrink-
age). This manual is valid for both versions. The optional features which are operative only in
AQBS are identified.

The forces and the prestressing tendons can be defined directly or be imported from the
database for beam, truss or cable elements. A whole series of design tasks can be carried
out with the selected forces. These are:

1. Creep and shrinkage analysis (AQBS only)

AQBS can examine creep and shrinkage in up to 99 creep intervals. Different creep
characteristics can be defined for each material, so that subsequently added cross section
parts can be considered too. The internal forces due to creep are stored in the database
and they are taken into account in later creep stages or stress determinations.
2. Determination of the maximum stresses in the cross section according to the theory of
AQB can perform stress checks of any thick-walled or thin-walled cross section, including
shear stresses and warping torsion in accordance with a great variety of codes for steel,
timber, or prestressed concrete. Different stress limits can be considered for different
materials in the same cross section.
3. Determination of the required reinforcement or internal safety factor for unreinforced, re-
inforced or prestressed concrete cross sections.
AQB can design reinforced or prestressed concrete cross sections with an optimised dis-
tribution of the reinforcement for axial force and biaxial bending. International codes can
be taken into consideration. A shear design can be carried out following the bending
4. Determination of the maximum stresses and actual stiffnesses for the defined material
AQBS determines stress and strain distributions based on the material behaviour. This
makes it possible to perform controls on crack width limits, reinforcement stress range,
foundation pressures, and elastic-plastic design analysis. Also effective stiffnesses can
be determined with that for a non-linear static calculation (plastic-plastic).

Computed stresses, reinforcement and stiffnesses can be stored back in the database, and
they can both be graphically represented or be addressed by other modules.

The functions for design and stiffness determination are also integrated into STAR2 in a sim-
plified form. For this reason, tasks (3) and (4) can be also carried out directly with STAR2.
This makes it possible to do a static design taking the material behaviour into account. When
this procedure is used, however, only one design mode is possible for the entire structure. If
columns and girders are to be designed with different parameters, one can make an iteration
using the modules STAR2 and AQB by means of the command procedure PS (see general
manual SOFiSTiK: ’FEA / STRUCTURAL Installation and Basics’).

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AQB | Task Description

The small version of AQB is included in the general SOFiSTiK-Licence. It allows for a reduced
number of functions only. These are:

- Generally only uniaxial bending but for circular sections along the main bending direction
- Stress checks for all cross sections
- Elastic-plastic analyses (STRE E) for rectangular, circular sections and structural steel
- Uniaxial reinforced concrete design for rectangles and T-beams and for circular/annular

1-2 SOFiSTiK 2018

Theoretical Principles | AQB

2 Theoretical Principles

2.1 Internal Forces and Cross Section

2.1.1 Coordinate System
Cross sections are described according to DIN 1080 in the local y-z coordinate system of
the beam. Here the x-axis points in the longitudinal direction of the bar. The observer is
looking at the positive boundary of the section (from the end of the bar to the beginning). For
the description of the forces and moments and the support conditions, three points along the
beam have to be distinguished within a section: Beam axis, center of gravity and shear center.
For more details see the manual for AQUA.


Figure 2.1: Coordinate system

2.1.2 Internal Forces and Moments

The internal forces and moments are longitudinal or transverse forces referring to the gravity
centre and the centre of shear of the gross section of the total cross section, since these points
are used for all geometrical relations of the centrobaric axis to the global coordinate system.
In special cases, one can select any other point in the cross section however.

For design purposes, the internal forces and moments are normally modified as follows.

The longitudinal and transverse forces are converted to axial and shear forces. The torsional
moment is dismantled in a Saint-Venant part and a secondary part from warping torsion.

Within the defined support boundary, moments are smoothed under the assumption of a uni-
form surface pressure (parabolic). The smoothing is done for each side of the beam, and the
shear force at the end of the beam is set to zero.

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AQB | Theoretical Principles

If the cross section is located within a haunch, the shear stress distribution will change consid-
erably, however the practical design rules will account for that by changing the shear force in
accordance with the following formula:
V∗ = V − · (tnα  − tnα b ) (2.1)

For D other values like the lever arm of the inner forces are possible. As the effect may be
favourable or unfavourable, it might be difficult to choose ”correct” values. However, the user
may limit the size of the inclinations. If the cross section is in a bend the mean values of the
inclinations are used.

If a representative shear section or a face has been defined for the beam, the shear forces in-
side the support region are assumed to be decreasing linearly towards the beginning or the end
of the beam. No calculation will take place of the possibly required suspension reinforcement.

V = · Vm (2.2)

The increase of the internal forces and moments of thin cross sections according to DIN 1045
17.2.1. (6) is carried out only for My and N and only for SREC and SCIR cross sections.

All options can be deactivated by the record CTRL.

2.1.3 Cross Sections

The static properties of a cross section are calculated by AQUA. The gross static properties of
the effective cross section and the area of the total cross section are stored in the database for
the static analysis.

Construction methods such as those of prestressed concrete or composite structures are dom-
inated by the creation of the cross section in time stages. The loads of the individual load cases
act upon different cross sections with varying location of the gravity centre.

AQUA allows therefore the definition of up to 9 construction stages which may have arbitrary
numbers of construction or prestressing stages assigned. AQB itself allows for 30 construction-
stages per cross section (e.g. gross, net, ideal). Each load case can be assigned one of these
sections. This yields up to 31 different stress distributions for the cross section.

For stress analysis, the contributions of all cross section elements with the same material
number are combined into one common stress level. Through integration, one obtains the so-
called partial internal forces and moments which refer to the partial cross section. As partial
cross section is understood here the total gross area of all cross section elements with common
material number. Since the cross section may also contain reductional areas of prestressing
tendons, these partial internal forces and moments are not values in equilibrium, but auxiliary
values to describe the stress state in the cross section.

Different stress distributions arise in the various parts of the cross section, due to the progress
of construction or to creep and shrinkage. These too are compiled into internal forces and
moments, they are designated as secondary internal forces and moments, and they are taken
into consideration in stress analysis.

By cross sections with ineffective parts, AQUA stores the static properties of the effective as

2-2 SOFiSTiK 2018

Theoretical Principles | AQB

well as of the total cross section. STAR2 and AQB use the effective cross section properties, yet
employing the area of the total cross section, not only for evaluating the dead weight correctly,
but also to account for the common case in which the sole axial force comes from prestressing.

If other load cases with substantial axial force come along, it may become necessary to switch
over to the effective areas, or to assign a different material number to the ineffective parts.

The determination of the secondary stresses also makes it possible to create a differential load
case for the stresses between these sections for a specific combination of load cases (e.g.
permanent loads at the time of completion of the cross section) and save this in the database.
This allows an almost unlimited number of possible cross section systems.

2.2 Stress Analysis by the Theory of Elasticity

2.2.1 Method of Stress Analysis
The normal stresses on the cross section under a given load are computed by the expanded
Swain formula.
N My z + Mz yz Mz y + My yz Mb
σ = + z − y −  (2.3)
A 2
y z − yz 2
y z − yz CM

The edge stresses (extreme values for bending about the principal axes) and the corner
stresses are shown separately here.

The shear stresses are determined from the unit shear stresses calculated in AQUA. Using
the normal and the shear stresses and taking into consideration the lateral stresses σy and σz ,
one can calculate the principal stresses and the von Mises stresses:
σ = 0.5(σ + σy ) + 0.25(σ − σy )2 + τ 2 (2.4)

σ = 0.5(σ + σy − 0.25(σ − σy )2 + τ 2 (2.5)

σ = σ2 + 3τ 2 (2.6)

For an accurate check, one must analyse the entire cross section with its real geometry and all
particular points, because the location of the most adverse combination is not known a priori,
especially in case of general cross sections. AQB though examines the stresses at a few
selected points (shear sections, stress points and selected polygon points). The user should
take care of meaningful selections!

2.2.2 Partial Cross Sections

Partial internal forces and moments are determined in case of partial cross sections or compo-
site cross sections. These are derived by the following calculations:

1. The given internal forces and moments are transformed from the gravity centre of the

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AQB | Theoretical Principles

gross section to that of the construction stage cross section.

NCS = Nb (2.7)

MyCS = Myb − Nb · (zsCS − zsb ) (2.8)

MzCS = Mzb − Nb · (ysCS − ysb ) (2.9)

2. The strain level of the total cross section (Bernoulli hypothesis) derives from these internal
forces and moments and the corresponding static properties of the cross section. These
values are used for computing the stress increment in the prestressing tendons.
3. For any particular partial cross section of a material, all components of the various loads
and secondary stresses are compiled, with reference to the centroid of the partial cross
section, into partial section forces which describe a planar stress distribution in the partial
cross section.

CS y z

Nt = At · + (zst − zsCS ) · − (yst − ysCS ) · (2.10)


Myt = yt · (2.11)

Mzt = zt · (2.12)

4. These partial internal forces and moments are added together for all construction stages
sections and possible secondary stresses.
5. The shear forces and torsional moments are increased proportionally to ACS /At , since a
more precise distribution is extremely complicated.

2.2.3 Limit Stresses

The computed stresses can be examined for limit values; a value exceeding the limit is iden-
tified in the printout with * after the stress. All standard values (e.g. in steel-, timber- or
prestressed concrete construction) can be invoked as limit stresses. The limit stresses are
checked separately for each material.

Depending on the declaration of the allowable stress type, additional specialities of the partic-
ular codes can be taken into consideration too:

• Check of the slenderness ratio c/t for steel plates according to the section classes 2 or 3 of
EN 1993 or other design codes
• Reduction of the axial force components by DIN 1052 The combined check for axial force
and bending moment components is carried out by reduction of the axial force components

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Theoretical Principles | AQB

and check of the allowable stress for bending. In analog mode the check of the torsion
occurs at the edge with correspondingly raised shear stresses from shear force.
• Differentiation between compression zone and pre-compressed tension zone.
• Reduction of the prestress components in the pre-compressed compression zone in accor-
dance with DIN 4227 Sec. 15.3.
• Shear design under ultimate loads in accordance with Zone a, DIN 4227
• Check for the decompression limit state (e.g. according to EC 2, DIN 1045-1)
Here it is verified that the concrete cross section has only compressive stress at the edge of
the precompressed tension zone due to prestress for the determinant action combination.
The decompression check is done with the input SPAN E STYP VH. The input STYP VH
sets here the permissible tensile stressesin the concrete to 0.00. The check is filled, if the
resistance factors are kept (≤ 1.0) → table: Maximum Degree of Utilization.
AQB determines the check edge from the centre of gravity of all tendons. In the case of
upper and lower tendons the check has to be done graphically.
The stresses which are determinant for the decompression check can be checked graphi-
cally with the WING input BEAM TYPE DECO or in WinGRAF with Design → Stress of the
material → Decompression stress.

2.3 Design of Sections

2.3.1 Section Classes
Most newer design codes for structural steel and composite structures are based on a elastic-
plastic or plastic-plastic design. To achieve this the sections are subdivided into four classes
as follows:

• Sections of class 1
are suitable for plastic hinges and a non-linear analysis with distributed yield areas (Analy-
sis option NSTR) and a detailed interaction of shear and normal stress.
• Sections of class 2
have limited deformation capacities. The analysis may be done according to linear theory
but the design may be done up to ultimate plastic limits.
• Sections of class 3a
have no allowance for yielding, i.e. the linear stresses are limited. Thus analysis and design
are according linear theory.
• Sections of class 3b
are formal in class 4 but due to small stresses these sections may be treated as in class 3.
• Sections of class 4
due to buckling of the plates, some parts of the section have to be treated as not effective
for normal stress, which has to be accounted for either during the definition of the section
or will be taken into account automatically within a nonlinear analysis.

The separation between the classes is rule by a width-to-thickness ratio c/t, defined in tables
of the design codes. As the section class is not only depending on the stresses but also on the
material strength, it is of little use to specify a single class for a complete section, and such a

SOFiSTiK 2018 2-5

AQB | Theoretical Principles

specification or evaluation of a section class in AQUA is not provided.

The design in AQB reverts the viewing direction of the design to the consistent way and has
considerable advantages for the checking and especially for the utilisation factors during plan-
ning. AQB does not check that all sections are in class X, but it computes that the utilisation
of the critical limit of c/t is less than the stress dependent required limit value. This allows also
to use slender elements within a plastic design or nonlinear analysis, if the stresses at these
elements are sufficiently small.



(1) (2) (3) (4a) (4b) (SCL)

Figure 2.2: Section classes

The check within AQB is done with the following possible variants:

• Design for stresses only, checking the c/t ratio according to sectional class 1+2+3+4a and
low utilisation of sections of class 4a (STRE E F)
• Design for stresses for section class 3, and if the section is classified in 1 or 2 a design for
sectional capacities with interactions according to Eurocode. (STRE C)
• Non linear design with hardening effects for sections of class 1 and 2. (NSTR)
• Design for stresses for sections of class 1-4 with a nonlinear analysis, where the non effec-
tive parts of the plates in class 4 are deactivated automatically.(NSTR)

For the design of sections of class 4 there are thus several possibilities:

• For small stresses load cases not relevant for stability may use increased c/t-limits (EN
1993-1-1 5.5.2 (9))
• Defining NEFF areas in AQUA may create the effective sections directly.
• Using automatic iterative evaluation of non effective parts with (NSTR)

Due to the shortening of the c-values in AQUA by the NEFF definitions those sections are now
classified as sections of class 1 to 3. Thus we encounter the question if those reduced effective
sections may include yielding. EN 1993-1-1 describes in Chapter 6.2.1 (4) how to perform an
elastic stress check based on effective sectional values. But then we have several hints:

• Chapter (1) requires only, that the stress should not exceed the yield stress.
• Chapter (2) defines a simplified check based on the interaction with the elastic
sectional moduli Weƒ ƒ .

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• Chapter describes how a section with a web in class 3 may be converted to class 2
with the introduction of non effective areas.

As a nonlinear analysis including yield especially for the tensile parts but without hardening
does not exceed the yield stress, this method is within the requirements of the first bullet.
Chapter 4.6 on EN 1993-1-5 describes the simplified check according to (2) as general
rule, but it says also in chapter 4.2. (2): "‘Effective areas should be determined on the basis of
the linear strain distributions with the attainment of yield strain in the mid of the compression

2.3.2 Utilisation Levels

For an effective design the ultimate bearing capacity is checked by utilisation levels of the
total forces. The interaction of the individual components is given on a simplified way in the
design codes and in general there are clauses to use modified schemes if appropriate. Very
often some parts of the section are reserved for a certain force component. An other severe
drawback is the non linearity of the interaction utilisation levels, i.e.

• the utilisation of a combined action may be lower than that of the largest component
• with half of the ultimate loading the utilisation value may be anything below 1.0, e.g. 0.25
or 0.75 for a quadratic expression
• Utilisations larger than 1.0 cannot be treated at all in many equations

AQB provides thus five types of interaction, the user may select. All interaction formulas try to
calculate a utilisation level which is as close as possible linear, i.e. giving an indication for the
possible load factor. For an utilisation level of 1.0 the expressions are equivalent.

• the utilisation of the yield stress by the elastic stresses (STRE E):
This is the square root of the yield criterion of all effects according EN 1993-1-1 6.2.1 (5),
• the summation of all individual utilisation levels (STRE B):
This is equivalent to EN 1993-1-1 6.2.1 (7), Eq.6.2, however the contributions of trans-
verse shear and torsion will be added separately and not included in the utilisation of the
• the interaction according the consecutive equations of the Eurocode (STRE C):
The shear force will be included in the utilisation of the moments, but the axial force and
the torsion will be added separately.
• an evaluation of a plastic interaction (NSTR KSV PLD):
This method is not yet suitable for an iteration, but will only provide one point on the inter-
action surface.
• a non linear analysis (NSTR KSV ULD):
This method does not only include finite strains and a flow rule, but accounts also for hard-
ening effects, which is allowed according EN 1993-1-5 Appendix C.6.

Some Remarks for the applied linearisation:

• Torsion is treated in EN 1993-1-1 6.2.7 in a very simplified way and not useable for cranes
for example. Thus the given reductions of the shear bearing capacity of equations 6.25

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to 6.28 are not generally applicable. While a plastic deformation will reduce the effects of
warping torsion, this is not accounted for in the utilisation. For a nonlinear analysis, there
will be no iteration for equilibrium, but the warping deformation is accounted for in the flow
rule. Primary and secondary torsion as well as the warping moments will be added by their
three contributions:
Tt,Ed T,Ed Mb,Ed
 = (N, Vy , Vz , My , Mz ) + + + (2.13)
Tt,Rd T,Rd Mb,Rd

• If V/Vrd > 0.5, the plastic moments and normal forces will be reduced by the general factor
of equation 6.29 / 6.45 in both directions derived from the utilisation of the shear force.
The reduction of the normal force is obtained from the remaining available sectional area.
As the provision of EN 1993-1-1 in equation 6.38 for the web areas is not applicable in
general, does not match the equation 6.18 (3) and the transverse shear of columns is of
minor importance, we use always the equation 6.18.
ρ = (2 · V/ V p,d − 1)2 ;  = A / A = 3 · Vp / Np ≤ 0.5 (2.14)

Mred = Mp,d · (1 − ρ) (2.15)

Nred = Np · (1 −  · ρ) (2.16)

• The utilisation is not taken less than those of the included shear force.
• Then the interaction between normal force and bending moment is established. The equa-
tions 6.36/6.38 are used in a linearized form avoiding very small or even negative utilisation
= · (1 − 0.5)/ (1 − n) < 1 (2.17)
Mn Mred

· (1 − 0.5) + < 1 (2.18)
Mred Nred

or (transverse bending of double-T shape, Eq. 6.38)

= ” — < 1 (2.19)
Mn Mred · 1 − ((n − )/ (1 − ))2

M (1 − )2 N
· + < 1 (2.20)
Mred (n + 1 − 2) Nred

or (tube, analytical instead of empirical formulas of Eurocode, which differ between Version
2004 and 2010 by a factor of 1.04.)
Mn = Mred · ρ cos (2.21)

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• In the last step the bi-axial bending will be considered via an interaction based on variable
exponents α and β (given for rectangular solid or hollow, tubes or double T-shapes). Similar
to the rules above the formula is slightly rewritten:
– ™α β
My Mz N Mb,Ed

· (1 − n) + · (1 − n)(1−β) + + < 1 (2.22)
My,red Mz,red Nred Mb,Rd

But as this utilisation factor is not taken larger than the value of the linear combination of
Eq. 6.2, it is not relevant in case of medium to higher utilisation of the normal force capacity.
In case of a small utilisation of the normal force capacity the obtained value may be less
than the single uniaxial bending utilisation which is thus taken as lower limit for this value.

According to DIN 18800 (755) and OEN 4300 it is required to limit the plastic moments to
the 1.25-time value of the elastic limiting moments. This will be accounted for automatically
if these design codes have been selected. If the user does not want to become this effective
(continuous beam with constant section, without buckling or second order theory) he may either
choose a different design code or by assigning the buckling curve 0 to those sections.

The utilisation of the sectional class is obtained in AQB as follows: For very low stresses, the
extended limit value for section class 4 is applicable, which is quite large, thus the utilisation
level is low. With increasing stresses the limit value becomes smaller and when the yield stress
is reached, the limit is on the value for section class 3 (blue line in Fig. 2.2). Beyond that the
geometric utilisation ratios are applicable, i.e. the utilisation ratio for section class 3 will raise
with a jump to a value above 1.0 (Fig. 2.3). Then NSTR has to be used analyze a section with
non effective parts.



1.0 SCL 2


Figure 2.3: Utilization level of section classes

2.3.3 Buckling Limit

The case of buckling will occur if an element will suffer from large forces due to small defor-
mations induced by geometric non-linear effects. This will limit the ultimate load for slender

The design for stability can be done in either of two ways. The most common checks are done
based on a single representative beam. The problem which persists is the determination of
the buckling length. The other way is to perform a global analysis using second order theory

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and suitable imperfections. This is the general target of SOFiSTiK-Software. However there
are two exceptions to this general concept:

The design for axially compressed beams in accordance with DIN 18800 Part 2 / EN 1993
is also included under the stress design in AQB, since it is normally used for lateral buckling
perpendicular to the plane of the structure and for single truss braces. This requires however
the explicit definition of the buckling length coefficient.

The design is performed by means of a degree of utilization of the buckling load.

 = ≤ 1 (2.23)
(κ · Nps )

The design for the lateral torsional buckling is only possible based on a representative beam
and is performed by a separate software module BDK.

2.3.4 Special Treatment of EN 1999

For Aluminum all reductions due to heat affected zones (HAZ) according to table 3.2b/c have
to be defined by separate material numbers. Then the reduction of the effective thickness to
account for local buckling according to paragraph 6.1.5. are independent from the stresses
and thus should be performed with the definition of the section within in AQUA. Equally the
coefficient η of paragraph (3) has to be defined via the distances within AQUA.

Eurocode EN 1999 uses in chapter 6.2.1 a unified design check based on admissible stresses
and a national dependent combination constant C, increasing the admissible yield stress. This
is comparable to a sectional check for sections of class 3 or 4 ( α = 1.0). The shape factor α ,
which is described with great details can be defined as plastic moments in AQUA so far.

2.4 Secondary Stresses (Creep and Construction Stages)

Secondary stresses may be induced by variant causes. The resultant of those stresses are
always zero for the total section. Possible causes are.

• Shrinkage
• Creep
• Relaxation of tendons
• non-uniform temperature
• induced stresses from construction stages

All effects have to be dealed as a first step at the section itself, which is still a complex task. The
values needed are the acting stresses, the age of the concrete, the humidity, the temperature,
the class of cement etc. etc. Results are strains and stresses for the section.

The deformations (strain and curvature loads) will yield in a second step the forces if the struc-
ture is constrained (statically indeterminate), which change the acting stress. If this effect is
considerable, the user has to subdivide the total analysis in several creep intervals. If the num-
ber of steps is increased the results will converge to the exact solution, however depending on
the quality of the input parameters of course.

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If the characteristic of the development of stresses in time is known, it is possible to enhance

the precision of this explicit integration scheme by the introduction of a relaxation coefficients.
This value (0.5 to 1.0) accounts for the loss of the concrete stress in time due to the reduction of
the constraining forces and must not be mixed up with the relaxation of the tendons themselves.

For very simple cases of single sections it might be sufficient to reduce the acting force by the
same factor which is given by the loss of prestress.

The results are stores as load cases. Analyses can therefore be carried out with up to 999

There are some design code variants implemented. The selection is in general by the defined
material. The most important general solutions are selectable explicitly via CTRL EIGE. To
allow the precise control the class of cement has to be specified with the concrete material. (S
= Slow, N = Normal, R = Rapid hardening) (See also input Record EIGE)

SUM Summation approach according Ruesch with delayed elasticity

(old DIN 4227, as well as Japanese and Chinese design codes, type of cement in
consistency classes)
EN10 Eurocode 2010
MC90 CEB model code 90
MC10 CEB model code 2010
Australian design code AS 5100
Brasilian design code NBR 6118
Indian Road Congress IRC 18 (single creep stage only)

The influence of the temperature has to be distinguished between a thermal treating before
the current creep step or a temperature during the creep process. For the first case it is only
the effective age at the beginning of a creep step, in the second case creep and shrinkage
coefficients ant the time function will also change. For the latter case formulas are given in the
Model Code 2010. In all other cases, the effective age is calculated including the temperature,
but the user has to provide explicit values for the correct coefficients.

To account for individual modifications of the creep law, it is possible to define coefficients with
MEXT EIGE in AQUA, which work like non official "‘boxed values"’ for the formulas of appendix
B of EN 1992-1.

2.4.1 Shrinkage
Shrinkage is the decrease in volume of concrete caused by the drying process. Without rein-
forcement and outer constraints the stresses induced are caused from the different speed on
the outside and interior of thick constructions. Reinforcement will hamper the deformation and
thus create additional tensile stresses. More reinforcement will create more stress.

With introduction of the Eurocode/CEB 2010 the shrinkage is now divided in a drying con-
traction and a shrinkage effect. AQB uses four "‘boxed values"’ βc1 ,βc2 and βcd1 ,βcd2 as

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ϵcs (t) = ϵc (t) + ϵcd (t, ts ) (2.24a)

ϵc (t) = ϵc,∞ · βc (t) (2.24b)
ϵcd (t, ts ) = ϵcd,0 (ƒcm ) · kh · βds (t, ts ) (2.24c)

ϵc,∞ = βc1 · 2.5 · (ƒck − 10) · 10−6 (2.25a)

ϵcd,0 (ƒcm ) = βcd1 · 0.85 (220 + 110αds1 ) · ep −αds · 10−6 · βRH (2.25b)
€ Æ Š € p Š
βc (t, t0 ) = ep −βc2 · 0.2 t0 / t1 − ep −βc2 · 0.2 t/ t1 (2.25c)
u t − ts
; (MC 2010)

h0 2

t € Š
350 · 100 + t − ts

βds (t, ts ) = (2.25d)
 t − ts
; (EN 2010)

 Ç
t − ts + βcd2 · 0.04 · h3

 • ˜
€ Š 3
−1.55 · 1 − RH

; 40% ≤ RH < βs · 99%
βRH = (2.25e)

25 ; RH ≥ β · 99%

While the creep effects start with the loading, the shrinkage will start from the beginning and
the drying with the end of the curing. The characteristic thickness is defined in AQUA either
explicitly or via the expression 2A/U. The factor 0.85 has been defined only for the Eurocode,
not with the MC 2010. The Eurocode defines also that there is no drying if the humidity is 100

The value of the total shrinkage is given in tables or maps in the respective design codes (e.g.
DIN 4227 Table 7 for the matrix of dry / wet against thick / thin). Some provide also time
dependent coefficients (e.g. Pict. 3 in DIN 4227), but very often the time function for creep and
shrinkage is assumed to be equal.

2.4.2 Creep
The creep deformation has the principal form of:
ε = φt (2.26)

The definition of ϕ is always related to the value of the elasticity modulus. While most analyses
refer to the standard secant modulus (e.g. DIN 4227 Table 6), EN 1992 and DIN 1045-1 refer
to the tangent value after 28 days. AQB will factorize therefore the creep coefficients to match
the given Eb reference.

For concrete the creep coefficient is always for compressive stresses. There is little information
about the behaviour for tensile stresses. AQB will reduce the creep coefficient depending on
the tensile stress at the centre of the partial section.

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Creep has not only permanent but also reversible components. The total defomation thus may
be split in two contributions, where the latter are called delayed elastic deformations. In case
of changes of the loading we will always have then three contributions:
ϕk = ϕƒ ,k + 0.4 · k (t − tk ) − 0.4 · k (t − tt−1 ) · k (t − t ) (2.27)


P e1v t

e2f t


Figure 2.4: Creep Intervals

If a particular load acts in the first interval, the effects up to the end of the interval are calcu-
lated in terms of a plastic yield part and an elastic time-delayed part (curves 1 and 2). While
the plastic part is transferred unchanged to all subsequent creep stages, the delayed elastic
portion gets rebuilt. The currently operative total load acts then in the second interval with the
appropriate new creep coefficients.

All coefficients are automatically determined form the given environment conditions and time
and effective thickness . The plastic yield may be also specified by the user explicitly. The
delayed elastic part is always applied by the program according to specification of the effective
concrete age (See explanations to record STRE).

With EN 1992 appendix B resp. DIN 1045-1 (Heft 525) and the CEB Model code this approach
has been abandoned in favour to the older concept of a product formulation. But all values may

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be calculated now in a closed form. With the "‘boxed values"’ βc0 , βc1 and βc2 we have:

φt = φ0 · βc (t, t0 )
φ0 = βc1 · φRH · β(ƒcm ) · β(t0 )
1 − RH/ 100
φRH = 1 + p α1 α2
0.10 3 h0
β(ƒcm ) = p (EC2)
ƒcm (2.28)
β(t0 ) =
0.1 + t00.20
βc0 =0.3
t − t0

βc (t, t0 ) =
βc2 · βH + t − t0
” —
βH = 1.5 1 + (0.012RH)18 h0 + 250α3 ≤ 1500

These factors are valid for stresses up to 0.45 fck resp. 0.40 fcm . For higher stresses the
CEB-Model-Code and Eurocode 2 part 1-3 specify a correction of the creep coefficient:
|σc,perm |
ϕ0,k = ϕ0 · e1.5(kσ −0.45) ; kσ = (2.29)

This correction can be applied currently only by an explicit definition of a higher base creep
value. If required it may become necessary to subdivide the section in parts with individual

For the summation approach the superposition is valid. Thus you may freely select between:

• To follow each loading until the end of times.

• To load and unload the structure for ever time step.

For the product approach the consideration of different phases is only possible by calculating
increments of stresses. This leads to a similar formula but with much larger values for the
reversible part.
σb0 Δσb1
ϵ = φ0 + φ1
Eb Eb
ϵ0 = φ0 (t0 , t1 )
σb0 σb1 σb0
ϵ1 = φ0 (t1 , t2 ) + φ1 (t1 , t2 ) −
Eb Eb Eb
σb1 σb0
= φ1 (t1 , t2 ) + [φ0 (t1 , t2 ) − φ1 (t1 , t2 )]
Eb Eb

2.4.3 Relaxation of Tendons

Relaxation of tendons is implemented with a product approach. The first factor is given depen-
dant from the steel stress based on a time value of 1000 hours. This is a material property
defined in AQUA. AQB will account for the effective initial stress value of the tendon by an

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No effects for stress values less than 0.55 fpk will be assumed.

The second factor is then derived from the time. The user may specify this factor explicitly or
evaluate according to two variants:

• CEB 1990 Table 2.3.1 resp. EN 1992 3.3.2 / App. D

• EC2 Version 1992 Table 4.5

As EN 1992 has now the same values as the CEB model code, the second variant will be only
applied for explicit EC-Materials and a design code release year < 2000. The french BPEL 91
provides in Appendix 2 a rather complex formula for the direct evaluation of the relaxation loss
dependant on the 0.70 fpk-value, the stress and the time.

2.4.4 Numerical Treatment

The change in stresses due to creep and shrinkage, according to the formulation by Trost with
relaxation coefficient ρ (=0.80) is:

Δσz = Ez · Δε − σRe (2.31)

Eb ϕ · σb − εs · Eb
Δσb = · Δε − (2.32)
1 + ρϕ 1 + ρϕ

Under the assumption of plane cross section, a bilinear deformation variation is assumed for
the strains resulting from creep and shrinkage:

Δε = Δε0 + y · Δεy + z · Δεz (2.33)

The magnitude of the strains derives from the condition that the sum of the axial forces and
moments of the all cross section elements must be zero in statically determinate structures.
The system of equations with three unknowns is solved, yielding the secondary internal forces
and moments of the individual partial cross sections.

Results of this check are the secondary stresses of all tendons and all cross section parts,
which are stored in the database and taken into account in subsequent stress or internal force
calculations for statically indeterminate structures. These secondary stresses are not saved
as normal internal forces and moments, since in composite cross sections there are values
present for each material, which cannot be addressed as such. The total resulting secondary
stresses are also calculated; these are zero for regular composite cross sections. For pre-
stressed concrete sections, however, there is a resulting value which is added in the printout
of the internal forces and moments and in all calculations under cracked condition. The sec-
ondary stresses for each material are considered separately in calculations under uncracked
condition. The sum of the secondary stresses is then no longer included in the determination
of the stresses.

In simple cases of analysis of one section only, one can create directly, using the input CTRL
EIGE 4, a record of statically indeterminate forces and moments which are calculated with the
same proportion as the statically determinate components.

For the analysis of a total structure however one has to use the more general CTRL EIGE 1 to

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store the resulting curvatures as loads in the database and compute the statically indeterminate
components with a run of STAR2/ASE. Since this is a creep with initial stresses (Euler method)
several creep stages are usually needed for obtaining correct results. One must also make
certain that there are enough segments within the beam.

The same method can be used, for instance, to consider secondary stress states resulting
from the completion of a cross section, or from secondary temperature stresses.

2.5 Design of Reinforced Concrete

The calculation of non-linear stress states is a prerequisite for all further checks which consider
material properties. Compared to the more general case of the next chapter, we have for the
design only a limited range of allowed strain distributions, but on the other side an unknown
reinforcement grade. Thus calculating the reinforcement distribution is a considerably compli-
cated task, because additional empirical rules of the various regulations have to be observed.

Material properties must be differentiated according to whether they are to be as close to

reality as possible (e.g. for dynamic or deformation analyses), or are to be used with a safety
coefficient for calculating an ultimate strength.

Whereas the safety coefficients were formerly assigned more-or-less at random, sometimes
to the load and sometimes to the material, more recent regulations (Eurocode) provide for a
clearer separation between the safety coefficients for the loading and those for the material.
Since the safety coefficients of the material still depend on the nature of the loading or the
type of design, the values are specified in AQB explicitly. Definitions from AQUA may become
effective additionally.

If the capacity of a section does not match the acting forces, all forces and moments are scaled
linearly with a relative bearing capacity. This is also performed for longitudinal forces in a truss
model, but not for pre- or post tensioning. However there are cases where a compressive force
may be favourable or unfavourable for a reinforced concrete section and the relative moment
capacity is required for a fixed normal force or similar. However it should be noted, that for
these cases it is not always possible to get a convergent solution. These cases are thus to be
defined with CTRL PIIA.

Prestressing can be generally considered in two methods. Either one eliminates from the ex-
ternal forces and moments the statically determinate parts of the prestress and the secondary
stresses, and specifies the prestressing steel with an appropriate initial strain, or one allows
the action of the total internal forces and moments and observes the stress increase only. Both
methods are completely equivalent. AQBS uses the first method for ultimate design, and the
second method for strain checks.

The prestressing of the tendons is used with their values after creep and shrinkage taking into
consideration the decompression due to the internal forces and moments on the reduced net
cross section. The initial strain is determined by the actual values of the internal forces and
moments, and then multiplied as a whole by the prestress factor.

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2.6 Determination of the Required Reinforcement

2.6.1 Longitudinal Reinforcement
The reinforcement in AQUA has been arranged in layers. The reinforcement of a layer is
considered as tension reinforcement if the centre of the total reinforcement lies on the tension
side relative to the centroid of the cross section. A reinforcement with its centre on the other
side is regarded as compression reinforcement. The meanings of the layer types are as follows:

M Minimum reinforcement
The layer is always inserted with at least the defined magnitude. Minimum reinforcement
in the compression zone however is applied only when a corresponding tension reinforce-
ment is also present. If the minimum reinforcement should not be increased, the maximum
reinforcement must be set equal to the minimum reinforcement.
Z Supplementary reinforcement
Layers of this type are optional. The layers are equivalent in ranking; the number serves
only for identification. The value of the reinforcement area is only to specify the reinforce-
ment ratio between the individual positions, and it is not a specification of minimum rein-
forcement. If supplementary reinforcements are not permitted to exceed a certain value,
an appropriate maximum value must be input.
S Sequential layers
This type of layer serves to control the sequential filling of the reinforcement layers known
from older programs. When a maximum value is reached, the next higher layer number is
addressed. The reinforcement of layer 0 can be defined as minimum reinforcement with
layer type M; all other layers must be of type S and have no minimum reinforcement.

Reinforcement with the same layer number is always increased by the same factor. The max-
imum factor is given by the first reaching of the maximum reinforcement in the layer. The
minimum factor is 0.0 for layers (S,Z) and 1.0 for minimum reinforcement layers (M). Maximum
values may be ignored in the determination of the minimum reinforcement of the statically
required cross section.

A design must find, by iteration, a strain estate and a reinforcement distribution by which exter-
nal and internal forces match. Additional requirements for ductility trigger either safety factors
depending on the tensile steel strain or establish limits for the height of the compressive zone.
If the height of the compressive zone exceeds the specified limits, compressive reinforcements
are required. But they should not be taken larger than the tensile reinforcements.

The class of possible strain states is further limited in such a way that only the ultimate limit
strain states are used. This reduces the number of unknowns in the strain plane to two. How-
ever, as additionally unknown factors of the reinforcement distribution are also present, there
might be more unknowns than conditions for the solution.

For this reason, problems with more than one reinforcement layers do not always have
one unambiguous solution. Even with all the possible additional conditions (3), one can
find a unique solution for a maximum of 4 to 6 layers, depending on the strain range.

The procedure runs in two steps. The limit strain state is iterated in the outer loop by the BFGS
method, similarly to what was described in the previous section.

• As a rule, a first attempt to achieve equilibrium is made with a strain variation between the

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optimum tensile strain S1 to the maximum compressive strain C1 and a variation of the
reinforcement distribution. If this is successful while the limiting conditions are maintained,
an optimum ductile solution has been found, where the limits on the height of the compres-
sive zone (x/d) are fulfilled. If this does not happen, the further procedure is determined
depending on the axial force.
• In case of compressive loading, the strain on the tension side is reduced to the point where
equilibrium is reached with a symmetric reinforcement distribution. The compressive zone
must be enclosed with shear links.
• In case of tensile loading, the following strain variations are successively used in search of
a) Centric strain S2 per thousand
b) Compressive strain between 0 and C1
Tensile strain between S1 and S2
c) Fully tensioned cross section with variable tensile strain

The distribution of reinforcement is found in the inner loop by means of a quadratic optimisation
problem for minimum error between internal and external forces with supplementary conditions
for the required reinforcement.

• Compression reinforcement is inserted by a magnitude not greater than the tension rein-
forcement. This requirement of the old DIN is generalised by making certain that the centre
of the total reinforcement is located on the tensional side of the cross section relative to its
• Provided that a minimum reinforcement is defined in the data base from former design,
this in this respect partial one is considered than there is not any violation of the former

Even with these limiting conditions, the problem can still be ambiguous. If, for instance, several
layers could function as tension reinforcement, the distribution of the reinforcement would be
based on the defined base values of the steel areas. Since this is generally not desired,
the program uses additionally the distance of the reinforcement from the neutral axis and the
moment of inertia with respect to the neutral axis. A supplementary condition is formulated
for that purpose, which prefers reinforcement which is located farther outwards. If two layers
are at the same distance, they are treated in the same manner. If the distance of a layer is
zero, it is given no consideration whatsoever. Interpolation is used between these two extreme
situations. Thus, a layer which is half as far out as another can only increase up to about one
half the value of the outer layer.

If the centre of some layer is at the outer extreme, only the distance of the
centre is considered;
if all of the layers have zero centre distances, only the radii of inertia ( / A) are considered.
This condition too is interpolated linearly between the extreme values. Furthermore, the far-
ther outward the reinforcement is positioned in the cross section, the more stringent the entire
condition is formulated. This supplementary condition does not affect the area of the reinforce-
ment, but rather the factors of increase. Therefore, any change in the AS-values defined in
AQUA will have a certain influence on the reinforcement distribution.

The procedure of activating the layer numbers in sequence, which was customary in older
programs, can not handle changing loads. In special cases, such as multilayer peripheral
reinforcement or additional densifications, this method can be applied by defining sequential

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layer numbers in AQUA.

In such case, each layer is considered individually. Layer i is laid only after layer i-1 has reached
its maximum value. If a layer is not needed (e.g. compression reinforcement), it can be passed

Beside the information from the cross section program on the distribution of reinforcement,
there are other parameters, especially the minimum reinforcement ratios, which are controlled
with the record DESI.

The program differentiates between bending and compression members. The limit is set either
by the orientation within the global gravity direction or by a particular value of the relative load
eccentricity e/d (e.g. 3.5) or by explicit input.

One constructional reinforcement value can be prescribed for each type. This is an important
option in stability studies. The minimum reinforcement of the statically required cross section
can also be considered for compression members.

These minimum reinforcement values hold equally for all cross sections of an analysis run and
they are input as percentages of the cross sectional area.

The new reinforcement is the greatest of:

- reinforcement required by the current design

- minimum constructional reinforcement
- minimum reinforcement of the statically required section
- minimum reinforcement defined in the cross section program
- minimum reinforcement that has already been stored

The so computed reinforcement is used in subsequent checks.

2.6.2 Min. Reinforcement of the Statically Required Cross Section

The minimum reinforcement of the statically required cross section is applicable to compression
members. AQB recognises a compression member either by an explicit specification through
the record BEAM or by the orientation relative to the gravity direction or, depending on the load
case, by a relative eccentricity e/d < 3.5 and the limit axial force NGRE (record CTRL).

The minimum reinforcement according to DIN is computed by the method of first determining
the internal forces and moments that can be sustained by the cross section with an appropri-
ate reinforcement (e.g. 0.8 percent), and then reducing the reinforcement in proportion to its
relative strength.

The minimum reinforcement for compression members according to EN 1992, on the other
hand, is accounted as follows (distinct values are defined in the national annexes):

Asmn = mn (0.10 · N/ βs , 0.002 · Ac ) (2.34)

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As minimum reinforcement is used the one layer, in case there is only one, or the minimum
reinforcement layer, in case there are many, or the supplements in cases of cross sections with
supplements only. Any entered maximum values of layers are ignored in this case. If multiple
layers are involved, the criteria of the previous section for the selection of the layers are used.
Outer reinforcement is thus given preference.

When the relative strength has been obtained, each layer is reduced by the same isotropic
factor. If the minimum reinforcement were attained exclusively by means of a layer laying on
one side only, at reduction by this method the minimum reinforcement ratio is not reached
under circumstances. An alternative method which admits priority to the absolute steel area
can lead to serious underdesign and is therefore unavailable.

Clearly comprehensible results are obtained when only one layer with minimum reinforcement
= maximum reinforcement is defined, with usable distribution and relatively small total quantity
of steel, and all supplements lie on separate layers. The program changes then the minimum
reinforcement onto the necessary value.

2.6.3 Divided Sections

DIN 1045-1 contains in 10.2. (6) a regulation limiting the strain in the centre of plates of divided
sections to the value of εc2 . This will be accounted for in AQB at all centre points of shear cuts
having the type FLAN. The default is to correct the maximum compressive strain. If this is not
what you want to do, then an explicit definition of the DESI C1 will deactivate this behaviour.
Then there are two possibilities:

• If nothing else is defined AQB will just check the strain and print an error message if its
value exceeds the limit of the stress-strain-law.
• For critical cases, if the last sentence of this paragraph is needed, which imposes the pure
web with the total maximum strains as an lower limit to the ultimate load, one has either to
deactivate the plates via the CS-mechanism or define them with a special material without
the rectangular block in the stress-strain-law.

2.6.4 Unreinforced Cross Sections

The design is also suitable for unreinforced cross sections. In such case the program computes
internal forces and moments which are in the same proportion to each other as the external
forces and moments. The safety factors must be defined according to the particular code. The
program then reports the relative strength and prints a warning if this becomes less than 1.0.
A message is also printed when the strain at the gravity centre becomes positive, meaning that
a gaping joint is extending beyond the centre.

2.6.5 Tendons
In general the tendons are fixed. It is only the subdivision of the stress into a provided part and
those parts induced by a strain increment which max become relevant for some design tasks.

For the treatment of stress induced corrosion of prestressed bridges some enhancements are

• The print out of stresses has in row C a new entry Az,r in the last column giving the factor

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on the area and force of the prestressing yielding tensile stress of ƒct .
• Record BEAM has a new item PRED (after STYP) defining a factor to be applied on all
tendon areas and forces.
• For DESI an additional row will be printed with the relative bearing capacity based on the
moments of the life load (Action L) with identifier (rel-tra(M-live))

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2.7 Shear Design

To account for the shear forces there are multiple methods available.

• AQUA will calculate the complete elastic shear stress by default with the Finite Element
method (see CTRL STYP). This is used for all elastic stress checks, but it can be taken as
a fallback or lower limit for the other methods if the values are reduced by a factor obtained
from the internal lever in cracked condition to the uncracked condition.
• The variable angle strut model is used for cracked conditions. It is the base for most design
codes for uniaxial shear.
• The method of differences of longitudinal forces is mainly used for flanges and bond in
composite sections (dowels)

The shear design for ultimate limit states is always defined as the resultant magnitude of the
shear stress along the width b0 . Thus we have a shear flow T in [kN/ m] . As a shear or
principal compressive stress is valuable for the engineer we use and show these values too.
The utilisation ratio for a total design force is not useful in general cases.

No reduction is made of individual loads in proximity to the support. A consistent solution is

extremely elaborate.

2.7.1 Strut Method

The shear design according to the variable angle strut method is the base for all recent design
codes. As the longitudinal reinforcement has considerable effect on the design, AQB will eval-
uate the maximum reinforcement along a beam or span before starting the shear design (see
record REIN)



s C

Figure 2.5: Compressive or Tensile Forces

For the strut method three forces have to be considered:

• the tensile force in the shear links or inclined longitudinal bars

• the compressive force or stress in the struts
• the tensile force in the longitudinal direction of the beam.

The inclination of the shear links and the struts may be chosen arbitrarily. A gently inclination

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will reduce the required shear link area, but will increase the longitudinal tensile force. AQB will
therefore select the most gently inclination with an admissible compressive stress. However
a defined large minimum reinforcements for the shear links will increase that angle to reach
an utilisation close to 1.0. Higher values can be specified explicitly in the record TVAR as
described in DESI. There are different values possible for the web, compressive or tensile
flanges and every individual cut-definition.

The basic principle for the shear design is always a shear force T acting in the walls of an
equivalent hollow or open thin walled section which may be obtained by three different theories:

• The most common formula for the cracked section uses the lever of internal forces and an
empirical reduction based on the ratio of the separated compressive or tensile forces.

V Z D Mt

T = ·
− + (2.35)
z Z D

For biaxial bending V is taken on the safe side as the norm of the shear force vector (Vy ,Vz ).
Z and Z are, respectively, the total and partial tension force in the detached part of the cross
section. D and D are the compressive forces.

The lever arm of the internal forces z comes from the bending design, or by explicit specification
in AQUA. In this case one must note however that an inserted minimum reinforcement parallel
to the axis reduces the lever arm and that the result of a local design does not have to be
representative from time to time. AQB received therefore a whole series of plausibility checks.
The inclination of the compression struts is designated as θ(former α ) and the inclination of
the links with respect to the section face as α (former β).

The tensile force in the links is computed including the normal stress perpendicular to the cut
σq from

T + σq · cotθ
Zb = (2.36)
snα · (cotθ + cotα)

The corresponding load in the longitudinal direction is derived by

Z1 = V + Uk · · (cotθ − cotα) (2.37)

This force is introduced into the design as an additional axial force on the total section!

An optimal solution would introduce this force just from the beginning in the bending design,
as the accounting of the compressive forces afterward is rather difficult. A drawback however
is that the inclination of the struts has to be selected in advance or by iteration and that point
loads may lead to excessive values of the reinforcements if the shear force changes the sign.

Thus for best practice it is quite common to use only half of the value and to assign it to the

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tensile reinforcements only. This is not correct for the location with a zero moment. To avoid
larger values than those at the maximum moment (where the transverse shear might be zero),
a geometric shift rule is used quite common.

All this can be controlled by the input CTRL VM. The default is to use the tensile force approach
only for nonlinear analsysi with NSTR, while for any design with DESI the classical approach is
selected. As the above drawbacks are only effective in a minor degree for torsion, we suggest
to use CTRL VM - 1.0 in general. Quite often it is allowed or even requested to use a fixed
inclination of 45 degree for the torsion design.

The oblique principal compressive stresses due to torsion and shear force are determined

σ · cosα − snα · τ
σ = (2.38)
snθ · sn(θ + α)

The combined principal compressive stresses from torsion and shear force, with concurrent
loading in the same direction, are computed by:

sn2 (θV − θT )
σ = |σ,V | + |σ,T | − σ,V · σ,T · (2.39)
σ,V · sn2 (θV ) + σ,T · sn2 (θT )

In case of counteracting shear loads, the principal compressive stress and the link reinforce-
ment are computed from a truss with an average inclination of the compression struts and
the resulting shear load. The designer must account for whether this is in concordance with
the codes in all cases. Whereas Eurocode EC 2 makes explicit provision for this, the old DIN
standards required separate calculations, which though do not always yield meaningful results
(e.g. by inclined links).

A deduction from the web width of a shear cut can be defined in AQUA, in order to account for
the weakening due to ungrouted ducts.

The superposition of the computed reinforcement is controlled by the record REIN.

AQB can handle also many cases of bi-axial shear loading, however, these are not to be
believed under no circumstances uncritically. Especially if the resultant shear force is not per-
pendicular to the neutral axis within certain limits, a real 3D non-linear truss analysis may be
the only choice to obtain reliable results.

2.7.2 Difference of the Longitudinal Forces

5 For the design of bond in composites or flanges, design codes recommend a more general
method based on the difference of the longitudinal forces:

T = (2.40)

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Fd A

Fd beff

B Fd +DFd

A sf

Fd +DFd

Figure 2.6: Design of Flanges

This more general approach is also applicable for the design of the web, but it does not allow
for tendons leaving the separated parts between two cross sections. Further no loading in the
longitudinal direction should be present.

The bond shear can be also calculate assuming a rigid bond directly from the shear force for
every single beam section, But it will be obtained for a flexible bond from the difference of
the longitudinal force components between two beam sections. Thus it can be calculated by
different algorithms:

BEAM Solution with several singular beams connected with spring elements
This is the most general case, but due to nonconforming displacement modes, a sufficiently
fine subdivision of elements ha to be done. The individual forces can be obtained only for
the full system, but then they have to be combined to total forces, which is not yet available
in an automatic way.
WELD Solution for a dowel element in a thin walled section
For a thin walled section, analyzed by the deformation method, the shear force in every
individual element is obtained with it’s exact value based on the transverse shear at a
single beam section. The element has a thickness controlling the flexibility of the bond-
Thus it should have a reasonable large value. However effects of creep and shrinkage are
not accounted for.
CUT Solution with a shear cut
The equivalent to the WELD for solid sections is a cut, where the shear stresses are inte-
grated to the total bond force.
The bon is inherently rigid, for elastic bond a finite layer with a reduced stiffness has to be
inserted. However effects of creep and shrinkage are not accounted for.
V*S/I Solution with the sectional modulus of partial area
This method has some similar concepts to the above two methods. But as a static de-

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termined method it will not work on multiple connected sections. If the section does not
contain cuts or weldings, AQB will calculate these values for every material. If there are
more than two materials special considerations apply.
ΔN/Δ Solution with Differences of the normal forces between two beam sections
A simple analysis is taking the difference between the maximum possible normal force
component at the mid span and the zero value at the zero-moment-location or the support
and is dividing this be the half of the span. Distributing this value evenly is switching to a
felxible bond implicitly. Changes of the longitudinal stress due to creep and shrinkage has
an immediate effect, but accounting for inclined tendons or haunches is not as easy.
The difference of the longitudinal forces between two beam sections is done by AQB only
for DESI, not for STRE. This latter will be done in the post processing in WINGRAF with
the Option "‘total bond force"’.

For the last two methods, the calculated shear is always the sum of all shear flows. If the
material has multiple connections, the differences have to be established manually:

N3 Material 3 N3+ΔN3
T23 T23 = -ΔN3/a = +(ΔN1+ΔN2)/a

N2 Material 2 N2+ΔN2
T12 T12 = +ΔN1/a = -(ΔN2+ΔN3)/a

N1 Material 1 N1+ΔN1

Figure 2.7: Equilibrium for Composite Shear (without loadings)

2.7.3 Shear Design according to Design Codes

The differences in the various codes consist in the limits on the inclination of the compression
struts and the portion of the shear force that must be covered. In most codes there is a part of
the concrete and a part of the shear links contributing to the total shear.

The problem is now, that most design codes describe the matter based on a rectangular sec-
tion. The design check is based either on admissible stresses or by comparing the total design
shear force or torsional moment with the ultimate resisting force or moment. While the first
method has no problems with complicated sections it is not very economical. The second
method on the other side will become rather difficult for a complex section. The method used
by AQB lies in between and is stated as possible design method in the Eurocode in the chapter
about interaction of torsion and transverse shear.

The design for the transverse shear with the variable inclination strut method is done by com-
paring the design shear force VEd with the resisting shear forces of the compression struts
VRd,c and of the reinforcement VRd,s . AQB uses however internally shear fluxes (kN/m). Where
ever the norm uses V = b · h·... or V = b · d·.. or V = b · z.., AQB treats the flux T=V/h resp.
V/d resp. V/z and the corresponding shear stress. AQB reports the reinforcement required
by this design, as well as a permissible principal compressive stress or torsional shear stress.

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The printout of shear forces utilisation factors VEd /VR will be done only in the extended printout

The check of the compression strut strength is thus always made by either allowing a maximum
shear stress or by checking the principal compressive stress. Viewed in that way, the principal
compressive stresses must satisfy the conditions like the following:

€ Š
σ,V ≤ ν · ƒcd νV = 0.9 − ƒck / 200 ≥ 0.5 ∨ ν = 0.6 ƒck ≤ 60N/ mm2 (2.41)

σ,T ≤ νT · ƒcd νT = 0.6 ( 1 − ƒck / 250 ) (2.42)

2 2
σ,V σ,T

+ ≤ 1.0 (2.43)
ν ƒ ν ƒ
V cd T cd

These conditions have been changed in many national annexes, which are not listed here in
detail. If the cross section is loaded by an axial force, the permissible compressive stress must
be modified in 1992-1-1 by some factor αc . This factor is not applicable in Germany but AQB
will therefor make the check on the principal compressive stress.

ƒred = mn{1.0, 1.67 · 1 − σcp,eƒ / ƒcd }


The permissible shear stresses for construction elements without shear reinforcement (plates)
are given by:

τ1 = VRd1 / (b0 · d) = τRd · k · (1.2 + 40μ) + 0.15 · σcp (2.45)

τ2 = VRd2 / (b0 · z) = ƒred · 0.5 · νV · ƒcd (2.46)

The required reinforcement results from the truss analogy, equation (). AQB begins with the
lowest inclination value for the compression struts (0.4 or the value TANA by the DESI record),
and increases it up to the required value when the principal compressive stresses are exceeded
or the minimum reinforcement is greater than the required reinforcements.

2.7.4 Shear Checks in Circular Cross Sections

In case of circular cross sections AQB uses as width according to a paper by Feltham a value
derived from the area above the resulting shear force and the effective height.

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Design is always done for the uniaxial resulting components of the forces or moments.

Shear width, compression force

Shear width, tension force

Minimum shear width

Figure 2.8: Shear width in circular cross sections

2.8 Stress Checks with Non-linear Material Behaviour

2.8.1 General Principles
The determination of a stress state while accounting for the material properties is the basis for
many further checks. For this purpose, one must follow the procedure described in Section
2.4 to determine the strain under service loads or increased service loads. No strain limits nor
safety coefficients are in effect for this check. The user can apply a modified material law for
this check.

In general, this task can only be solved iteratively. To accomplish this, the strain level of the
cross section, which is defined by the strain in the centroid and the curvatures in the two
coordinate directions, must be varied until the internal forces and moments of the cross section
sufficiently match the external ones.

The so-called BFGS (Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno) method is used for the non-linear

iteration. From the differences between internal and external forces a direction of change is
computed for the strain level, and iteration proceeds in this direction until it reaches an optimum
point. This procedure is called line-search, and its precision can be controlled by some input
for the CTRL record. Starting from the calculated optimum point, a new direction is determined
in the next step of iteration, using all the information computed thus far.

The mathematical prerequisite of convexity means, from mechanical perspective, that if the
curvature increases the internal moment must increase too. If stress-strain curves with falling
branches are defined, the solution can become ambiguous and the procedure may run into

Either the serviceability stress-strain curves or the ultimate stress-strain curves or an impute
mean value stress-strain curve with or without safety coefficients defined in AQUA may be
applied. As the choice of the correct curve may have considerable effect on the results, each
user should carefully select the best curve along his knowledge or opinion. As a guide-line the
EC2 states the following rules:

• The evaluation of deformations and the distribution of forces should use the mean values
(Ecm , fctm ) in general. (A 2.1 (3))
• For bracing elements, i.e. those where a lower stiffness is unfavourable, the mean values
of the concrete have to be divided by a safety factor of the material. (A3.4 (6) und A3.1 (6)).

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As these factors do not coincide with those of the design itself, they have to be specified
with the stress-strain law within AQUA.
• For the evaluation of the ultimate limit state one has to use design values. (A 2.1 (4)).
• For the design with the total system, reduced safety factors for the loading as well as for
the concrete may be used. (A 3.1)

The design takes into account any reinforcement possibly computed for the stored load cases.
If no reinforcement has been computed, or if a single combination of forces and moments has
been defined externally, the program uses the minimum reinforcement ratios set in AQUA.

2.8.2 Non effective plates (Sections of Class 4)

A special case of non linear behaviour is the effect of local buckling as it is defined in Eurocode
EN 1993-1-5. Depending on the slenderness ratio c/t and the acting compressive stress, parts
of a thin walled section may become ineffective for the normal stress. AQB will account for this
effect automatically. The values for c are defined in AQUA.

2.8.3 Strain Check

When some code requires observing certain maximum strains or checking that the neutral
axis runs only as far as the gravity centre, these values can be taken directly from the results

2.8.4 Stress Range of the Reinforcement

The stress range of the reinforcement is computed and verified, upon request, for all defined
load cases or combinations thereof. The stress range is derived from the maximum and mini-
mum steel stresses of all reinforcement elements in all of the examined load cases.

2.8.5 Crack Width Check

The basis of the check in accordance with many design codes is the calculation of a crack
width by the expression:

k = β · srm · (εsm − εcm ) (2.47)

where srm is the mean crack spacing, εsm the mean strain of the steel, εcm the mean strain
of the concrete between the cracks and β an optional safety coefficient (old EC 2 = 1.7). The
required design crack width wk is prescribed in AQB. The reduced coefficient for restraint must
be defined for thick cross sections through the explicit input of this value.

The two characteristic values are determined from the following expressions:

srm = k3 c + k1 k2 k4 · D/ ρz (2.48)

k1 = Bond coefficient (e.g. 0.8)

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ε1 + ε2
k2 + = (2.49)
2 · ε1

For the coefficient k2 it is essential, where the lesser value ε1 should be taken. For
”local design checks” different rules are applied than for the total section where it is
quite common to use k2 = 0.5 for bending despite of the real height of the tensile region.
k3 = national definable boxed value (Recommendation = 3.4)
k4 = national definable boxed value (Recommendation = 0.425)
D = mean Diameter in mm

‚ Œ
σs 1 1 σs
εsm − εcm = − kt · ƒct,eƒ ƒ · + ≥ 0.6 · (2.50)
Es Es · ρeƒ ƒ Ecm Es

kt = Factor for load characteristics (e.g. 0.4.-0.6)

(will be set according to a standardized factor,
e.g. kt = 0.2+0.4•β2 , see below)

ρeƒ ƒ = effektive reinforcement ratio considering the different bond properties of pre-
stressed and standard steel

DIN 1045-1 resp. Heft 525 DAfStB use somehow different formulas:

ds σs · ds
srm = ≤ ; kt = 0.4 (2.51)
3.6ρeƒ ƒ 3.6ƒct,eƒ ƒ

The old EC 2 and Heft 400 DAfStB use somehow different formulas:

srm = + 50 + 0.25k1 k2 · D/ ρz (2.52)

σs σsr 2 σs
εsm − εcm = · {1 − β1 · β2 · } ≥ 0.4 · (2.53)
Es σs Es

β1 = Factor for bond characteristics (0.8/K1)

β2 = Factor for load characteristics (e.g. 0.5-1.0)

σsr = · (1 + (n − 1)μz ) = ƒ rst crck stress (2.54)

AQB determines the first crack stress according to a more precise method, that also

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changeable tensile stresses considers from bending.

Other design codes like the SNIP use completely other formulas or establish additional con-
straints like the swedish BBK. More detailed hints may be found in the following chapters about
the design codes.

The size of the effective tension area for certain checks in AQUA can be input explicitly for each
reinforcement element. The value for the total reinforcement is computed by AQB by reducing
the height of the tension zone.

heƒ ƒ = mn{2.5 · (h − d) , (h − ) , h/ 2} (2.55)

Although the design codes specify d as the distance to the centroid of the reinforcements, it is
much more appropriate to use the distance to the resulting tensile force of the reinforcements.
The reduction of the tension zone height to the bottom third is not appropriate in practice,
because the axial force effects may make the tension zone become so small that the reinforce-
ment is located in the upper third of the tension zone. AQB presupposes a height here of at
least 2.0·(c-D/2) for this height.

The factor 2.5 is valid only for concentrated reinforcements and thin elements as stated in the
German national annexe. For thick sections DIN 1045-1 specifies two curves for bending and
centric constraining, referenced in the German annexe to EN 1992 only by the limits h/ d1 ≤ 10
resp. h/ d1 ≤ 5.

In consistency with the theoretical derivation, reinforcement with differing diameters or bond
characteristics (such as prestressing steel) is dealt with in such a way that the sum of the
components is made up according to the following formula:
D · K1

and this term is introduced into the crack width equation. The requirement of a square with 30
cm long sides is fulfilled in that a reference area AR can be defined for the tendons. If the value
of this area becomes less than or equal to 0.09 m2 , a uniform distribution is assumed and
the tendon is entered by its maximum value. For areas larger than 0.09 m2 , only a proportion
reduced by 0.09/AR is entered.

The minimum reinforcement based on the tensile stresses can be determined with the record

2.8.6 Other Checks for Crack Width

Other design codes use admissable stresses based on the diameter or spacing of the rein-
forcements. Both values may be specified in AQUA for any reinforcement element.

The old German DIN 4227 provided an explicit formula for the diameter:
r · μz
d ≤ · 104 (2.57)

The check is carried out for the strip between outermost reinforcement and neutral axis, yet not
greater than HMAX (80 cm). All reinforcement within this region, both conventional and pre-

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stressing steel, is taken into account for computing r ·μz . Prestressing steel in immediate bond
is accounted with its full area, whereas prestressing steel with subsequent bond is accounted
with the following formula:

rz ds
ΔAs =  · · (2.58)
r 4

The requirement of a square with 30 cm long sides is fulfilled in that a reference area AR can
be defined for the tendons. If the value of this area becomes less than or equal to 0.09 m2 ,
a uniform distribution is assumed and the tendon is entered by its maximum value. For areas
larger than 0.09 m2 , only a proportion reduced by 0.09/AR is entered.

The maximum over this region is used for the stress in the steel or the stress increase. Partic-
ular reinforcement elements referring to a partial area can also be checked, if the appropriate
values have been defined in AQUA.

2.8.7 Determination of Non-linear Stiffnesses

There are various options for considering the results of the strain state in an iterative static
analysis. The general relationship for moments an curvatures :


k y Ez Eyz M y ky,p
= · · +

kz ED E yz Ey Mz


th ED = Ey · Ez − (Eyz)2

cannot be evaluated for all five stiffness and plastic curvatures by given moments and curva-
tures. One solution is to set EIyz and the plastic curvatures equal to zero and compute the
remaining secant stiffnesses of the diagonal members.

Ez ky
= (2.60)
ED My

Ey kz
= (2.61)
ED Mz

This methodology may yield the right results after an iterative calculation for many cases. How-
ever, if EIyz deviates significantly from zero, the stiffnesses, which are defined in this manner,
can become considerably higher than the elastic values. And the formulas are not applica-
ble in this form for any initial stress or temperature gradients. A fully cracked unsymmetrically
reinforced sections with zero curvature would still yield a moment, thus the stiffness becomes
infinite. This effect could be treated with large effort by a shifted center of gravity. The SOFiSTiK
approach however is to select useable ”non linear effective elasticity moduli” referred to the
gross sectional area, which may become also larger than the elastic stiffness. The orientation
of the principal axes is maintained by a variation of the stiffness EIyz . Then the corresponding
plastic deformations are calculated. For the regular case EIyz =0, the following equations may
be used:

N = E A · (ε0 − ε0,p ) (2.62)

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My = Ey y · (ky − ky,p ) (2.63)

Mz = Ez z · (kz − kz,p ) (2.64)

An iterative analysis of the structure is generally possible by a great variety of methods. As

a true incremental tangential stiffness is not yet available we have to concentrate on three
variants of a secant stiffness formulation:

1. Secant stiffness
The curvatures ky and kz and the moments yield new stiffnesses according to equations and
. This method is usually the fastest. It may though become unstable in the neighbourhood of


EI = M k

Figure 2.9: Secant stiffness

the ultimate load.

2. Plastic curvatures
The stiffness remains unchanged, but plastic curvatures are created according to equation .


k pl = k - M EI0
k0 k

Figure 2.10: Plastic curvature

This method is more general and, as a rule, a little more stable. It can also cover biaxial
bending and changes in the axial stiffness with ease.

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3. Tangential stiffness
However it is much better in general to select a mixture of both methods by setting the stiffness
values to the true tangential stiffness and to fulfill equation by the introduction of the plastic

Independently of the used method, an automatic acceleration or damping is applied, which can
be controlled within certain limits.

There are three additional sub-variants possible in each case, which affect the determination
of the strain state.

Stiffness with the same moment (SN,KN) The strain plane continues to be modified until the



Figure 2.11: Type N method

internal match the external forces. This method approaches the desired solution quasi from
above, which means that it does indeed work faster, but with problems in the immediate vicinity
of the ultimate load.

Stiffness with the same curvature (S1,K1) The old curvatures are retained and the axial strain

E0 E1


Figure 2.12: Type 1 method

continues to be changed until the internal matches the external axial force. The internal mo-
ments MY and MZ, which are normally smaller than the external ones, and the old curvatures
yield the new stiffnesses and plastic curvatures. This method approaches from below and

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therefore always works, but it requires more iterations.

The default is the S1 method with automatic acceleration. In systems with only slightly utilised
cross sections, SN will generally give quicker results. In case of systems close to the ultimate
load, one should switch to K1, and perhaps reduce the automatic acceleration.

Effect of axial force

The preceding methods of type S are only limitedly suitable for a calculation of non-linear ef-
fects from axial force, since in reinforced concrete the strain of the centroid very often becomes
positive despite a negative axial force. The secant stiffness which is to be found would then
become negative. The type K procedures, with a plastic strain of the centroid axis, function
even in this case, however.

However, the calculation is not entirely free of problems for statically indeterminate systems,
since these plastic strains can create very high axial forces. For this reason the plastic strains
are used only in the extended K procedures, although they could theoretically be used in the
S procedures also. As a consequence calculations with plastic redistributions from axial force
can only be handled with these procedures.

Tension Stiffening
For a realistic determination of the stiffnesses, the cooperative effect of the concrete between
the cracks (tension stiffening) must be considered. This can be taken into account in AQB in
accordance with Eurocode EC 2 or the heft 525, by determining the crack widths. Instead of the
steel-strain for cracked condition, the mean steel strain is used for calculating the curvatures.

σs σsr 2
εsm = εsmr + · 1 − β1 · β2 ·
Es σs
εsmr = = men stee strn, ncrcked, crckng od

According Heft 525 of DAfStB the formulas are different.

0 ≤ σs ≤ σsr :

εsm = εs1 (2.66)

σsr ≤ σs ≤ 1.3 · σsr :

βt · (σs − σsr ) + (1.3σsr − σs )

εsm = εs2 · · (εsr2 − εsr1 ) (2.67)

1.3 · σsr ≤ σs ≤ ƒy :

εsm = εs2 − βt · (εsr2 − εsr1 ) (2.68)

ƒy ≤ σs ≤ ƒt :

εsm = εy − βt · (εsr2 − εsr1 ) + δd · 1 − · (εs2 − εsy ) (2.69)

δd is a parameter for the ductility, additional parameters can be found in the section on crack

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Displacement of the envelope line of the tensile force (shift rule)

A defined displacement of the envelope line of the tensile force is also considered when calcu-
lating the stiffnesses by means of a reduction in the effective steel stresses.

2.8.8 Interaction between Shear and Axial Stresses

On calculations to systems in the area of the ultimate load, the mutual influence of axial
stresses caused from bending and axial force with the shear stresses caused from torsion
and shear force has to be taken into account. To accomplish this, the keyword INTE has been
provided which may have one of the following values:

CTRL INTE 0 No interacction

CTRL INTE 1 Interaction with isotrope Reduction
CTRL INTE 2 Interaction with Prandtl-Flow Rule (Default)
CTRL INTE 3 Interaction with shear preference

The full theory to that was published by Katz in the journal ”Der Stahlbau” in 1998.

If shear and torsional stiffnesses have been defined in AQUA, then they will be reduced in the
proportion of internal to external forces and they will be stored as a non-linear stiffness to the

1. Solid sections
In solid sections a partial consideration of interaction is achieved through the shift rule. As
a further possibility also a reduction of the torsional and the shear stiffnesses is implemented
with the reduction of the normal and bending stiffness. An exact theory is not planned currently.

2. Thin walled cross sections

In thin walled sections all the elastic variation of the stresses in the section is known. For every
thin-walled cross section element (panel) during determination of the internal forces in three
selected points (Gauss-Legendre Points) the elastic stresses will be calculated:

- An axial stress σ -x constant about the thickness

- A constant shear stress about the thickness caused from shear force, from shear flow
after Bredt and secondary torsion τ -m
- An increase of stress towards the boundary caused from Saint-Venant torsion Δt

The von Mises flow rule will be evaluated to a point at distance t/6 from the boundary with the
highest stresses. During yielding redistribution of stresses caused from constraints in the cross
section may occur. However these can be taken into account only with a three dimensional non-
linear finite element analysis. Therefore in AQBS the yield condition is taken into consideration
in the form of an elastic part:
α = p (2.70)
σ 2 + 3τ 2

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For σ the elastic stress E · e will be used. Afterwards the non-linear stresses will be defined
equal to the elastic stresses multiplied by α . They will be integrated each part separately to
the cross section forces. Three different methods for the determination of the elastic part are
implemented. The default is the method according to Prandtl with one flow rule.

For the determination of the inner torsional moment the parts of the open cross section are
decollated determines to the shear flow after Bredt. The Bredt shear flow is influenced mainly
through the thinner point of the cross section. The minimum factor α of all sections parts with
Bredt shear flow will be calculated therefore and this factor will be applied to the total torsional

2.9 Fatigue Design

2.9.1 General Principles
The design against fatigue is either performed via a check against the accumulation of damage
according to Palmgre-Miner which is not available in AQB or more or less simplified using
admissible sways of stresses or damage equivalent stresses.

For the loading there are special load trains available (e.g. LM3 in Eurocode 1). For such load
cases special enlargements of the forces and moments are selectable with the item FAT in
record LC. However in many cases also the frequent load combination values of the standard
live loads may be used. In both cases there are multiple load cases or load case combinations
and further checks have to be done based on the minimum and maximum stresses from the
set of results. For concrete the reference stress from permanent loads is also needed.

The design check against fatigue is only performed for reinforcements and tendons and dis-
crete stress points.

2.9.2 Fatigue according to EN 1992-1-1 / DIN 1045-1

As the exact fatigue stress check according EN 1992-1-1 chapter 6.8.4 (DIN 1045-1, 10.8.3) is
not available, the damage equivalent stress ranges according to EN 1992-1-1 chapter 6.8.5 or
the simplified check according 6.8.7 (2) is used. The type of design is triggered by the definition
of the coefficients LAMC, LAMT and LAMS. There are the following choices:

• Definitions with λ > 0.0

Check of damage equivalent stress range obtained from the real fatigue stress. This is
specified with equations (6.71) and 6.72) according EN 1992-1-1 6.8.5 and 6.8.7(1) (10.8.3
in DIN 1045-1). For bridges according EN 1992-2 appendix NN there are explicit correction
coefficient λs resp λt resp. λc . For buildings these coefficients are assumed to be 1.0.

Δσeq = λ · Δσ (NN.101) (2.71)

Δσt,eq ≤ = ƒtd,ƒ t (6.71) (2.72)
γt,ƒ t

Δσs,eq ≤ = ƒsd,ƒ t (6.71) (2.73)
γs,ƒ t

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σcd,m,eq u σcd,mn,eq
+ 0.43 1 − ≤ 1.0 (6.72) (2.74)
ƒcd,ƒ t σcd,m,eq

v !
u σcd,mn,eq
σcd,m,eq ≤ ƒcd,ƒ t · 1.0 − 0.43 1− (2.75)

• λ-values are given negative

Then the simplified check with admissible sways of the concrete and reinforcements form
the maximum and minimum stresses of the frequent load combinations according to chap-
ter 6.8.6 and 6.8.7(2) of EN 1992-1-1 (DIN 1045-1 10.8.4) are performed. For the tendons
a modified decompression check with 75 % of the prestress is foreseen.

Δσs < |λ| · Δσs,k / γ < 70MP (2.76)

σcd,m σcd,mn
≤ 0.50 + 0.45 ≤ 0.9|0.8 (2.77)
ƒcd,ƒ t ƒcd,ƒ t

• Deactivate the fatigue design check with λ = 0.0.

Admissible values of the sway have been defined with the material in AQUA. The safety factors
are already included in those values then. A value defined in NSTR for SIGS will establish an
upper limit on the admissible steel stress (eg. SIGS 70)

The stresses of the reinforcements will be increased by a correction factor η due to the different
bond behaviour. This is accomplished with the extended formula:
As zs + Ap zp
η = È (2.78)
As zs + Ap zp ξ d s

It should be pointed out, that this formula will yield very large values if the reinforcement is
defined with a very small area.

A rather nasty problem is the evaluation of the shear. The DIN design code allows a simple
solution based on a corrected value for the inclination of the compressive struts:
tnθƒ tge = tnθ (2.79)

Unfortunately it is nearly impossible to keep this value from the shear design for all individual
shear cuts or transform it to different load combinations and reinforcement distributions for
the fatigue stress check. AQB uses instead a fixed value of 4/7 for the tangents. The user
may overwrite this value however with any desired value. As AQB uses the modified internal
lever of forces based on the real stress distribution, an increase of the shear stress is already
activated. If this circumstances allow a classification of a ”more detailed design” is up to the
users decision.

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2.9.3 Fatigue according to DIN 15018 / DS 804

The design check according to DIN 15018 or DS 804 is done automatically for all stress points
assigned with an appropriate loading group and a notch condition in AQUA.

2.10 Special Effects of Design according to DIN

As the DIN codes develop in parallel to the Euro-codes, the user has to pay special attention
to the correct selection of the design codes.

2.10.1 Shear Checks According to DIN 4227 Zone a

A check in accordance with DIN 4227 Zone a is carried out when a stress check with ultimate
loads under uncracked conditions (Stage I) with the record STRE has been requested.

The inclination of the truss struts is computed based on the stresses of an uncracked stage:
σ − σy
tnα1 = (2.80)

0.6 · τreƒ
tnα = tnα1 · 1 − ≥ 0.4 (2.81)

The lower limit of 0.4 for a is not applicable in the determination of the principle compres-
sive stresses (see Volume 320 of DAfStB [ Deutscher Ausschuss für Stahlbeton = German
Committee for Reinforced Concrete] ). An inclination of 45 degrees is specified for torsion.

The shear reinforcement is computed so as to cover for the centre point of a cut, based on the
effective width and the mean torsional shear stress τm,T found in AQUA:

T = τ,V · tnα · bq + τm,T · b0 (2.82)

For cross sections with torsional stresses according to the integral equation method, AQUA
chooses a conservative average shear stress, which can lead to a slight overdesign (e.g. 3%).

The minimum reinforcement is used according to table 5 of A1 and the the explanations
about that from Tue, König, Pommerening (Bautechnik 1999) (Differences in particular at wide

When checking the principal tensile stresses at boundary points, longitudinal tensile stresses
are not taken into consideration (Section 12.2.(1)).

No reinforcement is computed by this design for sections, of which the stress limit has been
exceeded (Zone B). The principal stresses can be computed, however, and they can be output
with ECHO SHEA EXTR. The stress limits are checked separately for each material.

The rules of Zone b are always applicable for tensioned flanges (Section 12.4.2 (4)).

2.10.2 Shear Checks According to DIN 4227 Zone b

A check in accordance with DIN 4227 Zone b is carried out when a bending design with shear
reinforcement has been requested.

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When checking in accordance with DIN 4227, the calculated stress is compared with the lower
and upper values of the design limits. The inclination of the truss struts is computed by the

in general:
0.6 · τm
tnα = 1.0 · 1 − ≥ 0.4 (2.83)

for construction joints:

0.6 · τm
tnα = 1.0 · 1 − 0.25 · ≥ 0.4 (2.84)

An inclination of 45 degrees is specified for torsion. When shear reinforcement is required, it is

output and saved.

If a check in accordance with Zone a (STRE) has been performed in the same input block,
the so computed reinforcement is not saved if the maximum stress limit has not been reached.
The corresponding cuts are marked with A or I (uncracked Stage I) instead of B. If this is not
the case, this reinforcement will be selected.

Since the stress limit in uncracked Stage I is only approximately calculated here for an ideal
cross section, with a deviation of a few percentage points, it is possible in rare cases that some
sections will not be designed in either case. For cross sections with more than one material,
the program checks the value of stress limit whose material number was defined by the SECT

The rules of Zone a are always applicable for compressed flanges (Section 12.4.2 (6)).

2.10.3 Crack Width according to DIN 4227 Appendix A1

The evaluation of the minimum reinforcement according to DIN 4227 A1 is based on the elastic
stress distribution and is therefore a post-processing option to the design step STRE. Correc-
tions given by Tue/König/Pommerening have been incorporated.

• The minimum reinforcement is increased for wide beams (not slabs) with b0>2d0.
• Changed definition of d0 for kc (6.7.3.)

Further the following assumptions have to be defined:

• The material which shows the smallest compressive stress for the limit LIMA becomes
• The direction of the reference line is determined by means of the stress distribution includ-
ing all residual stresses in this material.
• Coefficient k is interpreted as the thinnest place in the cross section to determine from wall
elements or shear cuts.
• Coefficient kc can become also negative, then the whole minimum reinforcement is deacti-
vated through this coefficient!
• d0 is taken as the effective height vertically to the reference line. The proportional consider-
ation of prestressed steel occurs about the bond coefficients according to EC 2. A separate

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definition of bond stress ratios is not required.

2.10.4 Shear Design according to DIN 1045 (1988)

The design of non-prestressed construction elements according to DIN 1045 examines the
shear regions for beams with the defined stress limits, and performs a reduction of the shear
stress if appropriate beam sections have been defined. No shear stresses are computed in
between the defined beam sections. The inclination of the compression struts of the truss is
always assumed to be 45 degrees. The input value TANA is thus the minimum factor of the
shear coverage. The following shear regions are considered:

Ia. without reinforcement (plates, rectangular cross section only)

τ0 ≤ k · τ01 τ = 0. (2.85)

Ib. minimum reinforcement (beams)

τ0 ≤ τ01 τ = 0.4τ0 (2.86)

II. reduced shear coverage

τ01 < τ0 ≤ τ02 τ = ≥ 0.4τ0 (2.87)

III. full shear coverage (shear force only)

τ0 ≤ τ03 τ = τ0 (2.88)

Equation (17.1) is additionally checked for:

τ0 τT
+ ≤ 1.3 (2.89)
τ03 τ02

In case of fully tensioned cross sections, the design is based on the principle tensile stress
computed in uncracked Stage I without further reduction. For numerical reasons, only sections,
by which the 1/1.75- multiple of the tensile concrete strength is exceeded, are considered to be
fully tensioned. In case of fully compressed cross sections the design is similarly performed in
Stage I, yet a reduction is permitted.

If needed, the principal compressive stress is checked by analogy with DIN 4227.

The preset shear stress limits are appropriately increased for design under ultimate loads.

2.10.5 Shear Design according DIN 1045-1 (2001)

The shear design deviates in some points from the Eurocode especially for the minimum rein-
forcement and inclination of the struts.

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2.11 Special Effects of Design according OENORM

2.11.1 Concrete Shear Design according to old OeNORM
Designing according to old OeNORM is still available using a truss analogy, with a standard
inclination of 45 degrees. Differentiation is made between B 4200, B 4250 and B 4253 as far
as the application of the reduction. The code provides for a reference stress τ1 . The following
stress limits are defined in B4200:

T01 ( 2 τ1 )
τV ≤ T02 (10 τ1 )
τT ≤ T02 (10 τ1 )
τV+T ≤ T03 (12 τ1 )
as well as a reduction force
Vred = b0 · z · τ1

B 4200 designs for:

Minimum reinforcement, if τV ≤ T01

V reduced by Vred , if τV ≥ T01 and τT ≤ T01
full shear force, if τV ≥ T01 and τT ≥ T01

B 4250 designs for ultimate loads. The reduction value is thus increased. The clause with the
torsional stress is cancelled in this case.

Minimum reinforcement, if τV ≤ T01

V reduced by 1.4·Vred , if τV ≥ T01

B 4253 does not contain any reduction value, the inclination of the truss is reduced instead
according to 12.2.2.(3) :

tan α = 0.6 to 1.0 by 0.0 to 2.5 o/oo tensile strain

2.11.2 Design according to OENORM B 4700

The B 4700 is similar to the Eurocode, but there are deviations. The most significant is the
different definition of concrete class based on the cubic strength.

Some how uncertain is 2.4.2. (3). The steel strain will not be checked by AQB. We believe
that the provision of symmetric reinforcements in those cases by AQB will cover the intended

For the inclination of the diagonals of the truss model we have the formulas (23) and (24) of
OENORM. The lower limit of 0.4 is only allowed for continuous reinforcement. This has to be
specified in REIN as SPAN.

The serviceability check uses a given interpolation factor between tables 7/8 and 9/10. Table
9 and 10 have been extended for smaller stresses according to the theoretical base.

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The B 4750 has additional factors for the creep coefficients if the strength is higher than 35
MPa. The deductional areas of tendons is always the full duct area.

2.12 Design according to SIA

The mean value of permissible inclination for shear force and torsion is freely selectable be-
tween 25 and 45 degrees within SIA 262, the maximum allowed shear is given by equation

VRd,c = b zkc ƒcd (cosα + cotβsnα)snα (2.90)

The coefficients kc will be selected based on the stress distribution and the CUT-properties

The coefficient k for plates without shear links is taken as 3.0 and modified according to the
steel strength and the grading of the longitudinal reinforcements. Modifications according to
the maximum grain have to be specified explicitly.

2.13 Design according to French BAEL

Shear design according to BAEL-91 as modified in the year 1999 still uses the deductional
stress method. The admissible stresses depend on the inclination of the shear links (A5.1,21),
but have the same value for all type of shear. There is a factor k which modifies the shear force
of the concrete depending on the normal force and bending stresses. (A5.1,23).

The design for cracking is done via a limit for the stresses according to A.4.5,323.

2.14 Design according to Italian Code

The ministerial decret from 1996 allows the design according to the EC with the Italian material
definitions. But there still exists the old method with a deductional stress. A special option
is the parameter δ, which has a value between 0 and 2 depending on the normal force and
the decompression moment. This value is then applied as a factor to the shear force of the
concrete. Further it has to be noted that the admissible shear stress is depending on the
inclination of the shear links. This document contains also a regulation for the use of the old
EC2 with the formulas of the eurocode and the materials of the DM-1996. (Safety factor of
concrete is 1.6, Inclination of struts in truss model is 0.5 < tan < 1.0 etc.).

NTC (Norme Tecniche) of year 2005 was an intermediate solution, where material safety
(1.9/1.5) was referred on the cubical strength Rck of the concrete. The crack width accord-
ing Table 5.1-X is also depended on the sensitivity of the reinforcement, and the stresses had
to be checked for the serviceability condition according to table 5.1-XI and 5.1-XII depending
on the environmental conditions.

The NTC (Norme Tecniche) of year 2008 is now nearly identical to the EN 1992 fast vollständig
überein. Small deviations are in the material parameters only. Formulas for the crack width
have to be taken from the comment however, they are not included in the design code itself.
Also for non linear analysis detailed provisions are not given.

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2.15 Design according to Spanish EHE

At the first glance the regulations for the EHE are very similar to those of the German DIN
1045-1, however the design is rather different as the EHE uses still a possible deduction of
shear, which is for vertical links as follows:
V ≤ V1 = K · ƒ1cd · b0 d · (2.91)
1 + cot 2 θ

V ≤ V2 = Vc + Vs = τc · b0 d · β + z · cotθ · · ƒyd (2.92)

The first row is a check against compressive stress and will be marked as such if not passed.
The second equation will get a value of τc from the bending design, deduct this from the
shear force and will cover the remaining force with links. The coefficient SS depends on the
inclination of the struts with rather complex formulas. The inclination of the struts will be iterated
between 0.5 and 2.0. For the least inclination the value of SS will become 0.0!

The design will be done by a scaled shear stress V/bd, a deductional shear stress τc · β and
the maximum allowed shear stress of v-u1 = V1 /bd.

2.16 Design according to Danish DS

The Danish design code has the special provision that the safety factor for the material has six
parts, which have to be combined to a single value when defining the material. Per default the
parabola-rectangular diagram is used, but the constant stress block is also available. The shear
design follows a strut and tie modell, where the steepest inclination of the struts is depending
on the inclination of the shear links. The crack width is controlled by a rather simple formula for
the case of the fine crack system.

2.17 Design according to Swedish BBK

The Swedish design code have the special provision that the safety factor for the material has
two parts: First η • γm (= 1.5 for concrete) for the material itself, which is defined with the
material in AQUA, then a second safety class factor γn dependant on the type of the structure
which is defined when selecting the design code and thus will preset the safety factors for

There are no special effects for the bending design, but for the shear a deduction method is
foreseen where the concrete capacity is dependant on the normal stress, the prestress and
the existing longitudinal reinforcement. (Sections 3.7.3 and 3.7.4.)

2.18 Design according to British Standard

Design for normal force and moments according to BS has no specialities compared to the
standard methods. The predefined stress-strain laws are all we need. For the check of stresses
for bridges the user must prescribe the admissible stresses in general. Shear design is imple-
mented according to BS 8110 and BS 5400:Part4:1990. For the latter the user has to select
the class of the sections. Then you have to distinguish between:

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• Shear force ”Section uncracked in flexure (equation 28)”

Vco = 0.67 · b · h · (ƒt2 + ƒcp · ƒt ) (2.93)

• Shear force ”Section cracked in flexure (equation 29), class 1 and class 2 only
Æ Mcr
Vcr = 0.037 · b · d · ƒc + · V (2.94)

The ratio Mcr /M will be derived from the forces of the given combination via the normal
stresses, which allows an immediate scaling of the shear force or stress.
• Section cracked in flexure (equation 30), class 3 only
Fpe Mo
Vcr + = −0.55 · · c · b · d + · V (2.95)
Fp M

Also for this case everything is treated via the ratio Mo /M and not V/M. Theoretically the
ratio V/M should be evaluated for every load pattern, but this would require to perform all
superpositions within AQB. We believe that the evaluation of the ratio for the given combi-
nation is sufficient in general.
• Required Reinforcements
As b
mns = = 0.4 · (2.96)
s (0.87 · ƒy )

As (V + 0.4 · b · d − Vc )
s = = (2.97)
s (0.87 · ƒy · d)

Ast T
st = = (2.98)
s (1.6 · 1 · y1 · 0.87 · ƒy )

The depth d is according to the code the distance from the outmost compression fibre to the
centre of gravity of the reinforcements, but not less than 0.8·h.

There is no remark within the text of the standard if V/M includes forces from prestress. As it
is generally intended to work on the ultimate forces and as there is no specific safety factor for
prestress available, we use only external load contributions according to our technical knowl-
edge: If you consider the ratio M/Mcr , the part of the shear force of the concrete will become
zero if prestress and tensile strength is fully used from the external moment. From that follows
that M must not include prestress while V is the shear force including parts of inclined tendons.

According to the standard the shear part of the inclined tendons has to be added to the resis-
tance Vc0 (uncracked) but not to the resistance Vcr (cracked), which is not followed by AQB.
For the evaluation of the reinforcements V should include those parts.

Theoretically one has to consider all beam sections for all load cases to select the side of the
section to have compression or tension for the evaluation of Mcr and d. We use a bounding
rectangle with its corners and midsides for this purpose.

SOFiSTiK 2018 2-45

AQB | Theoretical Principles

For the evaluation of the shear stress from torsion the standard has equation 9a for rectangular
sections. This will provide for some ratios hmin/hmax lesser values than those provided by
classical mechanics, which is compensated by much lesser admissible stresses compared to
DIN/EC. AQB will not use this formula at all, due to unknown theoretical background. Instead
the stresses from AQUA will be multiplied with a factor of 1.25 similar to equation 10a.

Crack width may be evaluated according BS 5400 Part 4 5.8.8. For the tension stiffening effect
a reduction is performed with an assumed tensile strength at the height of the reinforcement.
What you need are the nominal cover values from table 13:

Concrete Grade
Environment 25 30 40 50
Extreme - - 65 55
(Marine structures / moorland / pH < 4.5)
Very Severe - (60) 50 40
(De-icing salts / sea water spray)
Severe - 45 35 30
(driving rain/alternate wetting and drying)
Moderate 45 35 30 25
(fully sheltered / pH > 4.5)

2.19 Design according ACI / AASHTO

ACI and AASHTO have been published in a metric SI and in an imperial units version.
SOFiSTiK uses the metric version where ever possible. The conversion of the constants within
these standards is not very precise, thus you have to expect some small but remarkable devi-

As the AASHTO 2002 has foreseen allowable stress and STRENGTH-Design as alternate
methods, and the appendix A of the ACI has been withdrawn 2002, we supply only the second
variant. Checks for allowable stresses according to 9.15.2. for prestressed concrete members
are not fully covered automatically (only 0.6 fc’).

With the appearance of the ACI 02 several important changes have been introduced, however
the old provisions still exist in Appendix B and C, which are available with a separate INI-file.

Minimal moments according 8.17.1 of AASHTO may be selected via the literal MCR as load
type at any combination. The factor is then to be defined as 1.2.

The safety factors of the materials are expected with their inverse faktors (ACI and AAHSTO
nearly identical):

Tension, Bending and tensional bending: 0.90

Compression and compressive bending: 0.65
Shear 0.85

2-46 SOFiSTiK 2018

Theoretical Principles | AQB

For small compressive forces the safety factor will be interpolated according to the steel strain.
The old version based on the minimum from 0.1·fc ·A and the normal force Pb of the ”balanced
strain condition” is only available with the 318-99 version. This estate of ”balanced strain
condition” will be evaluated first if the section is not fully under compressive stresses. The
safety factor is then evaluated and will be kept despite of any changes of strain within the

Minimum reinforcement according to 10.5.1 and 10.5.3 will be considered, 10.5.2 however not.
The referenced area of the section will be scaled with d/h. If the relative bearing capacity is
larger than 1.3 the minimum reinforcement will be reduced accordingly.

Additional moments according to 10.12.3. will be only applied if a value for BETA at record
BEAM is defined. We use Cm=1.0 and beta-d=0.6. Sway frames with slenderness ratios
larger than 100 require a more detailed analysis via STAR2.

Shear design will follow chapter 11.3.2. of ACI resp. 5.8.3. (2002: 8.16.6) of AASHTO. For
prestressed sections we need according to 11.4.2. the values V and Mm of a different load
case than that actually worked on, which is a problem for AQB. Also the evaluation of Mcr
needs values from other combinations.

To cope with all these requirements:

1. The combination MAX-M has to be designed before the combination MAX-V. Then
only AQB will remember the maximum values.
2. For the calculation of Mcr uniaxial bending is assumed. The load cases of permanent
actions have to be defined as such within the load combination to allow the evaluation
of the ”unfactored dead load”.
3. The shear part of inclined tendons will only be used for Vc . This is a deviation of
the standard AQB procedure which implies that this part will have the security factor
of 0.85 applied or if Vc < Vc will not be used at all.

Shear-Friction according 11.7.4. is not yet accounted for.

The depth d is according to the code the distance from the outmost compression fibre to the
centre of gravity of the reinforcements, but not less than 0.8·h.

AASHTO LRFD (2004) describes the shear design in chapter 5.8.3./4. in detail and rather
complex. If AQUA has defined the crack spacing parameter se for a section, the design will
be made using table 2, otherwise the values of Table 1 are used. The strain ε will be always
taken for the mid of the shear cut.

Torsion within the ACI relies for the reinforcements exactly on the equivalent hollow section,
but for the allowed stresses there is a simplified formula (11.6.1 resp. 11.6.3). AQB treats the
value of Mt ·U/1.7·A2 of 11.6.3 as real shear stress and factorises it for 11.6.1. Variant b of
this formula is not accounted for. For the inclination of the struts there is always a value of 45
degrees. For prestressed sections this can be modified with input of DESI TANA 0.767 to the
37.5 degrees for the torsion. Minimum reinforcement according to will be considered, however not.

Design of prestressed composite sections is only possible if the reference material is of type

SOFiSTiK 2018 2-47

AQB | Theoretical Principles

Chapters 9.5 ”Control of deflections” is not implemented, as AQB has much more sophisti-
cated methods available.

Crack width according to 10.6.4. has not been implemented.

Determination of creep and shrinkage coefficients is not suited for a computer program. The
have to be defined by the user himself explicitly.

2.20 Design according to Russian SNIP

SNIP 2.03.01 -84 has so many formulas and regulations, that a 100 percent implementation is
hardly possible within a general software. AQB has to generalize many provisions to allow a
design according to the SNIP in general cases. The sucessor SP 52-101 has been simplified
in some points, but has still some open points.

Design according to knows two limit states: Group 1 (ultimate load) and Group 2 (Service-
ability). The selection of the safety coefficients is rather complex, as they depend not only on
the loading but also on the importance of the structure. This should be done therefore within
SOFiLOAD and MAXIMA, i.e. those safety factors have to be included in the forces and mo-
ments when entering the design. In AQB we have only the factors γb according to Table 15 to
apply. The default is γb = 0.9.

2.20.1 Moment and Normal Force

For the bending design a constant stress block is foreseen with an optimal height given by
a value ξR . If the compressive zone becomes larger additional compressive reinforcement
is needed. This provision is identical to the approach implemented in AQB with an optimum
tensile stress of the reinforcements. For the selected maximum compressive strain, the value
ξR will define for every combination of materials an optimum tensile strain.

The minimum reinforcement according to 5.16 Table 38 resp. rule 8.3.4. is dependant on the
slenderness and eccentricity of the load.

2.20.2 Shear and Torsion

The design for the shear force is done with a truss model. Instead of the inclination of the
compressive strut, SNIP defines a projection co of the inclined section. However as this value
is given by the inclination of the crack direction, the design formulas may be transformed from
the shear force Q to the shear flux T = Q/z easily:
c0 = (2.99)

Lower and upper limits for co are given by ho and 2 ho , from that we have depending on z
corresponding limits for the crack angle. A definition of TANA / TANB in input record DESI
however is always taken based on the ratio co /ho .

Another important dimension is c which is the distance from the considered section to the face
of the support. As this value is limited to an upper value it will become effective only in the
vicinity of the support.

2-48 SOFiSTiK 2018

Theoretical Principles | AQB

The maximum shear force is limited on the compressive strength of the concrete according to
SNIP equation (72):
τb = ≤ 0.3 · φ1 · φb1 · Rb (2.100)

or according to SP 52 equation (6.65):

τb = ≤ φb1 · Rb ; φb1 = 0.30 (2.101)

The part of the concrete in this formula as well as in others to follow are ruled by the coefficients
ϕb1 · Rb , ϕb2 · Rbt , ϕb3 · Rbt , ϕb4 · Rbt . As these factors depend on the concrete class, all
necessary definitions have to be made when defining the material in AQUA.

Shear design is done with a deduction method, i.e. the total shear force is given according to
3.31. equation 75 as the sum:

Q ≤ Q = Qs + Qs,nc + Qb (2.102)

The part Qs,nc has to be accounted for as with any other design code either globally with in-
clined shear links or as a post processing from the total required shear links. The part Ts
is given by the following relation (neglecting shear link inclination and compressive stress per-
pendicular to the section:
As Qs Qs
= = · tnθR (2.103)
s c0 · Rs z · Rs

The part of the concrete is given from equation (76)

Qb h0
τb = = φb2 1 + φƒ + φn

· Rbt · (2.104)
bh0 c

For the SP 52 the factors ϕƒ and ϕn are not defined (=Zero), the value ϕb2 is set to 1.5.

In the old SNIP the factor ϕƒ is defined for general sections as a similar relation based on the
shear deformation area according to:

(bƒ − b)hƒ Aƒ 
φƒ = 0.75 · = 0.75 · ≤ 0.5 (2.105)
b · h0 A

The value ϕn takes care of the normal force either from compressive forces (78) or tensile
forces (79). The total value of 1+ϕn + ϕƒ is limited to 1.5.

A further limit for Qb is given as follows:

φb2 · > φb3 (2.106)

The minimum shear reinforcement is given according to equation (83)

φb3 (1 + φƒ + φn ) · Rbt · b
qs = (2.107)

Again for the SP 52 the factors ϕƒ and ϕn are not defined, the value ϕb3 may be assumed to
be 0.5.

SOFiSTiK 2018 2-49

AQB | Theoretical Principles

For sections without shear links, the allowable shear is given in the SNIP by equation (84) with
the limits of 2.5 · Rbt · bh0 and the coefficient ϕb3 :
Q0 h0
τ0 = = φb4 (1 + φƒ + φn ) · Rbt · (2.108)
bh0 c

Torsion will be treated independently, the interaction of the compressive stresses are accounted
for however by an interaction rule.

2.20.3 Serviceability and Crack Width

For the design for a single crack a moment has to be generated reaching the tensile strength,
which may be accomplished via the COMB record.

For the design of the completed crack pattern, SNIP chapter 4.14 gives the relation (144) for
the crack width acrc :
σs 3
crc = δφ η 20(3.5 − 100μ) d (2.109)

The value ϕ is depending on the concrete, a special override with an input value is possible.

For the design of the completed crack pattern, SP chapter 7.2.12 gives now the relation (7.13)
for the crack width acrc :
crc = φ1 φ2 φ3 ψs s (2.110)

2.21 Design according to Australian Standards

Die Australian design codes AS 3600 / AS 5100 and the New-Zealand NZS 3101 deviate in
details, but have much in common. The safety factors are implemented as ”strength-reduction
factors” ϕ < 1.0. The AS has a rather complicated scheme to establish this factor (Table 2.3),
which is based on the design of the moment without normal force and a modification of the
reduction factor caused by the normal force. This method is definitely not suitable for AQB at

However AQB takes care of the critical height of the compressive zone with coefficient k = 0.4
according to row b. For a compressive strain of -3.0 per mille this yields an optimal steel strain
of +4.5 per mille. The safety factor is then interpolated depending on the steel strain exactly
as in the ACI and a compressive reinforcement is provided. In 2005 a similar interpolation
depending on the relative height k0 has been introduced.

This coefficient ϕ will be modified depending on the axial forces. However this requires the
knowledge of the reinforcements, Thus a proper evaluation is only possible with a design check
for a given reinforcement which follows the common design practice with manual calculations.

The design may be performed with any suitable parabola-rectangular diagram or a special con-
stant stress block, which has been implemented but is not activated as default. The maximum
stress value is reduced with a factor to 0.85 fc ’, the height of the block is reduced according

2-50 SOFiSTiK 2018

Theoretical Principles | AQB

Creep and shrinkage values according to provisions of paragraph 6.1 are available completely.

Shear design has a shear strength vc from the concrete according to paragraph 8.2.7. and
a part of the reinforcements according 8.2.9/10. The maximum shear stress for shear and
torsion is 0.2 fc ’. A linear interaction is defined.

Check against cracking is performed based on an admissible stress in the reinforcements

according to tables. 8.6.1 a/b. For prestressed concrete the maximum tensile stress will be
compared with the mean value of the tensile strength. If that value is exceeded the stell stress
will be limited to 200 MPa according clause 8.6.2.

SOFiSTiK 2018 2-51

AQB | Theoretical Principles

2-52 SOFiSTiK 2018

Description of Input | AQB

3 Description of Input

3.1 Input Language

The input is done in a free format with the CADINP input language (see the general manual
SOFiSTiK: ’FEA / STRUCTURAL Installation and Basics’).

Three categories of units are distinguished:

mm Fixed unit. Input is always required in the specified unit.

[mm] Explicit unit. Input defaults to the specified unit. Alternatively, an explicit as-
signment of a related unit is possible (eg. 2.5[m] ).

[mm] 1011 Implicit unit. Implicit units are categorised semantically and denoted by a cor-
responding identity number (shown in green). Valid categories referring to the
unit ”length” are, for example, geodetic elevation, section length and thickness.
The default unit for each category is defined by the currently active (design code
specific) unit set. This input default can be overridden as described above. The
specified unit in square brackets corresponds to the default for unit set 5 (Eu-
rocodes, NORM UNIT 5).

3.2 Input Records

The following record names and keywords are defined:

Record Items
CS CS0 CS1 CS2 CS3 ... CS31
Table continued on next page.

SOFiSTiK 2018 3-1

AQB | Description of Input

Record Items
LC3 F3 LC4 F4 LC5 F5 LC6
P8 P9 P10 P11 P12 TITL
MT2 AS0 AS1 AS2 ... AS9

Input is divided into blocks, which conclude with the record END. Within each block, any desired
load case and beam combination may be selected and processed with the design operations.
The program is terminated when an empty block (END/END) is encountered.

The records HEAD, END and PAGE are described in the general manual SOFiSTiK: ’FEA /
STRUCTURAL Installation and Basics’.

3.3 Overview of the Design Operations

There are various design operations, each activated by a corresponding record. With the
exception of EIGE, every task may be selected multiple times.

The individual operations are:

EIGE Internal stresses in composite and pre-stressed concrete due to creep and
shrinkage or construction stage (AQBS only)
STRE Stress determination according to elasticity theory Sectional design based
on ultimate plastic forces

3-2 SOFiSTiK 2018

Description of Input | AQB

DESI Determination of required reinforcement or relative loading capacity including

shear safety for cracked conditions
NSTR Determination of stresses, strains and stiffness with consideration of the ma-
terial law, calculation of crack width and check of absolute or the range of

Saving results
Results of design (combination forces, reinforcements, stresses, utilisation factors) can be
saved in the database. The reinforcement has its own case number LCR. For more Details see
record REIN. All other results will be saved under a load case number either identical to the
selected load case (TYPE ”(D)” etc) or specified with LCST for any superposition combination.

If an iteration with a static calculation of program STAR2 or ASE should take place, then in
most cases the records DESI, REIN and NSTR can be input directly in STAR2 or ASE. If the
requirements to the design differ, then a batch type iteration with ITER can be used instead
(see manual with general instructions).

3.4 Important changes to the Version 2016

With an explicit selection of a design code, only those sections will be designed, having a
reference material matching the scope of the design code.

The printout has been completely redesigned in tabular form. This implied some separations
in multiple tables to get a better overview. The ECHO control has been adopted.

AQUA creates now sections as finite elements. If this mesh should not be used for the design,
it may be deselected with CTRL FEM 0.

SOFiSTiK 2018 3-3

AQB | Description of Input

3.5 NORM – Default Design Code


Item Description Unit Default

DC Design code family LT EN

EN Eurocodes
DIN German Standard
OEN Austrian Standard
SIA Swiss Standard
AS Standard
BS British Standard
IS Indian Standard
US US Standards (ACI etc.)
GB Chinese Building Codes
NF French Standard
UNI Italian Standard
UNE Spanish Standard
SS Swedish Standard
DS Danish Standard
NS Norwegian Standard
SNIP Russian Standard
NZS New Zealand Standard
SFS Finnish Standard
NEN Netherlands Standard
NBN Belgian Standard
NBR Brazilian Standard
ZA South African Standard

NDC Designation of a specific design code Lt16 -

COUN Country code for boxed values within EN − *
CAT Category or Class Lt4 -/!

LON Geographic longitude ◦ 0

LAT Geographic latitude ◦ 45
G Gravity acceleration m/ sec2 *
ALT Altitude above sea level m 0.0
Table continued on next page.

3-4 SOFiSTiK 2018

Description of Input | AQB

Item Description Unit Default

WIND Wind zone Lt4 *

SNOW Snow zone Lt4 *
SEIS Seismic zone Lt4 *
WCAT Terrain category for wind Lt4 *

UNIT Selection of a set of units − *

LANG Selection of a output language default − *

Many defaults for materials, superposition and design are selected according to the selected
design code and an optional country code and all the other data provided with this record. It is
therefore requested to specify this data with the beginning of the project.

A redefinition of the design code after the definition of actions or load cases have been
defined or the editing of the INI-File to include ”missing” materials does not comply with
the provisions of SOFiSTiK for a proper use of the software.

It is possible to redefine the design code NORM temporarily for the design (eg. concrete / steel)
if the parameters of the actions remain the same. As this might have some special risque, the
user should use this option thoroughly.

Although there are still explicit code fragments in the software unavoidable, many of the defaults
are specified in so called INI-Files located in the SOFiSTiK directory. The name of the matching
INI-file is derived from the given data as DC_NDC.INI.

Some properties (e.g. Eurocode) are dependant on national variants (boxed values). Corre-
sponding INI-files to EN 1992-2004 and EN 1993-2005 and the country code may be used to
select those values, as far as we have got notice of them. The country code for example is valid
for deviations in Hong Kong to the British Standard 8110, 5400, 5950 or similar. Examples for
the country code:

00 General EN
HK / 852 Hong Kong

The ”boxed values” can be modified manually with the record TVAR.

Some codes require or allow the selection of a category or class. This can then be specified
with CAT. The possible items are given in the INI-File. For evaluations with historic design
codes not available with an INI-file, the definition of CAT USER allows to specify any name of
the design code.

In the case of a subsequent modification of these classes or categories the input which
depends on the design code has to be checked and adapted if necessary.

The extend to which the specified latitude, altitude, wind/snow or earthquake zone definitions
are accounted for is described in the program manuals of the modules using those values. The
user should never assume that all regulations of the design codes are automatically fulfilled
when selecting such a value. The possible items and defaults are given in the matching INI-

SOFiSTiK 2018 3-5

AQB | Description of Input

File. The resultant values which result from the altitude or the wind/snow/earthquake zones
have to be checked in the corresponding programs in the case of a subsequent modification.
E.g. for some design codes the combination coefficients of the snow depend on the altitude.
In the case of a modification of the altitude combination coefficients have to be adapted by the
user if necessary.

If the user wants to suppress such a value completely he may specify it with ”NONE”. The
load case of self weight is always accounted for following the definitions of the design codes,
an explicit definition of G has to be done only in those cases where the true local value should
be applied.

The item UNIT or d LANG will be processed only in AQUA or TEMPLATE. With a definition of
UNIT a set of units will be selected globally for all input and output data in all other modules.
The default is specified in the INI-file. Definitions with record PAGE will be active only within
the current module.

The following design codes are available as INI-Files and/or special program code has been
created to cope with special regulations. The marks A and B indicate if this code has been
implemented in AQB and BEMESS. For more detailed information, especially which provisions
of the codes have been implemented, please check the manuals and the HTM-files of the
design programs. In many cases it is possible to add some clauses within short time within the
program or with CADINP.

3-6 SOFiSTiK 2018

Description of Input | AQB

EN - Eurocodes

Description UNIT Design

EN 1992-2004 EN 1992-1 (2004) 5 A,B

CAT AN/AP Building construction
Table 7.1N EN 1992-1-1
CAT B,C,D Bridges
EN 1993-2005 EN 1993-1 (2005) 5 A
CAT A Building construction
CAT B,C,D Bridges
EN 1994-2004 EN 1994-1 (2004) 5 A
CAT A Building construction
CAT B,C,D Bridges
EN 1995-2004 EN 1995-1 (2004) 5 A
EN 1992-1991 EN 1992-1 (1991) 5 A,B

DIN - Deutsche Norm

Description UNIT Design

DIN EN1992-2004 DIN EN 1992-1-1/NA:2013 5 A,B

DIN EN 1992-2/NA:2013
CAT AN/AP/AV Hochbau Tabelle 7.1 DE
CAT B,C,D Brückenbau
DIN EN1993-2005 DIN EN 1993-1-1/NA:2010-12 5 A
CAT A Hochbau
CAT B,C,D Brückenbau
DIN EN1994-2004 DIN EN 1992-1-1/NA:2010 5 A,B
DIN EN 1994-2/NA:2010
CAT AN/AP/AV Hochbau Tabelle 7.1 DE
CAT B,C,D Brückenbau
DIN 1045-2008 DIN 1045-1 (2008) 0 A,B
CAT -/A/B/C/D/E/F (Tab. 18)
Klassifizierung von Nachweisbedingungen
DIN FB102-2009 DIN Fachbericht 102 (2009) 0 A,B
CAT A/B/C/D/E (Tab. 4.118) Klassifizierung von
DIN FB103-2009 DIN Fachbericht 103 (2009) 2 A
Table continued on next page.

SOFiSTiK 2018 3-7

AQB | Description of Input

Description UNIT Design

DIN FB104-2009 DIN Fachbericht 104 (2009) 0 A

DIN 18800 Stahlbau (Nov. 2008) 2 A
A voreingestellte Überlagerung DIN 18800
B voreingestellte Überlagerung DIN 1055-100
DIN 1052-2008 Holzbau (2008) 0 A
DIN 1045-1 DIN 1045-1 (2001) 0 A,B
CAT -/A/B/C/D/E/F (Tab. 18) Klassifizierung von
DIN FB102-2003 DIN Fachbericht 102 (2003) 0 A,B
CAT A/B/C/D/E (Tab. 4.118) Klassifizierung von
DIN 1045 Alte Norm (1988) 0 A,B
DAfStb hochfest.Beton (1995) A
DIN 4227 Alte Spannbetonnorm + Anhang A1 (1995) 0 A
DIN FB103-2003 DIN Fachbericht 103 (2003) 2 A
DIN FB104-2003 DIN Fachbericht 104 (2003) 0 A
CAT A/B/C/D/E (Tab. 4.118 des FB 102), Klassi-
fizierung von Nachweisbedingungen
DIN 18800-1990 Stahlbau (1990) 2 A
DIN 1052 Holzbau (1988) 0 A

OEN - Österreichische Norm

Description UNIT Design

OEN EN1992-2004 OENORM B 1992-1 (2011) 5 A,B

OENORM B 1992-2 (2008)
CAT AN/AP/AV Hochbau Tabelle 4 B 1992-1-1
CAT B,C,D Brückenbau B 1992-2
OEN EN1993-2005 OENORM B 1993-1-1 (2007) 5 A
CAT A Hochbau
CAT B,C,D Brückenbau
OEN 4700 Stahlbeton OENORM B 4700 (2001) 0 A,B
OEN 4750 Spannbeton OENORM B 4750 (2000) 0 A
OEN 4300 Stahl OENORM B 4300 (1994) 0 A

For the old design codes OEN 4200, OEN 4250, OEN 4253 no INI files exist. The program

3-8 SOFiSTiK 2018

Description of Input | AQB

AQB is so programmed that the appropriate design is done with input of the design code. As
materials BOE is input for concrete and BSOE for steel.

SIA - Schweizer Norm

Description UNIT Design

SIA 262 Schweizer Betonbaunorm (2013) 0 A,B

SIA 263 Schweizer Stahlbaunorm (2003) 2 A
SIA 265 Schweizer Holzbaunorm (2003) 0 A

BS - British Standard

Description UNIT Design

BS EN1992-2004 NA to BS EN 1992-1-1:2004 (2005) 6 A,B

CAT AN/AP Building construction Table 7.1N EN
CAT B,C,D Bridges
BS 8110 British Standard Concrete (1997) 6 A,B
HK/852 country code Hong Kong
BS 5400 British Standard Concrete Bridge (1990) 6 A
CAT 0 without Prestress
CAT 1/2/3 Prestress for Class 1/2/3
HK/852 country code Hong Kong
IL/972 country code Israel
BS 5950 British Standard Steelwork (2001) 6 A
HK/852 country code Hong Kong

US - American Standards and Unified Building Code

Description UNIT Design

US ACI-318-14 American Standard ACI / UBC (2014) 9 A,B

US ACI-318-08 American Standard ACI / UBC (2008) 9 A
US AASHTO-2014 American Highway (2014) 8 A
US AASHTO-2010 American Highway (2010) 8 A
US AASHTO-2004 American Highway (2005) 8 A
US AISC-2005 American Standard AISC (Steel) 2005 9 A

SNIP - Russian Standard

SOFiSTiK 2018 3-9

AQB | Description of Input

Description UNIT Design

SNIP 52101 SP 52-101-2003 (2004) (Concrete) 0 A,B

SNIP 20301 SNIP II 03.01 - 84 (89) (Concrete) 0 A,B
SNIP 22381 SNIP II 23.81 (89) (Steel) 2 A

IS - Indian Standard

Description UNIT Design

IS 456 Indian Standard (2000) (Concrete) 6 A

IS IRC112 Indian Roads Congress: Code of Practice for Concrete Road 6
Bridges (2011)

AS - Australian Standard

Description UNIT Design

AS 3600 Concrete Structures (2009) 6 A,B

AS 4100 Structural Steel (1998) 6 A
AS 5100 Bridge Design (2004) 6 A

UNE - Instrucciones Espaniola

Description UNIT Design

UNE EHE Instrucion de hormign estructural 0 A,B

Nivel de control de ejecucin:
EHE Normal

UNI - Decreto Ministeriale Italiane

Description UNIT Design

UNI DM-2018 Decreto Ministeriale 2018: Norme Tecniche per le 5 A,B

CAT A Costruzioni Civili
CAT B/C Ponti
UNI DM-2008 Decreto Ministeriale 2008 0 A,B
CAT A1 Costruzioni Civili
Table continued on next page.

3-10 SOFiSTiK 2018

Description of Input | AQB

Description UNIT Design

CAT A2/A3 Ponti

UNI DM-96 Decreto Ministeriale 9. gennaio 1996: 0 A,B
Parte I: Cemento armato normale e precompresso
Parte II: Acciaio
Parte III: Manufatti prefabbricati prodotti
Parte IV: Costruzioni composte d elemeti in metalli
Parte V: Per travi composte ”acciaio - calcestruzzo”

NF - AFNOR Association Francaise de Normalisation

Description UNIT Design

NF EN1992-2004 Annexe Nationale la NF EN 1992-1-1/-2 5 A,B

CAT AN/AP Bâtiments Tableau 7.1NF NF EN 1992-
CAT B,C,D Ponts
NF EN1993-2005 Annexe Nationale la NF EN 1993-1-1/-2 5 A
CAT A Bâtiments
CAT B,C,D Ponts
NF BAEL Règles techniques de conception et de calcul des ou- 0 A,B
vrages et constructions en béton armé suivant la méth-
ode des états limites.
BAEL/BPEL 91 revises 99

SS - Svenska Boverkets Konstruktionsregler (BKR)

Description UNIT Design

SS EN1992-2004 National Annex to Eurocode 2 5 A,B

SS-EN 1992-1-1:2004/NA:2009,
SS-EN 1992-2:2005/NA:2009
A1 byggnader & säkerhets"-klass 1
A2 byggnader & säkerhets"-klass 2
A3 byggnader & säkerhetsklass 3
B1 vegbruer & säkerhets"-klass 1
B2 vegbruer & säkerhets"-klass 2
B3 vegbruer & säkerhets"-klass 3
Table continued on next page.

SOFiSTiK 2018 3-11

AQB | Description of Input

Description UNIT Design

C1 gangbruer & säkerhets"-klass 1

C2 gangbruer & säkerhets"-klass 2
C3 gangbruer & säkerhets"-klass 3
D1 jernbanebruer & säkerhets"-klass 1
D2 jernbanebruer & säkerhets"-klass 2
D3 jernbanebruer & säkerhets"-klass 3
SS BBK-04 Boverkets Handbok om Betongkonstruktioner 0 A,B
CAT 1/2/3 (Säkerhetsklasslg/normal/hög)
SS BRO-2004 Vägverket BRO 2004 0 A

DS - Danish Standard

Description UNIT Design

DS EN1992-2004 National Annex to Eurocode 2 5 A,B

EN 1992-1-1 DK NA:2011
LE low safety & extended control
NE normal safety & extended control
HE high safety & extended control
LN low safety & normal control
NN normal safety & normal control (default)
HN high safety & normal control
LR low safety & reduced control
NR normal safety & reduced control
HR high safety & reduced control
- safety acc. to EN 1990 DK NA:2011
consequences classes
- control acc. to EN 1992-1-1 DK NA:2011 inspection
DS 411 Norm for betonkonstruktioner 0 A,B
LE low safety & extended control
NE normal safety & extended control
HE high safety & extended control
LN low safety & normal control
Table continued on next page.

3-12 SOFiSTiK 2018

Description of Input | AQB

Description UNIT Design

NN normal safety & normal control (default)

HN high safety & normal control
LR low safety & reduced control
NR normal safety & reduced control
HR high safety & reduced control
DS 411-bro Norm for betonkonstruktioner 3 A,B
Default for superpositions for bridges

NS - Norsk Standard

Description UNIT Design

NS EN1992-2004 National Annex to Eurocode 2 5 A,B

NS-EN 1992-1-1:2004/NA:2008,
NS-EN 1992-2:2005/NA:2010
A1 bygninger & palitelighetsklasse 1
A2 bygninger & palitelighets-klasse 2
A3 bygninger & palitelighets-klasse 3
A4 bygninger & palitelighets-klasse 4
B vebruer (palitelighets-klasse 3)
C gangbruer (palitelighets-klasse 3)
D jernbanebruer (palitelighetsklasse 3)
NS 3472 Prosjektering av Stalkonstruksjoner 0 A
CAT 1/2/3/4 (Palitelighetsklasse) Liten / Middels /
Stor / Saerlig stor
NS 3473 Prosjektering av Betongkonstruksjoner 0 A
CAT 1/2/3/4 (Palitelighetsklasse) Liten / Middels /
Stor / Saerlig stor

SFS - Finnish Standard

Description UNIT Design

SFS EN1992-2004 National Annex to Eurocode 2 5 A,B

SFS-EN 1992-1-1 NA:2007
Table continued on next page.

SOFiSTiK 2018 3-13

AQB | Description of Input

Description UNIT Design

LE low safety & extended control

NE normal safety & extended control
HE high safety & extended control
LN low safety & normal control
NN normal safety & normal control (default)
HN high safety & normal control
LR low safety & reduced control
NR normal safety & reduced control
HR high safety & reduced control
- safety acc. to SFS-EN 1990 NA
consequences classes
- control acc. to SFS-EN 1992-1-1
NA:2007 inspection level
SFS TA1992-2004 National Annex to Eurocode 2 for bridges only 5 A
CAT B,C,D,E Bridges

NEN - Netherlands Standard

Description UNIT Design

NEN EN1992-2004 NEN-EN 1992-1-1+C2/NB:2011 5 A,B

CAT AN/AP Building construction Table 7.1N EN
CAT B,C,D Bridges

NBN - Belgian Standard

Description UNIT Design

NBN EN1992-2004 NBN EN 1992-1-1 ANB:2010 5 A,B

CAT AN1-AN3/AP1-AP3 Building construction Ta-
ble 7.1N EN 1992-1-1
CAT B1-B3,C1C3,D1-D3 Bridges
NBN EN1993-2005 NBN EN 1993-1-1 ANB:2010 5 A
CAT A1-A3 Building
CAT B1-B3,C1C3,D1-D3 Bridges

NZS - New Zealand Standards

3-14 SOFiSTiK 2018

Description of Input | AQB

Description UNIT Design

NZS 3101 Concrete Structures Standard (1995) 6 A,B

GB - Chinese Standard

Description UNIT Design

GB 50010 Chinese Standard for Concrete Structures (2002) 0 A

NBR - Brazilian Standard

Description UNIT Design

NBR 6118-2003 Norma Brasileira, Projeto de estruturas de concreto - 5 A,B

CAT A Edifcios
CAT B Pontes rodovirias
CAT C Passarelas de pedestres
CAT D Pontes ferrovirias

ZA - South African Standard

Description UNIT Design

ZA TMH7 Code of Practice for the Design of Highway Bridges and Cul- 6 A
verts in South Africa (1989)
CAT 0 without Prestress
CAT 1/2/3 Prestress for Class 1/2/3

The following table describes the implemented features for the current steel and timber design
codes exceeding the simple stress check or the fully applied nonlinear analysis:

Design Code F-ASD LRD c/t λ σdyn BDK

EN 1993-2005 - X X X X X
DIN 18800 (1990) X (X) X X DIN X
DIN EN1993-2005 - X X X X X
DS 804/805 (2000/2004) X -
DIN 4113 (1980) - X - X - -
DIN FB103-2009 (2009) - X X X X -
DIN FB103-2003 (2003) - X X X X -
OEN 4300 (1994) - (X) - - - X

SOFiSTiK 2018 3-15

AQB | Description of Input

Design Code F-ASD LRD c/t λ σdyn BDK

OEN EN1993-2005 - X X X X X
NF EN1993-2005 - X X X X X
SIA 263 (2003) - - X X X -
BS 5950 (2001) - - - X - X
US AISC-2005 - - - X - -
SNIP 22381 (1989) - - - - X -
AS 4100 - - - - - -
S BSK 99 - - - - - -
NS 3472 - - - - - -
EN 1995 (1994) X - - X - -
DIN 1052 (2004) X - - X - -
SIA 265 (2003) X - - X - -
NBN EN1993-2005 - X X X X X


F-ASD Factors for different permissible stresses

LRD Load resistance factor design
c/t Limit slenderness for plates
λ Centric buckling curves
σdyn Fatigue stress
BDK Lateral torsional buckling (with program BDK)

The following table describes the implemented features for the concrete design exceeding the
design for bending and shear:

Design Code SK CC CZ VB CT CW DY
EN 1992-1991 X X - - X X X
EN 1992-2004 - X X - X X X
EN 1994-2004 - X - - X X X
DIN 1045 (1988) X X - - X X -
DAfStb hochfest.Beton
DIN 4227+A1 (1995) - X - X - X -
DIN 1045-1 (2001) X X X - X X X
DIN 1045-2008 (2008) X X X - X X X
DIN FB102-2009 (2009) - X X - X X X
DIN FB102-2003 (2003) - X X - X X X
DIN FB104-2009 (2009) - X X - - X X
DIN FB104-2003 (2003) - X X - - X X

3-16 SOFiSTiK 2018

Description of Input | AQB

Design Code SK CC CZ VB CT CW DY
DIN EN1992-2004 - X - - X X X
DIN EN1994-2004 - X - - X X X
OEN 4700 (2001) X X - - X X -
OEN 4750 (2000) - X - - X X -
OEN EN1992-2004 - X - - X X X
SIA 262 (2013) - X - - - X -
BS 8110 (1997) - - - - - X -
BS 5400 (1990) - - - - - X -
BS EN1992-2004 - X X - X X X
SNIP 20301 (1989) - - - - - X -
SNIP 52101 (2004) - - - - - X -
UNE EHE (1999) - - - - - X -
UNI DM-96 - - - - - - -
UNI DM-2008 - X - - X X X
UNI DM-2018 - X - - X X X
NF BAEL (1999) - - X - X X -
NF EN1992-2004 - X X - X X X
SS BBK 04 / BRO 04 - - - - - X -
SS EN1992-2004 - X X - X X X
DS 411 - - - - - X -
DS EN1992-2004 - X X - X X X
SFS EN1992-2004 - X X - X X X
NEN EN1992-2004 - X X - X X X
NBN EN1992-2004 - X X - X X X
NS 3473 - X - - - - -
NS EN1992-2004 - X - - X X X
US ACI 318-08 (2008) X - - - - - -
US ACI 318-14 (2014) X - - - - - -
US AASHTO-2004 - - - - - - -
US AASHTO-2010 - - - - - - -
US AASHTO-2014 - - - - - - -
AS 3600 (2009) - X - - - - -
AS 5100 (2001) - X X - - - -
NZS 3101 (1995) - - - - - X -
GB 50010 - X - - - - -
IS 456 (2000) X - - - - X -

SOFiSTiK 2018 3-17

AQB | Description of Input

Design Code SK CC CZ VB CT CW DY
NBR 6118-2003 - X - - X X -
ZA TMH7 (1989) - - - - - X -


SK Extra moments from slenderness

CC Creep and shrinkage coefficients
CZ Relaxation coefficients for tendons
VB Bond stress
CW Crack width by calculation of crack width
CT Crack width by tabulated stresses
DY Sway stress for fatigue checks

If a task is not provided with a special feature for a design code, the program will use the
provisions of the Eurocode instead. However not all provisions of the design codes may be
covered by a program or even described in above tables.

3-18 SOFiSTiK 2018

Description of Input | AQB

3.6 CTRL – Controlling the Calculation


Item Description Unit Default

OPT A literal from the following list: LT !

AXIA Type of bending
ACT Groups of actions
VRED Maximum haunches inclination
SMOO Special effects forces/moments
VERT Vertical factor
NLIM Relative normal force
ED relative eccentricity
FEM Usage of FE-sections
USEP utilisation level
EIGE Options for internal stresses
DESV Concrete shear design method
SVRF Sectional factor reinforcements
INTE axial strain and stress interaction
REIN Treatment of reinforcements
PIIA Prestress in stage II
VM Displacement of envelope line
CNOM Cover for all sections
ELIM threshold strain
IMAX Max. number of iterations
ETOL Tolerance for iterations
AMAX Maximum factor line-search
AGEN Relative precision line-search

VAL The value of the option − -

VAL2 Optional second value − -

Explanations of the CTRL-options

SOFiSTiK 2018 3-19

AQB | Description of Input

3.6.1 Forces
AXIA Type of bending
+1 = Uniaxial bending (VY=MZ=0)
(default for planar systems and without AQUA license)
if there are values for Vy and MZ, the resultant forces will be designed
as Vz and My to allow this option to be used for circular sections in a 3D
+2 = Biaxial bending, uniaxial extreme fibre stresses in system of principal axes
-1 = Uniaxial bending due to symmetry
(VY=MZ=0, IYZ=0, YS=YSMP=0)
This value is inforced for sections defined with symmetric condition in
AQUA. ZSYM is also a vaild input instead of -1.
-2 = Biaxial bending, uniaxial extreme fibre stresses in y-z system of section
(default for three-dimensional systems)
-3 = Biaxial bending for all sections even those with ZSYM definition in AQUA
(y-z-system) This option is not consistent and only applicable in very rare
ACT Groups of actions (AQB/AQBS only)
0= Each basic action identifier is an own action
1= Actions of the same category are members of the same action (default)
2= The actions within one row of the table at record LC are treated as mem-
bers of the same action.
SMOO Smoothing of moments at supports
0 = no smoothing
1 = principal bending only (default)
2 = principal and lateral bending
4 = apply also for moments from prestress (type PR, not ZP,SP)
8 = also reduce prestress shear forces linear
+128 = do not apply any reference systems
+256 = do not convert shear forces at inclined normal axis
+512 = do not convert moments at inclined normal axis
Smoothing of the moments occurs only if a support edge was
defined. The shear force becomes zero at the support.
VRED Inclination to be applied maximally for conversion of the shear force in haunches.
(default: 0.3333, 0. = no conversion)
SVRF Factor for consideration of non-prestressed reinforcement with section properties
CS0 to CS15.
(default: 0.0 or the input value of CTRL RFCS from AQUA which is not changeable
for the gross section)
For creep and shrinkage the effect of the reinforcement may be considerably, this
may be suppressed with option CTRL EIGE 64.
VM Coefficient to account for forces resulting from shear force and torsion are to be

3-20 SOFiSTiK 2018

Description of Input | AQB

considered for longitudinal reinforcement (shift rule).

VAL From shear foce
0.0 = do not consider (current default)
>0= explicit value for cot(θ) of truss angle
x[ %] = factor for values of shift rule
STD = offset value for shift rule only without changing reinforce-
VAL2 From torsion
0.0 = do not consider (current default)
>0= explicit value for cot(θ) of truss angle
<0= use value only for NSTR
CNOM Fixed value of the cover for all sections

In AQB within the record BEAM the user can define explicitly if this is a bending or compressed
member. The default value is depending on the orientation of the gravity direction to the beam
axis and the eccentricity of the load < ED and the magnitude of the compression force >
NGRE · A · βr.

VERT Boundary value of maximum deviation of the beam axis from the horizontal plane
so that a beam is still classified as a bending member.
(default: 0.3333)
The distinction between bending members and compression members is essen-
tial for the consideration of the minimum reinforcement of the statically necessary
cross section. As the normal rules of deciding (normal force eccentricity e/d < 3,5
and N > Nboun) will fail near the point of zero moment, an additional criterion is
the horizontal and/or vertical orientation of the beam (Defined via SYST GDIR in
SOFiMSHA/SOFiMSHB). Thus the user is responsible to identify horizontal com-
pression members explicitly by input in the BEAM record.
NLIM Lower limit of axial force relative to plastic axial force for "compression members"
ED Relative eccentricity for boundary between compression and bending members,
if not defined with record BEAM. (3.5)

3.6.2 Analysis Methods

FEM Usage of FE mesh of section (default 1)
0 do not use it, use classical polygon data
Hot sections and imported FE-sections use FEM always
1 use it, but do not save FE-results
2 use it and save FE results to child database
USEP utilisation level which should be checked. Some checks work on utilisation in-
stead of stresses (for example plastic design N/Npl). Keyword USEP controls the
utilisation level above which a mark should appear.
EIGE Options for determining internal stresses
(only AQBS, cf. record EIGE)

SOFiSTiK 2018 3-21

AQB | Description of Input

0 none (default)
1 Creep analysis loads are created for statically indeterminate calculation.
2 Evaluate losses also for tendons without bond
4 constraining forces are calculated proportional to the statically determinate
8 Existing forces of the creep load case will not be erased
16 The internal stresses of load cases which cause creep will be taken into
account in the new calculation. (Superposition instead of individual quan-
tities, e.g. for graphics)
32 do not deactivate creep for tensioned sections
64 do not activate reinforcement, even if QWF is set to 1.0
256 Create only initial strains for a non-linear analysis
512 Suppress factorization of creep factors to defined elasticity modulus of
SAFE Selection of safety factors according EN 1992-2 B.105
VAL2: 0 = none, 1 = shrinkage, 2 = creep, 3 = both
(EIGE itself may select a default, which could be deactivated later with
SUM Use the summation approach according Ruesch (old DIN 4227)
EN10 Use the Eurocode EN 1992-1-1:2004+AC:2010 resp. EN 1992-
MC90 Use the CEB-FIP Model Code 1990
MC10 Use the fib Model Code 2010
INTE Non linear axial strain effects and Shear/axial stress interaction
0= do not take into account
1= isotrope reduction of stresses
2= Prandtl flow rule for stresses (default)
3= preference of shear stress (At solid sections option 1 to 3 are identical.)
4= non-linear axial strain effects (axial stiffness + plastic strain)
5= 4+1
6= 4+2
7= 4+3
REIN Treatment of reinforcements
FIX No increase of any reinforcements
FIXL No increase of longitudinal reinforcements
FIXS No increase of shear link reinforcements
PIIA Parameters of cracked condition (only to be used from experienced users!)
First Value for DESI , second value for NSTR. The values have to be defined
before the design task. Defaults are 7 and 5.
Values sum up from:
1= Cracked conditions will be used

3-22 SOFiSTiK 2018

Description of Input | AQB

2= Statically determinate forces will be subtracted an initial strain

will be calculated for tendons
(Alternative: total forces + stress increase)
4= Extra straining of concrete due to prestressing will be considered
8= Level arm of tension zone will be computed with total force in-
stead of an incremental calculation
16 = do not use stress increments for shear force
32 = Area of the composite mortar is not effective after grouting (De-
fault for OeNORM B4700 and B4750)
64 = Use eigenstresses as initial strain.

N10 = set relative factor of normal force to 1.0

MY10 = set relative factor of bending moment y to 1.0
MZ10 = set relative factor of bending moment z to 1.0
REST = reset previous input of N10,MY10 or MZ10. The input of N10
to MZ10 are cumulative options to get for example the bearable
moment for a given normal force or other cases which might be
useful for capacity design.
DESV Method for shear design of cracked sections
0 Shear only based on the sectional values
1 Shear from the difference of longitudinal forces for flanges (see DIN 1045-
1, 10.3.5., ENV 1992 6.2.4.)
2 Shear from the difference of longitudinal forces for all type of shear cuts
3 Maximum from option 0 and 2
4 as 0, but deactivate fall back based on uncracked shear
5 as 1, but deactivate fall back based on uncracked shear
6 as 2, but deactivate fall back based on uncracked shear
7 as 3, but deactivate fall back based on uncracked shear
NRIL Use the inclination according Eq. 12.15 of German Nachrech-
Default: 1
The difference of the longitudinal forces may be only calculated if the sections
are similar, i.e. they are equal, derived from the same template or interpolated.
Further the moments and shear forces have to match. This will be checked by a
comparison of the difference of the moments an the mean value of the shear. This
will be exact for sections with constant transverse loading, but for biaxial bending
or second order effects, deviations may be larger and have to be below the limit
established by VAL2 (Default 10[%] )
ELIM Threshold strain for design in o/oo (0.002)
Only sections with internal forces and moments whose elastic edge strains are
numerically larger than EGRE are designed.
ETOL Precision when determining the internal forces and moments
(default: 0.0001)

SOFiSTiK 2018 3-23

AQB | Description of Input

IMAX Maximum number of iterations

(default: 50)
AMAX Maximum factor for line-search
(default: 1000)
AGEN Relative precision of line-search
(default: 0.2)

Inputs on the method of iteration (IMAX, AMAX, AGEN) should only be made in exceptional

3-24 SOFiSTiK 2018

Description of Input | AQB

3.7 TVAR – Boxed Values

See also: NORM


Item Description Unit Default

NAME Name of a variable Lt16 !

VAL Value of the variable or Lt64 !
expression in the format ”=expression”
SCOP Scope of variable − *
CMNT Comment to the variable Lt32 -

There is a range of Variables in the Eurocodes allowing to adopt national factors called boxed
values. They are defined in the INI files in general. A survey of the accepted names and
subjects (DESI,COMB etc.) is given in the file master.ini.

For special cases, these values may be defined with TVAR. If for example a reduction of the
elasticity modulus for the CALC curve is required, it is possible to specify factors ALF-CE and



Some Names of the DESI SCOPE and frequently used values are given in the following table:


GAM-C 1.50 safety coefficient for concrete
GAM-CE 1.20 safety coefficient for concrete elasticity
GAM-B 1.15 safety coefficient for reinforcing steel
GAM-Y 1.15 safety coefficient for prestressing steel
GAM-S 1.10 safety coefficient for structural steel
GAM-A 1.30 safety coefficient for structural aluminum
ALF-CC 1.00 long term reduction concrete compressive strength EN 1992
3.1.6 (1)
ALF-CT 1.00 long term reduction concrete tensile strength EN 1992 3.1.6
ALF-LCC 0.85 long term reduction light weight concrete compressive
strength EN 1992 11.3.5 (1)
ALF-LCT 0.85 long term reduction light weight concrete tensile strength EN
1992 11.3.5 (2)
ALF-CE 0.85 reduction of the modulus of elasticity for the calculatoric
stress-strain curve
AS-MAX 8.00 maximum ratio of longitudinal reinforcements based on Ac
(EN 1992-1-1 9.5.2 (3))

SOFiSTiK 2018 3-25

AQB | Description of Input


AS-MINB 0.13 minimum ratio of reinforcements in bending members based
on Ac (EN 1992-1-1 (1))
AS-MINC 0.20 minimum ratio of reinforcements in compressive members
based on Ac (EN 1992-1-1 9.5.2 (2a))
AS-COMP 0.10 minimum ratio of reinforcements in compressive members
based on normal force (EN 1992-1-1 9.5.2 (2b))
TANMIN 0.40 minimum inclination of compressive struts in the web (EN
1992-1-1 6.2.3 (2))
TANMAX 1.00 maximum inclination of compressive struts in the web (EN
1992-1-1 6.2.3 (2))
TANMINC 0.50 minimum inclination of compressive struts in compressive
flanges (EN 1992-1-1 6.2.4 (4))
TANMAXC 1.00 maximum inclination of compressive struts in compressive
flanges (EN 1992-1-1 6.2.4 (4))
TANMINT 0.80 minimum inclination of compressive struts in tensile flanges
(EN 1992-1-1 6.2.4 (4))
TANMAXT 1.00 maximum inclination of compressive struts in tensile flanges
(EN 1992-1-1 6.2.4 (4))

3-26 SOFiSTiK 2018

Description of Input | AQB

3.8 BEAM – Selection of the Elements to be Designed

See also: TEND, LC


Item Description Unit Default

FROM First element number or −/ LT 1

GRP for beams of a group selection
SLN for beams of a structural line
REF for beams of a geometric axis
TO Last element number or selector −/ LT FROM
INC Increment of element number − 1
TYPE Element type (See explanations) LT BEAM
X X value of beam section or station on axis [m] 1001 -
XE 2nd value to define an interval no input = all sections [m] 1001 -

NCS Section number − (!)

BETA Coefficient of effective/buckling length − *
BETS Same for secondary transverse bending − BETA
STYP Bitpattern of properties of the section − -
1 Discontinuity for EIGE loads
2 Design for shear without minimum rein-

LAMS Coeff. equiv. stress range reinforcements − 1.0

LAMT Coeff. equiv. stress range tendons − 1.0
LAML Coeff. equiv. stress range shear links − 1.0
LAMC Coeff. equivalent stress range concrete − 1.0

CS Content of CSi data: LT NUM

NUM explicit construction stages
AUTO construction stages as in section
AUTX extended stages from section
AS given longitudinal reinforcement
ASV given shear link reinforcement
CS0 Construction stage nr for phase 0 (netto) − -
CS1 Construction stage nr for phase 1 (ideal) − -
CS2 Construction stage nr for phase 2 (ideal) − -
CS3 Construction stage nr for phase 3 (ideal) − -
... ...
CS30 Construction stage nr for phase 30 (ideal) − -
CS31 Construction stage nr for phase 31 (ideal) − -

SOFiSTiK 2018 3-27

AQB | Description of Input

BEAM selects the sections or elements to be designed or defines external sections with a
section NCS. Only one type of elements can ever be processed in one input block. Thus
the definition of BEAM should precede the selection of the load cases. The following are
considered to be of the same type:

BEAM,FLEX,COMP beam elements of database

DSLN,DBEA,DCOL results at design elements in the data base
TRUS truss elements of database
CABL cable elements of database
SECT ... SHEA external sections

These types can be defined in detail:

BEAM = beam elements

FLEX = beam elements as bending members
COMP = beam elements as compression members (cf. 2.5.2 or CTRL)
SLN = structural lines
SBEA = structural lines as bending members
SCOL = structural lines as compression members
TRUS = truss elements
CABL = cable elements

SECT = external section in bending members

SCOM = external section in compression members
FACE = support face
HFAC = support face, hinged support
IFAC = support face, indirect support
SHEA = external section, shear section

With the types FLEX and COMP, the otherwise valid differentiation between compression and
bending members with respect to the orientation to the gravity is overwritten. AQB checks
however eccentricity and magnitude of the axial force in every section against the selection. If
CS0 is selected, the default of TYPE is changed to FLEX.

Storage of non-linear stiffnesses with the record NSTR is possible only for the group belonging
to type BEAM.

If only TYPE is specified, all of the elements of this type are selected.

Instead of element numbers it is also possible to specify a primary or secondary group with
literal GRP or a structural line with literal SLN or a bridge axis with literal REF. The group or
axis designation is then to be specified at position TO, INC has no meaning in those cases. If
the referenced element is an axis, the values CS0 to CS1 may be specified as the name of a
variable at the axis with a maximum of 4 characters, defining the values along the axis.

If an X value or range is selected, only the corresponding sections are designed:

no definition = all sections

3-28 SOFiSTiK 2018

Description of Input | AQB

X textitff.fff = single section relative to start of beam

X ff.fff "‘A"’ = single section relative to start of beam
XE ff.fff f = single section relative to end of beam
X ff.fff "‘E"’ = single section relative to end of beam
X ff.fff ff.fff = a range of sections between to ordinates

X can not be used to interpolate sections.

The coefficient length BETA is used for designing according to the overall effective length. For
a beam element it is relative to the beam length, for a structural line relative to its total length.
It may be entered positive or negative. Only positive values will enable some buckling design.

If the section has the same buckling curve for y and z bending, the values BETA/BETS are
taken for the strong and weak axis, if they are different, the values BETA/BETS are for the
buckling in the local z resp. y directions.

Entering this value does not imply however that all aspects of stability design are automatically
fulfilled. As SOFiSTiK is designed to perform investigations of the entire frame structure, only a
few possibilities are programmed for this type of design. At the present time there is available:

• beams which are intended to be centrally compressed (truss braces or perpendicular to the
plane of a frame) in accordance with DIN 18800 Part 2. Further information may be found
in the notes on the record STRE.
• for the design with additional moments according to:
DIN 1045 17.4.3
ÖNORM B 4700 2.4.3.
ACI 318 and IS 456
This design is intended only for certain ranges of slenderness, which will be checked. In
principal there will be always a two axis design. Printout of the additional moments is only
available for forces of combinations.
• for the design according to the eurocode additional moments will be established based
on a simplified model column method, but this method is rather uneconomical for small
excentricities (e/d < 0.1) or long columns (l>15d). Printout of the additional moments is
only available for forces of combinations.

Independent from the sign there are the following other effects:

• For tendons the increment of the force will be bounded by the bond limits as given in chapter
13 of the DIN 4227.

Additional properties of the section will be defined by STYP. These are:

1 If CTRL EIGE 1 is given, then a kink should be adopted at this point during
calculation of curvatures.
2 The minimum shear reinforcement will be suppressed for all cuts

The coefficients LAMC, LAMT and LAMS are used to convert the stress range evaluated with
the program into a damage equivalent stress range. There are the following possibilities:

SOFiSTiK 2018 3-29

AQB | Description of Input

• > 0.0 for the conversion and check of Δσeq = λ · Δσ < Δσk / γ
• < 0.0 for simplified design checks Δσ < |λ| · Δσk / γ
• = 0.0 to deactivate the fatigue design check

3.8.1 External sections

In general, the user processes only the results of the database or individual external forces
and moments of the load case zero. In order to be able to use the extensive possibilities for
forming combinations, of creep stages and of shear designs, it is possible to define an external
static system which is defined and managed independently of the existing system.

This system is described by means of the external sections. The user must define every section
with a beam number FROM and with an x value in increasing order and a section number.
When such a section has been defined, all further inputs of TYPE SECT are interpreted as the

The system is stored separately in the database, and can be reactivated for later computing
runs with BEAM TYPE SECT.

Since tendons and internal forces and moments are also stored under the defined beam type
in the database, both the load cases and the tendons must be entered after the beam sections.

For an example of this, see example t-beam-bridgesection.dat.

3.8.2 Construction stages

For the description of construction stages the user has to select an arbitrary but unique num-
bering scheme. Each change of the section, installation or grouting of tendons should have
its own number. The recommended scheme is to use numbers 10,20 etc. for constructional
phases, while 11,21 are used for post stressing and 15,25 for the grouting process. With AQBS
every beam or beam section can be assigned up to 31 different cross sections for determining
stress (e.g. gross, net, ideal). These are designated as gross and construction stage sections
CS0 to CS31.

Each section in AQUA may have up to 9 construction phases, each with a construction stage
number. If BA0 is defined with the literal AUTO, all CS values defiend in AQUA will be used to
define the construction stages, for literal AUTX the values in AQUA will trigger the stages +0,+1
and +5. The definition of higher construction stages may be done with multiple continuation
lines as described below. Every row with the literal CS+X will shift the assigned CS numbers
by 10, i.e. the second line defines the values for CS10 to CS19:

BEAM 1001 1099 CS0 10 CS1 11 ......

CS+X CS0 101 CS1 102

Every load case is also assigned to a distinct construction stage. Its forces are acting on the
section whith the highest construction stage less or equal than the stage of the load case. It is
also possible to assign a load case to an explicit stage (e.g. BA3), this allows to use different
construction stages in one load case or to select always the second construction stage for the

3-30 SOFiSTiK 2018

Description of Input | AQB

Further for every tendon three construction stage numbers are defined (values ICS1 to ICS3).
Each tendon can be installed, grouted, or extended to a particular stage. Unless the very first
tendon is allowed to have ICS1=ICS2, because the program has to distinguish between the
estates before and after the extrusion very carefully. The following conventions are in effect for
the stage SAi:

Empty duct
Tendons with SAi < ICS1 or SAi > ICS3 are present only with their duct as deductional area.

Unextruded tendon
Tendons with SAi > ICS1 and SAi < ICS2 are calculated with their steel area without bond and
with their duct as deductional area. In ultimate load design, the prestressing is calculated with
a constant value, without a strain increment.

Extruded tendon
Tendons with SAi > ICS1 and SAi > ICS2 are calculated with their steel area into the com-
pound and with a deductional area of the same size. For redistribution due to change in cross
section, CTRL EIGE 2, the tendons with ICS2=SAi are taken into account. ICS2=0 defines
tendons with immediate bond.

In the following fictitious construction stage progressions, the appropriate characteristic values
are suggested. Assignment of the load cases to these sections is naturally left up to the user:

1.1. Prestressed concrete girder with later bond

Tendon ICS1=0, ICS2=1
Sections CS0=0 Net cross section
CS1=1 Ideal cross section
2.1. Prefabricated, prestressed concrete part with stranded wires in
immediate bond
2.2. On-site concrete completion with material 2
Tendon ICS1=ICS2=0
Sections CS0=10 Prefabricated part without
on-site poured concrete
Tendon in immediate bond
CS1=20 Prefab + site-poured concrete
Tendon in bond
3.1. Prefabricated, prestressed concrete part with stranded wires (0)
in immediate bond
3.2. Building-in of additional tendons (11) with later bond in prefabricated
part production
3.3. Poured concrete completion at the construction site and building-in of an
additional tendon (21)

SOFiSTiK 2018 3-31

AQB | Description of Input

Strands ICS1=0, ICS2=0

Tendon (1) ICS1=11, ICS2=12
Tendon (2) ICS1=21, ICS2=22
Sections CS0=10 Prefab part w/o site concrete
Strands in immediate bond
Tendon (1) as a hole
Tendon (2) as a hole
CS1=11 Prefab part w/o site concrete
before first tendon in bond
CS2=12 Prefab part w/o site concrete
Strands in immediate bond
Tendon (1) in bond
Tendon (2) as hole
CS3=21 Prefab + insitu concrete
before second tendon in bond
CS4=22 Prefab + insitu concrete
All tendons in bond

These properties can also be defined in different ways, so that the user can hold to a method-
ology which suits him in large systems with many stages of construction progress. The order
in which tendons are considered depends only on the relative positions of the ICS numbers
with respect to the SA numbers.

Always the highest used CS number of the load cases will be employed for calculations at
the total section (e.g. nonlinear, cree and shrinkage etc.) Checks for building stages should
therefore be checked or include the CS value as specification at COMB. Forces and primary
strains will be converted to the selected reference if necessary.

Definition of the prestressing sequences SAi:

The stress of tendons is active only for those cases where the tendons are really active. This
is rather complex as the forces from prestress are acting on the section just before the one
where they enter. For the definition of the prestressing sequences SAi following points are to
be considered therefore:

• It is strongly recommended to supply two construction stage numbers for any post-
tensioning stage, one for the section, the post-stress is acting on, the second for the grouted
section with bond. It is also expected that for post-stressing the numbers ICS1 are lower
than ICS2. Old definitions with ICS1=ICS2 will be corrected automatically to ICS1=ICS2-1
with a warning.
• The default for the CS-section of a combination is now derived from the load cases used
in that combination. (This might have an severe impact on those cases, where the desired
section type is not addressed by any load case for EIGE, ULTI or NSTR.)

3-32 SOFiSTiK 2018

Description of Input | AQB

• If a tendon is not yet used in a CS-section, it will not have its initial stress value. If it is
included, there is still the factor of prestress effective especially for the very first construction
phase. The contribution of decompression of tendons without bond have been eliminated.

3.8.3 Specification of reinforcements

BEAM may be also used to specify a discrete reinforcement pattern for a system as needed
for non-linear analysis or the determination of relative bearing capacities. When selecting the
beams by number and x-value you may specify at CS the literals AS for the longitudinal rein-
forcement or ASV for the shear links. At Position CSi you may now enter the reinforcement
values in AS[ mm2 ] 1020 resp ASV[ mm2 /m] 1021 for the layers of reinforcement with the num-
ber i. As a further enhancement, missing x-values will be interpolated.

BEAM SLN 1 X 0 XE 5 CS AS CS1 5 [cm2]

BEAM SLN 1 X 5 XE 20 CS AS CS1 20 [cm2]
BEAM SLN 1 X 20 XE 25 CS AS CS1 5[cm2]

It has to be noted, that for accounting the existing reinforcements for the sectional values with
STRE and EIGE, the intended reinforcement distribution case LCR has to be selected with
record REIN!

SOFiSTiK 2018 3-33

AQB | Description of Input

3.9 TEND – Tendons (AQBS only)

See also: BEAM, LC


Item Description Unit Default

NO Beam number − 1
NOB Tendon number − 1
MNO Material number of tendon + − 1
1000 · number of deductional material 1
ICS1 Prestress stage building-in − 1
ICS2 Prestress stage extrusion − 1
ICS3 Prestress stage removal − 0
X x value on beam axis m 0
Y y value in section coordinate system ∗ 0
Z z value in section coordinate system ∗ 0
ZZ Tension force kN 0
AZ Area of tendon mm2 0
NY Gradient of tendon in y direction − 0
NZ Gradient of tendon in z direction − 0
YHR y value of centre point of duct ∗ Y
ZHR z value of centre point of duct ∗ Z
AHR Area of duct mm2 AZ
DZ Effective diameter mm *
AR Reference area for design of crack width m2 -
UZ Circumference of tendon for crack width mm *
TEMP Temperature for a hot design degC 0

Tendons are generally defined with the program TENDON. For special cases and especially
external sections, however, they can also be specified directly. The tendons need to be entered
in order by beams and beam sections. The x values need to be specified with a precision of 1
mm. A use of this feature combined with forces directly defined with record S in load case 0 is
not possible. (See example aqb2_3_t-beam-bridgesection.dat and aqb2_4_precastbeam.dat)

The stress phases are the numbers of time stages in the progress of a construction stage, and
are assigned to individual sections during the CS inputs of the BEAM record. For tendons with
immediate bond, the correct specification is ICS2 0.

If a load case of TYPE PR is given an adjusting factor in a combination, then the tension forces
are also multiplied by this factor.

For the shear check it is necessary that the tendons lie within the cross section. Otherwise

3-34 SOFiSTiK 2018

Description of Input | AQB

the proportional tensile force is computed wrongly. It is not therefore possible to combine
all tendons into one single one which lies then outside of the cross section. AQB checks the
situation of the tendon with a tolerance which corresponds to the radius of the prestressed steel
area. External tendons without bond that are supposed to be excluded from this examination
must be defined with ICS2 9999.

The values DZ and UZ are preset to the corresponding values of an individual beam. For UZ,
the literal BUND can be used to call the formula
U = 1.6 · π · AZ (3.1)

If AR is defined as positive, then an additional calculation of the crack width is done for this
tendon alone. For this design, tension members are calculated into the total reinforcement
with the factor min(1.0,0.09/AR). This is to satisfy the requirement that tension members with
delayed bond can only be calculated within a square with sides of 30 cm. AR can be input as
a negative value, if only the amount to be calculated is desired. If individual tendons are not to
be calculated in or designed at all for the crack width, then AR should be defined with a large
negative value.

NY and NZ are the corresponding inclinations of the prestress cable in respect to the axis of
the beam (tangent) :

NY = dY/ dX
NZ = dZ/ dX

Older versions of AQB used only m as basic unit for this record. This has been changed
from Version 12.47 to the more common unit mm (or others selected via PAGE UNII) as within
TENDON. Old definitions will be flagged with an error 13 or 14.

SOFiSTiK 2018 3-35

AQB | Description of Input

3.10 LC – Selection of the Load Case to be Designed

See also: COMB, S


Item Description Unit Default

NO Number of the load case −/ LT -

TYPE Name of action LT -
CST Cross section type for stresses −/ LT *
nnnn number of a construction stage
GROS gross cross section
CS0 construction stage section 0
CS1 construction stage section 1
CS99 construction stage section 99
REF Reference point of the stored forces and moments is LT PART
the centre of
STD no conversion
GROS the total gross section
EFFE the total effective total section
PART the partial section
NULL origin of sectional coordinates
TITL Name of the load case Lt24 *

GAMU Unfavourable safty factor − *

GAMF Favourable safty factor − *
PSI0 Combination coefficient standard − *
PSI1 Combination coefficient frequent − *
PSI2 Combination coefficient quasi-permanent − *
PS1S Combination coefficient infrequent − *
GAMA Safety factor accidental − *
APAR Partition of action: G, P, Q, A or E LT *
SUP Superposition within action LT *

FAT Special enlargement for fatigue LT -

DIN naccording DIN FB 102 A 106.2

LC is used to select the load cases to be designed. The first item NO may be specified with
a number, an expression with wildcard symbol (eg. "‘1??00"’) for load case numbers or the
name of a load case type (action). In the latter cases all load cases matching the criteria will
be selected. Especially interesting are:

(D) Ultimate Design combination

(A) Ultimate Accidental combination

3-36 SOFiSTiK 2018

Description of Input | AQB

(E) Ultimate Earthquake combination

(P) Service: Quasi-permanent combination
(F) Service: Frequent combination
(N) Service: Infrequent combination
(R) Service: Characteristic (rare) combination
(H) Comb. of principal loading
(HZ) Comb. of principal+supplemental loading
(PT) permanent load combination e.g. for timber
(LT) long term load combination e.g. for timber
(MT) middle term load combination e.g. for timber
(ST) short term load combination e.g. for timber
(VT) very short term load combination e.g. for timber

The load type is the name of the action to which the load case belongs. The default are the
already defined values, but it is possible to redefine all properties temporarily.

The most important actions are predefined with the INI-file of the design code. Further it is
possible to subdivide each action in categories selected with a character from A to Z, each
having distinguished combination coefficients or safety factors. This will be appended with an
underscore to the name of the action.

However 48 reserved names with designated meanings are used to trigger special effects in
AQB for historical superpositions. AQB saves results in the data base of the design for all
combinations (COMB) with an explicit LCST given and for all single load cases with one of the
above types assigned. If a load case should be classified only temporarily the type (-) may be

Normal Add. Spec. Remark

Gg ZGg SGq dead load
G1g Z1g S1q primary dead load
G2g Z2g S2q secondary dead load
Pg ZPg SPq prestress
Cg ZCg SCq creep and shrinkage
Qq ZQq SQq variable load
L ZL SL life load
W ZW SW wind (use ZW for Bridges)
Sq ZS SS snow (use ZS for Bridges)
Rg ZR SR earth pressure, water pressure
Fq ZF SF settlements (ZF = expected, SF = possible)
T ZT ST temperature
A ZA SA accidental
B ZB SB construction, maintenance
E ZE SE earthquake (ZE = Service, SE = Design)

SOFiSTiK 2018 3-37

AQB | Description of Input

Normal Add. Spec. Remark

g Load case is permanent (always added)

q Load case is conditional (added if unfavourable)
 Load cases are conditional excluding each other

Prestressing is only taken into consideration when a load case with that type of action is se-
lected. The factor in the combination will be also applied to the tension force itself if the action
does not have a category. With category 0 or 1 these define the factor for pre-tensioning
or post-tensioning only. Beside this the factor max not be specified differently, only the first
definition is taken.

When designing individual load cases with prestressing, therefore, all load cases must be given
a prestress action type.

For the check STRE U according the "‘Nachrechnungsrichtline"’ we have reduction factors rcp
derived from the shear links provided. They will be applied as additional factors.

With a definition of FAT DIN the sectional forces of this load case will be magnified based on
the location of the section with a factor between 1.40 and 1.75 according to paragraph A 106.2
of DIN FB 102. Unfortunately the information about the start and the end of a span is hardly
defined. AQB will use the higher factors therefore only if the beam contains a section with the
attribute ”face” towards the respective end of the span.

The definition of the section type and reference is an essential input to calculate the stresses
with the appropriate section. This can be done either by a global construction stage number
or by the section defined explictly in the BEAM record. The default for CST is CS1 for all load
case types except G1 and PR; for these the default is CS0. Load cases with undefined CS
sections are assigned to the gross section. Therefore, when the CS values are not defined in
the BEAM record, all load cases operate on the gross section.

For the reference system the elastic center of the construction stage defined in the data base
should be used only. But for the calculation of the stresses ideal sections including ducts,
tendons and current amount of reinforcements will be used.

TITL can be used not only to title a load case which is to be newly defined, but can also make
a later change or expand the name of a load case which is stored in the database. AQB has
various ways of using load cases:

1. No specification for LC
If nothing is specified for LC, all load cases stored in the database are designed individu-
ally. External forces and moments S are processed separately as load case 0.
2. Specification for LC only
When LC is specified, only these load cases are designed.
3. LC and S
If internal forces and moments are defined after any LC record, they are saved under this
load case and are included in the remaining calculation. This option not only permits the

3-38 SOFiSTiK 2018

Description of Input | AQB

definition of load cases for sections, but also allows the inclusion of additional forces and
moments in the calculation for individual sections, even without static design to an existing
system. This causes deletion of results stored under the same load case number.
4. LC and COMB
If design combinations are selected in addition, then only these combinations are de-
signed. The load case types are evaluated only in connection with these combination
regulations. The input of COMB supplements the possibilities of the program MAXIMA,
and allows calculation with divided safety coefficients, or selection from among traffic load

The internal forces and moments of the load case, if any, must be input immediately following
the LC record. Internal stresses are automatically deleted when internal forces and moments
are input.

The combination coefficients and safety factors will be usually defined with the generation of
the load case. A definition in AQB will be only of temporarily influence and will not account for
any defaults by specifying a load case type. Only in those cases where forces and moments
are defined in AQB explicitly, the defaults from the corresponding INI-file will be taken.

The items APAR and SUP define the superposition of load cases within an action. The default
will be taken from the action. However if only one of the values is specified, the other value will
be reset to its default value.

APAR Remark
G permanent action (without PSI-values)
P prestress (without PSI-values)
Q variable action
A accidental action
E seismic action

SUP Remark
PERM use always / permanent
PERC permanent with variable factors
COND conditional (only taken if unfavourable)
EXCL mutually exclusive
UNSI unfavourable sign (e.g. earthquake)
USEX mutually exclusive with unfavourable sign
ALEX mutually exclusive permanent cases

SOFiSTiK 2018 3-39

AQB | Description of Input

3.11 S – Internal Forces and Moments

See also: LC

Item Description Unit Default

NCS Cross section number − -

NO Element number − 1
X X value [m] 1001 0
N Axial force [kN] 1101 0
VY Shear force [kN] 1102 0
VZ Shear force [kN] 1102 0
MT Total torsional moment [kNm] 1103 0
MY Bending moment [kNm] 1104 0
MZ Bending moment [kNm] 1104 0
kNm2 1105
MB Warping moment 0
MT2 Secondary torsional moment [kNm] 1103 0

Y Reference coordinates [mm] 1011 *

Z Reference coordinates [mm] 1011 *
REF Designation of a sectional point Lt8 -

These records can be used to define individual internal forces and moments for a separate

The forces and moments defined with S are normally saved under load case number 0. The
values NO and X are then needed only for identifying the output.

If a load case is given with LC, the internal forces and moments are stored under the latest
defined load case. In this case the section NCS is used only to define the reference coordinates
but must be specified explicitly The forces and moments must be input in increasing sequential
order by beam number and x value. Multiple definitions for the same location are not possible.
Negative x values are interpreted as dimensions from the beam end.

Axial force and bending moments are referenced to the centroid, torsional moment and shear-
ing forces to the centre of shear of the section. If a specification for Y or Z is made, however,
then all internal forces and moments are relative to the so-defined reference point in the section
coordinate system. They are immediately transformed to the centroid or the centre of shear.
The torsional moments the sum from the Saint-Venant part and the secondary torsion from
warping torsion.

Forces and moments for the load case pre- and post tensioning have to be defined always with
the static determined part of the prestress forces.

As the second order analysis must not include the prestressing force in the geometric stiffness,

3-40 SOFiSTiK 2018

Description of Input | AQB

there is an exception: Prestress including creep and shrinkage effects defined with the section
(AQUA) is not to be included with the forces and moments if no construction stages have been

SOFiSTiK 2018 3-41

AQB | Description of Input

3.12 COMB – Definition of Load Case Combinations

See also: LC

Item Description Unit Default

EXTR Extreme values of the combination LT MAMI

SOLO Individual without checks
MAX Maximum
MIN Minimum
MAMI Maximum and Minimum
SUM Add all values together
AND Continuation, add load cases
LOSS Loss of prestress in preceding combination
LINE Separation line for ECHO TABS
see more types at remarks
SCOM Internal force/moment for extreme value LT MY
N Axial force
VY Shear force component
VZ Shear force component
MT Torsional moment
MY Bending moment
MZ Bending moment
SFAC Factor for internal force/moment − 1.0/*

LC1 Load case number or load type −/ LT -

F1 Factor for LC1 − *
LC2 Load case number or load type −/ LT -
F2 Factor for LC2 − *
LC3 Load case number or load type −/ LT -
F3 Factor for LC3 − *
LC4 Load case number or load type −/ LT -
F4 Factor for LC4 − *
LC5 Load case number or load type −/ LT -
F5 Factor for LC5 − *
LC6 Load case number or load type −/ LT -
F6 Factor for LC6 − *

LCST Load case number for results − -

CST Section type for EIGE / DESI / NSTR LT/ − *
GROS Gross section
nn explicit construction stage
CS0 Construction stage section 0
CS99 Construction stage section 99
TITL Name of the combination Lt24 *

3-42 SOFiSTiK 2018

Description of Input | AQB

AQBS normally performs its design operations for the selected load cases. With COMB, com-
binations of the load cases can be defined instead, as are used in partial safety theory in many
international codes or prestressed concrete.

Compared to the superposition in MAXIMA, we need to know the part of the permanent loading,
the prestress or the life load for many design tasks. Furthermore it is very common that we
have extreme values for different targets, thus the load cases of the same type ar now mutually

The combinations must be input before the particular design request is specified, and will stay
in effect for later operations as well, until a new definition is made.

For each combination you may define a load case number LCST to store results. Then the
results are stored under this load case number. These are:

• Combined forces and moments (not at EIGE) (incl. all special effects and transformations)
• Stresses for each material and selected stress points or the centre of every shear cut for
STRE. For shear stress in concrete we store for the reference stress the shear stress due
to lateral shear stress only.
• Eigenstresses in case of EIGE
• non-linear stresses for DESI and NSTR

You may also define for every block of combinations two special load case numbers via the
combinations GMAX and GMIN with LCST. Then the maximum and minimum values of the
results will be stored via this load case numbers in the same format.

If TITL is not selected, AQB constructs a name of its own from the involved load cases.

For each load case a number can be specified; then the load case which is addressed thereby
is added up without regard for its type. As an alternative, a load type can also be addressed
(see record type LC); then all load cases of this type are addressed and combined as selected
within the action definition. e.g:

• For the types G1, G2, P and C, all of the contributing components are added together
(permanent loads). Load type G includes all of the G1 and G2 load types.
• For the type Q, S, F all components will be added if their contribution is unfavourable (al-
ternate action). This is also valid for ZG, Z1, Z2, ZP, ZC, ZQ and SG, S1, S2, SP, SC,
• In the cases of all other types, out of all the load cases of the same type, only the one which
yields the least favourable contribution is used. Typical examples are alternative load cases
max-My and min-My, which come from a development of extreme values or an evaluation
of influence lines.

ATTENTION: This behaviour may be changed via the INI-File for any predefined or user de-
fined action type. Each load case selection may have an additional factor applied. If there are
more than six load cases, then they must be input with a second record, with the entries AND
and EXTR.

With a special superposition type the user may apply the factors for a special load case com-
bination using safety factors and combination coefficients. There are available:

SOFiSTiK 2018 3-43

AQB | Description of Input

Design combination favourable/unfavourable:

S = γg · Gk + γq,1 · Qk,1 + γq, · ψ0, · Qk, (3.3)
Accidental design combination favourable/unfavourable:

S = γg,A · ψ0,g · Gk + γA · Ad + ψ1, · Qk,1 + ψ2, · Qk, (3.4)
Seismic design combination favourable/unfavourable:

Se = Gk + γA · Aed + ψ2, · Qk, (3.5)
Characteristic (rare) combination for serviceability:

Ss = Gk + Qk,1 + ψ0, · Qk, (3.6)
Frequent combination for serviceability:

Sƒ = Gk + ψ1, · Qk,1 + ψ2, · Qk, (3.7)
Infrequent combination for serviceability:

Sƒ = Gk + ψ1, nƒ q · Qk,1 + ψ1, · Qk, (3.8)
Quasi permanent combination for serviceability:

Sp = Gk + ψ2, · Qk, (3.9)
For the variable actions Q the first given load case will be treated with the special combination
value, all other will be assigned the right most coefficients. As any individual load case may
have different combination values, one may select such a value explicitly via a literal for the
factor e.g. as follows (see also MAXIMA):

GAM γ / γƒ GAMA γ
PSI0 ψ0 PSI1 ψ1
PSI2 ψ2 PS1S ψ1,nƒ q
PSIG γ / γƒ · ψ0 PSIA γ · ψ0
PSIU γ · ψ0 PSIF γƒ · ψ0
PS1G γ / γƒ · ψ1 PS1A γ · ψ1
PS1U γ · ψ1 PS1F γƒ · ψ1

3-44 SOFiSTiK 2018

Description of Input | AQB

PS2G γ / γƒ · ψ2 PS2A γ · ψ2
PS2U γ · ψ2 PS2F γƒ · ψ2
P1SG γ / γƒ · ψ1,nƒ q P1SA γ · ψ1,nƒ q
P1SU γ · ψ1,nƒ q P1SF γƒ · ψ1,nƒ q
KFI kƒ  XSI ξ
(EN 1990, Tab. B.3) (EN 1990 equ. 6.10b)
XSIG ξ · γ / γƒ XSIA ξ · γ
XSIU ξ · γ XSIF ξ · γƒ
KFG kƒ  · γ / γƒ XKFI ξ · kƒ 
KFG0 kƒ  · ψ0 · γ / γƒ KFG1 kƒ  · ψ1 · γ / γƒ
KFG2 kƒ  · ψ2 · γ / γƒ KFGS kƒ  · ψ1,nƒ q · γ / γƒ
XKFG kƒ  · ξ · γ / γƒ XKGA kƒ  · ξ · γ
XKGU kƒ  · ξ · γ XKGF kƒ  · ξ · γƒ


! The definition of an explicit factor will always overwrite any other default factor with-
out any reference on the type of superposition. Further the leading action will not be
selected automatically as within MAXIMA! AQB is designed to allow the build of explicit
combinations to find maximum reinforcements.

The ACI requires that these combinations to be investigated:

1.4 · G + 1.7 · L
1.05 · G + 1.275 · L + 1.43 · E
0.9 · G + 1.43 · E

With the use of appropriate factors, the superposition can also be defined according to max-
imum corner stresses. If the factor of the axial force is defined as 1.0, then the factors of the
moments are given by the ratio of area to moment of resistance.

In the case of structural frames, for instance, a load case with a large axial force may be left out
of consideration in the maximum combinations of internal forces and moments, if its moment
proportion has a small effect or a favourable one. Here, those load cases which yield the
maximum value 1.0·MY0.15·N can be incorporated into the design. (The value 0.15 must be
selected appropriately for the section.) This can be accomplished with the input :


COMB EXTR MAX SCOM N 0.15 LC1 G F1 1.0 LC2 L F2 1.0
COMB EXTR MAX SCOM N -0.15 LC1 G F1 1.0 LC2 L F2 1.0

With the use of appropriate factors, the superposition can also be defined according to max-
imum corner stresses. If the factor of the axial force is defined as 1.0, then the factors of the

SOFiSTiK 2018 3-45

AQB | Description of Input

moments are given by the ratio of area to moment of resistance.

These factors do not act on the forces of the combination itself. They will be considered only
to decide if a load case acts favourable or not. The seldom case where the factors act also on
the combination forces, can be accomplished through the input of the following EXTR values:


The following input defines a combination of a moment multiplied by 1.5 and an axial or shear
force multiplied by 1.0.


The factors do not act on secondary forces and from reasons of consistency on internal forces
of type prestress.

Other variations are possible, there is however only one factor per section force allowed. In the
case where more factors have been defined, they must be set before the actual combination
record with the keyword FSOL.



Certain additional moments may be specified according to the design codes. With the literal
MCR as load type there will be a minimum moment My , which yields a tension equal to the
mean tensile strength for a given centric stress according to ACI / AASHTO / DIN 1045-1 /
OEN B4750 12.5 (Robustness) etc. Deviations are given in:

• DIN Fachbericht 102 uses the lower 5 % fractile value

• AASHTO uses the upper fractile value (modulus of rupture) This is to be selected for NORM

With load case type DMR an additional moment is specified for control of cracking in accor-
dance with DIN 4227 or the DAfStb guideline.
ΔM1 = ± 5 · 10−5 ·
or (3.10)
ΔM2 = ± 15 · 10−5 ·

DMR creates only additional MY moments; with DMRZ, additional moments for MZ can be
defined also. Except that, additional constant moments DMY and DMZ are available. They
correspond to a temperature difference of 1 degree.

3-46 SOFiSTiK 2018

Description of Input | AQB




Figure 3.1: Additional moments for control of cracking

SOFiSTiK 2018 3-47

AQB | Description of Input

3.13 EIGE – Determination of Internal Stresses (AQBS only)


Item Description Unit Default

MNO Material number − !

PHI Creep factor or −/ LT *
consistency class KS / KP / KR or
Prestress 1000h-relaxation factor
EPS Shrinkage coefficient (note neg. sign!) − *
REL Relaxation factor according to Trost − 0.80
T Duration of period dys 0.0
RH Relative humidity or maturity %/ LT 40
ARID = 45 % dry environment
INTE = 50 % inner rooms
TEMP = 55 % moderate environment
TROP = 67 % tropical or maritime
TEMP Temperature of concrete or time factor degrees 20
T0 Minimum age for loading dys 7
TS Age at start of drying dys 0
GRP Group number − all
EXP Exposition class for explicit MEXT defines Lt4 -

With EIGE, redistributions of internal stresses are calculated. The parameters may be defined
separately for each material and group. The construction phase section which will be used for
the redistribution should be selected with COMB or LC. Without explicit definition, the section
will be selected following the highest used construction phase of the activated load cases.
(Accounting for creep after grouting of the tendon).

The most common case is the analysis of shrinkage and creep and tendon-relaxation, but
many other effects like non uniform temperature distributions may be handled as well.

The results are secondary strains and stresses in the section. They are stored under the load
case number of the individual load case, or under the load case number LCST of the record
COMB. These results are deleted, if internal forces and moments are defined with S for this
load case, or if new loads will be defined. The integral sectional forces may be added to the
external forces only informally.

The cross section for which the design should be computed can be defined in the record LC
for a single load case or with the COMB record. If this is not the case, then the the design is
always done with the section with the highest active construction stage. This default has to be
checked thoroughly for complex structures !

If PHI or EPS is not defined, these values will be established based on the environment con-

3-48 SOFiSTiK 2018

Description of Input | AQB

ditions (humidity, temperature), the age of the concrete at time of loading, the cement class
and the effective thickness A/U. For these values AQB uses the design code associated to the
material and not that of the design task, because we need very specific material data for this.
However, one of the more general methods may be selected with CTRL EIGE.

For Bridges EN 1992-2 defines in section B.105 safety factors for delayed long term strains
to be used, "‘However, when safety would be increased by overestimation of delayed strains,
and when it is relevant in the project, the creep and shrinkage predicted on the basis of the
formulas or experimental determinations should be multiplied by a safety factor."’ Thus the user
has to select these factors via a definition of CTRL EIGE SAFE. The provisions of the German
NA to apply these factors always for the shrinkage is activated automatically if a bridge class
has been selected.

If T is defined, these basic values PHI and EPS will be modified according to the evolution in
time given by tables or formulas in the design codes. For those design codes relying on the
summation approach (DIN 4227, Japanese and Chinese Code) the delayed elasticity will be
incorporated automatically. If one wants to apply the time evolution function to be applied to
the explicit given PHI/EPS-values, one has to use a negative value for T. For the first creep
interval, the value T0 will control the age for the concrete for creeping and the amount of
shrinkage which has been occurred between TS and T0. If we need the total shrinkage (e.g.
for deformations or stresses with reinforcements) a separate unloaded shrinking time interval
has to be introduced.

The value of TEMP defines then either the temperature in Celsius (0 to 80 degree) during the
creep step or, if defined negative the temperature of a thermal treatment before the creep step.
For special cases a definition with an explict unit − allows to specify an explicit scaling factor
for the effective age of the concrete.

The influence of the temperature on the tendon relaxation (EN 1992-1-1, 10.3.2.) should be
accounted for with an explicit Factor for PHI. The formula (10.2) given in EN 1992-1-1 is not
implemented as it yields for Tmax equal to 80 degrees a rapid (43.3 times accelerated) re-
laxation, so the method given in many technical papers to apply an immediate loss of 4% is
preferable. For very special cases a definition with increased time increment values according
to that formula can be specified.

For analysis SUM with delayed elasticity (old DIN and Japan and China) the parts from delayed
elasticity are always added if T is specified and applied for all primary creep results with the
corresponding negative value. The order of the load numbers must correspond to the chrono-
logical course in this case. Higher load case numbers must describe therefore later creep
stages. If the PHI value is given as 0.0, the part from delayed elasticity is suppressed. If one
wishes to determine only the re-creep, a small value must be entered at PHI.

Further it has to be taken care of, that the effective concrete age is based on the slowly harden-
ing cement, instead of the new coefficients (kz = 0.5, 1.0, 1.5), the original factors from Rüsch
(kz = 1.0, 2.0, 3.0) have to be used.

If an Indian design code is selected, than RH will be treated as maturity according to table 2 of
IRC 18 defining PHI, while EPS is derived from the time T0 according to table 3. There are no
time effects available however in this case.

AS 3600 / 5100 provide curves and final factors for creep and shrinkage based on the effective

SOFiSTiK 2018 3-49

AQB | Description of Input

depth, the environmental conditions and the concrete strength. Not included are temperature,
cements with other sulphate contents or high stresses. With a definition of EC at PHI a switch
to the Eurocode-Formulas may be achieved.

With the setting CTRL EIGE 1, curvature loads for calculating the statically indeterminate
shares from creep and shrinkage are stored. As a rule, multiple creep stages are required
in that case (e.g. 3 to 5) because STAR2/ASE do not know the stresses or the forces at
the end of an interval. If necessary, the relaxation parameters can be altered in AQB. If this
load case is not calculated with STAR2/ASE, the calculation for AQB remains unrestrained i.e.
statically determined.

If the centre of a part of a cross section has tensile stresses, the creeping coefficients are
reduced with the utilisation of this stress to the mean tensile strength. (See CTRL EIGE 32)

As a time dependent elasticity modulus is only to be used for loadings acting at that given
time. All creep defomrations are referenced to the tangent modulus at the age of 28 days. The
concrete itself has secant and tangential modulus defined, but as all the sectional values have
been established with secant values, the creep factors have to be modified accordingly. With
CTRL EIGE 512 this behavior may be deactivated.

EXP allows to select explicitly defined creep curves or coefficients defined with MEXT.

3-50 SOFiSTiK 2018

Description of Input | AQB

3.14 STRE – Linear Stresses and Plastic Forces


Item Description Unit Default

SMOD Type of check / material number LT/ − E

E = elastic stresses
B = resistance for forces
C = resistance of cross sections
D = suggested dimensions
DG = select section from a group
STYP Tabulated limiting stresses LT -

SC Max. normal stress compression N/ mm2 -

ST Max. normal stress tension N/ mm2 SC
SBC Max. edge stress bending compression N/ mm2 SC
SBT Max. edge stress bending tension N/ mm2 ST
SBBC Max. corner stress bending compression N/ mm2 SBC
SBBT Max. corner stress bending tension N/ mm2 SBT
SI Max. principal tensile stress N/ mm2 -
SII Max. principal compressive stress N/ mm2 -

TAU Max. shear stress N/ mm2 -

SV Max. equivalent stress N/ mm2 -
TAUS Max. shear stress longitud. welds N/ mm2 -
SSTM Max. shear/tension torsion middle area N/ mm2 TAU
SSEM Max. shear/tension separate middle area N/ mm2 TAU
SSKM Max. shear/tension combined middle area N/ mm2 TAU
SSER Max. shear/tension edge N/ mm2 TAU
SSKR Max. shear/tension combined edge N/ mm2 TAU

CC Max. normal stress compressive zone N/ mm2 (SC)

CBC Max. edge stress compressive zone N/ mm2 (CC)
CBBC Max. corner stress compressive zone N/ mm2 (CBC)
LIMA Limit for decompression or zone a/b N/ mm2 *
ZMAX Max. prestressing steel stress N/ mm2 *
ZDIF Max. stress range prestressing steel N/ mm2 -
SCMG global safety class factor − -

SOFiSTiK 2018 3-51

AQB | Description of Input

Notes on SMOD:
E: Evaluation of maximum stresses for every force principal and von Mises yield
stress in all sectional points.
B: Evaluation of the utilisation factors for every individual component and a simplified
linear superposition of the linear total utilisation.
C: Evaluation of the utilisation factors for every individual component and a complex
interaction of these components.

In all cases the elastic stress will be evaluated, as this is required to define a sectional class.
If the section is in class 3, the allowable stresses will be checked and their utilisation is save
to the data base as relevant utilisation. If the section is in class 1 or 2, the resistance of the
cross section for any individual force is calculated and for option P a simple linear addition of
all utilization degrees will be saved to the database as total utilisation, while option C will store
a complex interaction based on the provisions of the Eurocode (1993/1999).

Additional tables for every section if ECHO TABS has been set which is also the default value.
Loadcases with the extreme values of stresses or utilisation factors may be created in the data
base by a preceding COMB GMAX/GMIN.

D: Suggested dimensions
Depending on the section class an estimate for the required dimensions of the
cross section is made based on allowable stresses or plastic sectional capacities.
For rectangle, circle, and steel shapes a rather detailed analysis is performed,
while for all other sections, a linear scaling factor for the dimensions factor is
evaluated. In the cases of rectangular sections, the width or height can be fixed
when defining the section. Option DE will use only the allowable stresses for the
DG: Similar to option D. However sections will be selected from a group of sections. A
group is defined via a sequence of cross section with continuous section numbers
and increasing load capacities. The first section of a group will differ only in the
last digit of the current section number. If sections with numbers 8,9,10,11 and
12 are defined, then the program may select instead of section 8 and 9 any of
these numbers while for sections 10, 11 and 12 only the last three sections will be
used. This Option is especially useful if one wants to select a different sequence
for British or American shapes (e.g. UC 305 x 305 x 97 before UC 254 x 254 x
132). Option DGE will use only the allowable stresses for the dimensioning.

Stresses from the combinations are stored if LCST is specified in the record COMB. Without
COMB, the stresses of the individual load cases are saved, if they were specifically defined
with a design type (e.g. LC type (D)).

A literal can be entered for STYP. Then the permissible stresses and any special features of
the codes are preset. Explicit input of the limiting stresses is now only necessary in special

An explicit different value for a stress, for example should only be used to answer ”what if”
questions. Normally the defined values of AQUA should be used via the unspecified literals

3-52 SOFiSTiK 2018

Description of Input | AQB

STRE D / DG is not able in general to perform a final selection of the section as the change of
the section will yield other loads and forces and moments.

A number can also be specified for SMOD. In that case the permissible stresses for the material
which corresponds to this number is defined differently. SMOD 0 describes the stresses of all
materials. However, this does not start the stress check itself. That has to be done with a later
record which has a normal input for SMOD.

The permissible stresses are set in the sequence of the records entered. All undefined ma-
terials are set to the values specified in the final STRE input. If STRE is activated more than
once, all material definitions must be entered before the corresponding STRE record. STRE
only with the material number causes a calculation of the stresses with the option E.

For steel and aluminium a literal from the following table can be input. Then the values with
[ N/mm2 ] are set accordingly.


F Yield strength with safety factor (e.g. 1.1 resp. TVAR GAM-S)
FF full yield strength without safety factor
C characteristic values of strength/yield stress
M0 strength/yield stress for sectional design (γM0 )
M1 strength/yield stress for stability member design (γM1 )

DIN 18800 Teil 1 3.81 / ÖNORM B 4600 / DIN 4113:

H Stresses for load case H depending upon material e.g.:
140 160 140 160 140 160 92 160 135
210 240 210 240 210 240 139 240 170
HZ Stresses for load case HZ depending upon material e.g.
160 180 160 180 160 180 104 180 150
240 270 240 270 240 270 156 270 190
S Stresses H with increased corner values (DIN 18800)
resp. without material safety (DIN 4113)
SZ Stresses HZ with increased corner values (DIN 18800)

The design for axially compressed beams in accordance with DIN 18800 Part 2 / EC 3 is
also included under the stress design in AQB, since it is normally used for lateral shifting
perpendicular to the plane of the structure and for truss braces.

For the design based on ultimate forces, the utilisation level of every individual component will
be analyzed first, the a linear and a more sofisticated interaction rule will be applied. We use
the EC 3 / BS for section classes 1 and 2 (see ). DIN 18800 has different Interaction formulas,
but allows the usage of other. More precise values may be obtained via NSTR.

SOFiSTiK 2018 3-53

AQB | Description of Input

For design codes with globale safety class factors, it is possible to specify such a factor at
STRE, either as number for STYP or as separate item SCMG. Then all admissable stresses
and plastic resistances will be multiplied with this factor.

For timber all admissible stresses have been defined with the material definition in AQUA, so
only the Literal H has to be specified to select these values. For design according to DIN 1052
old the literal HZ may be also selected which will produce values raised by 25 %. For very
special cases you may select arbitrary factors via the item GRZA (2nd Order Theory or older
versions of the design code).

According EN 1995 / DIN 1052-2008 AQUA has defined five factors (kmod) for variant load
durations. All load cases may have a type corresponding to that duration. AQB will then select
the correct factor depending on the load cases involved in the combination.

Design in accordance with DIN 1052 old is done in this form:

σn < permssbe σn (tenson nd compresson)

permss. σb
σn · + σb < permss. σb
permss. σn

permss. σb
σn · + σb < permss. σb
permss. σn

as well as

τ < permss. τ (tenson nd compresson)

permss. τt
τ · + τt < permssbe τt
permss. τ


permss. τt τ
τ · · + τt < permss. τt
permss. τ permss. τ

With that the interaction conditions are verified for m=1 and m=2. The value for permissible
τt can be tuned with TAUW. It should be pointed out that this type of stresses will be checked
only for the outer borders of the cross section. For torsional stresses in the middle area as it
will occur for a boxed section the torsional stress is limited to the TAU value as it is also used
for the shear force.

3-54 SOFiSTiK 2018

Description of Input | AQB

Design according to EN 1995 or DIN 1052-2008 combines the bending stress of My and Mz
via a special combination factor. Further there are reductions of the compressive strength and
bending strength due to axial and lateral buckling.

σn ƒm,0,d
· + σb + km · σb < ƒm,0,d (3.11)
kc ƒc,0,d

The interaction for compressive members according to EN 1995 or DIN 1052-2008 with the
following formula is only evaluated if no buckling length is specified.

σn ƒm,0,d
σn · · + σb + km · σb < ƒm,0,d (3.12)
ƒc,0,d ƒc,0,d

For checks according to EN 1992 or DIN Fachbericht 102 it can be entered at STYP:

VH Set LIMA 0.00 for tensile stresses in concrete for the check of decompression,
else as BH. Depending on the category of the structure, this has to be checked
for infrequent, frequent or quasi-permanent actions. The value will be checked
only in the prestressed tensile region.
BH For characteristic (rare) or infrequent combinations:
0.60·fck for compressive stresses in concrete
0.80·fyk for stresses in concrete steel
0.75·fpk for stresses in prestressing steel (EC)
0.80·fpk / 0.90 fyk for stresses in prestressing steel (DIN)
VZ For quasi permanent actions:
0.45·fck for compressive stresses in concrete (if creep and shrinkage is essen-
0.65·fpk for stresses in prestressing steel (DIN 11.1.4),
otherwise as BH

BZ For characteristic (rare) actions:

fctm for tensile stresses in concrete for classification (DIN) otherwise as BH
BX According FB 102, II-4,, (5)P + (6)P. the principal tensile stresses under
a frequent combination is checked against ftck,0.05

For designs in accordance with DIN 4227 Part 1, the following can be entered as STYP for the
serviceability limit:

VH Full prestress with principal loads

VZ Full prestress with principal and additional loads
VA Full prestress building conditions
VB Full prestress building conditions including restraint (Part. 15.1.)
VT Full prestress transport conditions (as A + Part. 15.5)

BH Limited prestress (Bridges) with principal loads

BZ Limited prestress with principal and additional loads
BA Limited prestress building conditions

SOFiSTiK 2018 3-55

AQB | Description of Input

BB Limited prestress building conditions including restraint

BT Limited prestress transport conditions

EH External post-stress without allowance for tensile stresses in the concrete

EZ External post-stress without bond (only tendon stresses checked)
EB for external post-stress in a construction stage with allowed tensions of 3.0/3.5
MPa for B35/45.

CC -999 must be input if no decrease of the prestress in the pre-compressed compressive

zone should take place.

Tendons without bond (R=0.0 in AQUA) have higher admissible stresses according to DIN 4227
part 6.

For designs in accordance with Austrian Norm OeNorm 4250 or B 4253 the following can be
entered as STYP for serviceability conditions:

VH Full prestressing generally (table 2/3, rows 1/2/3/7)

VZ Under conditions (table 2, rows 1/2/3/8/9)
VA Before applying all permanent loads (table 2, rows 4/5/6)
VB Construction stage (table 3, rows 1/2/3/4/5/6)
VT Non favourable superposition (table 3, rows 1/2/3/8/9/10)
VX Rail bridges (OENORM 4253, LK I)

BH Limited prestress (table 2, rows 1/2/3/11/12/13)

BZ Under conditions (table 2, rows 1/2/3/14/15/16)
BA Before applying all permanent loads (table 2, rows 4/5/10)
BB Construction stage (table 3, rows 1/2/3/4/5/6)
BT Non favourable superposition (table 3, rows 1/2/3/14/15/16)
BX Rail bridges (OENORM 4253, LK II, V AND VI)

For design according to BS 5400 you may enter:

VH for Class 1 members

BH for Class 2 members (Post-tensioned)
BZ for Class 2 members (Pre-tensioned)

For design according to IRC 18 you may enter:

VH for Service (7.2): 0.33fck compression, 0.0 tension

BH for Temporary (7.1): 0.50fck compression, 0.05fck tension

3.14.1 Shear Design- STRE UL

Some design codes allow a design for shear of concrete sections based in an uncracked
model. These are the old German DIN 4227 or the first amendment to the German "‘Nachrech-
nungsrichtlinie"’ of the German Ministry of Transport (2015). In all cases the stress at the

3-56 SOFiSTiK 2018

Description of Input | AQB

extreme fiber of the section is not allowed to exceed a certain value.

For the latter the definition of STRE U has to be selected. As in the

"‘Nachrechnungsrichtlinie"’ the allowable stresses depend on the existence of flanges
in the tensile zone and the provided shear links, AQB checks the center of all shear cuts for
flanges to decide which value is to be taken for the values SBZ and SI. ECHO SHEA YES will
print only the maximum values and the obtained limit values. With ECHO SHEA FULL, the
shear cuts are printed for those sections fulfilling the longitudinal stress limit, wit ECHO SHEA
EXTR all shear cuts will be printed.

For DIN 4227 the input of define STRE E UL does not only start the design of the stresses in
Zone a, but also the limiting stresses for shear design under cracked condition in Zone b using
DESI. For this reason, the meanings of some values have been changed. Here the values
TAU, SV and TAUS stand for values from Table 9, lines 56, 59 and 61, and the values SSTM to
SSKR stand for the values from lines 53, 50, 54, 52, and 55. So a design is done when one of
the shear stress or principal tensile stress components exceeds the following limits:

or τT > SSTM or SSER
or τV+T > SSKM or SSKR

As the value SSEM is also used for the specification of the inclination of the truss model, a full
shear analysis should be triggered by specifying SSKR 0.001.

The base values for shear stress for phase 2 require

τV < TAU
and τT < SV
and τV+T < TAUS
and σ < CC (Webs) resp. CBC (Flanges)

If no record STRE has been defined with ULnn, the entire shear design is done by DESI in
cracked conditions. Otherwise a differentiation is made between Zones a and b depending
upon the maximum uniaxial extreme fibre stress LIMA, and only sections in Zone b are de-
signed. For the stresses found with STRE, transitions of the limits are noted only in Zone a.
Specification of GRZA 0 will perform both types of design, using the specified stress limits, but
the required reinforcement is taken only from the design for zone b.

3.14.2 Minimum Reinforcement - STRE RL

With STRE E RL the check can be selected according to 7.3.2 EN 1992-1 or 11.2.2. of DIN
1045-1 resp. 6.7.3 of DIN 4227-A1. The design may be performed for either side of the section
as well as for individual parts of the section selected with a CUT-definition within AQUA.

The volume of the tensile stresses is evaluated for the design combination which yields the
tensile strength of the concrete. From that a required reinforcement is evaluated, which is
covered with the defined reinforcement layers and a reduced area of the tendons. Item SD is
used for the crack width in mm according to Table 20 (default 0.3), SZ may be used to specify
a factor k explicitly, at SBZ an explicit factor for the tensile strength may be specified. LIMA
is the limit value of the tensile stresses (default -1 N/mm2 ). The distinction between the two

SOFiSTiK 2018 3-57

AQB | Description of Input

formulas 7.2 and. 7.3 for the evaluation of k_c requires an intelligence not available in AQB.
AB considers the ratio between the area of the tensile zone to the product of the height of the
tensile zone and the minimum web thickness to interpolate between the two formulas.

3-58 SOFiSTiK 2018

Description of Input | AQB

3.15 REIN – Specification for Determining Reinforcement

See also: DESI


Item Description Unit Default

MOD Spread of constant reinforcements LT SECT

SECT only in section
BEAM in beam or structural line (same id)
SPAN in span
GLOB in all active beams
TOTL in all beams
RMOD type of reinforcement case LCR LT SING
ACCU as minimum reinforcement
SING Single calculation
SAVE Save as minimum reinforcement
SUPE Superposition with minimum reinforcement
NEW New definition (special cases only)
LCR Number of reinforcement distribution − 1
ZGRP Grouping of prestressing tendons − 0
SFAC Factor for continuous reinforcement − 1.0

P6 Parameter for determining − *

P7 reinforcement − *
P8 (See notes) − *
P9 − *
P10 − *
P11 − 0.20
P12 − *

TITL Title of the design case LT24 -

Any number of types of reinforcement distribution can be stored in the database. The last
defined number LCR is used to save the calculated reinforcement for graphics and for nonlinear
analysis. LCR=0 is reserved for the minimum reinforcement and can not be addressed directly,
but the definition of some literals allows to specify the influence of the current run to this global
minimum reinforcements:

ACCU The existing LCR reinforcement is taken as minimum reinforcements. This type
may be used multiple times. If the last or single definition of LCR is of type
ACCU, a superposition of reinforcements is performed.
SING The gloabl minimum reinforcement is not changes.
SAVE ignores the global minimum reinforcement and overwrites it with the current

SOFiSTiK 2018 3-59

AQB | Description of Input

SUPE superposes the global minimum reinforcement with the current reinforcement.

With record BEAM it is possible to specify an existing layout of reinforcements which can be
used for the analysis of existing structures. To use any reinforcement detailing for ideal sections
in STRE or EIGE, the appropriate factors of the selected LCR have to be specified explicitly!

There is also a control flag CTRL REIN, defining if the reinforcements should be increased or
not. The latter to be used for the analysis of existing structures.

SUPE cannot be used during an iteration, since then the maximum reinforcement for an itera-
tion step will not be able to be reduced. ASE/STAR2 therefore ignore a specification of SUPE,
as long as convergence has not been reached. AQB can update or superpose the reinforce-
ments at a later time: with REIN RMOD SUPE but without any DESI input. A specification of
BEAM, SPAN, GLOB or TOTL under MOD refers to interpolated sections or sections with the
same section number. For all connected ranges with the same section, the maximum for the
range multiplied with SFAC is incorporated as the minimum reinforcement. The design is done
separately in each case for each load, however, so that the user can recognize the relevant
load cases. As the existing reinforcement has a considerable impact on the shear design, AQB

1 2 3 4

SECT1 Sect.2 SECT1





Figure 3.2: Distribution of reinforcements

3-60 SOFiSTiK 2018

Description of Input | AQB

will perform an intermediate superposition after the design for normal force and bending mo-
ments. However, use of minimum reinforcement in ultimate load design has also a detrimental
effect on the shear reinforcement, since the lever of internal forces is reduced. The user can
take the appropriate precautions by specifying a minimum lever arm in AQUA.

Since this latter effect is especially strong with tendons, AQBS can give special effect to the
latter in ultimate load design. This option is controlled with ZGRP:

ZGRP = 0 Tendons are considered with both their area and their prestressing. Normal
reinforcement is specified at the minimum percentage.
The relative loading capacity is found.
ZGRP > 0 Tendons are specified with their full prestressing, but with their area (stress
increase) only in so far as necessary. Normal reinforcement is installed only
if the prestressing steel alone is not sufficient.
A required area of prestressing steel is determined.
ZGRP < 0 Tendons are applied with their prestressing, only in so far as necessary, oth-
erwise the same like ZGRP > 0.

If ZGRP < > 0 has been specified, the tendons are grouped into tendon groups. The group is
calculated by the integer part from dividing the identification number of the tendon by ZGRP. For
the printout the groups are identified by characters to distinguish them from the reinforcement
layers. Group "‘P"’ contains the total area and the prestress forces only, group ’Z’ is the group 0
which is always applied with its full area, while groups "‘A"’ to "‘D"’ identify the optional groups.
Any group number higher than 4 is assigned to group "‘D"’. The use of different steel materials
in the same group may lead to slightly inconsistent results and will be flagged with a warning.

Assume that tendons with the numbers 1,11,12,21,22 and 101 have been defined. With the
appropriate inputs for ZGRP, the following division is obtained:

ZGRP 0 All tendons are minimum reinforcement

ZGRP 10 Tendon 1 is group Z and minimum reinforcement
Tendons 11 and 12 are group A and optional
Tendons 21 and 22 are group B and optional
Tendon 101 is group D and optional
ZGRP 100 Tendons 1,11,12,21 and 22 are group Z and minimum reinforcement
Tendon 101 is group A and optional

An example of the effect can be found in Section

Notes: Parameters for determining reinforcement

The following parameters are not to be changed by the user in general:

Default Typical
P7 Weighting factor of moments 5 0.5 - 50
P8 Weighting factor dimensions -2 -2

When designing, the strain plane is iterated by the BFGS method.

Lack of convergence in the design with biaxial loading can generally be attributed to the

SOFiSTiK 2018 3-61

AQB | Description of Input

factors no longer shaping the problem convexly, so that there are multiple solutions or
none. In these cases the user may change the value of P7. In most cases, however,
problems are caused by specifying the minimum reinforcement improperly.
The required reinforcement is determined in the innermost loop according to the minimum
of the squared errors.

MN ( (N − N)2 + F1 · (MY − MY)2 + F2 · (MZ − MZ)2 )

F1 = P7 · (zm − zmn)P8
F2 = P7 · (ym − ymn)P8

The default value for P8 leads to the same dimensions for the errors and should not be
changed. The value of P7 has been determined empirically and my be changed if needed.
With symmetrical reinforcement and tension it is better to choose a smaller value, with mul-
tiple layers and compression a larger one. For small maximum values of the reinforcement
the value of P7 should be increased. If a warning about lacking convergence or precision
is obtained, the value of P7 should increase the weight of the force deviating the greatest

Default Typical
P9 Factor for reference point of strain 1.0 1.0
P10 Factor for reference point of moments 1.0 0.2 - 1.0
P11 Factor for preference outer reinforcement * 0.0 - 1.0

Reinforcement which is only one third of the lever arm, is allowed to be maximum one
third of the area of the outer reinforcement. P11 is the factor to control this. For biaxial
bending P11=1.0, for uniaxial bending P11=0.0

3-62 SOFiSTiK 2018

Description of Input | AQB

3.16 DESI – Reinforced Concrete Design, Bending, Axial Force

See also: REIN, NSTR


Item Description Unit Default

STAT Load condition and code LT *

NO Save reinforcement only
SERV Serviceability loads
ULTI Ultimate loads
NONL Non-linear analysis combination
ACCI Accidental combination
KSV Control for material of cross section − *
KSB Control for material of reinforcements − *

AM1 Minimum reinforcement for beams % *

AM2 Minimum reinforcement for columns % *
AM3 Minimum reinforcement % *
statically required cross section
AM4 Minimum reinforcement depending on normal force − *
AMAX Maximum reinforcement %/ LT *
FIX The current reinforcements will be fixed as
FIXL The current longitudinal reinforcements will
be fixed as maximum.
FIXS The current shear reinforcements will be
fixed as maximum.

SC1 Safety coefficient concrete bending − *

SC2 Safety coefficient concrete compression − *
SCS Safety coefficient concrete shear − *
SS1 Safety coefficient reinforcing steel − *
SS2 Safety coefficient tendon steel − *
SS0 Safety coefficient structural steel − *
C1 Maximum compression o/ oo *
C2 Maximum centric compression o/ oo *
S1 Optimum tensile strain, see below o/ oo *
(= limit for symmetric reinforcements)
S2 Maximum tensile strain o/ oo *
Z1 Maximum effective compressive strain of prestressing o/ oo *
Table continued on next page.

SOFiSTiK 2018 3-63

AQB | Description of Input

Item Description Unit Default

Z2 Maximum effective tensional strain of prestressing o/ oo *

SMOD Design mode shear LT *
NO No shear design
TVS Deductional shear stress / stress limit N/ mm2 *
MSCD Maximum tensile longitudinal stress N/ mm2 *
KTAU Shear design for plates −/ LT *
K1 not staggered for normal slabs
(DIN 1045 17.5.5. equ. 14)
K2 not staggered for slabs with evenly dis-
tributed loading
(DIN 1045 17.5.5. equ. 15)
K1S like K1, but staggered
(DIN 1045 17.5.5. Table 13 1a)
K2S like K2, but staggered
num coefficient k for equ. 4.18 EC2
0.0 no shear check

TTOL Tolerance for the limit values − 0.02

TANA Lower and upper limit for inclination of − *
TANB struts of shear design (tan Θ = 1/cot Θ) − *
SCL Plasticity control for steel and composite sections − 3
1 No limits on steel stress
2 Outmost compressive yield stress is limited
3 Compressive stress is limited to the yield
4 Yield stress will be applied as limit in the
tensile and compressive region
DELR Redistribution for ductiles x/D-Limit − 1.0

Design may be performed for various safety concepts. When designing for ultimate load or
combinations with divided safety factors, the load factor must be contained in the internal forces
and moments. One way to accomplish this is with the COMB records.

With KSV and KSB will be controlled the material law. As the correct default is taken from
the INI-file selected with the design code NORM, it is only for very special cases that you may

EL linear elastic, but without tension if concrete

ELD linear elastic with added material safety factor from AQUA

3-64 SOFiSTiK 2018

Description of Input | AQB

SL serviceability without safety factors

SLD serviceability with added material safety factor from AQUA
UL ultimate design without safety factors from AQUA
ULD ultimate design with safety factors from AQUA
CAL Calculatoric mean values
CALD Calculatoric mean values with safety factors from AQUA
PL plastic nominal without safety factors
PLD plastic design with material safety factors from AQUA

The safety factors referenced above refer to the values defined with the material in AQUA.
Without ”D” only the factors defined in the INI file or the explicitly defined values SC1 to SS2 of
the DESI record are applied. However the additional safety factor γ’ for high strength concrete
of old DIN will be applied additionally. The printout will flag global safety factors.

With Option D we have to distinguish between two different cases:

• If the values defined in DESI are < 1.0 or negative or SC1 is not equal SC2 (e.g. ACI or
odl DIN) or the design code has special provisions for that (SNIP), the safety factors are
multiplicative. Printed stresses contain only the safety factors of the materials.
• In all other cases the value from the material will be taken instead of the default value of
DESI. However if the safety factor is explicitly defined with DESI with a value > 1 the option
D will be deactivated with a warning.

If a design without any safety factors is required, all saftey factors have to be specified as 1.0
which will then change the default for KSV/B to UL.

PL resp. PLD will modify for some design codes (DIN, EC, ACI) the stress strain law to a
constant equivalent stress block, i.e. the stress value and the strain range will be modified
according to the provisions of those codes.

With the special definition of SS1 NRIL the safety factors of the reinforcements will be set to
1.05 and 1.10 according to the provisions of the German ”Nachrechnungsrichtlinie”, also the
ordinates of those reinforcements will be reduced then by an offset of 20 resp. 10 m.

The minimum reinforcements AM1 to AM3 are preset according to the design code (INI file) and
apply to all cross sections; they are input either as absolute value in [cm2] or as a percentage
of the section area.

The value AM4 is a direct factor for the Formulas 9.5.2 resp. 9.6.2 of EN 1992-1-1. A positive
value will be applied for columns and walls, while a negative value is used only for columns.

The relevant value is the maximum of the minimum reinforcements:

- Absolute minimum reinforcement (AM1/AM2)

- Minimum reinforcement of statically required section
- Minimum reinforcement defined in cross section program AQUA
- Minimum reinforcement stored in the database

SOFiSTiK 2018 3-65

AQB | Description of Input

The statically determined portion of the forces and moments of prestressing is always deducted
when determining the external forces and moments. This contribution is found from the location
of the tendons and their tensile force. AQB only: A specification of the bifurcation factor BETA in
record BEAM is changed to additional moments according to DIN 1045 17.4.3 resp. Eurocode resp. DIN 1045 neu 5.6.4. resp. OeNORM B 4700 2.4.3. or other design codes. The
design will always generate both bending axis. The output of the extra moments is given with
the forces of the combinations.

Defaults for strain limits and safety coefficients depend on the selected design code and the
type of load combination. They may be specified in the INI-file of the design code. If SC1 and
SC2 are defined different (e.g. old DIN 1045, ACI), then the safety factors of the reinforcements
will be also interpolated if SS1 is equal to SC1.

The maximum strain depends on the stress-strain curve. The value of 2.2 is reduced for ex-
ample at the old DIN or high strength concrete automatically. The EN and the DIN suggest to
limit the strain also for the midpoint of compressive flanges. This option may be selected by
defining a value of C2 as positive (select teh control) or negative (disable the control).

The values Z1 and Z2 do not limit the range of possible strains, but the maximum corresponding
values are used as strain increments for the tension members in the section. This is necessary,
for instance, when designing with partial prestressing under DIN 4227 Part 2.

According to EN 1992 5.5 (4) or DIN 1045-1 8.2/8.3 (3) the height of the compressive zone
should be limited to achieve a certain ductility. (e.g. not larger than 0.45 d, or 0.35 d for high
strength concrete). As the maximum compressive strain is fixed (3.5 o/oo), this is equivalent
to the request that the steel strain has at least a value of S1 (4.278 for x/d=0.45). If this is not
fulfilled a compressive reinforcement is needed and a minimum shear link according to DIN
1045-1 13.1.1. (5) has to be provided. A negative definition of S1 either explicitly or via the
INI-file will define the value of S1 depending on the strength of the concrete, the ductility and
the required degree of redistribution δ = DELR. This is especially required if redistribution of
moments is intended.

An equivalent formulation is given in OENORM 4700, where it is requested that the steel should
reach the yield strength. AQB fulfills also a more general rule, that the compressive reinforce-
ment is not allowed with a larger value than the tensile reinforcement. Thus AQB provides
symmetric reinforcements for all design codes when the steel strain does not exceed the value
of S1, fulfilling the request for ductility in that way.

This design operation is also suitable for non-reinforced sections. In that case the program
produces internal forces and moments which are in the same proportion to each other as the
external forces and moments. The safety factors SC1 and SC2 have to be defined dependent
on the design code. The program then shows the relative load carrying capacity and prints a
warning if this should fall below 1.0.

The shear design finds the lever of internal forces for all load cases with compression and
tension forces in the section, and finds the shear stress and shear reinforcement resulting from
shearing force and torsion. The shear stress limits are set automatically depending on SMOD
and the material. Deviating values for the shear stress limits can be defined within AQB with a
record STRE (under 4227 only) or TVS. Since in case of excess of the shear stress limits no

3-66 SOFiSTiK 2018

Description of Input | AQB

design more occurs, this can be exceeded onto own responsibility of the user with a tolerance.

For the reduction of the shear capacity for tensile members the normal stress σpc is limited to
the value MSCD. The default is selected with the mean tensile strength fctm .

The inclination of the struts in the truss model is specified in the design codes. The limit values
are specified in the INI-files of the design codes and may be increased by a TVAR definition.
Available are upper an lower limits for the tangent of web (TANMIN,TANMAX), compressive
flanges (TANMINC,TANMAXC) and tensile flanges (TANMINT,TANMAXT). The lower values
may be also increased by an explicit value with every shear cut. Thus the applied minimum
inclination is always the maximum from all definitions.

For the torsion the same angle is used in general, but for some design codes and for contrary
shear there are deviations.

The longitudinal forces or the consideration of the shift rule of the envelope of the tensile forces
depend upon the CTRL option VM. It is possible to specify explicit values for the inclination for
transverse shear and torsion. Then the longitudinal forces of the truss model will be evaluated
beforehand and considered in the bending design directly. While the value for the transverse
shear increases the minimum value only, the value for the torsion will be always applied.

The ratio Ved/Vrd,max and the value of the shift will be saved to the database.

If a section is to be considered as a plate has already been defined with the section itself. The
definition of KTAU is thus only effective for those sections.

For sections with tendons, the bond stress for every tendon will be evaluated according to DIN
4227 chapter 13 as the increment in tendon force divided by the periphery and the length given
by BETA in record BEAM. (Use negative factors for bending members)

SOFiSTiK 2018 3-67

AQB | Description of Input

3.17 NSTR – Non-linear Stress and Strain

See also: REIN, DESI


Item Description Unit Default

KMOD Load condition and stiffness evaluation − !

SERV Stress evaluation without
ULTI change of stiffness for
ACCI this selected load condition
NONL for more options see remarks
KSV Control for material of the cross section, − *
KSB for reinforcements and tension stiffening − *
KMIN Minimum stiffness − 0.01
KMAX Maximum stiffness − 4.00
ALPH Numerical damping factor − 0.4
FMAX Numerical acceleration factor − 5.0

CRAC Design for crack width / decompression LT NO

NO no check
YES calculate crack width
TAB limitation of steel stress
DECO decompression around tendons
CW Crack width or height of decompression mm *
BB Duration coefficient or similar parameter − *
= kt of EN 1992-1-1 0.40
= βt of DIN 1045-1 0.25
= reduction acc. 3.2.2. B4700 0.0
= tension stiffening stress for BS -
= factor ϕ of SNIP 2.03.01 *
= factor k2 of the Spanish EHE 0.5
HMIN Minimum height of zone (nominal cover) mm 0.0
HMAX Maximum height of tension zone m 0.8
CW- Crack width or factor ”above” mm/ − CW
FFCT Factor on mean tensile strength − -

CHKC Stress to be checked for concrete −/ MP -

CHKT Stress to be checked for tendons −/ MP -
CHKR Stress to be checked for reinforcement −/ MP -
CHKS Stress to be checked for structural steel −/ MP -
all values either explicit in MPa or
Table continued on next page.

3-68 SOFiSTiK 2018

Description of Input | AQB

Item Description Unit Default

relative (+) to material strength fy / fc

relative (-) to material strength ft / fck
an absolute strain value

FAT Fatigue design check LT -

EN92 according to EN 1992 6.64
DINF according to DIN / DIN-FB
SIGS Allowable stress sway for reinforcements N/ mm2 *
TANS Inclination of struts for reinforcements − 0.756
TANC Inclination of struts for concrete stress − 0.571

DUMP File name for the creation of the history of the non- Lt96 -
linear stresses for a sequence of dynamic load cases

With NSTR a non linear stress and strain evaluation determination is performed. This contains
checks in the cracked estate or nonlinear checks in general. ”Byproducts” are the determi-
nation of stress ranges or crack widths and non linear stiffnesses, to be used in subsequent
analysis with STAR2 / ASE or DYNA.

Defining CHK options will check the stresses in the section or reinforcements. A violation of
these limits will be marked, but no countermeasures will be taken like an increase of reinforce-
ments, as the non linear dependencies doe not allow to solve this easily.

The calculation can be carried out with different material values and safeties. This is controlled
by the definition of the load condition. A default for this state is only provided if the definitions
to DESI and NSTR give a unique selection. The load condition selects then the defaults for
KSV and KSB, which may be overwritten explicitly. Meant in this case:

EL linear elastic, but without tension if concrete

ELD linear elastic with material safety factor
SL nominal serviceability without material safety factor
SLD serviceability design with material safety factor
UL ultimate nominal without material safety factor
ULD ultimate design with material safety factor
CAL Calculatoric mean values
CALD Calculatoric mean values with safety factors from AQUA
PL plastic nominal without material safety factor
PLD plastic design with material safety factor

TS0 nominal serviceability with tension stiffening (only at KSB)

Then we have the following defaults (Please check always):

SOFiSTiK 2018 3-69

AQB | Description of Input

Serviceability KSV=KSB=SL
Ultimate limit state Is defined in the INI file (e.g. KSV=SLD, KSB=SL)
Accidental (ACCI) KSV=KSB=SL
Non linear (NONL) KSV=KSB=CAL

Different iterative possibilities are provided to determine the stiffness (see STAR2 Section
2.7.5). The load condition can be specified by a prefix of S, U, A or N.

S1 Secant stiffness from given curvatures

SN Secant stiffness from given moments
K0 Plastic strains without iteration
K1 Plastic strains from given curvatures
KN Plastic strains from given moments
T0 Tangent stiffness without iteration
T1 Tangent stiffness from given curvatures
TN Tangent stiffness from given moments

3.17.1 Design for Structural Steelwork (DIN 18800, EN 1993)

• Nonlinear Design


It will be checked if the forces can be supported by calculating internal forces with non-
linear stress strain relations. As the strains are finite, this is not a plastic analysis and the
hardening effects may be used as stated in EN 1993-1-5 Appendix C. A warning will be
printed, if the resistance is not sufficient.
Clause (755) of DIN 18800 part 1 respective (123) in part 2 require that M < 1.25
Mmax,elastic for some selected cases. This may be deactivated with KMIN 0.


Very large (fully plastic) strains will be created. Internal forces will not always have the
same ratio to the given moments and shear forces, but a mean value as a relative bearing
capacity will be printed. Clause 755 will be applied directly unless KMIN > 0 is given
explicitly. This option is mainly intended to obtain points of a complete interaction curve,
but not for checks for a given set of forces and moments.
• Design plastic-plastic
When iterating with ASE / STAR2 and NSTR a calculation according to the yield zone theory
is possible. A limit on the plastic moment as requested for the plastic hinge method is not
necessary and should be deactivated with KMIN 0.

The design check of the c/t-ratio has differences for the elastic design and the design tasks
elastic-plastic or nonlinear (plastic-plastic):

• If the yield strength is not reached, the section will be checked against the slenderness of
class 3, respective the augmented values for small stresses.

3-70 SOFiSTiK 2018

Description of Input | AQB

• If the yield stress is exceeded, the limit values of sectional classes 2 (NSTR SERV/ULTI) or
1 (all other NSTR options) will be checked . If these limits are exceeded, the section will be
classified as class 4.
• Is the section classifed as class 4, the non effective parts according EN 1993-1-5 will be
calculated and taken into account.

3.17.2 Design for Reinforced Concrete

To calculate the correct strain condition, knowledge of the actual existing reinforcement is
needed. If the latter was not defined in AQUA as the minimum reinforcement or with BEAM
as current reinforcement, then an appropriate DESI record needs to have been calculated in
advance. The most recently determined distribution of reinforcements for each case is saved
in the database. This is not valid, however, for internal forces and moments of the load case 0

Specifying a value for CRAC will perform a check of the crack width and/or the limit diameter
with the diameters and distances defined in AQUA and possible reference areas. Non specified
distances are calculated for a linear reinforcement based on the total area and the specified
diameter, but not larger than the maximum allowed value taken from the INI-file. If required,
AQB will try to fulfill the requirements by an increase of the provided reinforcements, unless
CTRL REIN FIX/FIXL has been specified.

The parameter CW is in nearly all cases the necessary crack width (wk, cal) and will be preset
accordingly. The utilisation factor for the crack width is the ratio of the achieved crack width
to the requested value. If CW is defined as 999 the increase of the reinforcements will be
deactivated and the utilisation factor is the absolute crack width.

Tabulated Stresses (TAB)

Currently there are some design codes implemented defining an admissable stress depending
on the diameter and either the distance or the reinforcement ratio for a simplified design:

EN 1992 2004 (Table 7.2 / 7.3)

DIN 1045-1 (Table 20 / 21)
OEN 4700 (Tables 8 to 10)
BAEL (Material only), AS 5100, Egyptian design code

In all cases it is possible to specify a direct admissable stress value with SIGS.

EN 1992 / DIN 1045 / B 4700:

CW is the necessary crack width (wk, cal), with a default of 0.2 mm. The reduced values for
restraining loading of thick cross sections under EC 2 must be converted by the user (e.g. by
wk = 1.3/1.7 · 0.2 = 0.15). The item BB has to be specified as 0.5 for long term and 1.0
for short term actions. Other coefficients will be derived from that value, e.g. EN 1992 kt =
0.2+0.4 · BB.

If FFCT is not given explicitly a minimum value of 3 MPa is assumed in Germany as mean
tensile strength.

SOFiSTiK 2018 3-71

AQB | Description of Input

DIN 1045-1 does not need any other factors for the crack width itself. For non-linear methods
including Tension Stiffening however formulas are given in Paper 525 of DAfStB section 8.5
(page 36), BB is used to specify the value βt .

For B 4700 the value BB will control an interpolation between tables 7/8 and 9/10. BB=1 selects
mostly constraining, while BB=0 (default) selects mostly loading (no constraint).

Because not only the codes to the crack width but also their interpretation change continuously,
it is very probable that with different versions different results show up.

DIN 4227:
The more recent design check according to Appendix A1 is selectable via record STRE. NSTR
calculates the obsoleted original form where CW is the factor for environmental conditions. The
following values can be used:

Environment 1 CW = 1.0 (default)

Environment 2 CW = 0.75
Environment 3 CW = 0.50

BS 5400 / IS 456:
These design codes classify three possible crack width values (0.30, 0.20 and 0.10 mm). For
the analysis we need the nominal cover Cnom of table 13 (BS 5400-4) resp. table 16 of IS 456
to be specified at item HMIN. The tension stiffening effect is introduced by a stress of BB at the
height of the centroid of the reinforcement.

We have the following possibilities, where the value of Cnom should be specified with item
HMIN in [ mm] :

• BS 5400 according equ. 25 is applied if this design code has been selected. The ratio
(1-Mq/Mg) can be taken from the permanent load cases within a combination. If single load
cases are used, the parameter BB may be used to specify an explicit ratio. The value of
Cnom has to be specified with HMIN, there is no default.
• For BS 8110 and IS 456 we have the following: If BB is defined as the tensile stress a
reduction of the strain is performed based on the triangular tensile stress distribution. If BB
= 0, the approximation of BS/IS for rectangular sections is used instead.

AS 5100 / 3600:
For these design codes, BB defines with values of 1 or 2 the allowable steel stress according to
the SLS or the permanent effects following AS 5100 clause 8.6.1.(c). For tendons an additional
check for 200 MPa on the stress increments according 8.6.2. is performed if the tensile stress
of the concrete exceeds the tensile strength. Explicit values for the stresses may be specified
also with BB, where the original enum of the table has to be shifted to the fractional part. (eg.
190.2). The printout will show either the concrete stress with a preceeding ”c” or the tendon
stress with a preceeding ”t”.

3-72 SOFiSTiK 2018

Description of Input | AQB

SNIP 2.03.01:
For the design you have to select a crack width. The calculation of the crack width is done
for the completed crack pattern according to equation 144. The input value BB is used for an
explicit parameter ϕ , which is in general preset by the concrete class.

This Spanish design code is rather similar to the Eurocode (BB is factor k2). It classifies four
possible crack width values (0.40, 0.30, 0.20 and 0.10 mm). But then then formulas for the
effective height and the crack distance and the mean strain quite different. Thus there is no
dependency on the bond properties of the reinforcements. The distance of the longitudinal
bars is always taken as 15 ∅, because we have not enough information available for more
details. Tension stiffening is treated as with EC 2.

Check for Decompression (DECO):

The check of the decompression for the cracked section is controlled by the definition of NSTR
SERV CRAC DECO CW hh, where hh at item CW is the distance to the ducts outer perimeter.
The default value for hh is 100 mm, but the INI-file may contain a formula. The strain in these
critical points will be printed and saved to the database.

3.17.3 Iteration Methods

Calculation of non-linear stiffnesses in AQB with other values than S0 is successful only if
another program like ASE, STAR2 or DYNA is called again with a new iteration as a restart,
and this process is repeated until convergence occurs. Thus it is recommended to define
these records within ASE or STAR2 and to define the number of iterations there. Within the
procedure WPS/SPS it is possible to call several programs in turn with the option PROG ITER
which is optimized however for the use with STAR2 (cf. AQB 5.2.2. prefabricated column).

An analysis of unloading or the hysteresis of load cycles is not possible today for beam ele-

Selection of the optimum iteration method is not easy, because the selected type of stiffness
update determines the iteration and convergence behaviour. In most cases the use of KMOD
S1 or SN will be straight forward. KMOD SN is the fastest method for slightly nonlinear prob-
lems, while S1 is suited for highly loaded systems where it may happen that the ultimate load
capacity of a section is exceeded within an iteration step. For the methods K0, K1 or KN the
stiffness will be kept constant, but plastic strains are calculated, to be used as extra loading
as initial strains similar to a temperature loading. Using this approach the failure of the system
is no longer given by an instability detected during the solution of the equation system, but by
monotone increasing deformations, which have to be checked carefully therefore.

The user should start with SN for lightly loaded systems and with S1 for more heavily loaded
systems, and should then shift to K1 or K0 if necessary. When there are many similar systems,
it pays to find the optimum method by experimentation.

To prevent endangering the iteration procedure, only changes of stiffness of a certain magni-
tude are permitted. A value of 0.4 for ALPH means that in each step the stiffness can decrease
at most to 0.4 times its last value, or increase at most to 1/0.4 times its last value. ALPH is

SOFiSTiK 2018 3-73

AQB | Description of Input

preset to 0.4 in ASE / STAR2, but to 0.01 in AQB itself. Independently of that, the stiffnesses
remain limited to the range between KMIN and KMAX, referenced to the elastic stiffness.

With critical systems, which exceed their loading capacity in the course of the iteration, it may
be necessary to limit the maximum acceleration factor with FMAX. A value of less than 1.0
damps the iteration procedure. A value of 0.0 turns the procedure off. The default of FMAX is
2.0 at a calculation with NSTR KMOD SN and CTRL INTE 4.

3.17.4 Fatigue / Stress Range

For coupling joints and other constructions it may be required to design for fatigue with a given
stress range. This can be easily accounted for by defining several load cases for the same
section. If the fatigue check needs also the permanent stress, you should include one load
case of type MAXP in the analysis. To save the stress range in the database an extra load
case number is required to be specified via COMB GMAX LCST ...

AQB will keep track of maximum and minimum stress and will compare the resulting difference
with a given threshhold value specified for concrete and Steel with AQUA. A value of SIGS
from this record will limit the values of all reinforcements to that given value. Such a global
definition will deactivate some specific stress modifications of the design codes however.

Unless a definition of CTRL REIN FIX/FIXL has been specified, AQB will increase the area of
passive reinforcements accordingly, if the limit value for the reinforcements is exceeded. But
there will be no reanalysis of the load cases with the changed values. All printed results are
therefore valid for the reinforcement before the analysis. Special notice should be given to the
fact, that without a preliminary design only the minimum reinforcements for longitudinal and
shear links are used.

For the fatigue design check according to DIN 1045-1 resp. DIN FB-102 the Literal FAT DINF
should be entered, further definitions might be done with records LC and BEAM or within the
material definition (AQUA).

It might be helpful to increase the volume of print out via ECHO NSTR EXTR in such cases.

3-74 SOFiSTiK 2018

Description of Input | AQB

3.18 CAPA – Sectional Capacity Evaluation

See also: LC

Item Description Unit Default

NCS Cross section number − !

CS Construction stage − 0
TASK Task to perform LT STR
STR Evaluation for given strains
STRN Evaluation of strains for given
DESI Evaluation of required reinforce-
MC Moment-curvature for given N
NM Normal force / Moment interaction
NMS Normal force / Moment / Shear in-
NM2 complete NM with alternating mo-
NMS2 complete NMS with alternating mo-
SERV serviceability limit state
ULTI ultimate limit state
ACCI accidential limit state
EL,ELD elastic character./design
SL,SLD service character./design
UL,ULD ultimate character./design
CALC,CALD calculatoric character./design
PL,PLD plastic character./design
N Axial force / axial strain [kN] 1101 0
VY Shear force / shear strain [kN] 1102 0
VZ Shear force / shear strain [kN] 1102 0
MT Total torsional moment / strain [kNm] 1103 0
MY Bending moment / curvature [kNm] 1104 0
MZ Bending moment / curvature [kNm] 1104 0
MB Warping moment [kNm2] 1105 0
MT2 2ndary torsional moment [kNm] 1103 0

AS0 Reinforcements of layer 0 [cm2] 1020 *

AS1 Reinforcements of layer 1 [cm2] 1020 *
... ... [cm2] 1020 *
Table continued on next page.

SOFiSTiK 2018 3-75

AQB | Description of Input

Item Description Unit Default

AS9 Reinforcements of layer 9 [cm2] 1020 *

CMNT Short comment [ ] Lit16 *

These records allow to create single values or diagrams of sectional capacities. Forces and
moments may be defined as true values, as factors [-] on the single value capacity or as strains
[o/oo]. Reinforcements may be specified explicitly in [cm2] or as factors [-] on the values defined
in the section.

3.18.1 STR single values

All forces will be converted to corresponding elastic strains. Then the non linear normal and
shear stresses will be evaluated based on the superposition of all strains and integrated to total
forces and moments.

3.18.2 MC moment-curvature relations

The task STR will be evaluated for a set of strains and presented graphically. The curvatures
ky and kz will be scaled simultaneously from 0 to the maximum value of MY and MZ. All other
strains will be unchanged. However, if N is defined as force, an iteration of the central strain
will be done, to match these normal force. (See S1/K1 in record NSTR).

3.18.3 NM interaction of normal force with moments

The task STR will be evaluated for a set of limit strains and presented graphically. The central
strain and the curvatures will be selected based on the design code limit strains and the ratio
of ky and kz. All other strains will be unchanged. However, if MY and MZ are given as forces,
an iteration of the orientation of the neutral axis will be performed to give a planar meridian cut
of the interaction surface.

3-76 SOFiSTiK 2018

Description of Input | AQB

3.19 ECHO – Control of the Extent of Output


Item Description Unit Default

OPT A literal from the following list: LT FULL

SECT Static properties of section
FORC Forces and moments
COMB Combinations and their forces
STRE Elastic stresses
DESI Design
NSTR Non-linear stresses
EIGE Finding internal stresses
SHEA Shear design
CRAC Limitation of crack width
FAT Fatigue Design
C2T c/t slenderness ratio
USEP Used participle factors
REIN Reinforcements
TABS Tabular summaries
SSUM Maximum forces and moments
LC Individual load cases
BSEC Sections
STAT Overview of CPU time
FULL All options except for LC, BSEC

VAL Value of output option LT FULL

OFF nothing computed / printed
NO no output
YES standard output (default in general)
FULL full output
EXTR extended output
SELE Output mask LT4 *

With ECHO the volume of the output is controlled. While the default (YES) creates a minimum
printout with the most important data in a single line, the definition of a pure option with (the
default input) value FULL will created additional but still compact output.

The value EXTR will create as much information as possible, which will be split in several tables

SOFiSTiK 2018 3-77

AQB | Description of Input

in general. Some special options will be availabe separately by special items.

The record name ECHO must be specified with each input record to avoid ambiguities with the
the record names.

The meaning of the ECHO options in brief follow (more information in ):

NO Only sections explicitly selected with BEAM
YES All sections selected for printing
FULL All sections

NO Only extreme values of stresses / reinforcement
YES Load case 0 and combination (superposition) load cases
FULL All single load cases

NO Table is omitted
YES Output for construction stage sections
EXTR Output for all sections as well as cross section parts of the tendon groups

NO Table is omitted
YES Only the forces and moments for load case 0
FULL Forces and moments of the selected load cases
EXTR Forces and moments of the combinations
COMP additional forces and moments for every material for composite sections
(available only within AQBS)

Prints maximum forces and moments per section for all load cases
YES Only one line per section
FULL Max and min per section
EXTR Max and min also for every load case

YES Table of the combinations is output
FULL Internal forces and moments of combinations are output
EXTR Factors of the superposition will be printed

YES Output of effective creep and shrinkage coefficients, resulting forces and

3-78 SOFiSTiK 2018

Description of Input | AQB

moments and stresses

FULL Creep-inducing forces of partial section per creep load case with applied
creep coefficients Internal forces of partial section, total resultant forces,
shear force components and determined strain and curvature modifications
EXTR Additional output of the evaluation of the creep coefficients.

OFF no print at all
NO print only stresses above limits
YES Main values σ − / σ + / τ/ σ − / σ − / σ − 
FULL including stress components of the individual forces
EXTR Stresses in stress points (SELE)
ELEM Stresses in important points (SELE)
FAT Enable Fatigue design check of stresses
ALL Stresses in all sectional elements (SELE)

YES Only maximum values are output
FULL Uncracked stage I:
All sections in zone A are output
Cracked stage II:
All sections are output
Output of ratios of available to permissible shear force / torsional shear force
EXTR Cracked stage I:
All sections in zone B are output, additional in zone A the stresses of the
sections are output

ECHO TABS prints detailed tables of the stresses for every beam section for
the following STRE check. Thus the definition has to be repeated if needed
for more than the first check- It is treated as a bit encoded number which
contains the following options:
NO Table is omitted (default)
TEND Single prestress tendons instead of groups (1)
SIG Normal stresses (2)
TAU Shear stresses (4)
FAT Stress ranges for normal and shear stresses (8)

This option controls the output of used utilisation factors
YES Printout of the values after a check (default)
FULL Printout of detailed values

SOFiSTiK 2018 3-79

AQB | Description of Input

NO Table is omitted
YES Table will be output
FULL Lever arm of the internal forces and tension force after displacement of the
envelope line will be output.
EXTR Additionally the stresses in the tendon groups in beam beam section as well
as the max. and min. edge strains for the materials

NO Tables are omitted
YES Only table with the maximum reinforcement
FULL Table with the maximum reinforcement and individual design (distribution of
deformation, shear etc.)
EXTR Reinforcement for each rank for NSTR (crack width) as well as extended
output of the maximum reinforcement (only when GLOB and TOTA are in

YES Internal forces, stresses and location of neutral axis, effective stiffness
FULL In addition strains and curvatures and maximum and minimum stresses
EXTR Strains and stresses for all materials and in selected stress points of the
ELEM Strains and stresses for all selected elements in section
COMP Tensile and compressive components including internal lever
STIF Plastic strains and tangential stiffness for nonlinear analysis
SEFF Show effective stiffness as ratio instead of elasticity moduli

YES Print checks for beam sections exceeding the limits
FULL Print checks for all beam sections
EXTR Print checks for all selected stress points of the section
ELEM Print checks for all selected elements in section

OFF No check, but evaluation of beƒ ƒ for NSTR
NO No output, utilisation c/t ratio is printed
YES only plates with exceeding c/t ratios
FULL maximum untilisation of c/t ratios
EXTR All c/t values for all plates for buckling
The output of the c/t ratio depends on the type of the check:
STRE E (sectional class 3 resp. elastic-elastic)

3-80 SOFiSTiK 2018

Description of Input | AQB

The output is printed in the table Stresses, if ECHO C2T is de-

STRE C (sectional class 1 or 2, elastic-plastic)
The advanced check for section class 1 or 2 is done only in case
of plasticized areas.
If these areas do not appear, then the check elastic-plastic is
done here also.
NSTR ULTI (sectional class 1 or 2 resp. table 15 DIN 18800 part1, elastic-
The output is printed in the table Nonlinear Stresses, if ECHO
C2T is defined.
NSTR ULTI (sectional class 4)
The effective width or thickness is printed in the table with NSTR
NO Output is only a remark on achieved crack width or stress utilisation.
YES Output of the state with the final reinforcement Total tension zone and all
elements after the increase
FULL as YES and additional output of the state with available reinforcement
EXTR additional output of all iterative steps

3.19.1 Output masks)

All elements (parts) of a cross section are marked from program AQUA with a literal with up to
4 characters. The output of selected values (polygon points, reinforcement etc.) contains in a
first step only the elements which match the mask SELE.

SELE is a literal with up to 4 characters which may contain wildcard-symbols. These are:

’*’ for any number of any characters

’?’ for any character

for example the literal

’A*’ includes all words who start with A

’?0’ includes all words with two characters with second character ’0’
’1??0’ includes all words with 4 characters with first character ’1’ and last character
’*’ can be any word
’*A’ or any other with any character after ’*’ are equivalent to the literal up to ’*’.

SOFiSTiK 2018 3-81

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