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JULY 2009
This booklet includes the relevant amendments and corrections
shown in the January 2010 version of Pt.0 Ch.1 Sec.3.

Sec. 1 Class Notations........................................................................................................................... 5
Sec. 2 Historical Class Notations ........................................................................................................ 27


Veritasveien 1, NO-1322 Høvik, Norway Tel.: +47 67 57 99 00 Fax: +47 67 57 99 11
General Main changes adopted July 2009
The present edition of the rules includes amendments and additions Main changes coming into force 1 July 2009
approved by the Board as of December 2009 and supersedes the July
2009 edition of the same chapter. • General
The rule changes come into force as described below. — Throughout the chapter, the wording “another IACS member so-
This chapter is valid until superseded by a revised chapter. Supple- ciety” has been changed to “a recognized classification society”.
ments will not be issued except for an updated list of corrections pre-
sented in Pt.0 Ch.1 Sec.3. Pt.0 Ch.1 is normally revised in January and • Sec.1 Class Notations
July each year. — In Table C5 the new class notation Fire Fighter Capability has
Revised chapters will be forwarded to all subscribers to the rules. been introduced.
Buyers of reprints are advised to check the updated list of rule chap- — In Table C6 the class notations PLUS-1 and PLUS-2 have been
ters printed in Pt.0 Ch.1 Sec.1 to ensure that the chapter is current. replaced by the class notation PLUS.

Main changes adopted January 2010 Main changes coming into force 1 January 2010
Coming into force 1 January 2010
• Sec.1 Class Notations
• Sec.1 Class Notations
— In Table C1, a new row has been inserted covering the new class
— In Table C2, the row covering special feature notation EL-1 has notation SPS.
been deleted and the row covering EL-2 has been amended. — In Table C5 the new class notation ESV (Enhanced System Ver-
— In Table C6, new rows have been inserted covering the new class ification) has been introduced.
notations ECA(SOx-A) and ECA(SOx-P). — In Table C6, the new class notation COAT-PSPC(V) has been
— In Table C6, new rows have been inserted covering the new class inserted.
notation SILENT.
Coming into force 1 July 2010
• Sec.1 Class Notations
— In Table C4 the class notation PIMS-HULL has been deleted.
The service is replaced by a planned maintenance system (PMS) Corrections and Clarifications
- hull.
— In Table C6, a new line related to class notation (N) - ship also In addition to the above stated rule requirements, a number of correc-
complying with the requirements of the Norwegian Maritime Di- tions and clarifications have been made to the existing rule text.
rectorate (NMD) or the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate (NPD)
has been inserted. The notation (N) may be applied to ships with
class notation CRANE (NPD).

Comments to the rules may be sent by e-mail to

For subscription orders or information about subscription terms, please use
Comprehensive information about DNV and the Society's services is found at the Web site
© Det Norske Veritas
Computer Typesetting (Adobe FrameMaker) by Det Norske Veritas
Printed in Norway

If any person suffers loss or damage which is proved to have been caused by any negligent act or omission of Det Norske Veritas, then Det Norske Veritas shall pay compensation to such person
for his proved direct loss or damage. However, the compensation shall not exceed an amount equal to ten times the fee charged for the service in question, provided that the maximum compen-
sation shall never exceed USD 2 million.
In this provision "Det Norske Veritas" shall mean the Foundation Det Norske Veritas as well as all its subsidiaries, directors, officers, employees, agents and any other acting on behalf of Det
Norske Veritas.
Amended, Rules for Ships, July 2009
see Pt.0 Ch.1 Sec.3 January 2010 Pt.1 Ch.2 Contents – Page 3


SEC. 1 CLASS NOTATIONS .......................................... 5 C. Optional Class Notations ................................................... 10

C 100 Class notations - optional ship types...............................10
A. General...................................................................................5 C 200 Optional class notations - general ...................................12
A 100 Class notations ..................................................................5
C 300 Optional class notations related to cargo .......................12
B. Mandatory Class Notations..................................................5 C 400 Optional class notations related to service area .............14
B 100 General ..............................................................................5 C 500 Optional class notations related to survey and
B 200 Construction symbols........................................................5 management schemes .....................................................15
B 300 Main character of class .....................................................5 C 600 Optional class notations related to equipment and
B 400 Service restrictions............................................................5 systems ...........................................................................15
B 500 Modified rule requirements related to size and general C 700 Optional class notations related to design features ........23
B 600 Main ship types .................................................................6 C 800 The NAUTICUS notation...............................................26
B 700 Class notations - main ship types - passenger ships .........6
B 800 Class notations - main ship types - cargo ships ................7 SEC. 2 HISTORICAL CLASS NOTATIONS ............. 27
B 900 Class notations - mandatory survey scheme .....................7
B 1000 Additional mandatory class notations - for main ship A. Historical Class Notations ................................................. 27
types ..................................................................................8 A 100 General............................................................................27


Rules for Ships, July 2009 Amended,
Pt.1 Ch.2 Contents – Page 4 see Pt.0 Ch.1 Sec.3 January 2010


Amended, Rules for Ships, July 2009
see Pt.0 Ch.1 Sec.3 January 2010 Pt.1 Ch.2 Sec.1 – Page 5


A. General
A 100 Class notations Table A1 Class notations structure
101 Class notations are assigned in order to determine appli- Construction symbol, see B200
cable rule requirements for assignment and retention of class. Main character of class, see B300
Class notations cover mandatory and optional requirements Mandatory
class Service area restriction, see B400
(see Table A1).
notations Main ship types, survey scheme and class notations
102 Applicable class notations are given in Tables B3 to B6 for additional strengthening, see Table B3, B4, B5
(mandatory notations) and Tables C1 to C7 (optional class no- and B6
tations). Related to ship types, see Table C1
103 Class notations may be given a supplemental symbol. Related to cargo, see Table C2
The supplement is used to identify special requirements or lim-
Optional Related to service area, see Table C3
itations related to the class notation. class Related to survey scheme, see Table C4
104 Examples of typical class notations are shown in Table notations Related to equipment and systems, see Table C5
A2. Related to design features, see Table C6
105 Class notations with no specific survey requirements is NAUTICUS notations, see Table C7
marked with N/A in Tables B3-B6 and Tables C1-C7.

Table A2 Typical class notations

Example 1 Example 2 Example 3
Construction symbol, see B200 # # #
Main character of class, see B300 1A1 1A1 1A1
Main ship types, see Table B4 Bulk Carrier ESP Tanker for Oil ESP
class Mandatory survey scheme related to
notations a survey scheme for bulk and ore car- ESP ESP
riers and tankers, see Table B5
Additional class notations for main ES(S) CSR BC-A CSR
ship types, see Table B6 Holds 2,4,6 may be empty
Related to ship types, see Table C1 Supply Vessel
Related to cargo, see Table C2 LFL
Related to service area, see Table C3 ICE-1A
Related to Survey scheme, see TMON TMON CLEAN
Optional Table C4
class Related to equipment and systems, DEICE E0 F-AM RPS
notations see Table C5 E0 E0 VCS-2 NAUT-AW HELDK-SH
Related to design features, see PLUS SF
Table C6
NAUTICUS notations, see
Table C7*) NAUTICUS (Newbuilding)
*) For certain types of ships, the NAUTICUS (Newbuilding) notation is mandatory and part of main class.

B. Mandatory Class Notations B 300 Main character of class

301 The notation 1A1 will be assigned to ships with hull, ma-
B 100 General chinery, systems and equipment found to be in compliance with
101 All ships being assigned class with the Society will be applicable rule requirements as given in Pt.2, Pt.3 and Pt.4.
given a class notation consisting of a construction symbol, a 302 The notation 1A1 will also be assigned to ships designed
main character of class, service area restriction notations and and constructed in accordance with the rules of another classi-
main ship type notations, as applicable. fication society, and later assigned class with the Society.
B 200 Construction symbols B 400 Service restrictions
201 The construction symbol # will be assigned to ships 401 The service area notation R followed by a number or a
built under the supervision of the Society. letter will be assigned to ships with certain modifications to ar-
202 The construction symbol # · will be assigned to ships rangement, equipment or scantlings, in relation to ships built
built under the supervision of a recognized classification soci- for unrestricted trade.
ety and later assigned class with the Society. For such ships The service area restrictions, given in nautical miles and repre-
the class notations which the Society considers to have the senting the maximum distance from nearest port or safe an-
equivalent intent will be assigned. chorage, are given in Table B1. For the various service area
203 Ships other than those described in 201 and 202, will not notations the restrictions are related to the zones, areas and sea-
be assigned construction symbol when classed with the Society. sonal periods as defined in the International Convention on


Rules for Ships, July 2009 Amended,
Pt.1 Ch.2 Sec.1 – Page 6 see Pt.0 Ch.1 Sec.3 January 2010

Load Lines, 1966, Annex II. Table B2 Modified rule requirements

The service area notation RE is limited to enclosed waters such Rule set Size and arrangement
as fjords, ports, rivers and smaller lakes. Pt.3 Ch.1 Sec.1 regarding definition of length (barge/push-tug)
The service area restrictions as related to the assigned service Pt.3 Ch.2 Sec.1
area notation will be included in the “Appendix to the Class Pt.3 Ch.1 Sec.3 regarding subdivision
Certificate”. Pt.3 Ch.2 Sec.3
Pt.3 Ch.1 Sec.5 regarding hull section modulus
Pt.3 Ch.2 Sec.5
Table B1 Service area restrictions
Pt.3 Ch.1 Sec.13 regarding connection barge and push-tug
Service area Seasonal zones (nautical miles)
Pt.3 Ch.3 Sec.3 regarding anchoring and mooring equipment
notations Winter Summer Tropical
Pt.4 Ch.6 Sec.4 regarding bilge pumping for ships less than
R0 250 No restrictions No restrictions 100 gross tonnage
R1 100 200 300
Pt.4 Ch.8 Sec.3 regarding electrical installations (outside tropical
R2 50 100 200 waters)
Pt.4 Ch.10 Sec.2 regarding
R3 20 50 100 fire safety measures on cargo ships of
R4 5 10 20 less than 500 gross tonnage
RE Enclosed waters B 600 Main ship types
402 Modified requirements related to the various service 601 Ships that comply with additional requirements given in
area notations are given in the relevant sections of the rules. Pt.5 will be given a ship type class notation. A passenger ship
The modifications will affect: is a ship which carries more than twelve passengers. A cargo
ship is any ship which is not a passenger ship.
— design hull girder loads 602 A passenger ship will be given the main class notation
— design pressures on shell, weather decks, superstructures Passenger Ship or a main ship type class notation given in
and deckhouses Table B3.
— anchoring and mooring equipment
— arrangement 603 A cargo ship of the types shown in Table B4 will be giv-
— stability. en the corresponding main ship type class notation.
604 Cargo ships with class notations shown in Table B4 will
403 The flag authority whose domestic requirements are be- be amended with a mandatory survey scheme class notation as
ing applied under the provision of Ch.1 Sec.2 A307 (local given in Table B5.
trade), shall be indicated in parentheses after the service area
notation, by using lower-case country codes in accordance 605 Additional mandatory class notations for main ship
with ISO 3166, (e.g. R2 (nor), should the flag authority be types arranged and/or strengthened for a special service are
Norway or R2 (usa) should the flag authority be U.S.A. etc.). given in Table B6.
404 Other service restrictions or operational limits included 606 The class notation for main ship types given in Table B3
in the design assumptions for a ship will be stated in the “Ap- and B4, may be replaced by alternative ship type class nota-
pendix to the Class Certificate”, and/or on special signboards. tions as shown in Table C1.
B 500 Modified rule requirements related to size and B 700 Class notations - main ship types - passenger
general arrangement ships
501 Modified rule requirements related to the size of the ship 701 Table B3 gives mandatory main ship type class nota-
and its general arrangement are given in Table B2. tions for passenger ships.

Table B3 Main ship type class notations - passenger ships

Design Survey
Class notation Description Application requirements, requirements,
rule reference rule reference
Ship designed primarily for Passenger ships, mandatory Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, 3
Passenger Ship Pt.5 Ch.2 Sec.2
carriage of passengers as of July 1995 and 4
Ro/Ro ship designed for regu-
lar transport of passengers
A and vehicles. Vehicles on en-
closed decks
Car and Ro/Ro ship designed for regu- Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, 3
Car and train ferries Pt.5 Ch.2 Sec.3
Train Ferry lar transport of passengers and 4
and vehicles. Vehicles on
B weather decks only. Requires
operating restriction R2 or
Ro/Ro ship designed for regu-
lar transport of passengers
A and cars. Cars on enclosed
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, 3
Car Ferry Ro/Ro ship designed for regu- Car ferries Pt.5 Ch.2 Sec.3 and 4
lar transport of passengers
B and cars. Cars on open decks
only. Requires operating re-
striction R2 or stricter


Amended, Rules for Ships, July 2009
see Pt.0 Ch.1 Sec.3 January 2010 Pt.1 Ch.2 Sec.1 – Page 7

Table B3 Main ship type class notations - passenger ships (Continued)

Design Survey
Class notation Description Application requirements, requirements,
rule reference rule reference
Ro/Ro ship designed for regu-
lar transport of passengers
A and trains. Trains on enclosed
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, 3
Train Ferry Ro/Ro ship designed for regu- Train ferries Pt.5 Ch.2 Sec.3 and 4
lar transport of passengers
B and trains. Trains on open
decks only. Requires operat-
ing restriction R2 or stricter
B 800 Class notations - main ship types - cargo ships
801 Table B4 gives mandatory main ship type class nota-
tions for cargo ships.

Table B4 Main ship type class notations - cargo ships

Design Survey
Class notation Description Application requirements, requirements,
rule reference rule reference
Ships designed for carriage of Bulk carriers Pt.5 Ch.2 Sec.5 Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, 3
Bulk Carrier solid bulk cargoes and Sec.8 and 4
Ships intended for separate
Bulk Carrier or Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, 3
carriage of oil and dry cargoes Combination carriers Pt.5 Ch.3
Tanker for Oil and 4
in bulk.
Ships exclusively intended Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.4 A
Container Carrier for the carriage of containers Container carriers Pt.5 Ch.2 Sec.6 and B
Ships designed for carriage of Ore carriers Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, 3
Ore Carrier Pt.5 Ch.2 Sec.5
ore cargoes in centre holds and 4
Ore Carrier or Ships intended for separate Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, 3
carriage of oil and/ore in bulk Combination carriers Pt.5 Ch.3
Tanker for Oil and 4

Specific types of liquid chem- Chemical carriers. Cargoes

not requiring full compliance
icals. C denotes the type of
C with Pt.5 Ch.4 Sec.1 to 14.
cargo for which the ship is Chemical carriers according
classed. Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, 3
to the IBC or BHC code Pt.5 Ch.4 Sec.1 and 4
Chemical carriers. Cargoes
Chemicals All types of liquid chemicals listed in IBC Code Ch. 17 and
18 with additions given in
IMO MEPC.2/Circ.xx List 1.
Tanker for Com- Ships intended for transporta- Compressed natural gas carri- Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, 3
pressed tion of compressed natural Pt.5 Ch.15
ers and 4
Natural Gas gas
Liquefied Ships intended for transporta- Liquefied gas carriers Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, 3
Pt.5 Ch.5
Gas tion of liquefied gas and 4
Ships intended for transport
Oil Oil carriers
of oil in bulk Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, 3
Pt.5 Ch.3
Oil All types of oil products ex- and 4
Oil product carriers
Products cept crude oil

B 900 Class notations - mandatory survey scheme

901 Table B5 give a mandatory class notation related to a
survey scheme for bulk and ore carriers and tankers.

Table B5 Mandatory survey scheme class notation

Design Survey
Class notation Description Application requirements, requirements,
rule reference rule reference
Mandatory for ships with class notations:
Bulk Carrier,
Bulk Carrier or Tanker for Oil,
Enhanced survey programme Ore Carrier, Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, 3
ESP Ore Carrier or Tanker for Oil, and 4
Tanker for Chemicals, Tanker for C,
Tanker for Oil and
Tanker for Oil Products.


Rules for Ships, July 2009 Amended,
Pt.1 Ch.2 Sec.1 – Page 8 see Pt.0 Ch.1 Sec.3 January 2010

B 1000 Additional mandatory class notations - for main in Pt.5 or Pt.8 will be assigned corresponding additional class
ship types notations for main ship types.
1001 Ships arranged and/or strengthened for a special serv- Additional mandatory class notations applicable for main ship
ice and found to be in accordance with relevant requirements types are given in Table B6.

Table B6 Additional mandatory class notations for main ship types

Design Survey
Class notation Description Application requirements, requirements,
rule reference rule reference
Strengthened to carry dry Mandatory for ships with
bulk cargoes with cargoes of class notation Bulk Carrier
A cargo density 1.0 t/m3 and with L > 150 m unless BC-B,
BC-B* or BC-C is assigned.
above with specified holds Optional for other bulk carri-
empty, at maximum draught. ers and general cargo carriers.
Strengthened to carry dry Mandatory for ships with
bulk cargoes with cargoes of class notation Bulk Carrier
B cargo density 1.0 t/m3 and with L > 150 m unless BC-A,
BC-B* or BC-C is assigned.
above with all cargo holds Optional for other bulk carri-
loaded. ers and general cargo carriers.
BC- Pt.5 Ch.2 Sec.5 N/A
Strengthened to carry dry Mandatory for ships with
bulk cargoes with cargoes of class notation Bulk Carrier
B* density 1.0 t/m3 and above with L > 150 m unless BC-A,
with any hold empty at maxi- BC-B or BC-C is assigned.
Optional for other bulk carri-
mum draught ers and general cargo carriers.
Mandatory for ships with
Strengthened to carry dry class notation Bulk Carrier
bulk cargoes with cargoes of with L > 150 m unless BC-A,
C cargo density less than 1.0 t/ BC-B or BC-B* is assigned.
m3 Optional for other bulk carri-
ers and general cargo carriers.
Mandatory for Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2
BOW LOADING Bow loading arrangement Tanker for Oil Pt.5 Ch.3 Sec.14 A202, B105,
when installed B110, C204
Hull structure is based on
IACS common structural Pt.8 Ch.1 Sec.12
rules for Double Hull Oil Tanker for Oil and Pt.8 Ch.1 and
CSR Pt.8 Ch.2 /
Tankers with length Bulk Carrier Ch.2 Chapter 13
≥ 150 m and Bulk Carriers
with length ≥ 90 m
Mandatory for double side
skin ships with class notation
Enhanced strength
(D) Double side skin bulk carrier Bulk Carrier, may be used in
any combination with the oth-
er supplements
Mandatory for ships with
class notation Ore Carrier,
Enhanced strength
ES(...;...;...) (O) may be used in any combina- Pt.5 Ch.2 Sec.8 N/A
Ore carrier tion with the other supple-
Mandatory for single side
skin ships with class notation
Enhanced strength
(S) Single side skin bulk carrier Bulk Carrier, may be used in
any combination with the oth-
er supplements


Amended, Rules for Ships, July 2009
see Pt.0 Ch.1 Sec.3 January 2010 Pt.1 Ch.2 Sec.1 – Page 9

Table B6 Additional mandatory class notations for main ship types (Continued)
Design Survey
Class notation Description Application requirements, requirements,
rule reference rule reference
Strengthened to carry dry Mandatory for Bulk Carrier
bulk cargoes with cargoes of with L < 150 m, unless either
A density 1.0 t/m3 and above HC-A, HC-B*, HC-C, BC-A,
with specified holds empty, at BC-B, BC-B* or BC-C is as-
maximum draught. signed
Mandatory for Bulk Carrier
Strengthened to carry dry with L < 150 m, unless either
bulk cargoes with cargoes of HC-A, HC-B, HC-C, BC-A,
B density 1.0 t/m3 and above BC-B, BC-B* or BC-C is as-
with all holds loaded. signed
Strengthened to carry dry Mandatory for Bulk Carrier
HC- bulk cargoes with cargoes of with L < 150 m, unless either Pt.5 Ch.2 Sec.5 A N/A
B* 3
density 1.0 t/m and above HC-A, HC-B, HC-B*, BC-A,
with any hold empty at maxi- BC-B, BC-B* or BC-C is as-
mum draught. signed
Strengthened to carry dry Not applicable for
C bulk cargoes with cargoes of Bulk Carrier ESP with
density less than 1.0 t/m . length more than 150 m.
Designed to carry dry bulk Not applicable for
cargoes, applicable for ves-
M Bulk Carrier ESP with
sels not in compliance with length more than 150 m.
Holds may be empty at full
Holds n may be draught where n is the identi- Mandatory for ships with
fication number for each hold class notation BC-A or HC-A Pt.5 Ch.2 Sec.5 N/A
that may be empty
Systems for inerting of tanks Mandatory if installed on
INERT and void spaces within the Tanker for Oil with DWT < Pt.5 Ch.3 Sec.11 N/A
cargo area 20 000 ton
Mandatory for Bulk Carrier
Maximum Cargo Designed for a maximum car- BC-A or BC-B designed for a Pt.5 Ch.2 Sec.5
x.y t/m3 N/A
Density go density x.y in t/m3 maximum cargo density less
than 3.0 t/m3
Ships not designed for load-
No MP ing and unloading in multiple Bulk Carrier Pt.5 Ch.2 Sec.5 N/A
Mandatory for
SPM Single point mooring Tanker for Oil Pt.5 Ch.3 Sec.15 N/A
when installed
Mandatory for
STL Submerged turret loading Tanker for Oil Pt.5 Ch.3 Sec.14 N/A
when installed


Rules for Ships, July 2009 Amended,
Pt.1 Ch.2 Sec.1 – Page 10 see Pt.0 Ch.1 Sec.3 January 2010

C. Optional Class Notations with relevant rule requirements may in stead of the main ship
class notation given in Table B3 and B4, be assigned a corre-
C 100 Class notations - optional ship types sponding optional ship type class notation as given in
101 Ships arranged and/or strengthened for a special service, Table C1.
other than those given in B1000, and found to be in accordance

Table C1 Optional ship type class notations

Design Survey
Class notation Description Application requirements, requirements,
rule reference rule reference
Barge or pontoons without Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, 3
Barge sufficient means for self pro- Pt.5 Ch.7 Sec.14 and 4
pulsion for their service area
for Deck Intended for deck load only
Barge or pontoons without
for Intended for storage and car- sufficient means for self pro- Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, 3
Barge Liquefied Pt.5 Ch.7 Sec.14
riage of liquefied gas pulsion for their service area and 4
Intended for storage and car-
for Oil riage of oil
Pipe Laying Specially intended for laying Barge or pontoons without Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, 3
Barge pipelines on the sea bottom sufficient means for self pro- Pt.5 Ch.7 Sec.6 and 4
pulsion for their service area
Cable Laying Specially intended for laying Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, 3
Barge cables on the sea bottom Pt.5 Ch.7 Sec.16 and 4
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 G
Pipe Laying Specially intended for laying Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, 3
Pt.5 Ch.7 Sec.6
Vessel pipelines on the sea bottom and 4
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, 3
Cable Laying Specially intended for laying Pt.5 Ch.7 Sec.16 and 4
Vessel cables on the sea bottom Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 G
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, 3
Car Carrier Intended for carriage of cars Pt.5 Ch.2 Sec.7 and 4
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, 3
Specially intended for lifting Barge or pontoons without Pt.5 Ch.7 Sec.7
Crane Barge and 4
operations sufficient means for self pro- and Sec.14 Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 F
pulsion for their service area
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, 3
Specially intended for lifting
Crane Vessel Pt.5 Ch.7 Sec.7 and 4
operations Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 F
Specially intended for dredg- Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, 3
Dredger Pt.5 Ch.7 Sec.8
ing and 4
Specially intended for escort
service where n is the steering
force acting on the assisted Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, 3
Escort (n,V) ship in t for escort vessel Pt.5 Ch.7 Sec.15 and 4
speed V. If tested at both 8
and 10 knots the class nota-
tion will read (n,8 n,10)
Arranged for fishing as main Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, 3
Fishing Vessel Pt.5 Ch.6
purpose and 4
Arranged for lift on/lift off Mandatory when the ship is
General Cargo cargo handling and intended Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, 3
also designed for carriage of Pt.5 Ch.2 Sec.4
Carrier for carriage of general dry and 4
solid bulk cargoes
Flying a naval flag and ad-
ministered by a national naval Pt.5 Ch.14 Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.7 A
[navdist] In case of deviations from the Also applicable for the class Pt.5 Ch.14 Sec.1 E N/A
rules and given class notation notation Naval Support
and or service restriction.


Amended, Rules for Ships, July 2009
see Pt.0 Ch.1 Sec.3 January 2010 Pt.1 Ch.2 Sec.1 – Page 11

Table C1 Optional ship type class notations (Continued)

Design Survey
Class notation Description Application requirements, requirements,
rule reference rule reference
Flying a naval flag and ad-
ministered by a national naval May be used in any combina-
administration with additional Pt.5 Ch.14
hull tion with the other supple- Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.7 A
naval requirements to ar- Sec.2, 3 and 4
rangement, loads and hull
Flying a naval flag and ad- May be used in any combina-
ministered by a national naval
stab tion with the other supple- Pt.5 Ch.14 Sec.5 Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.7 A
administration with naval re- ments
quirements to stability.
Flying a naval flag and ad-
ministered by a national naval
administration with additional May be used in any combina- Pt.5 Ch.14
system naval requirements to piping tion with the other supple- Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.7 A
Sec. 6, 7, 8 and 9
systems, electrical systems ments
and control and monitoring
Flying a naval flag and ad-
ministered by a national naval May be used in any combina-
Pt.5 Ch.14
fire administration with additional tion with the other supple- Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.7 A
Sec.10 or 11
Naval Support naval requirements to fir safe- ments
(...;...;...;....) ty.
Flying a naval flag and ad-
ministered by a national naval May be used in any combina-
evac administration with naval re- tion with the other supple- Pt.5 Ch.14 Sec.12 Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.7 A
quirements to safe evacua- ments
Flying a naval flag and ad-
ministered by a national naval May be used in any combina-
radhaz administration with naval re- tion with the other supple- Pt.5 Ch.14 Sec.13 Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.7 A
quirements to radiation haz- ments
Flying a naval flag and ad-
ministered by a national naval May be used in any combina-
emc administration with naval re- tion with the other supple- Pt.5 Ch.14 Sec.14 Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.7 A
quirements to electromagnet- ments
ic compatibility.
Flying a naval flag and ad-
ministered by a national naval May be used in any combina-
sam administration with naval re- tion with the other supple- Pt.5 Ch.14 Sec.15 Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.7 A
quirements to storage rooms ments
for ammunition.
Year-round operation in all
1 Polar waters
Year-round operation in mod-
2 erate multi-year ice condi-
Year-round operation in sec-
ond-year ice which may in- Ships designed for ice break-
3 ing for the purpose of escort
clude multi-year ice
inclusions and ice management, and
which are assigned a polar
Year-round operation in thick class notation PC-1 – PC-6,
PC- 4 first-year ice which may in- may be given the additional Pt.5 Ch.1 Sec.8 N/A
clude old ice inclusions notation Icebreaker
Year-round operation in me-
5 dium first-year ice which may
include old ice inclusions
Summer/autumn operation in
6 medium first-year ice which
may include old ice inclusions
Summer/autumn operation in
7 thin first-year ice which may All ships
include old ice inclusions
Specially intended for push- Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, 3
Pusher Pt.5 Ch.7 Sec.12
ing and 4


Rules for Ships, July 2009 Amended,
Pt.1 Ch.2 Sec.1 – Page 12 see Pt.0 Ch.1 Sec.3 January 2010

Table C1 Optional ship type class notations (Continued)

Design Survey
Class notation Description Application requirements, requirements,
rule reference rule reference
Barge or pontoons without
Pusher/Barge Specially intended for push- Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, 3
sufficient means for self pro- Pt.5 Ch.7 Sec.13
Unit ing and 4
pulsion for their service area
Built mainly for the carriage
of refrigerated dry cargo.
(…°C/…°C Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, 3
Reefer Lowest chamber temperature Dry cargo ships Pt.5 Ch.10
sea) and 4
in °C and maximum sea water
temperature in °C
Refrigerated Built for transport of fruit Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, 3
Fruit Juice juices and similar cargoes in Pt.5 Ch.10 and 4
Carrier refrigerated tanks
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, 3
Sealer Designed for catching seals Pt.5 Ch.1 Sec.5 and 4
Slop Reception Serving as floating facilities Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, 3
and Processing for reception and processing Pt.5 Ch.8 Sec.1 and 4
facility of oily water and oil residue
Ships carrying special person-
SPS nel who are neither crew Pt.5 Ch.7 Sec.18 Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.7
members nor passengers
Especially designed to carry Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, 3
Standby Vessel out rescue and standby servic- Pt.5 Ch.7 Sec.17 and 4
es to offshore installations
Arranged for fishing as main Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, 3
Stern Trawler Pt.5 Ch.6 Sec.2
purpose and 4
Designed specially for supply Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, 3
Supply Vessel services to offshore installa- Pt.5 Ch.7 Sec.3 and 4
tions in the North Sea
Designed specially for supply
services to offshore installa- Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, 3
Supply Vessel Basic tions in less severe offshore Pt.5 Ch.7 Sec.3 and 4
environments such as: South
East Asia, Africa and Brazil
Apply to ships intended to
Tanker for carry Asphalt at a temperature Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, 3
Pt.3 Ch.1 Sec.14
Asphalt higher than 80°C at atmos- and 4
pheric pressure.
Tanker for Intended for transport of pota- Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.4 B
Pt.5 Ch.13
Potable Water ble water in bulk and C
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, 3
Tug Specially intended for towing Pt.5 Ch.7 Sec.2 and 4
Arranged and equipped for Barge or pontoons without
Well Stimulation Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, 3
stimulation of wells for pro- sufficient means for self pro- Pt.5 Ch.7 Sec.9
Barge and 4
duction of oil and/or gas pulsion for their service area
Arranged and equipped for Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, 3
Well Stimulation stimulation of wells for pro- Pt.5 Ch.7 Sec.9 and 4
Vessel duction of oil and/or gas Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 B
Bulk Carrier specialised for
the carriage of a single type of
dry bulk cargo. X denotes the
X Carrier Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, 3
type of bulk cargo to be car- Bulk Carrier Pt.5 Ch.2 Sec.9 and 4
ried, e.g.
Alumina Carrier, Cement
Carrier, Sugar Carrier etc.

C 200 Optional class notations - general C 300 Optional class notations related to cargo
201 Optional class notations related to service area, cargo, loading 301 Ships arranged, strengthened and/or equipped for carriage
flexibility, design features, survey scheme, equipment or system may of specific cargoes (and/or cargoes with certain properties) in ad-
be assigned to ships meeting corresponding rule requirements. dition to main cargo type specified by the ship type notations, and
Optional class notations are given in Table C2 to Table C7. found to be in accordance with relevant rule requirements may be
assigned a corresponding optional class notation.
Optional class notations related to cargo are given in Table C2.


Amended, Rules for Ships, July 2009
see Pt.0 Ch.1 Sec.3 January 2010 Pt.1 Ch.2 Sec.1 – Page 13

Table C2 Optional class notations related to cargo

Design Survey
Class notation Description Application requirements, requirements,
rule reference rule reference
Arranged for carriage of fish Fishing Vessel and
(S) in bulk, with shifting boards Pt.5 Ch.6 N/A
Stern Trawler
in cargo holds
Number of twenty-foot equiv-
[...] TEU alent container units (TEU) Container carriers Pt.5 Ch.2 Sec.6 N/A
that may be carried
Permanently equipped for
carriage of fruit needing con- Ships with class notation
CA Pt.5 Ch.10 Sec.5 Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 D
trolled atmosphere in cargo Reefer
Permanently equipped for
carriage of fruit needing con- Ships with class notation
CA (port.) trolled atmosphere in cargo Pt.5 Ch.10 Sec.5 Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 D
chambers with partly portable
Arranged for carriage of con- All ships except
CONTAINER Container Carrier Pt.5 Ch.2 Sec.6 N/A
tainers (implicit)
Fitted with crude oil washing Oil carriers less than 20 000 Pt.5 Ch.3 Sec.13 Pt.7and
Ch.1 Sec.3 B
COW system dwt Sec.4 B
Arranged for carriage of dan-
B Pt.5 Ch.11 Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 E
gerous in solid bulk cargoes
DG- Arranged for carriage of dan-
P gerous goods in packaged Pt.5 Ch.11 Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 E
EC Ships built for easy cleaning Cargo ships Pt.5 Ch.2 Sec.5 Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.7 E
of cargo holds
EL-2 Ships built for easy loading of Special feature notation in-
cargo holds, loading each car- tended for Ore Carriers Pt.5 Ch.2 Sec.5 Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.7 E
go hold in one step
Structures designed for car-
riage of liquid cargoes at tem-
(…°C cargo peratures higher than 80°C.
HOT Tankers Pt.3 Ch.1 Sec.14 N/A
tank no …) Maximum cargo temperature
in °C, applicable for cargo
tank no n
Designed for carriage of liq-
LFL uid with flashpoint lower than All ships except Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2 A
60°C Tanker for Oil and Pt.5 Ch.7 Sec.10 and C, Sec.4 B
Tanker for Chemicals and C
LFL * Flashpoint lower than 43°C

Complying with MARPOL

Annex II requirements for
NLS NLS certificate (Noxious Liq- Oil carriers Pt.5 Ch.3 Sec.1 N/A
uid Substances)
SOLAS Ch.II-2/ Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2 A
Arranged for carriage of vehi- Mandatory for ships arranged
PET Reg.20
cles with fuel in their tanks for lift on/off cargo handling and C
Pt.5 Ch.2 Sec.4
For vessels with regasifica-
1 tion plants mainly intended
for shuttle operation
REGAS- Liquefied natural gas carriers Pt.5 Ch.5 Sec.1 N/A
For vessels with regasifica-
2 tion plants mainly intended
for continuous operation
Equipped with a refrigeration
plant where the lowest cham-
(…°C/…°C Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2 B
RM ber temperature is given in °C Dry cargo ships Pt.5 Ch.10
sea) and C
and maximum sea water tem-
perature in °C
Equipped for carriage of re-
frigerated containers, where Dry cargo ships Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2 B
cooling is supplied from ships and C
refrigeration plant


Rules for Ships, July 2009 Amended,
Pt.1 Ch.2 Sec.1 – Page 14 see Pt.0 Ch.1 Sec.3 January 2010

C 400 Optional class notations related to service area corresponding optional class notation.
401 Ships designed or strengthened for operation within par- Optional class notations related to service area are given in
ticular geographical or environmental areas found to be in ac- Table C3.
cordance with relevant rule requirements may be assigned a

Table C3 Optional class notations related to service area

Design Survey
Class notation Description Application requirements, requirements,
rule reference rule reference
Ships with ice strengthening
for light localised drift ice in
E All ships
mouths of rivers and coastal ar-
Ships with basic ice strength-
C All ships
Ships constructed according to
1C baltic ice rules. Ice thickness All ships
0.4 m
Ships constructed according to
1B baltic ice rules. Ice thickness All ships
0.6 m Pt.5 Ch.1 Sec.3 N/A
Ships constructed according to
1A baltic ice rules. Ice thickness All ships
0.8 m
ICE- Ships constructed according to
1A* baltic ice rules. Ice thickness All ships
1.0 m
Ships constructed according to
baltic ice rules. High powered
1A*F All ships
ships for regular traffic in
heavy Baltic ice.
Ships constructed according to
05 arctic ice rules. Ice thickness
0.5 m, no ramming anticipated
Ships constructed according to
10 arctic ice rules. Ice thickness All ships Pt.5 Ch.1 Sec.4 N/A
1.0 m, no ramming anticipated
Ships constructed according to
15 arctic ice rules. Ice thickness
1.5 m, no ramming anticipated
Designed for icebreaking as Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, 3
Icebreaker Pt.5 Ch.1 Sec.4
main purpose and 4
Ships constructed according to
10 arctic ice rules with ice thick-
ness 1.0 m, accidental ramming
Ships constructed according to
POLAR- 20 arctic ice rules with ice thick- All ships Pt.5 Ch.1 Sec.4 N/A
ness 2.0 m, accidental ramming
Ships constructed according to
30 arctic ice rules with ice thick-
ness 3.0 m, accidental ramming
Ships operating in cold climate
WINTERIZED environments for shorter peri- All ships Pt.5 Ch.1 Sec.6 Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 Y
BASIC ods, not necessarily including
ice covered waters
Ships operating in cold climate
WINTERIZED environments for longer peri-
(t1, t2) ods, where t1 = material design All ships Pt.5 Ch.1 Sec.6 Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 Y
temp. in °C, t2 = extreme de-
sign temp. in °C
Ships operating in cold climate
environments for longer peri-
ods, where t1 = material design
temp. in °C, t2 = extreme de-
WINTERIZED sign temp. in °C.
(t1, t2) All ships Pt.5 Ch.1 Sec.6 Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 Y
ARCTIC Additional requirements for ice
strengthening, propulsion, oil
pollution prevention, helicop-
ter landing facilities and ice
surveillance radar.


Amended, Rules for Ships, July 2009
see Pt.0 Ch.1 Sec.3 January 2010 Pt.1 Ch.2 Sec.1 – Page 15

C 500 Optional class notations related to survey and rule requirements may be assigned a corresponding optional
management schemes class notation.
501 Ships arranged or equipped for alternative means of Sur- Optional class notations related to survey and management
vey during operation found to be in accordance with relevant schemes are given in Table C4.

Table C4 Optional class notations related to survey and management schemes

Design Survey
Class notation Description Application requirements, requirements,
rule reference rule reference
Ships built for in-water survey of
BIS the ship's bottom and related All ships Pt.3 Ch.1 Sec.1 D N/A
Ships subject to an enhanced sur- Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, 3 and
ESP Bulk and oil carriers N/A
vey programme 4
Management of safety and envi-
SBM ronment protection in ship opera- All ships N/A Pt.7 Ch.3 Sec.1
Tailshaft condition monitoring ar-
TMON All ships Pt.4 Ch.4 Sec.1 E Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 Q
Represents an enhanced standard
for the reporting of hull structure
condition. Further, the notation All ships
RATE-A will, on a ship type level, aim at Replaces RATE (A) N/A Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.7 B
complying with current and future in July 2007
technical standards in excess of
main class.
C 600 Optional class notations related to equipment and a corresponding optional class notation.
systems Optional class notations related to equipment and systems are
601 Ships having special equipment or systems found to sat- given in Table C5.
isfy relevant rule requirements in Pt.5 and Pt.6 may be assigned

Table C5 Optional class notations related to equipment and systems

Design Survey
Class notation Description Application requirements, requirements,
rule reference rule reference
Ballast water management sys-
tem complying with the Ballast
Water Convention (BWM/
E(...) CONF/36). Ballast water ex- All ships
change method. (...) denotes ex-
change of ballast method, s, f or
Ballast water management sys-
tem complying with the Ballast
Water Convention (BWM/
CONF/36). Ballast water en- Pt.6 Ch.18 Sec.3 Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 W
EP(...) All ships
hanced exchange-performance.
Ballast water exchange method.
(...) denotes exchange of ballast
method, s, f or d.
BWM- Exchange by sequential meth-
s od.
Exchange by flow through All ships with class notation
f BWM-E and BMW-EP
d Exchange by dilution method.
Ballast water management sys-
tem complying with the Ballast
T Water Convention (BWM/
CONF/36). Ballast water treat-
ment method.
Ballast water management sys- All ships Pt.6 Ch.18 Sec.3 Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 W
tem complying with the Ballast
Water Convention (BWM/
TP CONF/36). Ballast water treat-
ment method, where P indicates
Centralised operation of cargo Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.4
CCO All ships Pt.6 Ch.6
and ballast handling systems C204
Requirements for controlling Pt.6 Ch.12 Sec.1, Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 P
CLEAN and limiting operational emis- All ships 2 and 3
sions and discharges


Rules for Ships, July 2009 Amended,
Pt.1 Ch.2 Sec.1 – Page 16 see Pt.0 Ch.1 Sec.3 January 2010

Table C5 Optional class notations related to equipment and systems (Continued)

Design Survey
Class notation Description Application requirements, requirements,
rule reference rule reference
Specifies additional design re-
quirements for protection Pt.6 Ch.12 Sec.1, Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 P
CLEAN- DESIGN against accidents and for limit- All ships 2 and 3
ing their consequences
Certification of shipboard crane All ships except for
CRANE Pt.6 Ch.1 Sec.3 Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 F
Crane Vessel (implicit)
DEICE De-icing or anti-icing systems All ships Pt.6 Ch.1 Sec.5 Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 J
DEICE- C Including cargo deck area All ships Pt.6 Ch.1 Sec.5 Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 J
Arranged for support of diving
BOUNCE operations intended for dredg-
Arranged for support of diving Pt.6 Ch.1 Sec.4
SAT operations with no operating re-
DSV- DNV-OSS-305 Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 I
strictions DNV-OS-E402
Arranged for support of diving
operations with operating re-
SURFACE strictions to maximum depth 60
m and operating time 8 h
Dynamic positioning system
with an independent joystick
AUT system back-up and a position
reference back-up.
Dynamic positioning system
with redundancy in technical
AUTR design and with an independent
joystick system back-up.
DYNPOS- Support Vessel
Dynamic positioning system
with redundancy in technical Pt.6 Ch.7 Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 L
design and with an independent
AUTRO joystick system back-up, plus a
back-up dynamic positioning
control system.
Dynamic positioning system
AUTS without redundancy.
(A) Annual survey to be carried All vessels with class nota-
out according to scope for com- tion DYNPOS-AUTR and
plete survey. DYNPOS-AUTRO
Environmental regularity
number, ern(a,b,c); indicates All vessels with class nota- Pt.6 Ch.7 Sec.6 Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 L
probable regularity for keeping tion DYNPOS-
Instrumentation and automation Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2
E0 installed to allow for unattended All ships Pt.6 Ch.3 A208, C107,
machinery space Sec.4 C110
Instrumentation and automation Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2
ECO installed to allow for centralised All ships Pt.6 Ch.3 A208, C107,
operated machinery Sec.4 C110


Amended, Rules for Ships, July 2009
see Pt.0 Ch.1 Sec.3 January 2010 Pt.1 Ch.2 Sec.1 – Page 17

Table C5 Optional class notations related to equipment and systems (Continued)

Design Survey
Class notation Description Application requirements, requirements,
rule reference rule reference
Main and emergency propul-
sion is provided by a common
propulsion system (one propel-
ler) with propulsion machinery
redundancy, e.g.:
— two prime movers with
clutch, where one of the
prime movers may be of
power take in type, con-
nected to a common gear,
one shaft line and one rud-
1(a%)(+) der
— double wound electrical
motor (armature and exci-
tation), and partly separate
auxiliary systems for each
prime mover or winding,
where two prime movers or
two windings in operation
constitute the main propul-
sion system and one in op-
eration constitute the
EP- emergency propulsion sys- All ships Pt.6 Ch.19 Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 X
Main and emergency propul-
sion is provided by separate
systems (two propellers), e.g.:
— one prime mover, one shaft
line and one rudder provid-
ing the main propulsion
2(a%)(+) system and one separate
azimuth or pod-thruster
providing the emergency
propulsion system, and re-
dundant auxiliary systems
for each of the propulsion
Main and emergency propul-
sion is provided by separate
systems as for EP-2(a%)(+), in
addition the prime mover and
3(a%)(+) thruster and their auxiliaries are
separated by watertight A-60
bulkheads (two propellers sepa-
(a%) the ratio between emer- All ships with class notation
gency propulsion power and Pt.6 Ch.19 Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 X
main propulsion power in %.
(+) proven position holding ca- All ships with class notation Pt.6 Ch.19 Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 X
pacity. EP
DP[...] Vessels having undergone en-
hanced verification of dynamic
positioning (DP) systems (Pt.6
TAM[...] Vessels having undergone en-
hanced verification of thruster
assisted mooring or automatic
ESV- thruster assisted mooring All ships Pt.6 Ch.22 N/A
(TAM) systems (DNV-OS-
[....] contain the verification
method signifying the
method of verification
HIL “Hardware-In-the-
Loop” testing


Rules for Ships, July 2009 Amended,
Pt.1 Ch.2 Sec.1 – Page 18 see Pt.0 Ch.1 Sec.3 January 2010

Table C5 Optional class notations related to equipment and systems (Continued)

Design Survey
Class notation Description Application requirements, requirements,
rule reference rule reference
In the accommodation spaces.
A Can be assigned in combination
with C and M
In the cargo area. Can be as-
F- C signed in combination with A All ships Pt.6 Ch.4 Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 K
and M
In the machinery spaces. Can be
M assigned in combination with A
and C
Fire Fighter Vessels with special fire fight- Vessels not fully in compli- Pt.5 Ch.7 Sec.5 Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, 3
ing capabilities ance with Pt.5 Ch.6 Sec.5 or and 4
not specifically built for the Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 A
services intended to be cov-
Capability ered by this section but
which have special fire
fighting capabilities in ad-
dition to their regular serv-
Early stage fire fighting and res-
I cue operations close to structure
on fire.
Continuous fighting of large
II fires and cooling of structures.
Can be assigned in combination
with Fire Fighter I All ships intended for fight-
Continues fighting of large fires ing fires on board ships and
and cooling of structures with on offshore and onshore
larger water pumping capacity structures
and more comprehensive fire
III fighting equipment than for II.
Can be assigned in combination
Fire Fighter I
Pt.5 Ch.14
FIRENAV Additional fire protection Naval ships N/A
Sec.11 I
Fuel treatment and conditioning
system, where the fuel oil max-
imum kinematic viscosity at
(…cSt, …kg/ 50°C in is given in cSt and the
FUEL All ships Pt.6 Ch.14 Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 R
m3, …°C) fuel oil maximum density at
15°C is given in kg/m and the
minimum outside air tempera-
ture is given in °C
Notation for ships with fuel cell
installations, mandatory where Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, 3
FC-POWER the fuel cell power is used for All ships Pt.6 Ch.23 and 4
essential, important or emer-
gency services
Notation for fuel cell installa-
tions where the fuel cell power
is not used for essential, impor- Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2
FC-SAFETY tant or emergency users. This All ships Pt.6 Ch.23 and 3
notation is mandatory if the fuel
used is a gas or a liquid fuel
with flash point below 60°C
Mandatory when installed, Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, 3
GAS FUELLED Gas engine installations except for steam driven Pt.6 Ch.13 and 4
LNG Carrier
Helicopter landing area or
HELDK erected platform covering basic All ships Pt.6 Ch.1 Sec.2 Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 H
strength requirements


Amended, Rules for Ships, July 2009
see Pt.0 Ch.1 Sec.3 January 2010 Pt.1 Ch.2 Sec.1 – Page 19

Table C5 Optional class notations related to equipment and systems (Continued)

Design Survey
Class notation Description Application requirements, requirements,
rule reference rule reference
Additional requirements to ship
S safety. Can be assigned in com-
bination with H and F
Additional requirements to hel-
H icopter safety Can be assigned
in combination with S and F
Additional requirements to hel-
icopter facilities Can be as-
F signed in combination with S
and H
HELDK- SH(CAA-N) (CAA-N) means that the heli- All ships Pt.6 Ch.1 Sec.2 Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 H
SHF(CAA-N) copter facility has been evaluat-
ed for additional requirements
specified by the Norwegian
Civil Aviation Authorities, in
“CAA-N BSL D 5-1, Regula-
tion 26 October 2007, no. 1181”
governing commercial air traf-
fic to and from helicopter decks
on vessels and offshore installa-
tions operating on the Norwe-
gian Continental Shelf.
Instrumentation system for
monitoring of hull behaviour
where (...) denotes additional
HMON- (...) supplements denote amount and All ships Pt.6 Ch.11 Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 N
type of monitoring equipment:
A, C, D, E, G, H, L, M, N, O,
P, S, T, W
Loading computer systems for
damage control, apply to inte-
LCS- DC grated systems developed to as- All ships Pt.6 Ch.9 Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 S
sist the master as a decision aid
under damage conditions
Vessels arranged with movable Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.4
MCDK Pt.5 Ch.2 Sec.7
car decks All ships B121


Rules for Ships, July 2009 Amended,
Pt.1 Ch.2 Sec.1 – Page 20 see Pt.0 Ch.1 Sec.3 January 2010

Table C5 Optional class notations related to equipment and systems (Continued)

Design Survey
Class notation Description Application requirements, requirements,
rule reference rule reference
Requirements to bridge design,
instrumentation, location of
equipment and bridge proce-
dures with extended require-
ments to bridge design and
AW instrumentation as well as auto-
matic grounding avoidance sys-
tem and information on the
manoeuvring characteristics of
the ship All ships Pt.6 Ch.8 Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 M
Requirements to bridge design,
instrumentation, location of
OC equipment and bridge proce-
dures with basic requirements.
Requirements to bridge design,
instrumentation, location of
Q equipment and bridge proce-
dures with requirements to nav-
igator qualifications
Requirements to bridge design,
instrumentation, location of
equipment and bridge proce-
dures with requirements and
NAVY guidelines on safety of naviga- Naval ships Pt.6 Ch.17 Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.7 A
tion to demonstrate compliance
with SOLAS Ch. V and the
HSC Code Ch. 13 and Ch. 15 as
Denotes that the bridge has been
designed in accordance with es-
tablished functional require-
NAUT- ments and principles of
ergonomics for reduced work-
load and improved operational
conditions in All Waters (A),
including areas with harsh oper-
OSV(A) ational and environmental con-
ditions such as the North Sea.
Furthermore, that the bridge ar-
rangement provides the infor-
mation and equipment required
for safe performance of the
functions to be carried out at
dedicated workstations.
Denotes that the bridge has been
designed in accordance with es- All ships Pt.6 Ch.20 Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 M
tablished functional require-
ments and principles of
ergonomics for reduced work-
load and improved operational
conditions. Furthermore, that
the bridge arrangement pro-
vides the information and
equipment required for safe per-
OSV(T) formance of the functions to be
carried out at dedicated work-
The extent of the class notation
addresses normal operation in
areas other than the North Sea,
and waters with similar harsh
conditions. In the class notation
the abbreviation (T) stands for


Amended, Rules for Ships, July 2009
see Pt.0 Ch.1 Sec.3 January 2010 Pt.1 Ch.2 Sec.1 – Page 21

Table C5 Optional class notations related to equipment and systems (Continued)

Design Survey
Class notation Description Application requirements, requirements,
rule reference rule reference
Requirements to bridge design,
instrumentation, location of
equipment and bridge proce-
dures with bridge design and
bridge control console. This no-
NAV- O tation applies to ships construct- All ships Pt.6 Ch.16 Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 U
ed to the class of a recognized
classification society before 1st
July 2000 with an equivalent
notation, and later transferred to
the society
Dynamic position system with-
0(...) out redundancy
Dynamic positioning system
1(...) with independent joystick sys-
tem back-up
Dynamic positioning system
2(...) designed with full redundancy
POS CLE- Dynamic positioning system
designed with full redundancy, All ships
plus a back-up dynamic posi-
tion system in an emergency Pt.6 Ch.21 Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 L
3(...) dynamic position control cen-
tre, designed with physical sep-
aration for components that
provide redundancy
The parenthesis after each nota-
tion shall contain the losing So-
ciety's acronym
(A) Requiring annual survey All vessels with class nota-
tion POS-CLE2(...) and
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6
POSMOOR Position mooring systems Support vessel DNV-OS-E301 Y200
Position mooring systems with
thruster assisted mooring sys-
ATA tem dependent on automatic re-
mote thrust control system.
Position mooring systems with
thruster assisted mooring sys- Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6
POSMOOR- TA Support vessel DNV-OS-E301
tem dependent on manual re- Y200
mote thrust control system
Position mooring systems with
mooring system which is de-
V signed for positioning of a ves-
sel in vicinity of other structures
Ships equipped for carriage of
refrigerated containers, with
self contained refrigeration sys-
1 (X/Y) tems requiring electrical power
80-100% chilled cargo
Ships equipped for carriage of
refrigerated containers, with
self contained refrigeration sys-
RC- 2 (X/Y) Dry cargo ships Pt.5 Ch.2 Sec.10 Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 T
tems requiring electrical power
50-80% chilled cargo
Ships equipped for carriage of
refrigerated containers, with
self contained refrigeration sys-
3 (X/Y) tems requiring electrical power
less than 50% chilled cargo
(X) number of forty-foot equiv-
alent refrigerated units that may
be carried on deck. Dry cargo ships with class Pt.5 Ch.2 Sec.10 Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 T
(Y) number of forty-foot equiv- notation RC-
alent refrigerated units that may
be carried in holds.


Rules for Ships, July 2009 Amended,
Pt.1 Ch.2 Sec.1 – Page 22 see Pt.0 Ch.1 Sec.3 January 2010

Table C5 Optional class notations related to equipment and systems (Continued)

Design Survey
Class notation Description Application requirements, requirements,
rule reference rule reference
Redundant propulsion systems
applicable to vessels where the
propulsion system is of a redun-
dant design such that at least
RP 50% of the propulsion power All ships Pt.6 Ch.2 N/A
can be restored after any single
failure in the propulsion system,
before the vessel has lost steer-
ing speed.
Redundant propulsion that in
addition to RP cover failures,
RPS which are caused by fire and All ships Pt.6 Ch.2 N/A
flooding incidents, before the
vessel has lost steering speed.
Systems for control of vapour
emission from cargo tanks and
1 in compliance with IMO MSC/
Circ. 585
Systems for control of vapour
emission from cargo tanks and Tanker for Oil, Tanker for
VCS- 2 in compliance with IMO MSC/ Oil Products, Tanker for Pt.6 Ch.10 Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 O
Circ. 585 and USCG CFR 46 Chemicals
Part 39
Systems for control of vapour
emission from cargo tanks and
3 with a minimum recovery rate
Additional requirements to va- Ships with class notation
B Pt.6 Ch.10 Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 O
pour balancing VCS-1, VCS-2 or VCS-3
Ship meet specified vibration
level criteria measured at pre-
VIBR defined positions for machin- All ships Pt.6 Ch.15 Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 V
ery, components, equipment
and structure


Amended, Rules for Ships, July 2009
see Pt.0 Ch.1 Sec.3 January 2010 Pt.1 Ch.2 Sec.1 – Page 23

C 700 Optional class notations related to design features or other optional class notations.
701 Optional class notations, related to design features, pro- Optional class notations related to design features are given in
vide information regarding special design assumptions, ar- Table C6.
rangements or equipment which are not covered by main class

Table C6 Optional class notations related to design features

Design Survey
Class notation Description Application requirements, requirements,
rule reference rule reference
Ship also complying with the Fishing Vessel (NMD),
requirements of the Norwe- Stern Trawler (NMD), Pt.5 Ch.6 Sec.7
(N) gian Maritime Directorate N/A
Drilling Vessel (NPD) Pt.5 Ch.7 Sec.6
(NMD) or the Norwegian Pe- CRANE (NPD) Pt.6 Ch.1 Sec.7
troleum Directorate (NPD)
In case of deviations from re-
quirements given in Pt.5
Ch.14, the class notation on Naval Vessels,
(navdist) the certificate shall have the Naval Support Vessels Pt.5 Ch.14 NA
following letters assigned in
brackets: (navdist) - mean-
ing naval distinction.
Additional strength of super- Standby Vessel and ships Pt.5 Ch.7
(S) N/A
structure & deckhouse with DSV notation Sec.17 F
Additional requirements for
corrosion prevention of tanks
1 and holds for newbuildings
and with coating system spec-
ification 1
All ships Pt.3 Ch.1 Sec.15 N/A
Additional requirements for
corrosion prevention of tanks
2 and holds for newbuildings
and with coating system spec-
ification 2
Additional requirements for
corrosion prevention of tanks
and spaces/areas for new-
buildings. The notation pro-
vides compliance with
COAT- SOLAS Ch.II-1 Pt.A-1, Reg.
3-2 and IMO Res.
The ‘X’ in the parentheses
will denote corrosion preven-
tion of different tanks and
PSPC(X) All ships Pt.3 Ch.1 Sec.15 N/A
spaces/areas, as follows:
(B) - IMO PSPC require-
ments for dedicated seawater
ballast tanks of all types of
(D) - IMO PSPC require-
ments for double side-skin
spaces of bulk carriers
(V) - IMO PSPC requirements
for void spaces of bulk carri-
ers and oil tankers
Comfort class covering re- All ships, can be used in com-
C(crn) quirements for indoor cli- bination with V(crn)
Comfort class covering re- All ships, can be used in com-
V(crn) quirements for noise and vi- bination with C(crn) Pt.5 Ch.12 N/A
Comfort rating number. Val-
ues 1, 2 and 3 denote the level All ships with class notation
crn of comfort, where 1 is the COMF-
highest level.


Rules for Ships, July 2009 Amended,
Pt.1 Ch.2 Sec.1 – Page 24 see Pt.0 Ch.1 Sec.3 January 2010

Table C6 Optional class notations related to design features (Continued)

Design Survey
Class notation Description Application requirements, requirements,
rule reference rule reference
Structural scantlings based on
extended calculation proce-
dure covering loads and struc-
2 tural response analysis.
More comprehensive than the
scope of NAUTICUS
CSA- (Newbuilding) All ships Pt.3 Ch.1 Sec.15 N/A
Structural scantlings on ship
specified details and based on
FLS extended calculation proce-
dure covering loads and struc-
tural response analysis.
Design ambient air tempera-
ture for structural material
DAT (-X°C) properties where (-X°C) des- All ships Pt.5 Ch.1 Sec.7 N/A
ignates the lowest design am-
bient temperature in °C
Decks strengthened for heavy
DK(+) Dry cargo ships Pt.3 Ch.1 Sec.4 C N/A
Ships designed to operate all
machinery components e.g.
main propulsion plant, power
(SOx-A) generation plant, steam/ther-
mal oil plant, incinerator etc.
on marine distillate fuel
ECA All ships Pt.6 Ch.25 N/A
Ships designed to operate ma-
chinery components used in
port e.g. power generation
(SOx-P) plant, steam/thermal oil plant,
incinerator etc. on marine dis-
tillate fuel
Tanker for Oil,
Arranged for effective tank
ETC Tanker for Oil Products, Pt.5 Ch.3 Sec.1 N/A
cleaning Tanker for Chemicals
Inner bottom strengthened for
grab loading and discharging Pt.8 Ch.2 /
GRAB [X] with grab mass equal to or Bulk Carriers Chapter 1 Sec.1 N/A
greater than 20 t where X [3.2]
gives the grab mass in t.
Hatches strengthened for
HA (+) Dry cargo ships Pt.3 Ch.1 Sec.4 C N/A
heavy cargo
Tanks or holds strengthened
for heavy liquid where (...)
HL(...) (cargo tank gives maximum cargo density Tanker for Oil,
no…) in t/m3 and (cargo tank no...) Tanker for Oil Products, Pt.3 Ch.1 Sec.4 C N/A
Tanker for Chemicals
indicates cargo tank or hold
Inner bottom strengthened for
grab loading and discharging Bulk Carrier, replaced IB(+)
IB- X where X denotes which areas Pt.3 Ch.1 Sec.6 H N/A
in July 2007
(area 1, 2, or 3) are to be
Inner bottom strengthened for
IB (+) Bulk Carrier Pt.3 Ch.1 Sec.6 H N/A
grab loading and discharging


Amended, Rules for Ships, July 2009
see Pt.0 Ch.1 Sec.3 January 2010 Pt.1 Ch.2 Sec.1 – Page 25

Table C6 Optional class notations related to design features (Continued)

Design Survey
Class notation Description Application requirements, requirements,
rule reference rule reference
Increased corrosion margin in
(BT) ballast tanks
Increased corrosion margin in
(BTs) ballast tanks, strength deck of
the ship and 1.5 m below
Ballast tanks, upper part of
(BTu) the ship (above D/2)
Increased corrosion margin in
(CH) cargo holds
(CHs) Increased corrosion margin in
cargo holds, strength deck of
ICM the ship and 1.5 m below All ships Pt.3 Ch.1 Sec.2 D N/A
Increased corrosion margin in
(CHu) cargo holds, upper part of the
ship (above D/2)
(CT) Increased corrosion margin in
cargo oil tanks
Increased corrosion margin in
(CTs) cargo oil tanks, strength deck
of the ship and 1.5 m below
(CTu) Increased corrosion margin in
cargo oil tanks, upper part of
the ship (above D/2)
Recovered oil reception and All ships except Tanker for
OILREC transportation after a spill of Pt.5 Ch.7 Sec.12 Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 C
Oil (implicit)
oil in emergency situations.
Additional oil pollution pre-
OPP- F vention measures for the fuel All ships Pt.6 Ch.1 Sec.6 Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.4
oil system
Additional requirements for
PLUS the fatigue life of hull struc- All ships Pt.3 Ch.1 Sec.15 N/A
tural details
Decks strengthened for wheel
PWDK Dry cargo ships Pt.5 Ch.2 Sec.4 N/A
Arranged for roll-on roll-off
RO/RO General cargo carrier Pt.5 Ch.2 Sec.4 N/A
cargo handling
Compliance to damage stabil- Supply Vessel, Supply Vessel Pt.5 Ch.7 Sec.4 N/A
SF ity requirements Basic
Vessels using acoustical
A equipment
Vessels conducting seismic
Vessels complying with spec- surveys
SILENT- F ified maximum underwater Fishing vessels Pt.6 Ch. 24 Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.7 H
R noise emission Research vessels
Vessels demonstrating a con-
E trolled environmental noise


Rules for Ships, July 2009 Amended,
Pt.1 Ch.2 Sec.1 – Page 26 see Pt.0 Ch.1 Sec.3 January 2010

C 800 The NAUTICUS notation 803 Ships assigned the NAUTICUS notation with additional
801 NAUTICUS is a notation describing a standard for in- notations will be given the notation NAUTICUS (notation 1,
formation and information availability based on access to the notation 2, etc.).
Society’s product model software technology. 804 New ships may be ordered with the NAUTICUS (New-
802 The NAUTICUS notation will be assigned in combina- building) notation, see Pt.3 Ch.1. Upon delivery from the
tion with additional notations describing specific features re- yard, the NAUTICUS (Newbuilding) notation is retained
lating to specific documentation standards. Applicable and relevant parts of the newbuilding product model are trans-
notations are given in Table C7 and described in separate sec- ferred to a ships in operation product model.
tions under Pt.3 and Pt.7.

Table C7 class notations Nauticus

Design Survey
Class notation Description Application requirements, requirements,
rule reference rule reference
Standard for information and Mandatory for Tanker for
information availability based Oil with L > 190 m, Bulk
on access to the Society's Carrier BC-B or BC-C with
(Newbuild- product model software tech- L > 190 m, Bulk Carrier Pt.3 Ch.1 Sec.15 N/A
ing) nology. Describes an extend- BC-B* or BC-A with L > 170
ed calculation procedure for m and Container Carrier
the verification of hull struc- with
tures L > 190 m
Standard for information and
information availability based
on access to the Society's
(Operation) product model software tech- All ships N/A Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.7 C
nology. Enhanced exchange
of information between the
owner and the Society in the
operational phase


Amended, Rules for Ships, July 2009
see Pt.0 Ch.1 Sec.3 January 2010 Pt.1 Ch.2 Sec.2 – Page 27


A. Historical Class Notations class notations shall remain extant under the rules in force at
the time the class notations were originally assigned. Survey
A 100 General requirements are those of the latest rules covering the notation.
101 Historically, a number of ships will retain previous class Table D1 gives reference to the last issue of the rules contain-
notations that will not be covered under the current rules; these ing the requirements for such notations.

Table D1 Historical class notations

Date entered Date of last
Class notation Description Application Remark into the rules issue

Given in the last few years to ves-

sels found meeting the require-
Last remaining of a series of Main ments, but for reason of special
character of Class that started design, materials, general condi-
1A2 P July 2002
with the 1A1 (the highest class) tion and/or age, it was considered
stepwise down to at one time 3C2. necessary to stipulate shorter in-
tervals between surveys than
those of main class 1A1.

Ship designed for icebreaking as

Arctic Ice
main purpose, with additional P January 1987
Breaker strength compared to Icebreaker

Dynamic positioning system with Replaced with DYNPOS-AUT ,

AUT an independent joystick back-up Support Vessel (which it again superseded when January 2001 July2002
and a position reference back-up introduced)
Dynamic positioning system with Replaced with DYNPOS-AUTR,
redundancy in technical design
AUTR and with an independent joystick Support Vessel (which it again superseded when January 2001 July 2002
Dynamic positioning system with
redundancy in technical design
and with an independent joystick Replaced with
back-up + a back-up DP-control Support Vessel DYNPOS-AUTRO (, which it
AUTRO January 2001 July 2002
system in an emergency DP-con- again superseded when intro-
trol centre designed with physical duced)
separation for components that
provide redundancy.
Replaced with DYNPOS-AUTS
Dynamic positioning system
AUTS Support Vessel (, which it again superseded when January 2001 July 2002
without redundancy. introduced)
Barge or pon-
toons without suf-
Barge for Deck A barge built for deck load only ficient means for Renamed to Barge for January 1992 January 2000
Loading self propulsion Deck Cargo
for their service
Changed to register notation Jan-
COW Crude oil washing uary 1987. Deleted as register no- P January 1993
tation January 1993
Structural scantlings based on ex-
tended calculation procedure cov- Replaced by
ering loads and structural
CSA-1 All ships. NAUTICUS (Newbuilding) as January 1994 July 1999
response analysis.Qualification from July 1998.
(25) or (30) specified is design fa-
tigue life applicable.

Dangerous Ships designed for the carriage of

dangerous solid bulk cargoes, as Dry cargo ships
Solid Bulk Car- Superseded by DG-B January 1991 January 1992
per SOLAS 1981 II-2 Reg.54 and
goes IMO Res.A438

Classification of the drilling der- Included in the scope of the more

DRL Drilling Vessel P January 1984
rick extensive notation DRILL
Arranged for support of diving
DSV-I SF Replaced by DSV-SURFACE P January 2005


Rules for Ships, July 2009 Amended,
Pt.1 Ch.2 Sec.2 – Page 28 see Pt.0 Ch.1 Sec.3 January 2010

Table D1 Historical class notations (Continued)

Date entered Date of last
Class notation Description Application Remark into the rules issue

Arranged for support of diving

DSV-II SF Replaced by DSV-BOUNCE P January 2005
Arranged for support of diving
DSV-III SF Replaced by DSV-SAT P January 2005
DYNPOS Basic position keeping system Support Vessel Discontinued P January 1990
Semi automatic position keeping
DYNPOS-T Support Vessel Discontinued January 1990 January 2001
system without redundancy.
Vessels with refrigerating plants
E0/RO equipped for periodically unat- All ships P July 1992
tended operation
EL Ships built for easy loading of car- Bulk Carriers Replaced by EL-1 July 2007 January 2009
go holds with class nota-
tions BC-A or
Ships built for easy loading of car- Bulk Carriers Discontinued
go holds, loading each cargo hold with class nota-
EL-1 in two steps tions BC-A or January 2009 July 2009
BC-B and Ore
Electronic propulsion system with All ships
EPR January 1990 January 1996
designed redundancy
Vessels designed or built accord-
Experimental P January 1991
ing to previously untried methods
A notation still in use for wooden Discontinued for steel built ves-
Fishing vessels , while no longer used for Fishing sels P 1978
steel ships
Vessel with accommodation for Passenger ships,
Floating Hotel guests at stationary locations in Service restriction RE part of
mandatory as of P July 1997
main class
protected waters. July 1995
Notation implying that the SO- SOLAS requirements for grain
GRAIN LAS requirements for grain sta- Bulk Carrier January 1992 July 2003
bility are complied with.
SOLAS requirements for grain
GRAIN-U Grain loading, untrimmed ends. Bulk Carrier January 1992 July 2003
Assigned to
Assigned to one
Vessel with under-dimensioned one vessel
HA (-) vessel only.
hatches only.
Bulk Carrier,
HC Strengthened for heavy cargo Replaced with BC-B P January 2003
Strengthened for heavy cargo
with a combination of holds emp- Bulk Carrier,
HC-E Replaced with BC-A P January 2003
ty at full draught
Strengthened for heavy cargo Bulk Carrier,
HC-EA with any hold empty at full Replaced with BC-B* January 1992 January 2003
Replaced with HMON (…). Sys-
Hull monitoring systems – basic tem for monitoring hull response,
HMON-1 and more extensive level of in- All ships July 1995 July 2004
sea state and operational parame-
strumentation ters.
Replaced with HMON (…). Sys-
Hull monitoring systems – basic
HMON-2 or tem for monitoring hull response,
and more extensive level of in- All ships July 1995 July 2004
HULL MON-2 sea state and operational parame-
strumentation ters.
Inner bottom strengthened for
IB(+) Bulk Carrier Replaced by IB-X P January 2007
grab loading and discharging
ICE-A P 1969
ICE-A* P 1969
ICE-B P 1969
Notation given to ships operating
in compliance with the ISM code All ships
ISM Discontinued. July 1994 January 1996
for safe ship operation and pollu-
tion prevention


Amended, Rules for Ships, July 2009
see Pt.0 Ch.1 Sec.3 January 2010 Pt.1 Ch.2 Sec.2 – Page 29

Table D1 Historical class notations (Continued)

Date entered Date of last
Class notation Description Application Remark into the rules issue
ICS Integration of control and moni-
toring systems via an integrated All ships Discontinued July 1985 July 2007
Replaced by Reefer and
KMC Vessel with refrigerating plant. Dry cargo ships P July 1989
RM(..°C/..°C sea)
Computer based system for calcu- Replaced with notation LCD-DC
LCS lation and control of loading con- All ships (Loading computer system - January 1994 January 2003
ditions damage control.)
Loading computer system.
S = hull strength,
LCS(SIGD) I = intact stability, All ships January 1994 July 2001
G = grain stability,
D = damage stability
Chemicals with FP below 60°C,
boiling point above 37.8°C, not
health dangerous (partly, chemi- Tanker for Chem-
Liquid Cargo
X-2, H-1 (pt 3-2) cals with FP below 60°C, boiling P P
point below 37.8°C, health dan- icals
gerous even in moderate concen-
Chemicals with FP below 60°C,
Liquid Cargo boiling point below 37.8°C, Tanker for Chem- P P
X-3, H-2 health dangerous even in moder- icals
ate concentrations
Chemicals with FP below 60°C,
boiling point below 37.8°C,
health dangerous even in moder-
Liquid Cargo ate concentrations (partly, chemi- Tanker for Chem- P P
X-3, H-2 (pt 3-3) cals with FP below 60°C, boiling icals
point below 37.8°C, health dan-
gerous even in small concentra-
Nautical aids, comprising bridge
design and nautical instruments as All ships
NAUT-A Discontinued January 1985 January 1992
well as the vessel’s manoeuvring
data and contingency plan

Nautical aids, comprising bridge

NAUT-B All ships Discontinued January 1985 January 1992
design and nautical instruments
Nautical aids comprising bridge
NAUT-C All ships Discontinued January 1985 January 2001
design (only)
Alternative classification proce-
NAUTICUS dures for diesel propulsion ma- January 1999 July 2002
(Propulsion) chinery for ships in operation
Equipped with navigational aids Replaced by NAUT-A, NAUT-B,
NAV P January 1985
and bridge systems NAUT-C
Discontinued when all register
notations were replaced by “spe- January 1991
Onboard computer for stability
OCS All ships (as register July 1993
control cial feature notations” class nota-
Oil Production Vessel intended for production
and Storage and storage of crude oil. Addition- Reference is made to DNV OSS July 1987
Vessel al letter N may be given

Oil Production Vessel intended for production of

crude oil. Additional letter N may Reference is made to DNV OSS July 1987
Vessel be given
Vessel intended for storage of
Oil Storage crude oil. Additional letter N may Reference is made to DNV OSS January 1991
Vessel be given
The notation PIMS (HULL) rep-
resents owners or managers’ Replaced by PIMS-HULL in July January 2007
PIMS (HULL) Planned Inspection and Mainte- All ships July 2007
nance System for Hull.


Rules for Ships, July 2009 Amended,
Pt.1 Ch.2 Sec.2 – Page 30 see Pt.0 Ch.1 Sec.3 January 2010

Table D1 Historical class notations (Continued)

Date entered Date of last
Class notation Description Application Remark into the rules issue
PIMS-HULL Represents owners or managers’ Discontinued
Planned Inspection and Mainte- All ships Replaced by a planned mainte- January 2007 July 2010
nance System for Hull. nance system (PMS) - hull
Structural scantlings and design
of critical details in cargo area
based on enhanced procedures for Discontinued and replaced by
PLUS-1 fatigue calculations. Intended for All ships July 1999 July 2007
ships with a long target life or
ships operating in especially
harsh areas.
Structural scantlings and design
of critical details in cargo area
based on enhanced procedures for Discontinued and replaced by
PLUS-2 fatigue calculations. Intended for All ships July 1999 July 2007
ships with a long target life or
ships operating in especially
harsh areas.
Replaced partly by
Vessel without sufficient means
Pontoon Barge Barge for Deck Cargo, i.e. P January 1991
for self propulsion barges built for deck load only.
Specially arranged for preventing
sea-pollution. Through combina- Discontinued, when MARPOL January 1991
PP1 tions of protective tank arrange- Tanker for Oil Annex I, 13F taking effect (only to Pt.1 July 1995
ments, double bottom and side July1993 Ch.1)
tanks for ballast only.
Specially arranged for preventing
sea-pollution. Through combina- Discontinued, when MARPOL January 1991
PP2 tions of protective tank arrange- Tanker for Oil Annex I, 13F taking effect (only to Pt.1 July 1995
ments, double bottom and side July1993 Ch.1)
tanks for ballast only.
Specially arranged for preventing
sea-pollution. Double bottom and Discontinued, when MARPOL January 1991
double side protecting/covering
PP3 the complete cargo area (possible Tanker for Oil Annex I, 13F taking effect (only to Pt.1 July 1995
July1993 Ch.1)
forward bunker tanks included in
cargo area)
Vessel having an oil production July 1987
PROD plant complying with relevant re- Reference is made to DNV OSS (MOU Pt.6
quirements Ch.6)
Introduced as register notation
Vessel with protected location of Tanker for Oil January 1985,
PST January 1987. Superfluous by P
slop tank July 1998
MARPOL amendment
Service area restriction. Bracket
containing specified numbers as a Replaced by the R0, R1, R2, R3
R (…..) combination of elements and All ships P January 1991
and R4 series of notations
max. allowed distance in nautical
miles from safe harbour.
Represents an enhanced standard
for the reporting of hull structure
condition. Further, the notation
RATE (A) Replaced by RATE-A
will, on a ship type level, aim at All ships January 2007 January 2007
in July 2007
complying with current and future
technical standards in excess of
main class.
Implies design of vessel provides Passenger and dry Subdivision arrangement
SC for a defined degree of survival January 1986 January 1998
cargo vessels
The ship is built in compliance
with the subdivision and damage Passenger and dry Discontinued since the require-
SSC stability requirements in accord- ment is made mandatory in July 2006 July 2008
cargo vessels
ance with revised SOLAS Ch.II-1 SOLAS
(IMO MSC194(80))
Vessels for carriage of ore or sim-
T P 1973
ilar heavy cargo
Tanker for Ships built for transport of fruit Changed to Refrigerated Fruit
Refrigerated juices and similar cargoes in re- July 1992
Juice Carrier
Fruit Juice frigerated tanks


Amended, Rules for Ships, July 2009
see Pt.0 Ch.1 Sec.3 January 2010 Pt.1 Ch.2 Sec.2 – Page 31

Table D1 Historical class notations (Continued)

Class notation Description Application Remark Date entered Date of last

into the rules issue
Fishing vessel, with trawling gal- Side trawling ,
Trawler lows at side making it suitable for fishing vessels Discontinued P January 1990
side trawling
Discontinued, when MARPOL January 1991
Oil leakage protection system
VAC Tanker for Oil Annex I, 13F taking effect (only to Pt.1 January 1997
(vacuum) July1993 Ch.1)
Extended requirements re. one-
man bridge workstation. Ground-
ing avoidance system and auto- Replaced with notation
W1 mation level. Information on All ships NAUT-AW. The letter Q was in- July 1991 January 2001
manoeuvring characteristics. Op- troduced January 2001
erational safety. Optional exten-
sion:-Q (navigator qualification)
Basic one man bridge operation
design, for open seas and coastal Replaced with notation
waters. Workstation arrangement, All ships
W1-OC NAUT-OC. The letter Q was in- July 1991
range and location of equipment. troduced January 2001
Optional extension:-Q (navigator
WINTERIZED Ships operating in cold climate. Replaced by WINTERIZED
All ships January 2006 July 2007
(...°C) Design temperature in °C COLD (t1, t2)
WINTERIZED Satisfying additional require-
ARCTIC (...°C) ments for pollution prevention in Replaced by WINTERIZED
All ships January 2006 July 2007
vulnerable arctic areas. Design ARCTIC (t1, t2)
temperature in °C
Vessels purposely built for whale Fishing
Whaler P 1967
P indicates that the notation was introduced in or before July 1983.


Rules for Ships, July 2009 Amended,
Pt.1 Ch.2 Sec.2 – Page 32 see Pt.0 Ch.1 Sec.3 January 2010


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