General Regulations: Ships
General Regulations: Ships
General Regulations: Ships
JULY 2008
Sec. 1 Classification Principles ............................................................................................................. 5
Sec. 2 Assignment of Class ................................................................................................................. 10
Sec. 3 Retention of Class .................................................................................................................... 13
Sec. 4 Certification of Materials, Components and Systems .............................................................. 17
Sec. 5 Legal Provisions ....................................................................................................................... 19
If any person suffers loss or damage which is proved to have been caused by any negligent act or omission of Det Norske Veritas, then Det Norske Veritas shall pay compensation to such person
for his proved direct loss or damage. However, the compensation shall not exceed an amount equal to ten times the fee charged for the service in question, provided that the maximum compen-
sation shall never exceed USD 2 million.
In this provision "Det Norske Veritas" shall mean the Foundation Det Norske Veritas as well as all its subsidiaries, directors, officers, employees, agents and any other acting on behalf of Det
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Rules for Ships, July 2008
Pt.1 Ch.1 Contents – Page 3
A 200 Definitions 220 Manufacturer: Signifies the entity that manufactures the
material or product, or carries out part production that deter-
201 Board: See A103 mines the quality of the material or product, or does the final
202 Builder: Signifies the party contracted to build a vessel assembly of the product.
in compliance with the Society’s rules. 221 Memorandum to Owner (MO): Constitutes information
203 Certificate: A document confirming compliance with related to the ship, its machinery and equipment or to rule re-
the Society's rules or with other rules and regulations for which quirements. A MO will be issued in relation to information that
the Society has been authorized to act. does not require any corrective action or survey.
204 Certification: A service confirming compliance with ap- 222 Non-convention vessel: A vessel other than a convention
plicable requirements on the date that the survey was completed. vessel.
205 Class: Class is assigned to and will be retained by ves- 223 Owner: Signifies the registered owner or manager of the
sels complying with applicable requirements of the Society’s vessel or any other organization or person who has assumed
rules. the responsibility for operation of the vessel and who on as-
suming such responsibility has agreed to take over all the du-
206 Classification: A service which comprises the develop- ties and responsibilities.
ment of independent technical standards for vessels - the rules
(see 115), and to verify compliance with the rules throughout 224 Plan approval: Signifies a systematic and independent
the vessels' life. examination of drawings, design documents or records in order
to verify compliance with the rules or statutory requirements.
207 Condition of Class (CC): Constitutes a requirement that Plan approval will be carried out at the discretion of the Soci-
specific measures, repairs or surveys shall be carried out with- ety, which also decides the extent and method of examination.
in a specific time limit in order to retain class.
225 Plan approval staff: Personnel authorized to carry out plan
208 Condition on behalf of the flag administration (CA): approval and to conclude whether or not compliance has been met.
Constitutes specific measures, repairs or surveys that shall be
carried out within a specific time limit in order to retain the 226 Port state authority: The maritime authority in the coun-
statutory certificate. try of the vessel’s port of call.
A CA will be issued only when the Society has been authorised 227 Quality system: Signifies both the quality management
to carry out statutory surveys on behalf of the flag administra- system and established production and control procedures.
tion. See 212 and D. 228 Reliability: The ability of a component or a system to
209 Convention vessel: A vessel which due to its tonnage, perform its required function under given conditions for a giv-
usage or dimensions would, if trading in international waters en time interval.
or on international voyages, fall within the requirements of 229 Retroactive Requirement (RR): Constitutes a class or
any, or any part, of the IMO Conventions. statutory requirement that will enter into force for certain ships
210 Customer: Signifies the party who has requested the So- in operation and under construction at a given date or an up-
ciety’s service. coming survey. The RR will specify the required actions to be
taken in order to retain class or statutory certification.
211 Designer: Signifies a party who creates documentation
submitted to the Society for approval or information. RR related to statutory certification will be issued only if the
Society has been authorised to carry out statutory certification
212 Flag administration: The maritime administration of a on behalf of the flag administration.
vessel’s country of registry. 230 Review: Signifies a systematic examination of drawings,
213 Guidance notes: Contain advice which is not mandatory design documents or records in order to evaluate their ability
for the assignment or retention of class, but with which the So- to meet requirements, to identify any problems and to propose
ciety, in light of general experience, advises compliance. necessary actions.
214 IACS: The International Association of Classification 231 Rules: All requirements adopted by the Board as the ba-
Societies. sis for classification.
232 Society: See A102 Vessels with features, systems or equipment which impose
233 Statement of compliance: A document confirming com- risks may be subject to additional main class requirements.
pliance with specified requirements. Such documents may be Applicable notations for main class are given in Ch.2 Sec.1 B.
issued by the Society in cases where it has not been authorized 303 Optional class
to certify compliance.
234 Survey: Signifies a systematic and independent exami- Optional class are additional requirements for special types of
nation of a vessel, materials, components or systems in order vessels, features and systems where the customer may request
to verify compliance with the rules and/or statutory require- the assignment of optional class notations. Applicable optional
ments. Surveys will be carried out on the vessel, at the con- class notations are given in Ch.2 Sec.1 C.
struction or repair site as well as at sub-suppliers and other Upon special consideration, optional class notations as found
locations at the discretion of the Society, which also decides in the Society's other rule books may be assigned to a vessel
the extent and method of control. complying with these rules.
235 Survey staff: Personnel authorized to carry out surveys
and to conclude whether or not compliance has been met. B 400 Conditions and assumptions involving other par-
236 Tentative rules: Provisional requirements and/or guide-
lines to which the Society reserves the right to make adjust- 401 Classification is performed on the basic assumption that
ments in order to obtain the intention reflected in the rules. other parties involved fulfil their individual obligations. Clas-
sification does not substitute the role and/or release the obliga-
237 Verification: A service that signifies a confirmation tions of other parties.
through the provision of objective evidence (analysis, observa-
tion, measurement, test, records or other evidence) that speci- 402 Nothing contained in these rules or in any certificate, re-
fied requirements have been met. port or document issued in connection with or pursuant to
these rules, shall relieve any customer, designer, engineer,
238 Vessel: In the context of this chapter of the rules mean builder, manufacturer, shipyard, seller, supplier, owner, oper-
either: ator, vessel management or any other party from any obliga-
— a ship tions or consequences of default whatsoever.
— a craft, e.g. high speed, light craft 403 Compliance with the rules does not imply acceptance or
— a barge, e.g. a vessel without sufficient means of self pro- commissioning of a vessel. This is the exclusive responsibility
pulsion for their service area of the owner.
— a vessel, e.g. naval support vessel, or
— a unit, e.g. mobile offshore unit (MOU). B 500 Interaction with flag authorities and statutory
239 Witnessing: Signifies attending tests or measurements 501 The vessel's arrangement and equipment shall comply
where the surveyor verify compliance with agreed test or with the requirements given by its flag administration, as ap-
measurement procedures. plicable.
Such compliance is a prerequisite for classification. Compli-
ance shall be demonstrated by possession of the applicable
B. The Classification Concept convention certificates issued according to D. The Society will
not verify compliance with these requirements unless author-
B 100 General ised by the flag administration.
101 The classification concept consists of the development 502 For non-convention vessels, such as but not limited to:
and application of rules with regard to design, construction
and survey of vessels. In general, the rules cover: — cargo ships less than 500 GT
— all ships in domestic trade including passenger ships.
— the structural strength (and where relevant the watertight
integrity) and integrity of essential parts of the vessel's hull possible prerequisites are given in the respective rule chapters
and its appendages, and for the type of vessel in question.
— the safety and availability of the main functions in order to
maintain essential services. 503 For non-convention vessels with more than 12 persons
on board, scope of class may upon special consideration be
102 Class is assigned to a vessel on the basis of compliance subject to additional requirements.
with the rules. Class is maintained in the service period provid-
ed applicable rules are observed and surveys carried out. B 600 The rules
B 200 Assignment of class 601 The rules lay down technical and procedural require-
ments related to obtaining and retaining a class certificate.
201 Class will be assigned to a vessel when applicable re-
quirements have been met. The assignment of class is docu- 602 The rules give requirements for the design, construction,
mented by the issuance of a class certificate or an interim class survey and testing of vessels.
certificate and the entry of the vessel’s main particulars and de- 603 The rules give requirements for the assignment and re-
tails of class in the Society’s "Register of Vessels". tention of main class and for optional class.
202 The class will be retained on the condition that the re- 604 The rules also give requirements for certification of ma-
quirements applicable for retention of class are complied with. terials, components and systems, the extent of which depends
Retention of class is confirmed by annual endorsements and on the scope of main class and optional class.
renewal of the class certificate at 5-year intervals.
605 The rules cover in some areas requirements given in the
B 300 Main and optional class IMO conventions and codes. The Society will verify compli-
ance with these rules.
301 Class is assigned as main (mandatory) class and optional
class. 606 Rules and rule amendments accepted by the Board will
come into force on a date decided by the Board. Unless stated
302 Main class otherwise, the coming into force date shall be six (6) months
Main class stipulates requirements for the vessel’s main functions. after the date of publication.
802 The Society will not disclose information that can be cleaned and prepared for inspection.
considered the property of another party except when permis-
sion is given in writing by that party. 902 The customer shall provide flag authorities and author-
803 Internal communication, notes and calculations pro- ised audit teams with safe access to the vessel and/or to their
duced within the Society in connection with classification will premises in order to audit the Society’s compliance with appli-
not be disclosed to other parties. cable rules, regulations and quality standards.
804 Notwithstanding 801 to 803, the following parties will 903 The Society reserves the right to decline to perform a re-
have access to such information: quested service when inadequate access is provided or the
safety of its surveyors may be compromised.
— authorised representatives of the flag administration
— authorised audit teams performing audits in connection B 1000 Calibration of equipment
with certification of the Society.
1001 Measuring and test equipment used by customers, the
805 Notwithstanding 801 and 803, the Society may disclose result of which may form the basis for the surveyor's decisions,
information requested by a court order, governmental body shall have a calibration status to an appropriate accuracy ac-
(including regional bodies) or other public investigation bodies cording to the rules or as accepted by the surveyor.
that are authorised by a decree.
B 1100 Service suppliers
806 Information recorded in the Society’s “Register of Ves-
sels”, which encompass the status of classification and statuto- 1101 Suppliers providing services on behalf of the customer,
ry surveys and certificates issued by the Society, overdue such as measurements, tests and maintenance of safety systems
conditions, class suspensions, withdrawals and reinstatements and equipment, the result of which may form the basis for the
will be published and/or released to any interested party. surveyor's decisions, shall be approved by the Society, accord-
807 The Society may at its discretion release to other classi- ing to criteria established by the Society.
fication societies information concerning relevant technical in-
formation on serious hull structural, ship machinery and
system failures for the purpose of improving ship safety and
protection of the marine environment. The owners will be in- C. Appeals
formed accordingly.
C 100 Decisions taken by the Society
B 900 Access 101 The customer may request in writing that a decision
901 For the purpose of verifying compliance with the rules, made by the Society shall be taken up for reconsideration. The
the customer shall whenever necessary provide the Society's expenses incurred shall be paid by the customer. However, if
surveyors with safe access to the vessel and/or to their premis- the earlier decision is revoked, the Society’s expenses will be
es. The premises and objects to be inspected shall as agreed be covered by the Society.
D. Statutory Certification been authorised by the flag administration and complies with
IMO Res. A.924 and A.584.
D 100 General
105 The Society may accept that Cargo Ship Safety Radio
101 The Society undertakes statutory certification on behalf Certificates (SOLAS) are issued by a third party that has been
of flag authorities, including approval, survey and the issuance authorised by the flag administration.
of statutory certificates when, and to the extent, the Society has
been authorised to do so by the individual flag administration. 106 For a dually classed vessel, where the Society has not
been authorised by the flag administration to issue statutory
When the Society acts on behalf of a flag administration, the certificates, the Society may accept that such certificates are is-
flag administration’s instructions prevail. sued by the dual class society and provided the other class so-
102 It is assumed by the Society that required statutory sur- ciety is authorised by the flag administration.
veys for ships classed by the Society will be carried out by the
Society or by officers of the flag administration itself and that D 200 Service suppliers
statutory certificates will be issued by the Society or by the flag
administration with the exceptions mentioned in 103 to 106. 201 Where surveyors use the services of service suppliers in
making decisions affecting statutory requirements, the suppli-
The Society assume the right to withdraw class if statutory cer- ers shall be approved by either:
tificates are not issued as above.
103 The Society may accept that Safety Management Certif- — the relevant flag administration
icates (ISM Code) are issued by a third party that has been au- — duly authorised organisations acting on behalf of the flag
thorised by the flag administration and complies with IMO administration
Resolution A.739(18) and A.789(19). — an equipment supplier when explicitly described by IMO
104 The Society may accept that International Ship Security conventions, resolutions or circulars, or
Certificates (ISPS Code) are issued by a third party that has — the Society.
A. Assignment of Class - New Vessels sels within a series may have design alterations from the
original design provided:
A 100 General
a) such alterations do not affect matters related to classi-
101 A request for classification of a new vessel shall be sub- fication, or
mitted in writing by the customer. The Society reserves the
right to decline a request for classification. b) if the alterations are subject to classification require-
ments, these alterations are to comply with the classi-
A 200 Requirements for builder or designer fication requirements in effect on the date on which
201 Builders or designers unfamiliar to the Society shall pro- the alterations are contracted between the prospective
vide the Society with evidence of their capability to successful- owner and the shipbuilder or, in the absence of the al-
ly manage classification projects. teration contract, comply with the classification re-
quirements in effect on the date on which the
Guidance note: alterations are submitted to the Society for approval.
Evidence may incorporate successful outcome of classification
projects carried out for another IACS member society or success- The optional vessels will be considered part of the same
ful outcome of design projects of similar nature. series of vessels if the option is exercised not later than 1
year after the contract to build the series was signed.
3) If a contract for construction is later amended to include
202 Builders or designers shall instruct their subcontractors additional vessels or additional options, the date of "con-
and suppliers of materials, components and systems that the tract for construction" for such vessels is the date on which
Society’s rules apply and that the Society’s certificates shall be the amendment to the contract, is signed between the pro-
provided as and when required by the rules (see Sec.4). spective owner and the shipbuilder. The amendment to the
203 Welding of important structures, machinery installations contract is to be considered as a "new contract" to which 1
and equipment shall be carried out by approved welders, with and 2 above apply.
approved welding consumables and at welding shops approved 4) If a contract for construction is amended to change the ship
by the Society. Requirements for approval of welding shops, type, the date of "contract for construction" of this modi-
welders, manufacturers of welding consumables, welding con- fied vessel, or vessels, is the date on which revised con-
sumables and welding procedures are given in the rules (see tract or new contract is signed between the Owner, or
Pt.2 Ch.3) and by a series of detailed approval programmes. Owners, and the shipbuilder.
204 The following documentation from the builder or de-
signer (workshop and yard) and from subcontractors shall be (IACS PR 29 Rev.4)
submitted when requested by the Society: The Society may upon consideration and in agreement with the
parties involved decide on the rules to be applied.
— information related to the builder’s or designer’s quality
control and quality management system 302 For a vessel in a series of identical vessels under con-
— list of relevant subcontractors to the building yard struction to the class of, or of a design previously approved by
another IACS member society, the Society may accept the de-
— list of relevant subcontractors to the manufacturer of sys- sign approved by that IACS member society provided a review
tems and components to be delivered for the product, if ap- by the Society has demonstrated that the design in principle
plicable. meets the safety and reliability level of the Society’s rule re-
205 To assess compliance with the rules the Society may re- quirements for main class.
quire additional documentation. 303 Where requirements from international maritime con-
ventions have been adopted in the Society's rules, compliance
A 300 Applicable rules with these requirements is mandatory.
301 The rules that apply for assignment of class to a new ves- 304 For a vessel where the flag administration undertakes
sel are generally those in force at the date of “contract for con- approval and surveys of items covered by the rules, the Society
struction”. may accept their decisions as basis for assigning class, provid-
The term date of “contract for construction” shall be con- ed the Society's requirements for main class are complied with.
strued as follows: Necessary documentation, such as copies of approved plans,
reports and other particulars approved by the flag administra-
1) The date of “contract for construction” of a vessel is the tion shall be submitted.
date on which the contract to build the vessel is signed be- 305 A vessel trading solely in domestic waters, or between
tween the prospective owner and the shipbuilder. This date neighbouring states upon agreement between such states, may
and the construction numbers (i.e. hull numbers) of all the be assigned class based on flag administration requirements
vessels included in the contract are to be declared to the for domestic service instead of relevant rule requirements.
classification society by the party applying for the assign-
ment of class to a newbuilding. The assigned class shall in such cases be the class notations
and service restrictions having least possible deviation from
2) The date of "contract for construction" of a series of ves- the rule requirements. The vessel will be assigned an addition-
sels, including specified optional vessels for which the op- al class notation comprising the letters of the nation in accord-
tion is ultimately exercised, is the date on which the ance with ISO 3166.
contract to build the series is signed between the prospec-
tive owner and the shipbuilder. Deviations from the rule requirements will only be considered
Vessels built under a single contract for construction are when acceptance by the flag administration has been docu-
considered a "series of vessels" if they are built to the same mented.
approved plans for classification purposes. However, ves- Deviations from the rule requirements will not be accepted for:
— requirements for structural strength, intact stability, ma- The survey at the customer’s premises may consist of a com-
chinery installations, steering appliances and electrical bination of visual inspections, tests, measurements and review
systems and equipment covered by main class of records.
— optional class notations. 503 The Society may base its methods and extent of exami-
306 For a vessel intended to be permanently moored on loca- nation on the quality system as implemented in the customer's
tion for production and/or storage of hydrocarbons, the Society fabrication processes and as accepted by the Society and, if ap-
may accept decisions by the national administration with juris- plicable, in combination with an agreed manufacturing survey
diction over the waters in which the vessel shall operate (the arrangement.
shelf state) as basis for assigning class. 504 The customer shall submit to the Society certificates for
307 When class is assigned on the basis of a design approved materials, components and systems installed in the vessel and
by another IACS member society, the flag administration or as required by the rules.
according to flag administration requirements or decisions by A 600 Functional testing
national authorities according to 304, 305 or 306, information
to this effect shall be included in the "Appendix to the Class 601 Where specified by the rules, testing shall be carried out
Certificate" (see C106). in the presence of a surveyor, and related requirements for test
In case of class being assigned on the basis of flag administra- programmes shall be observed.
tion requirements according to 306 an Memorandum to Owner 602 A test programme for harbour and sea trials shall be pre-
shall also be issued (see Sec.3 B307). pared by the customer and accepted by the Society. The pro-
gramme shall specify systems and components to be tested,
A 400 Plan approval and the testing procedure.
401 The following documentation shall be submitted: The Society may, in order to verify rule compliance, request
additional tests and/or data to be recorded.
— drawings, plans and specifications required for plan approv-
al as specified in the applicable chapters of the rules and ac- 603 The tests shall give evidence as to satisfactory operation
cording to documentation lists supplied by the Society and performance in accordance with the rules. When testing
— corresponding technical descriptions, calculations and da- control and safety systems, failure modes shall be simulated as
ta, including material specifications realistically as possible.
— outline specification for the vessel.
A 700 Installation of systems and equipment
Any documents submitted for re-approval shall be especially 701 Systems and equipment to be installed on newbuildings
marked to identify revised parts. and that serves as a part of the main functions shall in general
402 Where subcontractors and suppliers are involved, the be new.
customer shall co-ordinate the submission of required plans Guidance note:
and documents, as well as co-ordinate any approval comments If second hand equipment complies with applicable rules for the
given by the Society. newbuilding, it may upon special consideration be installed on
403 Documents subject to approval will be examined by the newbuildings, provided the owner has given a written acceptance.
Society. The results of the examination will be stated in a letter ---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e---
of approval. Comments, conditions and limitations may be
stated on the plans returned or in an accompanying letter.
404 The plan approval may be revoked at any time if subse-
quent information indicates that the solution was contrary to B. Assignment of Class - Existing Vessels
the rules.
B 100 General
A 500 Survey during construction
101 A request for class entry of an existing vessel shall be
501 When a vessel is built under the supervision of the Soci- submitted in writing by the customer. The Society reserves the
ety, the Society will verify: right to accept or decline an application for class entry.
— that the construction and scantlings comply with the rule B 200 Applicable rules
requirements and the approved plans, and that the required
materials are used, 201 Applicable rules for vessels at class entry are given in
— that the materials, components and systems have been cer- Sec.3 B100.
tified in accordance with the rules
— that the work is carried out in compliance with the appli- B 300 Design Approval
cable rules and acceptable standards 301 Before a vessel, which has not been built under the su-
— that satisfactory tests are carried out to the extent and in the pervision of the Society, is surveyed for assignment of class,
manner prescribed by the rules. the information required in A401 shall, in general, be submit-
ted for plan approval.
Guidance note:
IACS Recommendation No. 47 "Shipbuilding and Repair Quali- For a vessel classed with another IACS member society, the
ty Standard” - Part A: for New Construction - is regarded as an submitted information may be reduced to plans showing the
example of an acceptable standard. main scantlings and arrangements of the actual hull and ma-
chinery installations.
302 The extent of plan approval for a vessel, which has been
502 The survey carried out at the construction site and/or at classed, or which was previously classed with a non-IACS
the sub-suppliers will be at the discretion of the Society. member society, will be specified in each case.
The scope of survey will be decided by the Society based on 303 For a vessel that has been built under the supervision of
the builders capability to carry out fabrication (see 201). The another IACS member society, the Society may on the basis of
scope will be based on elements such as but not limited to, risk an overall consideration and survey, exempt the vessel from
based methods, experience feedback and spot checks . rule requirements.
B 400 Class entry survey 107 In case of classification of an existing ship not built un-
401 Prior to assigning class to an existing vessel, that vessel der the supervision of the Society, or classification of an exist-
shall, as a minimum, undergo the surveys pertaining to the age ing ship previously classed by the Society, the surveyor will
and type of the vessel. issue the certificate of interim class when he is satisfied that the
applicable survey requirements have been met.
The scope of survey will in each separate case be decided by
the Society. 108 When the administration of the Society has examined
the surveyor's report and submitted documentation, and is sat-
402 Before assigning class, the flag administration will be isfied that the requirements corresponding to the class in ques-
notified about the class entry. The flag administration may de- tion have been met, the class will be assigned and a
cide that an extended scope of surveys has to be carried out. classification certificate will be issued.
Provided the conditions for retention of class are fulfilled and
unless the class has been withdrawn in writing at an earlier
C. The Class Certificate stage, the class certificate will be valid for 5 years.
C 100 General C 200 Late commissioning
101 When satisfied that all requirements corresponding to 201 If the vessel is not immediately commissioned upon
the class in question have been met, the surveyor will recom- completion of the construction, but is laid up for a period, the
mend that class is assigned and issue an interim class certifi- vessel may be accepted for entry into service upon application
cate or the class certificate. by the owner. The vessel may be subject to a condition survey
102 Class may be assigned with Conditions of Class (see before entering into service.
Sec.1 A107 ). The extent and scope of survey will depend on the time period
103 The interim certificate will be replaced by a full term laid up and conservatory measures taken.
class certificate when the Society has confirmed that applica-
ble requirements have been met. A survey in dry dock may be required.
104 The class certificate is valid provided conditions for re- Provided the hull and machinery is found in all respects free
tention of class (see Sec.3) are complied with, as follows: from deterioration, subsequent periodical surveys will date
from the time of the condition survey.
— for a new vessel: to a date not exceeding 5 years from the
date of class assignment
— for an existing vessel: to a date not exceeding 5 years from
the expiry date of the existing certificate (see Sec.3 C200) D. The Register of Vessels
— for an existing vessel taken into class: to a date not exceed-
ing 5 years from the date of class assignment or, if the So- D 100 General
ciety accepts the periodical surveys credited by the
previous classification society, until the expiry date of the 101 When a vessel has been assigned class, its main particu-
class certificate of the previous classification society lars and details of the class assigned will be entered in the So-
— for an interim class certificate: to a date not exceeding 15 ciety’s “Register of Vessels”. In addition to the class notations,
months from assignment of class. appropriate data related to identification, flag, ownership and
other particulars will also be entered.
105 Upon request, declarations confirming compliance with 102 The class assignment date is entered in the “Register of
the rules may be issued for hull, machinery or specific class no- Vessels”. For vessels built under the supervision of the Socie-
tations provided the Society's main class has been assigned. ty, the due date for the periodical surveys will be calculated
106 An "Appendix to the Class Certificate" will be issued from this date. For vessels built under the supervision of an
stating assumptions for the assignment of class and restrictions other classification society, the due date for the periodical sur-
regarding the use of the vessel which were established or as- veys will depend upon the existing periodical survey schedule
sumed at the time of assignment of class. See also A309. defined by the previous classification society.
A. Conditions for Retention of Class the Society shall immediately be informed. The vessel shall be
surveyed in the first port of call or according to instructions
A 100 General requirements from the Society.
101 The vessel shall be adequately manned, and the hull, ma- The survey shall be of an extent considered necessary by the
chinery, systems and equipment shall be competently handled attending surveyor for ascertaining the extent of the damage.
at all times. 203 In case inspections by port or flag authorities reveal de-
102 Operation of the vessel shall comply with the assump- ficiencies related to certificates issued by DNV, the customer
tions and conditions stated in the “Appendix to the Class Cer- shall immediately notify the Society and request attendance
tificate” and in applicable operating manuals. This includes, onboard.
but is not limited to, the distribution and stowage of cargo, the
distribution of ballast and bunkers, speed and navigation. A 300 Maintenance
103 The vessel, its hull structure, machinery, systems and 301 The customer shall ensure that the vessel, its hull struc-
equipment shall be maintained at a standard complying with ture, machinery, systems and equipment at all times is properly
the requirements of the rules (see also A300). maintained.
104 Installed systems and equipment carried onboard in ex- Guidance note:
cess of the minimum required for main class shall either be Maintenance of the hull structure, machinery, systems and equip-
maintained to applicable standards, or be removed or discon- ment is normally to be in accordance with applicable recognised
nected in such a way as to ensure that the installed system or standards in the industry or in accordance with procedures rec-
equipment cannot be used. ommended by the manufacturer.
202 A survey may consist of a combination of visual inspec- corrected before the survey has been completed will not be re-
tions, audits, measurements, functional testing, non-destruc- corded as CC.
tive testing and review of maintenance and other relevant 309 The Society may at any time modify a Condition of
records. Class or Memorandum to Owner if considered appropriate.
203 The minimum extent of prescribed periodical surveys The owner will be notified accordingly.
are given in Pt.7 Ch.1. The Society may increase the extent of 310 Conditions of Class or Memorandum to Owner are re-
a survey when deemed necessary in order to ascertain the con- corded in the vessel's class status from where they will be de-
dition of the vessel. leted when no longer valid. The owner will be notified
B 300 Conditions and Memoranda accordingly.
301 A Conditions of Class (CC) will be imposed for the fol- 311 The owner will be informed of Retroactive Require-
lowing: ments.
— repairs and/or renewals related to damage, defect or B 400 Survey reports and survey status
breakdown that are sufficiently serious to affect Classifi- 401 The surveyor will prepare to the customer reports on sur-
cation (e.g. grounding, structural damages, machinery veys carried out.
damages, wastage over the allowable limits etc.) 402 Survey reports may contain the following information,
— supplementary survey requirements to the extent applicable in each case:
— temporary repairs.
— types of surveys carried out
Guidance note: — certificates issued, endorsed or extended
When the Society has been authorised to carry out a statutory sur- — damage, defects and/or deficiencies observed
vey, a Condition on behalf of the flag Administration (CA) will — confirmation that repairs have been completed and accept-
be imposed for specific measures, repairs or surveys that should
be carried out within a specific time limit in order to retain the ed by the surveyor
statutory certificate. — Conditions of Class (CC) issued or deleted
— Memorandum to Owner (MO) issued or deleted
---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e--- — Retroactive Requirements (RR) issued or deleted.
302 The Society will issue a Conditions of Class (CC) when 403 The Society will make class status reports available to
deemed necessary to carry out examinations in order to ascer- customers on the Society’s Internet website, see Sec.1 B800.
tain whether damage, a defect or a deficiency has been sus-
tained or is imminent. It is the customer's responsibility to obtain this information
from the Society’s Internet website. Survey and certificate sta-
303 A Condition of Class (CC) may contain the following: tus reports, on paper, may be distributed upon request.
— a description of the deficiency, defect, damage or the ex- 404 Any document issued by the Society in relation to sur-
amination required veys performed reflects the condition of the vessel at the time
— required action of the survey only.
— due date for the required action to be completed
— possible temporary requirements imposed until the re- B 500 Damage and repairs
quired action has been completed. 501 Repairs shall in general be carried out in such a way that
the original design and scantlings are restored. Possible design
Alternatively the CC may refer to a survey report for above de- modifications or reduced scantlings based on current rules
tails. which are less stringent than those originally enforced, shall be
An approved repair method may be recommended as part of approved by the Society before the repairs are carried out.
the required action. 502 Repairs to the hull structure, machinery, systems or
304 If a Condition of Class (CC) seriously affects the ves- equipment covered by the rules shall be carried out by quali-
sel’s safety and reliability, immediate action will be required. fied personnel and in compliance with applicable rules, with
Otherwise a time limit will be given for the action to be com- good engineering practice and under the supervision of a sur-
pleted. veyor.
305 A Condition of Class (CC) will be deleted when the So- Guidance note:
ciety, through a survey or received information, has been sat- Guidelines for hull repairs can be found in Classification Note
isfied that requested action has been satisfactory completed. No. 72.1. See Pt.0 Ch.1 Sec.2.
306 For information related to the ship, its machinery and ---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e---
equipment or to rule requirements, the Society may issue an
Memorandum to Owner (MO). A MO may supplement infor- 503 Repairs as stipulated in 502 may be carried out without
mation given otherwise, e.g. in the Appendix to the class cer- the attendance of a surveyor (e.g. during voyage) provided a
tificate or the Society’s “Register of Vessels”. repair plan is accepted by the Society in advance. A surveyor
shall be called for acceptance of such repairs when completed.
307 An MO may be used in the following cases:
B 600 Conversions and alterations
— exemptions from rule requirements
— accepted deviations from rule requirements 601 Conversions or alterations of vessels shall in general
— limitations on the use of the ship or its equipment comply with the rules applicable at the time of class assign-
— defects or deficiencies of no concern to class ment. If current rules are less stringent than those originally in
— deleted class notations force, then the current rules may be applied.
— equipment in excess of class requirements disused 602 When conversion or alteration involves modification
— information related to agreed survey arrangements. which:
308 Outstanding findings may be recorded as Conditions of — substantially alters the dimensions or carrying capacity of
Class or Memorandum to Owner. They will be given in writing the vessel, or
at completion of surveys. Findings may also be communicated — changes the type of vessel, or
verbally during the course of surveys. Findings that have been — changes the main class of the vessel,
the Society will decide on the rules to be applied. survey has been completed within 3 months before the ex-
603 If the hull structure, machinery, systems or equipment piry date of the existing certificate, or
shall be converted or altered, the changes shall be documented — the expiry date of the existing certificate when the renewal
and be approved in the same manner as for new vessels, see survey has been completed after the expiry date of the ex-
Sec.2 A400. isting certificate, or
— the completion date of the renewal survey when the re-
Guidance note: newal survey has been completed more than 3 months be-
Alterations to the hull structure, machinery, systems and equip- fore the expiry date of the existing certificate, or
ment made possible by amendments of the applicable rules may — the completion date of the renewal survey when the re-
be undertaken provided the general safety and reliability level re- newal survey has been commenced more than 15 months
quired for retention of class will be maintained.
before the expiry date of the existing certificate.
203 In cases where postponement of a renewal survey has
604 Conversion or alterations shall take place under the su- been granted, the new class certificate will be valid to a date
pervision of a surveyor (see Sec.2 A500). not exceeding 5 years from the expiry date of the existing cer-
tificate before the extension was granted.
204 In cases where the renewal survey is carried out concur-
C. Endorsement and Renewal of the Class rently with a conversion as defined in B602, the validity of the
new certificate will be 5 years from the date of completion of
Certificate the conversion, if so decided by the Society.
C 100 Endorsement of the class certificate 205 For certain vessels the certificate validity and survey in-
tervals may be reduced by the Society, e.g. for vessels with
101 The class certificate will be endorsed upon satisfactory new or novel design or for systems or items exposed to abnor-
completion of annual, intermediate and renewal surveys for mal rates of wear or failure. Such conditions will be stated in
main class. the “Appendix to the Class Certificate” and in Memorandum
The class certificate will not be endorsed unless the following to Owner (MO).
has been dealt with and accepted by the Society:
— overdue periodical class surveys
— overdue continuous survey items D. Suspension and Withdrawal of Class
— overdue Conditions of Class
— overdue Retroactive Requirement. D 100 General
Guidance note: 101 Class may be withdrawn at any time if the Society finds
In the case where an overdue survey is related to an optional class it justified.
notation, the class certificate may be endorsed provided the rele- 102 The Society may suspend or withdraw a vessel's class
vant optional class notation is suspended. where the conditions for retention of class, have been violated
---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e--- (see A).
103 The decision to suspend or withdraw a vessel's class is
102 When the class certificate is endorsed at completion of made by the Society. However, in cases of automatic suspen-
renewal surveys, the surveyor may extend its validity as neces- sion, see 201 and 202, no individual evaluation is made.
sary but not more than to a date 5 months after the completion Suspension or withdrawal of class may take effect immediate-
date, or after the expiry date of the class certificate, whichever ly or after a specified period of time. In special cases, the sus-
comes first. pension or withdrawal of class may be made with retroactive
103 In the case where postponement of the renewal survey effect (see 204).
has been granted upon the customer’s written request, the sur- 104 If the violation only affects requirements related to op-
veyor will endorse the class certificate and extend its validity, tional class notations, the suspension or withdrawal may be
but not more than 3 months beyond the expiry date of the class limited to these class notations only.
105 When class is suspended or withdrawn the Society will:
104 In the case where the main class annual survey is com-
menced prior to the defined time window, the survey must be — notify the customer in writing
completed not more than 6 months after the date of commence- — notify the flag administration
ment. In such cases the certificate will be endorsed for ad- — make an entry to this effect in the Society’s "Register of
vancement of anniversary date (due date) for the subsequent Vessels "
annual surveys. — make the information publicly available.
Guidance note:
In the cases of class suspension, a time limit will be given for
Expiry date of the class certificate may remain unchanged, but when the class will be withdrawn.
additional surveys may be required so that the prescribed survey
intervals are not exceeded.
D 200 Suspension of class
201 The class will automatically be suspended with immedi-
ate effect if the renewal surveys for hull, machinery, systems
C 200 Renewal of the class certificate and equipment related to main class are not completed before
201 A new class certificate will replace the existing class the expiry date of the class certificate, and no postponement
certificate when renewal survey has been satisfactory complet- has been granted or unless the vessel is under attendance for
ed and the Society is satisfied that the requirements for reten- completion of the survey.
tion of class have been met. 202 If the annual or intermediate surveys for main class are
202 The new class certificate will be valid to a date not ex- not completed within 3 months from the anniversary date of
ceeding 5 years from: the class certificate, the class is automatically suspended with
immediate effect, unless the vessel is under attendance for
— the expiry date of the existing certificate when the renewal completion of the survey.
203 The Society may decide to suspend a vessel's class if the the obligation to pay rests with a yard or with the vessel's pre-
vessel is deemed to be unable to continue safe and reliable op- vious owners. In special cases a shorter notice may be given.
eration, e.g. as a result of a major casualty.
407 If the customer makes a general assignment for the ben-
204 In addition to the conditions laid down in 201, 202 and efit of his creditors or if any proceedings are commenced in
203, a vessel's class may be suspended with immediate effect court or any order or judgement is given by any court for liq-
in cases where: uidation, winding up of the customer, the Society may with-
draw the class with immediate effect.
— repair of deficiencies has not been carried out or otherwise
dealt with in an appropriate manner, or 408 For ships having statutory certificates issued by third
— repair of deficiencies has not been surveyed and accepted parties, except in those cases defined in Sec.1 D103 to D106,
by the surveyor, the class may be withdrawn.
— other requirements imposed by the Society.
D 500 Re-assignment of class following class withdrawal
205 Class will not be automatically suspended according to
201 or 202 whilst a vessel is laid up, provided the requirements 501 In all other cases than that given in 401, and if the cir-
in Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.1 A500 are complied with. cumstances leading to withdrawal of class no longer exist, a
vessel's may be re-assigned class upon written request. The ex-
D 300 Reinstatement following class suspension tent of survey will in such instances be decided by the Society.
301 If the overdue surveys leading to class suspension as 502 The Society reserves the right to decline an application
given in 201, 202 and 203 or requirements as given in 204 are for re-assignment of class.
carried out within the specified time, the class will be reinstat- 503 A new class certificate will be issued when the survey
ed provided the following is met: has been satisfactory completed and the Society is satisfied
a) The result of the survey is such that all observed deficien- that the requirements for retention of class have been met.
cies are satisfactory rectified. The Society may after con- 504 When the vessel is re-assigned class, the Society will
sideration accept that minor deficiencies are pending to be confirm this in writing to the customer and to the flag admin-
carried out. istration and make the information publicly available.
b) No overdue periodical surveys or overdue Conditions of
Class at that time.
302 The Society reserves the right to decline an application E. Change of Owner or Manager
for reinstatement of class.
303 When the class is reinstated, the Society will confirm E 100 General
this in writing to the customer and to the flag administration. 101 A vessel shall retain class when transferred to another
owner or manager. The previous customer shall give the Soci-
D 400 Withdrawal of class ety immediate notice, in writing, of such transfers. Obligations
401 The class will be withdrawn at the customer's request. according to the rules shall remain with the previous customer
until the Society is in receipt of such notice, in writing. See
402 If the overdue surveys specified in 201, 202 and 203 or A200.
required repairs as given in 204 are not carried out within the
specified time after the class suspension, the Society will with- 102 Class notations and survey arrangements based on certi-
draw the vessel's class. fication of the management of operations will be deleted auto-
403 When a vessel proceeds to sea without having rectified matically when the management of a vessel is transferred.
a condition of class which was required to be dealt with before
leaving port, the class will be withdrawn with immediate ef-
F. Force Majeure
404 If the Society becomes aware that a vessel continues op-
eration with serious damage or defects in violation of class re- F 100 General
quirements, the class may be withdrawn with effect from the
time this became known to the Society. The class withdrawal 101 If due to force majeure, the vessel is not in port when
may be made retroactive. surveys become overdue the Society may allow the vessel to
sail, in class, directly to an agreed discharge port and then, if
405 When it is considered that a customer's failure to comply necessary, in ballast to an agreed repair facility at which the
with rule requirements is sufficiently serious or fraudulent the survey can be completed. In this context the "Force Majeure"
withdrawal of class may, at the discretion of the Society, be ex- means damage to the vessel, unforeseen inability of surveyors
tended to include other vessels controlled or operated by the to attend the vessel due to governmental restrictions on right of
same customer. access or movement of personnel, unforeseen delays in port or
406 If the outstanding debt owed to the Society is not paid inability to discharge cargo due to unusually lengthy periods of
within a notified date, the Society may withdraw the vessel's severe weather, strikes, civil strife, acts of war or other force
class with one month's written notice. This also applies when majeure.
305 For certain products and systems as defined in the appli- 503 When it is agreed through an MSA that the majority of
cable chapters of the rules, type approval is a mandatory pro- the required surveys and test are completed without the pres-
cedure for plan approval. ence of a surveyor, it required that the manufacturer has in op-
306 Products and systems manufactured for stock shall nor- eration a quality system certified by an accredited certification
mally be type approved. body to ISO 9001:2000, or equivalent.
307 For type approved products, where the basis for approv- 504 When establishing an MSA, an initial assessment of the
al is the rules of the Society, plans and technical descriptions manufacturer's ability to control product quality and to comply
of the product need not be submitted for approval for each ves- with the scope, requirements and criteria laid down in the MSA
sel unless otherwise stated as a condition on the type approval will be performed.
certificate. In such cases only the arrangement or system plans, The extent and frequency of periodical assessments of the
interface plans and those plans mentioned on the type approval manufacturer will be included in the MSA.
certificate shall be submitted for approval.
505 A MSA is normally given a validity of 4 years. When the
B 400 Survey MSA is based on a certified quality system, the MSA automat-
ically becomes invalid if the quality system certificate no long-
401 The survey of materials, components and systems shall er is valid.
either be on a case by case basis or on the basis of an estab-
lished manufacturing survey arrangement (MSA), see 500.
402 When the case by case procedure is used, the survey shall
be performed on the basis of approved design documentation C. Suspension and Withdrawal of Certificates
for the actual application and as required in the applicable chap-
ters of the rules. Compliance with the approved design docu- C 100 General
mentation and applicable requirements will be documented by
certificates as required in the applicable chapters of the rules. 101 A product certificate, type approval certificate or ap-
proval of manufacturer certificate may be suspended or with-
403 When the survey is based on an MSA, the survey shall drawn at any time if the Society finds it justified.
be performed on the basis of approved design documentation,
applicable rule requirements and in accordance with require- 102 The decision to suspend or withdraw a certificate is
ments and procedures laid down in the MSA. Compliance with made by the Society.
the approved design documentation and applicable require- Suspension or withdrawal of a certificate may take effect im-
ments shall be documented by certificates as specified in the mediately or after a specified period of time. In special cases,
MSA and/or as required in the applicable chapters of the rules. the withdrawal of a certificate may be made with retroactive
B 500 Manufacturing survey arrangement
103 When a certificate is suspended or withdrawn the Soci-
501 When the procedures and processes of a manufacturer's ety will:
quality system meet the requirements of the rules, a manufac-
turing survey arrangement (MSA) may be established with the — notify the customer in writing
manufacturer as an alternative to the survey described in the — make the information publicly available.
applicable rule chapters.
502 The MSA shall be described in a document stating the In the cases of suspension, a time limit will be given for when
requirements, scope, acceptance criteria, documentation and the certificate will be withdrawn.
the roles of the Society and the manufacturer in connection
with the survey.