Reflection On Sugar

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Sugar: Sweet by the taste, dangerous at too much intake

From 8000 B.C and until the continuing 20th century, sugar remains remarkably
interesting and addicting for the society. The growing popularity of different sugar containing-
products brought by big food companies in the market paves the way for the increasing number
of people thirsty and searching for sweetness. With this, several illnesses and conditions
believed to be associated with sugar start to rise at an alarming level, and spark a debate
between the notions that sugar is/is not evil. Definitely, people can’t just deny the fact that this
sweet crystalline substance is one of life's greatest indulgences. However, the true questions to
take note of are how much sugar do I consume, how much do I need to consume, and what will
happen if I consume too much?
My family and I consider ourselves as being persons with sweet tooth. We cannot be
done with the day without having sugar with our food. But recently, we decided to shift our diet
as one member of the family started to gain weight at a short amount of time and the kids
started to have sore throats and stomach aches by eating too much sweets. After having
watched the recognized “That Sugar Film” by Damon Gameau, I’ve realized that consuming
sugar tends to make people; especially kids to be dependent on the taste of sweetness. It
makes them deny and neglect eating foods without sugar like vegetables that instead, can give
more nutrients for the body.
With the new diet, our family’s basic food commodities now revolve around the healthy
products in grocery markets. However, there are no evident improvements with the health
conditions of some of our family members. This is because according to the film, if you were to
take all the items that typically contain significant amounts of added sugar out of the store, only
20% of available items will remain given that there are hidden sugars on commonly perceived
healthy foods. Sugar is made up of two molecules, glucose which helps fuel the muscle and
brain, and fructose which go to the liver. Too much fructose is dangerous and can create liver
fat and can start a downstream of metabolic diseases. And this is not widely known; people lack
the intensive knowledge because big food companies don’t want to lose profit. In return, people
continue to consume too much sugar even at healthier ways. In this case, we can say that the
best thing to do is not to cut sugar intake but instead, be aware to consume just the right
amount of it.
The said metabolic diseases were showed by the experiment done by Damon Gameau
in his own body. He consumed the healthier products but still experienced negative effects
because there is still too much fructose on those. He developed fatty liver, risk of heart disease
and pre-diabetes. His weight increases by 8.5 kg, fat by 7% and waistline by 10 cm just within
60 days. However, he was able to get back with a healthier one because he kept monitoring his
sugar intake in every product he purchase and consume.
Too much of anything can be bad for you. We can’t completely cut sugar in our lives, let
alone in our diet. It is neither poisonous nor toxic, because using better judgement and
moderation in eating is the real key. We can now imply that sugar is not the one to blame but
instead, the lack of consciousness about its consumption.

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