Pearls of Knowledge PDF
Pearls of Knowledge PDF
Pearls of Knowledge PDF
If ever gets the chance in busy life, one has to wonder what is the purpose of this world and why I was created in
this world? Is it just to eat, to entertain and to be in distress, to suffer, to tease people or to be teased by people?
Allah has answered and says: (21:16) And We did not create the heaven and earth and that between them in
play. (67:1-2) Blessed is He in whose hand is the Kingdom: He has power over all things; He created death and life
so that He might test you, and find out which of you is best in conduct. He is the Mighty, the Most Forgiving One.
Allah have cleared that worldly life is our test of conduct. In order to keep human beings well prepared for this test
Allah have taken responsibility and provided with guidelines in Quran (92:12) Surely, it is for Us to provide
guidance (17:9) Surely, this Quran guides to the most upright way and gives good news to the believers who do
good deeds, so that they will have a great reward (54:32) Indeed, We have made the Quran easy to learn lessons
from. Is there anyone who would receive admonition?
Belief in Judgment Day is considered a fundamental tenet of faith by all Muslims. It is one of the basic faiths of
Islam. The trials and tribulations associated with it are detailed in both the Quran and the hadith, sayings
of Muhammad
Judgment day is not only in Islam. This is also in Chiristianity and Judaism.
"Last Judgment" are drawn from many passages from the apocalyptic sections of the Bible, but most notably from
Jesus' teaching of the strait gate in the Gospel of Matthew and also found in the Gospel of Luke:
Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many
there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few
there be that find it. Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are
ravening wolves. Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Even so,
every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. A good tree cannot bring
forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is
hewn down, and cast into the fire. Therefore, by their fruits ye shall know them. Not every one that saith unto me:
Lord, Lord, shall enter into the Kingdom of Heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in Heaven.
Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out
devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart
from me, ye that work iniquity. (Matthew 7:13–23)
Then said one unto him, Lord, are there few that be saved? And he said unto them, Strive to enter in at the strait
gate: for many, I say unto you, will seek to enter in, and shall not be able. When once the master of the house is
risen up, and hath shut to the door, and ye begin to stand without, and to knock at the door, saying, Lord, Lord,
open unto us; and he shall answer and say unto you, I know you not whence ye are: Then shall ye begin to say, We
have eaten and drunk in thy presence, and thou hast taught in our streets. But he shall say, I tell you, I know you
not whence ye are; depart from me, all ye workers of iniquity. There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth, when
ye shall see Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, and all the prophets, in the kingdom of God, and you yourselves thrust
out. (Luke 13:23–28)
In Judaism, beliefs vary about a last day of judgment for all mankind. Some rabbis hold that there will be such a day
following the resurrection of the dead. Others hold that this accounting and judgment happens when one dies. Still
others hold that the last judgment only applies to the gentiles and not the Jewish people.
This has been proven each time an ancient Quran is compared to a modern one, no matter the location of the old
copy, or the new one. One old version is the fully-surviving Quran manuscript of Ibn Al-Bawwab in cursive. He was
an Arab calligrapher in Baghdad in 391 AH. It is currently placed in the Chester Beatty Library, Dublin.
Another old script is the Seville Quranic Manuscript which is among the select few surviving oldest manuscripts of
the Quran from Spain. It was completed in Seville in 624 AH, and is kept at The Bavarian State Library in Munich,
Allah explains in His final Revelation, the Quran, that He will be its guardian which is why it has stayed preserved
2. Memorized by Millions
Muslims, young and old, around the world memorize chapters from Quran, and some even memorize the entire
book. This tradition of learning the Quran by heart began during its revelation. The Prophet Muhammad ﷺwas an
illiterate man, he recited the revelation and Allah granted him the ability to remember the verses without ever
forgetting. His companions memorized it word for word. You can walk up to almost any Muslim on the street and
ask them what the first chapter of the Quran is, they will be able to recite it to you without one word missing.
3. Linguistic Challenge
The pre-Islamic Arabs were masters of Arabic language. This was a culture that enjoyed poetry contests because of
their excellence in linguistics. Participants would speak to one another in poetry prose and crowds of people would
gather around listening. You can think of it like many Shakespeare’s all excelling in different gramatic styles
gathered together. God knew how much this culture excelled in linguistics, so He challenged them to produce even
one chapter like the Quran.
“And if you are in doubt about what We have sent down upon Our Servant [Muhammad], then produce a surah the
like thereof and call upon your witnesses other than Allah, if you should be truthful.” ( 2:23)
Surely if these revelations were inspired by a man then the best poets and masters of the Arabic language could
recreate something similar. Nothing in likeness to the rhythm, structure and eloquence has been created and its
every beautiful sentence remains unaltered.
“The Byzantines have been defeated. In the nearest land. But they, after their defeat, will overcome. within three to
nine years. To Allah belongs the command before and after. And that day the believers will rejoice” [Quran 30:2-4]
Despite the Byzantines not expecting the empire to even survive, they did exactly as the Quran said they would
and defeated the Persians.
Even the tribal leaders who were in opposition of the Prophet and Islam and wanted the message of God to stop,
testified to the good character and honesty of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. This is further shown when they offered him
leadership within the community and money if he would simply stop spreading the message. Of course, he
The alternative of God being the author is to look at the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. He was not a poet, nor could he
even read or write. He had no training in linguistics so certainly he could not have written this. Furthermore, the
Quran mentions other Prophets by name such as Jesus ﷺmore often than Muhammad ﷺ.
If it was his intention to garner power, wealth and fame instead of delivering the pure word of God, then why did
he refuse the local leadership’s offer of power, wealth and fame.
Islam complements science the most, contrary to popular belief. In fact, science strengthens faith as far as Islam is
concerned. For instance, the Quran contains scientific knowledge that was not discovered by science until recently,
a clear proof of its divine origins.
In 1929, a scientist named Hubble made a startling discovery. He noticed that light coming from other galaxies was
red shifted. This means that the frequency observed by Hubble was less than the actually frequency with which the
light was being emitted from the galaxy. According to the Doppler Effect, which is the observed vs the actual
frequency of a wave emitted from a source moving relative to a person (like a siren on an ambulance approaching
and then going far), it meant that the galaxy was moving away from earth.
This led to the theory that everything in the universe is moving away from each other, consequently expanding the
universe in size. This discovery was made possible through the use of powerful telescopes and other equipment.
This equipment was not present during the time the Quran was revealed in the 7 th century. Still the Quran
accurately stated this scientific fact in the following verse, “The heaven, we have built it with power. Verily, We are
expanding it” (51:47).
The orbit of the sun was discovered in the 17th or 18th century when scientists realized that the Milky Way was like
a spinning disk. Amazingly, the Quran stated this fact 1000 years before science discovered it. God says in it, “And
it is He who created the night and the day and the sun and the moon; all in an orbit are swimming” (21:33).
Planets are either rocky or gaseous depending on how far they were formed from the star. So the basic idea is that
both stars and planets start off as gases and after some processes become celestial objects. This fact was
mentioned in the Quran 1400 years ago in the following verse: “Then He directed Himself to the heaven while it
was smoke and said to it and to the earth, ‘Come [into being], willingly or by compulsion.’ They said, ‘We have
come willingly’” (41:11). The word “smoke” refers to the gaseous clouds from which stars and planets form
After reading all these verses about astronomy, it is important to understand why they are there. God included
them for many reasons, two of which are as follows. First off, they serve as a sign of the Quran’s authenticity as a
book revealed by the All-Knowing Creator. Each is an undeniable proof that the Quran is indeed the word of God
and not made up by a man’s imagination. No man in the Arabian Peninsula in the 7th century – or anywhere else in
the world, for that matter – could have made these accurate statements.
Maurice Bucaille, writing in “The Bible, the Qur’an and Science,” answers those who conclude that a human mind
authored the Quran: “A totally objective examination of it [the Quran] in the light of modern knowledge, leads us
to recognize the agreement between the two, as has been already noted on repeated occasions. It makes us deem
it quite unthinkable for a man of Muhammad’s time to have been the author of such statements on account of the
state of knowledge in his day. Such considerations are part of what gives the Qur’anic Revelation its unique place,
and forces the impartial scientist to admit his inability to provide an explanation which calls solely upon
materialistic reasoning.”
Keith L. Moore
Dr. Moore was former President of the Canadian Association of Anatomists and of the American Association of
Clinical Anatomists.
"It has been a great pleasure for me to help clarify statements in the Qur'an about human development. It is clear
to me that these statements must have come to Muhammad from God, or Allah, because most of this knowledge
was not discovered until many centuries later. This proves to me that Muhammad must have been a messenger of
God, or Allah."
Professor Moore also stated that: "...Because the staging of human embryos is complex, owing to the continuous
process of change during development, it is proposed that a new system of classification could be developed using
the terms mentioned in the Qur'an and Sunnah. The proposed system is simple, comprehensive, and conforms
with present embryological knowledge.
"The intensive studies of the Qur'an and Hadith in the last four years have revealed a system of classifying human
embryos that is amazing since it was recorded in the seventh century A.D... the descriptions in the Qur'an cannot
be based on scientific knowledge in the seventh century..."
E. Marshall Johnson
Professor and Chairman of the Department of Anatomy & Developmental Biology and Director of Daniel Baugh
Institute, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA
" summary, the Qur'an describes not only the development of external form, but emphasises also the internal
stages, the stages inside the embryo, of its creation and development, emphasising major events recognised by
contemporary science."
"As a scientist, I can only deal with things which I can specifically see. I can understand embryology and
developmental biology. I can understand the words that are translated to me from the Qur'an. As I gave the
example before, if I were to transpose myself into that era, knowing what I do today and describing things, I could
not describe the things that were described...
I see no evidence to refute the concept that this individual Muhammad had to be developing this information from
some place... so I see nothing here in conflict with the concept that divine intervention was involved in what he
was able to write..."
T.V.N. Persaud
Professor of Anatomy and Professor of Paediatrics and Child Health, University of Manitoba
"It seems to me that Muhammad was a very ordinary man, he couldn't read, didn't know how to write, in fact he
was an illiterate...
We're talking about 1400 years ago, you have some illiterate person making profound statements that are
amazingly accurate, of a scientific nature...
I personally can't see how this could be mere chance, there are too many accuracies and like Dr. Moore, I have no
difficulty in my mind reconciling that this is a divine inspiration or revelation which lead him to these statements."
"... these Hadiths (sayings of Muhammad) could not have been obtained on the basis of the scientific
knowledge that was available at the time of the 'writer'... It follows that not only is there no conflict between
genetics and religion (Islam) but in fact religion (Islam) may guide science by adding revelation to some of the
traditional scientific approaches... There exist statements in the Qur'an shown centuries later to be valid which
support knowledge in the Qur'an having been derived from God."
Gerald C. Goeringer
Professor & Co-ordinator of Medical Embryology in the Department of Cell Biology, School of Medicine,
Georgetown University, Washington DC, USA
"...In a relatively few ayahs (Qur'anic verses) is contained a rather comprehensive description of human
development from the time of commingling of the gametes through organogenesis. No such distinct and complete
record of human development such as classification, terminology, and description existed previously. In most, if
not all instances, this description antedates by many centuries the recording of the various stages of human
embryonic and fetal development recorded in the traditional scientific literature."
Alfred Kroner
Professor of the Department of Geosciences, University of Mainz, Germany
"Thinking where Muhammad came from... I think it is almost impossible that he could have known about things
like the common origin of the universe, because scientists have only found out within the last few years with very
complicated and advanced technological methods that this is the case."
"Somebody who did not know something about nuclear physics 1400 years ago could not, I think, be in a position
to find out from his own mind for instance that the earth and the heavens had the same origin, or many others of
the questions that we have discussed here...
If you combine all these and you combine all these statements that are being made in the Qur'an in terms that
relate to the earth and the formation of the earth and science in general, you can basically say that statements
made there in many ways are true, they can now be confirmed by scientific methods, and in a way, you can say
that the Qur'an is a simple science text book for the simple man. And that many of the statements made in there
at that time could not be proven, but that modern scientific methods are now in a position to prove what
Muhammad said 1400 years ago."
Yushidi Kusan
Director of the Tokyo Observatory, Tokyo, Japan
"I say, I am very much impressed by finding true astronomical facts in Qur'an, and for us modern astronomers have
been studying very small piece of the universe. We have concentrated our efforts for understanding of very small
part. Because by using telescopes, we can see only very few parts of the sky without thinking about the whole
universe. So by reading Qur'an and by answering to the questions, I think I can find my future way for investigation
of the universe."
Professor Armstrong
Professor Armstrong Works for NASA and also Professor of Astronomy, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas,
"That is a difficult question which I have been thinking about since our discussion here. I am impressed at how
remarkably some of the ancient writings seem to correspond to modern and recent Astronomy. I am not a
sufficient scholar of human history to project myself completely and reliably into the circumstances that 1400
years ago would have prevailed.
Certainly, I would like to leave it at that, that what we have seen is remarkable, it may or may not admit of
scientific explanation, there may well have to be something beyond what we understand as ordinary human
experience to account for the writings that we have seen."
William Hay
Professor of Oceanograprahy, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado, USA
"I find it very interesting that this sort of information is in the ancient scriptures of the Holy Qur'an, and I have no
way of knowing where they would have come from. But I think it is extremely interesting that they are there and
this work is going on to discover it, the meaning of some of the passages."
And when he was asked about the source of the Qur'an, he replied, "Well, I would think it must be the divine
Durja Rao
Professor of Marine Geology teaching at King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
"It is difficult to imagine that this type of knowledge was existing at that time, around 1400 years back. May be
some of the things they have simple idea about, but to describe those things in great detail is very difficult. So this
is definitely not simple human knowledge. A normal human being cannot explain this phenomenon in that much
detail. So, I thought the information must have come from a supernatural source."
Professor Siaveda
Professor of Marine Geology, Japan
"I think it seems to me very, very mysterious, almost unbelievable. I really think if what you have said is true, the
book is really a very remarkable book, I agree."
Tejatat Tejasen
Chairman of the Department of Anatomy and is the former Dean of the faculty of Medicine, University of Chiang
Mai, Chiang Mai, Thailand
"In the last three years, I became interested in the Qur'an... From my studies and what I have learned throughout
this conference, I believe that everything that has been recorded in the Qur'an fourteen hundred years ago must
be the truth, that can be proved by the scientific means.
Since the Prophet Muhammad could neither read nor write, Muhammad must be a messenger who relayed this
truth which was revealed to him as an enlightenment by the one who is eligible creator. This creator must be God,
or Allah.
I think this is the time to say La ilaha illa Allah, there is no god to worship except Allah (God), Muhammad rasoolu
Allah, Muhammad is Messenger of Allah...
The most precious thing I have gained from coming to this conference is La ilaha illa Allah, and to have become
After a study which lasted ten years, Dr. Maurice Bucaille addressed the French Academy of Medicine in 1976
concerning the existence in the Qur'an of certain statements concerning physiology and reproduction. His reason
for doing that was that :
"...our knowledge of these disciplines is such, that it is impossible to explain how a text produced at the time of the
Qur'an could have contained ideas that have only been discovered in modern times."
"The above observation makes the hypothesis advanced by those who see Muhammad as the author of the Qur'an
untenable. How could a man, from being illiterate, become the most important author, in terms of literary merits,
in the whole of Arabic literature?
How could he then pronounce truths of a scientific nature that no other human-being could possibly have
developed at that time, and all this without once making the slightest error in his pronouncement on the subject?"
o Ability to do anything: (2:117) He is the Originator of the heavens and the earth, and when He
decrees something, He says only, "Be!" and it is. (3:165) What! When a misfortune befalls you,
after you had yourself inflicted twice as heavy losses, you say, "How has this come about?" Say,
"It was your own fault." Truly, God has the power to will anything. (3:189) The kingdom of the
heavens and the earth belongs to God; God has power over all things. (8:41) Know that one-fifth
of your battle gains belongs to God and the Messenger, to his close relatives and orphans, to the
needy and travellers, if you believe in God and the revelation We sent down to Our servant on the
Decisive Day, the day when the two forces met. God has power over all things. (9:116) surely to
God belongs the kingdom of the heavens and of the earth. He gives life and death. You have
none besides God to protect or help you. (16:40) When We will something to happen, all that We
say is, "Be!" and it is. (40:68) It is He who gives life and death, and when He ordains a thing, He
says only, "Be!" and it is. (41:39) Among His signs is this: you see the earth dry and barren, but
when We send down on it water, it stirs and swells: most surely He who gives it life is the giver of
life to the dead; surely He has power over all things. (42:49-50) God has control of the heavens
and the earth; He creates whatever He will -- He grants female offspring to whoever He will, male
to whoever He will, or both male and female, and He leaves whoever He will barren; He is all-
knowing and all powerful.
o Best of all judges: (95:6-8) except for those who believe and do good deeds -- theirs shall be
an unending reward! What then after this, can make you deny the Last Judgement? Is not God
the greatest of the judges?
o Beyond definition: (43:82) But -- exalted be the Lord of the heavens and earth, the Lord of the
Throne -- He is far above their [false] descriptions. (67:12) As for those who fear their Lord in the
unseen will have forgiveness and a rich reward.
o Brings disbelievers schemes to nought: (8:30) Remember how those who bent on denying the
truth plotted against you to imprison you or kill you or expel you: they schemed -- but God also
schemed. God is the best of schemers. (8:36) Those who are bent on denying the truth are
spending their wealth in debarring others from the path of God. They will continue to spend it in
this way till, in the end, this spending will become a source of intense regret for them, and then
they will be overcome. And those who denied the truth will be gathered together in Hell.
o Cause human beings to disappear and bring forth other beings: (4:133) If He wanted, He
could remove you altogether and replace you with other people: He has the full power to do so.
(14:19) Do you not see that God has created the heavens and the earth for a purpose? He can
eliminate you if He wills and bring into being a new creation.
o Grants life & death: (44:8) there is no deity save Him: It is He who gives both life and death --
He is your Lord, and the Lord of your forefathers. (53:44) that it is He who causes death and
gives life; (57:2) He has sovereign control over the heavens and the earth. He gives life and
brings death. He has power over all things.
o Hard strivers rewarded better: (4:95-96) Those believers who stay behind, apart from those
forced by necessity, are not equal to those who strive hard in God's cause with their possessions
and their persons. God has given those who strive with their goods and their persons a higher
rank than those who stayed behind. God has promised all a good reward; but far greater is the
recompense of those who strive for Him -- high ranks conferred by Him as well as forgiveness
and mercy. God is forgiving and merciful. (9:120) It was not proper for the people of Madinah and
those desert Arabs around them to hold back from following God's Messenger, and to prefer their
own lives to his life. This is because whenever they suffer from thirst or weariness or hunger for
o God's cause, and whenever they take any step which provokes those who deny the truth, or
inflicts any loss upon the enemy, it shall be counted as a good deed in the sight of God, God will
not deny the righteous their reward.
o Has no consort: (72:2) and exalted is the majesty of our Lord, He has taken neither a wife nor a
son. (4:81) Say, "If the All Merciful had a son, I would be the first to worship him. (112:3) He does
not give birth, nor was He born.
o Has not forsaken you during your hard times: (93:3-4) your Lord has not forsaken you, nor is
He displeased with you, and the Hereafter will indeed be better for you than the present life.
o Is everywhere: (2:115) The East and the West belong to God. Whichever way you turn, there
is the Face of God. God is all pervading and all knowing. (2:142) The foolish will ask, "What has
made them turn away from their direction of prayer which they used to face?" Say, "The East and
the West belong to God. He guides whom He pleases to the right path. (2:177) Virtue does not
consist in whether you face towards the East or the West; virtue means believing in God, the Last
Day, the angels, the Book and the prophets; the virtuous are those who, despite their love for it,
give away their wealth to their relatives and to orphans and the very poor, and to travelers and
those who ask [for charity], and to set slaves free, and who attend to their prayers and pay the
alms, and who keep their pledges when they make them, and show patience in hardship and
adversity, and in times of distress. Such are the true believers; and such are the God-
fearing. (4:126) To God belongs all that the heavens and earth contain. God has knowledge of all
o Is first & last: (57:3) He is the First and the Last, the Outward and the Inward. He has
knowledge of all things.
o Knows that beyond comprehension: (6:59) He holds the keys to the unseen; none knows
them but He. He has knowledge of all that land and sea contain. No leaf falls without His
knowledge, nor is there a single grain in the darkness of the earth, or anything, wet or dry, but is
recorded in a clear Record. (6:73) It was He who created the heavens and the earth for a true
purpose. On the Day when He says, "Be," it shall be: His word is the truth. All sovereignty shall
be His on the Day when the trumpet is sounded. The Knower of the unseen and the visible, He is
the Wise, the Aware One. (9:94) They will make excuses to you when you return to them. Say,
"Do not make excuses, we will not believe you. God has already informed us about you. God will
see your actions, as will His Messenger. Then you will be returned to the One who knows the
seen and the unseen and He will tell you all that you used to do. (9:105) Say, "Do as you will.
God will watch your conduct and so will His Messenger and the believers. Soon you will be
brought back to Him who knows what is hidden and what is manifest: then He will show you the
truth of all that you have done. (13:9) He is the knower of the unseen and the visible, the Great,
the Most-Exalted. (32:6) Such is the Knower of the unseen and the visible, the Powerful, the
Merciful. (34:48) Say to them, "My Lord hurls forth the Truth [at falsehood] and He is the knower
of hidden things." (35:48) Say to them, "My Lord hurls forth the Truth [at falsehood] and He is the
knower of hidden things." (39:46) Say, "O God! Originator of the heavens and earth! Knower of
all that is hidden and all that is manifest, You will judge between Your servants regarding their
differences." (49:18) God knows the unseen things of the heavens and the earth. God sees all
that you do. (59:22) He is God: there is no deity save Him. He knows the unseen and the visible.
He is the Compassionate, the Merciful. (62:8) So say, "The death you run away from will
certainly meet you, and thereafter you will be brought back to the Knower of the unseen and the
seen, and He will declare to you what you have done." (64:18) So say, "The death you run away
from will certainly meet you, and thereafter you will be brought back to the Knower of the unseen
and the seen, and He will declare to you what you have done." (72:26) He alone has knowledge
of what is hidden. He reveals this to none. (87:7) except whatever God wills; He knows both what
is manifest and what is hidden.
o Love those who behave equitably: (49:9) If two parties of believers fight against each other,
make peace between them; then if after that one of them transgresses against the other, fight the
party that transgresses until it submits to the command of God. Then if it complies, make peace
between them with equity, and act justly. Truly, God loves the just.
o Made no laws regarding that of which he didn’t speak: (5:101) Believers, do not ask uestions
about things which, if they were made known to you, would only become burdensome for you; but
if you ask them when the Quran is being revealed, they shall be made plain to you -- God has
kept silent about them: God is most forgiving and forbearing.
o Nature of: (2:255) God: there is no deity save Him, the Living, the Eternal One. Neither
slumber nor sleep overtakes Him. To Him belong whatsoever is in the heavens and whatsoever is
on the earth. Who can intercede with Him except by His permission? He knows all that is before
them and all that is behind them. They can grasp only that part of His knowledge which He wills.
His throne extends over the heavens and the earth; and their upholding does not weary Him. He
is the Sublime, the Almighty One!
o No human is a divinity: (3:64) Say, "People of the Book, let us come to a word common to us
that we shall worship none but God and that we shall associate no partner with Him and that
none of us shall take others, besides God, for lords." And if they turn away, say, "Bear witness
that we have submitted to God."
o Not a trinity: (4:171) God knows well the evil-doers. Say, "People of the Book, let us come to a
word common to us that we shall worship none but God and that we shall associate no partner
with Him and that none of us shall take others, besides God, for lords." And if they turn away,
say, "Bear witness that we have submitted to God."
o Refuge from evil with: (113:1-5) Say, "I seek refuge in the Lord of the daybreak from the evil of
what He has created,) from the evil of darkness as it descends, from the evil of those who blow
on knots and from the evil of the envier when he envies." (114:1-6) Say, "I seek refuge in the Lord
of people, the King of people, the God of people, from the mischief of every sneaking whis-
perer, who whispers into the hearts of people, from jinn and men."
o Remembering him standing, sitting, lying down: (3:191) who remember God while standing,
sitting and [lying] on their sides, and who ponder over the creation of the heavens and the earth,
saying, "Lord, You have not created all this without purpose. Glory be to You! Save us from the
torment of the Fire. (4:103) When you have finished the prayer, remember God while standing,
and sitting, and lying on your sides. When you feel secure, say your prayers in the prescribed
form. Believers are under the obligation to say their prayers at the appointed hours. (10:12)
Whenever any trouble befalls a person, he prays to Us all the time, lying on his side, sitting or
standing; but when We remove his trouble, he goes on his way as if he had never prayed to Us
for the removal of his trouble. Thus it is that the doings of the transgressors are made to look fair
to them. (25:64) and those who spend the night prostrating themselves, and standing before their
o Shapes you in the womb: (3:6) it is He who shapes you in the womb as He will. There is no
deity save Him, the Mighty, the Wise One.
o Thorne rests upon the water: (11:7) Enthroned above the waters, it was He who created the
heavens and the earth in six Days [periods], in order to test which of you is best in conduct. If you
say, "You will [all] be raised up after death," those who deny the truth will say, "This is just sheer
o Wills no wrong to His creation: (3:108) These are God's revelations; We recite them to you in
all truth. God desires no injustice to mankind. (4:40) God does not wrong anyone by as much as
a grain's weight. If there be a good deed, He will repay twofold, and will bestow out of His own
bounty an immense reward. (17:71) The Day will surely come when We shall summon every
people with their leader. Then those who are given their records in their right hands will read their
records [eagerly] and shall not in the least be wronged (21:47) We shall set up scales of justice
on the Day of Resurrection, so that no soul can be in the least wronged. Actions as small as a
grain of mustard seed shall be weighed. We are sufficient as a reckoner. (22:10) [God will
say],"This is the reward of your misdeeds. God is not unjust to His servants." (26:209) as a
reminder from Us: We are never unjust. (40:31) like the fate of the people of Noah, 'Ad, Thamud,
and those who came after them -- God never wills injustice on His creatures. (41:46) Whoever
does what is just and right, does so for his own good; and whoever does evil, does so to his own
detriment: and God is never in the least unjust to His creatures. (45:22) God has created the
heavens and the earth for a true purpose, so that every soul may be rewarded for whatever it has
earned, and no one will be wronged. (50:29) and My word shall not be changed, nor am I unjust
to My servants."
ANGELS: (4:97) When the angels take the souls of those who have wronged themselves, they will ask,
"What was wrong with you?" They will answer, "We were too weak on earth." The angels will say, "Was
God's earth not spacious enough for you to have migrated to some other place?" These are the ones
whose abode shall be Hell, an evil destination. (8:50) If you could see, when the angels take the souls of
those who are bent on denying the truth [at death], how they strike their faces and backs: saying "Taste
the punishment of the Burning!. (13:23-24) They shall enter the eternal Gardens of Eden, along with the
righteous from among their fathers, wives and descendants. From every gate the angels will come to
them, saying, "Peace be upon you for all that you have steadfastly endured. How excellent is the final
abode!" (22:75) God selects messengers from both angels and from mankind; God is all hearing and all
seeing. (25:22) There will be no good tidings for the guilty on the day they see the angels; and they will
cry out, "Keep away, keep away!" (82:10-12) Surely, there are guardians watching over you, noble
recorders. who know all that you do:
o Sent to inspire: (16:2) He sends down the angels with revelations by His command to whoever
of His servants He pleases, saying, "Warn mankind that there is no god save Me, so fear Me."
ANGER: (3:134) For those who spend, both in prosperity and adversity, who restrain their anger and are
forgiving towards their fellow men -- God loves those who do good works.
AGING: (16:70) God created you; then He shall cause you to die: and some shall have their lives
prolonged to abject old age, ceasing to know anything after once having had knowledge. God is all
knowing and powerful. (30:54) God is the One who has created you in a state of weakness; then He has
granted you strength following [your] weakness; later on He has given you infirmity and grey hairs in
place of strength. He creates whatever He wishes; He is the All Knowing and All Powerful. (36:68) If We
extend anyone's life, We reverse his development. Can they not use their reason?
o Behavior towards aging parents in your care: (17:23) Your Lord has commanded that you
should worship none but Him, and show kindness to your parents. If either or both of them attain
old age with you, say no word of contempt to them and do not rebuke them, but always speak
gently to them.
APOSTACY: (3:86-88) How would God bestow His guidance upon people who have opted for unbelief
after having embraced the faith and having borne witness that this Messenger is true and [after] all
evidence of the truth has come to them? For, God does not guide such wrongdoers: such people will be
rewarded with rejection by God, by the angels, by all mankind. In this state they shall abide forever; their
punishment shall not be lightened nor shall they be granted respite. (3:90-91) But as for those who are
bent on denying the truth after accepting the true faith and grow in their refusal to acknowledge the truth,
their repentance will not be accepted. They are the ones who have gone far astray. Those who reject
faith and die in the state of rejection will not be saved, even if they offer as ransom enough gold to fill the
entire earth. Painful punishment is in store for them and they will have no supporters. (4:137) As for
those who come to believe, and then deny the truth, and again come to believe, and again deny the truth,
and thereafter grow stubborn in their denial of the truth -- God will never forgive them, nor will He guide
them. (16:106) As for one who denies God after he has believed, with the exception of one who is forced
to do it, while his heart rests securely in faith, but one who opens his heart to a denial of truth shall incur
the wrath of God; such as these will have a terrible punishment.
o Allah alone will punish them: (73:11) As for one who denies God after he has believed, with
the exception of one who is forced to do it, while his heart rests securely in faith, but one who
opens his heart to a denial of truth shall incur the wrath of God; such as these will have a terrible
punishment. (74:11) Leave Me alone [to deal] with him whom I have created alone.
BEHAVIOR: (17:36) Do not follow what you do not know; for the ear and the eye and the heart shall all
be called to account. (53:32) As for those who refrain from committing grave sins and indecent acts,
though they may commit minor offences, your Lord is unstinting in His forgiveness. He knows you when
He brings you out of the earth, and when you were embryos in the wombs of your mothers; so do not
make claims to be pure. He knows best who is truly righteous. (49:12-13) Believers, avoid much
suspicion. Indeed some suspicion is a sin. And do not spy on one another and do not backbite. Would
any of you like to eat his dead brother's flesh? No, you would hate it. Fear God, God is ever forgiving and
most merciful. Mankind! We have created you from a male and female, and made you into peoples and
tribes, so that you might come to know each other. The noblest of you in God's sight is the one who fears
God most. God is all knowing and all-aware. (6:152) Stay well away from an orphan's property, except
with the best intentions, before he comes of age. Give full measure and weight, according to justice, We
never charge a soul with more than it can bear, when you speak, observe justice, even though it concerns
a close relative; and fulfil the covenants of God. That is what He has enjoined upon you so that you may
take heed. (2:143) Thus We have made you a middle nation, so that you may act as witnesses for
mankind, and the Messenger may be a witness for you. We decreed your former prayer direction towards
which you used to face only in order that We might make a clear distinction between the Messenger's true
followers and those who were to turn their backs on him. This was indeed a hard test for all but those
whom God has guided. God will never let your faith go to waste. God is compassionate and merciful to
mankind. (25:67) They are those who are neither extravagant nor niggardly, but keep a balance between
the two; (4:36) Worship God: and do not associate partners with Him. Be good to your parents, to
relatives, to orphans, to the needy, and the neighbour who is a kinsman, and the neighbour who is not
related to you and your companions and the wayfarers and those whom you rightfully possess. God does
not like arrogant, boastful people, (57:23) so that you may not grieve for what has escaped you, nor be
exultant over what you have gained. God loves neither the conceited nor the boastful (93:9-11) Therefore
do not treat the orphan with harshness, and do not chide the one who asks for help; but proclaim the
blessings of your Lord. (49:10-11) Surely all believers are brothers. So make peace between your
brothers, and fear God, so that mercy may be shown to you. Believers, let not some men among you
ridicule others: it may be that the latter are better than the former: nor should some women laugh at
others: it may be that the latter are better than the former: do not defame or be sarcastic to each other, or
call each other by [offensive] nicknames. How bad it is to earn an evil reputation after accepting the faith!
Those who do not repent are evil-doers. (5:48-49) We have sent down the Book to you with the truth,
fulfilling [the predictions] revealed in the previous scriptures and determining what is true therein, and as a
guardian over it. Judge, therefore, between them by what God has revealed, and do not follow their vain
desires turning away from the truth that has come to you. To every one of you We have ordained a law
and a way, and had God so willed, He would have made you all a single community, but He did not so
will, in order that He might try you by what He has given you. Vie, then, with one another in doing good
works; to God you shall all return; then He will make clear to you about what you have been disputing.
Judge between them by what God has sent down and do not be led by their desires. Beware of them lest
they turn you away from a part of that what God has revealed to you. If they reject your judgment, know
that God intends to punish them for the sins they have committed. Indeed a large number of the people
are disobedient. (10:47) that they do. Every nation has a messenger. Once their messenger has come,
judgment will be passed upon them in all fairness and they will not be wronged. (5:13) Since they broke
their solemn pledge, We laid on them Our curse and hardened their hearts. They distorted the meaning of
the revealed words, taking them out of their context, and forgot much of what they were enjoined. You will
constantly discover treachery on their part, except for a few of them. But pardon them, and bear with
them; truly, God loves the doers of good. (31:15) But if they press you to associate something with Me
about which you have no knowledge, do not obey them. Yet be kind to them in this world and follow the
path of those who turn to Me. You will all return to Me in the end, and I will tell you everything that you
have done. (42:36-37) Whatever you have been given is only a temporary provision of this life, but that
which is with God is better and more lasting for those who believe and put their trust in their Lord; who
refrain from heinous sins and gross indecencies; who forgive when they are angry.
BELIEF: (2:136-137) Say, "We believe in God and what was revealed to us; and what was revealed to
Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, and their descendants, and what was given to Moses and Jesus and
what was given to the [other] prophets by their Lord. We make no distinction between any of them. It is to
Him that we surrender ourselves." If they believe as you have believed, then are they rightly guided; but if
they turn back, then know that they are entrenched in hostility. God will surely suffice to defend you
against them, for He is All Hearing, All Knowing. (2:285) The Messenger believes in what has been sent
down to him from his Lord, and [so do] believers. They all believe in God and His angels, His scriptures,
and His messengers. They say, "We do not differentiate between any of His messengers. We hear and
obey. Grant us Your forgiveness, Lord, to You we shall all return!" (49:14-15) The Arabs of the desert say,
"We have believed." Say to them, "You have not believed yet; say rather, "We have submitted," for faith
has not yet entered into your hearts. But if you will obey God and His Messenger, He will not detract
anything from your good deeds. God is most forgiving and ever merciful." The believers are only those
who have faith in God and His Messenger and then doubt not, but strive, hard with their wealth and their
persons for the cause of God. Such are the truthful ones.
o Burden: (2:86) God does not charge a soul with more than it can bear. It shall be requited for
whatever good and whatever evil it has done. [They pray], "Our Lord, do not take us to task if we
forget or make a mistake! Our Lord, do not place on us a burden like the one You placed on
those before us! Our Lord, do not place on us a burden we have not the strength to bear! Pardon
us; and forgive us; and have mercy on us. You are our Lord and Sustainer, so help us against
those who deny the truth."
Believer: (2:2-5) This is the Book; there is no doubt in it. It is a guide for those who are mindful of
God, who believe in the unseen, and are steadfast in prayer, and spend out of what We have
provided them with; those who believe in the revelation sent down to you and in what was sent
before you, and firmly believe in the life to come -- they are the people who are rightly following
their Lord and it is they who shall be successful. (8:2-4) True believers are those whose hearts
tremble with awe at the mention of God, and whose faith grows stronger as they listen to His
revelations. They are those who put their trust in their Lord, who pray regularly and give in alms
out of what We have provided for them. Such are the true believers. They have a high standing
with their Lord, His forgiveness and an honourable provision made for them. (8:24) Believers,
obey God and the Messenger when he calls you to that which gives you life. Know that God
stands between man and his heart, and you shall all be gathered in His presence.
BIOLOGY: (21:30) Do not those who deny the truth see that the heavens and the earth were joined
together and that We then split them asunder? And that We have made every living thing out of water?
Will they still not believe? (24:45) God created every creature from water. Some crawl upon their bellies,
others walk on two legs, and others walk on four. God creates what He pleases. He has power over all
things. (25:54) It is He who has created human beings from water and He has granted them the ties of
blood as well as marriage. Your Lord is all powerful.
BUSINESS ETHICS: (6:152) It is He who has created human beings from water and He has granted
them the ties of blood as well as marriage. Your Lord is all powerful. (17:35) Give full measure, when you
measure, and weigh with accurate scales. That is fair, and better in the end.
CHARITY & PRAYER: (2:110) Attend to your prayers and pay the prescribed alms; any good you store
up for yourselves, you will find it with God. Certainly, God sees what you do. (2:262-64) wills; God is
infinite and all knowing. Those who spend their wealth for God's cause and do not follow their almsgiving
with taunts and insults shall be rewarded by their Lord; they shall have no fear, nor shall they grieve. A
kind word and forgiveness is better than a charitable deed followed by hurtful words: God is self-sufficient
and forbearing. Believers, do not cancel out your charitable deeds with reminders and hurtful words, like
one who spends his wealth only to be seen by people, and not believing in God and the Last Day. Such
men are like a rock covered with earth: a shower falls upon it and leaves it hard and bare. They will gain
nothing from their works. God does not guide those who deny the truth. (2:272-274) It is not your
responsibility to make them follow the right path; God guides whomever He pleases. Whatever wealth
you spend is to your own benefit, provided that you spend only to seek the favour of God. Whatever
wealth you spend [for God's cause] shall be repaid to you in full and you shall not be wronged. The
needy, who are too engrossed in God's cause to be able to travel about the land in search of a livelihood,
are considered by those who are unaware of their condition to be free from want, because they refrain
from begging. But they can be known from their appearance. They do not make insistent demands upon
people. Whatever wealth you spend, God knows it. Those who spend their wealth night and day, both
privately and publicly, will receive their reward from their Lord. They shall have no fear, nor shall they
grieve. (3:92) Never will you attain to righteousness unless you spend for the cause of God out of what
you cherish; and whatever you spend is known to God. (3:134) for those who spend, both in prosperity
and adversity, who restrain their anger and are forgiving towards their fellow men -- God loves those who
do good works. (4:39) What harm could befall them if they believed in God and the Last Day, and spent
out of what God bestowed on them? God knows them well. (9:121) and whenever they spend anything
[for the sake of God], be it little or much, and whenever they traverse the land [in God's cause] -- it is
recorded to their credit, and God will grant them the best reward for all that they have been doing. (30:38)
So give the near relative, the needy, and the wayfarer their due -- that is best for those who seek God's
pleasure: such men are the ones who will surely prosper. (51:18-19) Praying at dawn for God's pardon,
and sharing their possessions with the beggars and the deprived. (25:67) They are those who are neither
extravagant nor niggardly, but keep a balance between the two; (92:18-19) One who gives his wealth to
become purified, and owes no favour to anyone, which is to be repaid. (2:218) They will ask you what
they should spend on others. Say, "Whatever you give should be for parents, close relatives, orphans, the
needy, and travellers. God is well aware of whatever good you do."
Children: (18:46) Wealth and children are an ornament of the life of this world. But deeds of lasting merit
are better rewarded by your Lord and a far better source of hope. (19:77) Have you seen him who denies
the truth in Our revelations and says, "I shall certainly be given wealth and children." (40:67) It is He who
created you from dust, then from a drop of fluid, then from a tiny, clinging form, then He brought you forth
as infants, then He allowed you to reach maturity, then He let you grow old, though some of you die
sooner, and reach your appointed term so that you may reflect. (46:15) We have enjoined on man
kindness to his parents: his mother bore him, in pain and in pain she gave birth to him, and his bearing
and weaning takes thirty months. At length, when he reaches the age of full maturity and attains forty
years, he says, "O my Lord! Help me to be grateful for Your favours which You have bestowed upon me,
and upon both my parents, and to do good deeds that will please You. Grant me righteousness my
offspring. Truly, I have turned to You and, truly, I submit to You." (63:9) O believers! Do not let your
wealth or your children distract you from remembrance of God. Those who do so will be the
losers. (64:14-15) Believers! [Even] among your wives and your children you have enemies: so beware
of them. But if you overlook their offences and forgive and pardon them, then surely, God is most
forgiving and merciful. Your wealth and your children are only a trial; God's reward is great:
o Adopted ones should be named after their fathers: (33:5) Call them after their own fathers;
that is closer to justice in the sight of God. If you do not know their fathers, regard them as your
brothers in faith and your proteges. You will not be blamed if you make a mistake, you will be held
accountable only for what in your hearts you have done intentionally. God is forgiving and
o Baby daughters wrongly thought an evil sign: When the birth of a girl is announced to any of
them, his face darkens and he is filled with gloom. In his shame he hides himself away from his
people, because of the bad news he has been given. Should he keep her and feel disgraced or
bury her in the dust? How ill they judge! (81:8-9) and when the female infant buried alive is
o Breast feed for two years: (2:233) And the [divorced] mothers should nurse their children for
two whole years, if they wish to complete the period of nursing; and during that period the father
of the child shall be responsible for the maintenance of the mother in a reasonable manner. No
soul is charged with more than it can bear. No mother should be made to suffer on account of her
child, and no father should be made to suffer on account of his child. The same duties devolve
upon the father's heir [in case of the death of the father]. But if, after consultation, they choose by
mutual agreement to wean the child, there shall be no blame on them. Nor shall it be any offence
for you if you desire to engage a wet-nurse for your children, provided you hand over what you
have agreed to pay, in a reasonable manner. Have fear of God and know that God is observant
of all your actions.
o Helpless: (4:127) They consult you concerning women. Say, "God has given you directions
concerning them. The commandment given to you in the Book concerns the orphan girls to whom
you do not give what is prescribed for them, and whom you nevertheless desire to marry, and
about helpless children. He has instructed you to deal justly with orphans. God has knowledge of
all the good you do.
o Of Israel: (2:40) Children of Israel, remember the favours I have bestowed upon you, and fulfil
the covenant that you made with Me. I shall fulfil the covenant I made with you. Fear Me
alone. (2:47) Children of Israel, remember My blessing which I have bestowed on you, and how
I favoured you above all other people. (2:104) will return to Him. Children of Israel, remember
My blessing which I have bestowed on you, and how I favoured you above all other people.
o Wet nurses: (2:233) And the [divorced] mothers should nurse their children for two whole
years, if they wish to complete the period of nursing; and during that period the father of the child
shall be responsible for the maintenance of the mother in a reasonable manner. No soul is
charged with more than it can bear. No mother should be made to suffer on account of her child,
and no father should be made to suffer on account of his child. The same duties devolve upon the
father's heir [in case of the death of the father]. But if, after consultation, they choose by mutual
agreement to wean the child, there shall be no blame on them. Nor shall it be any offence for you
if you desire to engage a wet-nurse for your children, provided you hand over what you have
agreed to pay, in a reasonable manner. Have fear of God and know that God is observant of all
your actions.
CHRISTIAN: (5:14-15) We also made a covenant with those who say, "We are Christians." But they too
have forgotten much of what they were enjoined. So, We have put enmity and hatred between them till
the Day of Judgement; and soon God will declare to them what they have been doing. People of the
Book! Our Messenger has come to make clear to you much of what you have hidden of the Scriptures
and to forgive you much. A light has now come to you from God and a clear Book. (5:19) People of the
Book, Our Messenger has come to you to make things clear to you after an interval between the
messengers, lest you say, "No bearer of glad tidings and no warner has come to us." So a bearer of glad
tidings and a warner has indeed come to you. God has the power to do all things. (5:66) People of the
Book, Our Messenger has come to you to make things clear to you after an interval between the
messengers, lest you say, "No bearer of glad tidings and no warner has come to us." So a bearer of glad
tidings and a warner has indeed come to you. God has the power to do all things. (5:69) Believers,
Jews, Sabaeans and Christians, whoever believes in God and the Last Day and does what is right, shall
have nothing to fear nor shall they grieve.(9:30) The Jews say, "Ezra is the son of God," and the
Christians say, "The Messiah is the son of God." These are but their baseless utterances. They imitate
the assertions made in earlier times by those who deny the truth. May God destroy them! How far astray
they have been led!
o The veil: (24:31) The Jews say, "Ezra is the son of God," and the Christians say, "The Messiah
is the son of God." These are but their baseless utterances. They imitate the assertions made in
earlier times by those who deny the truth. May God destroy them! How far astray they have been
o Women’s outer garment: (33:59-60) O Prophet! Tell your wives and your daughters and wives
of the believers that they should draw over themselves some of their outer garments [when in
public], so as to be recognized and not harmed. God is most forgiving and most merciful. If the
hypocrites and those who have tainted hearts and the scandal mongers of Madinah do not desist,
We shall surely give you authority over them and their days in that city will be numbered.
COMMANDMENTS: (2:42-45) Attend to your prayers, give the zakat [prescribed alms] and bow down
with those who bow down. Do you admonish others to do good and forget this yourselves? Yet you read
the Book. Will you not then understand? Seek help with patience and prayer; this is indeed an exacting
discipline, but not to the humble. (2:83) Remember when We made a covenant with the Children of
Israel, "Worship none but God and be good to your parents and to relatives and orphans and the needy.
And speak kindly to people. Attend to your prayers and pay the zakat [prescribed alms]." But with the
exception of a few, you turned away [in aversion] and paid no heed. (3:113-114) Yet they are not all
alike. Of the People of the Book there are some who stand by their covenant; they recite the word of God
during the night and prostrate themselves before Him, who believe in God and the Last Day, who enjoin
justice and forbid evil and vie with each other in good works. These are righteous men. (3:134-135) for
those who spend, both in prosperity and adversity, who restrain their anger and are forgiving towards
their fellow men -- God loves those who do good works. And who, when they have committed an
indecency or have wronged their souls, remember God and pray that their sins be forgiven, for who but
God can forgive sins?, and do not knowingly persist in their misdeeds (5:12) God made a covenant with
the Children of Israel; and raised among them twelve leaders. God said, "Surely, I am with you. If you
attend to your prayers and pay the alms and believe in My messengers and support them, and give a
generous loan to God, I will certainly forgive you your sins and admit you into Gardens through which
rivers flow. Whoever among you denies the truth after this shall go astray from the straight path." (6:151-
153) Say, "Come! I will tell you what your Lord has really forbidden you! Do not associate anything with
Him; be good to your parents; and do not kill your children for fear of poverty, We shall provide
sustenance for you as well as for them, refrain from committing indecent deeds, whether openly or in
secret; and do not kill the life which God has made sacred, save by right. That is what He has enjoined
upon you, so that you may understand. Stay well away from an orphan's property, except with the best
intentions, before he comes of age. Give full measure and weight, according to justice, We never charge
a soul with more than it can bear, when you speak, observe justice, even though it concerns a close
relative; and fulfil the covenants of God. That is what He has enjoined upon you so that you may take
heed. [He has enjoined], "This is My straight path; so follow it, and do not follow other ways: that will lead
you away from His path." That is what He enjoins upon you, so that you may guard yourselves. (7:33)
Say,"My Lord has forbidden indecency, both open and hidden, sin and wrongful oppression and that,
without His sanction, you associate things with Him, and that you say things about Him without
o Kindness towards others: (4:36) Worship God: and do not associate partners with Him. Be
good to your parents, to relatives, to orphans, to the needy, and the neighbour who is a kinsman,
and the neighbour who is not related to you and your companions and the wayfarers and those
whom you rightfully possess. God does not like arrogant, boastful people.
CONSERVATION: (4:141) The hypocrites wait to see what happens to you and, if God grants you a
victory, they say, "Were we not on your side?" And if those who deny the truth have a share of it [victory]
they say to them, "Did we not help you win, and protect you from the believers?" God will judge between
you [all] on Resurrection Day. And never will God allow those who deny the truth to harm the believers.
(7:31) O Children of Adam, dress yourself properly whenever you are at worship: and eat and drink but do
not be wasteful: God does not like wasteful people.
o Contract Law: (2:282) Believers, when you contract a debt for a stated term, put it down in
writing; have a scribe write it down with fairness between you. No scribe should refuse to write: let
him write as God has taught him, let the debtor dictate, and let him fear God, his Lord, and not
diminish [the debt] at all. If the debtor is weak in mind or body, or unable to dictate, then in
fairness let his guardian dictate for him. Call in two of your men as witnesses. But if two men
cannot be found, then call one man and two women out of those you approve of as witnesses, so
that if one of the two women should forget the other can remind her. Let the witnesses not refuse
when they are summoned. Do not be disinclined to write down your debts, be they small or large,
together with the date of payment. This is more just in the sight of God; it is more reliable as
testimony, and more likely to prevent doubts arising between you, unless it be ready merchandise
which you give or take from hand to hand, then it will not be held against you for not writing it
down. Have witnesses present whenever you trade with one another, and let no harm be done to
either scribe or witness, for if you did cause them harm, it would be a crime on your part. Be
mindful of God; He teaches you: He has full knowledge of everything.
During journey a person’s “word” is acceptable: (2:283) And if you are on a journey and cannot find a
scribe, then a security deposit [should be] taken. And if one of you entrusts another, then let him who is
entrusted discharge his trust [faithfully] and let him fear Allah, his Lord. And do not conceal testimony, for
whoever conceals it - his heart is indeed sinful, and Allah is Knowing of what you do.
Witnesses told to be truthful: (5:8) O you who have believed, be persistently standing firm for Allah,
witnesses in justice, and do not let the hatred of a people prevent you from being just. Be just; that is
nearer to righteousness. And fear Allah; indeed, Allah is Acquainted with what you do. (25:72) And [they
are] those who do not testify to falsehood, and when they pass near ill speech, they pass by with dignity.
CORRUPTION: (5:32) Because of that, We decreed upon the Children of Israel that whoever kills a soul
unless for a soul or for corruption [done] in the land - it is as if he had slain mankind entirely. And whoever
saves one - it is as if he had saved mankind entirely. And our messengers had certainly come to them
with clear proofs. Then indeed many of them, [even] after that, throughout the land, were
transgressors. (8:73) And those who disbelieved are allies of one another. If you do not do so, there will
be fitnah on earth and great corruption. (30:41) Corruption has appeared throughout the land and sea by
[reason of] what the hands of people have earned so He may let them taste part of [the consequence of]
what they have done that perhaps they will return [to righteousness].
o The Big Bang: (21:30) Have those who disbelieved not considered that the heavens and the
earth were a joined entity, and We separated them and made from water every living thing? Then
will they not believe?
COVENANTS: (5:1) O you who have believed, fulfill [all] contracts. Lawful for you are the animals of
grazing livestock except for that which is recited to you [in this Qur'an] - hunting not being permitted while
you are in the state of ihram. Indeed, Allah ordains what He intends.
o With disbelievers: (8:56-57) The ones with whom you made a treaty but then they break their
pledge every time, and they do not fear Allah. So if you, [O Muhammad], gain dominance over
them in war, disperse by [means of] them those behind them that perhaps they will be
reminded. (8:72) Indeed, those who have believed and emigrated and fought with their wealth
and lives in the cause of Allah and those who gave shelter and aided - they are allies of one
another. But those who believed and did not emigrate - for you there is no guardianship of them
until they emigrate. And if they seek help of you for the religion, then you must help, except
against a people between yourselves and whom is a treaty. And Allah is Seeing of what you
do. (9:4) Excepted are those with whom you made a treaty among the polytheists and then they
have not been deficient toward you in anything or supported anyone against you; so complete for
them their treaty until their term [has ended]. Indeed, Allah loves the righteous [who fear
Him]. (9:7) How can there be for the polytheists a treaty in the sight of Allah and with His
Messenger, except for those with whom you made a treaty at al-Masjid al-Haram? So as long as
they are upright toward you, be upright toward them. Indeed, Allah loves the righteous [who fear
o In due measures and proportions: (54:49) Indeed, all things We created with predestination.
o In opposite duality: (36:36) Exalted is He who created all pairs - from what the earth grows and
from themselves and from that which they do not know. (43:12) will you be brought forth - And
who created the species, all of them, and has made for you of ships and animals those which you
mount. (51:49) And of all things We created two mates; perhaps you will remember.
CREATURES: (6:38) And there is no creature on [or within] the earth or bird that flies with its wings
except [that they are] communities like you. We have not neglected in the Register a thing. Then unto
their Lord they will be gathered. (42:49) To Allah belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth;
He creates what he wills. He gives to whom He wills female [children], and He gives to whom He wills
o Used but not but not given as reliable traditions or Quranic traditions: (2:170) And when it
is said to them, "Follow what Allah has revealed," they say, "Rather, we will follow that which we
found our fathers doing." Even though their fathers understood nothing, nor were they guided?
(5:3) Prohibited to you are dead animals, blood, the flesh of swine, and that which has been
dedicated to other than Allah, and [those animals] killed by strangling or by a violent blow or by a
head-long fall or by the goring of horns, and those from which a wild animal has eaten, except
what you [are able to] slaughter [before its death], and those which are sacrificed on stone altars,
and [prohibited is] that you seek decision through divining arrows. That is grave disobedience.
This day those who disbelieve have despaired of [defeating] your religion; so fear them not, but
fear Me. This day I have perfected for you your religion and completed My favor upon you and
have approved for you Islam as religion. But whoever is forced by severe hunger with no
inclination to sin - then indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful. (5:104) And when it is said to
them, "Come to what Allah has revealed and to the Messenger," they say, "Sufficient for us is that
upon which we found our fathers." Even though their fathers knew nothing, nor were they
guided? (6:138) And they say, "These animals and crops are forbidden; no one may eat from
o them except whom we will," by their claim. And there are those [camels] whose backs are
forbidden [by them] and those upon which the name of Allah is not mentioned - [all of this] an
invention of untruth about Him. He will punish them for what they were inventing.
DEATH: (3:185) Every soul will taste death, and you will only be given your [full] compensation on
the Day of Resurrection. So he who is drawn away from the Fire and admitted to Paradise has
attained [his desire]. And what is the life of this world except the enjoyment of delusion. (4:78)
Wherever you may be, death will overtake you, even if you should be within towers of lofty
construction. But if good comes to them, they say, "This is from Allah "; and if evil befalls them, they
say, "This is from you." Say, "All [things] are from Allah." So what is [the matter] with those people
that they can hardly understand any statement? (21:35) Every soul will taste death. And We test you
with evil and with good as trial; and to Us you will be returned. (44:56) They will not taste death
therein except the first death, and He will have protected them from the punishment of Hellfire (47:27)
Then how [will it be] when the angels take them in death, striking their faces and their backs?
(56:50) We have decreed death among you, and We are not to be outdone (56:84-87) soul at
death reaches the throat And you are at that time looking on - And Our angels are nearer to him than
you, but you do not see - ( Then why do you not, if you are not to be recompensed, Bring it back, if
you should be truthful?
o In cause of Allah: (3:195) And their Lord responded to them, "Never will I allow to be lost the
work of [any] worker among you, whether male or female; you are of one another. So those who
emigrated or were evicted from their homes or were harmed in My cause or fought or were killed -
I will surely remove from them their misdeeds, and I will surely admit them to gardens beneath
which rivers flow as reward from Allah, and Allah has with Him the best reward." (47:4) When
you meet those who deny the truth in battle, strike them in the neck, and once they are defeated,
make [them] prisoners, and afterwards either set them free as an act of grace, or let them ransom
[themselves] until the war is finally over. Thus you shall do; and if God had pleased, He would
certainly have exacted retribution from them, but His purpose is to test some of you by means of
others. As for those who are killed in God's cause, He will never let their deeds be in vain;
(2:154) Do not say that those who are killed in God's cause are dead; they are alive, but you are
not aware of it. (3:169) Do not think of those who have been killed in God's cause as dead. They
are alive, and well provided for by their Lord; (4:100) Whoever emigrates for the cause of God
will find many places of refuge in the land and plentiful provision. Those who leave home for the
cause of God and His Messenger; but is then overtaken by death, shall be recompensed by God.
God is most forgiving and ever-merciful.
o Those communities who have no revelation will not be destroyed: (6:131) Your Lord would
not destroy a community for its wrongdoing, so long as its people were still unaware. (9:115) God
would never lead a people astray after He has guided them and until He has made clear to them
what they should guard against. God has knowledge of all things; (10:47) Every nation has a
messenger. Once their messenger has come, judgement will be passed upon them in all fairness
and they will not be wronged. (11:117) Your Lord would never unjustly destroy communities while
their people were trying to reform. (15:4) We have never destroyed a township without a definite
decree having been issued; (16:119) Surely, your Lord is most forgiving and ever merciful
towards those who do evil in ignorance and truly repent thereafter and make amends. (17:15)
Whoever chooses to follow the right path, follows it for his own good; and whoever goes astray,
goes astray at his own peril; no bearer of burdens shall bear the burdens of another. Nor do We
punish until We have sent forth a messenger to forewarn them. (28:59) inhabited -- Your Lord
would never destroy a people until He had sent messengers to their capital cities, reciting to them
Our revelations. Nor did We destroy a town unless their people became wrongdoers.
DUTIES: (25:68) those who never invoke any other deity besides God, nor take a life which God has
made sacred, except with the right to do so, nor commit adultery. Anyone who does that shall face
o Ask Muhammad to invoke Allah’s wrath upon them as proof: (6:57-58) Say, "I stand by the
clear evidence from my Lord, yet you deny it. What you seek to hasten is not within my power.
Judgement is for God alone. He declares the truth. He is the best of judges." Say, "If what you
seek to hasten were within my power, the matter would be settled between you and me. God best
knows the evil-doers." (7:32) said, "God, if this really is the truth from You, then rain down upon
us stones from heaven, or send us some other painful punishment." (10:49-52) come to pass --
if you speak the truth?" Say, "I have no control over any harm or benefit to myself, except by the
will of God. For every people, however, there is an appointed term. When the end of their term
arrives, they cannot postpone it for an hour, nor can they advance it." Say, "If His punishment
comes upon you in the dead of night, or by the light of day, how will the guilty escape it? Will you
believe in it only after it has overtaken you, although it was your wish to hurry it on?" Then the
evil-doers will be told, "Taste the everlasting punishment. Have you not been rewarded according
to your deeds?"
o Bear their company in kindness & patience: (31:15) But if they press you to associate
something with Me about which you have no knowledge, do not obey them. Yet be kind to them
in this world and follow the path of those who turn to Me. You will all return to Me in the end, and I
will tell you everything that you have done. (20:130) So be patient with anything they may say
and glorify your Lord with His praise before the rising of the sun and before its setting; and glorify
Him in the hours of the night and at the beginning and end of the day, so that you may find
comfort. (50:39) So bear with patience what they say, and glorify your Lord with His praise,
before the rising and before the setting of the sun;
o Covenenats with: (8:56) those with whom you have made a covenant, and who break their
covenant on every occasion and have no fear [of God]. (9:4) As for those who have honoured the
treaty you made with them and who have not supported anyone against you: fulfill your agreement
with them to the end of their term. God loves those who are righteous. (9:7) How can there be a
treaty with the polytheists on the part of God and His Messenger, except for those with whom you
entered into a treaty at the Sacred Mosque? As long as they act straight with you, act straight with
them. God loves those who are righteous.
o Breaking of: (8:58) And if you learn of treachery on the part of any people, throw their treaty back
at them, so as to be on equal terms, for God does not love the treacherous. (9:12) But if they break
faith after pledging it and revile your religion, then fight these leaders of unbelief, so that they may
desist, for they have no regard for their pledged word.
o Allah brings their scheming to nought: (8:30) Remember how those who bent on denying the
truth plotted against you to imprison you or kill you or expel you: they schemed -- but God also
schemed. God is the best of schemers. (8:36) Those who are bent on denying the truth are spending
their wealth in debarring others from the path of God. They will continue to spend it in this way till, in
the end, this spending will become a source of intense regret for them, and then they will be
overcome. And those who denied the truth will be gathered together in Hell.
o Leave company of those in the act of mocking Allah’s law: (4:140) He has instructed you in the
Book that, when you hear people deny or ridicule God's revelations, you must not sit with them unless
they engage in other talk, or else you yourselves shall become like them. God will gather all the
hypocrites and those who deny the truth together in Hell. (6:68) When you see people engaged in
finding fault with Our revelations, withdraw from them until they turn to some other topic. Should
Satan cause you to forget this, take leave of the wrongdoers as soon as you remember.
o Protect them if they ask you to: (9:6) When you see people engaged in finding fault with Our
revelations, withdraw from them until they turn to some other topic. Should Satan cause you to forget
this, take leave of the wrongdoers as soon as you remember.
o Punishmet: (8:37) So that God may separate the bad from the good, He will heap the wicked
one upon another and then cast them into Hell. These will surely be the losers. (8:50) If you could
see, when the angels take the souls of those who are bent on denying the truth [at death], how
they strike their faces and backs: saying "Taste the punishment of the Burning! (8:59) Let not the
deniers think that they will ever get away. They cannot frustrate [God's purpose]. They have not
the power to do so.
o Should not visit or take care of mosques: (9:17) Only he should tend God's houses of worship
who believes in God and the Last Day, and is constant in prayer, and spends in charity, and
stands in awe of none but God: such people may hope to be among the rightly guided.
o Striving hard against: (9:73) O Prophet, strive against those who deny the truth and the
hypocrites, and be firm against them. Their abode shall be Hell: an evil destination. (25:52) so
do not yield to those who deny the truth, but strive with the utmost strenuousness by means of
this [Quran, to convey its message to them]. (66:9) Prophet, exert yourself to the utmost against
those who deny the truth and the hypocrites. Deal severely with them. Hell will be their abode -- a
vile destination.
DIVORCE: (4:130) If they decide to separate, God will compensate both out of His own abundance: God
is bountiful and wise. (65:1) O Prophet! When any of you divorce your wives, divorce them during their
period of purity and calculate the period carefully: be mindful of God, your Lord. Do not drive them out of
their homes, nor should they themselves leave, unless they become openly guilty of immoral conduct.
These are the bounds set by God. He who transgresses God's bounds wrongs his own soul. You never
know, after that, God may well bring about some new situation. (2:233) And the [divorced] mothers
should nurse their children for two whole years, if they wish to complete the period of nursing; and during
that period the father of the child shall be responsible for the maintenance of the mother in a reasonable
manner. No soul is charged with more than it can bear. No mother should be made to suffer on account
of her child, and no father should be made to suffer on account of his child. The same duties devolve
upon the father's heir [in case of the death of the father]. But if, after consultation, they choose by mutual
agreement to wean the child, there shall be no blame on them. Nor shall it be any offence for you if you
desire to engage a wet-nurse for your children, provided you hand over what you have agreed to pay, in a
reasonable manner. Have fear of God and know that God is observant of all your actions. (65:2) And
when their waiting term is ended, either keep them honourably or part with them in honour. Call to witness
two reliable men from among you and bear true witness for God. This is an admonishment for those who
believe in God and the Last Day. To one who fears God, He will grant a way out [of his difficulties]
o Dowry status; (2:229) Divorce may be pronounced twice, and then a woman must be
retained honourably or released with kindness. It is not lawful for you to take away anything
of what you have given your wives, unless both fear that they would not be able to observe
the bounds set by God. In such a case it shall be no sin for either of them if the woman opts
to give something for her release. These are the bounds set by God; do not transgress them.
Those who transgress the bounds of God are wrongdoers. (2:236-237) You will not be
blamed [for not paying the dower money] if you divorce women when you have not yet
consummated the marriage or fixed a dower money upon them, but make fair provision for
them, the affluent according to his means and the straitened according to his means; this is
binding on righteous men. If you divorce them before the marriage is consummated, but after
their dower money has been settled, give them the half of their dower money, unless they
o [the women] agree to forego it, or the man [the husband] in whose hand lies the marriage
knot foregoes it. To forego is nearer to righteousness. Do not neglect any chance of behaving
benevolently towards each other. God is observant of whatever you do.
o Find wet nurses if necessary: (65:6) Let the women [who are undergoing a waiting period]
live in the same manner as you live yourselves, in accordance with your means; and do not
harass them in order to make their lives difficult. If they are pregnant, maintain them until they
give birth; if they suckle your infants, pay them for it; discuss things among yourselves in all
decency -- if you cannot bear with each other, let another woman suckle for you.
o Don’t take back wht you gave first: (4:20) If you desire to replace one wife with another, do not
take any part of her dower back: even if you have given her a treasure. Would you take it by
slandering her and with manifest sinfulness?
o Do not hold wives against their will: (4:19) Believers, it is not lawful for you to inherit women
against their will, nor should you detain them wrongfully, so that you may take away a part of
what you have given them, unless they are guilty of something clearly outrageous. Live with them
in accordance with what is fair and kind; if you dislike them, it may be that you dislike something
which God might make a source of abundant good.
o Reconciliation attempt: (4:35) If you fear any breach between a man and his wife, appoint one
arbiter from his family and one arbiter from her family. If they both want to set things right, God
will bring about a reconciliation between them: He is all knowing and all aware.
o Sinless if marriage unconsummated: (2:236) You will not be blamed [for not paying the dower
money] if you divorce women when you have not yet consummated the marriage or fixed a dower
money upon them, but make fair provision for them, the affluent according to his means and the
straitened according to his means; this is binding on righteous men.
o Bride entitled to half of the dowry: (2:237) If you divorce them before the marriage is
consummated, but after their dower money has been settled, give them the half of their dower
money, unless they [the women] agree to forego it, or the man [the husband] in whose hand lies
the marriage knot foregoes it. To forego is nearer to righteousness. Do not neglect any chance of
behaving benevolently towards each other. God is observant of whatever you do.
Entitled to maintenance: (2:241) For divorced women a provision according to what is fair shall
also be made. This is an obligation binding on the righteous. (65:1) O Prophet! When any of you
divorce your wives, divorce them during their period of purity and calculate the period carefully:
be mindful of God, your Lord. Do not drive them out of their homes, nor should they themselves
leave, unless they become openly guilty of immoral conduct. These are the bounds set by God.
He who transgresses God's bounds wrongs his own soul. You never know, after that, God may
well bring about some new situation.
o Equal right to divorce: (2:228) Divorced women should wait for three menstrual cycles; it is
unlawful for them, if they believe in God and the Last Day, to hide what God has created in their
wombs. Their husbands have the right to take them back within that time, if they desire to be
reconciled. The wives have rights corresponding to those which the husbands have, according to
what is recognized to be fair, but men have a rank above them. God is almighty and all wise.
o Three months wait for those free of menstruation: (65:4) In the case of those of your wives
who have passed the age of menstruation, if you have any doubt, know that their waiting period is
three months; and that will apply likewise to those who have not yet menstruated; the waiting
period of those who are pregnant will be until they deliver their burden [give birth]. God makes
things easy for those who are mindful of Him.
o Unless marriage unconsummated: (33:49) Believers, if you marry believing women, and
divorce them before the marriage is consummated, you are not required to observe a waiting
period: make provision for them and release them in an honourable way.
EMBROYOLOGY: (22:5) O people! If you are in doubt about the Resurrection, remember that We first
created you from dust, then from a sperm drop, then from clotted blood, then a lump of flesh, both shaped
and unshaped, so that We might manifest to you [Our power]. We cause what We will to stay in the womb
for an appointed time, then We bring you forth as infants and then We cause you to grow and reach full
growth. Then, some of you will pass away early in life, while some of you will reach extreme old age in
which they will know nothing of what they once knew. You see the earth, dead and barren, but no sooner
do We send down rain upon it than it begins to stir and swell, and produce every kind of luxuriant
vegetation. (23:14) then We developed that drop into a clinging form, and We developed that form into a
lump of flesh, and We developed that lump into bones, and clothed the bones with flesh. Then We
brought him into being as a new creation, glory be to God, the best of creators. (35:11) God has created
you from dust, then from a drop of semen and then divided you into pairs; no female conceives or gives
birth without His knowledge; and no one's life is prolonged or shortened, but it is recorded in a Book. That
surely is easy for God. (40:67) It is He who created you from dust, then from a drop of fluid, then from a
tiny, clinging form, then He brought you forth as infants, then He allowed you to reach maturity, then He
let you grow old, though some of you die sooner, and reach your appointed term so that you may
reflect. (75:37-39) Was he not once a drop of ejaculated semen, which then became a leech-like clot;
then God shaped and fashioned him in due proportion, fashioning out of him the two sexes, the male and
the female?
EZRA: (9:30) The Jews say, "Ezra is the son of God," and the Christians say, "The Messiah is the son of
God." These are but their baseless utterances. They imitate the assertions made in earlier times by those
who deny the truth. May God destroy them! How far astray they have been led.
FASTING: (2:183-185) Believers, fasting has been prescribed for you, just as it was prescribed for those
before you, so that you may guard yourselves against evil. Fast for a specified number of days, but if any
one among you is ill or on a journey, let him fast the same number of days later. For those who can fast
only with extreme difficulty, there is a way to compensate -- the feeding of a needy person. But he who
does good of his own accord shall be well rewarded; but to fast is better for you, if you only
knew. knew. The month of Ramadan is the month when the Quran was sent down as guidance for
mankind with clear proofs of guidance and the criterion by which to distinguish right from wrong.
Therefore, whoever of you is present in that month, let him fast; but he who is ill or on a journey shall fast
a similar number of days later on. God desires ease for you, not hardship. He desires you to fast the
whole month, so that you may glorify Him for His having guided you and so that you may be grateful to
o Hours of: (2:187) It has been made lawful for you to go to your wives on the night of the fast:
they are like a garment for you, and you are like a garment for them. God is aware that you were
deceiving yourselves and He has turned in mercy towards you and pardoned you. So you may
now consort with them and seek what God has ordained for you. Eat and drink until the white
thread of dawn becomes distinct from the black. Then resume the fast until nightfall, and do not
approach them during the nights of your devotional retreat in the mosques. These are the limits
set by God, so do not approach them. Thus He makes clear His commandments to mankind, so
that they may guard themselves [against evil].
o Be brave: (4:104) Do not relent in the pursuit of the enemy. If you are suffering hardships, they
too are suffering similar hardships, but what you can hope for from God, they cannot. God is all
knowing and wise.
o Between two groups of believers: (49:9) Do not relent in the pursuit of the enemy. If you are
suffering hardships, they too are suffering similar hardships, but what you can hope for from God,
they cannot. God is all knowing and wise.
o In allah’s cause: (4:74) Let those who would exchange the life of this world for the Hereafter,
fight for the cause of God; whoever fights for the cause of God, whether he is slain or is
victorious, to him We shall give a great reward. (4:76) The believers fight for the cause of God,
while those who reject faith fight for Satan. Then fight the allies of Satan: Satan's scheming is
truly weak. (4:84) So fight for the cause of God. You are responsible only for yourself. Urge on
the believers. God may fend off the power [violence] of those who deny the truth, for He is
stronger in might and stronger in inflicting punishment. (9:38-39) Believers, what is the matter
with you that when you are asked to go forth in the cause of God, you cling slothfully to the land?
Do you prefer the life of this world to the Hereafter? But little is the comfort of this life, compared
to that of the Hereafter. If you do not go forth, He will punish you sternly and replace you by other
people. You will not harm Him in the least. God has power over all things. (9:41) Go forth,
whether lightly or heavily equipped, and strive and struggle, with your goods and your persons,
for the cause of God. That is better for you, if you only knew.
o When ordained: (2:190) And fight in God's cause against those who wage war against you, but do
not commit aggression -- for surely, God does not love aggressors. (2:192-193) But if they desist,
then surely God is most forgiving and merciful. Fight them until there is no more fitna [religious
persecution] and religion belongs to God alone. If they desist, then let there be no hostility, except
towards aggressors. (2:216) Fighting [in defence] is ordained for you, abhorrent as it may be to you.
You may dislike something although it is good for you, or like something although it is bad for you:
God knows but you do not.
FOOD: (3:93) All food was lawful for the Children of Israel, except whatever Israel had made unlawful for
himself before the Torah was sent down. Say to them, "Bring the Torah then and read it, if you are
o Forbidden: (2:173) He has forbidden you only carrion, blood, and the flesh of swine; also any
flesh that is consecrated other than in the name of God. But for one who is driven by necessity,
neither craving nor transgressing, it is no sin. For God is forgiving and merciful. (5:3) You are
forbidden carrion, blood and pork; and any flesh over which the name of any other than God is
invoked; and any creature which has been strangled, or killed by a blow or in a fall, or has been
gored to death or half-eaten by a wild animal, saving that which you make lawful [by slaughtering
properly while it was still alive] and what has been slaughtered at an altar. You are forbidden to
make the division of [meat] by means of divining arrows: that is sinful conduct. Those who deny
the truth have this day despaired of ever harming your religion. So do not fear them. Fear Me.
Today I have completed your religion for you and completed My blessing upon you. I have
chosen for you Islam as your religion. But if anyone is forced by hunger to eat something which is
forbidden, not intending to commit a sin, he will find God forgiving and merciful. (6:121) and do
not eat anything over which God's name has not been pronounced, for that surely is
disobedience. The devils inspire their followers to argue with you. If you obey them, you will
become of those who associate partners with God. (6:145) Say [O Prophet], "In all that has been
revealed to me, I do not find a ban on anything to eat, except for carrion, flowing blood and pork,
all these being unclean or profane, on which the name of someone other than God has been
invoked." But if anyone is forced by necessity, being neither disobedient nor exceeding the limit,
then surely your Lord is most forgiving and merciful. (6:115) He has forbidden you only carrion,
blood and the flesh of swine; also any [flesh] consecrated in the name of any but God. But if
anyone is forced by dire necessity, not desiring it or exceeding his immediate need, God is
forgiving and merciful towards him.
o Lawful: (2:168) O mankind, eat whatever is lawful and wholesome on the earth; and do not
follow in the footsteps of Satan; for he is indeed your avowed enemy. (5:5) Today, all good things
have been made lawful to you. The food of the People of the Book is lawful to you, and your food
is lawful to them. The chaste believing women and the chaste women of the people who were
given the Book before you, are lawful to you, provided that you give them their dowers, and marry
them, neither committing fornication nor taking them as mistresses. The deeds of anyone who
rejects the faith will come to nothing, and in the Hereafter he will be among the losers. (6:118)
Eat then, only that over which God's name has been pronounced, if you truly believe in His
revelations. (6:146) We forbade the Jews all animals with claws and the fat of sheep [and
goats] and oxen, except what is on their backs and in their intestines and what adheres to their
bones. That is the penalty We imposed on them for their disobedience. And We assuredly are
true to Our word.
FORGETTING: (17:86) If We pleased, We would certainly take away that which We have revealed to
you, then you would find no guardian for you against Us. (18:24) without [adding], "if God so wills."
Remember your Lord whenever you might forget and say, "I trust my Lord will guide me to that which is
even nearer to the right path than this."
GAMES OF CHANCE FORBIDDEN: (2:219) They ask you [Prophet] about intoxicants and gambling.
Say, "There is great sin in both, although they have some benefit for people: but their harm is greater than
their benefit." They ask you what they should spend [in God's cause]. Say, "Whatever is surplus to your
needs." Thus God makes His commandments clear to you so that you may reflect. (5:91) Satan seeks to
sow enmity and hatred among you by means of wine and gambling, and to keep you from the
remembrance of God and from your prayers. Will you not then abstain?
GOSPEL: (3:3) He has sent down the Book to you with truth, which fulfils [the predictions] in the
Scriptures that preceded it: He sent down the Torah and the Gospel (3:65) People of the Book, why do
you dispute about Abraham when the Torah and Gospel were only sent down after him. Do you not use
your reason? (5:46) We caused Jesus, son of Mary to follow in their footsteps, fulfilling what had been
revealed before him in the Torah. We gave him the Gospel, which contained guidance and light, fulfilling
what was revealed before it in the Torah: a guide and an admonition to the God-fearing.
GOVERNMENT: (3:159) It is by God's grace that you were gentle with them -- for if you had been harsh
and hard-hearted, they would surely have deserted you -- so bear with them and pray for forgiveness for
them. Take counsel with them in the conduct of affairs; then, when you have decided upon a course of
action, place your trust in God: for God loves those who place their trust in Him. (42:38) who respond to
their Lord and attend to their prayers; who conduct their affairs by mutual consultation and spend out of
what We have provided for them.
GRAVE: (9:84) And never [O Muhammad] pray for one of them who dies, nor stand by his grave. For
they denied God and His Messenger, and died rebellious. (22:7) The Last Hour is bound to come.
There is no doubt about it. God will raise up those who are in their graves. (36:51) The trumpet will be
blown and, at once, they will rise up from their graves, and hasten to their Lord.
GUARDIANSHIP: (4:5-6) Do not give those who are of immature mind your property which God has
granted you as a means of support: make provision for them out of it, and clothe them, and give them
good advice. Keep a close check on orphans till they attain the age of marriage; then, if you find them to
be mature of mind, hand over their property to them. Do not consume it by wasteful spending, before they
come of age. If the guardian is affluent, let him abstain altogether, and if he is poor, let him have for
himself what is just and reasonable. When you hand over their property to them, call witnesses in their
presence; God is sufficient as a Reckoner. (6:10) Those who consume the property of orphans unjustly
are actually swallowing fire into their own bellies; soon they will burn in the blazing Flame.
HAJJ: (2:158) Safa and Marwah are among the symbols set up by God; there is nothing wrong if
anyone goes on a pilgrimage to the House, or performs a minor pilgrimage, in walking to and fro between
them. Of anyone who does good of his own accord, God is appreciative, and aware. (2:96-199) Perform
the Hajj and the minor pilgrimage [umrah] for the sake of God. If you are prevented from doing so, then
make whatever offering you can afford and do not shave your heads until the offering has reached the
place of sacrifice. But if any of you is ill, or has an ailment of the head, he should compensate by fasting
or almsgiving or sacrifice. In times of peace, if any of you combines the minor pilgrimage with the Hajj, he
should make whatever offering he can afford, but if he lacks the means, then let him fast three days
during the pilgrimage and for seven days after his return; that is, ten days in all. That is incumbent upon
anyone whose family does not live near the Sacred Mosque. Fear God and know that God is severe in
punishment. The pilgrimage is in the appointed months. Whoever intends to perform it during them must
abstain from indecent speech, from all wicked conduct, and from quarrelling while on the pilgrimage.
Whatever good you may do, God is aware of it. Make provision for yourselves -- but surely, the best of all
provision is God-consciousness. Always be mindful of Me, you that are endowed with understanding. You
will be committing no sin if [during the pilgrimage] you seek to obtain any bounty from your Lord. When
you return from Arafat, remember God at the sacred place, and remember Him as He has guided you.
Before this you were surely astray. Then press on from where the pilgrims stream forth and ask God's
forgiveness. God is ever forgiving and most merciful. (22:27-36) Call mankind to the Pilgrimage. They
will come to you, on foot, and on every kind of lean camel, by every distant track so that they may
witness its benefit for them and, on the appointed days may utter the name of God over the cattle He has
provided for them. Then eat their flesh, and feed the distressed and the needy -- then let the pilgrims
purify themselves and fulfil their vows and perform the circumambulation of the Ancient House. Such is
God's commandment. Whoever honours that which is declared sacred by God may be sure that it counts
for good in the sight of his Lord. Livestock is lawful for you, except that which has already been explicitly
forbidden. Then shun the abomination of the deities and shun all falsehood. Devote yourselves to God,
not associating any partners with Him. Whoever associates anything with God is like one who falls from
heaven and is snatched by the birds or carried away by the wind to a distant place. Thus it is. He who
honours the symbols set up by God shows the piety of his heart. You may benefit from the animals for an
appointed time. Then they must be sacrificed at the Ancient House. For every people We have appointed
rites of sacrifice, so that they may pronounce the name of God over the cattle which He has provided for
them. Your God is One God; surrender yourselves to Him; and give good news to the humble whose
hearts are filled with awe at the mention of God; who endure adversity with fortitude, say their prayers
regularly and spend out of what We have given them. We have appointed for you the sacrificial camels
as one of the symbols set up by God, in which there is much good for you. So invoke God's name over
them as you line them up for slaughter, and when they have fallen down dead, feed yourselves and feed
the needy -- those who do not ask as well as those who do. We have thus subjected them to you so that
you may be grateful. (3:97) There are clear signs in it; it is the place where Abraham stood. Anyone who
enters it will be secure. Pilgrimage to the House is a duty to God for anyone who is able to undertake it.
Anyone who disbelieves should remember that God is independent of all creatures. Say, "People of the
Book, why do you reject God's revelations when God is witness to all that you do?" (5:1-2) Believers, fulfill
your obligations. All livestock is lawful for you, other than that which is hereby announced to you. You are
forbidden to kill game while you are on a pilgrimage -- God commands what He will. Believers, violate
neither the sanctity of God's signs, the Sacred Month, the sacrificial animals, the animals wearing
garlands [indicating they are to be sacrificed] nor those on their way to the Sacred House seeking the
bounty and pleasure of their Lord. When, on completion of your pilgrimage, you take off the garb of the
pilgrim, you may hunt. Do not let the enmity of those who barred you from the Sacred Mosque lead you
into sin. Help one another in goodness and in piety. Do not help one another in sin and transgression.
Fear God! God is severe in punishment. (5:94-96) Believers, God will test you with game which come
within the reach of your hands and spears, so that He may know those who fear Him, even if they cannot
see Him. Anyone who oversteps the limits after this will have a painful punishment Believers, do not kill
any game while you are on a pilgrimage. Anyone of you who kills game deliberately shall make
compensation with an animal which is the equivalent of what he has killed, to be determined by two just
men from among you, as an offering brought to the Ka'bah; or he shall, in expiation, either feed the poor
or do the equivalent of that in fasting, so that he may taste the consequence of his deeds. God forgives
what is past, but if anyone relapses into wrongdoing, God will exact His retribution. God is mighty, the
Lord of retribution. To hunt and to eat the fish of the sea is made lawful for you, a provision made for you
and for seafarers. But you are forbidden the game of the land while you are on a pilgrimage. Have fear of
God, before whom you shall all be gathered.
HELL: (2:24) But if you cannot do it, and you can never do it, then guard yourselves against the Fire
whose fuel is men and stones, prepared for those who deny the truth. (2:161) Those who deny the truth,
and die as deniers, on them shall be the curse of God and of angels and of men altogether. (4:55-56)
Some of them believed in it and some held back from it. Hell will suffice as a blazing Fire. We shall send
those who reject Our revelations to the Fire. When their skins are burnt up, We shall replace them with
new ones so that they may continue to taste the punishment. God is mighty and wise. (38:57) all this will
be theirs; let them taste it -- a scalding, dark, foul fluid (87:11-13) who fears [God] will heed the
reminder, but it will be ignored by the most unfortunate, who will enter the Great Fire, where he will
neither die nor live. (78:21-26) Surely, Hell lies in wait, a home for the transgressors, where they shall
remain for ages, and where they will taste neither coolness nor any drink save boiling water and a
stinking fluid -- a fitting requital.
HOMOSEXUALITY: (26:165-166) Do you, of all people, approach males, and leave your wives whom
your Lord has created for you? You are a people who transgress all bounds. (27:55) Must you go
lustfully to men instead of women? Indeed, you are a people who are deeply ignorant. (29:28-30) We
sent Lot to his people and he said to them, "Indeed you commit obscenity such as no people before you
have ever committed. You approach men and waylay them on the road and commit depravities within
your gatherings." But his people's only reply was, "Bring down God's punishment upon us, if what you say
be true." Lot prayed, "Lord, help me against this wicked people.
HUMANKIND: (55:33) O company of jinn and men! If you have the power to go beyond the realms of the
heavens and the earth, pass beyond them: you cannot pass out but with [Our] authority.(70:19-21)
Indeed, man is born impatient: when misfortune touches him he starts lamenting, and whenever good
fortune comes to him, he grows niggardly. (95:4-6) We have indeed created man in the best of
mould, then We cast him down as the lowest of the low, except for those who believe and do good deeds
-- theirs shall be an unending reward! (78:8) We created you in pairs, (40:57) Certainly, the creation of
the heavens and the earth is greater than the creation of mankind; but most people do not know this.
IMMORALITY: (4:15) If any of your women commit fornication, call in four male witnesses from among
yourselves against them; if they testify to their guilt, confine them to the house until death releases them
or until God gives them another way out.
IN SHA’ALLAH: (18:23-24) never say of anything, "I shall certainly do this tomorrow, without [adding], "if
God so wills." Remember your Lord whenever you might forget and say, "I trust my Lord will guide me to
that which is even nearer to the right path than this.
INHERITANCE: (2:180-181) It is prescribed that when death approaches any of you and he is leaving
behind wealth, he shall make a will in favour of his parents and relatives equitably. This is a duty for all
who fear God. Anyone who alters it once he has heard it shall be accountable for his crime. Surely, God
is all hearing and all knowing. (4:176) They ask you for instruction. Say, "God instructs you concerning
the indirect heirs. If a person dies childless but has a sister, she receives half of what he leaves, and he is
her heir if she dies childless. If there are two sisters, they receive two-thirds of what he leaves. If there are
brothers and sisters, the share of each male shall be that of two females. God makes things clear to you,
so that you will not go astray. God has knowledge of all things. (4:7) Men shall have a share in what
parents and relatives leave behind, and women shall have a share in what parents and relatives leave
behind, whether it be little or much. This is ordained [by God]. (4:8) If other relatives, orphans or needy
people are present at the time of the division, then provide for them out of it, and speak kindly to
them. (4:11) Concerning your children, God enjoins you that a male shall receive a share equivalent to
that of two females. But if there are more than two females, then their share is two thirds of the
inheritance. If there is only one, she will receive the half. Each of your parents receives a sixth of what
you leave if you have children. If you are childless and your heirs are your parents, your mother receives
a third. If you have brothers [or sisters] your mother receives a sixth, after [the deduction of] any bequest
you make or the repayment of any debts with regard to your father and your sons. You do not know which
of them is going to benefit you more: but this fixing of portions is by God and He is all knowing and all
wise. (4:12-13)You will inherit half of what your wives leave, provided they have left no children. But if
they leave children then you inherit a quarter of what they leave, after payment of any bequests they may
have made or any debts they may have incurred. Your wives shall inherit one quarter of what you leave if
you are childless. But if you leave children, your wives shall inherit one eighth, after payment of any
bequest or debts. If a man or woman has no direct heirs [neither children or parents] but has left a brother
or a sister, they shall each inherit one sixth, but if they are more than two, they share one third between
them, after payment of any bequests or debts, so that no harm is done to anyone. That is a
commandment from God: God is all knowing and forbearing. These are the limits set by God. Anyone
who obeys God and His Messenger will be admitted to Gardens through which rivers flow, to live there
forever. That will be the supreme achievement. (4:19) Believers, it is not lawful for you to inherit women
against their will, nor should you detain them wrongfully, so that you may take away a part of what you
have given them, unless they are guilty of something clearly outrageous. Live with them in accordance
with what is fair and kind; if you dislike them, it may be that you dislike something which God might make
a source of abundant good. (89:19-20) and you greedily devour the inheritance of the weak, and you
have a love of wealth which can never be satisfied.
INTOXICANTS: (4:43) Men shall have a share in what parents and relatives leave behind, and women
shall have a share in what parents and relatives leave behind, whether it be little or much. This is
ordained [by God]. (2:219) They ask you [Prophet] about intoxicants and gambling. Say, "There is great
sin in both, although they have some benefit for people: but their harm is greater than their benefit." They
ask you what they should spend [in God's cause]. Say, "Whatever is surplus to your needs." Thus God
makes His commandments clear to you so that you may reflect. (5:90-91) Believers, intoxicants and
gambling and [occult dedication of] stones and divining arrows are abominations devised by Satan. Avoid
them, so that you may prosper. Satan seeks to sow enmity and hatred among you by means of wine and
gambling, and to keep you from the remembrance of God and from your prayers. Will you not then
o Bears witness on resurrectgion day (4:159) There is none among the People of the Book but
will believe in it before his death; and on the Day of Resurrection he shall be a witness against
o Christians asked not deify (4:171) People of the Book! Do not go to extremes in your religion.
Say nothing but the truth about God. The Christ Jesus, son of Mary, was only a messenger of
God and His word, conveyed to Mary, a spirit from Him. So believe in God and His messengers
and do not say: "There are three [gods]." Desist, it will be better for you. Indeed, God is the one
and only God. His Holiness is far above having a son. To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens
and whatever is on the earth. And God is sufficient as a guardian
o Creation of (3:45-49) When the angels said, "O Mary, your Lord gives you good news of a
Word from Him. His name is the Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, honoured in this world and in the
next and one of those who are granted nearness to God. And he shall speak to men in his cradle,
and as a grown man, and shall be one of the righteous. "Lord," she said, "how can I have a child
when no man has touched me?" [The angel] replied, "Thus it is: God creates what He wills: when
He wills a thing He need only say, "Be," and it is. God will instruct him in the Book and in wisdom
and in the Torah and in the Gospel. He will make him a messenger to the Children of Israel. He
will say: "I have come to you with a sign from your Lord. I will make the shape of a bird out of clay
for you and then breathe into it and, by God's leave, it will become a living bird. And by God's
leave I will heal the blind and the leper and bring the dead to life. I will tell you what you eat and
what you store up in your homes. Surely in this there is a sign for you, if you are believers.
o Disciples (3:52) When Jesus perceived their denial, he said, "Who will be my helpers in God's
cause?" The disciples said, "We are God's helpers, we believe in God. Bear witness that we have
surrendered ourselves.
o Divergent views about (43:65) The various factions among them differed -- woe then to those
who did wrong: they will suffer the punishment of a painful Day.
o Followers above others on Resurrection day (3:55) God said, "O Jesus, I shall take you to
Me and will raise you up to Me and shall clear you [of the calumnies] of the disbelievers, and shall
place those who follow you above those who deny the truth, until the Day of Judgement; then to
Me shall all return and I will judge between you regarding your disputes.
o Healing of blind and lepers, raising the dead (5:110) Then God will say, "Jesus, son of
Mary, remember My favour to you and to your mother: how I strengthened you with the holy spirit,
so that you could speak to people in childhood and in maturity; and how I taught you the Book,
and wisdom, the Torah and the Gospel; how by My leave you fashioned from clay the shape of a
bird and blew upon it, so that, by My leave, it became a bird, and healed the blind and the leper
by My permission, and when you brought forth the dead by My permission; and how I prevented
the Children of Israel from harming you when you came to them with clear signs, when those of
them who denied the truth said, "This is sheer magic.
o his nature is as Adam's (3:59) Jesus in the sight of God is like Adam. He created him from
dust; then said to him, "Be!" and he was.
o Jews boast of killing (3:157) They declared, "We have put to death the Messiah, Jesus, son of
Mary, the Messenger of God." They did not kill him, nor did they crucify him, but it only seemed to
them [as if it had been so]. And those who differ in this matter are in doubt concerning it. They
have no definite knowledge about it, but only follow mere conjecture. But they certainly did not kill
o Not Allah (5:72) Indeed, they are deniers of the truth who say, "God is the Christ, the son of
Mary." For the Christ himself said, "Children of Israel, serve God, my Lord and your Lord." If
anyone associates anything with God, God will forbid him the Garden and the Fire will be his
home. The wrongdoers shall have no helpers.
o Only a messenger (4:171-172) People of the Book! Do not go to extremes in your religion. Say
nothing but the truth about God. The Christ Jesus, son of Mary, was only a messenger of God
and His word, conveyed to Mary, a spirit from Him. So believe in God and His messengers and
do not say: "There are three [gods]." Desist, it will be better for you. Indeed, God is the one and
only God. His Holiness is far above having a son. To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and
whatever is on the earth. And God is sufficient as a guardian. Surely, the Messiah would never
disdain to be accounted a servant of God. Nor would the angels who are nearest to Him. If any do
disdain to worship Him, and grow arrogant, He will in any case gather them all before Him.
o Only seemed slain and crucified (4:157) They declared, "We have put to death the Messiah,
Jesus, son of Mary, the Messenger of God." They did not kill him, nor did they crucify him, but it
only seemed to them [as if it had been so]. And those who differ in this matter are in doubt
concerning it. They have no definite knowledge about it, but only follow mere conjecture. But they
certainly did not kill him.
o Resurrected (4:158) God raised him towards Himself. God is almighty and wise.
o Resurrection foretold (3:55) God said, "O Jesus, I shall take you to Me and will raise you up to
Me and shall clear you [of the calumnies] of the disbelievers, and shall place those who follow
you above those who deny the truth, until the Day of Judgement; then to Me shall all return and I
will judge between you regarding your disputes.
JEWS (5:69) Believers, Jews, Sabaeans and Christians, whoever believes in God and the Last Day and
does what is right, shall have nothing to fear nor shall they grieve. (22:17) God will judge between the
believers, the Jews, the Sabaeans, the Christians, the Magians and the polytheists on the Day of
Judgement. Surely God is witness to everything.
o Messenger comes to them (5:32) That was why We laid it down for the Children of Israel that
whoever killed a human being, except as a punishment for murder or for spreading corruption in
the land, shall be regarded as having killed all mankind, and that whoever saved a human life
shall be regarded as having saved all mankind. Our messengers came to them with clear signs,
but many of them continued to commit excesses in the land.
o Food restrictions (6:146) We forbade the Jews all animals with claws and the fat of sheep
[and goats] and oxen, except what is on their backs and in their intestines and what adheres to
their bones. That is the penalty We imposed on them for their disobedience. And We assuredly
are true to Our word.
o Have no rights to claim Allah’s bounty exclusively (57:29) The People of the Book should
know that they have no power whatsoever over God's grace. His grace is entirely in His hand and
He bestows it upon whoever He wills. God is truly infinite in His bounty.
o Heaven not only them (2:111) They declare, "None shall ever enter Heaven unless he be a Jew
or a Christian." This is their own wishful thinking. [Prophet], say, "Produce your evidence if you
are telling the truth.
o Say they are “Allah’s children” (5:18) The Jews and the Christians say, "We are the children
of God and His beloved ones." Say, "Then why does He punish you for your sins? Indeed, you
are but human beings among those He has created. He forgives whom He pleases and punishes
whom He pleases. The kingdom of the heavens and the earth and all that is between them,
belong to God and all shall return to Him."
o Claim that they alone are close to Allah (2:94) Say, "If God's abode of the Hereafter is for you
alone, to the exclusion of all others, then wish for death, if you are truthful. (62:6) Say, "You
who are Jews, if you claim that you are favoured by God out of all people, then long for death, if
you are truthful."
o Foods which are forbidden for (6:146) We forbade the Jews all animals with claws and the
fat of sheep [and goats] and oxen, except what is on their backs and in their intestines and what
adheres to their bones. That is the penalty We imposed on them for their disobedience. And We
assuredly are true to Our word.
o Most hostile to Muslims (5:82) You will find that the bitterest in their enmity to the faithful are
the Jews and the polytheists; the nearest in affection to them are those who say, "We are
Christians." That is because there are priests and monks among them; and because they are free
from pride.
o Religious commandments (2:43) Attend to your prayers, give the zakat [prescribed alms] and
bow down with those who bow down. (2:84-85) When We made a covenant with you, We said,
"You shall not shed each other's blood, nor turn your people out of their homes." You consented
to this and bore witness. Yet, here you are, slaying one another and driving some of your own
people from their homelands, aiding one another against them, committing sin and aggression;
but if they came to you as captives, you would ransom them. Surely their very expulsion was
unlawful for you. Do you believe in one part of the Book and deny another part of it? Those of you
who act thus shall be rewarded with disgrace in this world and with a severe punishment on the
Day of Resurrection. God is never unaware of what you do. (5:32) That was why We laid it down
for the Children of Israel that whoever killed a human being, except as a punishment for murder
or for spreading corruption in the land, shall be regarded as having killed all mankind, and that
whoever saved a human life shall be regarded as having saved all mankind. Our messengers
came to them with clear signs, but many of them continued to commit excesses in the land.
o Righteous will be rewarded (2:62) The believers, the Jews, the Christians, and the Sabaeans,
all those who believe in God and the Last Day and do good deeds, will be rewarded by their Lord;
they shall have no fear, nor shall they grieve. (5:65) If only the People of the Book would believe
and be mindful of God, We would surely pardon their sins and We would surely admit them into
the Gardens of Bliss. (5:69) Believers, Jews, Sabaeans and Christians, whoever believes in God
and the Last Day and does what is right, shall have nothing to fear nor shall they grieve.
o Say “our hearts are full of knowledge” (2:88) They say, "Our hearts are impenetrably
wrapped [against whatever you say]," but God has rejected them for their denial; they have but
little faith. (4:155) But they broke their covenant; and they rejected the signs of God; and put the
prophets to death without justification, and said, "Our hearts are sealed." It is God who has
sealed their hearts, on account of their denial of the truth. Except for a few of them, they have no
o Some distort meanings of all revelations (4:46) say, "We have heard, but we disobey," or
"Hear without listening." And they say "Look at us," twisting the phrase with their tongues so as to
disparage religion. But if they had said, "We hear and we obey," and "Listen to us and look at us
with favour," that would have been better and more proper for them. God has rejected them for
their defiance so that they shall not believe, except a few of them. (5:13) Since they broke their
solemn pledge, We laid on them Our curse and hardened their hearts. They distorted the
meaning of the revealed words, taking them out of their context, and forgot much of what they
were enjoined. You will constantly discover treachery on their part, except for a few of them. But
pardon them, and bear with them; truly, God loves the doers of good. (5:41) Messenger, do not
be grieved by those who vie with one another in denying the truth; those who say with their
tongues, "We believe," but have no faith in their hearts; from among the Jews also, there are
those who listen eagerly to any lies. They listen to you to convey to others [religious leaders] who
do not come to you [out of pride and conceit]. They [these leaders] take words out of their context
and say, "If this be given to you, receive it, but if not, then beware!" If anyone's trial is intended by
God, you cannot in the least prevail against God on his behalf. Those whose hearts God does not
intend to purify shall be subjected to disgrace in this world and a severe punishment in the
o Warning to (4:47) O People of the Book, believe in what We have sent down, fulfilling [the
predictions] that is with you, before We destroy [your sense of] direction, so as to confound or
reject you, as We rejected those who broke the Sabbath: God's command is always carried out.
JINN (6:112) In like manner We have assigned for every prophet an opponent, Satans from among
men and jinn, who make evil suggestions to each other by means of specious words in order to
deceive -- had it been your Lord's will, they would not have done so; so leave them alone to their
fabrication (6:128) On the day when He gathers them all together, He will say, "Company of jinn, you
took away many followers among mankind." And their adherents among mankind will say, "Our Lord,
we benefited from one another, but now we have reached the end of the term which You determined
for us." He will say, "The Fire shall be your home, and there you shall remain forever, except as God
wills. Surely your Lord is wise and all knowing. (7:179) We created many of the jinn and mankind for
hell. They have hearts they do not understand with; they have eyes they do not see with; and they
have ears they do not hear with. Such people are like cattle -- no, they are even more misguided.
Such are the heedless.
o Created of fire (7:12) God asked, "What prevented you from prostrating yourself when I
commanded you to?" He replied, "I am better than he is; You created me from fire, while You
created him from clay."
JUDGEMENT (4:58) God commands you to hand back your trusts to their rightful owners, and when
you judge between people, to judge with fairness. God's instructions to you are excellent. God hears and
sees all things. (5:8) Believers, be steadfast in the cause of God and bear witness with justice. Do not
let your enmity for others turn you away from justice. Deal justly; that is nearer to being God-fearing. Fear
God. God is aware of all that you do. (6:152) Stay well away from an orphan's property, except with the
best intentions, before he comes of age. Give full measure and weight, according to justice, We never
charge a soul with more than it can bear, when you speak, observe justice, even though it concerns a
close relative; and fulfil the covenants of God. That is what He has enjoined upon you so that you may
take heed. (37:52-53) who used to ask, 'Do you really believe that after we die and become dust and
bones, we shall be brought to judgement?' (69:18) On that Day you will be brought to judgement and
none of your secrets will remain hidden.
o Judgemet Day (2:123) and fear a Day when no human being shall avail another. Nor shall
ransom be accepted from any of them, nor shall intercession be of any use to them, and
none shall be succoured (2:254) Believers, spend out of what We have given you, before
the Day comes when there will be neither trading, friendship nor intercession. Truly, it is
those who deny the truth who are the wrongdoers. (3:9) Our Lord, You will surely gather all
mankind on the Day of whose coming there is no doubt. God never fails to fulfill His promise.
(3:25) How will it be when We gather them all together upon a Day which is sure to come,
when every human being shall be repaid in full for what he has done? They will not be
wronged. (3:106) On the Day when some faces are bright and some faces are dark, it will
be said to those with darkened faces, "Did you reject faith after accepting it? Taste, then, this
punishment for having denied the truth! (4:136) Believers, believe in God and His
Messenger and in the Scripture He sent down to His Messenger, as well as what He sent
down before. He who denies God, His angels, His Scriptures, His messengers and the Last
Day has surely gone far astray. (6:128) On the day when He gathers them all together, He
will say, "Company of jinn, you took away many followers among mankind." And their
adherents among mankind will say, "Our Lord, we benefited from one another, but now we
have reached the end of the term which You determined for us." He will say, "The Fire shall
be your home, and there you shall remain forever, except as God wills. Surely your Lord is
wise and all knowing. (7:8-9) Truth alone will be of weight that Day. Those whose scales are
heavy shall be successful, and those whose good deeds are light [in the balance] will be the
ones who have lost themselves because they wrongfully rejected Our signs. (7:53) Do they
wait for the fulfillment of that of which it warns? On the Day when that fulfillment comes,
those who had neglected it before will say, "The messengers of our Lord did indeed bring the
truth. Have we then any intercessors who would intercede for us? Or, could we be sent back
so that we might act differently from the way we used to?" They have indeed ruined their
souls and what they invented has forsaken them. (7:187) They ask you [Prophet] about the
o Last Hour, "When will it come?" Say, "Knowledge about it rests only with my Lord; He alone
will reveal when its time will come, it lies heavy on the heavens and the earth: it will suddenly
overtake you." They will put questions to you as though you had full knowledge of it. Say,
"Knowledge about it rests only with God, though most people do not realize it." (9:35) on the
Day their treasure is heated up in the fire of hell, their foreheads and their sides and their
backs shall be branded with it, and they will be told, "This is what you hoarded up for
yourselves. Taste then what you were hoarding. (9:99) There are also those among them
who believe in God and the Last Day and regard what they spend for the cause of God as a
means of bringing them nearer to God and of deserving the prayers of the Messenger. This
shall certainly be for them a means of drawing near to God. God will admit them into His
mercy; God is indeed most forgiving and merciful. (11:3-4) Seek forgiveness from your Lord;
then turn towards Him [in repentance]. He will make generous provision for you for an
appointed term and will bestow His grace on all who merit it! But if you turn away, then I fear
for you the torment of a dreadful Day: to God you shall all return; and He has power over all
things. (11:8) If We defer their punishment till an appointed time, they ask, "What is holding it
back?" On the Day when it overtakes them, there will be nothing to avert it from them; and
what they used to mock at shall encompass them. (14:44-45) Warn men of the Day when
the punishment will come upon them, and when the wrongdoers will say, "Our Lord, grant us
respite for a short while. We will respond to Your call and will follow the messengers." [But
God will answer], are you not those who swore that you would never suffer any decline? You
lived in the dwellings of those who wronged themselves, and it was made clear to you how
We had dealt with them and We gave you many examples. (14:47-50) On the Day when the
earth shall be changed into another earth, as shall be the heavens, they will all appear before
God, the One, the Most Supreme. On that Day you shall see the guilty bound in chains,
their garments shall be of pitch and the fire shall envelop their faces. (21:49-50) those who
fear their Lord in the unseen, also dread the Hour of Judgement. This is a blessed reminder
that We have revealed to you. Will you then reject it? (21:102-104) they will not hear the
slightest sound of it, and they shall forever abide in a state of bliss, among everything their
souls longed for. The great Horror [of the Day of Judgement] shall not grieve them, and the
angels will welcome them, saying, "This is your Day which you have been promised. On that
Day We shall roll up the heavens like a scroll of parchment. As We originated the first
creation, so shall We repeat it. This is a promise binding on Us. Truly, We shall fulfill it. (22:1-
2) O People! Fear your Lord. The catastrophe of the Last Hour shall be terrible indeed: when
that Day comes, every suckling mother shall forsake her infant and every pregnant woman
shall cast her burden and everyone will appear intoxicated, although they are not: the
punishment of God will be severe indeed. (32:14) We shall say to them, "Taste this -- for
you forgot you would ever meet this Day. We too will forget you -- taste the chastisement of
Eternity for your [evil] deeds! (33:66-67) On the Day when their faces are turned over in the
Fire, they shall say: "Oh, would that we had obeyed God, and obeyed the Messenger!" They
shall say, "Our Lord, we paid heed to our leaders and our elders, but they led us away from
the right path. (51:12-13) They ask, "When will the Day of Judgement come? It will be the
Day when they are tormented at the Fire. (77:24-40) Woe on that Day to those who reject
the truth! Have We not made the earth a receptacle, for the living and the dead? Have We
not placed high mountains upon it and given you fresh water to drink? Woe on that Day to
those who reject the truth! Proceed to that which you denied. Proceed to a shadow rising in
three columns: affording neither shade, nor protection from the flames, and throwing up
sparks as huge as towers and as bright as a herd of yellow camels. Woe on that Day to
those who reject the truth! On that Day they will be speechless, nor shall they be permitted
to offer excuses. Woe on that Day to those who reject the truth! This is the Day of
Judgement. We have assembled you all together with past generations. If now you have any
strategy, use it against Me. Woe on that Day to those who reject the truth! (78:17-29) Surely,
the Day of Judgement has an appointed time. On that Day when the trumpet shall be
sounded, you shall come in droves, and the heaven shall be opened, and become
gates, and the mountains shall be made to vanish, as if they had been a mirage. Surely,
o Hell lies in wait, a home for the transgressors, where they shall remain for ages, and where
they will taste neither coolness nor any drink save boiling water and a stinking fluid -- a
fitting requital, for they never expected to be called to account, and they rejected outright
Our signs; ( but We have recorded everything in a Book. (81:1-12) When the sun is folded
up, and when the stars lose their light, and when the mountains are moved, when ten-
month pregnant camels are left untended, and when all beasts are gathered together, and
when the seas are set on fire, when the souls are divided into different classes, and when
the female infant buried alive is asked for what sin she was killed, when the records of men's
deeds are laid open, when the sky is unveiled, and when Hell is set ablaze, (82:10-
16) Surely, there are guardians watching over you, noble recorders, who know all that you
do: the virtuous will dwell in bliss, whereas the wicked will be in Hell; which they shall enter
on the Day of Judgement, and from which they will find no escape. (83:7-14) Indeed! The
record of the wicked is in the Sijjin -- and what could make you understand what the Sijjin is?
-- it is a written record. Woe, on that Day, to those who reject, those who deny the Day of
Judgement. No one denies it except for the evil aggressor. When Our revelations are
conveyed to him, he says, "Fables of the ancients! No! Their own deeds have cast a veil over
their hearts. (99:1-8) When the earth is shaken with its violent shaking, when the earth
shakes off her burdens, when man asks, "What is happening to her?"; on that Day it will
narrate its account, for your Lord has so directed it. On that Day people will come forward in
separate groups to be shown their deeds: whoever has done the smallest particle of good
will see it; while whoever has done the smallest particle of evil will see it. (101:1-11) The
Clatterer! What is the Clatterer? Would that you knew what the Clatterer is! [It is] a Day
when mankind shall be like scattered moths and the mount-ains like tufts of carded
wool. Then, the one whose good deeds weigh heavy on the scales, will have a most
pleasing life. But as for him whose deeds are light on the scales, the Abyss shall be his
home. What will convey to you what this is like? It is a blazing fire. (40:85) but believing
after seeing Our punishment did not benefit them at all: this is the law of God to deal with His
creatures, and thus the disbelievers were the losers.
KABAH: (2:125-126) And We made the House [the Ka'bah] a place of assembly and a sanctuary for
mankind, [saying], "Make the place where Abraham stood a place of worship." We commanded Abraham
and Ishmael, "Purify My House for those who walk round it, those who stay there for devotion, and those
who bow down and prostrate themselves." And when Abraham prayed, "My Lord, make this city a city of
peace, and provide its inhabitants with fruits, such of them as believe in God and the Last Day." God said,
"As for those who deny the truth, I will grant them benefits for a short while and then subject them to the
punishment of the Fire -- an evil destination.
KILLING (4:93) God is all knowing and wise. If anyone kills a believer deliberately, his reward shall be
eternal Hell. God will condemn him and reject him, and prepare for him a terrible punishment. (17:33) Do
not take life which God has made inviolate -- except by right. If anyone is killed wrongfully, We have given
authority to his heirs to demand retribution, but let them not transgress the prescribed limits in exacting
retribution; for then he will be assisted [by the law]. (25:68) those who never invoke any other deity
besides God, nor take a life which God has made sacred, except with the right to do so, nor commit
adultery. Anyone who does that shall face punishment (4:90) But make an exception of those who seek
refuge with people with whom you have a treaty, or who come over to you because their hearts forbid
them to fight against you or against their own people. Had God pleased, He would have given them
power over you, so that they would have taken up arms against you. Therefore, if they keep away from
you and cease their hostility and propose peace to you, God does not allow you to harm them. (4:94)
Believers, when you go forth in the cause of God, make due investigation and do not say to those who
offer you the greeting of peace, "You are no believer!" because you seek the good things of this life. With
God there are good things in plenty. You yourself were in the same position before, but God conferred
His special favour on you. Therefore, take care to investigate. Surely God is well-aware of what you do.
(5:32) That was why We laid it down for the Children of Israel that whoever killed a human being, except
as a punishment for murder or for spreading corruption in the land, shall be regarded as having killed all
mankind, and that whoever saved a human life shall be regarded as having saved all mankind. Our
messengers came to them with clear signs, but many of them continued to commit excesses in the land.
(2:178) Believers, retribution is prescribed for you in cases of murder: the free man for the free man, the
slave for the slave, the female for the female. If the offender is granted some remission by the heir of the
slain person, the agreed penalty should be equitably exacted and should be discharged in a handsome
manner. This is an alleviation from your Lord and an act of grace. He who transgresses after this shall
have a painful punishment.
KNOWLEDGE: (10:5-6) It is He who made the sun radiate a brilliant light and the moon shed its lustre,
and ordained for it stages so that you may learn to count out the years and [to make other such]
reckoning of time. God has not created all these without a purpose. He makes plain His revelations to
men of understanding. In the alternation of night and day, and in all that God has created in the heavens
and the earth, there are signs for a God-fearing people. (13:3-4) Truly, your Lord is God who created
the heavens and the earth in six days [periods], then He ascended the Throne, disposing the whole affair.
No one may intercede with Him save with His permission. Such is God, your Lord, so worship Him alone.
Will you not take heed? To Him you shall all return. God's promise is true; He originates Creation, then
He restores it, so that He may reward with justice those who believe and do good works. Those who have
denied the truth shall have boiling water to drink, and a painful punishment, because of their
denial. (16:10-16) It is He who sends down water from the sky. From it you drink and with it trees grow on
which you pasture your cattle. And with it He grows for you corn, and the olive and the date-palm and the
grape, and all kinds of fruits. Surely, in that is a sign for a people who reflect. He has made the night and
the day and the sun and the moon subservient to you; and all the stars are subservient to His command.
Surely in this there are signs for men of understanding. On the earth He has fashioned for you objects of
various hues: there is certainly a sign in that for people who pay heed. It is He who subjected to you the
sea, so that you may eat its fresh seafood and bring forth from it ornaments to wear. You see the ships
cleaving through it. All this, so that you may seek His bounty and feel grateful. He has set up on the earth
firm mountains, lest it shake under you, and rivers and tracks, so that you may find your way, and He has
set up other landmarks. By these and by the stars people set their course. (29:20) Tell them, "Roam the
earth and see how He originated creation. Then God will bring into being your second life. God has power
over all things.
KUFR (DENIAL OF THE TRUTH) (3:177) Those who have bought a denial of truth at the price of faith
can in no way harm God; painful punishment awaits them. (5:41) things. Messenger, do not be grieved
by those who vie with one another in denying the truth; those who say with their tongues, "We believe,"
but have no faith in their hearts; from among the Jews also, there are those who listen eagerly to any lies.
They listen to you to convey to others [religious leaders] who do not come to you [out of pride and
conceit]. They [these leaders] take words out of their context and say, "If this be given to you, receive it,
but if not, then beware!" If anyone's trial is intended by God, you cannot in the least prevail against God
on his behalf. Those whose hearts God does not intend to purify shall be subjected to disgrace in this
world and a severe punishment in the Hereafter.
LAWS GIVEN BY ALLAH AND THE PROPHET: (33:36) It is not fitting for a believing man or woman to
exercise any choice in his or her own affairs once God and His Messenger have reached a decision upon
them. Anyone who disobeys God and His Messenger is in manifest error.
LIFE: (3:14) The satisfaction of worldly desires through women, and children, and heaped-up treasures
of gold and silver, and pedigreed horses, and cattle and lands is attractive to people. All this is the
provision of the worldly life; but the most excellent abode is with God. (17:33) Do not take life which God
has made inviolate -- except by right. If anyone is killed wrongfully, We have given authority to his heirs to
demand retribution, but let them not transgress the prescribed limits in exacting retribution; for then he will
be assisted [by the law].
o Good things made lawful: (5:5) Today, all good things have been made lawful to you. The
food of the People of the Book is lawful to you, and your food is lawful to them. The chaste
believing women and the chaste women of the people who were given the Book before you,
are lawful to you, provided that you give them their dowers, and marry them, neither
committing fornication nor taking them as mistresses. The deeds of anyone who rejects the
faith will come to nothing, and in the Hereafter he will be among the losers. (5:87-88)
Believers, do not forbid the wholesome good things, which God made lawful to you. Do not
transgress; God does not love the transgressors. Eat the lawful and wholesome things,
which God has given you. Fear God, in whom you believe. (5:93) Those who believe and do
good deeds will not be blamed for what they may have consumed [in the past], so long as
they fear God and believe in Him and do good works; so long as they fear God and believe in
Him, so long as they fear God and do good deeds. For God loves those who do good.
(7:157) Also for those who follow the Messenger, the unlettered prophet they find described
in the Torah that is with them, and in the Gospel, who commands them to do right and forbids
them to do wrong, who makes good things lawful to them and bad things unlawful, who will
relieve them of their burdens and of the shackles that weigh upon them. Those that believe in
him and honour him, those that aid him and follow the light sent down with him, shall surely
triumph." (45:16) We gave Scriptures, wisdom and prophethood to the Children of Israel, and
provided them with good things and favoured them over all other people.
o Path toward contentmet made easy: (87:8-11) We shall facilitate for you the Easy Way.
Remind, if the reminder can be of benefit. He who fears [God] will heed the reminder, but it
will be ignored by the most unfortunate (92:5-7) As for one who gives [to others] and fears
[God], and believes in the truth of what is right, We will pave his way to ease.
LOT: (7:80-84) We sent Lot, who said to his people, "How can you commit an abomination such as no
one in the world has ever done before you? You lust after men rather than women! You transgress all
bounds!" The only answer given by his people was, "Turn them out of your town. They are people who
regard themselves to be pure." So We saved him and his family -- except for his wife. She was one of
those who stayed behind. We rained down on them a shower [of brimstone]. Then see what was the end
of the evil-doers.
MARRIAGE: (25:54) It is He who has created human beings from water and He has granted them the
ties of blood as well as marriage. Your Lord is all powerful. (4:35) If you fear any breach between a man
and his wife, appoint one arbiter from his family and one arbiter from her family. If they both want to set
things right, God will bring about a reconciliation between them: He is all knowing and all aware. (4:19-21)
Believers, it is not lawful for you to inherit women against their will, nor should you detain them
wrongfully, so that you may take away a part of what you have given them, unless they are guilty of
something clearly outrageous. Live with them in accordance with what is fair and kind; if you dislike them,
it may be that you dislike something which God might make a source of abundant good. If you desire to
replace one wife with another, do not take any part of her dower back: even if you have given her a
treasure. Would you take it by slandering her and with manifest sinfulness? How can you take it when
you have been intimate with one another, and she has taken a solemn pledge from you? (4:22-24)
you? Do not marry women whom your fathers married, except for what has already taken place in the
past. This is indeed a shameful deed, a loathsome thing and an evil practice. You are forbidden to take
as wives your mothers, daughters, sisters, paternal and maternal aunts, your brothers' daughters and
your sisters' daughters, your foster mothers and foster sisters, your wives' mothers and stepdaughters in
your protection and the daughters of your wives with whom you have consummated your marriage; but if
you have not consummated your marriage then you will not be blamed [if you marry their daughters.] You
are also forbidden to marry the spouses of your sons or two sisters together, except what has already
passed. Surely, God is ever-forgiving and merciful. Also forbidden are married women, except those who
have passed into your hands (as prisoners of war. This is a commandment of God to you. All women
other than these are lawful to you, provided you seek them with your wealth in honest wedlock, not in
fornication. When you consummate your marriage with them, give the dowers due to them. And there is
no sin for you in what you do by mutual agreement after the fixing of the dower. God is all knowing and
wise. (4:128) If a woman fears ill-treatment or indifference on the part of her husband, it shall be no
offence for her to seek a reconciliation, for reconciliation is best. But people are prone to selfish greed. If
you do good and fear Him, surely God is aware of what you do. (4:3) If you fear that you cannot deal
fairly with orphan girls, you may marry women of your choice, two or three or four; but if you fear that you
might not be able to treat them with equal fairness, then only one -- or [from among] those whom you
rightfully possess. That is more likely to keep you from committing an injustice.
MARY: (3:35-37) Remember when the wife of 'Imran said, "My Lord, I have dedicated what is in my
womb entirely to Your service. So accept this from me. You are the One who hears and knows
all." When she gave birth, she said, "My Lord, I have given birth to a girl," God knew very well what she
had given birth to: a male is not like a female, "I have named her Mary and placed her and her children in
Your protection from the rejected Satan." Her Lord graciously accepted her and made her grow in
goodness and entrusted her to the care of Zachariah. Every time Zachariah visited her in her chamber he
found some provision with her. He asked, "Mary, where did this provision come from?" She replied, "This
is from God. God provides for whoever He wills without measure." (3:43-48) O Mary! Remain truly
devout to your Sustainer, and prostrate yourself in worship, and bow down with those who bow down
[before Him]." This is an account of the unseen, which We reveal to you. You were not with them when
they drew lots as to which of them should be Mary's guardian and you were not with them when they
disputed with one another. When the angels said, "O Mary, your Lord gives you good news of a Word
from Him. His name is the Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, honoured in this world and in the next and one of
those who are granted nearness to God. And he shall speak to men in his cradle, and as a grown man,
and shall be one of the righteous." "Lord," she said, "how can I have a child when no man has touched
me?" [The angel] replied, "Thus it is: God creates what He wills: when He wills a thing He need only say,
"Be," and it is. God will instruct him in the Book and in wisdom and in the Torah and in the Gospel.
MATERIALISM: (9:24) Say, "If your fathers and your sons and your brothers and your spouses and your
tribe, and the worldly goods which you have acquired, and the commerce which you fear will decline, and
the homes you love are dearer to you than God and His Messenger and the struggle for His cause, then
wait until God fulfills His decree. God does not guide the disobedient people." (9:34) Believers, many
religious scholars and monks wrongfully appropriate people's possessions and turn people away from
God's path! Tell those who hoard gold and silver instead of giving in God's cause that they will have a
painful punishment: (9:85) Do not let their wealth and their children dazzle you. God only wants to
punish them through these things in this world, and let their souls depart while they deny the truth.
(57:20) Never forget that the life of this world is only a game and a passing delight, a show, and mutual
boasting and trying to outrival each other in riches and children. It is like the growth of vegetation after the
rain, which delights the planter, but which then withers away, turns yellow and becomes worthless
stubble. In the life to come there will be a terrible punishment, or God's forgiveness and approval: the life
of this world is nothing but means of deception. (63:9) O believers! Do not let your wealth or your
children distract you from remembrance of God. Those who do so will be the losers. (33:28) O Prophet,
say to your wives, "If you seek the life of this world and all its finery then come, I will make provision for
you, and release you honourably.(15:88) Do not strain your eyes towards the worldly benefits We have
bestowed on some of them, nor grieve on their account. Lower your wing of mercy for the
believers (16:90) God commands justice, kindness and giving their [due to] near relatives, and He
forbids all shameful deeds, and injustice and transgression. He admonishes you so that you may take
heed! (4:29-30) Believers, do not wrongfully consume each other's wealth, but trade with it by mutual
consent. Do not kill one another, for God is most merciful to you. If anyone does these things through
transgression and injustice, We shall cast him into the Fire; and that is easy for God. (25:67) They are
those who are neither extravagant nor niggardly, but keep a balance between the two.
MENSRUATION: (2:222) They ask you about menstruation. Say, "It is an impurity, so keep away from
women during it and do not approach them until they are cleansed; when they are cleansed you may
approach them as God has ordained. God loves those who turn to Him in penitence and He loves those
who keep themselves clean.
MONASTIC ASCETICISM: (57:27) Then, in their wake, We followed them up with [others of] Our
messengers and after them Jesus, son of Mary. We gave him the Gospel and imbued the hearts of those
who followed him with compassion and mercy. But We did not prescribe monasticism for them: that was
their own innovation by which they sought to please God. But then, they did not observe it in the way that
it should have been observed. So We rewarded only those who were truly faithful, for many of them were
MOSES: (6:91) They do not make a just estimate of God, when they say, "God has not revealed
anything to any human being." Say, "Who revealed the Book which Moses brought, a light and guidance
for the people, which you made into separate sheets, showing some but hiding many? You have been
taught things that neither you nor your forefathers had known before." Say, "God has sent it;" then leave
them toying away with their speculation. (11:96) We sent forth Moses with Our signs and with manifest
authority (14:5) We sent Moses with Our signs, saying, "Lead your people out of the darkness into the
light, and remind them of God's Days. In that there are signs for every patient, grateful person.
MOSQUE: (9:17) It is not right that the polytheists should frequent God's places of worship while they are
self-confessed unbelievers. It is they whose works shall come to nothing and they shall abide in Hell.
MUHAMMAD: (47:2) As for those who believe and do good deeds and believe in what has been
revealed to Muhammad, and it is the truth from their Lord, God will remove their sins from them and set
their condition right.
o Admonished: (66:1) Prophet, why in your desire to please your wives, do you impose a ban on
what God has made lawful to you? God is forgiving and merciful. (75:16-19) [Prophet], do not
move your tongue too fast in your attempt to learn this revelation: We Ourself shall see to its
collection and recital. When We have recited it, follow its words attentively; and then, it will be for
Us to make its meaning clear. (4:65) By your Lord, they will not be true believers until they seek
o your arbitration in their disputes and find within themselves no doubt about what you decide and
accept it wholeheartedly. (33:52) It is not lawful for you to marry more women after this, nor to
change them for other wives, even though their beauty may please you, except any that your right
hand possesses. God is watchful over all things.
o Does not alter the Quran nor act contrarily: (10:15) When Our clear revelations are recited to
them, those who do not expect to meet Us say, "Bring us a different Quran, or make some
changes in it." Say, "It is not for me to change it of my own accord. I follow only what is revealed
to me. I fear, if I were to disobey my Lord, the punishment on a Dreadful Day."
o Mystical ascension: (53:6-18) and endowed with wisdom; who in time manifested
himself; standing poised at the highest point on the horizon, then came down close until he was
two bow-lengths away or even closer and revealed to God's servant what he revealed. The
heart [of the Prophet] did not misconstrue what he saw. Will you then dispute with him as to what
he saw? And certainly he saw him descend a second time: by the lote tree beyond which none
may pass by the Garden of [Eternal] Repose, when the lote tree was covered in mystic
splendour. His sight did not waver nor was it unduly bold. He saw some of the greatest signs of
his Lord.
o Not a madman: (7:184) Have they not reflected that their companion is not mad? He is only a
plain warner. (52:29) Therefore continue to give warning, for by the grace of your Lord, you are
not a soothsayer or a madman. (68:2) Most surely, you will have a never ending reward.
o Only a prophet: (3:144) Muhammad is only a messenger. Messengers have passed away
before him. If he should die, or be killed, will you turn back on your heels? Those who turn on
their heels do not harm the Lord in the least. God will reward the grateful. (6:50) Say, "I do not
say to you that I possess the treasures of God, nor do I know the unseen, nor do I say to you that
I am an angel. I follow only that which is revealed to me." Say, "Are the blind and the seeing
alike? Can you not then think?" (7:188) Say, "I myself have no power to benefit or do harm, save
as God pleases. If I had knowledge of the unseen, I would have availed myself of an abundance
of good, and no harm would have touched me. I am but a warner and a bearer of good tidings for
those who will believe."
o Prayed for non-believing uncle (enjoined not to): (9:113) It is not proper for the Prophet and
those who believe to seek forgiveness for polytheists, even though they are close relatives, after
it has become clear to them that they have earned the punishment of Hell.
o Rected against something lawful: (66:1) Prophet, why in your desire to please your wives, do
you impose a ban on what God has made lawful to you? God is forgiving and merciful.
o “Seal” of the prophets: (33:40) Muhammad is not the father of any of your men, but is God's
Messenger and the seal of the Prophets. God has knowledge of all things.
o Summons from: (24:63) Do not treat being called by the Messenger like being called by one
another. God knows those of you who slip away on some pretext. Let those who go against his
order beware lest some affliction befall them or they receive a painful punishment.
o Unlettered prophet: (7:157-158) Also for those who follow the Messenger, the unlettered
prophet they find described in the Torah that is with them, and in the Gospel, who commands
them to do right and forbids them to do wrong, who makes good things lawful to them and bad
things unlawful, who will relieve them of their burdens and of the shackles that weigh upon them.
Those that believe in him and honour him, those that aid him and follow the light sent down with
him, shall surely triumph." Say, "People, I am God's Messenger to you all, He has sovereignty
over the heavens and the earth. There is no god but Him. He ordains life and death, so believe in
God and His Messenger, the unlettered prophet who believes in God and His words. Follow him
so that you may be rightly guided."
o Widowed wives not allowed to remarry: (33:53) Believers, do not enter the houses of the
Prophet, unless you are invited for a meal. Do not linger until a meal is ready. When you are
invited enter and when you have taken your meal, depart. Do not stay on, indulging in
conversation. Doing that causes annoyance to the Prophet, though he is too reticent to tell you
so, but God is not reticent with the truth. When you ask [the wives of the Prophet] for anything,
ask them from behind a curtain. That will be purer for your hearts as well as their hearts. It is not
right for you to cause annoyance to the Messenger of God or for you ever to marry his wives after
him. Indeed that would be an enormity in the sight of God.
NECESSITY: (5:3) You are forbidden carrion, blood and pork; and any flesh over which the name of
any other than God is invoked; and any creature which has been strangled, or killed by a blow or in a
fall, or has been gored to death or half-eaten by a wild animal, saving that which you make lawful [by
slaughtering properly while it was still alive] and what has been slaughtered at an altar. You are
forbidden to make the division of [meat] by means of divining arrows: that is sinful conduct. Those
who deny the truth have this day despaired of ever harming your religion. So do not fear them. Fear
Me. Today I have completed your religion for you and completed My blessing upon you. I have
chosen for you Islam as your religion. But if anyone is forced by hunger to eat something which is
forbidden, not intending to commit a sin, he will find God forgiving and merciful. (16:115) He has
forbidden you only carrion, blood and the flesh of swine; also any [flesh] consecrated in the name of
any but God. But if anyone is forced by dire necessity, not desiring it or exceeding his immediate
need, God is forgiving and merciful towards him.
NEPOTISM DISALLOWED: (33:40) Muhammad is not the father of any of your men, but is God's
Messenger and the seal of the Prophets. God has knowledge of all things.
NOAH: (7:59-64) We sent Noah to his people. He said, "O my people, worship God; you have no other
god but He. I fear for you the punishment of a dreadful Day," but the leading men of his people said,
"Truly, we see that you are obviously lost in error!" Said [Noah], "O my people! I am not in error. Indeed, I
am a messenger from the Lord of the Worlds, I am conveying my Lord's messages to you and giving you
sincere advice. I know things from God that you do not. Do you find it so strange that a message should
come from your Lord through a man from among yourselves, so that he may warn you and so that you
may fear God and be shown mercy?" But they denied him, so We saved him and those with him in the
Ark, and We drowned those who rejected Our signs. They were indeed a blind people. (11:36-37) God's
will was revealed to Noah, "No more of your people will believe in you than those who already believe; do
not grieve, therefore, over what they have been doing. Build the Ark under Our eyes and in accordance
with Our revelation. Do not plead with Me concerning the evil-doers. They shall certainly be
drowned." (11:42-44) The Ark sailed along with them through mountainous waves. Noah called out to his
son who stood apart, "O my son! Embark with us and do not be among the deniers!" He replied, "I shall
seek refuge on a mountain, which will save me from the water." Noah cried, "Today there is no refuge for
anyone from God's command except for those to whom He shows mercy!" Thereupon, a wave swept in
between them, and Noah's son was among those who were drowned. A voice cried out, "Earth, swallow
up your waters. O sky, cease your rain." The waters receded. The command was fulfilled. The Ark came
to rest on Mount Judi. It was said, "Away with the wrong-doing people."
OATHS: (16:91-92) Fulfill the covenant of God when you have made one; and do not break your
pledges after their confirmation. Indeed you have made God your surety; for God knows all that you
do. Do not, like the woman who unravels her yarn after its strands have been firmly spun, use your oaths
as a means of deceiving one another, just because one community could become bigger than another.
God is only testing you by means of this. On the Day of Resurrection He will make it clear to you what you
differed about. (16:94) Do not use your oaths to deceive each other lest any foot should slip after being
firmly placed and lest you should taste the penalty for having hindered others from the path of God, for
then you will have a terrible punishment. (5:89) God will not call you to account for your meaningless
oaths, but He will call you to account for the oaths, which you swear in earnest. The expiation for a
broken oath is the feeding of ten needy men with such food as you normally offer to your own people; or
the clothing of ten needy men; or the freeing of one slave. Anyone who lacks the means shall fast for
three days. That is the expiation of your breaking the oaths that you have sworn. Do keep your oaths.
Thus God explains to you His commandments, so that you may be grateful.
OPPRESSION: (2:193) Fight them until there is no more fitna [religious persecution] and religion
belongs to God alone. If they desist, then let there be no hostility, except towards aggressors. (42:42)
blame falls only on those who wrong men and transgress on this earth without justification, such will have
a painful punishment
ORPHONS: (2:220) upon this world and the Hereafter. They ask you about orphans. Say, "Promotion of
their welfare is an act of great goodness. There is no harm in your living together with them, for they are
your brothers. God knows the mischief-maker from the reformer. If God had so willed, He would have
afflicted you with hardship. Surely, God is mighty and wise. (4:6) Keep a close check on orphans till they
attain the age of marriage; then, if you find them to be mature of mind, hand over their property to them.
Do not consume it by wasteful spending, before they come of age. If the guardian is affluent, let him
abstain altogether, and if he is poor, let him have for himself what is just and reasonable. When you hand
over their property to them, call witnesses in their presence; God is sufficient as a Reckoner. (4:2-3)
Give the orphans the possessions that belong to them, do not exchange good things with bad and do not
consume their property, adding it to your own. Surely, this is a great crime. If you fear that you cannot
deal fairly with orphan girls, you may marry women of your choice, two or three or four; but if you fear that
you might not be able to treat them with equal fairness, then only one -- or [from among] those whom you
rightfully possess. That is more likely to keep you from committing an injustice. (4:10) Those who
consume the property of orphans unjustly are actually swallowing fire into their own bellies; soon they will
burn in the blazing Flame. (17:34) Do not go near the orphans' property, except with the best of
intentions, until they reach maturity. Keep your promises; you will be called to account for every promise
which you have made!
PHAROH: (7:104) Moses said, "Pharaoh, I am a messenger from the Lord of the Universe, duty-bound
to say nothing about God but the truth, and I have brought you a clear sign from your Lord. Let the
Children of Israel go with me." [Pharaoh] said, "If you come with a sign, then produce it, if you are telling
the truth." Then Moses threw down his staff and suddenly, unmistakably, it appeared as a serpent, and
he drew forth his hand, and it appeared [shining] white to the beholders. The chiefs of Pharaoh's people
said, "This is most surely a skillful magician, who seeks to drive you from your land!" Pharaoh said,
"What then do you advise?" They said, "Let him and his brother wait awhile, and send into the cities
summoners, who should bring to you every skillful magician." And the magicians came to Pharaoh and
asked, "Shall we have a reward, if we should prevail?" Pharaoh replied, "Certainly, and you shall also
become my courtiers." They said, "Moses, will you first throw, or shall we?" He said, "You throw [first]!"
When they made their cast, they bewitched the eyes of the people and struck them with awe, for they
showed a great [feat of] magic. Then We inspired Moses, saying, "Throw down your staff." And it
immediately swallowed up their false devices. Thus the truth prevailed and what they had produced
came to nothing: Pharaoh and his men were defeated and utterly humiliated. And the sorcerers
prostrated themselves then when something good came to them, they said, "It is our due!" -- but when
something bad came, they ascribed it as an ill-omen to Moses and those with him. Surely their [evil]
fortune had been decreed by God, but most of them did not know this. They said, "Whatever miracles
you work to bewitch us, we will not believe in you." Then We afflicted them with storms, and locusts, and
lice, and frogs, and blood: so many clear signs. But they were steeped in arrogance, for they were a
people given to sin. Whenever a plague struck them, they would say, "Moses, pray to your Lord for us by
virtue of the promise He has made to you: if you remove this plague from us, we will surely believe in you
and let the Children of Israel go with you," but whenever We removed the plague from them, giving them
time to make good their promise, they would break their word. So We exacted retribution from them and
drowned them in the sea, because they rejected Our signs and paid no heed to them; We made the
people who were considered weak inheritors of the eastern parts and western parts of the land which We
had blessed. Thus your Lord's good promise to the Children of Israel was fulfilled, because of their
patience, and We destroyed all that Pharaoh and his people had built and all that they had raised high.
(43:55-56) Then when they provoked Our wrath, We took revenge on them and drowned every one of
them. We made them a precedent, an example for later peoples.
PRAYER: (2:45) Seek help with patience and prayer; this is indeed an exacting discipline, but not to the
humble, (9:103) Take alms out of their wealth to cleanse them and purify them, and pray for them; your
prayer will be a comfort to them. God is all hearing, all knowing. (51:18) praying at dawn for God's
pardon (7:31) O Children of Adam, dress yourself properly whenever you are at worship: and eat and
drink but do not be wasteful: God does not like wasteful people.
o Content: (2:285-286) The Messenger believes in what has been sent down to him from his Lord,
and [so do] believers. They all believe in God and His angels, His scriptures, and His
messengers. They say, "We do not differentiate between any of His messengers. We hear and
obey. Grant us Your forgiveness, Lord, to You we shall all return!" God does not charge a soul
with more than it can bear. It shall be requited for whatever good and whatever evil it has done.
[They pray], "Our Lord, do not take us to task if we forget or make a mistake! Our Lord, do not
place on us a burden like the one You placed on those before us! Our Lord, do not place on us a
burden we have not the strength to bear! Pardon us; and forgive us; and have mercy on us. You
are our Lord and Sustainer, so help us against those who deny the truth. (3:191-192) who
remember God while standing, sitting and [lying] on their sides, and who ponder over the creation
of the heavens and the earth, saying, "Lord, You have not created all this without purpose. Glory
be to You! Save us from the torment of the Fire. Lord, those whom You condemn to enter the
Fire You have surely brought to disgrace. Wrongdoers will have no supporters.
o During fight: (4:102) When you are among the believers and lead them in prayer, let only part
of them stand up along with you, armed with their weapons. After they have prostrated
themselves, let them withdraw to the rear to stand guard and then let another party, who have not
yet prayed, come forward and pray with you. And let them also be on their guard, armed with their
weapons. Those who deny the truth want you to be negligent of your arms and your baggage, so
that they may fall upon you suddenly. It is no offence for you to lay aside your arms when
overtaken by heavy rain or illness, and always take every precaution for defence. God has
prepared a humiliating punishment for those who deny the truth.
o Day of congregation (Friday) : (62:9-10) Believers! When the call to prayer is made on the day
of congregation, hasten to the remembrance of God, and leave all worldly commerce: this is for
your own good, if you but knew it. When the prayer is ended, disperse in the land and seek to
obtain [something] of God's bounty; and remember God much, so that you may prosper.
o For the right reasons: (107:4-6) So woe to those who pray but whose hearts are not in their
prayer. Those who do things only to be seen by others.
o Of Abraham: (2:127-129) And when Abraham and Ishmael were laying the foundations of the
House, [they prayed], "Our Lord, accept this from us; for You are All Hearing, All Knowing. Lord,
make us submissive to You; make of our descendants a nation that will submit to You. Teach us
our rites of worship and turn to us with mercy; You are the Forgiving One and the Merciful. Our
Lord, send forth to them a messenger of their own to recite Your revelations to them, to teach
them the Scripture and wisdom, and purify them. You are the Mighty, the Wise One.
o Of Moses: (20:25-35) Moses said, "My Lord! open up my heart, and make my task easy for
me. Loosen the knot in my tongue, so that they may understand my speech, and appoint for me
a helper from among my family, Aaron, my brother. Strengthen me through him, and let him
share my task, so that we may glorify You much and remember You much: You are surely
watching over us.
o Not while drunk: (4:43) Believers, do not approach your prayers when you are drunk, until you
understand what you say, nor when you are in a state of impurity, -- except when you are on a
journey -- till you have bathed. And if you are ill, or on a journey or have relieved yourselves or
when you have consorted with women and you cannot find any water, then find some clean sand
and wipe your face and your hands with it. God is gracious and forgiving.
o Prostration: (7:204-206) Remember your Lord deep in your very soul, in all humility and awe,
without raising your voice, morning and evening, do not be one of the heedless, [even] the ones
[angels] who live in the presence of your Lord are not too proud to worship Him: they glorify Him
and prostrate themselves before Him. (9:112) [The believers are] those who turn to God in
repentance; who worship and praise Him; who go about in the land serving His cause, who bow
down, who prostrate themselves, who enjoin good and forbid evil, and who observe the limits set
by God. Give good news to the believers! (15:98) But glorify your Lord with His praise, and
prostrate yourself: (16:48-49) Have they not observed the things God has created, casting their
shadows right and left, prostrating themselves before God in all humility? Everything in the
heavens and all the creatures on the earth prostrate themselves before God, as do the angels,
and they do not behave proudly: (29:45) Recite what has been revealed to you of the book, and
pray regularly. Surely prayer restrains one from indecency and evil and remembrance of God is
greater. God has knowledge of all your actions.
o Sacred duty linked to time of day: (4:103) When you have finished the prayer, remember God
while standing, and sitting, and lying on your sides. When you feel secure, say your prayers in the
prescribed form. Believers are under the obligation to say their prayers at the appointed hours.
o Times of day of: (11:114) Say your prayers morning and evening, and during parts of the
night; surely good makes amends for evil. This is a reminder for people who pay heed. (17:78-79)
Say your prayers from the decline of the sun, until nightfall; and at dawn -- the recitation at dawn
is indeed witnessed. And during the night wake up and pray, as an additional prayer: it may well
be that your Lord will raise you to a station of praise and glory. (50:39-40) So bear with patience
what they say, and glorify your Lord with His praise, before the rising and before the setting of the
sun; proclaim His praise in the night and at the end of every prayer. (52:48-49) So wait
patiently for the Judgement of your Lord -- you are certainly under Our watchful eye. And glorify
and celebrate the praises of your Lord when you rise up [from your sleep]. Extol His glory at
night, and at the setting of the stars.
o While in danger: (2:239) When you are exposed to danger, pray on foot or while riding; when
you are safe again, remember God, for He has taught you what you did not know. (4:101-102)
When you [believers] are travelling in the land, you will not be blamed for shortening your
prayers, if you fear the disbelievers may harm you. They are your avowed enemies. When you
are among the believers and lead them in prayer, let only part of them stand up along with you,
armed with their weapons. After they have prostrated themselves, let them withdraw to the rear to
stand guard and then let another party, who have not yet prayed, come forward and pray with
you. And let them also be on their guard, armed with their weapons. Those who deny the truth
want you to be negligent of your arms and your baggage, so that they may fall upon you
suddenly. It is no offence for you to lay aside your arms when overtaken by heavy rain or illness,
and always take every precaution for defence. God has prepared a humiliating punishment for
those who deny the truth.
PREGNANCY: (7:189) It was He who created you from a single soul, and from it made its mate so that
he may find comfort in her. Once he has covered her, she conceives and goes about with a light burden.
When it grows heavy, they both call to God, their Lord, "If You bestow on us a healthy child, we will surely
be grateful," (13:8) God knows what every female bears. He knows of every change within the womb. For
everything He has a proper measure; (31:34) Truly, God alone has knowledge of the Hour. He sends
down the rain, and He knows what is in the wombs. No soul knows what it will earn tomorrow, and no
soul knows in what land it will die. Surely, God is all knowing, all-aware. (38:8) then He made his progeny
from an extract of a humble fluid. (39:6) He created you from a single soul, then produced its spouse
from it, and He has provided for you eight heads of cattle in pairs. He creates you stage by stage in your
mothers' wombs in a threefold darkness. Such is God, your Lord. Sovereignty is His. There is no god but
Him. So what has made you turn away? (53:32) As for those who refrain from committing grave sins and
indecent acts, though they may commit minor offences, your Lord is unstinting in His forgiveness. He
knows you when He brings you out of the earth, and when you were embryos in the wombs of your
mothers; so do not make claims to be pure. He knows best who is truly righteous.
o Allah’s spirit is breathed into the fetus: (32:9) Then He moulded him; He breathed His Spirit
into him; He gave you hearing, sight, and hearts. How seldom you are grateful!
PRIVACY: (24:27-29) Believers, do not enter other people's houses until you have asked their owners'
permission and greeted them. That will be the better for you, so that you may be heedful. If you find no
one at home, do not go in until permission has been granted you. If you are told to go away, then go
away. That is more proper for you. God knows well what you do. There is nothing wrong in your entering
uninhabited houses if that serves a useful purpose: God knows all that you do openly, and all that you
would conceal.
Nakedness at mid-day: (24:57-58) Believers, let [even] those whom you rightfully possess, and those
who are under age ask your leave on three occasions when they come in to see you: before the morning
prayer, when you have taken off your garments in the heat of noon, and after the evening prayer. These
are the three occasions for your privacy. At other times, there is nothing blameworthy if you or they go
around visiting one another. Thus God makes clear to you His revelations: God is all knowing and wise.
When your children have reached the age of puberty, let them still ask permission as their elders do.
Thus God expounds to you His revelations: God is all knowing and wise.
Prophet’s household: (33:53) Believers, do not enter the houses of the Prophet, unless you are invited
for a meal. Do not linger until a meal is ready. When you are invited enter and when you have taken your
meal, depart. Do not stay on, indulging in conversation. Doing that causes annoyance to the Prophet,
though he is too reticent to tell you so, but God is not reticent with the truth. When you ask [the wives of
the Prophet] for anything, ask them from behind a curtain. That will be purer for your hearts as well as
their hearts. It is not right for you to cause annoyance to the Messenger of God or for you ever to marry
his wives after him. Indeed that would be an enormity in the sight of God. (49:4-5) those who call out to
you from outside your apartments are lacking in understanding. If they waited patiently until you came out
to see them, it would be better for them. But God is forgiving and merciful.
o Sharing food: (24:61) There is no harm if the blind, the lame, the sick or you yourselves eat in
your own houses, or in the houses of your fathers, or mothers, or brothers, or sisters, or paternal
uncles, or paternal aunts, or maternal uncles, or maternal aunts, or in those that you are in
charge of or in the house of a friend. There is no objection to your eating together or separately.
But when you enter houses, salute one another with a greeting of peace, a greeting from your
Lord full of blessings and purity. Thus does God expound to you His commandments, so that you
may understand.
o Accept him who confirms earlier revelation: (3:81) When God made a covenant with the
prophets, He said, "Here is the Book and the wisdom which I have given you. When there comes
to you a messenger fulfilling that [predictions about him in their Scripture] which is with you, you
must believe in him and help him. Do you then affirm this and accept the responsibility I have laid
upon you in these terms?" They said, "We will affirm it." God said, "Then bear witness, and I will
bear witness with you."
o Don’t raise your voice above: (49:2) Believers, do not raise your voices above the voice of the
Prophet, and do not speak as loudly when speaking to him as you do when speaking to one
another, lest your actions come to nothing without your realizing it.
o Has come to you: (9:128) There has come to you a Messenger of your own. Your suffering
distresses him: he is deeply concerned for your welfare and full of kindness and mercy towards
the believers.
o Keeps awake during night praying: (73:20) Your Lord knows that you stand up praying for
nearly two-thirds of the night, or one-half of it and sometimes one third of it, as do others among
your followers. God determines the measure of night and day. He knows that you will not be able
to do it, so He has turned to you in mercy. Recite, then, as much of the Quran as is easy for you.
He knows that there will be some among you who may be sick and others who will be travelling
throughout the land seeking God's bounty, and yet others who may be fighting for the cause of
God. So, recite, then as much of it as you are able, and be constant in prayer, and spend in
charity, and give to God a goodly loan. For whatever good deed you send on before you for your
o souls, you will find it with God. It will be improved and richly rewarded by Him. Seek God's
forgiveness, He is most forgiving, most merciful.
o Only mortal human: (12:109) All the messengers We sent before you [Muhammad] were
human beings to whom We made revelations; they were men chosen from the people of their
towns. Did they not travel across the earth and see the end of those before them? Those who are
mindful of God prefer the life to come. Will you not then understand? (16:43) Before you also the
messengers We sent were but [mortal] men to whom We vouchsafed revelation. Ask the People
of the Book, if you do not know. (16:43) Before you also the messengers We sent were but
[mortal] men to whom We vouchsafed revelation. Ask the People of the Book, if you do not know.
(21:7-8) The messengers We sent before you were but men whom We had sent revelations. Ask
the People of the Book if you do not know this -- We did not give them bodies that needed no
food, nor were they to live forever. (25:7) They say, "What kind of a messenger is this who eats
food and walks about in the market-places? Why has no angel been sent down with him to warn
o Purpose of: (6:48) We send the messengers only to give good news and to warn, so those who
believe and reform themselves need have no fear, nor will they grieve. (6:130) punishment for
their misdeeds. Company of jinn and mankind! Did messengers not come from among you to
recite My revelations to you, and warn you of the meeting of this Day?" They will say, "We bear
witness against ourselves." It was the life of this world that deceived them and so they will bear
witness against themselves, that they rejected the truth. (14:4-6) Each messenger We have sent
has spoken in the language of his own people, so that he might make the message clear to them.
But God lets go astray whom He will and guides whom He pleases. He is the Almighty, the All
Wise. We sent Moses with Our signs, saying, "Lead your people out of the darkness into the light,
and remind them of God's Days. In that there are signs for every patient, grateful person." Moses
said to his people, "Remember God's goodness to you when He delivered you from Pharaoh's
people who were treating you cruelly, putting your sons to death and sparing only your daughters.
Surely that was a great trial from your Lord.
o Some not mentioned: (40:78) Before your time We sent other messengers: of them there are
some whose story We have related to you, and some whose story We have not related to you. It
was not [possible] for any messenger to bring a sign except by the leave of God: but when the
command of God was issued, the matter was decided in truth and justice. There and then, those
who stood on falsehoods perished.
o Some superior: (2:253) Of these messengers, We have given something additional among
them. There are some to whom God spoke directly and others He exalted in rank. We gave
Jesus, son of Mary clear signs, and strengthened him with the holy spirit. Had God pleased,
those who succeeded them would not have fought against one another after the clear signs had
come to them. But they disagreed among themselves; some believed, while others did not. Yet
had God willed, they would not have fought against one another; but God does whatever He wills.
(17:55) Your Lord knows best about everyone in the heavens and on the earth. We gave some
prophets more than others: We gave David the Psalms.
o Wives: (33:30-31) Wives of the Prophet! Any one of you who commits a flagrant act of
misconduct shall be doubly punished. That is easy enough for God. But those of you who obey
God and His Messenger and do good deeds, shall be doubly rewarded. For them We have made
an excellent provision.
QURAN: (4:80) Do they not ponder on the Quran? If it had been from anyone other than God, they
would have found much inconsistency in it. (5:16) whereby God guides to the ways of peace all who seek
His good pleasure, bringing them from darkness to the light, by His will, and guiding them to a straight
path. (7:204) When the Quran is read, listen to it with attention, and hold your peace, so that you may
receive mercy. (10:15) When Our clear revelations are recited to them, those who do not expect to meet
Us say, "Bring us a different Quran, or make some changes in it." Say, "It is not for me to change it of my
own accord. I follow only what is revealed to me. I fear, if I were to disobey my Lord, the punishment on a
Dreadful Day." (10:37) This Quran is not such as could have been produced by anyone but God. It fulfills
that [the predictions] which came before it and gives a fuller explanation of the [earlier] Revelations. There
is no doubt about it: it is from the Lord of the Universe. (11:13-14) If they say, "He has invented it
himself." Say, "If you are truthful, produce ten invented chapters like it, and call on whom you can besides
God, to help you." But if they do not respond to you, then know that this [Quran] is sent down with God's
knowledge and that there is no deity but Him. Will you then surrender yourselves to Him? (12:3) We
recount to you the best of narratives in revealing this Quran to you, even though you were unaware of it
before it came. (15:87) We have given you the seven oft-recited verses and the great Quran. (15:91)
and who have broken the Scripture into fragments (17:9) Surely, this Quran guides to the most upright
way and gives good news to the believers who do good deeds, so that they will have a great reward
(17:41) We have explained [the truth] in this Quran in various ways, so that they may take heed, but it
has only increased their aversion. (17:45-46) When you recite the Quran, We place an invisible barrier
between you and those who do not believe in the Hereafter. We put veils over their hearts to prevent
them from comprehending it, and We afflict their ears with deafness. When you mention your one and
only Lord in your recitation of the Quran, they turn their backs in aversion. (17:60) We told you that your
Lord encompasses mankind. We granted the vision which We showed you, as well as the tree that is
cursed in the Quran, only as a test for mankind. We warn them, but this only increases their insolence.
(17:82) We send down in the Quran that which is healing and a mercy to those who believe; as for the
evil-doers, it only increases their loss. (17:88-89) Say, "If all men and jinn gathered together to produce
the like of this Quran, they could not produce one like it, however much they helped one another." In this
Quran, We have set out all kinds of examples for people, yet most of them persist in denying the truth.
(18:54) We have explained in various ways in this Quran, for the benefit of mankind, all kinds of
examples, but man is most contentious. (20:2) We have not sent the Quran down to you to distress you
(25:6) Say to them, "It has been revealed by Him who knows every secret that is in the heavens and on
the earth. (25:32) Those who deny the truth say, "Why was the Quran not sent down to him in a single
revelation?" We sent it in this manner, so that We might strengthen your heart. We gave it to you in
gradual revelation. (27:76) This Quran explains to the children of Israel much of what they differ over
(27:92) to recite the Quran." Whoever follows its guidance, follows it only for the good of his own soul;
and as for him who goes astray, just say, "I am only a warner. (28:85) He who has entrusted you with the
responsibility of the Quran, will surely lead you to a successful end. Say, "My Lord knows best who is
rightly guided and who is in gross error. (30:58) Truly, We have set forth for men in this Quran every kind
of parable and indeed, if you bring them a sign, those who are bent on denying the truth are sure to say,
"You are only making false claims!" (34:31) advance by a single moment." Those who deny the truth say,
"We shall believe neither in this scripture nor in [any] that [came] before it." Could you but see when the
wrongdoers will be made to stand before their Lord, casting blame on one another! Those who had been
weak will say to the arrogant ones, "Had it not been for you, we should certainly have been believers!
(41:44) Had We sent this as a Quran [in a language] other than Arabic, they would have said, "Why are
its verses not clearly explained? What! An Arab Prophet, and a scripture in a foreign tongue?" Say, "It is a
guide and a healing to those who believe; but for those who do not believe, there is a deafness in their
ears, and a covering over their eyes: they are [as it were] being called from a very distant place. (46:29)
Remember how We sent to you a band of jinn who wished to hear the Quran and as they listened to its
recitation, they said to one another, "Be silent and listen," and, then when it was finished, they went back
to their people, to give them warning. (46:29) Remember how We sent to you a band of jinn who wished
to hear the Quran and as they listened to its recitation, they said to one another, "Be silent and listen,"
and, then when it was finished, they went back to their people, to give them warning. (50:43) We know
best what those who deny the truth say. You are not there to force them: so remind, with this Quran,
those who fear My warning. (54:22) We have made it easy to learn lessons from the Quran: is there
anyone who would receive admonition? (59:21) Had We sent down this Quran on a mountain, you would
certainly have seen it falling down and splitting asunder, because of the fear of God. We set forth these
parables to men so that they may reflect. (84:21) When the Quran is read to them, why do they not fall
to their knees?
o Bestowed on a blessed night: (44:3) surely We sent it down on a blessed night, We have
always sent warnings. (97:1-5) We sent it [Quran] down on the Night of Destiny. And what will
make you comprehend what the Night of Destiny is? The Night of Destiny is better than a
thousand months; on that night, the angels and the Spirit come down by the permission of their
Lord with His decrees for all matters; it is all peace till the break of dawn.
o Is not Muhammed’s sayings: (69:43-45) It is a revelation sent down by the Sustainer of the
Universe: if he had invented any lies about Us, We would indeed have seized him by his right
o Not from a satanic force: (81:25) Nor is this the word of an outcast devil.
o Some verses direct, some allegorical: (3:7) It is He who has sent down the Book to you.
Some of its verses are clear and precise in meaning, they are the basis of the Book, while others
are allegorical. Those with deviation in their hearts pursue the allegorical, so as to create
dissension by seeking to explain it: but no one knows its meaning except God. Those who are
firmly grounded in knowledge say, "We believe in it: it is all from our Lord." But only the wise take
o Source of healing: (17:82) We send down in the Quran that which is healing and a mercy to
those who believe; as for the evil-doers, it only increases their loss. (41:44) Had We sent this as a
Quran [in a language] other than Arabic, they would have said, "Why are its verses not clearly
explained? What! An Arab Prophet, and a scripture in a foreign tongue?" Say, "It is a guide and a
healing to those who believe; but for those who do not believe, there is a deafness in their ears,
and a covering over their eyes: they are [as it were] being called from a very distant place.
RAMADHAN: (2:185) The month of Ramadan is the month when the Quran was sent down as
guidance for mankind with clear proofs of guidance and the criterion by which to distinguish right from
wrong. Therefore, whoever of you is present in that month, let him fast; but he who is ill or on a
journey shall fast a similar number of days later on. God desires ease for you, not hardship. He
desires you to fast the whole month, so that you may glorify Him for His having guided you and so
that you may be grateful to Him. (2:187) It has been made lawful for you to go to your wives on the
night of the fast: they are like a garment for you, and you are like a garment for them. God is aware
that you were deceiving yourselves and He has turned in mercy towards you and pardoned you. So
you may now consort with them and seek what God has ordained for you. Eat and drink until the
white thread of dawn becomes distinct from the black. Then resume the fast until nightfall, and do not
approach them during the nights of your devotional retreat in the mosques. These are the limits set by
God, so do not approach them. Thus He makes clear His commandments to mankind, so that they
may guard themselves [against evil].
RECORD OF PERSONAL DEEDS: (17:13-14) We have tied the fate of every man about his neck;
and We shall produce a book for him on Resurrection Day that he will find spread open. It will say,
"Read your record, today there will be none but yourself to call you to account!" (18:49) The Book [of
deeds] will be placed before them and you will see the guilty apprehensive about its contents. They
will say, "Woe to us! What a record this is! It does not leave any deed, small or large, unaccounted
for!" They will find everything they ever did laid in front of them: your Lord will not be unjust to anyone.
(36:12) We shall surely bring the dead back to life and We record what they send ahead and what
they leave behind. We have recorded everything in a clear book. (54:52-53) All their deeds are
recorded in their books: every action, small or great, is noted down.
RED SEA: (2:50) and when We divided the sea for you and saved you and drowned Pharaoh's
people, while you looked on.
RELIGION: (110:1-2) When God's help and victory come, and you see people entering God's
religion in multitudes (3:85) If anyone seeks a religion other than Islam [submission to God], it will not
be accepted from him; he will be among the losers in the Hereafter.
o Divergence of opinion: (3:19) The only true religion in God's sight is complete submission
to God. And those who were given the Book disagreed only out of rivalry, after knowledge
had been given to them -- he who denies God's signs should know that God is swift in His
reckoning. (42:14) They became divided only after knowledge had reached them, out of
mutual jealousy. Had it not been for a decree already passed by your Lord, [to reprieve them]
till a specified period, the matter would surely have been decided between them. Those who
inherited the Book after them are indeed in grave doubt, amounting to suspicion about it.
(3:103) Hold fast to the cord of God and let nothing divide you. Remember the blessings He
has bestowed upon you; you were enemies and then He united your hearts and by His grace
you became brothers; you were on the brink of an abyss of Fire and He rescued you from it.
Thus God makes His signs clear to you, so that you may find guidance.
o False ideas upon things allowed and forbidden: (16:116) Do not falsely declare, "This is
lawful, and this is forbidden," so as to invent a lie against God. Surely, those who invent a lie
against God do not prosper
o Is not ply and transient delight: (6:70) Leave alone those for whom religion is only a sport
and pastime and are deceived by the life of this world, but continue to remind them with the
Quran, lest a soul be held in pledge because of what it has wrought, having no helper or
intercessor besides God. Whatever ransom they may offer, it will not be accepted. Such are
those that are damned by their own actions: they will have boiling water to drink and a painful
punishment for their denial of truth. (7:51) Who treated religion as a pastime and an idle
sport and whom the life of the world had beguiled." On that Day We shall forget them, as they
forgot their meeting of that Day with Us, for they denied Our revelations. (47:36) The life of
this world is only a game, a pastime, but if you believe and are mindful of God, He will
recompense you and will not ask you for your wealth.
o No hardship in: (22:78) Strive for the cause of God as it behoves you to strive for it. He
has chosen you and laid on you no burden in the matter of your religion, the faith of Abraham
your forefather. In this, as in former scriptures He has given you the name of Muslims, so that
the Messenger may be a witness over you, and so that you may be witnesses over mankind.
Therefore, say your prayers regularly and pay the zakat and hold fast to God. He is your
master. An excellent master and an excellent helper!
o Same as it was for the ones before you: (42:13) God has ordained for you the same
religion which He enjoined on Noah, and which We have revealed to you, and which We
enjoined upon Abraham and Moses and Jesus, so that you should remain steadfast in
religion and not become divided in it. What you call upon the polytheists to do is hard for
them; God chooses for Himself whoever He pleases and guides towards Himself those who
turn to Him.
o Try and penetrate deepest meaning of: (4:162) But to those of them, who are firmly
grounded in knowledge, and the believers, who truly believe in what is revealed to you, and
what was revealed before you. To those who pray regularly and pay the zakat [prescribed
alms] and believe in God and the Last Day, We will surely give a great reward.
o Use reason in: (3:65) People of the Book, why do you dispute about Abraham when the
Torah and Gospel were only sent down after him. Do you not use your reason? (8:22) the
worst creatures in God's eyes are those who are deaf and dumb, and who possess no
o One’s own lying inventions to Allah: (6:21) Who does greater wrong than he who invents
a lie against God and denies His signs? Assuredly, the wrongdoers will not succeed.
o Sects: (6:159) Have nothing to do with those who have split up their religion into sects.
Their case rests with God; He will tell them about what they used to do. (30:32) those
who split up their religion and became divided into sects; each one exulting in what they
have. (43:65) The various factions among them differed -- woe then to those who did
wrong: they will suffer the punishment of a painful Day.
o Should stay together: (3:103) Hold fast to the cord of God and let nothing divide you.
Remember the blessings He has bestowed upon you; you were enemies and then He
united your hearts and by His grace you became brothers; you were on the brink of an
abyss of Fire and He rescued you from it. Thus God makes His signs clear to you, so that
you may find guidance.
RESURRECTION: (30:27) He is the One who originates creation, then repeats it, and it is
very easy for Him. His is the most exalted state in the heavens and on the earth; He is the
Mighty, the Wise One. (83:4-6) Do such people not realize that they will be raised up, on a
fateful Day. The Day when mankind will stand before the Lord of the Universe? (2:113) The
Jews say, "The Christians have no ground to stand on," and the Christians say, "The Jews
have no ground to stand on." Yet they both recite the Book, and those who have no
knowledge say the same; God will judge between them on the Day of Resurrection
concerning their disputes. (2:212) The life of this world is made to appear attractive for those
who deny the truth and they scoff at those who believe. But those who fear God shall be
above them on the Day of Resurrection: God bestows His bounties on whoever He pleases
without stinting. (3:77) Those who sell out God's covenant and their oaths for a paltry price
will have no share in the life to come on the Day of Resurrection. God will neither speak to
them nor cast a look upon them on the Day of Judgement, nor will He purify them. For them
there shall be a grievous punishment. (3:161) It is not for any Prophet to hold back anything;
he who hides anything away shall bring it forth on the Day of Resurrection, when every
human being shall be repaid in full for whatever he has done, and none shall be wronged.
(3:185) Every human being is bound to taste death: and you shall receive your rewards in full
on the Day of Resurrection. He who is kept away from the Fire and is admitted to Paradise,
will surely triumph; for the life of this world is nothing but an illusory enjoyment. (3:194) Our
Lord! Grant us what You have promised to us through Your messengers, and do not
humiliate us on the Day of Resurrection. Surely, You never fail to fulfill Your promise. (4:87)
He is God: there is no deity other than Him. He will gather you all together on the Day of
Resurrection, there is no doubt about it. Whose word can be truer than God's? (18:47) The
Day We shall make the mountains move and you will see the earth laid bare, and We shall
gather all mankind together and shall not leave any one of them behind.
o Sun and moon brought together: (75:1-9) By the Day of Resurrection, and by the
self-reproaching soul! Does man think that We cannot [resurrect him and] bring his
bones together again? Indeed, We have the power to restore his very finger
tips! Yet man wants to deny what is ahead of him: he asks, "When is this Day of
Resurrection to be?" But [on that Day], when mortal sight is confounded, and the
moon is eclipsed, when the sun and the moon are brought together.
o Of soul: (2:28) How can you disbelieve in God when you were dead [lifeless] and
He gave you life? He will let you die once more, then bring you back to life again,
whereupon you will be returned to Him. (31:28) How can you disbelieve in God when
you were dead [lifeless] and He gave you life? He will let you die once more, then
bring you back to life again, whereupon you will be returned to Him.
REVELATION: (42:52) We have thus revealed a Spirit to you [Prophet] by Our command: you knew
neither the Scripture nor the faith, but We made it a light, guiding with it whoever We will of Our servants.
You are indeed guiding to the straight path. (45:16) We gave Scriptures, wisdom and prophethood to the
Children of Israel, and provided them with good things and favoured them over all other people. (56:77-
81) that this is indeed a noble Quran, in a well-guarded preserved Book, which none can touch except
the purified. It is a revelation sent down from the Lord of the worlds. How can you regard this discourse
with disdain?
o Every age has had its own: (13:38) We sent down messengers before you and gave them
wives and children. Yet it was not possible for a messenger to bring a sign, save by the command
of God. Every age has had its revelation.
o From behind a veil: (42:51) It is not granted to any human being that God should speak to him
other than by revelation or from behind a veil, or by sending him a messenger, so that the
messenger may reveal, by His command, whatsoever He will. Truly, He is exalted and wise.
o Nature of delivery: (53:1-11) By the setting star, your companion has neither strayed nor is he
misguided, nor does he speak out of his own desire. It [the Quran] is nothing but revelation sent
down to him. He was taught by [an angel] who is mighty in power, and endowed with wisdom;
who in time manifested himself; standing poised at the highest point on the horizon, then came
down close until he was two bow-lengths away or even closer and revealed to God's servant
what he revealed. The heart [of the Prophet] did not misconstrue what he saw.
o Created from one living entity (soul): (4:1) O mankind! Fear your Lord, who created you from a
single soul. He created its mate from it and from the two of them spread countless men and
women [throughout the earth]. Fear God, in whose name you appeal to one another, and be
mindful of your obligations in respect of ties of kinship. God is always watching over you. (6:98) It
is He who first produced you from a single soul, then gave you a place to stay [in life] and a
resting place [after death]. We have made Our revelations clear to those who are men of
o Each entitled to own earnings: (4:32) Do not covet the bounties which God has bestowed
more abundantly on some of you than on others. Men shall be rewarded according to their deeds,
and women shall be rewarded according to their deeds. You should rather ask God for His
bounty. God has knowledge of all things.
o Equality of: (4:124) Anyone who performs good deeds, whether it be a man or woman, provided
that he is a believer, shall enter Paradise. No one shall suffer the least injustice. (16:97) To
o whoever does good deeds, man or woman, and is a believer, We shall assuredly give a good life;
and We will bestow upon them their reward according to the best of their works.
o In divorce: (2:228) Divorced women should wait for three menstrual cycles; it is unlawful for
them, if they believe in God and the Last Day, to hide what God has created in their wombs. Their
husbands have the right to take them back within that time, if they desire to be reconciled. The
wives have rights corresponding to those which the husbands have, according to what is
recognized to be fair, but men have a rank above them. God is almighty and all wise.
o Men provide for women: (4:34) Men are protectors of women, because God has made some of
them excel others and because they spend their wealth on them. So virtuous women are
obedient and guard in the husband's absence what God would have them guard. As for those
from whom you apprehend infidelity, admonish them, then refuse to share their beds, and finally
hit them [lightly]. Then if they obey you, take no further action against them. For God is High,
SINS: (4:111) He who commits sin does so against his own soul. God is all knowing and wise.
o Avoiding: (4:31) If you shun the great sins you have been forbidden, We shall cancel out
your minor misdeeds and admit you to a place of honour.
o Blaming another: (4:112) And anyone who commits an offence or a sin, then charges an
innocent person with it, shall certainly bear the guilt of a calumny and a manifest sin.
SPOUSES (a time when they are evil for you): (64:14) Believers! [Even] among your wives and your
children you have enemies: so beware of them. But if you overlook their offences and forgive and pardon
them, then surely, God is most forgiving and merciful.
o Cutting off hads as punishment: (5:38) Cut off the hands of thieves, whether they are male or
female, as a [deterrent] punishment from God for what they have done. God is almighty and wise.
Forgiveness for (before discovery): (5:39) But God will surely turn in mercy to him
who repents after his transgression and reforms. Surely, God is most forgiving and ever
o Is wrog eve through the judiciary: (2:188) Do not consume one another's property by unjust
means, nor offer it as a bribe to the authorities, so that you may deliberately and wrongfully
devour a part of other people's wealth.
TORAH: (5:44) We have revealed the Torah, in which there is guidance and light. By it the prophets
who were obedient to Us judged the Jews, and so did the rabbis and the priests, according to God's
Book which had been entrusted to their care; and to which they were witnesses. Have no fear of man;
fear Me, and do not sell My revelations for a paltry sum. Those who do not judge by what God has
sent down are deniers of truth.
o Retribution in: (5:45) We prescribed for them in [the Torah]: a life for a life, an eye for an eye,
a nose for a nose, an ear for an ear, a tooth for a tooth, and a wound for a wound. But, if anyone
forgoes it, this shall be for him an expiation. Those who do not judge by what God has sent down
are wrongdoers!
TREACHERY: (8:58) And if you learn of treachery on the part of any people, throw their treaty back at
them, so as to be on equal terms, for God does not love the treacherous.
o Allah is not a: (4:171) People of the Book! Do not go to extremes in your religion. Say nothing
but the truth about God. The Christ Jesus, son of Mary, was only a messenger of God and His
word, conveyed to Mary, a spirit from Him. So believe in God and His messengers and do not
say: "There are three [gods]." Desist, it will be better for you. Indeed, God is the one and only
God. His Holiness is far above having a son. To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and
whatever is on the earth. And God is sufficient as a guardian. (5:73) They are deniers of the truth
who say, "God is one of three." There is only One God. If they do not desist from so saying, a
painful punishment is bound to befall such of them as are bent on denying the truth.
USURY: (30:39) Whatever you lend out in usury to gain in value through other people's wealth will not
increase in God's eyes, but whatever you give in alms in your desire for God's pleasure will be multiplied.
o Forgive debt: (2:278) Believers, have fear of God, and give up what is still due to you from
usury, if you are true believers.
o Forbidden: (2:275) Those who live on usury shall rise up before God like men whom Satan has
demented by his touch; for they say, "Buying and selling is only a kind of usury." But God has
made trade lawful and made usury unlawful. Therefore, he who desists because of the
admonition that has come to him from his Lord may retain what he has received in the past; and it
will be for God to judge him. Those who revert to it shall be the inmates of the Fire; they shall
abide therein forever. (3:130) Believers, do not devour usury multiplied many times over. Fear
God, so that you may prosper. (3:161) for taking usury, when they had been forbidden to do so.
And because of their devouring people's wealth wrongfully. We have prepared a painful
punishment for those of them who [continue to] deny the truth.
o Clouds: (2:164) In the creation of the heavens and the earth; in the alternation of night and
day; in the ships that sail the ocean bearing cargoes beneficial to man; in the water which
God sends down from the sky and with which He revives the earth after its death, scattering
over it all kinds of animals; in the courses of the winds, and in the clouds pressed into service
between earth and sky, there are indeed signs for people who use their reason. (7:57) It is
God who sends forth the winds as harbingers of His mercy, and when they have gathered up
the heavy clouds, We drive them on to a dead land where We cause rain to fall, bringing out
all kinds of fruit, just as We will raise the dead to life. Perhaps you will take heed. (24:43) Do
you not see how God drives the clouds, then joins them together, then piles them into layers
and then you see the rain pour from their midst? He sends down from the skies mountainous
masses [of clouds] charged with hail, and He makes it fall on whom He will, and turns it away
from whom He pleases. The flash of His lightning may well-nigh take away the sight. (30:48-
50) It is God who sends out the winds so that they raise the clouds. Then He spreads them
in the sky as He wills and places them layer upon layer and you see the rain issuing forth
from their midst. When He causes it to fall on whichever of His servants He pleases, behold!
they rejoice; though before that, before it was sent down upon them, they were in despair.
Look, therefore, at the signs of God's mercy; how He resurrects the earth after its death.
Truly, the same God will resurrect the dead; for He has power over all things.
o Lightning: (13:11-13) Each has guardian angels before him and behind him, who watch him
at God's command. God does not change the condition of a people's lot, unless they change
what is in their hearts. But when God decrees punishment for a people, none can ward it off.
Besides Him, they have no protector. It is He who shows you the lightning, inspiring fear and
hope, and gathers up the heavy clouds; and the thunder glorifies Him with His praise and the
angels do so too in awe of Him, and He sends His thunderbolts to strike anyone He pleases,
yet they dispute about God, who is inexorable in His power.
WIDOWS: (240) For divorced women a provision according to what is fair shall also be made.
This is an obligation binding on the righteous. (2:234-235) If any of you die and leave widows, the
widows should wait for four months and ten days. When they have reached the end of their
waiting period you will not be blamed for what they may reasonably choose to do with
themselves: God is aware of what you do. It shall be no offence for you to hint at a proposal of
marriage [to divorced or widowed women] or to cherish them in your hearts. God knows that you
will bear them in mind. But do not enter into any secret arrangement with them, beyond
conveying some indication to them of your inclination. Do not proceed with tying the marriage-
knot before the end of their waiting period. Know that God has knowledge of all your thoughts.
Therefore, take heed and bear in mind that God is forgiving and forbearing.
WILLS: (2:180) It is prescribed that when death approaches any of you and he is leaving
behind wealth, he shall make a will in favour of his parents and relatives equitably. This is a duty
for all who fear God. (240) For divorced women a provision according to what is fair shall also
be made. This is an obligation binding on the righteous.
o Amending forbidden: (2:181-182) Anyone who alters it once he has heard it shall be
accountable for his crime. Surely, God is all hearing and all knowing. But if anyone
apprehends partiality or an injustice on the part of a testator, it shall be no sin for him to
bring about a settlement between the parties. God is forgiving and merciful.
o Two witnesses when you declare it: (5:106-107) Believers, when death approaches
you, let two just men from among you act as witnesses when you make your testaments;
or two men from another tribe, if the calamity of death overtakes you while you are
travelling in the land. Detain them after prayers, and if you doubt their honesty, let them
swear by God, "We will not sell our testimony for any price, even to a kinsman. And we
will not conceal the testimony of God. If we did, we would indeed be guilty of sin." If it
turns out that both prove dishonest, two others should take their place from amongst
those whose rights have been usurped and let them swear by God, saying, "Our
testimony is indeed truer than the testimony of these two. And we have not been guilty of
any misstatement for then indeed we would be transgressors."
WOMEN: (60:10) Believers! When believing women come to you as refugees, submit them
to a test. Their faith is best known to God. Then if you find them to be true believers, do not
send them back to those who deny the truth. These [women] are not lawful for them, nor are
those who deny the truth lawful for these women. But hand back to those who deny the truth
the dowers they gave them; nor is it an offence for you to marry such women, provided you
give them their dowers. Do not maintain your marriages with those women who deny the
truth: demand repayment of the dowers you have given them and let the disbelievers ask for
the return of what they have spent. Such is God's judgement; He judges with justice between
you. God is all knowing and all wise.
o Gross moral depravity: (4:15-16) If any of your women commit fornication, call in
four male witnesses from among yourselves against them; if they testify to their guilt,
confine them to the house until death releases them or until God gives them another
way out. If two men commit a like abomination, punish them both. If they repent and
mend their ways, leave them alone. God is forgiving and merciful.
o .ill willed: (4:34) Men are protectors of women, because God has made some of
them excel others and because they spend their wealth on them. So virtuous women
are obedient and guard in the husband's absence what God would have them guard.
As for those from whom you apprehend infidelity, admonish them, then refuse to
share their beds, and finally hit them [lightly]. Then if they obey you, take no further
action against them. For God is High, Great.
o Lack of outer garments for older: (24:60) There is no blame on elderly women
who are past the age of marriage, if they take off their outer clothing, without
revealing their adornments. But it would be better for them to guard themselves. God
is all hearing, all knowing.
o Righteous guard intimacies revealed to them: (66:3-6) The Prophet once told one
of his wives something in confidence. She did not keep it secret and God informed
him of this; he made known a part of it, and avoided [mentioning] part of it. When he
spoke to his wife of this, she asked him who had told him about it. He replied, "The
All Knowing, the All Aware One." If only both of you would turn to God in repentance -
- and your hearts are already so inclined. But if you uphold each other against him,
then surely God is his protector, and Gabriel and the righteous among the believers;
and the angels too are his helpers. Were he to divorce you, his Lord might well
replace you with better wives -- submissive [to God], believing, pious, penitent,
devout in worship, given to fasting -- previously married and virgins. Believers,
safeguard yourselves and your families from a Fire fuelled by people and stones, and
watched over by angels, stern and strong: angels who never disobey God's
commands to them, but promptly do as they are commanded.
ZACHARIAH: (19:2-19) This is an account of your Lord's mercy bestowed upon His
servant Zachariah, when he called upon his Lord in low tones, saying, "Lord, my bones
have weakened and my head has turned hoary with age, but never, Lord, have I been
disappointed in my prayer to you: now I fear my kinsmen when I am gone. [I have no
hope of their continuing my mission] for my wife is barren, so grant me a successor from
Yourself, to be my heir and to be the heir [of the blessings] of the House of Jacob; and
make him, O my Lord, acceptable to you." "Zachariah, We bring you good news of a son
whose name shall be John. We have not given such a name to anyone before." "My
Lord!" [said Zachariah], "How shall I have a son when my wife is barren and I have
reached such extreme old age?" He said, "It will be so! Your Lord says, 'It is easy for Me
for I created you when you were nothing before.'" He said, "My Lord, grant me a sign!" He
said, "Your sign will be that you will not speak to anyone for three successive days and
nights, although sound in body." Then Zachariah came forth from the shrine to his
people and told them by signs to glorify the Lord morning and evening.