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Testing and Validation of Large Gas Turbines

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POWER-GEN Europe, Milano, Italy, June 21- 23, 2016

Testing and Validation of Large

Gas Turbines
Jochen Luetche,
Director of Siemens Large Gas Turbine Testing and Validation

Copyright © Siemens AG, 2016. All rights reserved.

POWER-GEN Europe in Milano, Italy, June 21 - 23, 2016

No matter how demanding the conditions are: Siemens gas turbines are perfectly tailored to the needs
of the customers. New technologies are quickly and effectively validated at Siemens' own test centers
and on customer sites worldwide. The test facilities of the Gas Turbine Plant Plant in Berlin (Germa-
ny), in Casselberry (U.S.A.), the Clean Energy Center in Ludwigsfelde (Germany) as well as on-site
testing in cooperation with customers ensure the full testing and validation coverage and demonstrate
the full functionality. With this Siemens is generating trust for its own technologies, for the insurer and
of course for the customer.
All test centers are fully integrated in the Siemens global engineering organization for Research and
Development (R&D) in component and full engine testing. New designs are validated fast to provide
state-of-the-art technologies to new customers as well as existing customers to support them operating
their assets in the most profitable way taking the wide range of local governmental requirements into
account. New technology will be provided by the means of e.g. flexibility improvement, efficiency
increase and emission reduction.
This paper explains how Siemens makes every new gas turbine and technology reliable before market
introduction and describes the features and technical details of the various Siemens’ own test facilities
and the derivable benefits for the power plant operators.

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POWER-GEN Europe in Milano, Italy, June 21 - 23, 2016

Table of contents
Abstract .................................................................................................................................. 2
1. Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 4
2. The Siemens portfolio overview ......................................................................................... 5
3. The Siemens evolutionary design circle ............................................................................... 5
4. Three step testing approach – from prototype to production ................................................... 6
4.1 Component testing .............................................................................................................. 7
4.2 Full engine testing at Berlin test facility ................................................................................ 9
4.3 Full engine testing – on site ................................................................................................12
5. Conclusion ......................................................................................................................12
References .............................................................................................................................13
Permission for use...................................................................................................................13
Disclaimer .............................................................................................................................13

CAPEX Capital expenditure
CEC Clean Energy Center
ELVis Engineering Life Visualization
I&C Instrumentation and Control
IP Intellectual Property
OPEX Operating expense
PDP Product Development Process
R&D Research and Development
SAMS Siemens Advanced Maintenance Services
SLM Selective Laser Melting
TBC Thermal Barrier Coating

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POWER-GEN Europe in Milano, Italy, June 21 - 23, 2016

1. Introduction

Siemens gas turbines are efficient, reliable, environmentally sustainable; and in operation all over the
world. Always newest state-of-the-art, precisely tailored to the customers' requirements. The customer
expects an economic, competitive product with a high efficiency, great reliability, high flexibility and
service kindness at low life time costs. [1] Siemens offers innovative solutions which make every
power plant even more flexible – no matter how ambitious the conditions may be. Siemens consistent-
ly enhances its products and designs. New technologies are quickly and effectively validated at Sie-
mens' own test centers – like at the Clean Energy Center in Ludwigsfelde near Berlin (Germany) and
the in-house full scale engine test facility of the Berlin Gas Turbine Plant. Technical innovations in
design and development, process engineering, materials and manufacturing as well as assembly pro-
cesses collectively support Siemens in constantly transforming new customer requirements into reali-
ty. Siemens has been continually developing technologies focused on market requirements such as
improved base and part-load efficiency, reduced emissions, increased gas turbine and combined-cycle
flexibility resulting in the highest reliability and availability. These include developments in the field
of combustion with ultralow NOx premixed combustion system; SAMS (Siemens Advanced Mainte-
nance Services) technologies and digital services allowing for improved prediction of parts life under a
variety of operating conditions; improvements in Thermal Barrier Coating (TBC) technology as well
as innovative manufacturing technologies like Selective Laser Melting (SLM).

The Siemens own comprehensive and consequent validation approach enabled successful introduction
of new technologies and solutions for example at following sites including the 1,200 MW Cape Ca-
naveral Clean Energy Center of Florida Power & Light, the 410 MW unit Dangjin III of GS EPS (GS
Electric Power & Services, Ltd Seoul, Korea) and the 600 MW cogeneration power plant Lausward
(Block Fortuna, Stadtwerke Düsseldorf AG Düsseldorf, Germany) (Figure 1). Comprehensive on-site
testing laid the foundation for successful upgrading of commercial operated gas turbines to state of
the-art technology like demonstrated in the cogeneration power plant of Vuosaari (Helsinki, Finland)
and the combined-cycle power plants of Manchester Street Power Station (Providence, U.S.A.) and
Santa Rita (Santa Rita, Philippines).

Figure 1: Combined-Cycle Power Plant Lausward (Stadtwerke Düsseldorf AG, Germany)

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POWER-GEN Europe in Milano, Italy, June 21 - 23, 2016

2. The Siemens portfolio overview

The Siemens gas turbines range has been designed and tailored to help meet customers’ challenges in
a dynamic market environment. Our models range from 4 to 400 MW, fulfilling the requirements of a
wide spectrum of applications in terms of efficiency, reliability, flexibility, and environmental compat-
ibility as shown in Figure 2: aero derivate gas turbines ideally suited for power generation and me-
chanical drives in the oil and gas industry, industrial gas turbines as an ideal choice for both industrial
power generation and mechanical drive applications and heavy duty gas turbines designed for large
simple and combined-cycle power plant as well as cogeneration applications [2].

Figure 2: Siemens Gas Turbine portfolio

The Siemens gas turbines offer an optimized Levelized Cost of Electricity index (CAPEX and OPEX)
and an excellent return of invest ensuring the maximum customer value.

3. The Siemens evolutionary design circle

The Siemens evolutionary design circle ensures competitive products for the new unit and service
business. This development philosophy is based on the proven design and the fleet experiences of
more than 6,750 installed heavy duty, industrial, and aero derivative gas turbines in more than 60
countries worldwide.

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POWER-GEN Europe in Milano, Italy, June 21 - 23, 2016

Using the design circle (Figure 3) Siemens validates new technical developments in a proven three
step testing approach which fully corresponds with the Product Development Process (PDP).

Figure 3: Siemens evolutionary design circle

4. Three step testing approach – from prototype to production

The prototype components, gas turbines and technical solutions pass through a series of tests designed
to meet the precise needs of the customer.

1. Material and component tests for example at the Clean Energy Center (CEC), Ludwigsfelde,
2. In-house full scale engine test at the test facility of the Gas Turbine Plant Berlin, Germany
3. On-site tests at customer sites for long time validation and test of gas turbine operation in in-
terrelation to other power plant systems

Rapid engineering and prototyping through concentrated research manufacture and development capa-
bilities are the basis of this testing approach. Our measurement and analysis techniques are always to
the latest state-of-the-art and being continuously further developed. The close distance of manufactur-
ing and testing at the Gas Turbine Plant Berlin and the Clean Energy Center ensures rapid prototyping
and supports the time-to-market time frame. Our gas turbine experts cooperate worldwide, since an
excellent cooperation is a common purpose among all people involved within the PDP. The individual
testing procedure for validation of new developments, technology downloads, or incremental changes
and improvements will be selected in accordance to the target group and the timeline (new gas turbine
developments or service upgrades). The Siemens three step testing approach verifies the lowest tech-
nical and commercial risks and is fully accepted by insurers thus supporting the commercial success of
power plant operators.

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POWER-GEN Europe in Milano, Italy, June 21 - 23, 2016

4.1 Component testing

Siemens opened in 2015 the Clean Energy Center (CEC), an in-house component testing facility in
Ludwigsfelde, just 40 minutes away from the Berlin Gas Turbine Plant (Figure 4). The decision for an
in-house component test center was based on the ideas to concentrate R&D relevant activities at one
location only, high availability and accessibility of the testing facility [3]. The Siemens own testing
facility is independent from outside and enables Siemens to decide when and who to test a component.
There is a high need for extended IP protection. As a result, the CEC saves not only time but money,
while helping to raise rapid prototyping to an entirely new level. This is a huge benefit for customers.
Siemens helps them adopting the latest technologies on a fast track. This fast track between generating
ideas, validating new components and introducing technical solutions leads to the shorter time-to-
market time frame.

Figure 4: Clean Energy Center (CEC)

The CEC houses three fully equipped, isolated test cells for combustion system testing: two for the
“big” power plant turbines with capacities up to 400 MW, and one for the “small” industrial gas tur-
bines with capacities up to 66 MW. The Siemens experts can accurately duplicate almost any customer
specifications, testing under realistic high pressure conditions, simulating a specific ambient tempera-
ture or creating the precise fuel mixture that will later be used. All relevant key parameters such as
output, efficiency, emissions, and flame stability are monitored, measured and analyzed.

The characteristics and technical parameters of the component test facility are following:
• Three test cells including combustion test rig equipped with multiplex data acquisition con-
• State-of-the-art measurement devices
• High fuel flexibility
• High pressure fuel tank farm for liquid fuels (e.g. light oil and kerosene) and fuel gases
• High pressurized natural gas supply via pipeline including gas pressure regulation station
• Natural gas compressor

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POWER-GEN Europe in Milano, Italy, June 21 - 23, 2016

• Natural gas preheating system

• Three air compressors to pressure up to 50 bar
• Two separated air preheating systems up to 600°C
• On-site multi-functional work shop capabilities for parallel preparation of test campaigns and
instant adaptation to changed validation needs
• Maximum flexibility for test scenarios

The successful component validation is supported by key enhancements in collaboration. Gas turbine
component testing and validation specialists have to deal with huge data streams to analyze their be-
havior. The Siemens specialists use the "ELVis" (Engineering Life Visualization) software, an "Intra-
net web-based", real-time data visualization system for big data, which provides real-time data access
to engineers independent of their home location (Figure 5). ELVis is a Siemens own software devel-
opment, contains the latest data cloud technologies and is protected by five patents. ELVis used for the
in-house testing activities at the CEC and the Berlin test facility. An additional enhancement to the
ELVis software is the implementation of collaboration rooms in main engineering locations like Or-
lando, Charlotte, Mülheim and Berlin. Through the use of live Audio and HD video feed, engineers
from all locations are able to interactively support the test phase without ever having to leave their
location. Working in such a cohesive room environment enables the team to exchange immediate
feedback during and after testing and helps ensure that critical test data and decisions are simultane-
ously discussed and transferred. ELVis and the collaboration rooms strongly support the rapid proto-
typing and time-to-market process.

Figure 5: Online monitoring and data analyzation in real-time

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POWER-GEN Europe in Milano, Italy, June 21 - 23, 2016

4.2 Full engine testing at Berlin test facility

In order to ensure the comprehensive testing and validation of heavy duty gas turbines Siemens oper-
ates a full scale engine test facility the Gas Turbine Plant Berlin. This Berlin in-house test facility al-
lows the validation of large gas turbines under realistic and even under the extremes of real gas turbine
operating conditions.
The Berlin test facility was commissioned in 1972 with a capacity of 120 MW (Figure 6).

Figure 6: Berlin test facility at its beginnings in 1972

Several modernizations allow a current maximum capacity of 400 MW (Figure 7). The individual test
engine is connected to a water brake which gives Siemens the flexibility to test 50 and 60Hz engines
independent of the grid frequency. This water brake is the largest water brake in world. Another im-
portant feature of the test facility is the air pre-heating system to increase the ambient air up to 30 K by
using the hot water from the water brake and a special heat exchanger in the filter househouse/air in-
take. This help simulating different climate conditions like hot ambient conditions or just simply sup-
ports engine tests at ISO conditions in strong winter times.

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POWER-GEN Europe in Milano, Italy, June 21 - 23, 2016

Figure 7: View to the Berlin test facility with its air-intake and stack and the test cell

Thanks to the water brake large gas turbines can be tested at variable speed. The programmable con-
troller provides flexibility for control parameter optimization, off-design operation and surge tests.

The characteristics and technical parameters of the full engine test facility are following:
• 400 MW capability to operate 50 and 60 Hz engines independent of the grid
• Continually fuel gas and oil operation
• Fuel pre-heating and Wet Compression
• Field Service training during engine re-build
• Standard instrumentation and I&C similar to power plant
• Testing instrumentation: over 12.000 additional measurement channels
• Real time data stream to worldwide engineering hubs

The exhaust energy is used for fuel gas pre-heating. The engine starter motor can switched during
operation in generator mode and provides electrical power to cover house load (Figure 8). For example
the fuel compressor has a demand of 8 MW. In addition the huge water pumps for the water brake
cooling loop, four cooling tower and a couple of fuel skids need lot of electricity during operation.
Wet Compression is also possible to validate extended gas turbine limits for peak load operation.

Figure 8: Test facility configuration

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POWER-GEN Europe in Milano, Italy, June 21 - 23, 2016

The gas turbines to be tested are instrumented with up to 6,000 measuring points to record all relevant
operating parameters and in addition all design parameters to be validated during the test runs.

Following technical topics are being analyzed in the course of prototype testing:
• Thermodynamics: power output, efficiency, turbine outlet temperature, mass flow
• Combustion stability of different fuels, with and without water injection
• Cooling air consumption
• Surface temperatures of hot gas path components
• Vibration characteristics of compressor and turbine blades and vanes
• Compressor and turbine aero-thermodynamics
• Radial clearances and strains in different operating modes

The successful full engine validation is also supported by key enhancements in collaboration. Gas
turbine testing and validation specialists have to deal with huge data streams to analyze the turbine
behavior. Outfitted with nearly 12,000 channels, the latest Siemens test engine may generate an aston-
ishing 12 terabytes (Tb) of data every eight hours (Figure 9). Using the "ELVis" software provides
real-time data access to engineers independent of their location in Orlando, Charlotte, Mülheim and

Figure 9: A SGT6-8000H being tested in 2015

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POWER-GEN Europe in Milano, Italy, June 21 - 23, 2016

4.3 Full engine testing – on site

After intensive material, component and full engine testing at the CEC and the Berlin test facility
demonstrating the full functionality of new technologies Siemens has set-up a co-operation with cus-
tomers worldwide to perform long term validation (Figure 10). Through the validation in power plants
within commercial operation Siemens ensures the promised life time of the individual components and
the full functionality of technical solutions under real conditions within the total plant in operating
mode. But why the customer is interested in to get a first time application? The answer is just as sim-
ple. Customers always have a special demand on their power plants to be the most competitive in their
region. With the pre-tested first time application the customer gets newest technology as first hence
increasing the power plant’s profitability. Siemens - at the same time – has got the possibility to stress
new implemented components and solutions under real conditions over a long period of time. During
this long term validation the gas turbine is equipped with additional measuring equipment. This allows
Siemens to analyze the behavior and the interaction of new components validating new technologies
and solutions on a long run. The additional measuring equipment enables Siemens for an advanced
optimization of the customer’s gas turbine and power plant for the requested operational regime. In the
end it is a Win-Win situation for the customer and Siemens.

Figure 10: Implementation of new technology during regular service measures on-site

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POWER-GEN Europe in Milano, Italy, June 21 - 23, 2016

5. Conclusion
Based on the evolutionary design circle as part of the Siemens own Product and Development Process
including comprehensive test procedures and a detailed evaluation of test data in comparison with its
design predictions, Siemens continues to offer world class state-of-the-art products and solutions to
support our customers operating their assets in the most profitable way ensuring their success and
Rapid engineering and prototyping through concentrated research, manufacture and development ca-
pabilities meet measurement and analysis techniques to the latest state-of-the-art at the in-house and
on-site testing facilities. Our gas turbine experts cooperate worldwide and through excellent collabora-
tion answering the various demanding customer demands.


[1] Roland Fischer et al: SGT5-8000H – Product Validation at Irsching 4 Test Center. Power Gen
Asia, October 21-23, 2008, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
[2] www.siemens.com: We power the world with innovative gas turbines. product brochure, January
[3] Ralf Obertacke, Jaap van Kampen: The new Siemens High Pressure Test Center in Ludwigsfelde.
9. VDI-Fachtagung Stationäre Gasturbinen, November 19, 2015, Nürnberg, Germany

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