Mock Test 7 Paper 2
Mock Test 7 Paper 2
Mock Test 7 Paper 2
(Mock Test 7)
Question-Answer Book Marker’s
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1. The Leisure and Cultural Services Department held “Sport For All Day 2012” on 5 August 2012. The public
could use most of its fee-charging recreation and sports facilities free of charge. Are these facilities free
goods on that day? Explain. (3 marks)
State the law of diminishing marginal returns. Does the above data illustrate the law? Explain. (5 marks)
(b) State THREE possible motives for the above expansion. (3 marks)
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Country X Country Y
Gini coefficient 0.32 0.49
(a) Which country has a Lorenz curve further away from the line of perfect income equality? (1 mark)
(b) Suppose the government of Country Y cuts the social security assistance. Explain how this will affect
the post-tax post-social transfer Gini coefficient of Country Y. (3 marks)
(a) Suppose all illegal transactions of the agricultural product in Country X are eliminated. Does the
imposition of the price floor guarantee that all producers of the agricultural product benefit by selling
their products at a higher price? Explain. (4 marks)
(b) After imposing the price floor, people switch to buy similar products imported from other countries.
Explain how this will affect the current account balance of Country X. (3 marks)
(c) Suppose the government raises the price floor further. Explain how this will affect economic efficiency
with the aid of a diagram. (4 marks)
(a) Other than high unemployment rate, list TWO other economic phenomena that would occur when an
economy is at trough. (2 marks)
(b) State ONE loss to unemployed people and ONE loss to society caused by unemployment. (2 marks)
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8. Country A’s currency appreciates against its trading partner’s currency. With the aid of the diagram below,
explain under what condition this would lead to a fall in the expenditure of Country A’s trading partner on
imports from Country A (in terms of foreign currency). (7 marks)
(in terms of foreign currency)
0 Quantity of imports
(b) According to the principle of comparative advantage, explain which country will export good Y.
(3 marks)
(c) Suppose 1 unit of good X is traded for 2 units of good Y between the two countries. Calculate Country
A’s gain from trade per unit of export. (2 marks)
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10. In July 2012, the Chief Executive announced a series of new policies.
(a) Among the new policies, the Old Age Living Allowance Scheme is considered the most important one.
Under the scheme, 400,000 eligible elders will receive $2,200 a month, doubling that under the
existing Old Age Allowance. It is expected to be launched in early 2013.
(i) Should the amount of allowance given to elders under the Old Age Living Allowance Scheme be
included in the calculation of Hong Kong’s Gross Domestic Product in 2013? Explain. (2 marks)
(ii) Do you think that the Old Age Living Allowance Scheme can improve equity in the Hong Kong
society? Explain. (4 marks)
(iii) Mrs. Lee is one of the eligible elders who will receive $2,200 a month under the new scheme.
She wants to invest the money in either shares or bonds issued by a listed company. Suggest
TWO reasons to explain why bonds could be a better choice than shares for Mrs. Lee. (4 marks)
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(b) Mr. Wong receives a fixed amount of monthly pension after retirement. Do you agree that he will be
better off under a lower inflation rate? Explain. (2 marks)
(c) The Statutory Minimum Wage effective from 1 May 2011 is believed to be one of the factors that leads
to inflation.
(i) What is meant by equalising outcome? What is meant by equalising opportunity? (2 marks)
(ii) Does the Statutory Minimum Wage aim at equalising outcome or opportunity? Explain.
(3 marks)
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(a) State the market structure of textbook publishing and list TWO features of such kind of market
structure. (3 marks)
(b) These textbook publishers are private limited companies. State TWO features of this kind of ownership
of firms. (2 marks)
(c) There are opinions that the selling prices of textbooks are too high. The Educational Bureau launches
the “E-textbook Market Development Scheme” (EMADS), which aims at introducing competition to
the market by facilitating and encouraging potential e-textbook developers to enter the market. It is
believed that there will be more new e-textbook developers entering the market.
(i) With the aid of a diagram, explain how the scheme can help lower the selling prices of
textbooks. (5 marks)
(ii) Textbook publishers claim that the higher selling price of textbooks is due to a sharp increase in
the price of printing paper. With the aid of a diagram, explain how an increase in the price of
printing paper would lead to an increase in the selling price of textbooks.
(5 marks)
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Suppose the required reserve ratio is 25%, and the public initially holds $500 cash.
(a) Calculate the excess reserves in the banking system. Show your working. (2 marks)
(b) List TWO reasons to explain why there are excess reserves in the banking system. (2 marks)
(c) The public deposits 60% of the cash they hold into the banking system. If the banks lend out all of their
excess reserves, what will the amount of money supply be in the economy? Show your working.
(4 marks)
(d) Based on the quantity theory of money, predict the effect of the event in (c) on the price level in the
long run. (4 marks)
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14. Budget airlines are becoming more common among travellers. As compared with traditional airlines, the
fares of budget airlines are generally lower, but many traditional passenger services are not provided. Budget
airline may charge for extras like food, seat allocation, baggage handling, etc.
(b) Do the following pricing arrangements of budget airlines constitute price discrimination? Explain.
(i) With the same departure and arrival destinations, the fares of budget airlines can be much lower
than those of traditional airlines.
(ii) For the same flight, customers pay a lower fare for the same class if they book the tickets earlier.
(6 marks)
(c) Are the following business practices of budget airlines anti-competitive? Explain.
(i) Customers can only buy the tickets of budget airline Company A from a designated travel
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Food (units)
Clothing (units)
0 20 60
(a) (i) Which country has an absolute advantage in producing clothing? Explain. (2 marks)
(ii) Which country has a comparative advantage in producing food? Explain. (2 marks)
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(b) Suppose the terms of trade is 1 units of clothing in exchange for 2 units of food.
(i) Calculate the gain from trade per unit of clothing traded for each country. (4 marks)
(ii) How will the gain from trade for each country change if Country X can produce more food after
practising crop rotation? (2 marks)
(c) Both countries’ per capita real GDP in purchasing power parity (PPP) terms in US dollar increases
after trade.
(ii) Other things being constant, how will the HDI of both countries be affected after trade? Explain.
(2 marks)