Forum: 2011 Amsoc Yearbook: A Window Into São Paulo
Forum: 2011 Amsoc Yearbook: A Window Into São Paulo
Forum: 2011 Amsoc Yearbook: A Window Into São Paulo
Monthly Newsletter
November 2010
Our Mission
businesses listed American Society
have paid to place their ads in the publi- seeks to open doors for expats living in
cation. Many of the businesses included São Paulo to a new life here in Brazil,
have loyal customers among the expat where we hope families will take advan-
The American Society of São Paulo community, and they have placed ads in tage of all the city and the country have
promotes friendship by organizing the yearbook numerous times. This year, to offer. Moving to a new country can
social, cultural and athletic events for of the 28 ads listed, Team Work Trans- be a daunting experience, but it can also
its diverse membership; encourages portation Company is the hightlight this provide new, rich learning opportunities
integration with the Brazilian society; year. With so much trusted information and frequently makes families grow even
and supports the American traditions about all aspects of life in São Paulo, the closer. We hope that the 2011 Yearbook
of education, philanthropy and AmSoc 2011 Yearbook should be your will enrich your experience in São Paulo,
volunteerism. first place of reference the next time you providing a window into this vibrant, dy-
need to find anything, whether you are namic city.
The President’s Corner
By now you a connoisseur of Kraft macaroni a country blessed by an abundance
may have noticed and cheese, peanut butter with jelly of foods and cultures, creating an
that this issue sandwiches and big plates of pinto exotic mix of choices. But perhaps
of the Forum beans with cornbread. And at that none better though than the simple,
is dedicated to point in my life, an exotic fruit was succulent mango.
connoisseurs of pineapple, the canned variety precut
food and drink. in nice rings. Abraços, Tim
“Now, finally”, However, during my last year
you may be of college I met an exotic fruit that
saying, “a topic I changed my life; the mango. How,
can really relate you are thinking, can a mango do
By Tim Scott, AmSoc president
to!” If there is that much for you? Well, it was on
anything that São Paulo does not lack, a spring break trip in Nicaragua
it is an endless number of places to that I first ate a mango, and spent a
satisfy our quest for variety, surprise, few hours resting in the cool shade
pleasure and comfort in food. of some giant mango trees. Those
I’m pleased to relate that years delicious, sweet mangos were unlike
of expat experience have led me to anything I had ever tasted and I can
enjoy plenty of foods that I’d have still feel the juice dripping down my
quickly turned my nose to prior to chin and arms. However, the real
having left the comfort of my meat exotic part of the trip is that during
and potatoes youth. In southern those few days by the mango trees, I
Missouri, adventuresome eating was met who would become my wife (a
medium rare steak, rather than well native of El Salvador). Next spring
done; it was an occasional salmon, will be 20 years since that time, and
fried to a crisp; or, it was precisely I am still in love with my wife, and
once every two weeks, taco salad. with mangos. Both are a blessing
Yes, on Sundays after church we had in my life; and I never would have
a standard rotation. The first Sunday dreamed that someday we would
was beef pot roast, slow cooked with share a chapter of our life together
potatoes and carrots and heaps of in Brazil, a place with an abundant
gravy in an electric skillet. The second supply and variety of mangoes.
Sunday was taco salad with ground Gourmet dinning is a popular
hamburger, chips, salsa, and cheddar form of entertainment in São Paulo,
cheese; followed the next Sunday by, but it need not be limited to high
pot roast. (Note to my children; we end restaurants. You can find many
almost never went out for lunch on simple restaurants that deliver an
Sunday…) In college, I was basically amazing quality of food. Brazil is
2 Forum November
The American Society
of São Paulo
2010 Forum 3
American golfers seek 3rd straight victory over
Scots in upcoming Challenge Golf Cup
From the desk of John Kennedy, Director of AMSOC Athletics
This year’s Challenge Golf Cup is the fifth edition of the Challenge two societies. Then in 2005, the annual
(our version of the “Ryder Cup”) will Golf Cup and the score stands at 2 – 2 golf match took on a more competitive
be played on November 26th at the with the American Society winning the posture when avid golfer Sean
prestigious and arduous golf course of last two times. Hutchinson of the Scots challenged
the San Fernando Golf Club. It will The Cup has its origins in 1991 American, and sports enthusiast, John
also be a charity fund raiser amidst lots as an annual sporting event between Kennedy to a golfing challenge where
of bells and whistles that accompany the St Andrews Society of São Paulo the winners would play for the “Munro”
a professional golf event, including (Scots) and the American Society of Cup. Thus was born The Challenge
corporate sponsors and “brindes”, door São Paulo (Americans). Originally, Golf Cup.
prizes, a raffle as well as cocktails to the competition involved the several The reason it is called the Munro Cup
accompany the award ceremonies. sporting events such as golf, tennis, is because Norman Munro, a previous
Up to 100 golfers are expected to soccer, tug-o-war, bridge, volleyball, president of the St Andrews Society,
join in a lively sporting event, not only and trivial pursuit. Over the years it and a true Scot, donated a cup to
between Americans and Scots, but also became difficult to organize and find commemorate this Annual Competition
Brazilians, Argentines, Brits, Aussies, a place for all these events, thus the and to foster camaraderie amongst our
and other nationalities who will decide annual competition was reduced to two great Nations, although the USA is
to join one team or the other. This year just a friendly golf match between the a lot bigger than Scotland!
4 Forum November
The American Society
of São Paulo
2010 Forum 5
Could life in Brazil be too sweet?
By Natasha de Carvalho
So far, this month has been a sugar delicious use in an array of traditional It seems that as the Brazilian middle
binge, with my son’s birthday party, Brazilian ‘doces’. class explodes, so does its waistline.
Children’s Day and another Brazilian Once upon a time, sugar and candies Increasingly, the Brazilian population
traditional celebration, St Cosme and such as these would have been rare is shirking traditional home-cooked
St Damião’s Day, on which my kids treats, little luxuries in a country where meals like rice, beans and fresh juices
received five bags of candy from total historically, poverty and malnutrition in favor of now-affordable convenience
strangers. As a result, after about two have been great problems. Today the foods, soda and fast-food restaurants. A
straight weeks of being hyperglycemic, situation is happily, but also in some recent study concluded that around 50%
I’m on a total sugar fast. Ironic then, ways shockingly, different. of adult Brazilians are obese, that’s 38
and torturous, that I had promised to In the past decade, the social million people, an obesity epidemic
write a piece second only to that
on Brazilian in the US. With it
sweets and comes all manner
treats. of health-related
Anyone problems. Brazil,
that’s ever tried for example, has 22
to eliminate million diabetics.
sugar in Brazil So much for the
is, like me, bikini nation!
going to very Speaking to
quickly realize her about her
how much s o n ’s o b e s i t y,
sugar there is in I have come to
Brazilian food. realize how little
Once you start understanding
reading the Luiza has of
labels you find basic nutrition.
it in everything My children
from fruit absolutely love her
juices and food. Her recipes,
breads to so- even savory ones,
called ‘healthy’ almost always call
cereals. If it for cream, sugar
isn’t refined, and condensed
it’s mascavo sugar. If the packet demographics of Brazil have changed milk! If that fails, then it is undoubtedly
says sugar-free, it probably contains a dramatically, with over 30 million fried in inches of oil and then buried in
chemical sweetener or, at the very least, citizens climbing out of poverty and salt (Salt! That’s another whole can of
honey. joining the exploding middle class. worms). Lucky enough to have a good
Of course, the Brazilians have a This positive change is attributed in health plan from her husband and able to
special relationship with sugarcane part to the social programs of almost- get professional medical advice, she has
that might explain the cultural sweet ex-President Lula, including a family started making changes that will turn her
tooth. For nearly two hundred years allowance, schemes that enable people son’s future around. But in that respect
their economy was founded on it. It to buy their own homes and increases in she is lucky.
was produced with the sweat, blood the minimum wage. For many millions of Brazilians,
and tears of slaves imported by the My maid, Luiza, is a typical member nutritional advice and information is
Portuguese from Africa, and exported to of this demographic. She and her scarce. The slavery that supported
Europe until the market collapsed due husband both work. They are building the sugarcane industry may have been
to competition from the French Antilles. their own house. They have one son. abolished a long time ago, but until
Even today, Brazil is the world’s largest He is thirteen. But here’s the thing: something is done to improve the
producer of sugarcane. Cachaça, of He weighs 102kgs. That, ladies and education and awareness of the middle
course, is distilled from it. It is also gentlemen, is morbid obesity. He has classes, they will remain slaves to their
converted into ethanol for flex-fuel serious heart problems and difficulty sweet tooth.
cars. More importantly, it is still put to walking.
6 Forum November
The American Society
of São Paulo
Brazilian Sweets
By Natasha de Carvalho
2010 Forum 7
Graded School turns 90
On the morning of October 17, international schools in the world, a are invited to join the fun. Your ticket
1920, Mrs. Ruth Kolb and Miss Bell well-used resource and model for other guarantees a memorable evening with
Ribble began teaching six students in a schools seeking to balance a world class wonderful friends, great music and
two-room schoolhouse on Avenida Sao international education with a strong dancing, special cocktails and food, and
João, in the heart of São Paulo. Graded program in the host country language much more in a setting that only Fasano
School was born, the result of the bold and culture. Born of a few American can offer. There will be opportunities for
vision of the American Chamber of expatriates looking to ensure an you to take pictures with old and new
Commerce friends in the photo booth
and several and lots of space to mingle
American in Fasano’s elegant lounge
companies seating arrangements.
w h o s e Tickets cost R$300 per
members person and can be purchased
a n d at Graded School with a
employees check or credit card. You can
wanted also contact Lika Kishino at
to create or
a school 3747-4813.
that would For 90 years Graded’s
prepare their students, teachers, staff,
children for parents, alumni, and
elementary, corporate partners have
secondary, sustained and deepened
and higher Graded’s mission,
education in perpetuating the qualities
the United of an institution dedicated
States. The to excellence, committed to
experiment learning, and empowered
was a success, and the school has excellent education for their children, to create a better world. The school
followed a steady path of growth Graded is now a thriving international continues that tradition as we prepare
and improvement in response to the school of 1220 students from more than students to meet the challenges and
changing needs and demands of its 40 countries. opportunities of the 21st century.
community. It’s been 90 years since that fateful
From its beginnings on Avenida day in
Sao João, the school has had several 1920 when
addresses over the years. For a time, it Graded
operated on land owned by Mackenzie School first
College. From there, the school had its opened.
own campus close to Avenida Paulista. The entire
Finally, in 1961, the school built its new Graded
home on Avenida Giovanni Gronchi, community
at the time a rural hilltop overlooking will be
the city and surrounded by forests, coming
pastures, and rock quarries. Since then, together at
the school community has developed a gala event
an expansive campus, adding buildings on Friday,
and other educational spaces when November
necessary. 1 9 t h ,
Throughout the years, the four pillars at Casa
of the Graded experience- academics, Fasano to
athletics, arts, and community service- celebrate
continued to grow and evolve into t h i s
truly impressive programs for students momentous
of all ages and nationalities. Today, occasion
Graded is considered one of the best and you
8 Forum November
The American Society
of São Paulo
2010 Forum 9
How to make a traditional caipirinha
By Catherine Balston
The world is slowly starting to coarse sugar, you’ll need some extra (cachaça de coluna).
discover the phenomenon of, and elbow grease when you mix it up with It should smell of sugar cane and
suffer the hangovers of, arguably the the lime. not alcohol and shouldn’t burn your
most delicious of Brazil’s “exports”; throat. Some good brands to try are:
the caipirinha. In trendy bars from New 3) Ice. A traditional caipirinha is Montanhesa Prata (Minas Gerais),
York to London you will find barmen meant to be a very strong cocktail, so Germana (Minas Gerais), Magnífica
crushing limes with sugar and adding use whole ice cubes, not crushed or (Rio de Janeiro), Corisco (Rio de
ice and cachaça to serve the drink that cracked ice, so that you can enjoy it Janeiro), Maria Izabel (Rio de Janeiro).
has been a firm favorite in Brazil for slowly without all the ice melting. These can all be bought online at www.
decades. and delivered in
The taste of a caipirinha is like 4) Also known as pinga or São Paulo for a freight charge of
nothing else I’ve ever tried – the initial aguardente, it is produced through the R$20.
eye watering
kick of cachaça Recipe for
and sour lime a traditional
juice followed caipirinha
by a soothing
s y r u p y I’ve sipped
sweetness as and slurped
the ice begins my way from
to melt and the bar to bar in
flavors mingle. my search for
Caipirinhas the perfect
are an assault caipirinha (all
on the senses, in the name
but boy do of research
they taste of course).
good and leave I’ve spoken
you wanting to aficionados
to go back from Veja
for seconds, “barman of
thirds, fourths the year”
and... well at Souza (from
that point my bar Veloso in
memory tends Vila Mariana)
to become a to the self-
little hazy. proclaimed Rei
do caipirinha
fermentation and distillation of sugar (King of caipirinhas) who has been
The basic ingredients cane juice. keeping locals and tourists alike happy
Cachaças envelhecidas are aged for years at his Friday night barraca on
1) Fresh limes. Both the juice and in wooden barrels that give them a the streets of Lapa, Rio de Janeiro. No
the oil in the skin add to the distinctive distinctive flavour and brown colour, doubt there are many approaches to
sour flavor of a caipirinha. Limão and are enjoyed neat. making the perfect caipirinha, but this
galego (a “key lime” in the USA) is the Dark envelhecidas are not used to recipe is for a traditional one, in which
best to use for its higher acidity. Limão make caipirinhas though – look for a you can savor the cachaça and sour-
taiti (Tahitian limes) can also be used. colourless cachaça. In spite of the old sweetness before all the ice melts.
saying “quanto pior a cachaça, melhor
2) Sugar. Brazilians use açúcar a caipirinha” (the worse the cachaça, 1) Get a lowball, rocks glass, or
refinado, white cane sugar, which you’ll the better the caipirinha!) – it is worth tumbler. It’s best to make the caipirinha
find in any Brazilian supermarket. It using a good quality cachaça, produced in the glass you will serve it in, to get
is fine textured, meaning it dissolves in a traditional method (cachaça de the proportions right.
quickly, so if you’re using a more alambique) rather than industrial
10 Forum November
The American Society
of São Paulo
2) Cut the top and bottom off Where to enjoy a traditional caipirinha
a lime. Then slice it in half from top 7) Enjoy... and marvel at how
to bottom (i.e through the stem end your Portuguese improves with each Veloso Bar
rather than across the middle). caipirinha! R. Conceição Veloso, 56, Vila Mariana,
Tel: 5572-0254
3) In the middle of each lime If you are using a cheaper or less
half you will see a white core. Slice palatable cachaça, you may prefer Bar Astor
a V shape in to the middle to remove to deviate from the traditional recipe Rua Delfina, 163, Vila Madalena, Tel:
this white core (which gives a nasty and use a cocktail shaker and give 3815-1364
bitter taste). the mixture
a really good
4) Cut half shake before Where to try something a little different
the lime into serving. This
slices or wedges breaks up Caipirinhas with mango, ginger and
and put in the some of the lime zest or strawberry and cinnamon at
glass. Add 2 ice, diluting Obá
heaped teaspoons the cachaça R. Dr. Melo Alves, 205, Jardim Paulista,
of sugar (you can and dissolving Tel.: 3086-4774.
add more at the more of the
end if you prefer sugar, making Mango and red peppercorn caipirinhas
it sweeter). the first few or star fruit with basil at
Never use more sips smoother. Drosophyla
than half a lime You can also Rua Pedro Taques, 80, Tel: 3120-5535
per glass. try using
other fruits
5) M u d d l e instead of
(mash) the sugar lime, such as
and lime together strawberries,
well with a kiwi, passion
muddler to let the fruit or
sugar absorb into pineapple.
the lime juice.
6) Fill the glass up to the top Balston is exploring the flavors of
with ice cubes and then fill to the top Brazil in her blog www.squirtinglimes.
with cachaça. Give a really good mix com
before serving.
2010 Forum 11
Le Pain employs student of Vivenda da Crianca
Cleber started working at LePain Consorte, the owner of LePain. Now, Cleber is working side by side
in August of this year. He was among Cleber started working the night shift with the baker and learning a lot every
the 12 participants of the first bakery but was quickly promoted to work with day.
class organized by the Vivenda da the main baker during the morning shift. Cleber admits that his job is very far
Criança Professional Center. He had to According to Joao, Cleber showed a lot from his home, almost two hours, but he
go through 240 hours of training and a of responsibility and curiosity to learn knows that his commute is worthwhile
recruiting process to be picked by Joao more from the very beginning. investment into his new career.
Le Pain, Pinheiros
By Kimberley Milera, AmSoc member
Le Pain opened in May 2010 in the with a different flavor and fruit filling. different types of breads. I was also
small area of Pinheiros. Located on For instance, I tried apple cake with told they may have the best croissants
one of the main streets in this area the apple filling and vanilla frosting while in the area; soft, buttery and flakey. The
padaria serves breads are made
up more than daily and ready
just your to eat. Make
average bread. sure to take
With seating some home with
located outside you as there are
along the street, many options
a nice covered and probably not
area still open enough room in
to the outside your stomach.
and another Beyond the
area in back basic bakery,
for those rainy and dessert
days we don’t area there is the
like to speak regular menu
about. The and buffet. On
atmosphere is the weekends
casual as are they have the
most padarias normal breakfast
but there is buffet of cakes,
more of a breads, hot dogs
stylish feel to and juices for
this place as around $R 24
there is a wall per person. The
of foliage along one side, high ceilings a few other options were chocolate, menu ranges from a nice selection
and purples walls. When I first walked chocolate with doce de leite frosting, of sandwiches on fresh breads, $R 9,
in still in my work out clothes I felt a or strawberry. After my first initial chicken parm with rice and fries, $R
little underdressed. reaction to the cupcakes you move 18, omelets, and daily specials. They
The first thing you notice when you on the nice selection of small pastries have a wide range of foods that would
walk in is the cupcake tower sitting with most ranging from $R 3-7 each. serve many people’s tastes.
in the corner of the display. Not a Behind these delicacies there is the
common treat found here in São Paulo bakery section with many different Le Pain Padaria
but known to many of us foreigners. types of breads ranging from multi- Av. Pedroso de Morais, 1037
To my delight, they are not just your grain to plain to wheat. From what I Pinheiros, SP
average cupcake. Each one is created have read they actually serve up to 30
12 Forum November
The American Society
of São Paulo
2010 Forum 13
H ousing Exceptional Apartment for Rent Psychotherapist for Ex-Pats
Elegant furnished house in Ninth floor, very short walking dis- Serving Adults, Children, and Fami-
Tamboré tance from shopping Iguatemi (Pin- lies (also couples) struggling with all
heiros) and the Hebraica clubs. Living/ adjustment issues. Specializing in is-
Beautiful recently professionally deco- dining room, master bedroom, walk-in sues of divorce, separation, and recon-
rated furnished house for rent. 600 m² closet, bedrooms, 3 baths, large kitch- ciliation. Many years experience with
with 2,000 m² of land. Heated swim- en, laundry and maid room. Complete- drug/ alcohol issues. USA licensed as
ming pool. Nice barbecue area and out- ly furnished, appliances, kitchenware, MFT. Jungian Analyst experienced in
door porch. 4 suites, family room, liv- etc. Cable TV, phone, garage. See and Sandtray, Dreamwork (groups also),
ing, dinning, large kitchen, maids room love at first sight. Appointments with and Cognitive/ Behavioral therapy.
and 3 car garage. The House is complete Sophie. Phone: (11) 3032-0675. Fax: Please call/ email Matthew: 7734 5793
ready to live in for high level execu- (11) 3812-9487 or e-mail: pcbarth@ or for a free
tive. To see photos, visit www.suzimo- initial consultation. – Avenida Marília,105. To
visit the house, call (11) 8179-3131. American-Licensed Expat
S ervices Psychologist
Furnished Apartment for Rent
Richard Morhaime, Psy.D., offers
Vila Nova Conceição. São Paulo’s best Argos Dog Kennel skilled psychotherapy for children and
place to live. Near Ibirapuera Park. adults. He also provides complete di-
Modern building with sports facilities, Traveling? What about your dog? Ar- agnostic evaluations in English for
heated swimming pool, three bedrooms gos Kennel Hotel could be his second children with academic or behavioral
(one suite), a living room with terrace, home in the country. Food, water, and difficulties, featuring individualized
complete kitchen, maid’s bedroom and shelter with lots of love and personal recommendations for school and home.
bathroom, big service area, two park- care. No lonely kennel for him, but our For more information, contact Dr.
ing spaces. Fully furnished with all home and the freedom of a spacious Morhaime at 5538-0099 or 9669-8057
appliances. Telephone included. Call garden. Fetch and carry service. Eng- or visit
Alex or Eliane at (11) 3849-7085 or lish and French spoken. Call Jean or
(11) 8635-7788, or send an e-mail to Christiane at (11) 4661-1430 or (11) American Psychologist 7143-0837 or send an e-mail to jean. Services for Expats Embu Guaçu, SP.
Taylor Real Estate Sukie Miller Ph.D. early director of
Math and Science Tutor Esalen, former Board Member Jung
Luxury spacious houses, apartments Institute San Francisco, 35 years ex-
and penthouses. Sales and rentals. Ten Former Graded and Chapel teacher, perience private practice as coach,
years experience with expatriates. Fur- with 20-years experience, tutors Math, psycho-therapist with adults and cou-
nished and unfurnished. Trilingual Real Physics, Chemistry, and Science for all ples in eclectic approach to personal/
Estate agents. References from consul- levels, including but not limited to the professional growth, woman’s’ issues,
ates and multinationals. Photos sent by IB, IGCSE, SAT-I & II, AP and Brazil- adjustment to São Paulo, goal setting,
email. Relocation Service. Consult the ian vestibular. Elementary and middle dream work, anxiety. Call Dr. Miller
site: Email school students are also welcome (all at 11- 9823-8730 email sukiemiller@
- Phone: subjects). Call Fernando Knijnik at
5511 3079 8888 and 5511 8774 5100 (11) 2533-3965 or 9134-6700.
(Maria Elisa). American-Licensed
Looking for tutor Psychotherapist
For Sale -
In search of tutor (lady), home support In this busy and ever-changing world,
Beautiful House and Garden people often feel stressed and over-
for school, children between 6 and 8,
native-like English, CV to whelmed with no place to turn. Psycho-
Spacious 3 Bedroom house with 600 therapy/counseling can provide a safe
sq meters of construction and 6000 sq
place to receive professional guidance
meters of and support. Brief or longer-term ther-
land. Large swimming pool/view of apy offered depending on your needs,
the Guarapiranga Lake. House located goals and expectations. Services: indi-
in Riviera vidual, couples, child/adolescent. Cer-
Paulista, an ideal location for horse and tified to conduct Adoption Home Study
boating enthusiasts. Contact Joe Sher- for American Citizens. Contact: Pame-
man at 9626 0711, or la Wax, MSW/LCSW at 5051-5988 or 9656-2106. Located in Moema.
14 Forum November
The American Society
calendar of São Paulo
Thursday International Wives of Lunch and optional museum visit to Museu da Casa Brasileira at noon. For
4 Brazilians Lunch further information please contact Naomi at
4 Thursday Vida Jovem Benefit Art Brazilian contemporary art auction and cocktail will take place at MuBE from 7
to 11 pm. Guided tour of the exhibit starts at 2 pm.
6 Saturday AmSoc Christmas Angel At Chapel School from 11:30 am to 5:30 pm.
Wednes- INC Monthly Coffee, Red To be held at Emporio Santa Maria. For more details please contact president@
10 day Rose and General Assem-
Pick-up games to be held at Graded School from noon to 5 pm. Please contact
13 Saturday Flag Football Games John Kennedy at or visit for
more details.
20 Saturday 235th Marine Corps For more information contact or
Birthday Ball
Pick-up games to be held at Graded School from noon to 5 pm. Please contact
27 Saturday Flag Football Games John Kennedy at or visit for
more details.
or Portuguese. For more information music teacher with 30+ years of suc- to use these services; however, thoroughly
please contact Daniela Franco at (11) cessful experience! Class in your house check prices and services prior to finalizing
9739-6191 or in Morumbi and South Area. any service or purchase agreement.
2010 Forum 15
Cooking by substitution
This is the mixture. Though we’ve never mentioned almonds right now,” I explained. “We can
Forum’s “Gourmet it, much less made it, again, “Sue’s use walnuts.” It was fine.
Issue” and you’d Orange-Apple Pop-Tart Delight” was just
better believe I what we needed. And from that flexibility, I now
tried to weasel out realize, I’ve convinced myself I’m a
of writing anything See, here’s the deal. I’ve always said bad cook. Why? Because sometimes the
this month because, I couldn’t cook. But I think my Pop-Tart substitutions don’t work. If you don’t have
as I’ve said several dessert was a rather bright idea. And if I enough basil, adding extra parsley makes
times before, I’m can’t cook, how did I come up with the pesto taste weird. If you don’t have cocoa
not a good cook. idea when my sister and brother-in-law for brownies, adding Nescau chocolate
By Sue Banman Sileci, And I’m certainly didn’t? milk powder makes the brownies bland.
AmSoc member
not a gourmet. But And if you don’t have onions, forget
then I decided to share a cooking story The answer? Living in Brazil. making soup. But, in all these cases, I
with you. serve the food anyway. What else have
When I first moved to São Paulo 24 we got for dinner tonight? And we all
About 15 years ago I was back in years ago, I discovered that I had to take sigh with relief when someone suggests
Denver for a few weeks to enjoy time a step backward in my cooking. There ordering a pizza.
with my family. I’d soon be leaving were so many things I wanted that they
for Brazil again and still hadn’t spent didn’t have here. Maple syrup? No. But, Compared to some of the fantastic
much time with my sister Chris and her said a friend who’d lived here longer than Brazilian friends who’ve been doing this
husband Paul. If I wanted to see them me, I could buy maple extract in the U.S. all their lives, and to Americans who
one more time, I’d have to drive up to and make my own syrup. I want maple just have a knack for good cooking, I’m
their campsite and spend a night in their syrup now. My friend suggested a little really an average cook. But compared
tent, which would be their last night of bit of powdered sugar on the French toast to many friends back home, I can make
a two-week camping trip. So I hit I-70 instead. Dang it, I don’t have powdered some amazing food without jars, cans,
and found them sitting at a picnic table sugar in the house. So, she said, you can mixes, boxes or packages. My marinara
in Rocky Mountain National Park. Since whir regular sugar in the blender and it sauce is as good, if not better, than the
they were low on food, we went in to becomes powdered sugar. Really? Yup. It sauce my late, and very Italian, mother-
Estes Park for dinner and came back after worked. in-law made. I recently learned to make
dark to sit around the campfire. mushroom risotto, my new comfort food,
And on and on it went. I took one and on a recent trip to North Carolina,
Just as the fire started blazing, Paul step back, a good step, and learned to be my niece and I whipped up a potato
said, “We should’ve gotten ice cream flexible about cooking. There are a few frittata with spinach salad and homemade
before we left town.” I was hungry things Brazilian stores simply don’t carry. dressing in under 30 minutes. We fed
too. My sister confessed that she was Others you can only find downtown. Some eight people and served fruit salad with
fantasizing about smores, but we didn’t are outrageously expensive and, we’ve mango, pineapple, strawberries and star
have marshmallows, nor chocolate, nor all seen, some basic items are suddenly fruit for dessert.
graham crackers. We sat in silence. I unavailable in any of the supermarkets in
finally asked, “What do you have?” and a given neighborhood. (Stick margarine I won’t ever say I’m a great cook, or a
they said they had some orange juice, is a recent example.) And for those of us happy cook, and certainly not a gourmet
an apple and some Pop-Tarts. “Let’s eat who don’t love cooking, sometimes you cook, but life in Brazil can bring out some
that,” I suggested. They groaned. They’d just don’t plan the week well and forget good cooking if you’re willing to shake
been eating Pop-Tarts from the box for to buy garlic. off old conveniences and habits. And, I
two weeks straight. remember something one of my daughters
You learn to substitute. Peanuts in the said as we looked at school pictures when
And that’s when inspiration hit me. I blender may not become Jiff peanut butter, she was in middle school, “I try not to get
lit the camp stove and poured a cup of but they become a type of peanutty paste too discouraged about myself.”
orange juice into a skillet. As it heated, that has its uses. Unsweetened chocolate
I cut the apple into tiny slices and squares? Brazil doesn’t sell them but you Finally, by all means don’t hesitate
added it to the orange juice. After a few can use oil and unsweetened cocoa to do to ask if you’d like a printed recipe of
minutes, the orange juice boiled down to the same thing. My father, an excellent “Sue’s Orange-Apple Pop-Tart Delight”.
a syrup and the apple pieces softened. I cook, gasped in horror on his last visit Wait, there are no Pop-Tarts here. Maybe
then turned off the heat, and broke two here as we made Christmas cookies you could sprinkle Farinha Láctea on it
cinnamon Pop-Tarts into little pieces, together. He pointed to the recipe. “It instead. Or Frosted Flakes. Or sliced up
sprinkling them over the orange juice calls for almonds.” “But I don’t have Charge bars….