This document discusses various aspects of translation including:
1. It defines translation as an intellectual art that requires creativity in transferring meaning from one language to another.
2. It explains key translation terms such as source language, target language, and provides an example of translating the word "cat" from English to Indonesia.
3. It outlines the basic process of translation as preparing text, discovering meaning, determining meaning, and re-expressing in the target language.
This document discusses various aspects of translation including:
1. It defines translation as an intellectual art that requires creativity in transferring meaning from one language to another.
2. It explains key translation terms such as source language, target language, and provides an example of translating the word "cat" from English to Indonesia.
3. It outlines the basic process of translation as preparing text, discovering meaning, determining meaning, and re-expressing in the target language.
This document discusses various aspects of translation including:
1. It defines translation as an intellectual art that requires creativity in transferring meaning from one language to another.
2. It explains key translation terms such as source language, target language, and provides an example of translating the word "cat" from English to Indonesia.
3. It outlines the basic process of translation as preparing text, discovering meaning, determining meaning, and re-expressing in the target language.
This document discusses various aspects of translation including:
1. It defines translation as an intellectual art that requires creativity in transferring meaning from one language to another.
2. It explains key translation terms such as source language, target language, and provides an example of translating the word "cat" from English to Indonesia.
3. It outlines the basic process of translation as preparing text, discovering meaning, determining meaning, and re-expressing in the target language.
Translation is an art because when a translator transfer meaning from one language to another, s/he needs to be creative and artistic in choosing words to meet the accuracy, acceptability, and readability. Meanwhile, a translator should have intellectual thinking because translator needs an ability to present the same sense in the source language into target language. And both of this process will never be replaced by any translation machines or program. 2. The best way to define source and target language Source language is the form from which language the translation is made, and target language is the form into which language it is to be changed. For example we want to translate the word “cat” from English to Indonesia. Then, the word “cat” from English become the source language, and the final result in Indonesia which is “kucing” become the target language.
Source Language (English) Target Language (Indonesia)
Cat Kucing
3. The process of translation :
a) prepare the text to be translated b) we need to discover the meaning of the text(source language) c) we need to determine the meaning d) we need to re-express the meaning in target language. e) the translation is done 4. Lost of information: the information of the SL is not transferred into the TL. Addition of information: there’s an addition of extra information to the TL. Skewing of information: the translation item from the SL is not the exact equivalence in the TL. 5. Definition of translation by: o Nida: “producing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the message of the source language, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style.” o Larson: “translation consists of transferring the meaning of the source language into the receptor language. Only the form changes.” 6. Concept of equivalent Based on the essential meaning of “equivalent”, the process of translating is widely known as the activity of finding equivalent. Specifically, equivalent in translation activity is to meet the equality in meaning and importance. By “meaning” it means that the idea and the message are compatible while “importance” relates to the impact of the translation product. 7. Formal equivalence focuses on the message where form and meaning become the key aspect of translation. Meanwhile, dynamic equivalence focuses on the principle of seeking the same effect on the target reader. 8. Shift deals with different forms or some changes that may represent similar meaning in both source and target language. Example:
Source Language (English) Target Language (Indonesia)
Trousers Celana panjang In this example is unit shift. In SL it is just a word “trousers”, meanwhile the form changed into phrase in the TL and become “celana panjang”. 9. Shift Classification: o Structure shift is a changing of words sequence in a sentence. o Class shift is related to the change of word classes or part of speech in translation. o Unit shift is the change of rank, which is a departure from formal correspondence in which the translation equivalent of a unit at one rank in the source language is a unit at a different rank in the target language. o Intra system shift is a shift that demonstrates the fact that language in the world have their own specific cases that sometimes affect translation tasks. Usually related to singular and plural form. 10. Categories of translation: Larson o Literal translation, that considered a form-based translation that shows the effort to follow the form of the source language. o Idiomatic translator, that utilizes the natural form of the receptor language, both in the grammatical construction and in the choice of lexical items. Bassnet o Intraligual translation (rewording), refers to an interpretation of verbal signs by means of other signs taking place in the same language o Interlingual translation (translation proper), interpretation of verbal signs by means of some other language o Intersemiotic translation (transmusition), an interpretation of verbal signs by means of signs of nonverbal sign system. Margono o Morpheme by morpheme translation, used for linguistic analysis. o Word by word translation, when the English version as the source language is literally transferred into Indonesian that is positioned as the target language. o Sentence by sentence translation, occur when there is a thought of how an expression in the form of a sentence is naturally translated. o Contextual translation, leads to natural expression and version of the target language.
Meaning Shift Analysis of Indonesian Translated Noun Phrases in The Gabriel Garcia Marquez's Novel "Memories of My Melancholy Whores" Translated by Dian Vita Ellyati