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PRODUCTIVITY OF THE YACON (Smallanthus Sonchifolius)







This thesis manuscript entitled “PRODUCTIVITY OF THE YACON (Smallanthus

” in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree BACHELOR OF
SCIENCE IN AGRICULTURE (Horticulture) is hereby endorsed for defense.


Date Signed


Title page
Table of contents
List of figures



Background of the Study

Objective of the Study
Significance of the Study
Scope and Delimitation of the Study
Operational Definition of Terms



Experimental design
Time and Place of the Study
Field lay-out of the study
Cultural practices
Land preparation
Care and management
Data to be gathered








Background of the Study

Yacon is a healthy food vegetables/fruit there are many nutritional benefits that we get in
yacon is a loss for the humans who are overdose. which is the yacon is a sweet and
vitamins C which is good for the body of people have a diabetes cancer, etc. And yacon
is very delicious like a watermelon there are different size and color but same taste of
sweetness and the yacon is a remarkable in any part of place in this world speacially in
the Philippines. And there are many uses of the yacon which is the roots and leaves. The
roots are herbaceous to utilize the blood sugar and the roots are to prebiotic fiber in our
body digest.

The international Productivity of Yacon (Smallanthus sonchifolius) is started in the South

American edible tuber crop that is high in fructo-oligosaccharides and regarded as a
useful food resource for health promotion. It is grown in a variety of locations. Yacon is a
healthy, completely edible, and completely sustainable plant that is also a lot of fun to
grow. It reaches a height of around 5 feet and has little sunflower-like flowers. Yacon is a
healthy, completely edible, and completely sustainable plant that is also a lot of fun to
grow. It reaches a height of around 5 feet and has little sunflower-like flowers. The
plant's therapeutic leaves can be collected and used to prepare tea. If the plant is lifted in
your growing zone, the tubers that grow below the earth are collected in the fall. If the
plant is lifted in your growing zone, the tubers that grow below the earth are collected in
the fall. Yacon is now a small crop in Europe, and limited information on the
environmental and economic implications of various growing practices is available.
Nitrogen fertilizer levels and genotype selection have a big impact on them. As a result, it
is necessary to find the most sustainable production system before the crop is introduced
on a bigger scale. (Moritz Wagnet 2019)

In the National productivity of the yacon in the year 2000, a Japanese national brought
Yacon to the Philippines. It was first cultivated in Mindanao and afterward in the
Cordillera. Yacon is now grown well in the Sierra Madre Mountain areas, particularly in
the uplands of Dupax, Santa Fe, and Nueva Vizcaya's southern towns. The Yacon
Processing and Trading Center of Nueva Vizcaya was founded in 2005. The next year, a
pilot project farm was established in Batangas (2006). Where Yacon plants are grown
naturally and tubers are produced using 100 percent organic farming for a healthier, more
natural alternative. (PB Pinoy business 2019)
The Local productivity of yacon in the Philippines in the LA TRINIDAD, Benguet. It is
the potential as a food and income crop, it's the latest root crop "craze" in the Cordillera.
Smallanthus sonchifolius is a sunflower that belongs to the Asteraceae/Compositae
family. In Northern Mindanao, was the sole grower of this newly introduced root crop in
the Philippines. This sparked the spread of yacon production in the Philippines' north.

Yacon was one of the mature technologies on display at the Department of Agriculture's
Bureau of Agricultural Research's recent technological forum and seminar series (DA-
BAR) (Rudy Fernandez 2006)
If you consume too much yacon at once, you may have some adverse effects. It's a lot
like the adverse effects you experience when you consume a lot more soluble fiber than
you're used to. Excess gas production can occur if a large amount of it reaches the gut.
Flatulence, diarrhea, nausea, and digestive discomfort are all possible side effects.

Objectives of the Study

1. To determine the combined effect of wood ashed tea and fish amino acid on the

growth and yield of yacon.

2. To identify which combination level of application gives the best result in most


Significance of the Study

As a student researcher, I make to be a responsible researcher student to my co-

worker on the farm and I manage my time to conduct my research and I can introduce the

element of the fertilizer to apply in the productivity of the yacon plant which the Wood

ashes and Fish Amino acids and the tools that needed of the plant. This study is important

to my co Worker on-farm for every has to understand and evaluate it and after that, as an

agriculturist researcher we have an actual that we should do on the farm which is we

plant the example of the yacon and we should apply the wood ashes and FAA to the

growth performance of the yacon.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This study will be delimited only to the growth and yield performance of yacon as

applied with different combination levels of wood ashed tea and fish amino acid.

Operational Definition of Terms

Field Selection Field selection is the soil fertility is poor, fertilizer applications are

required; however, organic and inorganic ways of increasing soil fertility must be chosen.

Machines cannot be used if the plots are tiny and dispersed; labor-intensive approaches

are usually more appropriate for smallholders than capital-intensive methods.

Land Preparation To ensure that the field is ready for planting, it is necessary to

prepare the land. A properly-prepared field keeps weeds at bay, recycles plant nutrients,

and creates a soft soil mass for transplanting as well as a good soil surface for direct

seeding. This is necessary for good weed control and soil enrichment.

Soil Cultivation Soil cultivation is defined as any activity that reorganizes the soil.

Cultivation for farmers usually entails a field with a plow or disc to break up the soil

surface. Cultivation can also bring weed seeds to the surface, which can cause problems.

Prepare the plant A preparation plant, strictly speaking, is any facility that

prepares coal for the plant, but it has come to denote a pretty extensive set of facilities.

Plowing. Refers to the cultivation of the soil to clean and pulverize the soil and

provide aeration to the soil.

Planting Distance. Refers to the appearance of the plant between hills and


Planting: Planting is the act of setting seeds, crops, etc into the ground to grow.

Growth. This refers to the process that increases the growth performance of many

plants including size shape and height.


Yield. Refers to the production Crop yield is a measurement of the quantity of

agricultural production harvested per unit of land area (yield of a crop /plot).



Bryan Tungland (2018) Smallanthus sonchifolius (yacon) is a dicotyledonous plant with

a high inulin content in its subterranean storage systems that has been ingested by native
populations for millennia.Because of these properties, yacon is the plants have long been
used as staple foods throughout both the winter and dry seasons.

Renger F. Witkamp (2010) Smallanthus sonchifolius yacon. It has gained yacon roots and
leaves are commonly used to treat diabetes. They're also used to make natural sweeteners
and syrups that are good for those with stomach issues. Low-polymerized
fructooligosaccharides are abundant in the roots. Yacon saccharides, in particular, appear
to be a promising candidate for lowering cholesterol and preventing metabolic syndrome.
Fructooligosaccharides also have prebiotic properties. Yacon extracts were also reported
to be the key active components involved in lowering plasma glucose by inhibiting –
glycosidase Examined.
Dr. Chaturvedi, P.K. Dwivedi (2017) Yacon (Smallanthus sonchifolius), an herbaceous
belonging to the Asteraceae family, was reported to significantly lower plasma glucose
levels in normal rats. The anti-diabetic potential of enhydrin, a significant lactone
component isolated from yacon leaves.
Himanshu Kumar and Mélanie Lalonde (2015) Yacon (Smallanthus sonchifolius) is a
perennial plant that produces sweet-tasting underground tuberous roots of various shapes
and sizes that are usually consumed uncooked. Yacon is linked to Jerusalem artichoke
and belongs to the sunflower family of plants (Helianthus tuberosus). Despite its lengthy
history of use in South America and other continents, yacon was classified as a novel
food in Europe, and yacon products were pulled from the market pending a safety
assessment under the novel food legislation. However, the novel food designation of the
Maddy Harland (2016) Yacon is a crisp, juicy texture, much larger than Oca, which I
discussed in my previous post. a fructose-based indigestible carbohydrate. As
fructooligosaccharides travel through the human digestive tract metabolized, you get all
of the benefits of their sweet flavor but none of the calories. It's like having your cake and
eating it, but without the calories! Furthermore, because fructooligosaccharides are
prebiotic, they are utilized by good bacteria that improve gut health and digestion because
of the yacon.
Deane (2020) Yacon is a sweet vegetable. To put it another way, when the roots are
picked fresh from the ground, they are near-optimal for diabetic intake since the non-
digestible sugars are high and the roots are not excessively sweet. They are often cure for
a week or two before eating, like one does with sweet potatoes, because they are sun and
drought tolerant. You can, however, eat them right away.
Liz Baessler (2020) Yacon (Smallanthus sonchifolius), sometimes known as yacon, is an
interesting plant. The yacon is a source of sweetness unlike most tubers, which receive
their sweetness from glucose, the sweetness of yacon root comes from inulin, which the
human body cannot digest. This implies that while you can taste the sweetness of yacon

root, your body will not be able to digest it. This is great news for anyone trying to lose
weight, but especially diabetics.
Marlene Affeld (2020) Yacon (Smallanthus sonchifolius) is a flavor-packed root
vegetable that's swiftly gaining favor among homestead gardeners. It has a sweet taste
and crisp texture comparable to apple. Yacon is a delicious delicacy to store for the
winter. Yacon tubers can be dehydrated, pickled, or preserved in the same way as any
other root vegetable. Yacon flour is made from dried and dehydrated yacon, which adds
nutritious value and sweetness to breads, baked goods, sauces, soups, and desserts.
Mark Diacono (2010) Yacon is similar to that of a baked potato. However, it has an
unusual flavor for an underground tuber: it tastes like a sweet cross between early apples.
Yacon has a mild flavor, but it's the texture, not the taste, that distinguishes it. The tubers
have a water chestnut-like feel. They don't completely collapse - they have more strength
than that – but they do give way, like a very good sorbet.
Yacon tubers (Smallanthus sonchifolius) come in a variety of colors, including red,
orange, yellow, pink, and purple, although the most colorful varieties are exclusively
found in South America, where yacon originated. Only white variations are likely to be
found by the rest of us.
Rowdy Bar (2018) Yacon root, which resembles a sweet potato, is a perennial root
vegetable. Yacon root is a pleasant and satisfying root
Fructoogliosaccharides are beneficial carbohydrates found in yacon root Insoluble fibers
or prebiotics are insoluble fibbers or prebiotics that our bodies cannot digest. Yacon
syrup is a great sweetener with a long list of health benefits. Yacon root is a low
glycaemic natural sweetener when extracted and utilized in syrup form, a spike in blood
Roizman D.T.C (2019) Yacon demonstrated anticancer benefits against skin, colon,
nerve, and blood cancers in a tissue culture. Yacon has a slightly sweet taste and a
crunchy texture similar to that of an apple, while its flavor is similar to that of
watermelon. As a vegetable, yacon can be stir-fried, roasted, or baked take yacon leaves,
which are high in inulin as well.
By Reporter G.S (2019) Yacon was the first time I heard about it a few years back.
Yacon tubers (Smallanthus sonchifolius) is also juicy and refreshing. In tand its tubers
have long been prized as a wild source of thirst-quenching refreshment for travelers. You
can also extract the liquid and concentrate it to make yacon syrup. Yacon is a artichokes,
are high in inulin, an indigestible sugar that gives the syrup all the sweetness of honey or
other plant-derived sweeteners like maple syrup but none of the calories. Yacon is a
perennial plant, so once you've planted it, you'll have it for as long as you look after it.
Deckard, A. (2018, yacon root makes a delicious and healthful fruit salad. Some
individuals even make a jam out of yacon root, making it a simple way to get the root's
health advantages on a regular basis, an indigestible type of glucose, make up the
majority of this root. Yacon root, like potatoes, isn't particularly high in vitamins; rather,
it serves as an auxiliary diet, enhancing the body's ability to absorb vitamins and
minerals. Despite its lack of vitamin content, yacon root is high in minerals including
calcium, potassium, and phosphorus. Yacon root has gained popularity as a result of its
purported health benefits. Yacon root may also be used.

Fish Amino Acids

Nor Syakina Johari (2020) an experiment was carried out to assess the effects of fish

amino acid (FAA) treatment on plant growth and development at various sampling times.

The plant was given a variable amount of FAA.

Felix Valdez (2017) as we all know, fish amino acids (FAA) are one of the most

promising bio fertilizers used in organic farming. It was prepared by fermenting fish

waste with sugar. This literary effort was created to help people understand this

combination better to the plant.

Ellaine kryss Hubilla(2020) The liquid Fish Amino Acid (FAA) is created from fish

waste. FAA is an excellent fertilizer for soil and plant leaves since it is high in nitrogen,

which aids crop growth during the vegetative period.

Darren Chan (2020) Fish Amino acids is a protein promotes root development,

improves photosynthesis, promotes plant growth, and is beneficial to flower bud

differentiation, matures early, and improves quality. Fish protein fertilizer is a pollution-

free, environmentally friendly green fertilizer nutrient that may be sprayed on fruit trees

to give them a green glow, reduce illness, and improve fruit and vegetable quality and


Eric Weinert, Jr.1, Sherri A. Miller1, David M. Ikeda1 , Kim C. S. Chang1 , Joseph

M. McGinn1 , and Michael W. DuPonte2 (2014) FAA is applied as a source of

nitrogen during the early or vegetative stage of development to boost growth and size. Do

not apply FAA if plants are at the reproductive stages of their production cycle when

flowering or fruiting is desired.

Ellaine Kryss Hubilla (2020) the liquid Fish Amino Acid (FAA) is created from fish

waste. FAA is an excellent fertilizer for soil and plant leaves since it is high in nitrogen,

which aids crop growth during the vegetative period. Farmers can lower their feeding

costs by using this bio fertilizer because the major materials, such as fish waste, are

frequently free or inexpensive.

Sara Indian (2015) The Fish Amino Acid (FAA) is a fish-based liquid. Because it

contains an abundance of minerals and various types of amino acids (which will serve as

a source of nitrogen (N) for plants), FAA is extremely beneficial to both plants and

microbes in their growth. Fish with a blue back color will have a high FAA. When FAA

is used with a pinch of urea, the effects are more noticeable.

Leisa India (2016) The Fish Amino acids not only in the creation of money from waste,

but also in the reduction of pollution and the promotion of growth. In the field, the results

are very promising. Production improves by 15 to 20% while nitrogen fertilizer

requirements are reduced.

Wood ash

T Bang-Andreasen (2021) Wood ash is alkaline and has a lot of base captions in it. As a

result, applying wood ash to forests reduces soil acidity and recycles nutrients lost during

harvest. When wood ash is applied to soil, it causes significant vertical gradients in

physicochemical properties.

Timothy S. Griffin (2021) Wood ash contains approximately 4% potassium and less

than 2% phosphorus, magnesium, aluminum, and sodium. Because of the modest


concentrations of these nutrients, ash is classified as a "low grade" fertilizer. In terms of

commercial fertilizer, the average amount of wood ash is 0-1-3. (N-P-K).

Jilia Jaskin (2010) Wood ash have Potassium, phosphorus, and magnesium are all

abundant in wood ash. In terms of commercial fertilizer, the average amount of wood ash

is 0-1-3. (N-P-K). In addition to these macronutrients, wood ash contains a variety of

micronutrients that are required in trace amounts for proper plant growth. There are few

components in wood ash that are harmful to the environment. Wood ash is the inorganic

and organic waste left over after wood or unbleached wood fiber has been burned.

Alison Wilder (2017) Wood ash is the value of fertilizer varies depending on the type
of wood utilized.. There is no nitrogen in wood ash. Calcium carbonate, a typical liming
substance that enhances soil alkalinity, makes up the majority of Wood Ash
(approximately 25%). Because Wood Ash is made up of very small particles, it responds
quickly and fully in the soil. Despite the fact that Wood Ash contains a modest amount of

Kari Vaatainen, Esko Sirparanta, Mikko Raisanen, and Timo Tahvanainen (2011)

Wood ash is a natural way to address nutrient imbalance and acidity in forest soils caused

by intensive management, as well as the problem of disposing of wood combustion by

products. Wood ash back into the forest as fertilizer, new refining and spreading methods

have been developed. From the perspective of the forest owner, wood ash as a fertilizer in

drained forests was also investigated. Wood ash was compared to chemical fertilizer in

terms of effect, cost, and availability.

Julia Gaskin (2010) Wood ash is applying to the soil, take extra precautions to avoid the

ash getting into any surface or ground water. The wood ash should be kept at least 50 feet

away from any farm ditches, wells, or other bodies of water.


Olivia Saunders (2019) Wood ash was used by utilized as an agricultural soil

amendment to supply nutrients and raise the pH of the soil. Wood ash is used as a soil

additive by many home gardeners and farmers. Wood ash is high in potassium and

calcium, with lower levels of phosphorus and magnesium, as well as micronutrients such

as zinc and copper. Wood ash is an excellent way to complement your garden's needs if

your soil is lacking in these minerals.

Anne Holub (2020) Wood ash in your yard is a natural use in the garden. We saw a

significant improvement in the health of our compost once we began adding wood ash to

it. Wood ash includes micronutrients that plants require to survive, and it can also assist

aquatic plants grow stronger. The potassium in wood ash can help pond rooted aquatic

plants compete more effectively with algae. As a result, the growth of algae in a pond is

slowed. Take care not to overdo it.

Julia Gaskin (2010) Wood ash is the inorganic and organic waste left over after wood or

unbleached wood fiber has been burned. Wood ash has a wide range of physical and

chemical properties of the plant that are influenced by a number of factors. Hardwoods

produce more ash than softwoods, and the bark and leaves of a tree produce more wood

ash to the plant.

Hal Hudson (2011) Wood ash from your fireplace or stove can be utilized in the garden

as a soil supplement and fertilizer. Wood ash is made up of a variety of major and minor

components that are necessary for plant growth. The most abundant element in wood ash

is calcium, which provides the ash qualities similar to agricultural lime. Potassium,

phosphorus, magnesium, and aluminum are all abundant in ash. Aside from these

macronutrients, wood ash contains a variety of micronutrients that are required in trace

amounts for proper plant growth.

Shelley Marie (2010) Wood ashes to the soil of your potted plants is a natural and safe

technique to enhance the pH or alkalinity of the soil. Wood ash can be used to fertilize

potted plants without the downsides of other materials, such as lime, which can burn the

plants. Before using wood ash on your potted plants, make sure to evaluate the pH of the

soil. It can be detrimental to plants that live in soil with a pH of 6.5 or higher.

Margaret Boyles (2019) Wood ash is comparable to lime in that it raises soil pH, Apply

nearly twice as much ash by weight as the limestone manufacturer recommends. On a

dry, windless day, wear eye protection, gloves, and a dust mask and uniformly distribute

the ashes. Before planting, thoroughly incorporate them into the soil. Any ashes that fall

on live plants should be hosed off.

Heather Rhoades (2019) for your plants, wood ash is a great source of lime and

potassium. Furthermore, wood ashes in the garden contain many of the trace elements

that plants require to thrive. Wood ash can also be used to keep pests at bay. Pests such as

snails, slugs, and several soft-bodied invertebrates will be killed by the salt in wood ash.

Simply sprinkle wood ash around the base of plants that are being attacked by soft-bodied

pests for pest control management.

Kevin Schoessow, Extension Burnett, Sawyer and Washburn Counties (2020) Wood

ash is high in nutrients that are good for plant growth. Calcium is the most frequent plant

nutrient present in wood ash, accounting for 20 percent or more of the total. Another

typical component of wood ash is potassium which can be found in amounts of up to 5%.

Magnesium, phosphorus, and sulfur, at amounts of up to 2%, are also commonly found in

wood ash. Finally, wood ash may include trace levels of iron, aluminum, manganese,

zinc, boron, and other nutrients required by plants. Wood ash can also aid to neutralize

soil acidity.

Tracey Besemer (2019) Wood ash is a good soil additive for the acidic soil. It's crucial

to note that this list assumes you're burning untreated wood rather than chemically

treated, stained, or painted wood.

Gary Antosh (2021) Wood ash contains a significant amount of potassium carbonate,

making it an excellent fertilizer. Wood ashes are high in phosphorus, calcium, and

magnesium, in addition to potassium. Wood ash is extremely useful for balancing acidic

soil. To evaluate the acidity of the soil, perform a soil test. In gardening, wood ashes

contain a variety of nutrients for plants.

Helen Gazeley (2011) Wood ash is a wonderful addition to any garden. It

contains potassium or potash. Potassium regulates plant water balance to

keep tissue firm and juicy and aids in the transfer of food throughout the

plant as well as the production of sugars and starches, just as it does in


Vanessa Beaty (2020) Wood ash is the garbage, there are a variety of ways to use it in

your garden, and it has a number of advantages. You can use wood ash on almost any

soil, but make sure you remove the ash and don't leave it in clumps or mounds. You can

produce a nutritious, fertilizing tea from wood ashes in the same way as you can make

compost tea.

Null Hypothesis

] The application of yacon is the Wood ash tea which combination of the Fish amino

acids that the yacon growing faster that even without the application of the wood ash tea

because the yacon is growing faster every were in the place through caring.

Yacon plant did not need of the wood ash tea because the yacon plant rainy or sunny day

it can grow faster without applying Wood ash tea.





The materials used will be the following: Bolo, Rake, Knife, Piko, Spade, Hoe,

Laptop, Cellphone, Notebook, Ballpen. Hand fork, Printer, Bond paper, Basin, Gloves


Experimental Design. The experimental area will be laid out using Randomized

Complete Block Design (RCBD) which will be composed of (6) treatments and (4)

replications. The treatments will be the following;

The treatments are as follows:

T1 – 500 ml of wood ash tea+30 ml of FAA/ liter of water

T2 – 1500 ml of wood ash tea+30 ml of FAA/ liter of water

T3- 2500 ml of wood ash tea+30 ml of FAA/ liter of water

T4- 3500 ml of wood ash tea+30 ml of FAA/ liter of water

T5- 4500 ml of wood ash tea+30 ml of FAA/ liter of water

T6- 5500 ml of wood ash tea+30 ml of FAA/ liter of water


Time and Place of the Study

This study will be conducted on January to June 2022 at Purok, 2 Barangay Datu

Salumay Marilog District Davao City.


Figure 1. Map of the experimental area


Field Layout of the Study

A total area of 240.63 square meters including alleys of 50 centimeters will be

properly layout by dividing into four blocks; each block will be subdivided into six plots

of treatment with a dimension of 1.75 x 4.25 meters which accommodated 10 plants with

a distance of 120 cm by 75 cm respectively.

Rep I Rep II Rep III Rep

IV 17.5 m

4.25 m

T2 T3 T5 T6 T4 T5

13.75 m
50 cm T1

T3 T2
T4 T1 T2 T4 T5

T4 T5 T5 T6
T3 T1 T2 T3

Figure 2: Layout of the Experimental Area


Cultural Practices (this must be sorted according to the activity)

Land Preparation - this will be done using the following procedure.

Clearing the area – this was done by slashing the weed and grasses present in the


Weeding – refers to removing unwanted plants in the area.

Debris removing – this was done by removing the unnecessary object in the area.

Plowing –refers to cultivating the experimental area.

Harrowing – refers to pulverizing the soil in the experimental area.

Plotting – this was done by measuring the desired size of the plot.

Leveling – refers to leveling the ground to make a smooth surface.

Procedure in Making FFJ

Collect the plant material early in the morning where they are fresh and the

microorganism is still present. Do not wash the plant material.

Cut plant materials into small pieces so that the juice can be easily extracted. Note the

plant ingredients and the crude molasses should have a ratio of 1:1 (in kilo).

Put the mixture in a container and cover it with paper or cloth, and secure it with a

string or rubber band.

Put label of the date of processing and the expected date of harvest on the cover of the


Store the container in a cool dry place. Make sure that the storage area is not infested

with mice or cockroaches because they might feed on the mixture and might

contaminate the extract.


Acquisition of Malabar Spinach Seeds. The seeds were acquired at the small-scale

garden by one of the researchers.

Planting. This was done by dropping 3 seeds per hole and tinning was done after the

germination by leaving only three plants per hill with a distance of 30cm by 30cm

between hills and rows in plots and was covered with fine soil to protect from pest


Fertilizer Application. Application of Fermented Fruit Juice (FPJ) was done after the

germination of the planted seeds by spraying the plant/hill according to the rates used in

the respective treatment.

Thinning. This was done by uprooting extra-grown plants after germinating by leaving

only 1 healthy plant per hill.

Pest and Diseases Control. Cleaning the experimental area was maintained from time to

time to protect from pests and diseases.

Weeds Control. Manual weeding was done regularly within the duration of the study to

prevent the growth of weeds and competition of nutrients given to the plants.

Harvesting. This was done manually by using the knife to have a clean-cut and to

prevent injury of the plants.


Data Gathered

1. Plant heigh (cm) –

2. Number tillers -
3. Number of tubers -
4. Circumference of tubers (cm) –
5. Length of tubers (cm) –
6. Yield (kg/ha.) -

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