Digital Marketing MooHubSpot1 PDF
Digital Marketing MooHubSpot1 PDF
Digital Marketing MooHubSpot1 PDF
It’s your website, blog and social media channels that are
at the heart of any digital marketing plan—so always keep
in mind that you’re optimizing for these destinations when
planning digital marketing tactics.
We hope this guide gives you what you need to get going,
but if you’d like a little more of an in-depth introduction,
check out Hubspot Academy’s Inbound Certification
(completely free).
What’s inside?
AND CLARIFY A FEW DEFINITIONS: This is a marketing program that centers on creating,
publishing and distributing content for your target
Digital marketing audience – usually online – the goal of which is to attract
This is an umbrella term for all of your online marketing new customers. While inbound marketing can be looked
efforts. Businesses leverage digital channels such as at as a methodology, content marketing is a more
Google search, social media, email and their websites specific inbound strategy of writing content that your
to connect with their current and prospective customers. audience will find valuable.
From your website to your online assets like digital
advertising, email marketing, online brochures and beyond, Buyer’s journey
there’s a huge spectrum of tactics to consider. The best This is the process buyers go through to become aware
digital marketers know which channels their audience of, evaluate and purchase a new product or service. The
uses and they have a clear picture of how each asset journey is a 3-step process:
supports their overarching goals. 1. Awareness stage: the buyer realizes they have
a problem
Inbound marketing 2. Consideration stage: the buyer defines their problem
This is about using marketing to bring potential customers and researches options to solve it
to you, rather than having your marketing efforts fight for 3. Decision stage: the buyer chooses a solution
their attention. Sharing is caring and inbound marketing
is about creating and sharing content with the world. By
creating content specifically designed to appeal to your
dream customers, inbound attracts qualified prospects
to your business and keeps them coming back for more.
Plan your strategy
Strategy, in spite of being a word favored by the shiny
suits of the world, really means thinking about why you’re
doing something before you do it. So, starting your digital
marketing strategy is as simple as starting with why you Brand awareness
want to do it, deciding what you want to do, how you’re Do you want more people to know about your brand
going to do it, what you expect to happen, and when and (or your products and services)?
how you’ll measure your success.
Acquisition or lead generation
Do you want to reach people who’ve never bought from
you before and bring them into your buyer’s journey?
Looking at the types of goals we’ve set out, pick one to “Really understanding the goal
concentrate on. Really understanding the goal you’re
trying to hit is the first step to reaching it. you’re trying to hit is the first
step to reaching it.”
Your brand is how and why your customers choose you Brand Health Check — Do you really know what your
over your competitors. You can think of it as your brand stands for?
company’s personality. So it’s something that’s worth
defining clearly —what do you stand for? What are your Who is your customer? Get your personas lined up,
strongest character traits? And how does that translate visualized and ranked—use them to help you answer
into your presence—from the images you use on your the following questions.
website to the language you use in your emails? The
best way to answer these questions is by getting out and • What problem do you solve? From your customer’s
speaking directly with your customers. You could assume perspective, what challenges are you solving for them?
what your brand stands for, but the best way to check is Visualize your perceived value.
by understanding how your ideal customers talk about • What are your distinctive benefits? List three to five
your brand. Talk to your customers! benefits your customer gets from choosing your
product/service that customers don’t get from
going somewhere else. These are called your value
propositions (or value props for short). What’s your
brand promise? This is like a pledge.
• What will you always do for your customers? This is
the other key part of your proposition that separates
you from the competition.
• How does it fit together? Take your answers so far and
try to craft a single paragraph that covers them. It’s ok
if things merge and overlap—the aim is to end up with
a unique message.
• Can you make it shorter? Now, refine. Take your time,
review again and again until you’ve distilled your value
propositions to one clear line that captures everything
you want to say.
5 steps for setting your strategy
Your competitors aren’t just those who offer a like-for-like
product or service. You can think of your competition • Start with your customers! The best place to
in 3 ways: see where you rank up against your competitors,
or to find which competitive alternatives are most
Direct competitors - those brands that offer the same relevant for you, is in the mind of your customers.
products or services as you. Ask them about which other competitive
alternatives that they’ve tried, and dig in by asking
Indirect competitors - brands that may offer different “why” so that you can learn from real stories.
products but compete for the same space or budget • Search for a few key terms related to your
as you. industry, and note where each brand ranks
on the results page.
Comparators - these might have a similar look and feel • Try out your competitors – you don’t need to buy
like your brand or be other brands that your target their products if it’s costly, but you can read their
customers use frequently too. reviews, explore their website and sign up for their
You want to know what you’re up against, and you can • Note where and when you see your competitors’
learn vicariously from both triumphs and mistakes Get ads and screenshot them.
inspired by your competitors’ wins, and use your differences • Follow lots of other brands’ social channels.
to highlight what’s unique about what you’re offering. • Use paid-for online tools like Alexa for analysis
on how well your competitors’ sites do in search
rankings and web traffic.
Having brilliant ideas for how you’ll drive traffic, build on your goals – so bear in mind things like geographic
brand awareness, and grow your customer base is just or demographic information that you’re interested in
the beginning, it’s crucial you know how you’ll track tracking as well. Track the performance of these metrics
progress, so you can adjust your plan based on what over time and you’ll start to get a benchmark number
gets the best reaction. There are lots of different things for how your content is performing.
you can measure (metrics)—but a benchmark of what
a ‘good’ score is (KPI), will depend entirely on you.
Before you start any campaign, familiarize yourself with “Pick the metrics that will provide
important metrics associated with your goals, like those
examples we’ve listed above. There are plenty of the best insight as to whether
different things you might want to measure depending or not you’ll hit your goal.”
Digital Marketing Techniques
So, you’ve got your plan. You know who and what you’re
going after, you know what you’re going to measure,
and you know what you’re trying to achieve. It’s time
to get going.
On-page SEO Audit
User Experience
Paid Search Ads
Display Advertising
Sponsored Social Posts
Email Marketing
Native Advertising
Customer advocacy marketing
But first, meet the Flywheel
The flywheel model is a comprehensive, unified way of
representing the forces affecting your company’s
growth. It focuses you on delivering a better customer
experience at every digital touchpoint with your customers
by considering how you’re attracting, engaging, and
delighting people and turning them into promoters for
your brand.
If you leave with one main lesson from this guide, it’s this:
today, trust is at an all-time low. Think about it. People
don’t have the same trust that they had with businesses
back in the day. But one thing that remains truer than ever
is that people trust their peers—their friends, coworkers,
family members, and partners.
One of the best ways to reach new customers is to make You can tell if a website is popular if other websites
sure your site’s appearing when your customers are link to it. For example, if you have 10 websites that link
searching for answers to their problems or questions You to your website, your website will be more popular
do this through search engine optimization (SEO)— than a website that has 5 websites linking to it.
optimizing your site in the right way to improve the rank Work to improve authority is called off-page SEO.
of your results when people search for terms related to • An example of off-page SEO is building backlinks
your market. from other pages to your page.
Good experience basics Less need to drive traffic - if visitors to your site are
buying from you easily, you don’t need to spend as
• Update content regularly so that your page much effort and money on other ways to attract
stays relevant more visits.
• Test your website’s speed here
• Check that your pages load quickly - every second Cost-effective - a good conversion rate means you
counts when it comes to keeping someone’s attention. get more bang from bucks spent (i.e., higher return
It’s better to have less functionality or simpler design on investment) on the advertising that lured visitors
in order to keep pages loading quickly to your site in the first place. Builds brand loyalty a
• Ensure your calls to action - newsletter signups, buy great user experience encourages return visits.
buttons for products - are emphasised through
attractive, logical design Builds brand loyalty - a great user experience
• More people are ditching desktop computers to get encourages return visits.
online via phone or tablet, so ensure your website can
automatically resize for smaller screens, and works Tricky to master - creating a brilliant user
well with tapping, swiping, and one-handed operation experience involves a keen eye for design, copy,
• As with many things in life and digital marketing, the and user friendliness.
most elegant user experiences have the simplest
design structures. You wouldn’t fill your shop window An ongoing process - there’s no one-size-fits-all
from floor to ceiling, so try to resist the temptation solution, and you’ll have to monitor how visitors are
to do the same on your website using your site.
You pay for each click on your ad (which is why these ads
are also known as pay-per-click, or PPC).
GETTING STARTED You know your leads are quality - the people
who clicked on your ad had searched for something
You can have an ad built and online in a matter of minutes you’ve got.
using platforms such as the most widely used Google
Adwords, as well as similar offerings from Yahoo and Fast results - much quicker than waiting for
Bing. Find which keywords your ideal customers would your natural search ranking to rise
search for. Start with a specific description of the product
or services you sell and include your location to help Easily targeted - you can bid by keyword, and
you target the most likely buyers. Instead of ‘knitwear’ by region
(too broad), go for ‘hand-knitted angora sweaters,
North London’. Competitive - common search terms might
be expensive
• Write your ad.
• Who’s your customer? You have one line to catch Text only - you can’t show images or have
their attention and get them to click your link in a sea much control over how your ad will look
of similar-looking links.
• Set your maximum daily budget. Costs - easy to manage, as you pay on a
• Keep in mind that popular keywords cost more per cost-per-click basis
click than less common terms (because other
companies are bidding for them too).
• Use your platform’s conversion tracking.
• If an ad isn’t driving the traffic or sales, reword it,
and test, test and test!
GETTING STARTED Cheap - cost per click can start at as little as 5 cents
• Choose the social network where your buyer personas Effective - Facebook ads can have a click-through rate
are, and always optimize and test your content up to nine times higher than banner ads on other sites
• You may want to create a post around a new offer
or simply word it to attract users to your page. Easy - you can have a campaign up and running in a
• Do a ‘dry run’ - try out your offer or call to action as an couple of clicks
ordinary post and see what style and wording attract
the most likes, shares, and comments before putting Community management – you need to be prepared
money behind them. to deal with comments and bear in mind that some
• Start with a simple image or video posts and track how users can find business messaging in social spaces
many clicks and follows you get, before moving into annoying. So your content will need to be respectful of
the more complex and expensive formats, like a multi- that difference
image carousel or canvas ads.
• Check out Canva’s post for nondesigners on creating
beautiful social images.