2 Measures of Central Tendency

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Measures of Central Tendency

Central tendency (sometimes called “measures of location,” “central location,” or just “center”)
is a way to describe what’s typical for a set of data. Central tendency doesn’t tell you specifics
about the individual pieces of data, but it does give you an overall picture of what is going on in
the entire data set.

Arithmetic Mean

The arithmetic mean (or simply "mean") of a sample is the sum of the sampled values divided by
the number of items in the sample.



2. It is easy to calculate and simple to understand
4. It is capable of being treated mathematically and hence it is widely used in statistical
5. Arithmetic mean can be computed even if the detailed distribution is not known but some
of the observation and number of the observation are known.
6. It is least affected by the fluctuation of sampling 


1. It can neither be determined by inspection or by graphical location

2. Arithmetic mean cannot be computed for qualitative data like data on intelligence
honesty and smoking habit etc
3. It is too much affected by extreme observations and hence it is not adequately represent
data consisting of some extreme point
4. Arithmetic mean cannot be computed when class intervals have open ends

The median is that value of the series which divides the group into two equal parts, one part
comprising all values greater than the median value and the other part comprising all the values
smaller than the median value.

Advantages of Median

 Simplicity: It is very simple measure of the central tendency of the series. I the case of
simple statistical series, just a glance at the data is enough to locate the median value.
 Free from the effect of extreme values: Unlike arithmetic mean, median value is not
destroyed by the extreme values of the series.
 Certainty:  Certainty is another merits is the median. Median values are always a certain
specific value in the series.
 Real value: Median value is real value and is a better representative value of the series
compared to arithmetic mean average, the value of which may not exist in the series at
 Graphic presentation: Besides algebraic approach, the median value can be estimated
also through the graphic presentation of data.
 Possible even when data is incomplete: Median can be estimated even in the case of
certain incomplete series. It is enough if one knows the number of items and the middle
item of the series.

Disadvantages of Median

 Lack of representative character: Median fails to be a representative measure in case

of such series the different values of which are wide apart from each other. Also, median
is of limited representative character as it is not based on all the items in the series.
 Unrealistic: When the median is located somewhere between the two middle values, it
remains only an approximate measure, not a precise value.
 Lack of algebraic treatment: Arithmetic mean is capable of further algebraic treatment,
but median is not. For example, multiplying the median with the number of items in the
series will not give us the sum total of the values of the series.
The value of the variable which occurs most frequently in a distribution is called the mode.

Advantages of Mode

 Simple and popular: Mode is very simple measure of central tendency. Sometimes, just
at the series is enough to locate the model value. Because of its simplicity, it s a very
popular measure of the central tendency.
 Less effect of marginal values: Compared top mean, mode is less affected by marginal
values in the series. Mode is determined only by the value with highest frequencies.
 Graphic presentation: Mode can be located graphically, with the help of histogram.
Best representative: Mode is that value which occurs most frequently in the series.
Accordingly, mode is the best representative value of the series.
 No need of knowing all the items or frequencies: The calculation of mode does not
require knowledge of all the items and frequencies of a distribution. In simple series, it is
enough if one knows the items with highest frequencies in the distribution.

Disadvantages of Mode

 Uncertain and vague: Mode is an uncertain and vague measure of the central tendency.
 Not capable of algebraic treatment:  Unlike mean, mode is not capable of further
algebraic treatment.
 Difficult: With frequencies of all items are identical, it is difficult to identify the modal
Complex procedure of grouping: Calculation of mode involves cumbersome procedure
of grouping the data. If the extent of grouping changes there will be a change in the
model value.
 Ignores extreme marginal frequencies: It ignores extreme marginal frequencies. To
that extent model value is not a representative value of all the items in a series. Besides,
one can question the representative character of the model value as its calculation does
not involve all items of the series.

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